Typical house for 2 families. House for two owners: project for dividing the house, design nuances

Currently, two-family house designs are becoming increasingly popular. This is due not only to the desire of residents to be as close to each other as possible, but also often purely economic considerations. In any case, this is a budget option, since one large cottage takes up less land than two small ones. For two families owning common property, it is much more profitable to build a two-flat mansion. A house for 2 owners can be one- or two-story, wooden, brick, block, etc. Even the size of the apartments can vary significantly.

Residential house for 2 owners

If the owner of the plot initially set himself the task of ensuring that his descendants (children, grandchildren and other family members) live next to each other, then for this it is necessary to create certain conditions that are most optimal for them to live together. It is important to ensure that none of the family members experience discomfort or feel like a guest in their own home. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to competently draw up a house project, where all the main nuances will be provided, on which the overall atmosphere, level of comfort and quality of living will depend in the future.

How to divide a house?

A house intended for two families is separated by various technologies. The most common of them is the construction of an internal partition. Its location is determined in advance and reflected in the project.

It is important to note that this layout of a house for 2 owners helps to significantly save on heating, which is extremely important today. In addition, despite living together under one roof, each family has the right to decorate their home according to their own taste. Thus, interior rooms can be planned and finished completely differently, since designs for two-family houses provide for living in exclusively isolated rooms. At the request of the residents, the kitchen, utility and utility rooms, and garage can be made common, the joint use of which will not burden any resident.

If the house is two storeys, two families can be accommodated on separate floors - a great option for one large family wanting to split up. Such designs of two-family houses are not only economical and comfortable, but also affordable for many.

Here are a few ready-made options.

One-story house for two families

The most common project is a house for 2 owners with different entrances, where the apartments are placed in a mirror image and seem to copy each other. Each family has at its disposal:

  • two bedrooms;
  • kitchen;
  • living room;
  • dining room;
  • bathroom;
  • separate entrance with porch.

The two apartments are united only by a common wall, which has a reinforced structure that provides reliable sound insulation. It is thanks to this that families will not feel like they are in multi-storey buildings with high sound permeability.

From each apartment, through the living room, there is also another exit to the terrace located in the backyard of the house. The walls of the house can be built from aerated concrete or brick, but when choosing the first option, the structure is lined with siding.

To ensure that the appearance of the building is not spoiled, the exterior decoration of the house is made common, but each family has the right to design the interior space according to their own taste and even change the location of the partitions.

Two story building

A successful project - a compact house for 2 owners with different entrances and an attic. The main room on the first floor is a spacious living room with two large windows. Each half of the house has at its disposal a kitchen, the same size as the living room, as well as two windows. A staircase leads to the second, attic floor from the kitchen. Upstairs there are two bedrooms.

Over the porch of each apartment there is a canopy protecting from rain.

The external walls of such a house are made of timber, while the internal partitions are made of frame panels. Despite the fact that the project is quite simple, such a house for 2 owners has its own peculiarity. Since the building is not burdened with complex architectural additions, the external walls can be built from sip panels. If you plan to build a frame version, the cost of building a cottage will be significantly reduced.

Project of a house for two owners with a garage

When using the house, additional comfort is the garage located on the ground floor. In order to leave it, you don’t have to go out in inclement rainy weather and open the garage door. By choosing such a house for 2 owners with a garage, the owners will not only benefit from the ease of use of the car, but will also significantly save money on the construction of a garage space.

At the same time, the layout of the house is designed so that the noise of a starting vehicle does not penetrate into the living quarters.

First floor

The following rooms are located downstairs:

  • entrance hall with stairs;
  • living room;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • utility room.

Second floor

At the top are:

  • Two bedrooms.
  • Toilet.
  • Bathroom.
  • Cabinet.
  • Jacuzzi with access to the bedroom and large balcony.

In addition, there is a basement floor under the house, which can be used as a utility room, workshop, or arranged as additional living space.

The plot of land is divided by a fence built in a style consistent with the cottage.

Advantages of two-flat cottages with a garage

A house for 2 owners is convenient for large families that consist of several generations: parents, children and grandchildren. Elderly parents often need help, so they can always count on the support of their children. In turn, grandparents will be able to look after their grandchildren. It is also profitable to build a house for 2 owners for economic reasons, since the construction of one building is always much cheaper than two.

Construction of a two-family cottage is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • The general foundation is being poured.
  • A common capital partition is being erected.
  • Common communications for two families: water supply, gas, sewerage, electricity.
  • Availability of a common garage, utility and utility rooms.

But the greatest advantage of semi-detached mansions is that, living under one roof, families connected by family ties have their own personal living space.

Beautiful house designs for two families: photos, catalog

Convenient search filters will help you find standard designs of houses for two families, as well as order an individual project for a two-family house. You will select attic and two-story house designs for two families, classic and modern, houses of various layouts.

Completely all projects of houses for two families, photos, videos, diagrams, sketches and drawings are collected in this section of the catalog.

The layout of house projects for 2 families is designed in such a way that the apartments are completely independent of each other, and only in some cases they only have a technical room in common. Such houses are more profitable in turnkey construction and operation: one roof is erected for two people, and heating costs will be lower. In addition, a more compact plot for them can be used to implement such house projects. Children, parents for example, or siblings who want to live together will benefit from these benefits.

House plans for 2 families: possible options

House project plans for two families can be divided into two types according to their structure: twin houses and regular semi-detached houses. In ordinary private two-apartment cottages, one of the apartments is located entirely on the ground floor, the second, as a rule, occupies both floors of the house, or the entire second floor.

The houses are twins, absolutely identical and symmetrical relative to the common wall. The double house project may be less economical to build, but their location on two adjacent plots allows for a much more efficient use of the space around the house.

For projects of such houses, the price is indicated for both segments of the house. Only one segment of the house cannot be sold, since all the technical parameters of the house are designed for two segments at once. For a single building, many changes need to be made to such a project: recalculate the loads on the load-bearing structures, change the roof design, the foundation design, recalculate the volumes of required materials, and much more. Making such changes very significantly increases the cost estimate for creating the project itself.

Layouts of houses for two families: making changes

When purchasing a cottage project for a large family, we strongly recommend adapting the foundation of a standard project to the soil characteristics of the building site, using the “ ” addition. Only in this case will our finished project be able to guarantee the necessary reliability and quality of the new house built (subject to competent construction, of course). To carry out such adaptation, you need to provide a report on geological surveys carried out on your site.

" " - will help you choose the most profitable home construction contractor. By ordering this service, you will receive, in general, the same estimate, but without prices. The calculation is made on the fact that construction organizations in your region will set prices for you, and you will only have to choose the best and most optimal offer from those received.

The "" package will offer the best option for installing these networks in the house. Still, you shouldn’t do this during the construction process: it’s difficult to independently provide for their convenient control, laying them at the correct distance from the electrics, etc.

Thanks to the popular add-on “”, the layout of houses for two families can be adjusted. The "" service allows you to create original design projects for houses for 2 families.

And our additional services “ ” and “ ” will take care of a comfortable and good microclimate - they are worth it, because what could be more pleasant than a warm floor, and what could be more important than fresh air in the house?

Having decided to buy standard or individual architectural designs of houses for two families from the Z500 company, developers can be sure that they will receive detailed documentation on the project, which consists of 5 sections: 3 parts of the engineering section (electricity, ventilation and heating schemes, water supply), structural and architectural sections.

All projects of residential cottages of the Z500 company are protected by copyright, which gives developers a guarantee of legal security when constructing a private cottage according to the projects of the Z500 company.

A certificate is placed, which confirms that the Z500 company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd in our country.

Projects for two-family houses are more difficult to design than a residential building designed to house members of only one family. Read about what you need to pay attention to when working on a project and what is required for this in our study.

Project of a brick house for two families with awnings

Individual development is gradually giving way to closer proximity. The type of building, called duplex (literally - double), first gained popularity as a country house in a recreation area. This “double” cottage was an ideal place for temporary living.

But gradually this version of a residential building moved from resort areas to the outskirts of large cities. And today a two-family house has become quite commonplace in our country. More and more young people, both in rural areas and in urban centers, prefer to live in a cottage of this type.

Project of a timber house for 2 families

In addition to the fact that construction can be organized together, duplexes have another undoubted advantage. There is always someone at home in them - not just some owners, but others. And this can protect a country house from unauthorized entry better than any alarm system. And this can also protect you from unforeseen accidents, communications accidents and technical breakdowns. Or minimize the consequences of a rupture of a water pipe, gas pipe or violation of electrical wiring protection.

The owners of one half can safely leave without fear for their home. In addition, such a private house allows you to save on heating, because one of its walls is common. It is located inside the building, and no heat escapes through it. When building houses for 2 families, it is possible to build a common supply to the facility for communications - water supply, natural gas, electricity.

Project of a two-story house with a garage for 2 families

This can significantly reduce costs during construction work.

Specifics of house design

Projects of two-family houses have a number of specific qualities.
The first requirement is that the building must be harmonious. Both of its residential halves are made symmetrical so that externally the structure looks like a single whole. And this is the first difficulty that arises when creating a building with two entrances, located separately. Each person has his own passions, including architecture. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to “match” preferences where two owners and members of their families will live.

This is probably why the vast majority of buildings with 2 groups of residents have a universal appearance, without pronounced elements of one style or another. Another feature that projects of houses for two owners have is that the communications supply is made common. But the wiring inside is done according to an individual project.

Layout of a Finnish townhouse for two families

This also needs to be taken into account when working on construction documentation. It is difficult to take into account such a nuance as the height of the ceilings in the premises when designing a home for 2 owners. Some people like spacious rooms. And someone seeks to save coolant by reducing cubic capacity. Creating a drawing for a duplex can become a headache if the owners of the future home do not agree on all the details of the construction in advance.

Option for the layout and design of a cottage with an attic for 2 families

A separate drawing must be drawn up in case. However, you shouldn’t go overboard and make detailed plans for each room. This may be needed later, when the time comes and a detailed layout is needed for arranging furniture and equipment.

In addition to the layout of rooms and utility rooms, it would not be superfluous to draw a drawing of the facade, as well as the backyard. This will help builders better and more fully understand the intent of those who designed the house for two owners.

Schemes and materials

An important part of the future project is the choice of materials from which the duplex will be built. Traditionally, the following materials are chosen for construction:

  • cinder blocks;
  • wooden beam;
  • foam blocks;
  • SIP panels.

These materials have proven themselves well in the construction of residential buildings in different regions of our country; they are affordable and can be easily purchased. Each of the materials has its pros and cons. Let's take a look at some of the types that are gaining popularity among middle class consumers.

The simplest type of construction is a frame house. For the production of sandwich panels with insulation. It can be placed on a regular columnar foundation, since the load on the base will be insignificant. The advantages of a cottage of this type of construction are that it can be assembled in a short time without involving qualified specialists.

Ready-made timber house project for 2 families

In addition, owners buy ready-made parts that manufacturers can customize to fit an existing project. Another good thing about a frame house is that it can always be completed, just like a construction kit. As children grow up and start their own families, it will be possible to add new rooms to the main premises.

Among the disadvantages that a frame house has, we note its relative fragility, in addition, the cost of additional insulation if it is located in an area with harsh winters.

However, this is the most profitable that 2 families with average income can afford. This type of construction, such as a house made of timber for 2 families, is also in demand among customers. This type is more time-consuming to assemble and also requires certain skills in construction. It is better to place it on a strip concrete foundation, since it is heavier than its frame counterparts.

Layout of a strip foundation for a wooden house

Having made a choice in favor of building from timber for 2 families, the owners need to take into account that the materials must be dried and treated with special compounds before starting construction:

  • from insects and pests;
  • from mold and fungi;
  • from fire.

A duplex is a country house consisting of two autonomous and mirrored sections. Each section is a separate house with its own entrance. In terms of layout, dimensions, number of storeys and facade design, the variety of duplexes is not inferior to classic houses. Considering that construction costs are distributed among two owners, plus some savings on finishing and “engineering”, you can build a duplex with a minimum budget, especially since you can always find an economy class project.

Duplexes are often designed to be two stories high, with part of the first floor dedicated to an attached garage. The layout of neighboring households is almost always mirrored. At least a small individual courtyard is provided in front of the entrance.

Duplex projects often include a garage Source yuga-build.ru

Who are duplexes suitable for?

One house on land for 2 owners is the best solution to many issues:

    If representatives of two generations of the same family want to live nearby, but not together.

    If 2 families are ready to divide a common local area and live in one building, while receiving private housing that is inexpensive to build and operate.

    If a family plans to build such housing, part of which can be rented out and not worry about the reliability of the tenants.

    If you need to build a house within the city, where a minimum area of ​​land is allocated for each household.

Duplex project with flat roof Source geo-comfort.ru

Duplex projects

Double houses are designed according to the same principles as ordinary cottages. Modern architects create all kinds of standard designs for economy class duplexes for 2 families. If desired, you can order an individual architectural design for both economy and premium class housing. However, the very idea of ​​two families living on the same territory, close to each other, most often involves the rational use of funds both for the construction of a building and for its subsequent maintenance.

Since duplexes have become increasingly popular lately, leading construction companies have begun actively designing all sorts of options for double houses. As a result, now any future homeowner can choose the most suitable ready-made project for himself.

The choice of duplex project is carried out taking into account all the main factors:

    type of layout;

    number of storeys;


    wall material;

    type of roof.

The process of choosing an architectural solution is complicated by the fact that it must completely suit both families who are going to share a common roof. Everything should be suitable - the location of the rooms, the size of the backyard, the size and shape of the windows, as well as the type of exterior finishing and roofing material. Externally, the house should look like an integral architectural structure, with a single harmonious design.

Source yurlkink.ru
On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Turnkey duplex: what the market offers

The main advantage of a two-family cottage is that construction costs are distributed among future owners, plus there is the opportunity to save some money on finishing or engineering work. To get housing with even greater savings, faster, and at the same time not delve into construction issues at all, it makes sense to order the construction of a turnkey duplex. In this case, all stages of the construction of the building, including preparation of the project and ending with cleaning of the rooms and finishing, are taken over by the construction company.

By concluding a turnkey construction contract, the customer knows exactly when the house will be ready to move in, and how much the construction and finishing process will cost. This minimizes the risks of unplanned expenses and construction downtime.

Source yurlkink.ru

Construction companies offer their clients both VIP solutions and simply high-quality architectural designs for duplexes - economy class two-family house designs. Since the companies offering turnkey construction have multidisciplinary specialists on staff, due to their complexity they can offer clients favorable conditions. If one company carries out all the design, construction, engineering and finishing work, then all you have to do is periodically monitor the entire process, and for this, reports from technical supervision are sufficient. Upon completion of all work, you receive a residential building completely ready for occupancy.

Duplexes built using frame technology or from sip panels are especially popular now. These two construction options differ from the others in their minimal costs and high construction speed. But we must remember that cottages made from these materials become comfortable and durable only if construction technology is followed, which means that the choice of a competent construction company remains in the foreground.

Video description

What are modern duplexes in the following video:

Examples of duplex projects

You can build a beautiful and comfortable turnkey duplex using any ready-made project. The main thing is that it meets the conditions of the site on which construction is planned and the needs of future residents.

Source domofond.ru
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house construction services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Project of a two-story compact duplex

This duplex is a house with a rational layout, which has everything you need and nothing superfluous. This cottage would be an ideal home for two small families. The blocks of two neighboring apartments in this version are designed in a simple rectangular shape, but at the same time they are slightly offset relative to each other, which provides a more aesthetic appearance of the building. The absence of architectural frills makes the project quite economical.

There is an additional room on the ground floor. It can be used as another bedroom or a second living room. This room is located directly at the entrance, so it can be an ideal office for receiving clients at home.

An important advantage of the project is the presence of three full-fledged spacious bathrooms, while many other developments have only one bathroom on the second floor and one bathroom with a washbasin and toilet in the guest area. When choosing a project of this type, you should pay attention to the fact that it does not have a garage. It is suitable for families who do not need a special room for vehicles, but just a canopy next to the house.

Source yurlkink.ru

Duplex project with bay windows

This house is more complex in configuration, and it will be a little more expensive to build. But it will look much more impressive. The interior of the rooms in the bay windows also looks quite original and attractive.

The house has a common boiler room, which saves space. The hallway is designed to be quite spacious and can complement the living room.

The kitchen here is a separate isolated room. With an open plan, when the kitchen is combined with the living room, the home looks more spacious and comfortable. But a separate kitchen allows you to protect the guest area from the smells of cooking food.

Source bizneskitai.ru

Duplex project with garage

Architectural solution for a house for 2 owners with a garage. The garage is located slightly below the level of the ground floor premises. This provides increased protection for the residential part of the house. However, deepening the garage can increase the cost of constructing the building.

Pros of this project:

    a compact terrace separated from its neighbors by a garage overhang;

    there is a vestibule separating the front door;

    the kitchen-living room is planned as a single room;

    there is access to the backyard;

    there is a balcony.

Source sk-amigo.ru

The disadvantages include the fact that the garage “eats up” the space right in the center of the house. But with this arrangement, the garage does not need heating, since it will be heated by the adjacent living quarters. An office is planned on the second floor. It can be converted into a compact bedroom or guest room.

Video description

See the 3D project of a duplex with a garage in the video:

Duplex project with plinth

Three-level cottage for 2 families. There is a ground floor where all the technical rooms are located - a garage with a workshop, a storage room, a boiler room. The presence of a basement increases the comfort of living, but also makes building a house more expensive.

This house has a common porch and adjacent loggias. It is suitable for one large family with separate household management. For example, one duplex apartment can be occupied by elderly parents, and the second by their children and grandchildren.

An important nuance is that the house has a minimum of space allocated for bathrooms, while the second floor hall is quite spacious. This is not to say that such a layout is irrational, but its features need to be paid attention to.

Source yurlkink.ru

Spacious duplex project

Solid respectable duplex. It contains some features that need to be taken into account when choosing.

    Garages are located as far away from the center of the building as possible and provide additional protection for the premises from heat loss.

    At the entrance there is a double buffer zone, which at the same time separates the garage from the living quarters.

    The living room is designed very spacious.

    The kitchen-dining room can be completely separated from the living room.

    The house has two corner terraces - upper and lower.

    There are dressing rooms on the first and second floors.

This house will be an excellent home for a large family that values ​​comfort. The living space is distributed very competently and concisely.

Source nika-estate.ru


Duplex projects represent the basis for the construction of full-fledged modern private housing. When creating them, the specifics of living next to neighbors are taken into account, an appropriate layout and good sound insulation are provided. With a successful choice of project and neighbors, the homeowner receives a home that combines the advantages of an apartment and a country cottage.

Duplex projects are typically chosen by multi-generational families. On the one hand, close relatives are constantly nearby, but at the same time all the advantages of living in a separate living space are preserved. Living in such a house helps you get rid of many everyday problems: you always know how your parents feel, and your children are under the unobtrusive but vigilant control of their grandparents, they are always fed, their lessons are learned.

Such projects are planned in such a way that each family has a separate entrance. The cost of such a house is significantly lower than when building a separate house for each family. Savings are achieved due to the fact that the apartments have a common wall and are located under the same roof. And the operation of such houses will significantly save the family budget. The long list of benefits from living in a two-family house also includes economic benefits during the construction and operation of a finished house.

Economic benefits of two-family house projects

  • Each family receives modern suburban housing at half the price.
  • Obviously, the implementation of such a project significantly reduces the cost of construction and reduces time costs. Common sense dictates that when constructing two separate buildings, the amount of expenses would have to be multiplied by 2. And we do not yet take into account the cost of individual land plots.
  • In addition, the payment for preparing a house project for two entrances is also divided equally.
  • The cost of materials and payment for the work of the construction team, the common foundation, the cost of arranging the roof, a common chimney, and laying utility systems will cost each of the developers half as much.
  • If the project includes a communal swimming pool or a garage for two families, then this will be another additional advantage in favor of a comfortable life, which can be obtained by spending only half of the required amount.
  • It is clear that utility costs, costs of maintaining and repairing the house are divided between the two owners.

Zhom projects for 2 families: results

Each home owner receives modern, comfortable housing at half the cost. All that remains is to decide who will be your companion: parents or a childhood friend and family. Our company is ready to offer not only economical designs of two-family houses, but also a large number of other economical housing options.