What are the internal and external functions of the state in the modern world? Course work: External and internal functions of the state. What are the internal and external functions of the state.

The internal functions of the state are the main directions of the state's activities in managing the internal life of society. The classification of internal functions is carried out according to the spheres of state activity. Each state, regardless of the form of government or government structure, solves a number of fundamental economic, social, security and control tasks. In accordance with these areas of activity, the internal functions of the state are divided into economic, social, financial control, law enforcement and environmental (environmental) functions.

1. The economic function is expressed in the development and coordination by the state of strategic directions for the development of the country’s economy in the most optimal mode.

At different stages of development of society, this function can manifest itself in different ways. Here it is very important to raise the question of the limits of state intervention in the economic sphere, of methods of state management of economic relations. Matuzov N.I., Malko A.V. Op. op. p.57

In a law-governed state operating in conditions of market commodity relations, state regulation of the economy is carried out mainly by economic rather than administrative methods. Such a state is characterized by freedom and independence of the owner, which ensures real equality and independence of both producers and consumers of social benefits.

2. The social function of the state is designed to ensure social security of the individual, normal living conditions for all members of society, regardless of their direct participation in the production of goods.

The social policy of a rule-of-law state presupposes, firstly, the distribution of social benefits regardless of labor contribution in order to ensure a decent standard of living for those who, due to various objective reasons, cannot work fully (sick, disabled, elderly people, students, children) . Secondly, the state allocates the necessary funds for healthcare, cultural recreation, education, housing construction, and efficient transport and communications. This ensures the proper implementation of the rights of citizens to health care, recreation, housing, education, and the enjoyment of cultural achievements, that is, those social rights that all citizens of the state should enjoy to the maximum extent.

Only in conditions of freedom and economic independence of producers of material and spiritual goods is the state able to pursue a fair social policy towards the population of the country.

3. The function of financial control is expressed in the identification and accounting by the state of the income of producers. By law, part of this income in the form of taxes is sent to the state budget to satisfy social and other national needs. The state exercises control over the correct expenditure of taxes.

Effective financial control allows the state to accumulate certain funds for the purpose of their further use in the interests of society.

4. The function of law enforcement is the activity of the state aimed at ensuring the accurate and complete implementation of its legislative requirements by all participants in public relations. In a rule-of-law state, where public and state life is built on the basis of fair laws, the interests of society, the state, and the individual are protected from any illegal attacks. At the center of the state’s law enforcement actions is, first of all, the individual, the individual as a citizen, as a member of society, as a free individual, as well as the state itself and its various structures. Therefore, while protecting the legal rights and interests of the individual, the state simultaneously protects its own interests and the interests of the entire society.

The state is called upon to really ensure, including with the help of special bodies (courts, prosecutors, etc.), an order in public life that would fully meet the requirements of legal norms and the principles of freedom and justice embedded in them. Maintaining stable law and order in the country is the task of the entire state, the entire system of its bodies. The coercive side of state activity is gradually transformed into the legal order of a civilized society.

5. Ecological (environmental) function has become one of the most relevant in recent decades. This is due to the fact that environmentally aggressive production has become aggressive towards people and their health. Therefore, the state is forced to engage in this activity. Modern states have developed extensive environmental legislation that clearly regulates the activities of people and various organizations in the field of use of the natural environment (laws have been adopted on the protection of wildlife, atmospheric air, natural resources, water, land, forests). In many countries, national environmental protection programs have been developed and operate, providing for the application of active measures against violators of its integrity, up to the complete elimination of sources of pollution or hazardous production waste.

6. Function of the State for Defense country from external attack is an important area of ​​his activity. History confirms that at all stages of the development of the state there was an objective need to protect the freedom and independence of the country, its sovereignty and territorial integrity from external aggressors.

The country's defense function is carried out by economic, political, diplomatic and military means. In peacetime, this is a comprehensive preparation of the country to repel a possible attack from the outside. In wartime, this function takes the form of direct armed struggle with the enemy, during which all the forces of the country unite to achieve victory.

Since the defense of the country implies passive communication with other states, this function can be considered both in the category of internal and in the category of external.

The external functions of the state are closely related to the internal ones. They represent the main directions of its activities in the international arena. Different authors include different functions in this category. Let's look at some of them.

Mutually beneficial cooperation with other states -- This is a variety of state activities aimed at establishing and developing equal economic, political, cultural and other relations that harmoniously combine the interests of a given state with the specific and general interests of all states. The current level of development of society objectively requires the integration of the economic, political and cultural life of all civilized states, the unification of their common efforts to more effectively solve the internal problems of each state individually and the world community as a whole. Such cooperation presupposes a broad and mutually beneficial approach to integration issues, the ability to jointly find the most rational solutions that meet the interests of not only a given country, but also of all participants in cooperation.

Function integration into the world economy implies the international division of labor, cooperation and specialization of production, exchange of the latest technologies, coordination of trade turnover, development of credit and financial relations. The general coordination of international economic cooperation is carried out by the United Nations and its specialized agencies, such as the International Labor Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and others.

Economic cooperation is effectively carried out within the community of those states that are territorially connected to each other. An example is the European Community. Economic cooperation is also carried out on the basis of bilateral agreements between states. However, such cooperation is limited by the economic capabilities of only these states.

In the political field Cooperation between states is manifested primarily in issues of peace and war. The current level of development of the world community of states makes it possible to avoid global armed conflicts. Political cooperation between states is carried out at all levels of government: interparliamentary, intergovernmental, and at the level of local governments. An example of such political unions is the European Community, which has common interstate legislative, executive and judicial bodies, the competence of which is limited by the mutual interests of the united states.

The main international body coordinating the political interests of modern states is the UN. Issues of political settlement of conflicts, including military ones, are dealt with by the Security Council, a permanent body of the UN. Its competence includes a wide range of powers to maintain international peace and security and develop cooperation in a wide variety of areas of interstate relations.

Many issues of a political nature are resolved by states directly through diplomacy, on the basis of bilateral or multilateral negotiations.

Fighting international crime has become one of the important external functions of recent times, which is associated with the wide scale of international crime. Shestaev N.T. Functions and structure of the state. - M., 2002. p.7 Drug trade and smuggling, terrorism, illegal arms trade - this is a small list of the most dangerous types of international crimes. No state can cope with this problem alone. The need for joint action by states to combat international crime is obvious.

Specific actions of states in this area are the creation of international organizations to combat crimes.

Cultural, scientific and technical cooperation carried out in various forms and at various interstate levels. At the United Nations, such cooperation is coordinated by specialized agencies for education, science and culture (UNESCO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and others. Specific issues of cultural, scientific and technical cooperation are resolved on the basis of bilateral or multilateral agreements between states, as well as non-governmental organizations (for example, the World Organization of Democratic Youth, the International Union of Architects, the International Union of Students). Within the framework of international and scientific-technical cooperation, there is an exchange of scientific information, works of art, achievements of musical and stage culture, mutual training of specialists, various kinds of festivals, conferences on scientific and cultural issues, direct contacts between scientists, cultural figures, and athletes.

Cooperation in the field of environmental protection- this is a vital activity of any modern state, the world community as a whole. This function unites the efforts of most states to maintain a normal ecological situation on the planet and is comprehensive in nature. It is actively carried out both through specialized UN agencies and within regional and other interstate bodies. To protect the environment, the latest achievements of states in the field of astronautics, medicine, biology, and electronics are used. More and more funds are being allocated from the state budget to maintain the environment in proper form, and public organizations are also providing various assistance. In a number of countries, the government takes various measures to violate environmental regulations.

The external activities of modern states are based on international legal norms, maximally taking into account the fundamental interests and national characteristics of all peoples included in the world community. Khropanyuk V.N. Op. op. p.163

Theory of State and Law Morozova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

6.4 External functions of the state

External functions of the state

The integration of a number of post-socialist states into the world community has seriously changed their foreign policy and prompted them to recognize humanistic and generally democratic norms and principles in international relations. In particular, it is declared that generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties have priority over domestic law.

Implementation functions of integration into the world economy became possible with the easing of tensions between states. This function is based on the recognition of the interdependence of states in the modern world. Interdependence covers a wide range of relations, including production, scientific and technical, trade, credit, transport, etc.

Economic integration plays a huge role in maintaining world order and in establishing stability in relations between states. Integration is based on a number of principles, the main of which are: 1) the sovereignty of the state over its natural resources: each state is free to dispose of them; 2) freedom to choose forms of integration ties; 3) equality and mutually beneficial cooperation, exclusion of discriminatory measures.

These principles presuppose a system of state legal protection of property rights and foreign investments. Thus, foreign investments and property must be protected from nationalization and expropriation. World practice allows nationalization only on the same conditions for everyone and with the establishment of equal guarantees, as well as ways to resolve conflicts that arise. Nationalization should not be discriminatory. Its implementation is permissible only on the basis of the law, and the owner must compensate for the loss of property and ensure the possibility of challenging the nationalization act in court.

Defense function is based in most democratic states on the principle of maintaining a sufficient level of the country's defense capability that meets national security requirements. It follows that the state needs the armed forces to implement two tasks: a) protecting the independence and territorial integrity of the state; b) fulfillment of international obligations. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the state’s military expenditures and carry out a large-scale conversion of the defense industry.

At the same time, protecting yourself alone in modern conditions is almost impossible. Therefore, the world community has created a system of collective security of states within the UN, that is, an organization of joint activities that would exclude the possibility of wars. This system is based on the principles of non-use of force, peaceful resolution of disputes, equal security of states, and suppression of acts of aggression.

Function of maintaining world order is comprehensive in nature and involves creating conditions for the stable development of the international community in conditions of protection from internal and external threats, as well as fair and democratic in nature world order. This presupposes highlighting human rights and interests, ensuring the well-being of all peoples, and prioritizing the interests of the international community, without which the national interests of individual states cannot be guaranteed. This function covers, Firstly, activities for disarmament, elimination of nuclear weapons, prohibition of their production and use; limitation or complete demilitarization of international spaces, etc.; Secondly, ensuring cooperation between states in such areas as the fight against organized crime, including smuggling, drug trafficking, illegal migration, and international terrorism; Thirdly, participation of the world community in the regulation of interethnic and interreligious conflicts, since they are accompanied by violations of human rights, especially in relation to national and religious minorities, which requires international intervention; fourthly, compliance with the principle of territorial integrity of states and recognition of the inviolability of existing borders; increasing international responsibility for violating the world order.

Collaboration function with other states in various fields, including in solving global problems, appeared in the post-confrontational period of relations between states. Its foundation is the search for mutually acceptable solutions to problems that affect the interests of each nation and humanity as a whole, cannot be solved at the national or regional level and require an international response.

Global ones include, for example, hunger and poverty in developing countries, rampant violence and crime, the problem of resources, and the general interest of the world community in preventing major environmental disasters that outgrow the territorial limits of one state. The consolidation of international efforts here occurs in two main directions: 1) limiting harmful impacts on the environment; 2) rational use of natural resources. Such cooperation allows: to prevent industrial accidents; ensure emergency preparedness and early warning; reduce the serious consequences of disasters.

The world community is also interested in the universal protection of natural resources and the environment from large-scale harm caused by toxic emissions from industrial production, oil leaks from tankers and oil pipelines, contamination by radioactive waste, the threat of the so-called greenhouse effect (changes in the planet’s ozone layer), etc.

Big problems are associated with the exploration of outer space, other planets and celestial bodies; removal of space debris, the appearance of which is caused by numerous launches of space objects.

Increased human intervention in the natural system often leads to the extinction of some species of animals and plants. Thus, the planet's gene pool is under threat. General concern for the preservation of raw materials and energy resources as a common property has led to an international legal agreement on the harmonization of the national policies of individual states in the field of energy, fossil fuels, and non-renewable natural resources.

The effectiveness of interstate cooperation depends on many factors, including:

exchange of scientific information, conduct joint research, develop scientific forecasts regarding adverse changes in global climate and natural resources;

dissemination of experience in monitoring environmental violations;

application of market mechanisms to prevent damage to nature (tax incentives, loans, fine systems, etc.);

harmonization of national policies of states in the environmental sphere;

mechanism of interaction between states in emergency environmental situations.

Of particular importance is the problem of strengthening stability in the CIS - a zone of vital, strategic interests of Russia.

Thus, cooperation between states is determined by the interdependence of all countries of the world and the recognition of human values ​​as the main guidelines in interstate communication.

However, in the international arena there is not only cooperation, but also rivalry between states, which is determined by the level of their competitiveness. Consequently, while noting the increased opportunities for cooperation between states in various fields, one cannot at the same time deny mutually exclusive interests and the contradictory complexity of the modern world.

Concluding the description of the functions of modern states, we should point out the following trends in their development:

1) extension functions of states, the scope of state influence in the life of society. At the same time, some functions outgrow their domestic significance (environmental, protection and protection of human rights) and simultaneously acquire external aspects;

2) cardinal change of content many functions, which is due to the goal of forming a new democratic statehood;

3) approval priority general social, humanistic principle in the functioning of the state;

4) increase in national and social values the state, which is determined by the fact that it is the source of sustainable law and order and security of society, the main defender of human rights and freedoms; acts as an arbiter in social, including national, conflicts; has unique controls; forms the legal climate in society.

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2. Concept, characteristics and functions of the state The state is a sovereign territorial organization of political power, ensuring, with the help of law and a specially created state apparatus, the management of the affairs of the entire society. Signs

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Functions of the theory of state and law Functions should be understood as the main directions of research activity. In this regard, it is customary to highlight the following functions of the theory of state and law, and indeed of all jurisprudence:? ontological (ontology – the doctrine of being) –

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1.3. Concept, signs and functions of the state Concept and signs of the state The state is a sovereign universal organization of political power, designed to ensure the optimal functioning of people, having its own territory, a coercive apparatus, creating

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2. The concept of the state. Its features and functions The state is a political organization of society (a stable union of individuals created to achieve a common interest, having a common goal, a common language, culture, way of life, territory), acting on

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Chapter 5. Functions of the state The main activities of the state (its functions) are characterized by some common features. For example, the content of each function of the state consists of a set of homogeneous aspects of state activity, they

The topic of the state in social science is one of the most complex and central topics. I hope you understand that these issues are dealt with by a separate science - political science, which is partly included in the school social studies course. The functions of the state, internal and external, are a rather interesting topic, since it gives an idea of ​​why you and I need it at all. Let us briefly examine this topic with examples.

However, before further reading this article, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the topic.


Internal functions are the role that government plays in its internal policies. Why does the people need it directly? These functions can be called:

Regulatory— the state acts as the main regulator of social life, the country’s economy and a host of other processes. This is precisely what gives grounds for political scientists to consider it a universal institution.

For example, the government regulates the environment, labor issues of citizens, and issues of the same sports policy. For example, when Germany failed at the World Cup in the late 90s, the state launched a special program to support German football in the early 2000s. Over 390 new stadiums were built throughout the country! As a result, today German football plays a vital place on the football map of the world! Issues of pensions, and a host of others - this is all for the main regulator.

Economic and economic. The government must define and implement economic policies. After all, in the end, everything depends on the economy: pensions, salaries, business development, construction, education, medicine and other issues. The government is obliged to pursue a sound economic policy. This also applies.

Law enforcement. The state arose in order to protect different segments of the population. Previously, it protected only those who had property. Now, in theory, any state is social, that is, it must protect the interests of all citizens. For example, it should not be the case that a drunk police officer knocked a person to death, but he is not tried, and the case is simply hushed up. But an ordinary person will be imprisoned for himself and for this employee.

In addition, people's private property must also be protected in a modern state. And the fact that the city administration burns houses in order to chop off the lands of its own citizens for the construction of shopping centers - such horror should not happen either. Remember, when state institutions decay, when it is criminal, society will also be criminal, because the fish rots from the head!

Social function. Any state must give equal opportunities to absolutely all citizens, regardless of social origin, as well as race, skin color, etc. All layers must be protected. After all, we do not live in the Middle Ages, but in a society that has already experienced terrible wars, famine, devastation, and mass murder of the population more than once or twice. A social state must take care of everyone, otherwise people will become animals. Think for yourself why and write in the comments.

Socialization function (cultural and educational). Education is part of the socialization process. The state is one of the main ones. It must convey universal, humane values ​​so that there is no discord in society. After all, any discord destroys society.

For example, in Russia today, for example on television, time is somehow unfairly distributed. It is mainly given to people of the Orthodox Church. Meanwhile, there are many Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics, and finally Protestants in the country. Why


External functions are those that ensure the proper role of the state in the international arena and protect its interests in the rest of the world. These include the following characteristics:

Defensive. The state must ensure the defense of its independence from a potential enemy. In general, they all behave like bandits on the world stage, trying to chop off all the most valuable things from their neighbor. For example, events in Libya, Egypt, and Syria clearly show how states can act towards each other.

Of course, some idiotic manuals also call it a military function. Allegedly, the state is obliged to fight with others for the sake of its interests. You must understand that war is the last resort of diplomacy. And the fact that it has become permanent in the modern world is not the norm! Therefore, it makes more sense to talk about the function of defense.

Diplomatic. The government must protect the interests of its citizens, as well as legal entities that have its origin. For example, just recently France closed its trade mission in Russia because Russian authorities froze the accounts of this state organization. I think that in the future, if this policy continues, Russia will cease to be an object of investment for Western partners.

Also, the diplomatic role of the state is associated with defending its economic interests at the global level. For example, Russia joined the WTO in 2012. The price for this was the destruction of domestic education. Indeed, in order to enter the World Trade Organization, our country needed to implement the main provisions of the Bologna Process. By the way, special integration of domestic education into global education has not happened. But this topic could become a separate article, so there is no point in considering it here.

Thus, I think you have learned why the functions of the state are divided into internal and external. Finally, we present you with a table with examples on this topic:

Best regards, Andrey Puchkov

A) Approaches to the classification of internal and external functions.

The most common classification of state functions is internal and external, that is, to determine the activities of the state in relation to society, of which the state is a special organization, and in relation to other states.

Analyzing various legal literature, I had to face the problem of multivariate identification of subfunctions among internal and external functions. In fact, the rule worked: how many people - so many opinions. Often, the difference between the classification proposed by one scientist and that proposed by another was that one or another subfunction is a component of another subfunction, or vice versa - the subfunction is divided into smaller ones. Nevertheless, the general meaning of dividing functions into external and internal remains the same for all authors.

Thus, V.V. Lazarev classifies internal functions as:

Establishment and protection of legal order;

Protection of property rights, other rights and freedoms of citizens;





External functions:

Maintaining peace and peaceful coexistence;

Ensuring business partnerships and cooperation;

Protection of state sovereignty from external attacks;

N.T. Shestaev includes the following internal functions:



Social services;

Provision and protection of citizens;

Cultural and educational;


External functions:

Protection of the state from armed attacks of other states;

Maintaining international political relations (diplomatic activities);

Economic and cultural relations;

Combating international crimes; participation in international environmental protection.

Typically, all the authors of the classifications generally note that the objects of influence of the functions of the state are large spheres of social life - the economy, the social sphere, the spiritual life of society, the established social order. Thus, in the most general classification, functions can be economic, ideological, protective, political, both in the external and internal activities of the state.

At the end of the consideration of approaches to the classification of internal and external functions of the state, I would like to note that in the legal literature there is an opinion that, to a certain extent, this division of functions has lost its significance.

So, B.P. Kurashvili categorically rejects the distinction between internal and external functions, since it does not reveal the actual relationship of functions. He asks: doesn’t the economic-organizational function, declared internal, have its external aspect in the form of, say, the organization of economic cooperation with other countries; or does the defense function, declared external, not have an internal aspect in the form of, for example, the development of the country’s military-economic potential?

It is difficult to disagree with these arguments, since every internal function of the state also has an external aspect, and every external function has an internal aspect. They are organically interconnected, intertwined, and penetrate each other. In other words, the division of government functions into internal and external is conditional. However, each of the functions of the state, in its content, generally serves to resolve either domestic or foreign policy problems. Based on this, the division of state functions into internal and external seems to us acceptable both from the point of view of science and practice.

A.B. Vengerov notes that it is becoming more important to highlight the global functions that characterize the activities of a modern state in the environmental, demographic, raw materials, space spheres and other modern global state spheres of activity that affect the entire civilization.

A particular problem is solving the issue of centralization and decentralization of state functions. In a totalitarian and, as a rule, unitary state, excessive centralization of functions occurs. And in the conditions of a federal state (in particular in Russia - A.R.), problems of decentralization of functions arise. It is necessary to delineate the spheres of activity and powers between federal bodies and authorities of the constituent entities of the federation.

B) Internal functions of the state.

The internal functions of the state include:

1) Law enforcement function

Protection of the dominant mode of production, as well as dominant and other forms of property. The state protects the rights and freedoms of citizens by issuing laws that establish a certain order (law and order) in society, a list of violations of law and order, determines measures of responsibility for offenses, determines the procedure for investigation, consideration of cases related to offenses, establishes a system of law enforcement agencies designed to combat offenses, determines their competence.

2) Economic function.

This function of the state has changed greatly during the historical existence of the state from complete non-interference in the economy (the concept of the “night watchman state”) to complete control of all economic activities and regulation of all issues of economic life (totalitarian states of the socialist type).

In modern conditions, when economic ties have immeasurably multiplied and become more complex, a democratic state does not remain an observer from the outside. It actively develops and implements economic policies that are based on the principles of the free market and free enterprise.

The state uses a variety of levers of influence on the economy: tax and customs policies, loans and subsidies to private producers, control over production, control over prices, quality of products, especially food, medicines, etc.; regulation in the field of foreign economic activity, in particular the use of protective duties and more severe measures - the establishment of a state monopoly on all foreign trade or on trade in individual goods, the establishment of a wine and tobacco monopoly, the use of state orders for industrial and agricultural products. The state uses a very wide arsenal of means - from soft, indirect influence through economic levers (taxes, duties, subsidies, etc.) to more brutal methods, through direct regulations. The task of the state is to establish the “rules of the game” through laws and enforce them.

During periods of economic crises, states of depression, and during transitional stages, government intervention in the economy increases. This is typical, for example, for the current stage of development of Russia. As experience shows, the economic reforms that are currently being implemented in our country cannot be effective without adequate government influence on the development of economic processes. Hence - a large array of legislative acts in this area and economic measures carried out by the state, for example, privatization of the housing stock, state and municipal property, land reform, etc.

3) Social function.

This function is related to the economic one and largely depends on the economic line of the state. In general, it is a manifestation of the state’s paternalism towards the individual, towards that part of society that, for a number of reasons, needs support from the state.

The beginnings of this function were in the reforms of Otto Bismarck in the 90s. XIX century. At this time, insurance laws were adopted in Germany, benefits were established in case of illness, benefits in connection with an accident at work, etc. Nowadays, many states declare themselves not only legal, but also social, which is enshrined in their constitutions.

Russia is such a state. Article 7, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states in particular: “The Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.”

In the implementation of the social function, a large place belongs to the implementation of state policy in the field of education, science, culture, and the health of citizens. In these areas, the social function is carried out in the form of state support (financial, material, program, etc.) of educational, educational and scientific institutions, as well as cultural institutions. As for the management and organization of their work, they are autonomous, free in their activities, and government intervention is unacceptable here.

Society as a whole and the state are interested in ensuring that every citizen has an education that meets the accepted standard. Without education, active participation of citizens in public life, in production, in all spheres of government activity is currently unthinkable, and therefore in many states education is compulsory.

4) Ecological function

The function appeared in the 20th century. The state is forced to pay serious attention to nature conservation and the rational use of natural resources. The main content of the environmental function is the management and coordination of the activities of natural resource users and processors of natural resources in order to preserve and protect the natural environment.

The implementation of the function is based on the following principles:

1). Natural resources are subject to protection by the state, regardless of whether they are involved in economic turnover or not.

2). The use of natural resources must be rational and consistent with the development of the state.

3). Strict compliance with environmental legislation and strict liability for its violation.

This is the “classical” set of internal functions of the state. Many scientists, analyzing the Russian state, highlight special functions in relation to it, which will be discussed further.

B) External functions of the state

Let's look at the external functions:

1) Defense function

Associated with the protection of state borders. This is perhaps the historically first external function of the state. The armed forces, a necessary institution of the state, are created primarily for defense against the encroachments of neighboring states. This function expresses the interests of the entire society, often becoming a matter not only of the state, but also of the entire people as a necessary condition for its existence. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. A citizen of the Russian Federation performs military service in accordance with federal law.”

The practical execution of the defense function is also entrusted to special state armed organizations. They are intended to ensure sovereignty, protect the territory, borders and population from external attacks and ensure public order and the safety of citizens. Special armed organizations are vested with competence in accordance with the constitution. The nature of the tasks performed by armed state organizations determines the features of their formation, activities, management and support. Special armed state organizations include:

> Foreign intelligence services. They collect information in case of hostilities.

> Security service. It is intended to protect state security and the constitutional order from external attacks.

> The police (militia) are the basis and guarantor of public order. The police are called upon to serve the entire society, to ensure order, tranquility and safety of citizens.

2) The function of seizing foreign territories and spheres of influence is closely related to the function of defense.

Indeed, the entire history of mankind can be figuratively called the history of wars. The wealth of some nations attracts the attention of others. Throughout history, strong states have pursued an aggressive policy, while weak states have pursued a defensive policy.

3) In modern conditions, the state has a new function - the function of ensuring peace and maintaining a world order based on international law.

This function also includes the fight against international terrorism and international crime, including drug trafficking.

4) The maintenance of peace and international law and order is facilitated by the implementation of such a function as the function of cooperation between states in the field of economics, ecology, culture, science, healthcare, etc.

This function is based on the interests of each state. The Constitutions of a number of countries emphasize the ideas of friendship and cooperation with all countries.

In modern conditions, the development of states is determined by the process of integration of economic, political and cultural life. This process is deepened in the program to improve cooperation.

The function of cooperation and mutual assistance expresses the interests of all states. On this basis, various organizations are created whose activities are aimed at improving the economic, political and cultural life of society (UN, NATO, Warsaw Pact, CMEA, etc.)

As mentioned above, each state is connected with other states through various relations: political, economic and cultural. These relationships need to be established, developed and managed.

It should be noted that the list of external functions of the state given in this part is, in my opinion, the most comprehensive and concise. Many authors highlight a larger number of functions, apparently believing that at the present stage of Russia’s life they are the most relevant and require their separation into separate functions.

Coursework on the theory of state and law for a first-year student. group Yu-105. Yesen R.K.

Institute of Youth.

Faculty of Law.

Moscow, 1999

The concept of state functions and their classification.

The theory of state and law to describe, explain and predict the active side of the state uses the concept of state function - characteristics of exactly what and how the state “does”.

Function, like many other social science concepts, is not a strictly legal and political concept. It is borrowed from other sciences. The concept of function in the theory of state and law means the direction, subject of activity of a particular political and legal institution, the content of this activity, and its support. This is precisely the meaning implied by the concept of state function.

The term “functions of the state” is used to designate the main, most important areas of the state’s activities, in which its social purpose is manifested. The main directions of activity of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities in a rule-of-law state are of a common nature. Their primary goal is to ensure the harmonious functioning of society.

The functions of the state express its essence, the real role that the state plays in solving the main issues of social development and, above all, in satisfying the diverse interests of the country's population. The functions of the state are established depending on the main tasks facing the state at a particular stage of its development, and represent a means of implementing these tasks. The content of the state's tasks is determined by various internal and external factors. For example, crisis phenomena in the economic life of a country require the concentration of efforts of the state and all its bodies on solving economic problems. The growth of crime forces the state to take timely and serious practical actions to strengthen the fight against it, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that give rise to it. The threat of external aggression mobilizes the state mechanism to prepare the country's population to repel it.

All functional activities of the state are aimed at achieving the main goal: the formation of civil society, the creation of conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person, his moral, material and physical well-being, maximum legal and social protection of the individual. The state must always act as the supreme guardian and protector of the legitimate interests of the individual. It is through the individual that the state promotes social progress as a whole, improves and enriches the entire system of social relations.

Thus, from everything stated above, we can conclude that the functions of the state are the main (main) directions (sides, types) of the state’s activities to implement the tasks facing it in order to achieve certain goals determined by both its class and general social essence and social purpose.

In the modern theory of state and law, it is customary to classify the functions of the state according to:

1. Areas of activity (objects of influence) on:



Since the functions of the state are the activities of the state taken in its entirety, with a single political, structural, territorial organization, in the theory of state and law the most common and recognized division of functions into internal and external.

All main directions of state activity, depending on the sphere of public life in which they occur, are divided into internal and external. The life of any modern society takes place in two main areas: within the country and in the international arena.

2. Duration of action:



Permanent functions are carried out at all stages of state development. Temporary functions cease to operate with the solution of a certain task, usually of an emergency nature (these include, for example, the elimination of a natural disaster, large-scale disasters, or anti-constitutional protests).

3. Social significance:


Chapter 1. Internal functions of the state.

The internal functions of the state are the main directions of the state’s activities in managing the internal life of society. The classification of internal functions is carried out according to the spheres of activity of the state. Each state, regardless of its form of government or government structure, solves a number of fundamental economic, social, security and control tasks. In addition, currently the most important task of all states is environmental protection. In accordance with these areas of activity, the internal functions of the state are divided into:


Providing social services

Protection of law and order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens

Ecological (environmental)

Financial control.

1.1 Economic function of the state.

The economic function of the state is expressed in the development and coordination

the state of strategic directions for the development of the country's economy in the most optimal mode: formation of the state budget and control over its expenditure; determination of general programs for the economic development of the country; stimulating the highest priority sectors of the economy; creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity; creating conditions for everyone to exercise their right to be an owner.

In a law-governed state operating in conditions of market commodity relations, state regulation of the economy is carried out mainly by economic rather than administrative methods. Such a state is characterized by freedom and independence of the owner, which ensures real equality and independence of both producers and consumers of social benefits.

There are two main economic methods of government regulation:

Firstly, a certain and fairly strict tax policy that allows the state to successfully solve its social problems, as well as redistribute part of the national income for the purpose of a more balanced development of the productive forces of society.

Secondly, the creation of the most favorable business conditions in priority sectors of the economy, the development of which provides the greatest benefit to society as a whole.

The economic activity of a modern rule-of-law state has the following directions:

Firstly, the state influence on the economic life of society as a whole, which is expressed in the formation of the state budget and control over its expenditure; in drawing up economic development programs on a national scale; in financing industrial and scientific research programs; in issuing subsidies to producers of material goods to stimulate production. Supreme and local government bodies, as well as specialized institutions, participate in state regulation of economic processes. For example, such institutions in the United States are the Bureau of Management and Budget, the Council of Economic Advisers, the National Labor Relations Administration, the Federal Reserve System and others. They are part of the apparatus of the country's president.

Local government bodies also have a stimulating effect on the economy. They provide an influx of capital and business development in the trust territory in order to obtain large funds for the local budget. By supporting entrepreneurship and attracting new companies to their territory, local authorities thus develop infrastructure and solve the problem of unemployment. To carry out these tasks, a tax mechanism is used, land plots are allocated for construction, and bonds are issued to finance new producers.

The economic function of the state mainly consists of regulatory, stimulating, and advisory actions, but in no case in the creation of distribution or prohibitive mechanisms. In modern civil society, only economic units and labor collectives (producers) can decide which bodies of state and economic management they need, what the functions of these bodies should be, how much they should be paid and for what services.

Secondly, the economic activity of the state is also expressed in the direct economic management of the public sector of the economy (at state enterprises, institutions, establishments). Here the state itself acts as the owner of the means of production, the producer of material goods and services. The methods of its influence on the economic relations developing in this sector of the economy are not fundamentally different from the general methods of state regulation of economic processes in the country.

1.2 Social function of the state.

One of the functions of the state is the need to provide a certain part of the population with the means to maintain an appropriate standard of living, that is, maintenance at the expense of society in special cases and in special ways of certain categories of citizens, thus, the social function of the state is designed to ensure social security of the individual, normal living conditions for all members of society, regardless of their direct participation in the production of goods.

The types and forms of social security, the volume of funds or in-kind services provided, the range of services provided depend on the level of development of society and the state as a whole, the degree of its civilization and humanity.