Subsidy. Rules for allocating housing subsidies to Russian citizens to improve their living conditions How to get in line for a subsidy

The unspoken policy in our country is that the more the state provides services and payments, the more it demands. In practice, various subsidies, such as a waiting list for housing for a young family, a large family, or the poor, are issued with great difficulty, and it is especially morally difficult to obtain the required payments from government agencies. Apart from the fact that the queue for these subsidies is huge. To avoid all these litigations, the easiest option is to contact our lawyers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The specifics of getting on the waiting list for housing differ in that the procedure includes several levels.

First level for obtaining housing under the state program

Before applying for participation in Federal target programs for young families and large families, you must be recognized as needy. The concepts of “needy” and “poor” differ only in the recognition process and benefits.

So, in order to be recognized as needy, you need to apply to the administration of your city, district, district, providing documents confirming your status.

These documents usually include: copies of passports of everyone living with you, Certificate of family composition, certificates from Rosreestr about the absence of housing, documents for housing in which the family is registered (technical passport). And here the first difficulties may arise. The fact is that to determine need, it uses a calculation based on the total area of ​​the living space where you and your family are registered, the number of people who are registered there, and the accounting norm that is provided for in your area, city, or district. Accounting standards vary. It is important. For example, you live with your family in an apartment with a total area of ​​70 sq.m., and 5 more people are registered with you. Thus, a total of 8 people will live, and administration specialists share 70 sq.m. for 8 people and determine that there are 8.75 sq.m. per person. And the accounting norm, for example, 11 sq.m. Thus, there are grounds for registration.

But what to do if:

  • Is the area larger?
  • Are there fewer people registered?
  • Do any of those registered still have housing?
  • or are your family members registered in different places?

To resolve these issues, you need to contact our lawyers in Moscow and the Moscow region, who will consider your case individually and select a legal loophole for registration.

The main thing is, do not rush to resolve these issues yourself, do not rush to register someone somewhere or sell something. This will only make the situation worse.

Second level when receiving an apartment.

Let's say you were recognized as needy and you received a document confirming this. Now you need to contact the administration of your city, district, or district again to be placed on the waiting list for housing as a young family or large families. As for low-income people getting on the waiting list, it’s easier for them. They skip the first level, since the status of the poor is practically equivalent to the status of the needy. You also need to submit an application and documents. The list of documents will be more specifically indicated in the administration. But the main difficulty is not in them at all. And in line. After all, the queue for these housing programs is huge. Therefore, you need to contact our lawyers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Our qualified lawyers will help you:

  • consider options to quickly obtain housing under the housing program for young families, large families and low-income families;
  • will advise on the specifics of the procedure for getting on the waiting list;
  • will provide assistance in collecting the necessary documents;
  • and will resolve other issues to put you on the waiting list for housing.

Third level for the queue for housing in Moscow

Receiving a housing subsidy is the most pleasant thing, but no less difficult. After all, the law stipulates that you receive a portion of the funds, usually 30-35%. And you must pay off the rest yourself when buying a home, on your own, with a mortgage, or as maternity capital. In addition, the subsidy will be transferred to a special bank account, all transactions are carried out by bank transfer. You must report on time for all procedures for purchasing housing within the program for young families, large families and low-income people, otherwise the administration may take action against you, including transferring the queue to others.

In order to comply with all the conditions for obtaining housing, you need to contact our lawyers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Our experienced lawyers will help you:

  • foresee risks in advance and avoid possible losses when signing a mortgage agreement;
  • We will analyze the terms of the mortgage, agreement and other documentation;
  • we will negotiate;
  • open a current account;
  • We will provide assistance in using maternity capital to pay off part of the cost of housing;
  • We will warn you about “slippery” moments and nuances.

But what to do if you were illegally removed from the queue and you want to be reinstated in the queue for housing as a young family, large family or low-income?

You can only get back in line by going to court.

Our experienced lawyers in Moscow and the Moscow region will help you in this matter:

  • prepare a statement of claim and documentation;
  • will sue for violation of your legal rights;
  • determine and indicate the cause of the violation;
  • After the court makes a decision, they will help you get back on the waiting list.

Contact lawyers in Moscow and the Moscow region, because in each specific situation regarding registration for housing for a young family, large families, low-income families, regarding deregistration from housing registration, or refusal to register for housing, a legal analysis is initially required.

Contact our qualified lawyers for help, do not try to resolve the issue yourself.

Purchasing your own home or improving existing living conditions is not affordable for every family and not every citizen. At the same time, only those citizens who fall under certain preferential categories can count on financial assistance from the state.

General information about subsidies

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to housing, and also cannot be deprived of it arbitrarily.

However, the concept of housing and ownership of residential premises are not the same definition. Therefore, it is unlawful to refer to the Constitution when applying for the right to a subsidy.

The Housing Code, as the main legal act on residential premises and rights to them, does not fully regulate the issues of who is entitled to financial support when improving living conditions or purchasing residential premises.

Most of the rules are prescribed in federal regulations.

What is a subsidy

The concept of a subsidy for the improvement of housing conditions or the acquisition of residential property is a certificate that is provided free of charge to citizens.

The certificate is targeted, so it can be spent strictly on specific needs. Moreover, if the funds were not spent in full, the remainder is returned to the federal or regional budget.

Citizens do not receive funds in their hands; they only transfer them to the account of the seller of the residential premises upon purchase or to the account of the company that improves the conditions.

Local, regional or federal authorities strictly keep records of funds and also exercise control over their intended expenditure. If citizens spend funds for other purposes or cash them out fraudulently, the certificate is revoked and the right to receive it is lost.

Who is eligible for subsidies?

There are a number of preferential categories of citizens who can legally apply for assistance from the state for the acquisition or improvement of residential premises.

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • large and low-income families;
  • young families participating in regional housing programs;
  • disabled people;
  • military personnel.

If a citizen of a preferential category is not recognized as in need of financial assistance from the state, then his right to receive this assistance is considered invalid and lost.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Procedure for recognition as needy

According to current legislation, the following categories of citizens can be recognized as needy:

  • do not own residential premises;
  • owning residential premises that do not meet the requirements of the standards;
  • who are not tenants of housing under a social tenancy agreement;
  • who are tenants under a social lease agreement for premises where each family member has less than the established norm;
  • being tenants under a social lease agreement for premises in which a seriously ill family member with a chronic disease lives.

The rules allow for situations where several family members own residential premises.

In this case, to calculate the standard of living space per person, the total area of ​​the entire property is taken into account.

Calculation example

For example, a family consists of 4 people, while one of them owns a room with an area of ​​9 square meters, and the other has 12 square meters. Total - 21 square meters.

This area is not enough for 4 family members, so the family can be recognized as needy.

The standard living space per person is set at 12 square meters. All families in preferential categories that do not have such space for each family member are recognized as needy.

How to get the status of people in need in 2019

In order to qualify for subsidies, you must contact the local Administration or Housing Fund to write an application and submit a package of documents. Based on these documents, the housing commission under the authorized local government authority makes a decision on whether a citizen or family can be considered in need.

At the same time, it is possible that representatives of local authorities actually go to the site to familiarize themselves with living conditions before making a decision.

If a citizen expects to receive subsidies due to dilapidated or dilapidated housing, then specialists must come to assess the quality of the living space. The protocol drawn up by them can be appealed in court with the involvement of independent experts.

Payment amount

The amount of financial assistance is established for each category of citizens separately.

However, there are established standards that federal and regional authorities rely on when setting the amount of subsidies.

Fund allocation standards

Thus, when improving housing conditions, existing living conditions and the category of benefits for citizens are taken into account.

For example, military personnel are entitled to allocations of funds based on:

  • 33 square meters for a family of one person;
  • 42 square meters for two people;
  • 18 square meters for a family of three or more people.

In the case of WWII veterans, the standard is applied at the rate of 33 square meters, since the certificate is issued strictly for the veteran himself, and not for his entire family.

Each region has its own housing programs for young families, however, they also comply with the standards - each family member should not have less than the established housing standard.

What affects the certificate amount?

In addition to the standards and the number of family members, the size of the certificate is affected by the category of benefits. For example, federal beneficiaries usually receive greater financial support than regional ones. This is due to the distribution of the budget and the funds available on the balance sheet of housing funds.

In addition, the size of government subsidies is also affected by the cost of one square meter of living space in a particular region.

You can get acquainted with current housing programs directly at the local Administration or the Housing Fund branch at your place of residence, as well as from official sources.

Documents for obtaining certificates

Subsidies for improving housing conditions are provided only upon request and are of a declarative nature.

If a citizen or family does not independently apply for a certificate, then the authorities are not required to notify them of the opportunity.

When making an application, you must attach the following documents:

  • identification documents of all family members (for children under 14 years of age - birth certificates, for persons over 14 years of age - passports of citizens of the Russian Federation);
  • extracts from household or house books for the last few years (usually at least 5 years);
  • statements from the personal accounts of all adult family members;
  • title documents for existing residential premises or documents confirming the absence of property;
  • documents confirming the right to receive a certificate.

In the latter case, everything is individual. Thus, young families need to provide a copy of their marriage certificate, WWII veterans - a WWII veteran's certificate, and low-income families - a certificate of income.

The current list of documents required for registration to receive funds can be found at the local Administration at the place of residence or the Housing Fund.

Procedure for obtaining a certificate

To obtain a certificate for improving living conditions, you must go through several stages:

  1. Collection of documents for the provision of financial government assistance. All statements and other documents must be current at the time of submission of the package of documents. Thus, a certificate of family composition is valid for one calendar month, and certificates of income must be drawn up in the last calendar month before delivery. For example, if documents are submitted in April, then the income certificate should end in March.
  2. Submission of documents to authorized bodies. At this stage, an application is drawn up, and a date is set for inspection of the home by specialists for living conditions.
  3. Queuing up to receive funds and assigning a queue number. At the same time, there are, as a rule, two queues for a certificate - all-Russian, if we are talking about federal funding, and regional - each region has its own.
  4. Obtaining a certificate and its implementation for its intended purpose. At this stage, citizens receive funds and use them in accordance with the purpose of allocation - to purchase living space or improve existing living conditions.
  5. Providing reporting on the implementation of the certificate. Certificate holders must, within the period established by regulations, provide information and evidence that the funds were spent for their intended purpose.
If we are talking about regional payments, then each region independently sets reporting deadlines. If the payments are federal, then the terms for them are prescribed in federal regulations, but are controlled by regional authorized authorities.

Queues to receive funds

As a rule, placing on the all-Russian queue involves assigning a serial number in the queue to receive funds.

At the same time, the federal budget allocates a certain amount annually to each region, which is used for housing certificates.

In this case, in addition to the all-Russian queue, placement in the regional queue is carried out, when funds are distributed in order of priority to all registered citizens and families.

Distribution example

For example, the family of a serviceman in the Samara region was registered in the general queue under number 33990. In the Samara region, about 330 families of the same category are already in the queue. When funds are received from the federal budget into the regional budget, the family receives certificate 331 in turn, but at the same time is ahead of those who were registered in the general queue later, but live in another region.

Thus, the distribution of funds is carried out as evenly as possible, but with significant delays.

It is almost impossible to track the movement of the queue on your own. To do this, you must contact the authorized bodies to obtain up-to-date information.


Despite the fact that a family or citizen gets on a waiting list and applies for financial assistance, it is not always provided in the same year as being placed on the waiting list.

So, regional certificates are issued faster than federal ones. For example, young and large families receive funds to improve their living conditions earlier than military personnel, who, it would seem, apply for funds out of turn.

Funds for the purchase of apartments and houses are allocated more slowly, since they are provided in larger volumes than funds for improving housing conditions. Repairs and reconstruction usually require fewer material investments, so certificates are issued faster.

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We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers of our site.

Last changes

In 2018, subsidies were planned for employees of the Russian Guard to improve their living conditions.

Workers of VVOKhR a, SOBR a and OMON a, when transferred to the federal unit of the National Guard, will receive living space from the state. The following possibilities are provided here:

  1. Providing a finished apartment.
  2. Issuance of subsidies in 2018 for the purchase of housing.
  3. Use of military mortgage.

Previously, such benefits were provided only to military personnel of internal units. Police officers (which include the above-mentioned workers) did not have such rights.

In a market economy and steadily rising prices, acquiring your own home or somehow improving your living conditions is quite difficult for most people. Purchasing real estate requires large financial investments. What should those who do not have the opportunity to shell out a “round sum of money” or pay for a long-term loan with high interest rates do? This category of people, according to certain criteria, can be classified as low-income, and if in addition such people are recognized, again according to certain criteria, as in need of housing or improved housing, then it is possible to receive housing from the state. But to do this, such people must get on the housing waiting list.

Many do not know how to get on the waiting list for housing; some are not sure about the reality of receiving assistance from the state. Meanwhile, in Russia there are several options for programs with which you can get a municipal apartment. But for this, people in need of housing improvement need to stand in line for housing improvement.

After registering as a person in need of improved housing, that is, after you have joined the queue for housing, you will have a choice:

  • you can simply expect to receive an apartment from the state on a first-come, first-served basis;
  • or there is an opportunity to receive a subsidy from the state for the purchase of housing free of charge.

Before starting the story, where to get on the waiting list for housing, we will tell you what a subsidy is and under what conditions and where you can get it.

The state provides those on the waiting list with a subsidy in the form of a certificate, the presence of which gives you the right to actually receive it. The program, which offers a subsidy for the purchase of housing through the provision of a certificate, is successfully used by government officials, since it is precisely these categories of citizens that a similar subsidy is allocated annually. Other categories of Russian citizens can also take advantage of a similar program. After all, the subsidy is a special program that was created to help families with little financial income, that is, the poor, as well as for those who left the Far North after January 1, 1992. In the same way, young and large families can take advantage of the program with a subsidy.

How to get on the queue for housing to receive a subsidy and who makes sense to get on the queue:

  • Military personnel who are transferred to the reserve or retired
  • People affected by the Chernobyl accident or other natural disasters
  • Young families (for young families there is an age limit - both spouses must be no older than 35 years, and for families without children there is a minimum period of family life - such families must have been in a registered marriage for at least one year)
  • Young large families (for large young families there is a restriction - one of the spouses should not be more than 30 years old)
  • Rescue workers
  • Tax police officers
  • Persons serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • The subsidy is issued only to Russian citizens.
  • As for young families, at least one spouse must have Moscow registration.
  • The validity period of the subsidy, that is, the validity period of the issued certificate, is limited, and therefore, when receiving such a certificate, you should not hesitate to find a suitable housing option.
  • It is worth considering that the collected documents for receiving a subsidy take quite a long time to be approved and the apartment you like may simply be sold.

Where to queue for housing

  • To receive a subsidy, you must submit one application to the district department
  • The second application is submitted to the population reception department

After reviewing and receiving a positive response to receiving a subsidy, as well as after it has been issued and received a certificate, you can go directly to the bank.

But before you can get on the housing queue, you must be recognized as low-income and in need of housing. Without these two factors, you will not be put on the waiting list, and accordingly, you will not be able to receive a subsidy.

What conditions must be met in order to be put on the apartment waiting list:

  • The area of ​​the residential premises in which the family lives at the time of filing the application must be less than that approved by the local government authorities in the given region.
  • The income per family member should be minimal, not allowing one to raise the amount of money to buy an apartment. The same applies to personal property; it must be of low value.
  • As for Moscow, they can be put on the waiting list only after living in the capital continuously for more than 10 years and provided that during the previous five years of living in the apartment, the family did not take any actions aimed at worsening their living conditions. Such actions may, for example, include registering a large number of relatives in one living space or exchanging an apartment for a smaller area.
  • They can also be put on the housing waiting list if the family lives in a communal apartment, whose neighbor suffers from diseases such as epilepsy, tuberculosis and a number of other severe chronic diseases.

Now that you know how to get on the waiting list for housing and which categories of citizens can qualify for free housing or at least a housing subsidy, you can safely collect documents if, based on the above criteria, you believe that you have a chance of receiving such housing.

You now need to know where to start, what the procedure should be and where to stand in line for housing.

Where to begin

You need to start by contacting the Social Security Office of the area in which you live. You must write an application and submit a number of other documents to the Office in order to be officially recognized as low-income. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that to recognize a family as low-income, the entire total income of all family members is taken into account, as well as all available property in value terms.

Based on the family’s financial situation, the official will calculate your family’s ability to raise money for an apartment within 20 years. The calculation is made based on the cost of living per person, plus the property that is owned. Based on these data, it is calculated how much money from the total income remains in the family as a whole for accumulation. If, according to calculations, it turns out that within 20 years your family is not able to raise money to buy an apartment, then the Social Security Administration will recognize your family as low-income.

How to get on the waiting list for housing

After you receive a positive response from the Social Security Administration, you can begin collecting documents for registration.

Documents that will need to be collected:

  • You will need to obtain a special form from the local Social Security Administration to fill out an application for registration. The application must be signed by all family members.
  • The application must be accompanied by copies of passports of all family members, as well as copies of birth certificates of all minor children.
  • A copy of the marriage and divorce certificate.
  • Documents confirming the presence or absence of any residential premises outside Moscow, registered in the name of the applicant or any of the family members.
  • Copies of individual tax numbers for all adult family members.
  • Documents that can confirm rights to benefits, if any.

Actually, this is the minimum package of documents that will allow you to apply for apartment registration.

Knowing how and where to get on the housing queue, you need to remember one more nuance: if during the entire time you are on the housing register in the queue, any changes occur in your family that improve your housing and financial situation, then you will be excluded from the list queue.

The procedure for providing housing subsidies in the Moscow region is determined on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 3, 1996, Decrees of the Government of Moscow (No. 896-PP of 10/09/2001, and No. 567 of 07/28/1998) and the Moscow City Duma (No. 110 of October 18, 2000). Based on the above-mentioned decisions of government agencies, citizens who are in line to receive municipal (free) housing have the right to receive a free housing subsidy. To be on the waiting list for municipal (free) housing, you need to live in an apartment where there is less than 10 square meters for each registered tenant. m of total living space (for communal apartments - less than 15 sq. m). In addition, there are a number of additional conditions that give the right to register for municipal (free) housing, which are regulated by Moscow Law No. 22 of January 15, 2003.


To receive a housing subsidy, citizens in need of housing submit an application to the Housing Committee (department) of the Moscow municipality where the registration file has been opened to place them on the waiting list. The following must be attached to the application: - an extract from the house register; - a copy of the financial personal account; - certificate of inspection of living conditions; - certificate from place of work; - certificate of entitlement to benefits for obtaining living space, etc.
In the future, the district housing commission must review these documents and decide on the allocation of housing subsidies. The decision is formalized by a corresponding order of the prefect of the administrative district, which indicates the amount of the subsidy and the size of the total area of ​​housing, which is paid for by the Moscow government.
Citizens who are in line to improve their living conditions are divided into two categories. The first category (which includes about 80%) of those on the waiting list includes ordinary citizens. The second category (of which about 20%) includes citizens who have a preference for the right to receive housing in the first place.
The second, “preferential” category includes patients with an open form of tuberculosis; disabled people of the first group, participants in the Great Patriotic War and other wars; large families (those with three or more children); native Muscovites; citizens who lost their housing due to emergency circumstances; rehabilitated citizens who suffered from repression; centenarians who have been living in communal housing for the last 15 years and have been registered for at least 13 years, etc.
Once it is your turn to receive a housing subsidy, the Housing Committee (department) of the municipality will issue you a “Certificate of subsidy for the construction or purchase of housing.” Then a registered blocked target account will be opened at JSC IMB Bank of Moscow. The amount of housing subsidy due to you will be transferred from the city budget to it. When you find a suitable apartment option and provide a draft purchase and sale agreement and other necessary documents, this money will be transferred to the account of the home seller or the real estate agency to which you turned for help in resolving your housing issue.


The size of the housing subsidy for the construction or purchase of housing depends on the period of time citizens are on the waiting list for municipal (free) housing and in what queue (regular or preferential) they stand.
For example, for a family waiting for an apartment in the regular queue for 1 year, the city pays an additional 5% of the cost of the apartment (15% for the beneficiary), and 90% for those waiting 15 or more years (also 90% for the beneficiary).
It is also necessary to keep in mind that the Moscow government evaluates 1 sq.m of living space based on its own methodology. Today it is within 20 thousand rubles, i.e. a little more than $600 (this figure is constantly adjusted depending on the cost of construction). Subject to the market value of 1 sq. m of living space for more than $1 thousand, when purchasing housing using housing subsidies, you must count on investing your own (and considerable) funds.
The rate of housing provision is also taken into account. Today, the following standards exist: - for one person – 33 sq.m. of total area; - for a family of two people – 42 sq.m.; - for a family of three or more people – 18 sq.m. for each family member. Those. Only a certain number of square meters is paid. Of course, a family of two has the right to find an apartment of 50–60 square meters, but for the “excess” space they will have to shell out their own money.
When applying for a housing subsidy, it is important to correctly indicate the composition of your family. For example, a husband, wife, adult son and daughter, as well as a son-in-law are registered in the apartment. The family has been registered for a long time, but the line is still long, so the decision was made to take a subsidy. If you indicate in your application that the family consists of 5 people, then the amount of the subsidy will be calculated based on 18 sq.m. for each family member. The total will be 90 sq.m. If you write in the application that there are actually three families registered in the apartment: wife and husband (42 sq.m.), daughter and her husband (42 sq.m.), adult son (33 sq.m.) - then for everyone will rely on 117 sq.m.. The difference in this case is big. However, it should be remembered that minor children are not allocated to a “separate” family.
Another thing to keep in mind: when considering the possibility of receiving a housing subsidy, all living space that you have is taken into account. If at least one of the family members applying for the right to receive a housing subsidy has their own additional living space (no matter in Moscow or another city), it must be taken into account. Both the area on which it is registered and the area that is owned are summed up. That is, the calculation is carried out not only according to the place of registration, but from the number of square meters of all available space.


Housing subsidies can be used by citizens to purchase an apartment in a new building (but the degree of completion of the house must be at least 70%), and on the secondary housing market. With the help of housing subsidies, options for relocating communal apartments are successfully resolved. If two families live in the same apartment and have privatized their rooms and are entitled to receive subsidies, then options are possible when one family, with the help of a subsidy, buys their neighbors’ room, and the other, through this sale and its own subsidy, purchases a separate apartment. In this case, each subsidy is calculated according to the “in addition to the occupied area” option. And from a communal apartment, virtually free of charge, each family receives a separate apartment. In a non-privatized communal apartment where 2 families live, this option is also possible. A family that is on the waiting list to improve their living conditions and wants to annex the space occupied by their neighbors uses the money received as a subsidy, calculated according to the “in addition to the occupied space” option, to resettle the neighbors. Neighbors, using the subsidy and their own money, buy separate housing, and the family remaining in the non-privatized apartment receives a warrant for an additional room, that is, a separate apartment at their disposal. Recipients of housing subsidies are subject to several conditions. First: the total area of ​​the purchased apartment cannot be less than 16 sq.m per person. Second: the apartment is purchased in equal ownership of all family members. Third: if the cost of housing turns out to be less than the subsidy, the balance must be returned. The subsidy cannot be used to purchase residential premises that are under arrest, under collateral, or encumbered by someone else’s rights to reside in it. You can find an apartment using a housing subsidy either on your own (which is currently quite difficult and unsafe) or with the help of a real estate agency working in this direction.


A person on the waiting list who has received a subsidy can look for an apartment on their own, but one must keep in mind that prices on the housing market are constantly rising, and perhaps after 1-2 months the subsidy amount will not be enough to purchase the desired number of square meters. Therefore, it is better for the subsidy owner to seek help from a real estate agency. This will significantly reduce the time you spend searching for housing and you will not have to worry about the correctness and legality of the transaction. For example, the Moscow House Real Estate Agency has a large database of apartments in Moscow and the Moscow region, completely ready for sale. You will be able to buy an apartment almost immediately after receiving the subsidy. In addition, the agency’s lawyers will provide transaction support, prepare and check all necessary documents. When a suitable apartment is found, the person on the waiting list is obliged to submit a draft real estate purchase and sale agreement and other necessary documents to ARZZS (Agency for the Sale of Housing Loans and Subsidies). If the document data does not meet the required standards, you will have to look for another option. If everything is in order, the submitted package of documents is agreed upon with the Department of Municipal Housing and Housing Policy and housing is purchased. Those. subsidy - funds located on your blocked personal account at the Bank of Moscow - are transferred to the account of the seller or real estate agency with whom you have entered into an agreement for the provision of services in the purchase of housing. After the subsidy is sold, the person on the waiting list is deregistered and cannot receive the subsidy again.


Getting housing subsidy is not easy. But it is even more difficult to manage it correctly. If you fail to decide on purchasing an apartment within six months, you will have to start all over again. In addition, when buying a home using a housing subsidy, problems and difficult situations constantly arise that require professional intervention. For example, when purchasing an apartment, you must check all the documents for it and make sure that someone serving a prison sentence is not registered in this living space, that the apartment is not under arrest, that it is not under bail, that there are no violations the rights of the child and the so-called “third parties” (Article 292 of the Civil Code). New buildings are also fraught with surprises: unregistered assignments of rights, sale of the same apartment by several buyers, etc. It is very difficult to independently verify all this information. In addition, the subsidy is provided only in non-cash form and in rubles. Therefore, a person who has received these funds faces certain difficulties when selecting apartment options for purchase. Firstly, while a suitable housing option is being selected, the exchange rate may change significantly, and the amount of the subsidy in terms of conventional units will decrease. Secondly, potential sellers are always afraid of the complexity of non-cash payments. They prefer to receive money in cash on the day of signing the contract and in foreign currency, rather than in rubles.
However, if you contact a real estate agency and enter into an agency agreement, the agency’s employees will represent not only your interests, but also the interests of the home seller. This scheme is absolutely safe, because... The agency is responsible to both parties to the transaction and the Moscow City Government. When working with a real estate agency, a system of contracts is concluded that describes the obligations of each party. In addition, they stipulate the financial responsibility of the company and the seller of the apartment, so complications usually do not arise, and you purchase the housing you have chosen. The number of apartment showings is unlimited; you, as a potential buyer, view them until you find a suitable option for yourself.
Real Estate Agency specialists will assist you in resolving almost all issues related to the acquisition of living space using housing subsidies:
- will advise you on issues of obtaining a subsidy and purchasing living space under it;
- they will select an apartment that meets your desires and within normal limits;
- coordinate all issues related to the purchase of an apartment with authorized government agencies - the Agency for the Implementation of Housing Loans and Subsidies (ARZhS), the Department of Municipal Housing (DMH);
- will conduct an examination and assessment of legal documents for the apartment;
- will provide legal support and insurance of the transaction;
- control the mutual settlements between the parties under the purchase and sale agreement or do this for you when concluding an agency agreement. We will also help you obtain a bank loan if necessary.


The Moscow House real estate agency was founded in September 1998 by a group of former military personnel. Therefore, from the moment the issuance and implementation of state housing subsidies began, our employees were actively involved in the implementation of the State program and assistance in the implementation of housing subsidies to their former colleagues. Our agency offers 2 options for selling housing subsidies: selling a housing subsidy - 5% (2 months); urgent selling a housing subsidy - 10% (1 month); in some cases, a discount can be provided. Our agency provides an additional service for all owners of housing subsidies - it pays all costs associated with the implementation of housing subsidies. By contacting us, you do not pay a single ruble, you simply enter into an agreement with us and after the expiration of your chosen period for the implementation of housing subsidies, you receive funds in a form convenient for you (cash or transfer to your account in any place convenient for you)


A housing subsidy is issued to all family members who are in line to improve their living conditions. It is provided either in replacement of the space that you already have (apartment or room in a communal apartment), or in addition to it, at your request. At the moment, most people on the waiting list choose the second option, since it is much more profitable, because available housing is usually valued below its market value. The hardest thing is for homeowners - citizens living in privatized apartments; in any case, they have to keep them for themselves, and receive a subsidy only for the remaining meters. The size of the loan received directly depends on the waiting period in the queue, so often the money received is not enough to buy a home and you have to invest your own savings. That is, when deciding whether to receive a subsidy or not, a person is faced with a choice: either a free apartment in an unknown future, or receiving free of charge some part of the money added to his personal amount for the purchase of housing. (if the amount of personal savings is small, you can take out a mortgage loan from the bank, as indicated in the corresponding section of our website).

Free housing subsidy is provided only in cashless form. That is, the funds are transferred to a special blocked account and you cannot receive it in cash at the cash register. The subsidy can only be used for its intended purpose. And one more very important point: the housing subsidy has a limited validity period - 6 months. You must find suitable housing and complete the purchase using a housing subsidy within six months. If the deadline is missed, you are put at the beginning of the queue, and the procedure for receiving it begins again.

Call us, we will be happy to help you.