Home Credit Bank: login personal account. Home Credit and Finance Bank Home Credit Bank OJSC

Internet banking from the bank Home Credit one of the leading offices for online control of funds in your accounts. Home Credit Bank was established in 2002 and is the leader in lending in Russia.

Login to the personal account of Home Credit Bank is carried out from the official page of the bank. To log in, just enter your username and password, and if filled out correctly, your account will open.

To enter your Home Credit Bank personal account, you must go to the bank’s official website at homecredit.ru and in the upper right corner click on the “Login” button.

The system will prompt you to choose where you want to go. Home Credit Bank has two types of personal account:

  1. My loan
  2. Internet bank

If you go to the “My Loan” section, you will go to the control panel of your loan and will be able to see key points regarding the debt, the repayment period, and the date of the next loan payment. In other words, this is a mini personal account where you can only control your loan, which you repay.

There is also a second, more complete version of your personal account - this is “Internet Banking”. Here you have access to all your assets that are registered in your name at Home Credit Bank: accounts, cards, loans. Here you can also manage services, pay for services, transfer money between your accounts or send it to another person.

Home Credit Bank personal account, security

  • Be careful: do not download or install applications and programs from unverified sources on your device (tablet, computer, phone or smartphone);
  • remember to install an anti-virus program, do not forget to update it periodically;
  • in order to avoid disclosure of personal data, do not give your payment card and mobile device for use to third parties, even relatives and friends;
  • when changing the telephone number designated as a contact number in the Banking Agreement, try to immediately notify the Bank about this;
  • no one (even Bank employees) except you should know the following information: your plastic card PIN code, password for authorization in Internet banking, CVV/CVC code (indicated on the back of the plastic card), one-time confirmation codes;
  • if a link to a web resource unknown to you came from an unreliable source, you cannot click on it;
  • If you suspect that your personal data has been disclosed to third parties, we recommend that you immediately notify the financial institution.

Have you discovered that your finances have been illegally debited from your account? Call the hotline immediately.

To stay up to date with the security rules for your accounts, follow the news on the official page of the financial institution www.homecredit.ru.

Home Credit personal account interface

In these photos you can see what functions the Homecredit interactive account has:

Description and capabilities of the Home Credit account

  • In your personal account, you can carry out such intra-bank operations as: repaying loans, transferring money to other clients of the same Bank (indicating the amount and personal account number), opening deposits and replenishing them, tracking credit card debts.
  • The ability to transfer finances to any accounts (both organizations and individuals) without limiting the transfer amount. The commission is only 10 rubles.
  • By going to the account transaction history, you can add your own payment template or repeat it if necessary.
  • If necessary (for example, theft, loss), you can block your debit or credit plastic card yourself.
  • In your personal account, you can select and open a deposit without directly visiting the office of the service provider.
  • If you need to send a money transfer to a card from another bank in the country, you can make it by indicating only the recipient’s card number.
  • Without visiting the bank, you will be able to get acquainted with complete information on all financial products of the bank that you use at any time of the day. For example, interest accrued on a deposit for a certain period, loan payment terms and the monthly payment amount on it, terms for closing the deposit, etc.
  • With Internet banking, you can quickly pay for any utility bills without leaving your home or workplace. To do this, it is not necessary to visit the Bank's office.
  • Do you use a credit card? Want to know about benefits? Use your interactive account to track the amount and terms of debt payment!
  • It is also easy to transfer funds to the specified bank account: indicate the amount and details for its transfer.
  • In your personal account, you can top up Home Credit Bank cards from payment cards of other banks.
  • Internet banking from Home Credit allows you to receive real money or open a credit card without directly visiting the office. To do this, you can fill out the form. After 1.5-2 hours, the entire requested amount will be transferred to your account. This function is available if there is a special offer from the Bank.

Important information!!! All intrabank transfers and transfers to personal accounts in other banks in the country are carried out exclusively from a debit bank card. Any payments in Internet banking (payments are available for more than 800 organizations) are made without charging commissions.

The online client account service (“Internet banking”) is provided free of charge!

Credit office Home Credit

Getting authorized in the Homecredit Credit Account is quite simple. Enter the following information into the form fields: the user’s date of birth, mobile number, code from the picture and the SMS confirmation code received on the phone.

The difference between the Homecredit Credit Account and the personal account is that the client, while in the system, will only be able to control the receipt and expenditure of funds on the loan, and obtain information about the credit card or loan taken. In this system, you cannot send messages to the Bank, transfer funds, open deposits, change settings, make payments, apply for a loan or open a credit card.

Like the online account, the “Credit Account” function is also provided free of charge.

Do you have any questions about the operation of the Bank’s interactive system? Add a comment to the article with a question you are interested in, we will try to answer them as thoroughly and accurately as possible.


Russia Moscow

Key figures

Jiri Šmejc (Chairman of the Board of Directors), Ivan Svitek (Chairman of the Board)

Equity Net profit

▲ RUB 10.754 billion (2011)

Number of employees Main Society

Home Credit B.V.


Home Credit and Finance Bank- Russian commercial bank, one of the leaders in the Russian consumer lending market. The main office is in Moscow.


The bank was founded in 1990 under the name “Innovation Bank Technopolis”. In 2002, a deal was made to purchase Technopolis Innovation Bank by Home Credit Group. On July 16 of the same year, the first loan under the Home Credit brand was issued in Russia. In the same year, the first representative office and the first retail outlet were opened.

In 2003, the bank entered into a partnership agreement with Eldorado and began geographic expansion. In 2004, the bank issued its first credit card and received its first profit for the year. Home Credit sales points were opened in all federal districts of Russia, with the exception of the Far East. In 2005, the bank opened its first cash office and issued its first cash loan.

In 2006, the bank focused on improving its underwriting and anti-fraud systems, and also launched a mortgage lending program. In 2007, the bank became a leader in the credit card market, and was one of the first on the market to conduct the 0-0-24 promotion. Home Credit began to move from a monoliner bank model to a universal retail bank. A car loan program was launched, attracting deposits from individuals and issuing debit cards began.

In 2008, the bank optimized its strategy, responding flexibly to the crisis. The bank focused on cash loans and point-of-sale loans, curtailing mortgages and auto loans. In 2009, the bank entered the payroll projects market, is developing a network of ATMs, and offers clients SMS notification services and Internet banking. Home Credit becomes No. 1 in the point-of-sale lending market.

In 2010, the bank achieved a record profit under IFRS for its entire existence - 9.4 billion rubles. Resumes issuing car loans and active regional expansion. In 2011, the bank continues to develop sales channels, expanding its presence in the regions, attracting agents and brokers to sell its products. As a result, at the end of the year, the volume of cash loans issued exceeded the volume of POS loans.

Owners and management

Chairman of the Board of Directors is Jiri Šmejc. Chairman of the Board - Ivan Svitek.


Home Credit Bank is active in the retail banking services market. At the end of 2011, HKFB in Russia had 1,273 offices of various formats and 58 thousand points of sale.

According to the reporting of HCF Bank according to international financial accounting standards (IFRS), in 2011 its net profit amounted to 10.75 billion rubles, an increase of 14.3% compared to 2010. The loan portfolio at the end of 2011 amounted to 112.8 billion rubles. .

According to Frank Research Group, as of July 1, 2011, the bank occupied 27.6% of the point-of-sale lending market (1st place). According to Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank, Home Credit accounts for 3.8% of the credit card market (7th place).

At the end of 2011, the bank became the leader among private retail banks in terms of absolute growth in the loan portfolio. As of December 31, 2011, the share of overdue loans at HCFB was 5.8%.

The bank is rapidly increasing the share of deposits in the structure of attracted funds. At the end of 2011, the growth in the volume of retail deposits at HKF Bank amounted to 260%.

According to research by the ROMIR holding, Home Credit Bank ranks 6th in terms of visibility among Russian banks.

Key performance indicators

Social politics

Kindergarten "Orangereya"

In the office complex of the Obninsk representative office of Home Credit Bank there is a kindergarten “Orangereya” for the children of employees. This is one of the first kindergartens in Russia located in the office where parents work. Education of children of different ages is carried out according to the Montessori system, which is based on an individual approach to each child, depending on his capabilities and motivation.

Improving financial literacy

Home Credit Bank is actively working to improve the financial literacy of the population. Implementing this program since 2008, the bank conducts master classes with experts in regional cities, together with the association of regional banks “Russia” it issued a “Borrower’s Guide”, and also held a competition among journalists for the best material that helps improve the financial literacy of Russians.

"48 hours"

In the spring of 2011, Home Credit Bank was the first on the market to introduce the “48 hours” service, which allows borrowers to change their mind and cancel the loan within two days, paying interest only for the actual time of its use.


Since 2009, Home Credit Bank has been implementing the Blue Bird charity project. According to the bank, the goal of this project is to help talented and promising school graduates in difficult social and economic circumstances make the right choice - to enroll in a university and receive a higher education. By demonstrating good and excellent academic performance, program participants receive a scholarship throughout the entire period of study. In addition to paying scholarships, the bank gives gifts and also organizes various trainings and events to encourage academic success.

Since September 2011, the program has been operating in 8 regions of Russia, including: Kaluga, Sverdlovsk, Volgograd, Murmansk, Leningrad regions, Altai Territory, the Republic of Karelia and Bashkortostan.

Trade union

On December 9, 2009, the bank created a primary trade union organization (PTU) of the all-Russian trade union of office and managerial personnel, creative and intellectual workers “TOGETHER”. After Ivan Svitek was notified of the creation of the trade union, the chairman of the PPO and members of the trade union committee were given notices of layoffs.

In response to a request from Vedomosti regarding the created trade union, the bank’s press service sent the following message to the editor:

“The Bank actively maintains an atmosphere of open communication with all its employees through constant direct communication within the company. This atmosphere not only motivates and focuses our employees on results, but also provides comfortable working conditions and develops its corporate culture. The process of communication with employees is permanent, is key to the bank’s policy and does not depend on the presence or absence of trade unions.”

According to the chairman of the PPO bank, the reaction of the bank management to the creation of the trade union was aggressive:

“Since the bank has Czech roots, I assumed that the attitude towards the trade union movement should be rather European and democratic. But the reaction was aggressive. I was pressed for several hours by the security service, as if I were being interrogated by the Gestapo. They called people with whom I communicated. They said straight out: there won’t be any trade union in the bank - they will find a reason to fire all union members.”


Rospotrebnadzor also filed claims against the bank for the inclusion in the loan agreement of a condition regarding contractual jurisdiction at the bank's location in Moscow. Following the emerging judicial practice, in 2010 the terms of contractual jurisdiction were also changed by the bank.

In May 2007, a deputy from the A Just Russia faction, Oleg Shein, submitted a parliamentary request to the General Prosecutor's Office and the FSB with a request to investigate the bank's activities for fraudulent activities. In his parliamentary request, Shein expressed concern that the victims of dubious, from his point of view, credit schemes could be the poorest citizens, who constitute the main target audience of Home Credit Bank. Based on this request, a prosecutor's inspection was carried out, as well as inspections by the antimonopoly service and the Bank of Russia. Based on the results of the inspections, no violations were identified in the bank’s activities.

Bank positions in ratings

No. 1 in terms of return on assets - RIA Analytics.

RA "Expert":

№ 3 by volume of issued cash loans and POS lending;

№ 3 among the top 20 banks by volume of cash loan portfolio and POS lending;

№ 5 in the top thirty retail banks;

№ 20 in the top thirty largest banks by the size of attracted deposits from individuals.

Kommersant Magazine - Money:

№ 32 among the largest banks in Russia in terms of net assets.


  1. Help Banki.ru
  2. Home Credit Bank's net profit for 2011 increased by 14.3%
  3. The net profit of Home Сredit & Finance Bank at the end of 2004 amounted to 407 million rubles against a loss of 243 million rubles at the end of 2003
  4. Easy mortgage from Home Credit
  5. Credit card market growth has slowed
  6. HKF Bank launched car loans
  7. Home Credit Bank began accepting time deposits
  8. Home Credit Bank entered the salary projects market
  9. Home Credit launched an online bank
  10. The leader has changed in the Russian express lending market
  11. Home Credit Bank's net profit for 2010 amounted to 9.4 billion rubles
  12. Home Credit Bank plans a grand expansion of its regional network to 2,500 branches
  13. Vasily Kudinov. “In Russia we may have 60 million clients,” Andrey Lykov, Chairman of the Board of Home Credit and Finance Bank // Vedomosti, No. 205 (1979), October 30, 2007
  14. In 2011, HCF Bank increased its profit according to IFRS by 14.3%, its loan portfolio by 1.5 times
  15. HKF Bank cashed out loans
  16. Markets and ratings
  17. TKS Bank: the Russian credit card market grew in 2011 by 61.6% to 367.8 billion rubles
  18. Leaders in the consumer lending market among private banks
  19. Inflation: historical lows do not cancel risks
  20. Civic funding

Home Credit is a Russian commercial bank that is one of the leaders in the domestic consumer lending market. Also, Home Credit Bank firmly takes its place in the top 5 Russian banks in terms of loans, time deposits of the population and the size of the branch network.

Bank history

The history of Home Credit Bank begins with the founding of the Technolopolis Innovation Bank in 1990, which was acquired by the Home Credit Group in 2002. In the same year, the bank’s first representative office was opened in Nizhny Novgorod, the first retail outlet was opened, and the first loan was issued under the Home Credit brand in our country.

In 2003, Home Credit Bank issued the first trade loan, and also created the first federal trading network in partnership with Tekhnosila and began collaborating with Eldorado. In the same year, Home Credit in Russia began geographic expansion. 2004 became a very important year in the history of the bank’s development - Home Credit issued the first credit card, joined MasterCard, entered into a contract with Russian Post, placed sales points in all federal districts (except the Far East), received its first profit, and became one of the leaders in the Russian POS loan market and received the first ratings from Moody's and S&P.

In subsequent years, Home Credit Bank continued its active development. Thus, in 2005, the first cash loan was issued and the country’s first deal to securitize ruble loans was concluded. The year 2006 for Home Credit was marked by its entry into the mortgage market and the introduction of an anti-fraud system. The following year, the bank issued its first car loan and became a leader in the credit card market.

In 2008, Home Credit Bank stopped providing mortgages and car loans, and used the ensuing crisis as an opportunity for further development; also this year the bank began attracting deposits. The following year, Home Credit actively moved to retail lending, began to engage in salary projects, develop a network of ATMs, and launched Internet banking and SMS banking. In 2010, activities in the area of ​​car loans were resumed, and in 2012, a new simple line of products was developed.

Home Credit Bank services

Today, Home Credit Bank offers the following types of services: loans (cash loans, Internet banking loans, car loans); cards (credit and debit); deposits (in rubles and foreign currency); salary project; individual bank safes; insurance; remote banking services; settlement and cash services; depository operations; open market operations; lending to legal entities.

Awards, branch network, HomeCredit sales points

The high quality of work, reliability and stability of Home Credit Bank is confirmed by various awards, including the Silver Award of the BRAND OF THE YEAR/EFFIE-2012 award. The bank's clients are already more than 27 million people who are served by Home Credit Bank's distribution network of 960 bank offices, 6,920 micro-offices, 1,276 ATMs and more than 73 thousand points of sale.

Sergey Consumer loans Rating: 1

They intrusively send SMS messages asking for a lucrative loan. Then they will extract from you all the data about you, your loved ones and acquaintances. There is a polite refusal. But... After refusal, they begin to send SMS to your relatives and friends. They, in turn, ask everything from them in the same way and off they go. A little later they send it to you again.

I think that there should be a law, if they refuse, then they must immediately erase all the personal database provided to them. And, most importantly, they don’t call (they know what they will send), they write SMS.

Yesterday at 14:50

Petrunina A. Question Rating: No

Customer service is terrible. I called several times through the phone number you provided and connected HomeBot Support to work - they promised to connect a specialist, but they are probably sleeping in the evening. But then why won’t they point this out and don’t fool your head...

The question is simple - the person changed his phone number. Where and how to re-register this... I need to pay a loan without connecting a new number, this is problematic. Contract number 2296910994 dated 04/24/2019, new number 9888***392

Alexander Astakhov, Tula Consumer loans Rating: No

The bank is dishonest in its relationship with customers. About 10 years ago, I took out a consumer loan from this bank and repaid it ahead of schedule, but despite this, the bank charged interest, citing the fact that they credited it after the holidays, although I paid before them.

As a result, they began to charge more interest on this interest and, in addition, ruined my credit history because I did not pay these 100 rubles.

I found out about this 10 years after this story. CUSTOMERS BE CAREFUL WITH THIS BANK.

Syroezhkin Evgeniy Viktorovich Contributions Rating: No

I have been a client of the bank for a long time, I had a foreign currency deposit in dollars under the Individual Deposit Agreement in Foreign Currency “Profitable Year” No. 183/003356 dated December 7, 2015. At the end of the deposit period, I received the accrued interest in rubles.

On the day of receiving interest in the amount of 937 dollars, namely 12/07/2019, the rate for purchasing dollars by the bank on the official website of the bank was 62.17 rubles per dollar. However, the exchange was made at the rate of 60.2 rubles per dollar.

I started asking the operator and received an answer that... the bank does not engage in currency exchange, it sets its own internal currency purchase rate. Then why does the Official Website indicate: purchase of currency at the rate...
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I applied for a loan at Home Credit Bank without insurance and SMS. Approved. But when I logged into my personal account, I saw that both SMS and insurance were included in the loan. They answer that you will refuse later and promised an even lower rate.

Valentina Consumer loans Rating: No

I applied for a loan without insurance and SMS. Approved. But when I logged into my personal account, I saw that both SMS and insurance were included in the loan. I'm calling the bank. They answer not very politely, that you will refuse later and they promised an even lower rate. I thought it was a serious bank.

I liked the service from your staff. Politeness, sociability. We have been working with you for a long time. This is not the first time we have taken out loans.

Vitaly Ivanovich Services for individuals Rating: No

Contract No. 2324201996. We liked the service of your staff. Politeness, sociability. We have been working with you for a long time. This is not the first time we have taken out loans. Review for all 5.

Please make doors in the branch at Sovetov, 11. Homeless people sleep in your bank in the evening and at night. It's scary to go in and deposit money.

Love Service at the branch Rating: No

Please make doors. Homeless people sleep in your bank in the evening and at night. It's scary to go in and put money in and there's a terrible stench.

Bank division
Additional office 23/08 Novorossiysk, st. Sovetov, 11

At Home Credit, in addition to loan insurance, they impose without warning another insurance, which is included in the loan amount. If the loan insurance can be returned within 2 weeks, then the second insurance is not returned at all.

Galina Consumer loans Rating: 2

In addition to taking out loan insurance, they impose another insurance without warning you about it. The amount of the second insurance is included in the loan amount. If the loan insurance can be returned within two weeks, then the second insurance is not returned at all.

Bank division
Additional office 34/06 Kamyshin, st. Lenina, 19

Sergey Consumer loans Rating: 5

Good bank! As they write below that the insurance is not refundable, I personally canceled it the next day without any problems and transferred the amount to early repayment. On the day the funds were written off under the contract, I received a notification and a new payment schedule. I only paid 3 more payments, so far everything is fair!!!

Now I’m waiting for the promised rate reduction to 11 percent in 6 months. If this happens, then it will be simply magic.

Igor Debit cards Rating: 1

Citizens are scammers. Today I left a request for your false advertisement on the bank’s website about a card at 10%. And he signed the documents via text message. And you opened a card at 6%. I do not like it. I am terminating the contract. I don't need a card. Close the cards and cancel the contract. I don’t want to deal with you anymore scammers.

I read the bank's hotline. And there everyone writes that the bank offers only interest, and later an SMS comes about 6%. And the bank assures everyone that its actions are correct.

This is no longer a mistake, but a massive deliberate fraud.

Natalia Services for individuals Rating: 1

Hello. The office was closed for renovations, and it is not clear where it moved. Yesterday I couldn’t repay the loan. Two ATMs located at Krasnoarmeyskaya 138 also did not work. I went to the address indicated by the employee in the Oblaka shopping center, and they couldn’t help me there either. They explained that due to the closure of the office, the program does not see my contract.

It’s strange how everything is with you. I wonder how to determine the presence of WORKING terminals and take a tour of the city? Tomorrow there will be a delay, now I understand people who are hiding from banks and collectors.

Bank division
Additional office 42/03 Kemerovo, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 138

Today I made a request to close the card account at 09:56. I'm already calling for help! The first available operator will answer you. And so all day long (((

Natalia Services for individuals Rating: 1

Today I made a request to close my card account. Hello. I want to close my card account. 09:56. I'm already calling for help! The first available operator will answer you.
And so all day long (((

I took out an installment plan from Home Credit Bank, contract No. 2318362764, according to the price tag the price is 110.490 rubles, on the loan 99.993 rubles, and I have to pay 112.814 rubles. So, what kind of installment plan is this?

Tatyana Credit cards Rating: No

Hello. I took out an installment plan through your bank, contract number 2318362764, according to the price tag the price is 110490, according to the loan 99993, and I have to pay 112814.39. So, what kind of installment plan is this??? Also, please turn off the SMS package, I don’t need it. Agreement 2318362764 dated September 11, 2019.

Daria Credit cards Rating: 1

In 2017, a loan agreement was concluded and a credit card was received, until July 2019 I used this card, after making the next payment I noticed that the bank had written off the fee for using the credit card, which was 990 rubles, everything would have been fine, but months earlier this fee already written off.

I called the hotline, the girl assured me that it was a write-off of interest, and she didn’t see any overly described commission... That means I see everything in my personal account, but surprisingly she didn’t see anything. On the same day I wrote in the My Loan application to the support service, this issue was later resolved and the amount was...
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Veronica Credit Cards Rating: 1

Hello, my mother took a Freedom card from Home Credit in order to pay for a trip. When we arrived it turned out that this was impossible to do because... the travel agency is not a partner of this bank (no one specified the partners when purchasing the card; they point to a website where this “supposedly” exists).

As a result, when you call the hotline to find out the rules for using the card, the operators also convey incorrect information, it turns out that you are offering a card with which it is impossible to make a payment, which none of them knows about!!!

As a result, two days of wasted time, a spoiled mood and an unpurchased ticket!!!

Bank division
Additional office 78/04 St. Petersburg, st. Ivanovskaya, 13

Olesya Bank collectors Rating: No

There is not enough anger at Home Credit Bank!!! Or rather, most likely to their security service. I am in no way a borrower from this bank. They slandered me, calling me a fraudster, saying that I came with my own feet three times in 2018 and took out loans (one of which was an expensive phone).

They told all this to my mother, having first called her neighbors, as I understand it, to completely damage my reputation (so that everyone would know). This is how to lie! I would really like to see photos of my visits to the bank branch, as well as contracts signed by me.

They are not at all afraid that this conversation may be recorded, that...
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Olga Service at the branch Rating: 5

Convenient location of the bank, Volgograd, st. Kalinina 13, business center "Mercury". Modern operating room. Competent employees! Fast service and lending. What I liked most was the cash register and the cashier/operator. Great! Well done!!!

Igor Consumer loans Rating: No

Deception! The insurance money was not returned. The agent girl is sitting and says until you pay, we won’t give away the insurance. I paid now you are not entitled to insurance. They are deceiving people!

When applying for the loan, the possibility of early partial repayment was discussed. The My Loan application has such a function. They write that the application has been accepted, but repayment is not taking place.

Anonymously Consumer loans Rating: No

When applying for the loan, the possibility of early partial repayment was discussed. The My Loan application has such a function. They write that the application for partial early repayment has been accepted, but repayment is not taking place.

I'm thinking of stopping paying altogether. As they are to me, so am I to them.

Alexander Credit for goods Rating: 1

I took out an installment plan from this so-called “bank”. In Shakhty. Firstly, they forced me to wander around the city, because in order to buy tires in installments in one store, you must first go to a loan specialist in some other store.

First you need to find it in some store in a shopping center, then they start deciding whether to issue installments or not, although the tire center had previously approved everything for me!! That is, some kind of stupid scam... first on the phone they say “Yes, approved!”, and then you come to the managers, and they say “no” and that “you need to wait for approval.” That is, deception at the very beginning!!

Olga Service at the branch Rating: 1

Today I came to collect an overpayment, a friendly girl, Natalya, was the only one serving a huge queue (2 more were sitting - one on the phone, the second, apparently, a student). I was last in line. Standing at the cash register waiting for money, I heard a scream from the main hall.

As it turned out, the manager was shouting at that same girl because she was not teaching the new girl, despite the fact that she was sitting alone at the reception. Coming out of the cash register, I saw that there were other customers standing in the hall, but this rude manager was not at all embarrassed by this!

I made a remark and asked his last name - he answered: Stashevsky. I think that if I hold the position of manager, I need to live up to it. A...
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Bank division
Additional office 78/08 St. Petersburg, Nauki Ave., 19k2

Good afternoon Olga! We apologize to you that you witnessed this situation, of course it is unacceptable. We will pass on your feedback to our office colleagues.

Anonymously Consumer loans Rating: No

Pah-pah-pah, I’m paying off a loan for the 3rd time - this is the most adequate bank. Everything is fast, simple, no problems - whatever amount you need to pay - I pay it, everything is written off on time and clearly. Nothing extra. The interest rates are really high + insurance, but when you need money urgently, you don’t have to choose.

Other banks make you want to hang yourself even at the stage of applying for a loan.

Anonymous Credit Cards Rating: 1

At the end of 2018, an installment card was issued (Benefit, editor's note). The other day I received an SMS message about a 12-month installment plan for purchases at partner stores. I made purchases at a store from the list of partners listed on the bank’s website. I have read the terms and conditions in advance.

After the purchase, when calculating the payment schedule, the terms of the promotion were not applied by the bank and the installment plan was 1 month! According to the bank’s calculations, a month after the purchase it is necessary to pay the entire amount and repay the debt.

Appeals for clarification through online banking did not yield any results. Either a bot writes, or constantly changing employees respond, writing nonsense. For example, they indicate that the promotion only applies to...
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Hello! The situation is strange; if all conditions are met, the installment plan should have been correct.
To understand everything, write us a personal message with your details in the bank’s official group (Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook or Odnoklassniki).

Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

I took out a loan twice, not one mistake in payment! Here in Maykop I had to apply and they approved 800 thousand. I’m telling you I don’t need that much, I asked for 200, they refused. Strange!

Andrey Consumer loans Rating: 1

Strange bank! I took out a loan twice, not one mistake in payment! Here in Maykop I had to apply and 800 thousand were approved! I say I don’t need that much, I asked for 200 and they refused! Strange!

Hello Andrei!
The offer from the bank was preliminary; the exact decision will be known only after submitting the application. Don't worry, you can apply again.
We will be glad to cooperate.

Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

I am not happy with your debt collector, who calls me about my neighbor’s debt until 12 o’clock at night. Because there is no law for him, I cannot answer for my neighbors. Contract number 2206567766.

Kiseleva Anna Georgievna Bank collectors Rating: No

I finish paying off my loan. I am very grateful to the employees of the bank located on Stara Zagora Street in Samara. But I’m not happy with your debt collector, who keeps calling me about my neighbor’s debt until 12 o’clock at night. Because there is no law for him, I cannot answer for my neighbors. Contract number 2206567766.

Thank you for choosing our bank. In order to stop calls, we need information about what phone number they are being received at.
You can call the hotline and provide this information, or write to us in the bank’s official groups on social networks, or the bank’s chat.

Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

Nina Grigorievna Kuzneva Contributions Rating: 1

The work of bank tellers cannot be criticized; their attitude towards their clients is disgraceful. I am an elderly person, disabled, the attitude is the most disgusting. I’ve known the bank for more than 10 years, and I have a deposit there, and it’s not a small one.

They attached a Cosmos card to my deposit, supposedly without it I do not have the right to issue a deposit. So I unattached this card for 2 years until Alexandra Baburina intervened.

I had to pay the accrued commission, I was not given an agreement for this card, I would have responded in a timely manner to the matter regarding this card. The investment deposit expired on 05/06/19, came to the bank on Altufevskaya 86, ...
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Nina, we apologize for the inconvenience caused. The situation is extremely unpleasant and incomprehensible.
To understand everything, write to us in one of the bank’s official groups on social networks (Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook). All services can be disabled, insurance is available at the bank office or partner store upon application, and SMS can be called by calling the hotline or writing to us in the chat, or in the bank’s official group on social networks.

Elena Services for individuals Rating: 1

Home Credit Bank seized all my cards, alimony came in and half of the amount was written off to pay off the debt. I called the hotline and was transferred from one operator to another and no one really explained anything, they don’t know anything and they don’t know what to do either.

They said go to the bailiffs, why go there if the bailiffs don’t have a penalty pending, I was there, in the end they didn’t solve anything. How to withdraw money, they did it quickly, but how to get it back is nothing.

Hello, Elena!
You need to provide the bank with a certificate stating that the account is an account for receiving alimony, and also that the seizure of the account has been removed by the bailiffs and the money will be returned.
Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.