Types of accommodation. Accounting entries for deposits and interest Placement of funds in deposit accounts

When a company has available funds, the best solution would be to place them on a bank deposit to generate additional income. Unlike large investment projects, such an investment will not bring much profit, but is associated with fewer risks. There are several important nuances that distinguish a deposit for individuals from a deposit for a legal entity.

Types of deposits for legal entities

There are several types of deposits, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • The Demand Deposit is different in that funds can be withdrawn from it at any convenient time. This type is convenient for carrying out current calculations. It has a relatively low yield (up to 2%).
  • Funds from a fixed deposit can only be withdrawn after a specified period.
  • A conditional deposit assumes that the client transfers funds to the bank for safekeeping until the condition specified in the contract occurs.
  • The NAU deposit account can be used for daily payments, with interest accruing on the balance.
  • In the bank where the organization's current accounts are maintained, a deposit may be opened for the period of service. Funds from the deposit can be used to make payments.
  • A deposit with the possibility of lending allows you to receive a loan from a bank after having previously accumulated an agreed amount in your account.
  • For some deposits, interest may be paid in advance, but the main part of the funds can be withdrawn only after the specified period.
  • If you plan to keep money in the bank for a long time, use a deposit with a progressive interest rate, which increases depending on the term.

To get maximum income and use your funds most profitably, study the bank’s conditions in detail and choose the best option.

How to open a deposit?

The procedure for registering a deposit for corporate clients also has its own characteristics. To open a deposit, an organization needs to provide a number of documents. Their list varies depending on the type of organization and the security rules of a particular bank. After checking the documents and copies, the company representative fills out the questionnaire, forms and signs an agreement with the bank. Funds are transferred by wire transfer from a current account to a deposit account. The bank has the right to refuse to open a deposit for a client if the tax authorities have made a decision to suspend the legal entity’s activities.

The contract states:

  • in what currency the deposit will be made;
  • deposit amount;
  • contract time.

Placing funds in a current account can also generate income. You can enter into an agreement under which interest will be accrued on the minimum or average monthly account balance. In this case, the bank stipulates the minimum placement amount, the period for maintaining the balance and the interest rate individually for each corporate client.

Available operations

After concluding the contract, the client can:

  • use Internet banking;
  • manage your accounts;
  • control the execution of operations;
  • withdraw funds or accrued interest from the deposit in accordance with the terms of the agreement;
  • seek advice from bank employees.

You can withdraw the initial deposit amount at any time, but in this case the bank client will lose the accumulated interest and may be forced to pay a penalty.


General conditions for holding funds:

  • The deposit amount cannot be lower than the amount established by the bank.
  • The bank must open a separate account for each deposit.
  • All information provided by the client and information about deposit transactions cannot be transferred to third parties, with the exception of representatives of law enforcement agencies.

The package of documents for opening a deposit varies depending on the type of legal entity.

Documents for individual entrepreneurs:

  • tax registration certificate;
  • licenses or patents (if they are necessary to carry out the activities of an individual entrepreneur);
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs received no more than 30 days ago;
  • copy and original passport;
  • copies of financial statements, tax returns, auditor's report.

A resident legal entity must provide:

  • constituent documents;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authorities;
  • a license giving the right to carry out activities;
  • documents that confirm the powers of the executive body (orders, protocols);
  • power of attorney to conclude an agreement with the bank;
  • identification documents of the person who signs the contract.

A non-resident legal entity provides the bank with copies of documents certified by the consulate (embassy) of the Russian Federation:

  • documents that confirm the registration of a person in the territory of a foreign state in accordance with local legislation;
  • constituent documents;
  • power of attorney in the name of the person concluding the agreement and his passport;
  • extracts or copies of orders and instructions that confirm the appointment of the organization’s leaders;
  • samples of seals and signatures;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate certified by a notary.

How is interest taxed?

The creation of any type of deposit by an organization must be reported to the tax service. You will have to pay tax on income from deposits if the deposit rate is higher than the refinancing rate established by the Central Bank. If the deposit is opened from December 15, 2014 to December 31, 2015, then income from deposits is taxed if the deposit rate is greater than the refinancing rate increased by 10 units. For deposits opened later than January 1, 2017, the Central Bank rate should be increased by 5 units.

Only the difference in percentage is taxed. Currently, the rate set by the Central Bank is 8.25%. For a deposit made in 2015 with a rate of 20%, tax must be paid on the difference equal to 1.75%. The tax amount is withheld automatically and is 35%. The tax base is calculated separately for each deposit. Currently, Sberbank offers corporate clients a rate from 3.3 to 6.21% depending on the term, deposit amount and currency (rubles, dollars, euros). Rates in other banks are higher and reach 12%.

Possible problems

The deposit helps the organization generate additional income, but there are several nuances that need to be taken into account before concluding an agreement:

  • Due to the fact that income from a deposit may be taxed, it is not profitable to choose a bank with high interest rates.
  • Deposits of legal entities are not insured by the state. To protect its funds, a legal entity can independently take out insurance.
  • A foreign currency deposit can only be opened by an organization that has a license for foreign exchange transactions.
  • Banks charge an additional fee for opening a deposit, filling out an agreement, working as an operator, withdrawing and depositing funds.
  • Pay attention to the limits on withdrawals, deposits and transfers of funds that the bank sets.

Procedure for closing a legal entity's deposit

The account may be closed due to the termination of the enterprise's activities, reorganization of a legal entity, or at the initiative of the bank. The client may also wish to transfer funds to another bank offering more favorable conditions. To close the deposit, you must present identification documents. The application can be written by the person who opened the account or another authorized employee of the organization. Only the person for whom the individual entrepreneur is registered can close the deposit of an individual entrepreneur.

You must write an application in the form prescribed by the bank. After this, you need to withdraw funds from the account. Funds must be withdrawn no later than seven business days. The account balance can be transferred to another account or received in cash. The responsibility for notifying the tax authorities about the closure of the account rests with the bank.

The banking service agreement can be terminated only if the client has no debts, including to the tax authorities. The bank may terminate the agreement unilaterally if there are no funds in the account for two or more years, by a court decision or in case of financial violations on the part of the client.

Greetings, dear readers of the “site”! Today we will talk about a deposit: what it is, what types of deposits there are in banks, where and how to open a profitable deposit. After all, many are interested in ways to earn passive income, and not the least of them is bank deposits.

From the article you will also learn:

  • how does a deposit differ from a deposit;
  • how to become the owner of a deposit account;
  • which banks have the best conditions for deposits;
  • how to correctly calculate the profitability of a bank deposit.

And at the end of the publication you will find answers to the most popular questions on this topic.

So, let's go!

About what a deposit is in simple words, what deposits exist in banks, how to calculate correctly and where it is profitable to open a deposit - read our article

Bank deposits have remained at the peak of popularity for many years. The main reason for this is accessibility. However, not everyone understands what the features of this financial instrument are.


Definition of a bank deposit, its features and advantages

First of all, you need to clearly understand what a bank deposit is.– these are funds that the depositor voluntarily transfers for safekeeping to a credit institution (bank).

There are several main features of a deposit:

  1. registration through a contract, drawn up in writing and signed by both parties;
  2. opening a specialized account;
  3. repayment means that the funds transferred to the bank belong to the depositor by right of ownership, the credit institution is obliged to return them;
  4. urgency involves the return of money to the investor within the time limits fixed by the contract;
  5. paid means that the bank pays the depositor interest for the opportunity to earn money on his funds.

Banks accept funds from customers in order to make money from them.

📑 Let's give an example:

Suppose the depositor deposited into an account at a credit institution 50 000 rubles under 10 % per annum. Through 12 months she will return to the client already 55,000 rubles . Accordingly, the bank's expenses will be 5 000 . If he gives the same amount to another client as a loan against 20 %, then will receive income in the amount 10 000 . As a result, the profit of the credit institution will be 5 000 rubles This is how the bank makes money. Of course, the numbers in the example are conditional, but they help to understand the essence of the process.

If we consider a bank deposit from the point of view of the depositor, it allows you to get 2 main advantages:

  1. Payment for lost profits. In other words, if you do not deposit funds, they can be used in other ways. By refusing alternative options, the investor loses possible benefits. Therefore, the bank pays him compensation in the form of interest.
  2. Protecting savings from the effects of inflation. If you keep money in a piggy bank, it quickly depreciates. So, if savings are 1 million rubles, and inflation - 10 %, already in 5 years from them will remain the equivalent of today 590 thousands of rubles. IN past year, official inflation in Russia amounted to 4,2 % . If the savings were placed at a higher rate, their owner was able to protect them from depreciation. Read more about it in simple words and what are the reasons for its occurrence in our article.

👉 At its core, a bank deposit is one of the most reliable ways to invest. The high level of security is due to the fact that deposits are under state protection . They are insured in case of bankruptcy of a credit institution.

The rate on bank deposits is significantly below ↓ than returns from other investment methods. This is explained by the basic principle of investment: the higher the level of risk, the greater the profitability the owner of the capital will have to provide in order for him to transfer his funds to you for management.

If you want to earn more, you should choose other investment options. It can be , securities, real estate. However, to use such investments you will need knowledge in the field of finance, or you will have to transfer the funds to a professional for whose services you need to pay. If you ignore these rules, the risk of losing your investment will be too great.

Thus, the use of bank deposits carries certain benefits, both for the credit institution and for the owner of capital. Basic advantages are presented in the table below.

Table: "Advantages for the bank and the owner of capital when opening a deposit"


History of the deposit The word deposit is of Latin origin. Depositum

essentially represents property that has been transferred for storage.

The history of bank deposits Scientists associate the appearance of deposits with ancient Babylon And Hellas . This era is usually called temple stage

in the development of banking activities.

The income of the temples consisted of offerings, fines and through the transfer of land for use. To preserve and increase savings, the priests lent money to parishioners, receiving interest for it. Subsequently, in order to earn and increase capital, they began to attract deposits. The money received was also loaned. As a result, due to the difference in percentages for receiving and placing funds, the temples made a profit. In Russia, the first commercial bank was opened in the form of a joint stock company in 1864 2 . During the first 4 - years of work, about

million rubles.

1.3. What is the difference between a deposit and a deposit in a bank: the main differences Word deposit came to Russian from English) (from English deposit. There is no concept in this language contribution. Therefore, any property that the owner transfers to the bank for safekeeping is called deposit deposit What is the difference between a deposit and a deposit in a bank: the main differences . In Russian it is used as a word

  • , so is the word . However, the meaning of these concepts differs.
  • By contribution What is the difference between a deposit and a deposit in a bank: the main differences are the funds that their owner places in a banking organization for the purpose of generating income.


  • more extensively. It includes not only cash and not only in the bank.
  • money transferred in favor of customs authorities to secure obligations;
  • contributions to the judiciary as security for legal proceedings;
  • security necessary for participation in auctions.

The purpose of the deposit is to preserve capital and receive income in the form of interest. In contrast, the purpose of a deposit is to preserve the property.

Income from deposits does not always arise. For example, in the case of renting a safe deposit box for storing any valuables, the owner does not receive income. On the contrary, he incurs expenses in the form of rent payments.

If we consider the banking sector, we can highlight another difference between a deposit and a deposit. Funds that are placed in an account by legal entities are most often called deposits. If the account is opened by an individual, both concepts can be used.

The main differences between deposits and deposits are summarized in the table below.

Table: "Main differences between deposits and deposits"

Comparison criterion Contribution Deposit
Attachment object Cash Money and other assets
Receiving entity Credit organization (bank) Banks and other companies
Entity opening the account Individual Both individuals and legal entities
Income from investment Always formed In some cases it is not implied

note, in this article we will use the concepts of deposit and contribution in an equivalent sense.

2. Main forms of deposits 📑

Depending on the main features, there are several forms of bank deposit. Below are described 3 the most important of them: cash accounts, metal bills Babylon safe deposit boxes.

1) Cash account

Registration of a bank deposit necessarily involves opening a cash account. If the depositor is an individual, such an account may be current or deposit .

Current accounts can be used by individuals for personal purposes that are not related to business activities:

  • receiving wages, pensions;
  • calculation of alimony, benefits and other similar payments;
  • cash withdrawal;
  • settlements, transfers and various payments.

The main feature of a current account is the ability to almost instantly gain access to funds. Most often, interest income on accounts of this type is not accrued, or it is set at a minimum level.

Some banks charge interest on which is used in doing business. However, a number of credit institutions require a special additional agreement to be drawn up for this purpose. But many clients are not aware of this condition. As a result, banks simply do not charge interest.

Cash accounts can be issued not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency. To make it more convenient for account holders to use it, a bank card can be attached to it.

A bank card provides its owner with a number of advantages:

  1. the ability to replenish the card and withdraw cash through a network of ATMs, which allows you to avoid standing in queues, and also makes it possible to manage your account at any time, seven days a week;
  2. the ability to top up your account via the terminal;
  3. if desired, the owner of a bank card can manage funds and also control the account balance using online services;
  4. the ability to convert currencies without cashing out;
  5. You can make periodic payments automatic (for example, for utilities).

Some credit institutions charge for servicing current accounts commission . First of all, this applies to legal entities.

Eg, The company deposited its authorized capital into an account opened with a bank. If you do not use the account after this and do not check the balance on it, you may encounter an unpleasant situation in a few months when the balance on it decreases↓. It is impossible to protest the bank's actions to write off the commission, since all such fees are necessarily fixed in the account opening agreement.

Banks usually do not charge individuals a fee for opening and maintaining cash accounts. However, this does not mean that you should not carefully study the tariffs before concluding an agreement.

📌 The fact is that Credit institutions may charge individuals a monthly fee for providing access to online account, as well as one-time commissions for conducting transactions on the account. For transferring funds, its amount can reach 5 %.

Many clients are familiar with the situation when a debt arises on a bank card that they have not even used. This may be the consequences of writing off commissions for SMS notifications, connecting to an online account and other additional services. To avoid this unpleasant situation, It is important to carefully study the tariffs before concluding a contract. If you do not want to pay for any service, it is worth checking whether it is possible to disable it.

At its core, a current account is a demand account. It is characterized by interest accrual at a minimum rate. In some cases it is not provided at all. At the same time, the account owner can dispose of his funds at any time without restrictions.

The second option cash accounts are deposit . In this case, the credit institution opens an account used to store funds for a certain period of time. In this case, interest is accrued on the deposit balance at a rate that higher than on the current account.

The money is transferred to the bank for a specific period of time, determined by the agreement. If the owner wants to take them back earlier, he will not receive interest.

2) Metal account

Metal accounts are opened by the owner of capital to carry out transactions with precious metals. These are the same transactions for depositing, storing and withdrawing from an account. However, all calculations are carried out not in currency units, but in grams of precious metal.

Types of metal accounts: safekeeping account and compulsory medical insurance

In a bank you can open a metal account of one of 2 -x types:

🖍 1st view. Blocked or metal custody account

When opening a blocked metal account, the client transfers it for safekeeping to a credit institution precious metal bars belonging to him by right of ownership. Values ​​in a different form For example in jewelry, this is not accepted. To store such assets in a credit institution, you can rent a locker.

The purpose of opening blocked metal accounts is to ensure the safety of precious metals. Such agreements are drawn up when the owner of the bullion for some reason is afraid to store them at home.

Thus, at the end of the account period, the owner will take back exactly those bars that he transferred for storage.

Each ingot is characterized by the following characteristics that allow it to be identified:

  • name of metal;
  • try;
  • manufacturer.

It is important to understand: Such accounts do not accrue interest. On the contrary, customers are charged a fee in this case. The investor's income can only be due to the increase in the price of precious metals on the market.

The owner of such an account will have to pay for the following services:

  • opening and closing an account;
  • account maintenance fee;
  • transfer of precious metal bars to the depository of another bank;
  • crediting precious metals to a metal account;
  • issuance of precious metals from the account.

Bullion owners must understand: Custody accounts are unprofitable. In addition to the fact that you will have to pay a number of commissions, at the time of acquisition the future owner of precious metals is forced to pay value added tax . Moreover, selling bullion even to the same bank can be difficult. In this case, it is likely that there will be a loss of part of their value.

When you add up the costs, increasing the cost even over a long period of time is unlikely to generate a profit. If you want to make money on precious metals, it is much better to open an impersonal metal account.

🖍 2nd view. Compulsory medical insurance or impersonal metal account

At its core, an impersonal metal account is similar to traditional cash accounts. The main difference is that It is not currency that is deposited on it, but the equivalent in grams of metal. When you top up your account, money is converted into weight at the current rate.

It is important to understand that when opening an impersonal metal account, the precious metal exists only virtually. Its physical embodiment is not provided, therefore there are no individual signs. By the way, this is why the account is called impersonal.

There are several types of compulsory medical insurance. They can be urgent Babylon poste restante, in rubles or foreign currency. As additional conditions, the account may allow replenishment or partial withdrawal of funds. Income when opening compulsory medical insurance is generated both due to the increase in the cost of the precious metal and due to the possible accrual of interest.

To make the right choice between urgent compulsory medical insurance and on demand, you should compare them. The main features of such accounts are summarized in the table below.

Table: "Comparative characteristics of urgent and current compulsory medical insurance"

When deciding to work with metal accounts, the owner of capital must understand: interest accrued under compulsory medical insurance is subject to taxation at the rate 13 % . In contrast, profits received when the price of a precious metal rises is not subject to personal income tax.

However, before opening an impersonal metal account, you should consider: Compulsory medical insurance does not participate in the deposit insurance system. Therefore, choosing a reliable bank is of fundamental importance. To minimize the risk of bankruptcy of a credit institution and, accordingly, loss of invested funds, preference should be given to large banks, preferably with state participation.

Some credit companies offer clients to open impersonal metal accounts and conduct transactions on them through online banking. In this case, the client does not need to waste time traveling to the office and standing in queues. Moreover, operations are carried out almost instantly. This is especially important during periods of instability, when the price of the precious metal changes very quickly.

Don't forget that when investing and withdrawing precious metals from an account, different rates are used. In a bank, the selling rate is always higher than the buying rate. Therefore, you should invest in compulsory health insurance for the long term. During this time, the increase in the cost of precious metals will cover exchange rate differences and other expenses.

When opening an impersonal metal account, an investor can indicate a specific amount of currency or the desired weight of precious metal. Banks often establish in their terms of service minimum deposit size. It can be either one or one hundred grams of precious metal. For comparison, the table below shows the compulsory medical insurance conditions in 2 -x largest Russian banks.

Table: "Comparative characteristics of the conditions for opening compulsory medical insurance in Sberbank and Gazprombank"

Criterion for comparison Sberbank Gazprombank
Minimum deposit amount For silver - 1 gram

For gold, platinum and palladium – 0,1 grams

Silver – from 1 kg

Gold and platinum – from 10 grams

Palladium – from 100 grams

Account opening fee Absent No charge
Contract period Indefinitely On demand - no deadline

Urgent compulsory medical insurance opens at year

Interest rate There is no interest accrual For time deposits – 1 % per annum (in case of early termination – 0,1 %

For demand accounts – not provided

*For more current information, see the official websites of banks.

You should not think that investing in precious metals can only bring profit. The exchange rate changes constantly, and not always upward. However, in the long term, the cost of precious metals still increases. Therefore, if you buy them for a period over 5 years, by choosing the right moments to open and close an account, you can get a good income.

3) Safety deposit box

A safe deposit box is a very strong safe, which has a special lock and is located in a specialized storage facility in a credit institution. These safes are made of metal that can withstand explosions and fires.

To gain access to a safe deposit box, the client must rent it by concluding an agreement and paying a commission. Bank employees have access to the vault: they can enter it when there are no clients there. However, they do not have the opportunity to open any cell.

The purposes of renting bank safe deposit boxes may be the following:

  1. Storage of assets (cash, jewelry, precious metals, documents, securities). For this purpose, cells are most often rented in the summer during mass holidays. At the same time, people are afraid that thieves may break into their house or apartment. Storing assets in a bank is more reliable. We can say that the safe deposit box is under double protection. Firstly, it is almost impossible to hack it, and secondly, the bank building itself is under armed guard.
  2. Ensuring the security of settlements in transactions with real estate and cars. Thus, in the case of the purchase and sale of an apartment using a mortgage, an additional agreement can be drawn up to the corresponding agreement, on the basis of which a safe deposit box is rented. According to the terms of this agreement, the seller of the apartment gets access to the funds placed in the locker only after submitting documents that confirm that ownership has officially transferred to the buyer.

A very important feature of a safe deposit box is that In the event of bankruptcy of a credit institution, the owner does not lose the valuables placed in it. Such assets do not belong to the bank, so they are not subject to creditor claims.

In order for the client to be able to use a safe deposit box, he must enter into an appropriate agreement with the bank.

There are 2 types of agreement for using a safe deposit box:

  1. Lease agreement for a safe deposit box. Moreover, the list of assets that the client places in it is known only to him. In order to ensure the safety of property, the credit institution allows only its owner or a representative who has the appropriate power of attorney to approach the rented locker. Despite the fact that bank employees do not know what is stored in the safe deposit box, the client, when signing the agreement, undertakes not to place various prohibited items in it, including narcotic and explosive substances, as well as weapons.
  2. Storage agreement. In this case, an inventory of valuables is drawn up as an addition to the contract. As a result, the credit institution is responsible for ensuring the safety of the assets placed in the cell. Quite naturally, this option of renting a safe deposit box is more expensive.

In general, the cost of rent is determined by the credit institution depending on the term of the contract, as well as the size of the cell. Most often, the amount of commission for such a service is indicated in the daily tariffs. At the same time, as the rental period increases, the cost decreases.

It should be understood: The rental agreement for a safe deposit box is concluded for a specific period. If it has expired and the client does not come, the credit institution has the right to collect a commission for opening the safe. After this, the assets placed in it are transferred to the storage facility. If after the next month the bank client does not appear, the credit institution receives the right to satisfy its own requirements using the seized valuables, that is, receive rent, fines, etc.

It is generally accepted that storing valuables in safe deposit boxes is absolutely safe. However, it also happens that assets disappear from such a safe. There are known cases where valuables were removed from a safe deposit box using a forged power of attorney. In such a situation it is extremely difficult to prove anything

Main types of deposits and their features

3. What types of deposits are there - 6 popular types 📄

In addition to the forms of bank deposits presented above, there are several types. Below are the main ones.

[Type 1] Deposit on demand

Deposit on demand is a bank deposit that is not tied to any term. In this case, funds are issued upon the first request of the account owner.

The depositor's capital is kept in a current account. At the same time, the goal of the bank client is not to receive income from capital. Other tasks when opening a demand deposit:

  1. ensuring the safety of funds;
  2. ensuring the ability to use funds if necessary at any time.

The interest rate on demand deposits is set at a very low↓ level. Most often it does not exceed 0,01 % per annum. In other words, by placing 100 thousand rubles, in a year the investor will receive only 10 rubles arrived.

The reason why banks set such a low rate on demand accounts is simple. The fact is that it is important for a credit institution to understand for how long the investor transfers funds to it. This allows the bank to plan the placement of funds and its own profits.

Under a demand contract, the term is not determined. That is, the investor can demand the return of his funds at any time. For the bank, this involves a certain risk, because it cannot plan for how long it should place this money to generate income. This is why such a low interest rate is set on demand accounts..

However, credit institutions love such methods of raising funds. The reason is that they happen to be very cheap. You can get money at your disposal using demand deposits for a nominal fee. However, banks have to work much harder with such resources. It is necessary to analyze the minimum balance of funds on demand deposits, as well as the average period of storage in such accounts.

[Type 2] Time deposit

Time deposits are a type of bank deposits, the execution of which is determined by the agreement specific period of validity. The main ones advantage is the opportunity to earn income from interest.

Each bank sets its own rates on its deposits. However, several parameters can be identified that affect the size of this indicator.

The size of the rate on time deposits is influenced by:

  1. deposit term;
  2. deposit amount;
  3. the presence of additional services in the form of the ability to replenish or withdraw part of the invested funds.

The deposit term may vary. Most often it is in the range from several weeks before several years. However, what is common to time deposits is that closing them earlier than the period fixed in the agreement it is forbidden. If the client urgently needs money, he will be able to get it, but will lose the interest he is entitled to.

[Type 3] Savings and accumulative deposits

In the financial sector, both of these concepts are used. However, an analysis of the available information and conditions of deposits in various banks allows us to understand that they are practically the same thing.

At its core savings account is one of the varieties of urgent. However, it is characterized by more flexible conditions. First of all, this concerns the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds. In addition, there is no time limit for such deposits.

A savings deposit helps to maintain savings. However, you won’t be able to get a lot of income with it. On the one side, The interest rate on such accounts is higher than on demand deposits. On the other side, it is lower↓ than for time deposits. Interest can be accrued every month on the average or minimum account balance.

It is important to carefully study the clauses of the contract that relate to the conditions for calculating interest:

  • Some banks calculate them based on the daily account balance.
  • Other credit institutions take into account only the full months in which funds were on deposit. In the latter case, the client does not receive income for the month in which the deposit was closed.

It should be understood: The savings deposit refers to current bank deposits, not time deposits. Therefore according to him the credit institution has the right to unilaterally change the rate at any time. For time deposits, the interest rate is fixed for the entire term of the agreement.

[Type 4] Target deposit

Target deposit is a bank deposit opened for a specific purpose. The most popular example of such an account is children's contribution . It is opened by parents, guardians or other relatives for the child. The deposit is at the disposal of the adult client of the bank who issued it until the child reaches adulthood. After this, ownership passes to the child.

Today in Russia, targeted deposits are not very popular, so there are not many offers for them.

To accumulate a significant amount using a target deposit, you will have to regularly make large deposits. Moreover, the rate must be high enough. In the examples presented above, the interest on children's deposits is tied to the key rate TSB RF . Taking into account the fact that today this indicator is set at the level 6 -7 %, the rate is 5 -6% per annum . This is actually not a very high figure. You can find other, more attractive offers on the market.

Another striking example of targeted deposits is pension deposits . They are intended for older people.

[Type 5] Currency deposit

Most credit institutions offer their clients to open a deposit not only in Russian rubles, but also in foreign currency. Available at most banks deposits in dollars 💵 and euro 💶.

The advantage of a foreign currency deposit is the opportunity to receive 2 types of income:

  1. interest accrued on the deposit amount;
  2. profit from the increase in the value of foreign currency.

Note: interest rates on foreign currency deposits have traditionally below ↓, than in rubles.

For comparison, below is a table with rates for different currencies in several Russian banks.
Thus, the main disadvantage foreign currency deposits is low↓ interest rate. However, if there is an active growth of the exchange rate on the market, you can turn a blind eye to such a minus.

[Type 6] Multicurrency deposit

Multicurrency deposits allow you to invest money simultaneously in 3 currencies – rubles, dollars and euros. In this case, the client can determine their proportions himself and, if desired, transfer funds from one currency to another any number of times.

Since all currencies are accounted for separately, for a multi-currency deposit it opens immediately 3 accounts. The income received by the client is formed from interest accrued for each currency, as well as the growth of their exchange rate. The investor has the opportunity to increase profits by correctly assessing the market situation and transferring funds from one currency to another.

Most often, owners of multicurrency deposits can carry out conversion operations without visiting a branch of a credit institution. To do this, just use Internet banking.

Multicurrency deposits are perfect for those who are used to holding savings in several currencies, regularly conducting conversion operations. Plus (+) such a deposit is not only no need to visit the bank, but also the ability to transfer currencies into each other without losing interest.

👆 Please keep in mind: Not all major Russian banks offer to open a multicurrency deposit. Similar contributions today No in Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank.

Thus, There are a large number of types of bank deposits. When choosing between them, you should first of all focus on the purpose of opening a deposit.

Stages of opening a bank deposit

4. How to open a deposit - 4 main steps 📋

Today in credit institutions you can find a huge number of offers for opening a deposit. Banks offer their customers a wide range of deposits to choose from.

Take note: such a variety of deposit programs is primarily only a marketing ploy. Most of the contributions are not very different from each other.

Depositors who decide to open a bank deposit may set themselves the goal of preserving their own savings, as well as receiving a small additional income. The amount of profit is primarily determined by the choice of the credit institution.

To open a deposit as efficiently and quickly as possible, it is important to know some of the nuances of this procedure. The step-by-step algorithm presented below will help save your time.

Stage 1. Selecting a credit institution

On the one side, All bank deposits of individuals are insured by the state. On the other side, It will be extremely unpleasant if a credit institution goes bankrupt. In this case, you will have to wait quite a long time for a refund. Therefore, you should trust your savings only to banks with an impeccable reputation.

When choosing a credit institution, the investor must pay attention to 2 main criteria:

  1. Degree of accessibility. When deciding to open a deposit, you should choose credit institutions that are within walking distance. It is important that you can visit a bank branch quickly and without time and financial costs. Equally important is the ability to carry out transactions with deposits online.
  2. Reliability level. The investor's confidence that the bank will not go bankrupt in the near future is of great importance. To check reliability, you can independently analyze the reports of credit institutions, which are published in free sources. However, it is much easier to use ratings compiled by professionals, as well as reviews from real clients.

When choosing a bank, you should also focus on past relationships with credit institutions. If you previously received a loan from one of them, opened a bank card or opened a business account, it is quite possible that the bank will offer more favorable terms of service for deposits. The fact is that the credit institution is always loyal to its regular customers; it tries by all means to retain them.

Stage 2. Selecting a deposit program

Today, to compare the conditions of bank deposits in various credit institutions, it is not necessary to visit a huge number of offices. All information can be found online. All deposit conditions are posted on the websites.

Moreover, you can often find special deposit calculators . They allow you to calculate the expected profitability based on the amount and conditions of deposits. If you calculate for different deposit options and compare them, you can choose the best option.

The main conditions of bank deposits that should be analyzed and compared first:

  • interest rate;
  • conditions for calculating interest - frequency, capitalization;
  • availability of the ability to replenish and partially withdraw funds;
  • conditions for early termination of the contract.

The investor must remember: When choosing a bank deposit, you cannot focus solely on the interest rate. All conditions should be assessed together. It is best to calculate the profitability of different deposits using a calculator.

Of great importance contract time . It is best to choose the minimum of suitable options. In case of early termination, the client loses interest. In this case, most banks automatically extend the agreement. Most often, this does not even require visiting a bank office.

If you are not sure about the right choice of bank and deposit program, you can use special Internet services. Here, online, you can compare a large number of deposit conditions in various credit institutions. Moreover, the program can independently offer the best conditions after entering basic data.

Stage 3. Conclusion of an agreement

Signing a bank deposit agreement is essentially a standard procedure. At this stage, problems usually do not arise.

It is enough to present to the employee of the credit institution an identification document, which is usually used as passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. You will also need to submit card with sample signatures, which in the future will help the bank identify the depositor.

In some cases, additional documents are required, For example, resident card. To open target deposits, the bank may ask you to provide a pension certificate or a child’s birth certificate.

Despite the fact that each bank itself draws up a deposit agreement for each deposit, the form of such an agreement is standard.

Before signing an agreement, it is worth remembering an important rule: you should first read it carefully. In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to the amount, term, interest rate and other important conditions of the deposit specified in the agreement. When the agreement is signed by both parties, one copy will remain with the depositor, and the second will remain with the bank.

Today, credit institutions often offer their clients to place a deposit online. In this case, the signing of the contract is carried out using various methods, For example, SMS code. The agreement is sent by email.

Stage 4. Replenishing the deposit and receiving confirmation that it is open

At this stage, the bank client deposits cash at the cash desk of a branch of the credit institution. In return he receives accepted cash receipt order, which bears the employee’s signature and the bank’s stamp, as well as a signed copy of the deposit agreement. Exactly these 2 documents confirm the fact of opening a deposit.

The older generation still remembers how a bank deposit was issued savings book. Today, such a document is almost completely a thing of the past. Modern banks instead of a savings book issue a deposit plastic card. If you connect an online bank to it, the balance of money on deposit, as well as all ongoing transactions, can be tracked without leaving your home.

It was previously noted that a number of large modern credit institutions allow you to arrange a bank deposit online. In this case, the client saves time on visiting the bank office, as well as standing in queues.

To open a bank deposit online, first of all, you should register a personal account on the website of the selected bank. Once you log into your account, you must do the following::

  • select the service for opening a deposit;
  • provide all necessary information;
  • choose a method for depositing funds.

When the necessary information has been entered and the money has been transferred, the depositor will receive confirmation in the format of a document with a mark on it "done".

Thus, The procedure for opening a deposit is quite simple. If you follow the above algorithm, you will be able to conclude a deposit agreement without any problems. In this case, it is of fundamental importance that the chosen program actually brings profit.

5. Which bank has the most profitable deposit for today - review of the TOP 3 best banks 📊

There are a huge number of banks in Russia that offer to open deposits for their clients. It can be difficult to figure out which one to prefer on your own. In this situation, ratings compiled by professionals come to the rescue.

Below is TOP 3 credit institutions with maximum volumes of attracting deposits from the population and favorable conditions for deposits.

No. 1.

Sberbank Sberbank

is the largest Russian bank. This credit institution has branches throughout the country, both in big cities and in small towns.

Sberbank works with all segments of the population and types of companies. They offer one of the widest ranges of banking services in Russia.

To select the optimal conditions for a deposit, it is not necessary to go to a Sberbank branch. It is enough to visit the website, which presents the conditions of all deposits offered for opening. Here you can not only analyze the conditions, but also open a deposit. If a future client still has questions, he can always ask them by contacting for advice from a specialized service. This can be done, including using the feedback form. Important advantage Sberbank is the presence of bonuses and discounts in the field of social economy that are provided to depositors.

No. 2.

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development 1990 has been operating on the Russian financial market almost since the beginning of its formation in its modern form - since 43 of the year. Today it is the largest bank in the Sverdlovsk region, which is a leader in this region in terms of attracted deposits and deposits. In addition, the credit institution has offices in more than

Russian regions. The reliability of the Ural Bank is confirmed not only by its participation in the deposit insurance system, which is mandatory for everyone, but also by its high rating National rating agency . It rated the credit institution AA

. This confirms the highest creditworthiness of the bank. Moreover, UBRD has repeatedly become a laureate of various awards for social achievements in the Russian Federation. 10 % The largest Ural bank offers depositors to take out profitable deposits. The rate on them reaches

per annum. In addition, the credit institution provides a variety of bonuses, discounts and additional services for clients. 1 %, If the investor wishes to receive an increase in the rate in the amount 20 he should open a bank deposit in the Ural Bank remotely. The client can indicate his phone number on the credit institution’s website in the feedback form. During

Within minutes, a bank employee will contact him and clarify all the information about the selected deposit.

The client has the opportunity to easily manage invested funds using online banking. At the same time, you can pay for various services via the Internet. Moreover, the bank’s online resource allows you to take part in various promotions and competitions with tempting prizes.

No. 3. Rosselkhozbank Rosselkhozbank 2000 was founded in

year. Over the period of its existence, it has earned the trust of customers. Today Rosselkhozbank has become a leader among credit institutions working with the agricultural industry.

Rosselkhozbank operates in all Russian regions. At the same time, clients can manage accounts and funds directly on the credit institution’s Internet resource. On the bank's website you can familiarize yourself with all the conditions of deposits and take advantage of various promotions. If desired, the investor can enter into an agreement online.

The list of Russian banks presented above is far from exhaustive. However, if you have no experience, you can safely cooperate with the credit institutions represented in it. They have been working successfully in the market for a long time and have managed to win the trust of a huge number of citizens.

5 simple steps on how to calculate the return on a deposit

6. How to calculate the profitability of a deposit in a bank - step-by-step instructions + calculator 📈

Before making a decision in favor of one or another deposit program, you should calculate what kind of profitability it will bring. The simplest option is to use deposit calculator , posted on the bank’s website or on our resource (at the end of this section).

If the result of the program’s calculations is not clear, you can always contact the employees of the credit institution. They will definitely explain the intricacies of a specific interest calculation scheme.

💡 As is known, The bank's main source of income is the percentage of capital transferred on credit. To increase the amount of funds available, credit institutions attract deposits from the public. For the opportunity to use other people's money, banks pay interest. However, not all clients understand how much they will receive in the end. Let's try to present the scheme for calculating profitability in the form of a simple algorithm.

Step 1. Clarify which scheme will be used when calculating interest

By nature, banks accrue (that is, calculate) interest every day. However, most often it is customary to present the actual amount to clients 1 once a month.

In this case, 2 interest calculation schemes can be used:

  1. simple. In this case, the profitability is calculated very simply: the interest rate is added to the deposit amount.;
  2. with capitalization. To understand the second scheme, you first need to understand the definition. Capitalization is a process where interest periodically increases the amount of the deposit. Accordingly, interest begins to accrue on the interest. It is quite natural that with such a scheme the calculations become more complicated.

Step 2. Multiply the initial deposit amount by the interest rate

At this stage, simple calculations are carried out using a regular calculator. To see the profit received per year, just multiply the deposit amount by the rate.

📑 For example, when making a deposit 100 thousand rubles and rate 12 % per annum, the yield will be:

100 000 * 0,12 = 12 000 rubles

If capitalization is used, To calculate the profitability you will have to go to the third step.

Step 3. Calculate income from capitalization

During capitalization, accrued income increases the deposit amount, interest begins to accrue not only on the deposit amount, but also on interest.

On the one side, The more often capitalization is carried out, the higher the profitability will be. But in other way, The more capitalizations are provided during the deposit period, the lower↓ the bank sets the rate on it. As a result, the effectiveness of such a scheme may come to naught.

  • First of all, you should find out how often interest will be added to the deposit amount;
  • the amount of interest for the first period must be added to the initial deposit amount;
  • Then the profitability for the second period is calculated and added to the amount received at the previous stage and so on until the end of the year.

Assuming that the contribution is made 100 thousand rubles under 12 % per annum with quarterly capitalization, the calculations will look like this:

Rate per 1 the quarter will be 12 : 4 = 3 %

Now let’s calculate the deposit amount at the end of each quarter:

  1. 100 000 + 100 000 * 3 % = 103 000 rubles;
  2. 103 000 + 103 000 * 3 % = 106 090 rubles;
  3. 106 090 + 106 090 * 3 % = 109 272,70 rubles;
  4. 109 272,70 + 109 272,70 * 3 % = 112 550,88 rubles

Thus, in our example, the final income will be 12 550 rubles 88 kopecks. That is, on 550,88 rubles more than in the absence of capitalization. It would seem that the amount is not too large. But if the initial deposit size and term are larger, the difference will be even more significant.

Step 4. Determine the effective interest rate

This step is necessary if a capitalization scheme is used and the depositor does not withdraw interest, that is, they increase the deposit amount.

Effective rate– this is a percentage that allows you to see the final annual profitability.

With a simple interest calculation scheme, there is no point in taking it into account, since it will be equal to the interest on the deposit. In order to determine the effective one from the regular interest rate in the case of capitalization, the number of capitalizations should be clarified. It is to this degree that the interest rate for the capitalization period will have to be raised to determine the profitability.

In our example, the number of capitalizations per year is 4 . The final amount of the deposit will be equal to the initial one, increased by 1,03 to the fourth power. To calculate the profitability, subtract from the obtained coefficient 1 .

In our example: 1,03 * 1,03 * 1,03 * 1,03 1 = 0,1255 or 12,55 %

Step 5. Calculation of final profit

S= N*(1+(Y* J/100* T)) A

  • S– final deposit amount;
  • N– initial deposit amount;
  • Y– annual interest rate;
  • J– number of days in the capitalization period;
  • T– deposit term in days;
  • A– number of capitalization procedures.

Accordingly, when using a simple interest calculation scheme A=1 .

📌 Things to remember: The scheme for calculating profitability becomes more complicated if the investor periodically uses the opportunity to replenish the deposit or partially withdraw funds.

If you don’t want to delve into formulas, you can use our calculator to calculate the return on your deposit:

A bank deposit, or as it is commonly called, a deposit agreement, is an obligation under which the depositor transfers funds to the bank or relevant organization. In exchange for this, the investor receives his money and interest on it after a certain time.

As a rule, the interest rate on deposit agreements is lower than the interest that banks receive on loan agreements.

To raise funds, an organization must have a license. The deposit agreement must be formalized in a written document or a certificate of deposit or savings book. Such documents may be provided for by law or other rules, if there is a reference to this in the law. Rules can be established both by acts of government bodies and by banking rules.

The passbook can be issued to a specific person or to the bearer. It should reflect:

  • Account information (number);
  • Information about the institution to which the contribution was made or information about its branch;
  • Information about the amounts deposited into and debited from the account.

Placement of funds on deposit is made for a certain time. Sometimes invested funds can be withdrawn upon request at any time. But such a deposit will be less profitable in its terms.

The law gives the right to withdraw the invested money ahead of schedule, but then the interest rate will be reduced. In accordance with the law, the rate will correspond to the rate on deposits that can be returned on demand.

If the depositor is a legal entity, then in the absence of the right to withdraw the deposit before the time specified in the agreement, early termination of the deposit is impossible.

In some cases, at the end of the term, banks resort to tricks so as not to give back the invested funds, as a result of which the depositor misses the deadline and does not comply with the requirements of the procedures for terminating the deposit. The money, of course, will be returned, but part of it will be spent on fines.

Interest can be paid every month, or it can be paid once at the end of the contract.

Regarding changes in interest rates, you need to know that banks and credit organizations reserve this right in deposit agreements and often use it. Therefore, you need to be prepared for changes in interest rates.

You also need to know that the higher the interest rate on deposits is offered, the less reliable the organization is. A high interest rate indicates a financial institution in crisis.

Placement of funds on deposit. Other questions

Deposits, or rather their return, are guaranteed by a special fund, which consists of contributions from credit institutions. Part of the fund's assets is paid for by the state. However, you can apply to the fund only in case of bank bankruptcy.

Information regarding the security of the deposit is a mandatory condition of the deposit agreement.

But, if the organization violates the terms of the deposit agreement, then you can go to court with a demand to terminate the agreement with the bank or the relevant organization.

The interest rate will then be depending on the place of residence or the discount rate of the Central Bank.

A deposit agreement signed in favor of an outsider is possible provided that his name is indicated. He may refuse the granted right. However, until he shows any rights to the deposit, the person who made the deposit can use this money.

A bank deposit, or as it is commonly called, a deposit agreement, is an obligation under which the depositor transfers funds to the bank or relevant organization. In exchange for this the investor receives his money and interest on it after a certain time.

As a rule, the amount of interest on deposit agreements is lower than the interest that banks receive on.

To raise funds, an organization must have a license. The deposit agreement must be formalized in a written document or a certificate of deposit or savings book. Such documents may be provided for by law or other rules, if there is a reference to this in the law. Rules can be established both by acts of government bodies and by banking rules.

The passbook can be issued to a specific person or to the bearer. It should reflect:

  • Account information (number);
  • Information about the institution to which the contribution was made or information about its branch;
  • Information about the amounts deposited into and debited from the account.

Placement of funds on deposit is made for a certain time. Sometimes invested funds can be withdrawn upon request at any time. But such a deposit will be less profitable in its terms.

The law gives the right to withdraw the invested money ahead of schedule, but then the interest rate will be reduced. In accordance with the law, the rate will correspond to the rate on deposits that can be returned on demand.

If the depositor is, then in the absence of the right to withdraw the deposit before the time specified in the agreement, early termination of the deposit is impossible.

In some cases, at the end of the term, banks resort to tricks so as not to give back the invested funds, as a result of which the depositor misses the deadline and does not comply with the requirements of the procedures for terminating the deposit. The money, of course, will be returned, but part of it will be spent on fines.

Interest can be paid every month, and can be paid once upon expiration of the contract.

Regarding changes in interest rates, you need to know that banks and credit organizations reserve this right in deposit agreements and often use it. That's why you need to be prepared for interest rate changes.

You also need to know that the higher the interest rate on deposits is offered, the less reliable the organization is. A high interest rate indicates a financial institution in crisis.

Placement of funds on deposit. Other questions

Deposits, or rather their return, are guaranteed by a special fund, which consists of contributions from credit institutions. Part of the fund's assets is paid for by the state. However You can apply to the fund only in case of bank bankruptcy.

Information regarding deposit security, is a mandatory condition of the deposit agreement.

But, if the organization violates the contribution, then you can go to court with a request to terminate the agreement with the bank or relevant organization.

The interest rate will then be depending on the place of residence or the discount rate of the Central Bank.

A deposit agreement signed in favor of an outsider is possible provided that his name is indicated. He may refuse the granted right. However, until he claims any rights to the deposit, the person who made the deposit can use this money.

Term non-replenishable deposit

A deposit attracted for a period established in accordance with the Deposit Transaction (Agreement), with the obligation of the bank to return the deposit amount on the day of expiration of the deposit.

For the right to return the deposit early, the bank applies a discount to the borrowing rate. Return of the deposit amount before the expiration of the term is carried out with the payment of interest calculated at 1/2 of the “On Demand” rate for individuals valid at the time of return of the deposit.

Replenishable deposit

In addition to the initial deposit amount, the client has the right to make additional contributions to the deposit in accordance with the terms of the Deposit transaction (Agreement). The initial deposit, the minimum amount of an additional contribution, the maximum amount of the deposit taking into account the initial and additional contributions, the term, the currency of the deposit, the interest rate, the deadline for making additional contributions are established in the Bank Deposit Agreement.

The interest rate remains unchanged during the term and applies to additional payments.

  • initial deposit amount - from 500,000 (from 50,000 for individual entrepreneurs) rub / 50,000 $ / 50,000 €;
  • deposit term - from 3 to 18 months;
  • a deadline is set for making additional contributions within 4/5 of the deposit period.
    It is not possible to make a deposit in the last month of the deposit period.


the deposit is convenient for clients planning to increase the deposit amount by making additional contributions;

As the deposit term shortens, the client has the opportunity to replenish it with “short” resources, while receiving interest at the rate of the “long” term.

Deposit with the possibility of partial or full refund

During the term of the Agreement, the Depositor may return part or all of the deposit amount. The initial deposit amount, the minimum amount of the early repayable portion of the deposit, term, deposit currency, basic interest rate, interest rates on early repayable amounts are determined in the Agreement.

  • initial deposit amount - from 500,000 (from 50,000 for individual entrepreneurs) rub / 50,000 $ / 50,000 €;
  • deposit period - from 3 to 18 months. (can be extended to 36 months);
  • attraction rate for amounts repaid ahead of schedule - interest is accrued on the amount repaid ahead of schedule based on the actual period of funds being in the deposit;
  • In case of early repayment earlier than 1 month, interest is paid at 1/2 the rate of demand deposit for individuals.


the deposit allows you to receive income from the placement of temporarily free funds, even if the term of their placement is changed;

a deposit allows clients to insure themselves against an unpredictable deterioration in their payment flow.

Replenishable deposit with the right of partial return

With this type of deposit, the client is given the opportunity to make additional contributions and return part of the deposit up to the established minimum balance on the deposit account. The initial deposit amount, the minimum amount of partial return and additional contribution to the deposit, the minimum balance on the deposit account, the maximum deposit amount, term, deposit currency, interest rate, deadline for adding funds are established in the Agreement.

  • initial deposit amount - from 500,000 (from 50,000 for individual entrepreneurs) rub / 50,000 $ / 50,000 €; deposit term - from 3 to 18 months;
  • the minimum amount of additional contribution is 25,000 rubles / 25,000 $ / 25,000 €;
  • the maximum deposit amount, taking into account additional contributions, is 300% of the initial deposit amount;
  • a deadline is set for making additional contributions within 4/5 of the deposit period. It is not possible to make a deposit in the last month of the deposit period;
  • the minimum balance on the deposit account is 50% of the initial deposit amount;
  • the minimum amount for a partial refund is 25,000 rubles / 25,000 $ / 25,000 €;
  • In case of early repayment earlier than 1 month or in violation of the minimum balance on the account, interest is paid at 1/2 the rate of demand deposit for individuals.


This deposit allows the client to quickly manage their own liquidity.

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Fixed balance

Alfa-Bank does not raise funds in the form of fixed balances from individual entrepreneurs.