Choosing a regulatory framework for drawing up estimates (what to use FER, TER or TSN). Prices by type of work with explanation What is more expensive TSN or FER

How does the TSN database differ from the FER?

Very often the question is asked about how the FER database differs from TSN? In addition to the “external” differences that everyone is talking about, there are several more.

At the moment, there are many editions of the FER database, but from April 28, 2017, a new regulatory framework, the so-called “FER edition 2017” (you can read more about the adventures of this database) and the TSN Moscow database with addition 43 will come into effect.

Let's start with the level of use of the regulatory framework.

The FER 2017 database is used to calculate estimates using federal budget funds, and the TSN database is used for funds from the Moscow regional budget, but both databases have no restrictions on their use for preparing commercial estimates. The developers of regulatory frameworks are also different; information on the entry into force of these standards can be found in the register on the website.

Let's look at its appearance:

This is what the FER base looks like. We see pricing codes that are “familiar to the eye.”

And a completely different TSN Moscow pricing cipher containing the chapter number (the first digit before the dot).

Based on the difference in ciphers, we can conclude that impossibility of automatic conversion from one database to another.

As we can see, the composition of construction work is approximately the same, judging by the table of contents, but this does not mean that the costs will be the same. But the norms for labor costs and the cost of work at the basic and current levels differ very significantly. In addition, in the TSN-Moscow database itself there are prices that are not in the FER database; an example is the following screenshot - prices for city registration.

Also in the regulatory framework of TSN Moscow there are separate collections at the current price level.

I would also like to note the “open prices” in the TSN Moscow database - unaccounted resources in this database are displayed with the OKP code.

OKP is an all-Russian product codifier. Using this classifier, it becomes easier to select materials not included in the price.

In addition, another distinctive feature is the method of calculating the transportation of goods and construction waste. In the TSN database, transportation of garbage and soil is included in other costs and is not included in construction and installation work, and in the list of other works and costs for the FER database, transportation is not included, so this is construction and installation work.

Calculation of relocation of equipment in the TSN database is provided at separate prices. Whereas in the FER database - Costs for the relocation of construction machines, not included in the estimated prices for the operation of construction machines, are taken into account in the estimate documentation as a separate line based on calculations that take into account the actual conditions of transportation, installation and dismantling of machines in accordance with the work project.

In cases where deviations between the actual costs of relocating construction machinery and mechanisms and the costs provided for in the cost of 1 machine-hour of work of construction machinery exceed 10%, the cost of relocating construction machinery and mechanisms should be taken into account directly in local estimates, with the exception of the cost of 1 machine-hour of construction machines and the estimated cost of relocating them.

Let's look at the difference between charging overhead and budgeted profit. For the TSN database, different NR and SP for repair and construction work at the current price level are calculated, taking into account all possible coefficients and are contained in the indices.

The calculation of labor costs and joint ventures is carried out separately from the wages of the main workers and the wages of machine operators.

Overhead costs and estimated profits, calculated from the wages of workers employed in the main production, should be taken according to the standards put into effect on January 1, 2017 by order of Moskomekspertiza dated December 26, 2016 No. MKE-OD/16-73.

Overhead costs and estimated profit for the operation of construction machinery and mechanisms are determined respectively in the amount of 98% and 69% of the wages taken into account in the article “Operation of machines”. The NR and SP standards for driver salaries are the same for all rates.

And for the FER base we use the value of HP and SP from the MDS, taking into account the coefficients from the letters of the Ministry of Regional Development. Accordingly, for the TSN database there is no need to read through piles of letters about the rules for calculating, rounding and applying coefficients, as in the FER database, which greatly simplifies the calculation.

Clarifications on pricing reform, TERs, FER-2017 and FSIS

We get asked a lot of questions about the pricing reform being carried out by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the legality of using territorial cost estimates and normative bases, the federal pricing system being developed in construction, etc.

Unfortunately, there is no complete and accurate information on these issues, however, based on available documents, information from the website of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, analysis of the state of affairs with territorial and federal cost estimates and normative bases, we can draw the following conclusions.

1. The meaning of the reform of the pricing system is the transition to the resource method of calculation, in which only elemental estimate norms (GESN) and current resource prices are used. The FER and TER bases, as well as conversion indices to the current price level for these bases, will not be used. The relevant documents were adopted by the Ministry of Construction at the beginning of 2017 and published on the Ministry of Construction website and in all reference and legal systems. In these documents, the concept of estimated prices has also been significantly changed - they will no longer include transport and procurement and storage costs; in order to draw up estimate documentation, it will be necessary to make transport calculations. To implement this reform, it is planned to organize monitoring of prices for construction resources and transport services in all regions, for which the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation should create a special automated system.

2. At the beginning of October 2017, the State Federal Information System for Pricing in Construction (FGIS CS) began working on the website of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation at Currently, it includes the current federal cost estimate and regulatory framework (only GESN, FER are not published, as well as aggregated standards for the price of construction of NCS) and related regulatory documents, a catalog of construction resources (without base and current prices), a section for monitoring resource prices, in which organizations producing construction products must register and enter current prices for their products. As of November 20, 2017, in the section for monitoring current prices there is a list of registered organizations, but there are no actual current prices - in accordance with paragraph 3 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2016 No. 1452, estimated prices determined based on the results of monitoring prices of construction resources will be published December 15, 2017

The GS GESN published in the FSIS and the catalog of resources exactly correspond to the currently used FSNB in ​​the 2017 edition, that is, it is obvious that this is the basis that forms the basis of the ongoing pricing reform.

At a meeting held by the Ministry of Construction on November 16, 2017 for the subjects of the Central Federal District and Northwestern Federal District, the leadership of the Ministry of Construction called for more active filling of the base of current prices of construction resources, however, given that tens of thousands of prices are needed for each region, there is every reason to believe that over the past since the launch of the FSIS CS 2.5 months, the level of completion of the current price base will not be sufficient to develop estimate documentation for all regions.

3. Law of July 26, 2017 191-FZ adopted amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, Article 3 of the law states:

"Estimate standards (with the exception of consolidated construction price standards), rates, prices, methodological and other documents in the field of pricing and estimate standards in the field of urban planning activities, which are included in the federal register of estimate standards until September 30, 2017 or which are approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the manner established before July 3, 2016, apply until the date as of which the simultaneous fulfillment of the following conditions is ensured:

1) inclusion of information on the relevant estimate standards approved in accordance with Article 8.3 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by this Federal Law) in the federal register of estimate standards in the prescribed manner;

2) implementation of the estimate standards specified in paragraph 1 of this part;

3) placement in the federal state information system of pricing in construction of estimated prices of construction resources determined in accordance with Part 5 of Article 8.3 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by this Federal Law)."

It follows from this that the currently used territorial bases will remain in effect until, within the framework of the FSIS CS, information on resource prices for a given region is accumulated, sufficient for the preparation of estimate documentation.

4. According to available information, 2-3 regions will be selected for the pilot launch of the new pricing system (Bashkortostan and Tatarstan were named, but the situation may change depending on the state of monitoring of current prices as of December 15, 2017). The rest of the regions will work according to the old methods for now.

5. Some developers of estimate programs are ready to use the resource method of calculation, including the preparation of transport calculations. The rules for obtaining information on current prices from FSIS CA by developers of estimate programs have not yet been determined, however, all technical and organizational issues can be resolved.

We encourage surveyors to continue normal work and keep an eye on our newsletter. We will definitely help you with choosing an estimate program that fully supports innovations and the resource method of calculation (for many clients this is new).

Based on information provided by the Scientific and Technical Center "Hector".

Read about the latest addition 2 to FER-2017 and comments on its application

Available about TERs

TERs (territorial estimate standards) mean estimate standards that contain prices for construction work within the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. TERs make it possible to determine the required volumes of materials or other work resources required to perform a particular type of work. These standards make it possible to find the most optimal design solutions in terms of savings. Thus, TERs are mainly designed to save and optimize construction work.

Why regional rates?

Territorial estimated prices got their name due to the fact that they can only be applied in a certain territory and only there can they have their legal and actual force.

When and where exactly are federal unit rates applied?

Territorial estimate standards are designed for use in a specific region of the Russian Federation. On the one hand, it may seem that such a division is meaningless, however, from the economic point of view of a particular region, the view on the same construction project can be completely different. Factors such as the cost of materials, delivery times and prices, wages of builders, etc. ultimately affect the final cost. Accordingly, prices in the South of Russia may differ significantly from prices in the North. It was for the purpose of reasonable price differentiation that territorial unit prices were created. In the event that prices for certain types of work are not determined for the region in which the work is performed, FERs are applied. It is possible to use negotiated prices, that is, by mutual agreement between the customer and the contractor.

How are TERs compiled?

These collections, like some expensive ones, are developed by specialists from RCTS (regional Pricing Centers in Construction) of territorial entities of the Russian Federation. Then the prices are approved, registered and put into effect at the Federal State Institution Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Construction Materials Industry (FCTS). After this, TERs are included in the list of current regulatory documents. Accordingly, TER estimate may be compiled by several bodies.

TERs, like other prices, contain tables of prices for certain types of work, as well as chapters “Rules for calculating the volume of work” and “General instructions”.

Types of TEPs

Territorial unit prices can be grouped according to the degree of aggregation (combination), types of construction, as well as types of work.

By type of construction: general construction, special

By degree of aggregation: special structural elements, certain types of work

By purpose: for work in winter, for certain types of work, for the management of industrial enterprises under construction.

Depending on the types of construction: hydraulic, rural, industrial, housing and civil.

You can view estimates compiled in TERs at.

Information about what TEP is is relevant for estimators. Let's get to know her. The abbreviation stands for “territorial unit prices”. Estimates are drawn up in TER, FER, GESN. Territorial ones are developed individually for each subject. Entry into force is organized by the local administration. Registration of TER in RosStroy is mandatory, after which prices are included in the list of regulatory documents.

TER: where and how it is used

Territorial unit rates apply until cancelled. GosStroy can do this by issuing an order or decree. The currently valid collection is necessary to generate an estimate for If construction is associated with government agencies, TEP accounting is required. For non-state structures, prices are recommended, but they will have to be taken into account.

Working for itself, the company has the right to set its own prices. Participation in government auctions requires compliance with TEP. Since the standards are adopted in accordance with the prices in force at the time of approval, an index is used to obtain the current amount of expenses. A list of indices valid for the near future is published monthly. Knowing what TER is, and owning the index reissued on the 25th of the next month, they prepare a correct, accurate estimate for any construction.

Practical use

It is necessary to know how estimates are prepared in TERs if you have to:

  • government order;
  • construction;
  • participation in the tender;
  • installation;
  • design and survey work.

The ability to use TERs is valued by the contractor.

Estimate: theory and practice

When constructing a building, you cannot do without an estimate. As follows from Article 743 of the current code, the key documents for any facility under construction are:

  • work agreement;
  • basis for payment;
  • estimate.

Knowing what TEP is, estimates are drawn up correctly.

The estimate records:

  • marginality;
  • cost price;
  • price of materials;
  • cost of equipment;
  • construction time;
  • equipment costs.

An estimate is drawn up taking into account the following nuances:

  • specifics of the region;
  • title of work;
  • scope of work;
  • correctness of odds (season, crowded conditions, etc.);
  • current index.

The estimate is drawn up based on:

  • list of works;
  • volumes of work.

With a correctly formed design sheet, data on the composition and scope of work is given to the estimator in advance. When renovating a building, an estimate can be drawn up without the involvement of professionals.

When working with a municipal or federal client, the contractor uses the TEP of the customer’s region. Even if the company is based in another region, and the work will be carried out in a third region, the indices and coefficients of the area where the organization requiring the services is registered are taken into account.

In the case where the work is financed from the federal budget and the construction site is located in Moscow, the cost increase index is used. This indicator was created based only on construction and repairs in the capital. When a developer works on the territory of Moscow with funds allocated from the municipal budget, taking into account TSN-2001.

Unit prices

The regulatory framework is unit prices, compiled for ease of use into reference collections.

Unit prices are expressed financial resources required for the success of the planned work.

TER are compiled for the following catalogs:

  • construction;
  • repair;
  • installation;
  • commissioning;
  • landscaping;
  • technical support.

Computers to help estimators

It’s not easy to master, even knowing the terms of this area and having a sample in front of your eyes. Computer systems have been developed to help estimators calculate objects. When using them, you will still have to know what TEP is, but the process is greatly simplified. The program already contains standard amounts, there is a function for updating the index, the finished document is generated on an accepted form, taking into account state standards.

“On the knee”, construction in TER can be calculated in Excel, but the use of special software guarantees the accuracy of the obtained figures. The estimate program will save time and, based on the entered data, will be able to quickly generate documents of several samples. Daily automatic updates guarantee the relevance and correctness of the results.

Summing up

So, we can safely say that the concept of TERs is necessary for every self-respecting estimator. This helps to correctly draw up the documentation accompanying the construction. The use of TEP expands the company's capabilities, allowing it to participate in auctions.

When hiring an estimator, it is in the employer’s interest to test the specialist. Skills in using TER, the ability to distinguish territorial from federal prices, the ability to master new software systems for construction calculations - these are the key skills of a skilled worker.