VTB - news, reviews and descriptions, employees and top officials. VTB corrects the board of VTB 24, head of the rental department

All lending organizations in the country are divided into two main categories: there are institutions with state support (state banks) and private ones (without state support). Many people are mistaken when they classify VTB Bank as a private organization. However, it is a government-backed bank and has its own functions inherent in such institutions.

History of VTB creation

In 1990, the Foreign Trade Bank was established, the purpose of which was to work on the Russian foreign economy and contribute to the international economy. Exactly three months later, Vneshtorgbank received a license to carry out financial transactions of any kind and type. The founders of the company are the State Bank and the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

The first achievement of the organization was entering the ranking of institutions with the highest capitalization: already in 1994, Vneshtorgbank appeared in 425th place out of 1000.

Composition of VTB Group

The VTB Group of Companies has a unique international structure, which allows us to develop cooperation with other countries and organizations and promote Russian companies to international markets. All companies included in the group have common logos, development strategies, centralized management systems, management and control processes.

The group's structure is very extensive and includes investment and insurance companies, a non-state pension fund and lending institutions scattered around the world.

History of VTB development

From the moment it received a license to conduct all types of financial transactions, VTB began to actively develop. Entering the TOP 1000 in 1994 was the first signal of the emergence of a new major player in the financial market.

1997 - the bank was transferred to the legal form of an open joint-stock company, after which the Central Bank of the Russian Federation became the owner of the largest share of shares - 97%.

2001 was a period of active growth of the organization. At this time, VTB rises in the list of banks with high capitalization to 222nd place, thanks to an increase in authorized capital. Now the amount is 42.1 billion rubles, and the Central Bank's share has increased to 99.9% of the shares.

2002 – change of the leading shareholder of VTB. The state bought the share from the Central Bank and became the priority owner of the stake. At this time, the leadership within the organization changes: Andrei Kostin becomes the chairman of the board, and the composition of managers changes. The goal of further work is to strengthen current positions, increase the quantity and quality of services provided, and introduce VTB and its branches into all financial areas.

2005 - acquisition of Guta Bank and launch of the VTB 24 project on its basis. At the same time, VTB is strengthening its position in the North-West of the country: for this purpose it is purchasing the Industrial Construction Bank.

2007 – VTB was publicly recognized as the most transparent of all Russian banks. What events are unfolding at this time? The company publicly places its shares for sale, as a result of which the number of shareholders increases. These are ordinary citizens, Russian and foreign investors and funds. The number of managers is increasing: an audit committee and management have been created to work with investments.

In 2008, VTB received the first license in Russia to locate banks and branches in India and China. Abroad, the company's name is now VTB Capital plc.

2009 is a time of crisis for the institution. Despite the deteriorating situation in the financial market, thanks to the right strategy, VTB went beyond the established framework and exceeded its plans and objectives in several important indicators. Attraction of assets increased by 4%, on loans by 3%, the growth of client funds was 21%, and total interest income increased by 10%.

From 2010 to 2013, the organization continued to grow as part of a group of companies. Assets increased 2 times, client money - 2.7 times. Additionally, the Bank of Moscow and TransCreditBank joined the group. The creation of Leto Bank further strengthened its position in the financial market; Leto Bank was recognized as the most successful young bank in 2013.

2014-2016 is a time of increasing efficiency and quality. Together with Russian Post, “Pochta Bank” was created, instead of the “Leto” brand. A large number of set plans were exceeded, several banks were merged into a single VTB group.

Owners and management

Who owns VTB? As before, the leading owner of the institution’s shares is the Government of the Russian Federation; it has a controlling stake - 60.9% of the capital. VTB management consists of a board and a supervisory board. President - Andrey Leonidovich Kostin, is on the board of the bank and is its chairman

Composition of board members:

Composition of the supervisory board:

Affiliated companies

The VTB Group of Companies is actively developing in several countries: Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. There are VTB branches and ATMs for non-cash withdrawals for clients and partners.

Subsidiary organizations are located in Germany, Great Britain, Serbia, Georgia, Angola and the island of Cyprus. There are several additional branches in China, Singapore and India - one per country.

Social responsibility

VTB actively provides social support in several areas: culture, sports, healthcare, technology. A special project “VTB – Russia” has been created, where the bank’s activities in charitable and sponsorship matters are broadcast.

Where does VTB sponsorship go?

  • To museums, galleries and theaters: Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters and P. Fomenko Workshop.
  • Sports clubs: FC Dynamo, HC Dynamo, rally team Kamaz-Master, Russian women's basketball team, Volleyball, Artistic Gymnastics and Athletics Federations.

In healthcare, funds go to various foundations, such as the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, “Old Age in Joy”, “House with a Lighthouse” and many others. Help is periodically sent to various medical institutions throughout Russia and the Republic of Karelia.

The VTB Russia project is organized as a means of transmitting information to residents. Social networks cover various events, sports and cultural, that are in any way related to the activities of VTB.

Independent review of VTB Bank

What is this credit institution? VTB is the pinnacle of the group of financial companies. The main specialization is servicing corporate clients, legal entities and individuals.

What products does VTB provide to its clients?

  • Cash service;
  • Sale and purchase of precious metals;
  • Issuance of loans, mortgages, cards.
  • Opening accounts and deposits.
  • For financial institutions there are services for investing funds, clearinghouses, and lending.

The organization places great emphasis on corporate clients and their service. Some banking products are available only to organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

Geography of office locations

The headquarters of VTB is located in Moscow on Vorontsovskaya Street, the bank is registered in St. Petersburg. Branches and ATMs are located in all regions of the country and abroad; in Moscow alone there are 215 branches throughout the city, excluding the region and free-standing ATMs.

How to find a VTB branch?

  • You need to go to the website and find the “Branches and ATMs” button.
  • Enter the city if the location is not automatically determined.
  • Select the method of providing information: filtered list, metro map or on a map.
  • The bank has a free hotline that every resident of Russia can contact regarding service issues. Phone number: 8-800-100-24-24, for calls from anywhere in the country.

    List of banks with state participation 2019

    Which organizations are considered banks with state participation? These are those institutions in whose work the state participates fully or partially. There are different types of government intervention:

    • full participation;
    • partial;
    • indirect;
    • created in accordance with federal laws.

    Full state participation means the government owning a 100% stake in the bank. Such organizations are: Rosselkhozbank, Russian Capital Bank.

    Partial participation is the state's ownership of a leading block of shares. Banks with partial state participation include: VTB with a state share of 60.9% of the share portfolio, Sberbank with a state share of 50% plus 1 share, Gazprobank has shareholders in the form of DIA and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, owning a 70% share.

    Indirect government participation is when the government owns a bank through one or more controlled entities. VTB24 was such a bank before its merger with the VTB group of companies.

    There is only one financial institution created under federal law in Russia: the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This is the largest organization whose goal is to strengthen the banking system in the country, protect the Russian currency and stabilize payment systems and the financial market as a whole.

    Name Type of state participation Share of shares owned by the state Leading shareholder
    RosselkhozbankComplete1 Government of the Russian Federation
    Russian Capital Bank1
    OpeningPartial0.99 TSB RF
    Gazprombank0.7 Government of the Russian Federation
    Sberbank50% plus one share

    Some of the country's largest banks are in no way related to lending organizations with state participation and are completely commercial: Tinkoff, Alfa Bank. The state does not have the slightest share of shares in these financial institutions, and therefore cannot manage the affairs of these organizations.

    Features of preferential programs with state support

    VTB has several programs for large and young families in the field of mortgage lending and automobile lending. What are the features of these products?

    • Fixed rate. It will be impossible to reduce it, since it is offered under special conditions.
    • A predetermined maximum loan amount and, accordingly, the cost of a car or apartment.
    • The decision to issue a loan under preferential programs is made by VTB Bank, and not by the state or the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
    • Pensioners may receive the right to repay interest on the loan using public funds.

    The conditions for the products are quite simple and anyone can familiarize themselves with them on the official VTB website in special sections on lending.

    Functions of state banking institutions

    The Central Bank of Russia has clarified the functions of credit institutions with municipal support. In addition to their main obligations to provide financial services to the public, such banks must:

    • help in improving the economic condition of the country and the distribution of fixed capital.
    • actively form the investment market, stock and exchange services.
    • to form a positive attitude of citizens towards the financial system.
    • provision of insurance programs for deposits and bank accounts.

    They are also obliged to provide all additional financial services at the client’s request.

    Pros and cons of state presence in banking activities

    What advantages do banks with state participation have?

    • High degree of trust from clients.
    • In the event of a crisis, “public” institutions receive the necessary support from the government.
    • Stable rates on loans, mortgages and deposits.

    In addition to the positive aspects, there are also negative ones:

    • The probability of loan refusals is higher than that of private banks.
    • The requirements for additional documents are higher: to obtain a loan you must provide certificates.
    • Rates on lines of credit tend to be higher.

    Financial organizations with state support evoke a greater sense of trust among Russian citizens. In fact, whether a bank belongs to a private form of development or to a state one makes no difference: the reliability of the company is assessed by special services, for example RA-Expert.

    All results of bank reliability checks and assessments are published on service websites and are publicly available to all clients. Thus, Alfa Bank, which has nothing to do with state support, is among the ten best banks in the country in the DIA rating for reliability.

    VTB is a reliable financial organization whose history has proven that with the right development strategy, great success can be achieved. At the moment, the bank is considered quite young and one of the most promising institutions in Russia, with branches located throughout Russia and in many other countries.

    The president of VTB24 found a place in the merged bank.

    The VTB Group has decided on the fate of the current president of VTB24, Mikhail Zadornov, in the merged bank. According to Kommersant, he will become another first deputy chairman of the board of VTB and will oversee finance, operations and personnel. He will completely step away from retail management; the current deputy chairman of the board of VTB24, Anatoly Pechatnikov, will become the global curator of this area in the merged bank. Other top managers of VTB24 will not join the board of the merged bank.

    Several sources close to VTB told Kommersant about the management reform at VTB. According to them, on Tuesday the employees were informed about the upcoming changes by an official letter. “The new structure was approved in connection with the merger of VTB and VTB24, which is now headed by Mikhail Zadornov, on January 1, 2018,” one of Kommersant’s interlocutors clarified. According to the new scheme, VTB Chairman of the Board Andrei Kostin will have three first deputies: the current ones, Yuri Solovyov and Vasily Titov, and Mikhail Zadornov, who will be responsible for finance, accounting, operations, and personnel.

    Deputy Chairman of the Board of VTB Herbert Moos, who currently oversees the financial block of VTB, in the same position will deal with strategic issues and investor relations (IR), he will report directly to the head of VTB Andrey Kostin. Risks will also remain an independent area, under the supervision of VTB Deputy Chairman of the Board Mikhail Sukhov. Victoria Vanurina, who left the VTB board at the end of May and was responsible for operational activities, according to Kommersant’s interlocutors, is moving to VTB Capital. In addition to Mikhail Zadornov, Anatoly Pechatnikov will join the board of the merged bank from among the top managers of VTB24. He will become the global curator of VTB's retail business as deputy chairman of the board. Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, the current head of retail at VTB Bank, will remain on the board and will work in Mr. Pechatnikov’s team.

    The VTB press service on Tuesday confirmed the corresponding changes in the management structure in connection with the merger of banks.

    Determining the role of Mr. Zadornov in the merged bank was the most difficult issue, Kommersant’s interlocutors indicate. “As for Mikhail Mikhailovich (Zadornov - Kommersant), we have not completed this work yet,” VTB President Andrei Kostin admitted on June 1. “I am conducting intensive negotiations with him about his functionality, we still have differences in positions.” Since the decision was made in 2016 to merge VTB24 into VTB (this issue has been discussed since 2014), there have been discussions about the place and powers of Mikhail Zadornov in the merged bank. In 2016, according to Kommersant’s interlocutors, an option was even discussed in which Mr. Zadornov could share management of the bank with Andrei Kostin. “There was an idea for Mikhail Zadornov to take up the operational management of the bank in the position of chairman of the board of VTB, and Andrei Kostin, as president, to concentrate on strategic issues,” says one of Kommersant’s interlocutors. “However, such a design was not supported in the government.” Last December, Mr. Zadornov joined the board of the parent bank VTB, and it seemed obvious that there he would continue to be the global curator of retail. However, at the end of May he unexpectedly resigned from the VTB board. At the same time, it was announced that the VTB Supervisory Board approved the candidacy of Anatoly Pechatnikov for election to the position of deputy chairman of the board, and he would oversee the retail business of the VTB Group. According to Kommersant’s interlocutors, the continuation of Mr. Zadornov’s career in the VTB group was in question at that moment; there was a risk that he could leave the group after the reorganization. A few days later, Mr. Kostin announced that he was discussing a new area of ​​responsibility with him.

    Experts agree that the decision to appoint Mikhail Zadornov as supervisor of operational, financial and personnel issues in the merged bank is the right choice. “Mikhail Zadornov is a very strong manager who knows how to identify pain points and smooth them out,” says Morgan Hunt partner Maria Yankovskaya. “VTB is facing a profound transformation of its entire business and the final consolidation of assets,” agrees Mr. Hunt owner Aramis Karimov. “Under these conditions, tasks in the field of finance and operational support for such a large-scale business are clearly key.”

    I had the opportunity to become part of the team of one of the largest banks in the country - VTB24. Based on the accumulated experience and emotions, I would like to leave a review about working in this bank, namely in the Customer Service Department under the leadership of the head of the department Z.E.V.

    The department employs about 60 people (I can’t say for sure, because such information has never been communicated to “mortals”), divided into 2 groups. My activities were carried out specifically in the group for issuing cards and preparing documents. I won’t talk about the pros/cons and structure of the work of the second group, because... Unfortunately, the head of the department completely shielded us from it and we never had the opportunity to simply get to know our colleagues. My job was to issue salary cards to clients on the territory of the organization. Despite the apparent simplicity of such work, there were enough difficulties in it. Basically, these difficulties were associated with the tyranny of our boss (Z.E.V.). In order not to be unfounded, I will give some examples:
    1. Processing for at least 3-4 hours on a daily basis (issuing cards “until the last client” + a trip to the office to process issued cards + preparing documents for the next issue + preparing documents on issued cards for transfer to the archive)
    2. Coordination of the start of issuing cards to clients at an indecently early morning (departure from the office at 5-30 - 6 am. To the question “How to get to work at this time of day?” the answer came in the style of the Head of the Department: “If you don’t like it - an application for A4 (dismissal on your own." We are all client-oriented and ready to work, but there is a misunderstanding of the fact why, during such a working day, it is impossible to treat your employees humanely and give them the opportunity to get some sleep the next day (they cannot come to work or go directly to the client by 9-00, and later).
    3. The attitude of Z.E.V., I’m not afraid of this word, is like that of animals who do not need to sleep, eat, rest, see their family, children, etc. There is only one answer to any question/misunderstanding: “If you don’t like it, write a statement on A4.” At the same time, I would like to note that Z.E.V. always leaves before his subordinates.
    4. Complete lack of growth within the department. This is due to the fact that Zakharov E.V. recruits exclusively “its own” people for vacant vacancies. Mostly these are his friends/acquaintances, who are well over twenty and who are not very intelligent and quick-witted. Our department is gradually turning into a gathering of people of “pre-retirement” age. At the same time, wage indexation and raises for such people occur noticeably more often than among us, “mere mortals.”
    5. No freedom of speech. Under no circumstances should you speak out at any meeting so as not to anger your boss and put yourself and your job at risk.
    6. Partial deprivation of bonuses is in the order of things. There is no point in clarifying the reason, otherwise the situation will repeat itself in the next quarter.

    This is only a small part of the things that were key to my dismissal. I would like to note an excellent team of guys who began to fall apart as our department head’s crown increased and will continue to fall apart in the future.

    To summarize, I can say one thing: I am completely satisfied with VTB24 Bank as an excellent employer, I liked the team of the department (before our bosses started “collapsing” it), I was generally satisfied with my salary, but working under the leadership of Z.E.V. neither physically nor mentally unbearable.

    The amount of the insured amount has been doubled - from 700 thousand to 1 million 400 thousand rubles. Even if the bank experiences difficulties, the state guarantees the return of this amount. Deputies also considered other important bills designed to maintain the stability of the financial system.

    To ensure the stable operation of the banking system, it is planned to allocate one trillion rubles from the budget to the Deposit Insurance Agency. To prevent these funds from being thrown onto the foreign exchange market, the Accounts Chamber will strictly monitor their spending.

    If necessary, deputies will be able to receive information about the movement of funds on a daily basis. As the Minister of Finance explained, this gigantic amount - a trillion rubles - will first go to the Deposit Insurance Agency, and then can be spent on helping banks, but not all, but the most important players - for regions or sectors of the economy.

    “Banks will be selected based on systemic importance, that is, based on the volume of settlements that the bank makes, the volume of deposits that the bank has, and based on the need to support capital. A trillion will provide the opportunity to increase the capital of the banking system by approximately 13%. But I want to say that this is not real money. This is money that we invest in capital and receive back bank bonds. This money will ultimately be returned to the DIA and ultimately to the budget,” said Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. .

    This money is necessary so that banks can pay each other, lend to businesses and fulfill obligations to private clients.

    “An important issue is the issue of decapitalization of banks in the amount of 1 trillion rubles. The measure is certainly necessary, important, it inspires a certain optimism for people, they do not have to worry about their deposits,” says the chairman of the RF State Duma Committee on Health Protection, member LDPR faction Sergei Kalashnikov.

    Under another law, large banks will be able to receive almost 400 billion rubles from the National Welfare Fund.

    In addition, an important amendment was adopted to increase insurance compensation for deposits exactly 2 times - from 700 thousand rubles to 1.4 million rubles.

    “In 2008, this measure to raise the amount of insurance compensation played a very important stabilizing role. Let’s hope that the same thing will happen this time,” said banking analyst Dmitry Miroshnichenko.

    “This will certainly increase the attractiveness of bank deposits for the population, ruble deposits, and partly this will relieve the population’s excitement for foreign currency. According to my calculations, this year the population will have 2-3 trillion rubles left, which they should have brought in ruble deposits, but they didn’t do it,” says HSE professor Alexander Abramov.

    90% of clients of Russian banks have deposits not exceeding 1 million 400 thousand.

    “This is very important in any development of events. Despite the fact that the state supports the banking system, but even if something suddenly happens to any bank, all the funds of citizens there from today will be secured financially, secured by law. These funds will be provided by amendments to law and the budget,” says Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, member of the United Russia faction Andrei Makarov.

    “The main task is to convince our people that their savings will not be lost under any circumstances, so increasing the deposits of Russians in banks to 1 million 400 thousand is the first step. I am sure that there will be additional steps, but today deposits in Russian banks are guaranteed state, they are protected by this law and this increased rate,” notes Oleg Nilov, member of the RF State Duma Committee on Transport, deputy head of the “A Just Russia” faction.

    “This norm should be extended not only to personal deposits, but also to the accounts of medium and small businesses. If a normal small business, then it has no more than a million or one and a half million in its accounts. They should also be taken under guarantee,” says a member of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on health protection, first deputy head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction Sergei Reshulsky.

    But for now, the law on deposit insurance applies only to individuals. Thus, soon, if the bank’s license is revoked, its depositors will be able to count on a refund of up to 1 million 400 thousand rubles. The Duma adopted all these documents during the day, without waiting for the evening voting hour.

    “We must tell all people: calm down. Those who today call on you to buy dollars, those who today tell you that the government and parliament, the state is not taking any measures, are provocateurs. And it doesn’t matter for what purpose they do this. Those those who want to make money on the market or those who want to get political dividends from your fears. This is what we are talking about. And this is not a high style of conversation, this is a professional style of conversation for one simple reason, that you can throw out a few false numbers, but I understand. great, to refute each of these figures, you need hours of speeches, but you are not interested in listening to the truth, you now want to try to gain the popularity of voters in a cheap way,” says Andrei Makarov.

    The laws will not come into force today - they must pass through the Federation Council, and then will be sent to the President for signature. The market has already responded to new bills and other decisions by increasing the ruble exchange rate and increasing rates on ruble deposits.

    “Taking into account the situation on the financial market, VTB-24 Bank decided to increase the rate on ruble deposits. On average, rates will be increased by 2.5 points,” says Vice President of VTB-24 Bank Yuri Kozlov.

    In Sberbank, the maximum rate on deposits in rubles exceeds 10% (10.29%), in VTB -12% (12.5%), in Gazprombank - 9% (9.40%), in the Bank of Moscow - 14%, in Rosselkhozbank - 17%, Alfa-Bank - 19% (19.56%).

    “High interest rates on deposits will attract investors to ruble assets and reduce interest in dollar assets. The dollarization of the economy will stop occurring, and the demand for rubles will increase,” says financial analyst Timur Nigmatullin.

    The Central Bank considers the measures taken to be sufficient to reduce pressure on the capital of credit institutions. And Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in the evening in an interview with the TASS agency that the additional capitalization of Russian banks by 1 trillion. rubles will cover the needs of credit institutions with a reserve under any set of circumstances.