Honest and dishonest grace period for a card - how to use a credit card correctly. Three Secrets to Using Your Credit Card Grace Period - Experts How to Maintain Your Credit Card Grace Period

A credit card from Sberbank is an ideal tool for those who want to take out a payday loan. Sberbank has many different offers for lending to the population, and they all have different characteristics. An important condition for lending is the presence of a grace period, during which you can use the money completely free of charge. However, how long the grace period lasts on a credit card from Sberbank using an example remains to be found out in the material.

Sberbank credit cards are famous for having a grace period, the duration of which is 50 days. A grace period for lending of up to 50 days means that during this time the client can use finance by borrowing it from the bank without paying a commission. Moreover, the rules for using a Sberbank credit card state that only in case of non-cash payment using plastic.

The grace period is also called the grace period, which lasts 50 days. Many clients, when using a loan, count 50 days from the date of payment by card, which is not correct. When applying for a plastic card, a bank employee must explain what a preferential credit card from Sberbank is and how to use it correctly. Everyone can calculate the grace period of a Sberbank credit card independently. To do this, you need to know that the grace period is divided into two values:

  1. Reportable.
  2. Payment.

Let's look at the features of each period separately and find out what they are.

Reporting period: what it is and its features

While the reporting period of the Sberbank credit card lasts, the client can pay with it for any goods and services non-cash. During this period, interest will not accrue. The duration of the reporting period is 30 days out of the 50 grace period. The 30-day report is kept not from the moment the balance on the card decreases, but from the day the report is compiled. What does it mean? The terms of use of the loan state that the reporting period begins from the day the plastic is activated. This means that the use of the grace period of the Sberbank credit card begins from the date on which the plastic was activated. Every month the reporting period begins on this date, so for ease of calculation, many people want to receive plastic at the beginning of the month, so as not to get confused later.

This is interesting! The date of the reporting period begins automatically from the moment the plastic is received, but it can be changed when drawing up the contract.

You can ask a bank employee how to find out the reporting period for your credit card. He will check when the card was entered into action, after which he will inform the client of the reporting time date. Based on this number, you can easily calculate how long you can use the grace period.

After the end of the 30-day period, the bank sends the client a statement of all payments:

  1. The amount of money that was spent.
  2. When the funds have been spent.
  3. Total debt to the bank.
  4. Recommended minimum payment amount to be made.

To make the most of the interest-free period of a Sberbank credit card, you must pay off the debt over the next 20 days. During these 20 days, interest will not be accrued, however, after their expiration, if the entire amount is not paid, then interest will be calculated along with penalties. If the minimum payment is made, interest will accrue, but there will be no penalty. The twenty-day period is called the payment time during which the client must repay the debt incurred in the previous 30 days.

How to find out the payment deadline

You can return money not only during the payment time, but also during the reporting period. If possible, it is recommended to carry out the calculation within this period of time. If this is not possible, then you need to deposit the minimum payment into the account, which will prevent the accrual of penalties.

An example of a grace period on a Sberbank credit card can be considered as follows:

  1. If the start of reporting time falls on the 10th, then purchases that will be completed on the 15th will have the grace period reduced by 5 days. This means that the client will have 45 days instead of 50 to return the money without paying interest.
  2. If purchases are made on the 9th day of the next month (i.e., on the last day of the reporting period), then the client will have only 20 days to repay the debt in order not to pay the commission. To prevent this from happening, you need to wait until the 10th or 11th and then make a purchase. In this case, the client will have 50 days to repay the loan.

Not many people know how to calculate the grace period, although almost every person uses credit cards. Some people use a loan calculator for calculations, through which you can quickly make calculations.

This is interesting! If the client knows the principle of calculating grace time, then he can accurately calculate when it is better for him to make a purchase in order to use credit funds without harming himself. After all, the probability of repaying a loan in 50 days is higher than in 20, especially if we are talking about impressive amounts.

Example of card payment calculation

The maximum grace period is 50 days. This duration will be provided to the client if he uses the loan on the day the reporting period is formed. With each subsequent day after the report is generated, the time will decrease.

This is interesting! The time the report is generated is also called day X. During the reporting period, you can spend money from your credit card, but you must return it within the next 20 days.

Now let’s look at an example of debt on a Sberbank credit card based on a grace period with specific amounts.

  1. If the beginning of the reporting period falls on the 1st day, then within 30 days you can spend any amount that is available on your plastic balance.
  2. If you spend 10 thousand rubles on the 5th of the current month, and another 10 thousand on the 15th, then you will need to pay off the debt in the amount of 20 thousand by the 19th of the next month.
  3. To pay off debt, many rely on wages, which are received at the beginning of the month, and an advance at the end. This means that you can cover the debt until the 19th day of the next month with an advance payment, which is accrued after the 20th day of the current month, or with a salary accrued at the beginning of the next month.

If the salary is not enough to repay the debt in full, then the money can be withdrawn from the savings account. Many clients have several credit cards from different banks. Through accurate calculations, you can move money from accounts without losing interest on the use of money.

If problems arise during independent payments, then in the “Credit Cards” section in the personal account of the Sberbank Online service there is a credit calculator. To use this calculator, you need to know the following information:

  1. Report start date.
  2. Loan interest rate.
  3. The date you planned to make the purchase.
  4. Approximate amount of expenses.

The advantage of the calculator is not even that it will show the exact date of debt repayment, but the presence of an option to show savings if you pay off the debt within a specified period. If you are not in a hurry to make a purchase, then calculate when it is more rational to do it in order to have time to pay off the debt without loss to yourself.

This is interesting! Do not forget that the grace period only applies to non-cash payment methods. Even if you transfer money from a credit card to a debit card for the purpose of withdrawing cash, a 3% commission will be charged upon transfer, and the grace period will also be disabled.

Features of using a credit card

Cardholders must carefully read all terms and conditions of service. This must be done so that misunderstandings and disagreements do not arise later. After the end of the interest-free period, interest will accrue on the credit card. What percentage will be charged depends on each individual case. First of all, it depends on the type of credit card, as well as the minimum payment. On average, the interest rate ranges from 19% to 35%. The rate is specified in the contract, but it can be changed. If the minimum payment is not paid, the bank has the right to increase the interest rate from the minimum level to the maximum. In addition, it is important to consider that a penalty of 0.1% of the debt amount will be charged daily. The debt, if it is not repaid on time, will only increase.

After repaying the debt in full, you can withdraw money again the next day, since the grace period will again be valid for 50 days. For clients who use Sberbank Online, it is possible to control the need to repay debt in their personal account. Here you can track not only all expenses, but also control when the debt should be repaid, as well as how much the minimum payment needs to be made.

When using a credit card, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. During the reporting period, you can use your credit card for non-cash payments without restrictions.
  2. When withdrawing money from an ATM, you need to understand that there will be no grace period.
  3. Interest is accrued immediately upon expiration of the grace period. If the money does not arrive in the account within the specified period, interest will be automatically deducted.
  4. A penalty is charged only if the client does not pay the required payment.
  5. There are many different options for topping up your account. You can choose any one that is convenient for the client.
  6. It is imperative to take into account the time of crediting the money, since if it is sent ahead of schedule but arrives after the grace period has expired, then interest will already be calculated.

To avoid problems when crediting money to the card, you should print a receipt in any case. This check is the only proof of the transaction.

Conditions for cash withdrawal

The grace period applies only to certain types of payments. Some of these payments include:

  1. Payment for goods in retail stores.
  2. Purchasing goods in online stores.
  3. Carrying out payments for rent and similar transactions.

The grace period does not apply to the following types of payments:

  • If a client makes an internal transfer between their accounts.
  • When withdrawing cash from a credit card at an ATM.

If you need to use real money, it is recommended to take out a direct loan from a bank. This will avoid the accrual of interest and penalties, as well as the accrual of commissions for withdrawing money from an ATM.

This is interesting! The main purpose of credit cards is to convert customers to non-cash payment methods that are beneficial for the banks themselves. The more transactions in a country are carried out non-cash, the more cash flows into the bank.

The grace period on a Sberbank credit card is not the only advantage provided by the bank. Another positive feature is a unique promotion called “Thank you from Sberbank.” This is a bonus program through which points are credited to the client’s account for each non-cash transaction. These points are equal to the ruble 1:1. You can spend points in any store that is a partner of Sberbank.

The grace period is 50 days, but you should not take this information directly. Before you rush to spend money on credit cards, you need to first understand the features and conditions of their return.

It can borrow money without interest for fairly long periods, which can be one or two months, or even longer. Many people suspect that this is nothing more than a publicity stunt. However, such fraud can significantly damage the image of serious banks. There is no deception here. You just need to carefully study its terms and conditions before signing an agreement with a credit institution. So what lies behind the attractive phrase: “grace period for lending”?

Literally speaking, this is the period until the end of which you can use it without paying interest. In theory, everything is simple, but in practice, grace period loans issued by different banks work differently.

What you should pay attention to

Firstly, the concept of a “credit grace period”, as a rule, applies to transactions for paying for purchases with a card, and not to cash withdrawals. There are, of course, exceptions, but before concluding an agreement, you definitely need to clarify this point.

The second mistake that many card users make is the assumption that they can use the money withdrawn from the card “for free” within the period stated in the advertisement. In reality this is not always the case. So, if the grace period for lending is 60 days, this does not always mean that, having withdrawn money from the card at any time, you can return it during this time and not pay interest.

In more detail, the “interest-free” use of borrowed funds consists of two stages:

  • when can you spend money from the card);
  • payment (begins after the settlement and is given to fully repay the debt).

It is these two segments in total that give the promised figure of 50, 60 or even more days of interest-free use of money. With the second stage, everything is simple, it is a fixed number of days designated by the bank, often equal to 20. But the billing period can be determined in different ways. If a new one is received it can start at the moment:

  • card activation;
  • the first withdrawal of funds from it.

In the future, this period can be determined in different ways and equal to:

  • the number of days remaining until the end of the calendar month;
  • a fixed number of days from the moment of action with the card (sometimes equal to the payment period).

So, in the first case, if the amount was withdrawn on the 1st, then the grace period for it will be 50 days (calendar month + 20 days of the payment period), but if a similar operation is carried out on the 15th, then there will be left to use the funds (15 days until the end of the month + 20 days of payment period = 35 days).

In the second case, and this is typical for inexpensive plastic, the interest-free period can be only 20 days.

What are the benefits for the bank?

It turns out: you can use the borrowed funds for free for a certain amount of time. Why do lending institutions do this? In fact, the grace period for lending is a beneficial service for both parties. The user has the opportunity to make purchases on favorable terms (if he manages to repay the debt on time). Well, the bank will receive its considerable interest (over 20% per annum) if the client does not repay the debt at the end of the interest-free stage. By the way, if an amount of 30,000 rubles was withdrawn from the card, and 25,000 was repaid before the end of the grace period, then the interest for using the funds will have to be paid not on 5,000 rubles, but on the entire amount.

Thus, having carefully studied the conditions for providing funds, you can manage them wisely.

Plastic credit cards are very popular in our country and around the world. They may differ in appearance, features of use, limits, but almost all are the same in that they have a grace period. It allows you to use a loan without having to pay interest. In this article we will take a closer look at the grace period of a Sberbank credit card.

Features of the credit card grace period

Users of Sberbank credit cards can use bank funds for 50 days and not pay interest on the funds borrowed.

The grace period of a Sberbank credit card is divided into two unequal parts:

  • During the first 30 days, you can use Sberbank funds from the card at your discretion. In this case, the restrictions apply only to the size of the amount;
  • The last 20 days are allotted to pay off the debt. If you top up your credit card account during this period, no interest will be charged for using Sberbank funds.
The second part of the period is intended to return the funds to the bank, but the financial institution at this time also allows you to take out a loan again. Because of this, some users get confused and do not understand when they need to return funds to the bank.

What happens when the credit card grace period ends?

If at the end of 50 days the loan is not closed, then Sberbank takes a percentage:
  • for instant debit cards it is 25.9%;
  • for classic, gold and platinum cards it ranges from 25.9 to 33.9%%;
  • for Youth cards – 33.9%.

What else do you need to know about delays?

In case of delay in replenishment, Sberbank takes a penalty, which is 36%. You must at least deposit the minimum amount indicated in the report. In this case, only interest on the loan will be charged, without penalties.

Providing a debt report

Monthly reports contain the following information:
  • credit card payment dates;
  • payment amounts;
  • the total amount of funds borrowed over the past period;
  • amount of debt to be paid. It may also include funds taken in the previous period.

It should be remembered that the grace period of a Sberbank credit card ends at the moment when the new period is already in effect. Funds taken during this time will not be shown in the report and you should always remember this. They will appear only in the next one.

How can I find out the amount to pay?

To control your expenses and not get confused about loans, you need to adhere to a simple rule: pay on time the amount indicated in the report. To send reports, we use e-mail to the mailbox specified when drawing up the contract.

Using Mobile Banking you can control the movement of funds on your credit card.
In addition, you can check the operation of your credit card in your Sberbank Personal Account. To obtain the necessary information, you need to go into it and go to the “Maps” section. It provides all the information on expenses, debt amounts, and repayment time in a convenient form. You can generate a report at any time for any past period.

How to calculate the grace period of a credit card?

Mobile banking is convenient due to its efficiency. It allows you to receive a message on your mobile phone with complete information after each payment by credit card. In addition, the SMS indicates the date of return of money and the amount of payment.

Sample report

Let's take any date as a starting point, for example May 6th. As a result we get the following:
  • the reporting period will end on June 5, accordingly, on June 5 the report will be sent by mail;
  • The deadline for replenishing the interest-free loan account is June 24;
  • the next reporting period will begin on June 5;
  • the next period for preferential use of funds on the card is until July 24;
To obtain accurate information automatically, you can use an online calculator.

Online calculation calculator on the Sberbank website

To obtain accurate information on the loan taken, you can use a special tool available on the website.

The service is an easy-to-use calculator. All necessary preliminary information is entered in its columns: time of payment by credit card and amount. After entering the data, the service issues deadlines and payment amounts.

Obtaining detailed information about the effect of interest-free conditions

Not every transaction during the grace period is interest-free. This must always be remembered. This rule applies to paying for services or goods with a credit card, but does not apply to receiving cash or lending money to friends. You can check the list of preferential transactions with Sberbank employees by calling the Contact Center or contacting a bank branch.

Debt payment methods

The banking system can process any payment within three days, so it is better to pay off the debt in advance. Any of the following options is suitable for this:
  • through the cash desk at any Sberbank branch;
  • transferring funds from another account;
  • via ATM or online banking.

How are funds distributed when transferring large amounts to a card?

The payment amount indicated in the incoming report is the minimum possible to obtain a preferential loan. It is acceptable to transfer a large amount. Part of the funds will be used to pay off the debt, and the rest will simply be deposited into the account.

Credit cards are a fairly common thing; almost everyone has one. One of the important selection parameters is the grace period of the loan.

What is he?

A grace period is a special period when the borrower is provided with bank money free of charge. Those. the client makes purchases and pays with a credit card. And if he returns the money to the account within this period, then he will not need to pay payments in excess of the debt to the bank.

The grace period for a credit card is considered from the moment the debt arises, and if you do not have time to pay the debt before its end, you will have to pay interest for all days of using the bank’s funds.

Typically, the average length of the interest-free period on a credit card is about 50-60 days.

Each bank determines the number of days independently. Therefore, before concluding an agreement with a bank, the borrower needs to carefully read the terms and conditions of using a credit card.

It seems to many that the scheme for calculating grace periods in all banks is the same. However, this is a mistake. In fact, different banks calculate them differently. And knowledge of payment schemes will help the borrower use the card profitably.

How to calculate the grace period?

The first nuance that should be taken into account when using a credit card is Most banks provide an interest-free period only for non-cash payments. That is, you can pay for a phone purchase with a card or put money on the Internet, however, it will not be possible to withdraw them from an ATM.

Or rather, when cashing out funds from the account, the bank will begin to charge interest from the very first day. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, Rosbank. But you should still be careful.

The second and most important point is the calculation of the grace period. Here everything is more complicated and there may be more pitfalls. It all depends on the scheme.

Minimum/maximum period

A similar scheme is used by a huge number of banks, for example, VTB24, UniCredit and many others. According to it, the bank does not determine a single grace period for its cards. It may vary depending on the settlement date. And depending on it, the minimum and maximum periods will be determined on the credit card.

The minimum is usually 20-25 days, A maximum - up to 55. It turns out that the borrower needs to repay the debt by the 20-25th of the month following the billing month. Therefore, in order to calculate the grace period, you need to constantly keep a certain date in mind.

It turns out that if the purchase is made on October 1, then the debt can be repaid without interest in as many as 55 days, since the interest-free period is set until November 25. While if you pay by card on October 28, the interest-free period will be significantly reduced. After all, the date remains unchanged - November 25th.

Hence the conclusion: Using a credit card with this scheme is more profitable at the beginning of the month, but not at the end.

Report/account statement

Second option- the grace period is calculated 20-25 from the moment the report is generated. Sberbank uses this scheme.

In this case, you can calculate the grace period for a credit card as follows: for example, the reporting date is the 7th. On this day, the bank generates and sends a statement to the borrower. If the client makes a purchase on the 8th, then he is given a long grace period, because there is still a whole month until the 7th, plus another 20-25 days.

First payment from card

In accordance with this scheme, the grace period for a credit card must be calculated from the first payment on the credit card. The interest-free loan period itself is usually 50-60 days, and it is considered common for all purchases.

For example, the borrower purchased a refrigerator on May 1, and on May 12 he decided to also buy a microwave oven. Here the grace period lasts until June 29 for a period of 60 days. It turns out that the second and subsequent purchases are included in this period, and the debt on all of them must be repaid no later than June 29.

Fixed grace period

As a rule, it lasts 30 days and is valid for inexpensive credit cards. An individual interest-free period is formed for each purchase.

One-time increase in grace period

Some banks make very generous moves to attract customers. For example, when opening certain cards, the borrower is given a first interest-free period of use of 150-200 days.

It is very difficult to choose among all the variety of schemes. Therefore, for the convenience of users, a specialized section on credit cards with the most favorable grace period has been created on our website.

Any self-respecting bank today issues credit cards to its customers. Their main feature is an interest-free or grace period for using the institution’s money, or grace-period.

What exactly is the advantage?

A grace period is a time period during which money borrowed from a bank can be returned without interest. The main condition is to do this in full and before the end of the agreed period.

It would seem that this is an absolutely unprofitable service for the bank. In fact, today there are quite a lot of unnecessary people. They pay interest and penalties, providing banks with profits.

A responsible borrower, having wisely weighed all the pros and cons, will easily use the bank’s money, and will make his funds work for himself (by registering, for example, a deposit at a good interest rate).

Calculation features

Most consumers of banking services do not always delve into the issue and understand the grace period system. It's actually not difficult. Today banks divide the grace period into two parts. The first is about 30 days and allows you to make transactions on credit. The second, about 20-25 days, is intended to repay the loan. As a result, it turns out that the grace period can last up to 55 days (this depends on the day of purchase).

There are only two lending options offered by banks: the grace period begins either from the moment of registration of the purchase, or from a date deliberately set by the bank.

If the benefit begins on the date fixed by the bank

If you have a card with a grace period of this type, the period usually begins on the first day of the month or from the moment the card is activated, and it lasts on average 30 days. Moreover, all transactions are summed up, and before the end of the announced period they must be credited to the bank account.

Such a benefit is considered inconsistent, since, for example, a purchase made closer to the end of the month has a shorter period. But the payment date is the same from month to month. For consumers who make frequent purchases, this payment option is the most convenient. It is enough to remember the beginning and end of the grace period and the date of making the monthly payment. Typically, banks, in accordance with the terms of the grace period, send a monthly electronic statement to the client or an SMS message, which indicates the amount of debt and the deadline for depositing it with the bank.

If the benefit begins from the moment the transaction is completed

In this case, it would seem that everything is simpler. The period of interest-free repayment of bank funds begins from the date of purchase and lasts on average 30 days (depending on the specific institution). But if the owner of a card with a grace period makes many small purchases, there is a chance that they will simply get confused about the refund amounts and dates.

Possible problems

They can arise if the client at least once forgot to pay off the debt or make the required monthly payment. In this case, the bank will accrue interest both for the remaining loan period and for the preferential period. To pay off your debt, you can use one of three methods:

  1. Deposit the amount agreed by the bank at any of its branches.
  2. Deposit cash into the creditor bank account at any ATM.
  3. Make a cashless transfer at any convenient terminal.

One nuance needs to be taken into account here. Only money deposited at the issuing bank (first option) will be credited to the account on the same day. Payments from other banks can take up to three business days.

There is also a condition of the institution that issued the credit card, such as: This monthly payment is provided for in the agreement, and usually does not exceed 10% of the loan amount. Ignoring these payments, even if the borrower pays interest, risks penalties and blacklisting.

The best bank credit cards with a grace period

The majority of credit cards work according to this system: in the first thirty days, purchases are made using borrowed funds, which must be repaid in the next twenty days. But there are credit organizations that provide a grace period of up to two hundred days. The main condition that the client must comply with is the monthly payment. It is no more than 5% of the total debt amount.

Free loans from 60 to 200 days

Avangard Bank offers the maximum on a MasterCard or Visa card. It can be obtained by a client who has not taken out a loan or who has applied for the first time. The monthly fee for such a card is 10%.

If, after the seventh month from the date of issue of the card, the client does not pay the next installment, the bank charges interest for the entire 200 days of the grace period. In this case, the rate will increase from month to month.

The credit limit varies from 10 to 150 thousand rubles and is renewable.

No less profitable is a card with a grace period (Promsvyazbank bank) for 145 days. It is issued only to first-time applicants who have not used credit cards before. The interest-free period begins from the month the card was issued. Therefore, there will be more opportunities if you get it at the very beginning of the month. The credit limit at Promsvyazbank is 600 thousand rubles. For those who do not comply with the bank's conditions, the interest rate is 34.9%.

The Gemini card from Alfa Bank, which has already gained popularity, is interesting. You can use the money of this institution free of charge for one hundred days. The card is amazing because it has two working sides. One is credit, the second is debit. Naturally, the details are different, including the PIN code. The credit limit for Gemini is up to 300 thousand rubles, and interest, if you have to pay it, is 18.99%.

Interesting credit conditions are provided by the banks (with a grace period of 60 days on the card) Uralsib and Rosbank. The latter, in addition to the grace period, makes it possible to book travel services without being tied to any air carrier. The credit limit varies from 300 thousand rubles to a million, the interest rate is 24.9%.

Uralsib, in addition to the free first year of service, offers discounts at Lukoil gas stations.

The grace period of the Yar-Bank credit card lasts the standard 55 days. With relatively small percentages (17.5%) you can get up to a million rubles.

One of the favorite credit cards of gamers and admirers of new electronics is Kanobu from Tinkoff Bank. Credit Systems". The renewable amount on it is 700 thousand rubles. But this is not the main thing. When paying with a card on the Kanobu website, the user has a 10% discount, as, by the way, in partner stores that sell electronics. Interest beyond the grace period is 23.9. And withdrawing cash from this credit card is relatively inexpensive.

Cash by credit card? Please!

As you know, credit cards are not intended for cash withdrawals. But in the struggle for clients, banks began to make various concessions on issuing money from such cards. All nuances are specified in the contract. You need to get to know them carefully. Here are some of them:

  • The commission may be higher at a “foreign” ATM.
  • Commission for withdrawing your own funds is also a common occurrence.
  • If a paid withdrawal option is connected to your credit card, then most likely there is no commission, but there is also no grace period.
  • Withdrawal limits can be limited by day or month. Yes, and you can cash out the entire limit somewhere, and a small part somewhere.

Best offers to withdraw cash from your debit card

Today, more and more consumers of banking services are ordering credit cards for cash withdrawal. For such clients, debit cards began to have unique conditions. Let's look at them below.

Top banks

One of the leaders in this direction is Alfa Bank. There, the card is issued in two days using two documents. Equipped with all modern technologies that guarantee safety and make it easier to use.

This institution has one of the best Internet banking (“Alpha Click”), free SMS alerts, good cashback for purchases that can be made contactlessly, and a significant grace period (cash, by the way, is withdrawn without commission). Partner banks (they are indicated in the agreement) also offer free withdrawal of money. In other banks the commission will be 1%, but not less than 150 rubles. Credit limit - 750 thousand per month.

Raiffeisen Bank is not far behind with its Cash Card. It is drawn up according to one document. The interest rate is 34%. If you provide a certificate of income when concluding an agreement, the rate is reduced to 29%. Withdrawing money from the card is free not only at Raiffeisen Bank and Rosbank. One “but” - after cashing out, the grace period ends and interest is charged on everything.

A debit card from Soyuz Bank is issued free of charge, and there is no fee for annual servicing. Credit limit - ranging from 5,000 to 300,000 rubles. It is important to consider that Soyuz Bank does not provide a grace period. Interest is accrued on your own funds. It is issued using a passport, but only if the client participates in the bank’s salary project and his income for the previous three months was more than 10,000 rubles (net). The monthly payment is 10% of the principal plus interest and must be paid no later than the fifth day.

Cash is withdrawn without commission, but per day - no more than 180,000 rubles, and per month no more than 450,000.

"Just a credit card" from CitiBank is a unique banking product. Cash can be withdrawn anywhere in the world for free. There is also no fee for annual maintenance. The percentages are in the middle category - from 13.9 to 32.9%. The grace period - 50 days - does not apply to cash withdrawals. Note to clients: it costs 750 rubles to reissue a card in the office, but it’s free via the Internet!

The RosEvroBank salary program allows you to withdraw money for free using any credit card. It is issued only to participants in this program. The annual cost of the card depends on its specifications. But the interest rate and credit limit are considered by the bank individually for each client.

What does Sberbank offer?

The grace period in this credit institution is up to 50 days. However, to avoid interest charges, you must carefully study this offer.

The main thing to consider is that the grace period begins from the date of application for the card issue, and not from the moment of purchase, as in most banks. This date will be indicated on the envelope with the PIN code. This begins a free fifty-day period of using bank funds, twenty of which are considered a payment period. Payments for the reporting month must be made within this period. Thus, the grace period of 50 days is:

  • a reporting period of 30 days, at the end of which a payment document is generated (it indicates all purchases and the total amount),
  • a payment period that lasts 20 days.

The scheme for using a Sberbank credit card is approximately as follows:

  1. Application for card issue and activation.
  2. Using bank money for 30 days without going beyond the limit.
  3. Receive a reporting document for purchases made.
  4. Study the date of payment and its amount.
  5. Paying off another debt.

There is an opinion that if you withdraw cash from a credit card and return it on time, you will not have to pay back the interest. It is a myth. Sberbank provides a grace period only for non-cash payments. Once the money is cashed out (they will charge a fee), interest will be charged on the entire debt. And this is 24%.

If it is impossible to repay the entire required amount, interest is charged on borrowed funds at the lowest rate, and the client only needs to make the minimum payments. At Sberbank they make up 5%. If these contributions are not in the account, according to the agreement, fines will be charged and the interest rate will soar to 38%.

Post scriptum

Funds can be transferred from a Sberbank credit card to another in any convenient way via Internet banking, a terminal, or a mobile bank. The main thing here is to know that the transferred amount is equivalent to a cash withdrawal with all the ensuing consequences.

You can minimize interest when cashing out funds if you make a transfer through a terminal or the Internet to one of the electronic wallets, and then withdraw from them to a debit card. In this case, the commission will be 1.75%.