Casco insurance. Insurance company guta-insurance

Which insurance is better in case of an accident or car theft? Vehicle owners make a choice in favor of CASCO. Compared to compulsory motor liability insurance, the CASCO policy acts in the interests of the client. The insurance includes a partial refund, in some cases a full refund.

Amid the difficult insurance situation in Russia, many firms were liquidated. Now Guta insurance is also going through a period of reorganization, and what should a driver who has had an accident but entered into an agreement under a CASCO policy do?

Due to the fact that telephone lines are overloaded, the company suggests contacting by e-mail, or asking questions online. The company claims that clients who previously entered into a contract will receive payments if there is a record of an insured event in the month of April. Shareholders of Gut and the Russian Union of Auto Insurers are refraining from commenting. The only statement stated that Guta had a valid license.

The news that Guta insurance will be closed on March 1 forced CASCO policy owners to quickly go to court. This is the only correct option for a quick refund for the policy.

Conditions of the insurer Guta insurance

With the current CASCO rules, Guta companies are insured if:

  • the vehicle succumbed to the mechanical impact of another car;
  • During the accident, the car caught fire;
  • glass and headlights were broken from the flying wheels of another vehicle;
  • transport was flooded. During flooding, the car should not be moved;
  • intentional and careless damage to transport.
  • ground transport was exposed to a natural disaster - an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, a tsunami.

All conditions are valid if the driver at the time of the accident has a valid license, experience and age correspond to the contract.

Actions in the event of an insured event under CASCO

If an insured event occurs involving guta insurance, how to receive payments under CASCO?

  • Contact the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.
  • If it coincides that Guta's company insured the culprit and the victim, go to court.

With MTPL insurance you need to worry less about guta. In case of bankruptcy, all payments will be made by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Only:

  • make a copy of the documents of the traffic police officers;
  • Conduct an independent assessment with the help of a technical expert from the state registry within 5 business days.

Customer reviews about Guta insurance company

Drivers who chose Guta CASCO insurance leave bad reviews about the insurance company in 2014. The company, which was on the list of the 15 best insurance companies in Russia, disappointed car enthusiasts.

In addition to complaints about telephone service, customers claim there are no responses to emails.

The participants in the accident, who reached the guta, say that the documents for payment are still being signed by the boss. Work with clients in 2014 was generally rated unsatisfactorily.

There are cases when expert documents were not given to the victim. Owners are advised to make copies of documents with the insurance company.

Despite this, CASCO insurance cases end in favor of the vehicle owner.

Guta insurance - refusal to pay CASCO insurance

According to the CASCO agreement for Guta insurance, car owners will not receive money in the following cases:

  • if the driver’s age and experience do not match the numbers in the contract;
  • lack of a driver's license;
  • expired driver's license;
  • driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • the culprit refuses to undergo a medical examination;
  • fled the crime scene;
  • in case of theft, ignition keys or a duplicate are found in the car. The exception is that the car was being repaired at a car service center.

Procedure for CASCO insurance from Guta in case of an accident:

  • Call the traffic police.
  • Notify the insurance company. Sign up for the insured event list.
  • Do not take responsibility, do not discuss what happened until law enforcement arrives.
  • Do not pay for the damage caused.
  • Do not change the location of vehicles.
  • Do not make decisions to evacuate the car.
  • Try to get form 154 from the traffic police officers, as well as a copy of the documents about the violation.
  • For all signs of an insured event, contact the insurer with a written statement within 15 days

Procedure in case of: natural disasters, car damage with the help of third parties, theft of car parts:

  • Call the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the scene of the incident. Request a coupon or certificate of the case.
  • Report the event to the center operator.
  • Within 15 days, bring documents and an application to the insurance company.

Cancellation of the contract with the Guta Insurance company

With Guta insurance, there is still the possibility of terminating the CASCO contract, but you just need to hurry up. In case of bankruptcy, the company will not pay anything. Let us remind you that there are no statements yet about the reorganization or closure of the company. The company's website indicates that it is going through a period of reorganization - moving toward reorganization. Although Moscow branches have closed en masse in cities of the Russian Federation. But in every city there are representatives to clarify the situation.

What documents must be provided upon termination:

  • A written statement with the contract number about the reason for termination of cooperation.
  • Original receipts and contracts. In case of loss, write a statement.
  • Bank account details for transferring money.
  • Documentary evidence of the reasons for cancellation of the contract.
  • Example. If you sold the car, provide a sales contract.

Development of Guta insurance company

Experts predict two situations - bankruptcy or reorganization:

  • Guta will declare bankruptcy due to the impossibility of financial payments. The customer base will be transferred to another insurer. At the end of 2013, the company paid off a debt of 1.29 million rubles to VoronezhGeoResurs LLC. They filed an application with the arbitration court to declare Guta bankrupt.
  • Will merge with a larger organization that is one of the top 10 companies in the country.

The long-standing company Guta Insurance, created back in 1994, tarnished its reputation in its 20th year of existence. Clients broke contracts en masse and switched to competitors. The fate of CASCO owners is decided in court.

The rules of CASCO and MTPL insurance "GUTA Insurance" provide for compliance with a 45-day period during which payments related to damage are made to the policyholder's bank account. In this case, the approval of the insurance act is carried out within 30 days.

Guta insurance

With Guta insurance, there is still the possibility of terminating the CASCO contract, but you just need to hurry up. In case of bankruptcy, the company will not pay anything. Let us remind you that there are no statements yet about the reorganization or closure of the company. The company's website indicates that it is going through a period of reorganization - moving toward reorganization. Although Moscow branches have closed en masse in cities of the Russian Federation. But in every city there are representatives to clarify the situation.

I will sue Guta-Insurance St. Petersburg - I will have to teach the payments department a lesson

disgusting company. first, the reed switch with which they signed a cooperation agreement made an assessment 1.5 months after the insurance agent arrived, later in March Guta St. Petersburg received an assessment and sent it to Moscow for approval of the total, then they received the case back, signed it in St. Petersburg and sent it to Moscow There is still no money for payment. Almost four months have already passed since receiving the documents from the appraisal company. I’m preparing a pre-trial complaint, and in the future I’m going to file a lawsuit

  1. As mentioned above, going to court, however, before doing so, you must obtain legal advice. An independent expert will be able to assess the damage, after which write a statement of claim, to which you attach a copy of the MTPL or CASCO policy.
  2. The application must state a request to freeze the company's open accounts, and you must provide the account numbers known to you. This information is publicly available on the website, and payment details are also in the MTPL or CASCO agreement itself.
  3. If you are the injured party in an accident, then you can apply for compensation to the insurance company at fault, however, there are restrictions on the amount of payment. According to OSAGO it is approximately 120 thousand rubles.
  4. If the party at fault in an accident has insurance from Guta Insurance, then you can contact your insurer for direct compensation for damage. However, it should be remembered that direct compensation requires the fulfillment of certain conditions.
  5. Since the company during the period of reorganization has obligations not only to clients, but also to insurance companies, you can apply as a co-defendant to one of them. Also, it makes sense to contact reinsurers directly, who, after the completion of the reorganization, will assume payment obligations.

Loss Settlement Center Guta Insurance

According to the writ of execution, the bank must transfer the money within three days, sometimes this period can be extended to seven days. When a bank does not meet deadlines, you need to demand a written report from it; if it refuses to submit a report, you can write a complaint to the Central Bank. Often the bank does not transfer money due to the lack of funds in the insurance company's account.

Guta CASCO insurance

Damage - road accident, fire, lightning strike, explosion, natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, mountain collapses, tsunamis, storms, whirlwinds, hurricane, tornado, flood, inundation, hail), acts of animals, falling objects, illegal actions of third parties persons (3.2.1) Theft (clause of the Rules)

Guta insurance payments under comprehensive insurance

RGS is a separate topic, especially OSAGO. The same one, RGS paid me more than enough under comprehensive insurance (I went nuts), but it was not this year and not under OSAGO, but under CASCO. According to compulsory motor liability insurance, everyone has the right to either “swallow” (I mean the minuscule amount that insurance has paid out under compulsory motor liability insurance) or spend a little time and money, but get what is due by law. This is my personal opinion, I do not impose it.

Guta-Insurance - insurance reviews and ratings

When purchasing a policy, an employee of the Guta-Insurance company swore that the deductible of 40,000 would be paid only once upon the first insured event and that’s all, the contract said nothing about this at all. An insured event occurred; all documents were provided on January 28, 2014; the last piece of paper was delivered on February 3, 2014.

Insurance company GUTA Insurance

  • damage caused by fire as a result of a fire or for any other reason (natural disaster);
  • damage caused to property by various combustion products, as well as fire extinguishing agents;
  • flooding with water due to a break in water pipes, sewerage, or heating systems;
  • illegal actions of third parties (theft, arson, robbery, hooliganism or terrorist act);
  • other risks chosen by the client independently.

What to do if your insurance company goes out of business

Guta insurance payments under comprehensive insurance

Several sources close to the insurance company reported the closure of sales offices and the dismissal of ASN employees.<По состоянию на понедельник распоряжением руководства все офисы <ГУТА-Страхования>closed, seals confiscated. Sales are not expected in the near future. This applies to both Moscow and the regions,” one of the interlocutors told ASN. According to him, the decision to stop sales was made at an extraordinary meeting of the company's management, which was held on Saturday. Today, most of the employees are leaving, he said. In addition, the ASN interlocutor noted that the company does not intend to officially announce the cessation of sales<поскольку это сейчас просто некому сделать>.

When were payments from guta insurance?

Information about the winding down of activities was confirmed at the company’s offices. Thus, in one of the Moscow branches, the Prime agency was told that “the company, unfortunately, is no longer engaged in insurance activities” and was advised to contact the central office for clarification.

Guta-Accident compensation insurance

Insurance companies are very fond of inventing any, even the most crazy, reasons for refusal - just not to pay. In your case, what matters is what the review team determines. If the traffic police certificate records that your car rolled forward and hit the person in front from a rear impact, then both of you should be paid by the insurance company of the culprit. Don’t be lazy to study the materials on the cardinal gray website - they will be very useful to you in further communication with the IC. There is a CONFERENCE section - in it you can ask your question with a detailed description of the situation and get really useful advice.

Press about insurance, insurance companies and the insurance market

Before the company is declared bankrupt, the client has the right to terminate the insurance contract in accordance with the rules established by the company. In this case, the client will receive part of the paid insurance premium. If payment is refused, you must go to court.

Insurance company GUTA-Insurance (Russia)

In the distant past, I was involved in arm wrestling. This is armwrestling, a traumatic sport; you cannot be 100% insured against fractures or other injuries. Therefore, before competitions, in order to avoid incidents, it was mandatory to insure yourself. And so.

The online comprehensive insurance calculator will calculate the best deals in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Samara and other Russian cities, processing the rates of 20 insurance companies. Just enter the data and the program will perform all the complex calculations. You can select and order a comprehensive insurance policy online at no additional cost. When ordering through you get a discount of up to 20%! The data goes directly to the insurance company. does not send spam. If you are an experienced driver and want to save on your policy, then indicate a deductible that will help reduce the cost of the policy by several tens of thousands of rubles.

How to save on Casco?

The cost of comprehensive insurance varies significantly among different companies. For example, a policy for the same car may cost 30 thousand rubles in one company, and 90 thousand rubles in another. To find a good deal, you need to find out the cost of the policy from several insurers. Previously, this took several days. Nowadays you can find a cheap offer in just a few seconds. You can do this using the comprehensive insurance calculator. Additionally, you can save on your policy if: - choose a large deductible; - enjoy discounts when switching from one insurance company to another; - buy partial comprehensive insurance (for example, insure the car only against theft or only against damage).

CASCO calculator for 2020

After submitting your order, a representative of the insurance company will contact you during business hours - from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you submit your application after 6 p.m., the order will be processed the next business day. A comprehensive insurance policy is issued by an insurance company. In some cases, you can use the “express order” service. You just need to provide your name and contact number. An insurance company specialist will contact you within 1-2 minutes after submitting your application. Some insurers are ready to deliver the policy to a convenient location the next day after ordering. services are free for all users.

Documents for registration of Casco

To apply for a comprehensive insurance policy, you will need to provide the insurer with a package of documents, the exact list of which should be clarified in advance. As a rule, it includes: - a statement; - passport or other identification document; - registration documents for the car (registration certificate or sales contract). To purchase a policy, you need to sign an insurance contract. recommends that you carefully study its terms and conditions. Pay special attention to the list of insured events for which payment is due.

GUTA-Insurance JSC is a universal company, small in terms of fees. He is a member of the GUTA Group. In 2017, the company took 152nd place in terms of collected insurance premiums among Russian insurers and 101st place among metropolitan insurers (100% of premiums collected in Moscow). The main shares in the company's insurance portfolio in 2017 fell on property insurance for legal entities (57.87%) and voluntary medical insurance (16.32%). At the beginning of 2014, the company announced the termination of insurance activities and stopped concluding new contracts. The company continues to fulfill its obligations under existing contracts. The company's head office is located in Moscow, there is no branch network.

The company "GUTA-Insurance" was created in 1994 under the name "Inkorstrakh" and was a "daughter" of the multidisciplinary group "GUTA"*, founded by Yuri Gushchin. The main founder of the insurer was the Gosinkor corporation (owned 49% of the insurer's shares). In the first few years, the company served mainly the interests of Gosinkor.

In 2001, when Inkorstrakh shareholders decided to actively develop operations on the open market, working with large companies and retail clients, including in the regions, the company was renamed GUTA-Insurance. At the end of 2007, the company managed to enter the top 30 Russian insurers (28th place, volume of collected premiums - 4.1 billion rubles; for comparison: in 2006 the company occupied 47th place in the market). In the subsequent period, the company continued to actively expand its business, expanding its regional network of sales divisions and intensively developing its retail business, including OSAGO.

In March 2014, the GUTA-Insurance company, one of the largest Russian insurers (19th place in the market, 9.7 billion rubles in insurance premium; 12th place in terms of compulsory motor liability insurance fees), announced the cessation of activities and the beginning of a reorganization period insurance portfolio. The company stopped selling new policies and began to wind down its regional network throughout the country. At the same time, the shareholders of GUTA-Insurance stated that the company would fulfill its obligations to existing clients. The reason for the termination of activities in the company was not disclosed, however, according to market participants, this is due to the company’s losses, in particular in the auto insurance segment (at the end of 2013, the company’s net loss according to RAS amounted to 909 million rubles).

The Bank of Russia noted that the insurance supervision has no claims against GUTA-Strakhovanie JSC in terms of compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In addition, as the results of the Central Bank audit showed, “the insurer’s own funds and capital are formed in full by high-quality assets,” which means that the company will be able to fulfill its obligations.

According to IFRS reporting, the main shareholder of the company as of December 31, 2017 is RAEK-Invest LLC (99.93%).

At the beginning of 2014, the company's regional network consisted of 64 branches throughout the country, the total number of GUTA-Insurance sales offices exceeded 330. Currently, there is no branch network.

In 2012 and 2013, the company showed an increase in insurance premiums by 18.59% and 31.6%, respectively. In 2014, after the decision to cease operations, the volume of collections fell by 81.2%, and at the end of 2015 the reduction reached 90.06%. At the same time, in 2016 the company showed an increase in revenues by 40.04%, collecting 253.82 million rubles in premiums against 181.27 million rubles a year earlier. In 2017, the insurer's revenues decreased by 64.23%, the amount of collected premiums amounted to 90.81 million rubles (the minimum figure for the entire period of activity). In the structure of fees, 97.04% are dues from contracts with legal entities, 2.96% are the share of individuals. The company's payments in 2017 reached 468.35 million rubles, the level of payments was 515.77%. Based on the results of three quarters of 2018, the insurer collected 66.68 million rubles (+9.83% compared to the same period in 2017), paid out 268.67 million rubles, the level of payments is 402.95%.

At the end of 2017, the most significant shares in the company’s insurance portfolio were occupied by the following types of activities: property insurance of legal entities (57.87%), voluntary medical insurance (16.32%), cargo insurance (8.42%), civil damage insurance damage to third parties (8.21%), comprehensive insurance (7.76%). The entire volume of premiums in 2017 was collected through direct sales, without the participation of intermediaries.

Reinsurance partners are Russian National Reinsurance Company JSC, SOGAZ JSC, Russian Reinsurance Company JSC, etc.

At the end of 2017, the company received a loss of 237.99 million rubles under RAS and 63.76 million rubles under IFRS. The insurer ended the previous year with a profit of 68.7 million rubles according to RAS and 84.61 million rubles according to IFRS.

On June 30, 2016, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of GUTA-Strakhovanie JSC decided to reduce the authorized capital. The authorized capital of the company, amounting to 1.53 billion rubles, is reduced by 993.2 million rubles by reducing the par value of the company's shares. The amount of the changed capital of a legal entity from November 11, 2016 is 534.8 million rubles.


Banks: Guta-Bank, VTB Bank, VTB24, Sberbank.

Clients: OJSC Babaevsky Confectionery Concern, OJSC Voronezh Confectionery Factory, OJSC Tula Confectionery Factory Yasnaya Polyana, CJSC Sormovskaya Confectionery Factory, etc.

Management: Irina Lesina (CEO).

*GUTA Group is one of the largest multi-industry non-resource holdings in Russia, founded in 1989. For more than 20 years, the Group has specialized in strategic investments in various production and infrastructure projects. Currently, the strategic interests of the GUTA Group are concentrated in confectionery production, commercial real estate, agriculture, recreational business, and the provision of medical services. The Group's enterprises employ over 30 thousand people. The companies included in the GUTA Group operate in all federal districts. The Group is represented in a significant number of regions, including over 50 large cities with a total population of about 80 million people. Consumers of products and services of enterprises included in the GUTA Group are more than 150 million people in dozens of countries around the world. The main companies included in the Group are: the United Confectioners holding, GUTA-Bank, GUTA-Development, GUTA-Clinic, etc. The total assets of the GUTA Group are estimated at $10 billion.