What is the r number of the webmoney wallet. Where to find your WebMoney wallet and how to find out your account number

Beginning users of payment systems often confuse the concepts and cannot figure out what information needs to be provided.

A lot of questions are related to WMID and wallet numbers in the Webmoney system. Both numbers contain several numbers, and not everyone knows which of them should be indicated on websites and passed on to other users.

How to find out your Webmoney number? First you need to figure out what these numbers mean. Each registered user is assigned a unique number, this is WMID.

You don’t need to tell anyone about it (if they find out, it’s okay). You need to transfer exactly the account numbers (WMU, WMZ, WMR, and so on).

Where can I see my Webmoney wallet number?

There are detailed instructions on our website. It talks not only about creating a profile in the payment system, but also about how wallets are created. After logging into your personal account, each user independently creates accounts for different national currencies.

You can also open accounts for gold, this was discussed in more detail in the article, create a WMG wallet and invest in gold. Depending on how you visit your wallet, wallet numbers appear in different places.

To make sure there are no problems, we decided to tell you how to find out your WebMoney number using all available methods:

  1. Webmoney Keeper (WebPro).

The most convenient and safest way to connect to a wallet is to use a client. It can be downloaded from the official website. After authorization, a window will appear showing the numbers of all wallets:

The first letter of the Webmoney wallet number indicates what currency is used in it. To indicate an account number on a website or transfer it to someone, just right-click and select copy to clipboard.

  1. Mini Webmoney (Standard).

Many people use the lite version, managing their account directly through the official website (mini.webmoney.ru). This is the easiest way, and when you use it, you can also see all the wallet numbers:

Log in to the site, then select the menu item with the image of the wallet. A page will open showing all account numbers as well as recent transactions. From here the numbers can be copied like regular text on the Internet.

  1. Mobile app.

Now everyone has smartphones and tablets, which make it even more convenient to manage electronic money. To find out the account number of WMR Webmoney (or another type), you need to go to the section with wallets (first tab):

The Webmoney application for Android is convenient and simple, with its help you can carry out money transactions from anywhere.

It is impossible to find out account numbers without logging into your wallet. Alternatively, look for them on sites where payment information was indicated, or look for letters by email.

It is not difficult to find out the Webmoney wallet r number, and this information is indicated on the websites. Don’t confuse the numbers, because you won’t be able to transfer funds using WMID, the employer or service administration must know the number of a specific account, not an account.

For many newly registered users, this question may be relevant. In order to find out your webmoney wallet number, you must first register in the system and create the types of wallets needed for the job. If all these steps are behind you, then finding your wallet number will not be difficult. The webmoney interface is built very conveniently, and if desired, you can easily find what you are looking for with a few mouse clicks.

During the registration process, you should have realized that the main currency of WebMoney is title units. Like regular money stored in wallets, these electronic means of payment are also stored in wallets under various names. There are eight types in total, the most common in Russia of which are: WMR (wallet in Russian rubles), WMZ (wallet in US dollars), WME (wallet in euros).

Unlike our regular wallets, which store money, e-wallets take into account property rights to various values. How many such wallets can there be? Unlimited amount! And in simple words, just like your personal wallet is stored in a bag, webmoney electronic wallets are stored in a special program - keeper (from English - keeper, holder, owner) under a special registration number - WMID. If you are already a registered user, then WM Keeper of the selected version (Mini, Light or Classic) must be installed on your computer or laptop, or Keeper Mobile must be installed on your smartphone. Wallets can be managed both through the listed programs and through the universal payment service Webmoney Transfer. Let's take a closer look at how to find out your webmoney wallet number using all three options.

How to find out the wallet number using the payment service?

To do this, first of all, you need to go to the website http://www.webmoney.ru:

The registration process has already been completed, which means you can log into your account using the “login” button. Next, you will see a login window for WM Keeper of the version that was selected and installed earlier, as well as fields for entering your login (this is your WMID), password and digital verification code:

After this, you will be given the choice of using one of the login confirmation options - using the E-NUM authorization system (only if it is installed on your mobile phone) or using an SMS message to the mobile phone number specified during registration:

After authorizing Webmoney Keeper, in fact, wallets are also at your disposal. To display them, simply go to the “finance” tab of the sidebar:

Here we see all types of wallets and their numbers - everything we needed to find!

How to find out your webmoney wallet number using the WM Keeper application?

In this option, everything is also extremely simple - click on your previously installed WM Keeper and enter the password:

Next, you just need to go to the “wallets” tab, and the search for what you need is completed:

Find your wallet using the mobile application!

If the Webmoney Keeper application is installed on your mobile device, then, as in the previous two examples, there will be no problem finding out your wallet number. We go into the application to the “finance” tab and, after spending a few seconds, admire our wallets:

Now you know how to find out your webmoney wallet number. As you can see, everything ingenious is simple. The WebMoney service is very convenient; you don’t need to spend a lot of time looking for what you need. Thanks to the simple interface, even relying on your own intuition, without additional instructions, you can independently find the answer to any question you may have!

In the international payment system WebMoney, users are given the opportunity to use the type of wallet depending on the currency. Subscribers can use several options for title units equivalent to one or another currency. Therefore, every user needs to know that this is a WMR wallet?

WMR (analogue of the Russian ruble) is one of the most popular in Russia in the WebMoney payment system, along with WMZ (equivalent to the US dollar).

You can create as many ruble electronic modules as you like, but users who have the Keeper Mini version of the software installed can register only one.

The WMR wallet is an electronic module designed to work with funds in ruble equivalent.

How to create it? Registration and creation of BMR in Webmoney is a fairly simple procedure.

To create it you need to log in to WM Keeper and click on the icon that shows a wallet. Next, you need to select “Create” and click on the “+” sign.

The system will prompt the user to select one of the modules. Having chosen WMR, the equivalent of RUB, you must carefully read the agreement. Then - express agreement with the terms of the offer. The “Create” button completes the registration procedure. In this case, the WMR wallet is automatically assigned an identification number.

WMR wallet

Citizens of the Russian Federation can register a WMR wallet immediately after registering in the system. Residents of other countries will first have to obtain at least a formal certificate and provide scans of their passports.

How to find out the number?

Newbie clients may be interested in what R means in the wallet number. The wallet number is indicated in the following format: the prefix is ​​the initial letter of the currency used, in this case R, and a 12-digit number. Example number R-wallet: R453675876124.

You can find out the wallet number by following the algorithm:

  • log in to Keeper;
  • select the “Wallet” icon and open a list of all created modules;
  • the number is indicated opposite the module of interest.

For owners of the updated version of Keeper, information about the electronic wallet number is shown at the top of the page immediately after authorization.

The WMID is not a wallet number.

How do I log in?

To carry out financial transactions, you will need to log into the system, select the “Wallet” icon and then click on WMR.

The user will open the module and have the opportunity to manage funds in ruble equivalent.

From this moment on, you can withdraw money from the system, top up your account, exchange funds and send transfers to other users. It will also be possible to pay utility bills, services and goods.


The system sets limits on the storage and use of funds. They depend on the user's credentials. Exceeding these limits will result in the wallet being blocked.

Data on limits calculated in thousands of rubles are presented in the table below:

For users with a personal seller certificate, there are limits on the storage and use of funds:

  • 9 million rubles per month;
  • 9 million rubles in Week;
  • 3 million rubles per day.

How to change WMZ to WMR?

Users who have a dollar wallet often try to find information on how to change WMZ to WMR.

Important! Replacing one module with another by the WebMoney payment system is not provided.

If, for example, a user has a dollar account - a WMZ wallet, and a ruble equivalent is needed to complete the operation, then he will have to first create a WMR wallet. Only after this can you convert funds.

For the convenience of users, WebMoney offers:

  • use a network exchanger online;
  • convert funds on Keeper;
  • use the Exchanger Money resource for currency exchange.

Using the capabilities of the Keeper service, you need to open your wallet and select “Exchange” in the management menu.

Webmoney Keeper mobile application on the AppStore

First, we need to clearly define what we mean by the term “WebMoney number,” since there is simply no such definition in the system itself. Under this phrase there can be two completely different things: the WMID number (VMID) or the wallet number (details). Next, we will find out and describe what they are, how they differ from each other, and what they allow you to do or learn.

WMID (WebMoney IDentificator or VMID) is the personal number of a system participant. Each user of this electronic money operator has his own unique number. It is possible to draw parallels with the familiar passport of a citizen of some country, but along with the similarities, there are also differences: one person (individual or legal entity) can have more than one. Therefore, it is more correct to draw an analogy here not so much with a passport, but with a login, for example, on a forum. This number looks like a twelve-digit number, for example 123456789012. The main feature here is that if you know the WMID of another person, then you will not be able to transfer money to him; for this you need to know the wallet number (a description will follow). But you can send him a message via internal mail or view the person’s personal data that he wished to make public. Usually you can easily find out a person’s name, his age, and some details (say, email or phone number). Sometimes people even make their passport details and place of residence public, although this is rare.

Conclusion: knowing WMID we can get information about a person or contact him. It will not be possible to transfer money to him.

The wallet number (details) is actually the wallet number. One person (read, one WMID) can have as many wallets as he wants, even of the same types. To make it clear, the easiest way is to compare a wallet with a bank account: this is a number where you can transfer funds, and one person can have as many such accounts as he wants and in different currencies. If you know the wallet number of another person, then you can transfer funds to him, and also easily instantly find out his WMID - both on the special webmoney service “Passport”, and right during the transfer process. The wallet number looks like this: first there is one capital English letter, and after it there are 12 digits, for example: R987654321098. In this case, the letter means the type of currency: if it is R, then it is a ruble wallet (WMR) and there are rubles on it. If it's Z, it's a dollar wallet. E is Euro, U is Ukrainian hryvnia and so on. There are also special wallets with the letters C and D - they are used for working with loans. If you want to transfer WMR to another person, then you need to know the number of his wallet of this particular type, that is, it must begin with the letter “R”. If you want to transfer dollars, the beginning should be the letter "Z" and so on.

Of course, you can easily find yourself in a situation where you need to transfer one currency, but you only have another in your wallets. In this case, you must first exchange it for the one you need and only then transfer it. This is where the ChangeTime website will come to your aid: with us you can easily