Economics lesson its main participants. Economy and its main participants

Lesson summary
Class: 7
Subject: social studies
Topic: "Economy and its main participants"
Teacher: Korelina S.S.
Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the concept of “economics”, as well as to develop ideas about it
- form an idea of ​​the economy as a sphere of social life, its main
manifestations and participants;
- reveal the role and importance of the economy in providing the most important needs and
human life;
- identify the specifics and interrelationships of the main spheres of economic life, character
activities of its participants;
- help students understand the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of management
(subsistence and commercial farming).
Progress of the lesson.
Org moment. Greetings. Good morning guys. We are starting a new section of the textbook “Man and
economy". And the topic of our lesson today is “Economy and its main participants.” (Slide 1)
Write it down in your notebook. You can see the lesson plan on the screen. (Slide 2)
1. What is economics.
2. Why is economics needed?

State the purpose of the lesson.
Let's remember:
What motivates a person to act? What are the main needs of people? What role
What role does labor play in the life of society? What is created by labor?
1. What is economics
Question to the class: What is economics?
You encounter manifestations of the economy every day: you hear conversations at home and on the street about
prices for goods, you learn about the size of your parents’ salaries, you read about taxes in the newspaper, you participate in
repairing school furniture, buying food at the store. All these individual manifestations
can be combined under the general concept of “economy”.
You already know from the 5th grade course that the word “economics” was originally translated from
in ancient Greek it meant “management according to rules, laws.” (Slide 3) Over time this
the concept has received a broader interpretation. For example, the English writer George Bernard
Shaw (1856-1950) stated: "Economics is the ability to make the best use of life"
and modern scientists have concluded: “Economy is a consciously built and used
people are their life support system.”
Getting acquainted with various economic phenomena or studying them in a course of history, geography,
You can see that this concept is considered in two meanings:
economics as an economy and as a field of knowledge. You can offer your own options, like
add the following definitions: “Economics is knowledge about...”, “Economics is skills...”.
Thus, the author of the book “Economics” P. Samuelson offers, for example, the following definitions
economics: economics is: 1) activities related to exchange and monetary transactions
between people; 2) everyday business life activities of people, their extraction of funds for
the existence and use of these funds; 3) establishment and implementation of consumption and
production; 4) wealth. (Slide 4)
The following questions may be discussed: why does the author offer different definitions?
How do these definitions reveal the various aspects of the economic life of society? Which of
Can the definitions you learned in class be considered the most complete?
We started the conversation with private manifestations of human economic life, but behind them you can
see the most common processes and phenomena.

The main manifestations of the economy include: production, distribution, exchange,
consumption. These processes are interconnected and have a periodically repeating nature; they
can occur not only strictly sequentially, but also simultaneously, in parallel. Let's consider this
using the example of satisfying one of the most important human needs - the need for
eating bread. Textbook on pp. 89 – 90. A baker, using a certain technology, bakes,
that is, it produces bread. (Production.) The bakery supplies one part of the products to children's
kindergartens, schools, and the other part - to shops. (Distribution.) The store seller sells bread, i.e.
exchanges for money to buyers. (Exchange.) Students eat fresh food during school breakfast.
bread. (Consumption.)
Let's complete the task (Slide 5)
Enter the listed types of economic activities in the appropriate column of the table:
making Christmas tree decorations, drawing up a family spending plan for the month, breakfast at school
canteen, visiting a hairdresser, paying benefits to families for children, using lighting in
everyday life, purchasing equipment for a hiking trip.
Next, we will consider in more detail the characteristics of the main manifestations of economic
life. Here we will try to determine the role of the economy in the life of a person, of the whole society.
Physical education minute.
2. Why is economics needed?
Remember how diverse human needs are for food, clothing, housing, communication, security
health, etc. Why is it necessary to satisfy these requests and needs? Quite obvious
- to ensure his life and activities. The economy takes an active part in the
Satisfying these needs, its goal is to maintain and continue the lives of people. For this
A variety of products and goods are produced and services are provided.
Economic products are created using such forms of organization or management
economy, both natural and commercial.
Question to the class: Remember what subsistence farming is?
Subsistence farming is a way of organizing people's lives, in which everything necessary
for life is produced by them themselves and only for their own consumption. (Slide 6).
This is the most ancient form of farming using mainly primitive tools.
agriculture, simple technologies. In a subsistence economy there is no trade, exchange of products and services,
which makes it difficult to improve people's living standards.
Question to the class: What do you think is the disadvantage of this form of management?
The main disadvantage of this form of management is low labor productivity,
allowing to provide only the most minimal conditions for survival. Lifestyle based
in subsistence farming, although extremely difficult, is well known to residents of the Russian village.
Question to the class: Remember what commodity farming is?
Commodity farming is a way of organizing the economic life of society, in which people
specializing in certain types of activities, produce goods and provide services for
exchange with each other. (Slide 6).
Question to the class: Why is commercial farming better than natural farming?
This form of farming is more consistent with the goals of the economy - to the maximum
satisfy people's needs. All products produced become commodities,
intended for exchange. Manufacturers strive to increase productivity and
improve the quality of goods to make profitable exchanges. People's awareness of the benefits
This way of life led to the fact that commercial farming, replacing natural farming, became
prevailing in the economic life of society.
Subsistence farming is a low-efficient form of farming and its preservation in
economy, as a rule, is a brake on the socio-economic development of society, a separate
country, a factor in reducing the standard of living of the population. The development of society has led to the emergence of more

effective and perfect form - commercial farming, which allows better
satisfy people's needs.
3. Main participants in the economy.
We read the text of the textbook with the teacher’s explanation, p. 93.
To consolidate, we perform the following tasks: (Slide 7).
1. You are going to have breakfast at a fast food cafe (for example, McDonald's).
Apply the concepts of “product”, “producer”, “consumer”, “exchange” to this situation.
The conclusion about the relationship and interdependence of goals and results deserves special attention
economic activities of its main participants. Will help you understand and assimilate it more deeply
discussion of the following questions: How does the consumption of goods and services affect production? Depends
Does the level of consumption depend on the level of production?
Homework: § 8,
on “4” and “5” question No. 2, 4 from the “in the classroom and at home” section on page 96. (Slide 8)
Question to the class: Please tell me, have you ever had to buy goods? Have you ever wondered
If you have free time:
Why are you making this or that purchase?
Read aloud the section: Knowledge for every day, page 94. (Slide 9).
Assignment: Remember the purchases of any three goods by you or your family members. Using
material from the “Knowledge for Everyday” section, analyze what consumer motives influenced
to choose one or another product, and determine how rational the choice was. Think about whether it is necessary
you need to change something in your buyer strategy. If yes, then what?
Product name
Consumer motives
Thanks for the lesson! Goodbye. (Slide 10)

Summary of an open social studies lesson in grade 7A

Subject:Economy and its main participants.

A lesson in discovering new knowledge.

Pedagogical purpose of the lesson – create conditions for the formation of ideas about the concept of “economy”, about the participants in the economic process.

Basic concepts and terms - economics, production, distribution, exchange, consumption, subsistence farming, labor productivity.

Forms of organizing educational activities: frontal, individual, group.

Technologies used: information and communication, problem-dialogical, critical thinking, gaming

Equipment: multimedia projector, multimedia board, laptop.

Electronic educational resources presentation “Economy and its main participants”; electronic dictionaries

Planned results

Cognitive competencies:

will learn : determine how the economy serves people, what form of management most successfully achieves the goals of the economy; How do the interests of producers and consumers compare?

Meta-subject and personal UUD

Cognitive: identify features and attributes of objects, give examples as evidence of the proposed provisions

Communicative: interact during group work, conduct a dialogue, participate in a discussion, accept a different opinion and position, allow the existence of different points of view.

Regulatory: predict the results of the level of mastery of the studied material, accept and save the learning task.

Personal: maintain motivation for learning activities, show interest in new educational material, and express a positive attitude towards the learning process.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities.

Good afternoon, guys. Today we are starting to study a new section “Man and Economics”.

“Economy is the horse, politics is the cart. They must take their proper place - economics must come before politics, and not vice versa." Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum

You and I can tell why this is so by studying this section.

The topic of our lesson today is “Economy and its main participants.” Write it down in your notebook. What do you think will be discussed in class today? Pay attention to the plan for studying our topic andstate the purpose of the lesson.

slide 2

2. Updating basic knowledge.

- Do you remember in which history lessons we touched on this topic? What were we talking about?

- Using historical knowledge, think about what is included in the concept of “Economy”?

- What can be included in the modern concept of economics? What are its main goals and objectives?

- Is the economy capable of satisfying human needs?

- Is it possible to live without the economy? Why?

3. Studying new material.

1. What is economics

WITHThe word “economics” comes from the Greek words “ekos” - “house”, “economy” and “nomos” - law.”The term “economics” was first used by the ancient Greek author Xenophon (5th century BC), who entitled his treatise “Oikonomia”. Xenophon addressed his teachings not to kings, but to ordinary citizens, whose household was complex and included the management of slaves and a variety of agricultural and craft work.

slide 3

I suggest sitting down in groups and getting acquainted with the various definitions of the term “Economy” in electronic dictionaries.

- Which definition can be considered the most complete?

Getting acquainted with various economic phenomena, we are convinced that this concept is considered in two meanings: economics - as an economy, economics - as a field of knowledge.

slide 4
slide 5

Exercise . Complete the following definitions;

Economics is knowledge……….

Economics is skills………..

Let's look at the illustrations on the slide.

slide 6

The main manifestations of the economy include:production, distribution, exchange, consumption. These processes are interconnected. Let's look at this with examples.

slide 7

Let us formulate the definitions.

Production is the process of creating economic goods.

slide 8

Distribution – actions related to product promotion.

slide 9

Exchange - receiving a product with an offer of something in return.

slide 10

Consumption is the use of a product to satisfy needs.

Let's do the task on cards





Enter the listed types of economic activities in the appropriate column of the table: making Christmas tree decorations, drawing up a family spending plan for the month, breakfast in the school canteen, visiting a hairdresser, paying benefits to families for children, using lighting at home, purchasing equipment for a camping trip.

(add your own examples)

2. Why is economics needed?

The purpose of the economy is to maintain and continue the life of society. For this purpose, various benefits are created.

slide 11

Economic Products are created using such forms of organization or farming as natural and commercial.

slide 12

Working with the textbook p.69 (insert technique).

Conversation on issues.

- Remember what subsistence farming is? What do you think is the disadvantage of this form of management?

- Remember what commercial farming is? Why is commercial farming better than natural farming?

- When did the transition from subsistence to commercial farming take place?

Formulate definitions.

Subsistence farming - This is a way of organizing people’s lives, in which everything necessary for life is produced by them themselves and only for their own consumption. The main disadvantage of this form of management is the lowlabor productivity.

Commodity farming - a way of organizing the economic life of a society in which people, specializing in certain types of activities, produce goods and provide services for exchange with each other. This form of farming is more consistent with the goals of the economy - to satisfy people's needs as much as possible.

Draw conclusions based on the table.

slide 13

I suggest that the groups make up a syncwine: “subsistence farming”, “commodity farming”.

3. Main participants in the economy.

slide 14

The main participants in the economy aremanufacturer (one who participates in the creation of goods and services) andconsumer (one who uses goods and services). Moreover, the manufacturer tries to get more and spend less resources. The consumer is also interested in satisfying his needs at the lowest cost (i.e., he relies onrational choice).

slide 15


Deciding to earn money to travel around the country, Peter and his friends opened the Urgent Photo salon. What is the economic interest of the salon organizers as producers? What economic knowledge will they need to achieve success and develop their business?

4. Initial comprehension and consolidation

Competition-game “Russian fairy tale in an economic way”

Remember the Russian folk tale "Turnip".

Retold in economic terms, it might look like this:

In onehousehold Withlimited resources was producedmaterial benefit called turnip.Process extraction this good from the earth turned out to be verylabor-intensive : it was necessary to gradually attract additional quantitieslabor resources

Retell the fairy tale in economic terms"Ryaba Chicken"

using as many economic terms as possible (work in groups).

slide 16


Resources Labor Subsistence farming

Needs Manufacturer Commercial economy

Benefit Income Profit

Products Offer Wealth

Services Consumer Property

Production Money Limited

Presenting versions of the fairy tale in a new way.

5. Summarizing the information received during the lesson

Conversation on issues.

- How does the economy serve people?

- What form of management most successfully achieves the goals of the economy?

- Conclude: What is the purpose of the economy?

Lesson summary. Reflection

6. Homework

slide 17

Textbook: §8, answer the questions in the “In the classroom and at home” section.

Teaching materials that were used in the lesson:

1. L. N. Bogolyubov, N. I. Gorodetskaya, L. F. Ivanova. Social studies, 7th grade, Moscow, Education, 2014

Collection of games, tasks and answers on economics.

3. (electronic dictionaries)

Subsistence farming – 1) everything necessary for life is produced by the people themselves and only for their own consumption; 2) primitive tools and simple technologies are used to produce products; 3) There is no trade, exchange of goods and products, which lowers the standard of living of people. - What are the disadvantages of subsistence farming?

Commodity farming – 1) everything that is produced is intended for sale and not for personal consumption; 2) constantly improving tools and more advanced technologies are used to produce goods and services; 3) increased labor productivity and improved product quality.

Compare farming methods. Comparison questions. Subsistence farming. Commodity farming. Who produces? Who consumes? How does it produce? What is labor productivity? Producers are family members. Production using hired labor. Consumers are family members. Produced for mass consumption. Traditional methods (most often manual labor). Striving to improve the quality and quantity of products produced. Labor productivity is usually not the highest. The manufacturer strives to constantly improve labor productivity.

Needs - a person’s need for something Consumer - someone who uses goods and services to satisfy their needs Human needs can only be satisfied by economic activity Goods - objects and means of satisfying human needs

1. For the term on the left, select its meaning on the right: 1. Money 2. Subsistence economy 3. Consumption 4. Trade 5. Commodity economy 6. Economy A) an economy in which goods are produced not for personal consumption, but for exchange B) management according to the rules and laws B) what is recognized by people and performs their functions; D) the use of consumer properties of goods for one’s benefit D) an economy in which a person produces himself everything necessary for life; E) exchange of goods for money

Problem The owner of a company for the production and installation of plastic windows spent 1 million rubles on the development of his production in a month. and paid a tax of 200 thousand rubles. At what price will he install one window to make a profit if he has an order for 100 windows this month?

Solution 1) = (rub.) – all costs of the company owner. 2) : 100 = (rub.) – the price of production and installation of one window, at which the owner of the company will reimburse his costs. Answer: The cost of installing one window should be more than rub.

Card 1 1. Write the meaning of basic concepts: economics, labor, labor productivity. 2. Conclude why in modern society the demand for labor qualifications is growing? 3. Give examples of professions that require the following qualities from a worker: Highly qualified worker; Ability to take risks; 4. Which remuneration system is described below? For his work, the worker receives wages regardless of the result of the work performed. Having completed his shift, he goes home with the confidence that he will receive his full salary, although he is not confident that the task will be done well.

Write the meaning of the words: salary, qualification, profit. What is most important when determining the salary? Give examples of professions that require the following qualities from an employee: Ability to work in difficult conditions; Display of special talents. Which remuneration system is described below? While doing work assembling computers, the worker decided to stay late at the end of his shift because... Due to an accident on a power line, I was unable to complete the order. He knows that he will receive a salary of 1% from each computer he assembles. Card 2

D/z: § 12; learn definitions p. 137 – task 5 “In class and at home” (written) 1. Solve problems in the presentation and answer the cards. 2. Create a 10-word crossword puzzle on this topic

history and social studies teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 3

Aksay city, Rostov region

Economy and its main participants

Lesson summary

In developing the lesson, material from the textbook and teaching aid was used to help the school teacher. Social science. 7th grade: lesson studies

developments in social studies for the educational and methodological set, (M. Prosveshcheniye) author. –


Lesson topic: Economy and its main participants

Lesson Objectives: to bring students to an understanding of the role of economics in human life, in the development of society and the state, the role of the main participants in the economy in the creation, distribution and consumption of various economic products; continue to develop the skills to work in groups, analyze additional literature, draw conclusions, independently work on the text of the textbook, present cross-cutting issues of the lesson topic; to cultivate in students the desire to realize their capabilities and abilities, the desire to acquire knowledge.

Equipment: task cards with additional material, multimedia projector.

There are 2 lessons on this topic.

Lesson plan 1:

1. What is economics?

2. Why is economics needed?

Task for students: find out what phenomena and processes are economic; what role does the economy play in the life of a person and the whole society; What is subsistence farming?

Progress of lesson 1:

In the workbook, students write down a plan for 2 lessons (slide 2, 3).

Using students’ experience of the economic processes in which they are participants in life, task No. 1 is proposed in the workbook (p. 52)

(see Appendix No. 1)

Students give their own explanation of the concepts economy, economist, economics and formulate sentences that use all three words.

The teacher talks about the 2 meanings of the concept “economics” (slide 3)

(see Appendix No. 2)

The guys write down the conclusion in their notebooks that the main manifestations of the economy include: production, distribution, exchange, consumption (slide 3)

The teacher talks about the role of economics in meeting human needs (according to Maslow’s theory) and the natural way of farming (slide 4).

Conversation on questions:

· What human needs does A. Maslow identify? Give examples of these needs.

· Is it possible to fully satisfy human needs?

· What are the characteristics of subsistence farming?

· Why is the main disadvantage of the natural form of farming low labor productivity?

To study the issue of an economic product, students read the text of the textbook “Why Economics is Needed,” p. 131, fill out the diagram on the board (slide 5).

To consolidate the concepts of “product” and “service”, students complete the task in workbook No. 4.

(see Appendix No. 3)

Summing up lesson 1:

· What phenomena and processes are considered economic?

· What role does economics play in the life of a person and the whole society?

Homework §12, pp. 130 – 134, question No. 1, task No. 3 in the workbook.

Lesson plan 2:

1. Homework survey.

2. Commercial farming.

3. Main participants in the economy.

Task for students: find out what is the advantage of commercial farming over natural farming; how the main participants in the economy are related to each other; why economists advise consumers to rely on rational motives to extract maximum benefit.

Progress 2 lessons.

Homework survey:

Conversation on the textbook question - how does economics serve people?

Working with tests (slide 9,10).

Working with the concept of “commodity farming”. We recall the definition from the history course or work with the textbook on page 133.

We determine the characteristics of 2 forms of farming - we work in the workbook p. 56.

(see Appendix No. 4)

Assignment: Compare farming methods and fill out the table (slide 11). Conclude why modern society has switched to a commodity form of economic management?

The teacher talks about the activities of the main participants in the economy. The teacher introduces concepts - economic resources, profit (slide 12, 13).

Question for the class - What is the relationship between the producer and the consumer?

Independent work of students with the rubric “Learning to make a rational decision”, page 137 in the textbook (slide 14).

Fill out the diagram on the board and answer the question why it is necessary to rely on rational motives when purchasing goods.

Complete the task in workbook No. 8

(see Appendix No. 5)

Reinforce what you have learned in the lesson - solve the problem (slide 15)

Summing up the lesson:

· How are the main participants in the economy related to each other?

Homework: read § 12, pp. 134-136, question 3.4.