The Mystery of the Two Dollar Bill. Two dollars - a rare banknote

The two dollar bill has mixed effects on people's behavior. Some try not to even pick it up, others are ready to overpay its face value several times in order for it to be kept in their collection. For some, a two-dollar bill comes by accident and is also sent to a safe, a book, and comes out of there only to show off to friends.

Characteristic features of the banknote two dollars is an image of the portrait of Thomas Jefferson (third President of the United States) in the center of the obverse and the process of signing the Declaration of Independence at the Monticello estate, which also belonged to Thomas Jefferson.

History of the US two dollar bill

At first it may seem that two dollar bill has been used since the middle of the 20th century, but this is not so - it has been in circulation almost since the advent of the first ten independent States.

For example, the state of Philadelphia, having issued a dollar in 1775, included two dollar bills in the list of banknotes; the states of Georgia did the same since 1776, Maryland since 1770, New Hampshire since 1776, New York since 1775 and some others states.

The first issue of $2 by the Federal Reserve System was carried out in 1862. The bill issued this year featured a portrait of US Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. But, during the issue of 1869, the image of Hamilton was removed and instead on the banknote two dollars Thomas Jefferson and a reproduction of the Declaration of Independence appeared.

Two dollars 1862 - first issue

The last visual change to the two dollar bill occurred in 1928. At this time, the appearance of all dollar bills changes. Their size changes, the size of all banknotes is unified to a single standard, which has been preserved to this day.

Throughout the history of this banknote, it was issued in 1862, 1869, 1874, 1875, 1878, 1880, 1886, 1890, 1891, 1896, 1899, 1917, 1918, 1928, 1953, 1963, 1976, 1995, 2 003, 2009, 2013 , 2014.

Despite fairly frequent release and updating, for unknown reasons, the US population and financial institutions did not accept the two-dollar bill.

The reasons for this may be the lack of slots for this bill in cash registers and its visual similarity to a one-dollar bill. For comparison, the one dollar banknote is, as opposed to the two-dollar bill, the most popular in the world. The weight of one dollar bill is 48 percent of the total volume of dollars in the world. While brand new $2 bills are stored in the vaults of US banks, the $1 bill is destroyed at a huge cost every day due to wear and tear. The same New York Federal Bank destroys 40 million one dollar bills every day.

Also outside the United States, many banks and financial institutions do not want to accept two-dollar bills due to the fact that they do not have samples of these bills certified by the Federal Reserve with their security features and differences.

Legends and myths about two US dollars

If you ask your acquaintances, friends or parents or children to bring a two dollar bill from the USA, you may be disappointed. They have virtually no chance of even seeing a two-room coin in the hands of the US population. And this despite the fact that this bill is officially included in all issues and is part of the standard set of US banknotes.

As a result of the artificially created $2 deficit, combined with a number of psychological factors, any appearance of the bill in public leads to its withdrawal by the population both in the United States and abroad. Two dollars successfully go into old wallets; if it has an old year of issue, it goes to auctions and to numismatists’ albums.

As a result of any deficiency and the presence of an aura of mystery, a number of legends and myths are generated. Banknote in two dollars, in this sense, is also no exception.

Two dollars as a synonym for wealth and a money magnet

There is an idea in the world that a banknote lying in a wallet with its portrait facing the owner will attract money to the owner of the wallet. And the older it is, the more money it attracts. They also say that only two-dollar bills that are given as a gift have this magic, and not those bought or received as change. As a result of this presentation, giving or receiving a two dollar bill as a gift is considered very good manners and a sign of respect.

Two dollars brings bad luck

This myth is typical of the US population, which, due to the similarity of the bill with one dollar, did not like the two-dollar bill. Sometimes this goes to extremes where salespeople and managers will refuse to pick up a two dollar bill.

Also, two dollars was considered a bill that allowed you to pass the face control of US strip clubs. This legend dates back to the Vietnam War, where prostitutes for US soldiers cost two dollars an hour without the right to change. Thus, the two-room apartment acquired a certain sexual connotation.

The next legend is related to the idea of ​​a money magnet, but in this case it also attracts good luck. To do this, you need to place a bet including a two dollar bill. The bet must be in your favor. So, when you decide to visit Vegas, you know what to fill your pockets with.

Updated 02/11/2017 03:38

Oddly enough, initially, the two dollar bill was absolutely not popular in the United States. It was also considered “unlucky” due to its frequent confusion with the one-dollar currency. For two dollars, there was no special compartment in cash registers of that time. Despite the fact that two dollars were present in all standard sets of banknotes, they were used extremely rarely, the banknotes “walked around” less and, accordingly, practically did not wear out. As a result, this bill began to appear less often in everyday life and perhaps that is why it began to be considered lucky.

Several legends have arisen regarding the $2 bill.

- Legend one. The owner of a wallet containing a two dollar bill will always be lucky in terms of financial well-being. And what’s most interesting is that it is believed that the older and more worn out the bill, the better. If you try to remember the signs from our grandmothers, then you will probably remember similar examples from us: if there is a copper penny in your pocket, then undoubtedly it will attract even more coins to itself, or if you put the penny under the insole of your shoe before the exam, then you will definitely pass the exam .

Myths that a two-dollar note brings good luck have spread everywhere at lightning speed. And since that time, most citizens have become in the habit of giving this bill as a gift for various holidays and events. A particularly important point is the fact that the banknote cannot under any circumstances be purchased or received as change in a store. Just given as a gift! Otherwise, to put it in simple and understandable language, everything is lost.

- Legend two. In an erotic-sexual context, back in the 60s of the last century, during the fighting in Vietnam, American soldiers used the services of local women. These services did not exceed the price of two dollars. Based on the above, 2 dollars has also become the hallmark of inexpensive sexual services.

- Legend three. Double the rate. Used at horse races or playing roulette.

So if you are the owner of such a banknote, then perhaps the Moscow bookmaker will bring you good luck and if you place a bet with this bookmaker, then the probability of winning your bet will be much greater than without it. Well, you shouldn’t neglect luck when making any bets, because “thoughts are material”

There are also a number of beliefs that betting, in a casino or at the races, with $2 banknotes will certainly bring a huge jackpot, or at least double. This is the interesting story behind the two dollar bill.

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Rare two dollar bill

If you ask people who repeatedly visit the States if they know the $2 bill, most likely the answer will be no. Many, perhaps, will even say that they do not exist at all. However, there really is a 2 dollar bill and its cost is high, since it is quite difficult to find such a banknote in circulation today.

Two dollars in one bill, dated 1976 and issued in honor of the bicentennial of the United States, are considered quite rare because they had a small circulation, which is noted in many specialized catalogs. And this fact is quite strange, since the 2-dollar bill has existed on American territory for a long time, even being part of the set of varieties of the first issue. Private issues dating back to the Civil War contained such banknotes in their list.

It is worth noting that initially these copies were not very popular, both among banks and among the population. One of the main reasons is the lack of a special division for them in cash registers. This made using money inconvenient, and many tried to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Additionally, the $2 bill was very similar to the $1 bill, so there was often confusion. And for some time, people believed that these banknotes brought bad luck.

Production was discontinued in 1966, but ten years later, especially for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the independence of the United States, it was resumed. These days there are almost no new copies. Therefore, 2 dollars is a rare bill, and it is valued above average. Due to the fact that it is rarely seen, there are even rumors that this money has been withdrawn from circulation, which naturally causes problems for those who want to pay with it. Meanwhile, the US $2 bill is highly prized among collectors.

What are they: 2 dollar bills

What is the $2 bill that has the most varying prices today? It has a size of 156x66 millimeters, like all modern dollar banknotes. The highly sought-after 1976 Commemorative Edition features President Jefferson. At the same time, on the back there is an image of the scene of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the States. This drawing was a reproduction of the painting “The Signing of the Declaration of Independence” by the famous American artist J. Trumbull, which is one of the eight huge canvases that adorn the Capitol Rotunda. As you know, the painting depicts a meeting of the Continental Congress, held in July 1776. Then the separation of the thirteen North American colonies from Great Britain was proclaimed. Actually, from that moment the great history of the United States began. One can only guess how much a $2 bill is worth, since information from any auctions has not been made public.

You can always buy a $2 bill at a profit and quickly sell existing copies at!

If relatives or friends are going on a US vacation, you can ask them to bring a $2 banknote as a gift. Most likely, upon their return, they will say that they did not come across such money during their vacation or that it does not exist at all. The rarity of the banknote can be explained by the unusual attitude of the population towards the 1976 issue, which turned out to be unclaimed when carrying out monetary transactions.

Throughout the country's history, the two-dollar bill has been part of the classic set of banknotes. However, in reality it is almost impossible to find it in the free circulation of funds. Whenever possible, this bill ends up in the wallets of citizens and is exported outside the country, resold to collectors of ancient coins or put up at auctions.

The United States two dollar note was issued until 1966. Then production stopped for 10 years and was restored to celebrate the bicentenary of the country's independence. One bill of two dollars was issued annually in millions of copies, but 20 years later, with the release of a new series, the old banknotes had almost disappeared from circulation.

Issued in 1976, the bills became a collector's item when the image of the presidential estate on the reverse side was changed to a reproduction of John Trumbull's painting "The Signing of the Declaration of Independence." The front side depicts the prominent political figure Thomas Jefferson. The release of the anniversary two-dollar banknotes coincided with the birthday of the politician and president. The bills appeared in banks on April 13, 1976. It was on this day that collectors affixed postage stamps to their bills, the price of which was 13 cents, and affixed the post office seal. As a result, such a “double” dollar became a collectible.

However, the most popular banknote remains 1 dollar. Due to the large-scale turnover, the dollar is rapidly worn out and is being recycled globally. The coin was also issued in anniversary editions. The most famous coin was issued in 1911 - this is 2.5 dollars. This coin was regularly minted, but in the 21st century it is almost impossible to find due to its low mintage.

Now the 2 dollar bill is quite rare due to the fact that it is practically not circulated. Hence, there is an opinion that two-dollar bills have been withdrawn from monetary circulation. Accordingly, this leads to problems if you want to pay for a purchase with this banknote.

During the entire production period, 22 versions of the banknote were issued.

Myths and prejudices

It is believed that there is some kind of mystery in the “double” dollar, which can only be explained by psychological reasons: a connection with collecting, selling at auctions, etc. At the same time, it has never been popular in the States itself. For superstitious Americans, the number “2” is considered unclean. The majority of Americans have always had a negative attitude towards the “two-room” due to a number of associations. In modern society, these associations are becoming obsolete, although the double dollar has never become popular. This is due to the following aspects.

  1. The banknote was used by gamblers at horse races: bets and settlements were made with one $2 bill.
  2. A two-dollar bill was used to pay for the services of the brothel.
  3. In the States, this banknote was used to legally buy votes.

Now the amount seems insignificant, but before it could buy a lot. But the story about the negative energy of the banknote reached the point of absurdity. The two-dollar bill was refused to be accepted in stores and Russian exchange offices. They referred to the incorrect design of characters on the anniversary series banknote. They didn’t want to accept the “kopeck piece” because of its resemblance to the $1 banknote, as they were afraid of confusing them.

The rare banknote has become the target of the most enterprising collectors. It is quite difficult to purchase a “double” dollar at auctions, and if it was issued in 1875, it will cost the buyer a tidy sum. The price of a freshly printed banknote and an old one differs thousands of times, which is quite logical. Modern production produces over half a million copies, distributed all over the world. Obsolete copies were produced in smaller quantities and were used for many years and even centuries, so there are fewer and fewer of them.

There is a superstition that to get rich you need to put a $2 bill in your wallet. But whether this helps to avoid completely emptying your wallet, only the owner of a “double” dollar can say. But it is unlikely that he will admit to having it, because this way one can jinx wealth. There is a popular belief that only a gifted banknote, and not one received as a salary or as change in a store, can bring an increase in income and increase the size of your wallet. Welfare depends on how worn the banknote is: the older it is, the better the effect.

Each person has the right to decide for himself: to give the banknote some power and believe in its mysticism - or to be a realist.

How much does a two-room apartment cost?

Every collector would like to collect all 22 variants of the banknote, but this is almost impossible. Some banknotes cannot be purchased even at the official price. What is in circulation is equal in value to its face value. If the bill is from a bank package, its value is $4. However, $2 bills have a special value for collectors - no matter how much they are worth.

The most valuable and rare specimens can be purchased at the following prices.

A brand new "double" dollar with the President's estate on the reverse side can be purchased for $4.50. When an 1800 banknote comes up at auction, its value is at least 2,500 USD. The remaining banknotes can be purchased for no more than $1,500, since their circulation is considerable. But make no mistake: only a professional who understands collections can make money from selling and buying two-dollar bills.

For some people, the “double” dollar is a “black mark” of fate, for others it is a symbol of success and wealth. In any case, this bill, if used correctly, can bring good luck to its owner.

Try asking one of your friends traveling to the US to bring you a $2 bill. Most likely, upon their return they will tell you that they haven’t seen them at all, or that they don’t exist. Despite the fact that the $2 bill has been part of the standard set of banknotes throughout US history, it is very difficult to find it in free circulation.

For purely psychological reasons, this banknote, having appeared in circulation, is immediately withdrawn from it and transferred to the wallets of citizens, exported abroad, sold at auctions, and resold to numismatists.

What is the reason? The reason, probably, is a whole series of myths associated with this bill, “bringing happiness and success.”

The last time the dollar underwent a major alteration was in 1928 - the sizes of all banknotes were reduced, and their appearance was standardized and, with minor changes, has been preserved to this day. Among the banknotes of this type, a two-dollar bill is also issued.

Its front side depicts Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) - a prominent statesman and public figure, the “father” of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the United States.

The reverse side of the 1928 banknote depicts Jefferson's estate, Monticello (Italian for "Little Mountain"). It was built according to his own design. The house was replete with various technical improvements, including those developed by the owner himself. Here the “sage from Monticello” lived his last 17 years, here he received numerous guests, conducted extensive correspondence - over a thousand letters a month - with many American and European politicians, scientists and public figures. His library at Monticello numbered about six and a half thousand volumes and was one of the best in America. She laid the foundation for the Library of Congress. Since 1926, Monticello has been a memorial museum and a national shrine of the United States. It is interesting to note that Jefferson's portrait and estate are also depicted on the front and back of the American nickel, a 5-cent coin.

The supposedly "rare" 1976 $2 bill also features Jefferson. The reverse side depicts the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. This drawing is a reproduction of the painting “The Signing of the Declaration of Independence” by the famous American artist J. Trumbull, one of the eight huge canvases hanging in the Capitol Rotunda. It depicts the meeting of the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which proclaimed the separation of the 13 North American colonies from Great Britain. The painting depicts the specific moment when Jefferson, along with four other members of the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence, presents the draft of the Declaration to the President of the Continental Congress, Hancock (seated in the chair on the right) for his signature. The painting depicted 48 people, but only 44 of them fit on the banknote. Moreover, 36 characters were painted by the artist during his lifetime.

Thomas Jefferson was only 33 years old at the time of the Declaration, which is how he is depicted in the painting. After this event, he lived (day after day!) for another fifty years, was the governor of Virginia, secretary of state, i.e. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vice President, President (under him, by the way, diplomatic relations with Russia were established in 1808-1809). On the obverse of the two-dollar bills he is depicted as a mature statesman, apparently from the period of his presidency (the portraits on 10 of the 12 American banknotes of various denominations are portraits of presidents).

The 1976 $2 bill was printed in millions of copies. But, obviously, the population of the United States is somehow not satisfied with banknotes of this denomination. The most popular is the one dollar bill, which accounts for 47% of the total number of banknotes in circulation. Its average “life expectancy” is only a year and a half, during which time it turns from a crisp bill into crumpled and torn paper that needs to be replaced. And every day, the New York Federal Bank alone destroys more than $35 million worth of worn-out one-dollar bills! And a huge cache of unclaimed "rare" 1976 $2 bills sits uselessly in the Treasury Department. Obviously, these bills are not in circulation, do not wear out, and, accordingly, do not need to be replaced.

There are a number of legends regarding the “that dollar” bill. In accordance with one of them, if you have this bill in your wallet, then money will not be transferred in it. Another legend has some sexual context. Well, numismatists already have a professional interest in this bill. After all, what is difficult to find in circulation always attracts the attention of numismatists.

Well, images of different issues
Here are images of the US laptop, and silver certificates, and Fed notes, and even a Treasurer laptop (I saw it for the first time)... like a credit card or something. A credit card, in short. But for some reason it’s called a coin laptop.

Well, the myths about two-room apartments

Myths and legends about two dollars

Surprisingly, the two-dollar bill was initially not popular in the United States and was considered “unlucky” because it could easily be confused with a one-dollar bill and there was no separate drawer for it in cash registers.

Despite the fact that two-dollar bills were included in any standard set of banknotes, they were used reluctantly, they wore out less, and, accordingly, were less often requested for exchange at federal banks.

Myth 1 - $2 brings happiness

According to this myth, if you have a Two Dollar bill in your wallet, the money in it will never be transferred. At the same time, the more worn out the bill is there, the greater the chance of capital growth in the wallet.

There are also a number of myths about coins in Russian mythology, but here they are most often associated with the copper nickel, which also often brings happiness and good luck in certain situations.

The myth about the happiness the banknote brings has become the basis of the tradition of giving 2 dollars for various holidays. Moreover, it is believed that it is the gift of a “kopeck piece” that brings happiness and good luck, and not something purchased or received as change from a bank or store.

Myth 2 - $2 in a sexual context

The myth originated during the Vietnam War, where the services of a Vietnamese prostitute usually cost $2. If attempts were made to pay with 5, then change was usually not found. As a result, 2 dollars also became a symbol of inexpensive and high-quality sexual services.

The sphere of sexual entertainment responded to this with special honor and respect for $2 in strip bars. In many of them, despite the higher price of admission, the doors almost always opened for two dollars.

Myth 3 - doubling the bet

There are also a number of specific beliefs. For example, it is believed that bets made in a casino or on horse races with two-dollar bills will definitely bring a win, or at least double.

And one more thing about the myth from me. That two bucks is worth a lot.

Two bucks is worth two bucks, but you can find a fool who will give more for it.
UNC is uncirculated, uncirculated - from the bmnkov packaging smelling like paint. And a dray kopeck piece costs two bucks, it’s not such a rarity, since many people have it in their wallet for good luck.