Become an insurance company agent for yourself. Working as an insurance agent

One of the promising areas of business development in today's Russia is car insurance. The car insurance market has not yet fully formed, and therefore it is possible to find a worthy place in it. There are a lot of car owners today, and there are unlikely to be fewer of them in the near future, and compulsory motor liability insurance means that they all must be insured. In addition to compulsory insurance, you can conclude an individual contract that takes into account almost any risks. So, agents involved in auto insurance are in demand on the market today, and what is important is that this profession allows you to earn good money.

What should an auto insurance agent be like?

What are the responsibilities of an auto insurance agent?

An auto insurance agent is a link between the person who applied for it and the insurer. He works with information, documents, represents the interests of the client, without forgetting the interests of the insurance company. Workers are often required.

Agent functions:

  • analysis of demand for auto insurance products;
  • analysis of the composition of potential clients;
  • concluding auto insurance contracts;
  • filling out and maintaining documentation;
  • assistance to the client in obtaining comprehensive information;
  • interaction with the payment service when an insured event occurs.

Insurance agent salary

One of the disadvantages of being an auto insurance agent is the lack of a guaranteed part of your salary. Income depends entirely on how it worked. Of course, all drivers must have compulsory insurance (MTPL), but you won’t earn much from it. To ensure a decent income, we need clients who take out extended policies, for example,, which provide coverage for additional risks. However, the cost of such insurance is much higher, and not all clients are ready to fork out for it. They need to be convinced of this need, but this must be done gently and unobtrusively.

So, the salary, or rather, the agent’s income depends on the number of clients and. At first, until the client base has been developed, it will be small money, perhaps 10-20 thousand rubles. Experienced insurance agents are able to earn 50 and 100 thousand every month.

At the beginning of your career it will be very difficult to find clients. Over time, this becomes easier; many of them, with successful cooperation options, remain for many years.

The emergence of new clients and the development of new types of insurance means that the income of the insurance agent will increase. On average, it is 10-20% of the amount of concluded transactions.

Starting a career as an insurance agent

To start working as an insurance agent, the most important thing is the desire and intention to act. To generate income you need a client base. Sometimes it provides an established base, but such luck is rare. Another good start is when a young agent is provided with a database of so-called hot calls - phone numbers of potential clients who would not mind getting information about possible insurance.

Insurance agent training. How to become an insurance agent.

To summarize, we can say that an active person will become an insurance agent, someone who is not afraid of difficulties and is ready to take risks. In our other articles you can familiarize yourself with and .

IC has offices where full-time managers receive clients. Insurance brokers create service points for corporate clients and individuals. Agents can combine the activities of selling insurance and other services and provide both at their main workplace. For example, realtors deal with real estate insurance, tourism managers deal with travel insurance, and those dealing with cars deal with auto insurance. But what about those for whom agency work is the only source of income, but there is no workplace in the office? Is it possible to work as an insurance agent from home?

How to get a job

Many insurance companies are constantly looking for freelance employees, but you need to understand that you will have to earn every penny with your own labor. Working as an insurance agent at home does not require any salary, and the support from the employer is purely informational - training, advice.

If you are planning to become a home insurance agent, first evaluate your own qualities:

  • Is it easy for you to establish contact with strangers;
  • Do you know how to clearly and cogently express your thoughts, persuade, and respond to objections;
  • can you force yourself to work if there is no boss nearby to control every step;
  • Do you have experience in direct sales?

You also need a mobile computer and skills to work with it.

If, having assessed your abilities and skills, you decide to give it a try, you need to choose a specialization: personal, property, car insurance and other areas (to begin with, it is better to limit yourself to a minimum set of insurance products, but study each thoroughly) and a reliable insurance company.

And then - declare your desire to try yourself as an agent, undergo an interview, training, sign an employment agreement and receive a package of documents confirming your authority and necessary for work. In addition to papers, the insurance company must provide you with access to its database, then you will have your own Internet office.

Where to meet clients without having an office

You are unlikely to have to sit at home and invite policyholders to your place to negotiate and conclude contracts, although you can meet with friends on your own territory. As a rule, an insurance company representative serves clients by visiting them at their place of residence or work, relieving them of the need to visit the insurance company’s office. Meetings in other places are also possible by mutual agreement.

Where and how to look for clients

The insurance company will teach you the basics of finding clients and conducting negotiations, but will not provide a ready-made list of those who need to make calls and send letters. So the agent’s first task is to create a client base, and he will have to do this himself. Everyone has their own methods of developing it:

  • use personal connections, call all your acquaintances, even casual ones, from your phone book;
  • walk around apartments, offices or offer your services to people near institutions of a certain profile (travel agencies, hospitals and clinics, car dealerships and traffic police departments);
  • use the capabilities of social networks and virtual bulletin boards.

If you want to try yourself in this way of earning money.

At the beginning, I will briefly repeat that the activity of an insurance agent consists of active direct sales of insurance products to clients, and his earnings consist of commissions from each sale, which are paid by the insurance company. How to become an insurance agent - more on that later.

Stage 1. Selecting a company and concluding an agency agreement.

First of all, you need to decide on the direction of the insurance services that you will sell. There are only two such directions:

1. Risk insurance(classical insurance programs that provide payment of compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event);

2. Endowment insurance or (investment products combining classic insurance and long-term savings programs).

Why do you need to decide on this before becoming an insurance agent? Because in most cases these lines of insurance are sold by completely different companies. When focusing on risk insurance, you need to choose a company among the leading domestic insurers, market leaders for the services that you plan to sell. And when working on endowment insurance, Western insurance companies that legally operate in your country are better suited, since such services there are more developed, well thought out, and more reliable.

When choosing which company to become an insurance agent for, you need to focus on the following parameters:

1. Reliability of the company. Its period of stay on the market, financial reporting indicators, . In any business, a business partner must, first of all, be reliable, and the work of an insurance agent is no exception.

2. Insurance products. When thinking about how to become an insurance agent, you need to choose a company whose products match the needs of your potential clients. For example, if you work in a car dealership, this should include CASCO and OSAGO auto insurance services, if you work with real estate, you should have real estate insurance programs, if you work in medicine, you should have life and health insurance programs, etc.

3. Market leadership. It will be easiest for you to sell insurance products from companies that are market leaders in the desired industry and have a positive business reputation.

4. Commission amount. Only after this (and not first!) it is necessary to select among the already filtered insurance companies those that offer the most favorable terms of cooperation in terms of the amount of commission for the products sold. That is, those companies whose cooperation will potentially give you the highest level of earnings.

5. Other terms of cooperation. It is also necessary to pay attention to other essential terms of cooperation under the affiliate program. For example, the opportunity to undergo training at the expense of the company, if you need it, the presence of any additional bonuses upon achieving certain sales targets, prospects for career and professional growth, etc.

Choosing the right company for cooperation is a good guarantee of further success in working as an insurance agent!

Stage 2. Negotiations and signing of a cooperation agreement.

Once you have chosen an insurance company to become its insurance agent, you need to sign a corresponding agreement with it. To do this, you should call or fill out an application on the website, during the conversation clarify all the questions you have (and they must arise), and if you are satisfied with everything, and your candidacy suits the insurer, sign an agency contract/agreement. If the insurance company is represented in your city, this can be done in their office; if not, the documents can be sent to you by mail or electronically.

After signing the contract, the insurance company must give you:

1. Certificate that you are an insurance agent;

2. A power of attorney giving the right to sign insurance contracts and policies that you will sell;

3. Instructions for drawing up insurance contracts and policies;

4. Access to the company’s website for tariff calculations, printing policy forms and other necessary actions;

5. Insurance policy forms for registration, if these are strict reporting forms (for example, OSAGO).

Stage 3. Insurance agent training.

Once your cooperation with the insurance company is documented, you can begin to work. However, in order for it to be as effective as possible, it is very advisable to undergo preliminary training, especially if you do not yet have experience in insurance and.

As a rule, insurance training opportunities are provided by the companies themselves, working with agents under partnership agreements. Moreover, there are options for both free and paid training. They simply must give you some initial recommendations in terms of finding clients, conducting negotiations, disclosing to clients the advantages of an insurance product and a specific company for free, because their sales volume, which you can provide, will directly depend on this.

But some special courses aimed at improving skills and reaching a new qualitative level of skill may already be paid.

Insurance training itself can take place in a variety of forms:

– Full-time courses;

- Distance learning;

– Educational presentations and video lessons;

– Trainings and seminars;

– Webinars;

– Master classes from the best specialists, etc.

You'll likely always have opportunities to learn, not just before you start working. In my opinion, a person engaged in active sales (this fully includes the work of an insurance agent) simply must constantly improve his qualifications, develop and improve his skills. Various options for training in insurance business and sales skills will contribute to this.

Stage 4. Start of work, first sales.

Having received at least initial, basic knowledge, you can begin to apply it in practice. As a rule, the first sales are the most difficult. It happens that several weeks or even months pass before the insurance agent issues his first insurance contract.

This is quite normal: as in any business, in direct sales skill comes with experience. If you are determined to become an insurance agent (otherwise, why did you start all this?), you should not be deterred by the difficulties that arise.

Plan your work, analyze mistakes, gain experience, and soon you will come to the first results. Working as an insurance agent is not an area in which huge earnings will immediately shower on you. Mastery, and therefore good income, will come with experience. And in any case, the direct sales experience you gain will become an assistant in other areas of your life.

How to become an insurance agent, do you need to register as an individual entrepreneur?

Many people have a question: do you need to register a business activity to become an insurance agent? The answer to this should be sought in the legislation of your country, which, as you know, changes frequently. Even if you cannot find this answer yourself, the insurance company’s partner relations employees will certainly help you.

Today in Russia and Ukraine, in order to become an insurance agent, it is not necessary to open an individual entrepreneur (PE). However, in the future you can open it: it all depends on the expected volume of your income. It is possible that through business activities under simplified taxation schemes you will pay less taxes than without it - this must be calculated for each specific case, based on current tax rates and conditions.

Now you know how to become an insurance agent. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this: working as an insurance agent does not require any significant costs and at the same time can become a source of your main or additional income.

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An insurance broker is a business entity that carries out intermediary activities in the field of insurance on its own behalf, representing the interests of the insurer or policyholder. Typically, a broker works with several companies, considering the possibility of promoting all the programs they support. His responsibility also includes providing assistance to clients in need of insurance services, which consists in choosing the most suitable insurance offer in accordance with the client’s life circumstances.

The organization's specialists are independent experts who are not interested in advertising a specific company. For this reason, they help policyholders to objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages of an insurance offer and select the optimal package of services.

Broker Responsibilities

Before becoming a broker of an insurance company under compulsory motor liability insurance, you should familiarize yourself with the rights and obligations of the organization and compare them with your own capabilities that determine the functioning of brokerage insurance activities.

The work of an insurance broker includes:

  • consulting services;
  • resolving disputes and conflicts between parties to the agreement;
  • preparation of contractual agreements;
  • resolving issues related to loss settlement;
  • providing guarantees of cooperation between the policyholder and the insurer.

How to become an insurance broker

Working as an insurance broker involves certain stages of business development:

  1. Making a decision on intermediary business activities.
  2. Carrying out registration actions to open a business entity. It should be noted that potential clients of an insurance broker strive to cooperate with a company that has the status of a legal entity, since this type of legal activity inspires more confidence among citizens.
  3. Purchasing or renting office space where it would be possible to organize meetings with clients for negotiations and formalizing contractual relations. Activities can be carried out without an office, meeting with counterparties on neutral territory. However, such a decision raises doubts about the seriousness of brokers’ intentions to provide high-quality, qualified assistance.
  4. Obtaining licensing documents, without which the operation of a brokerage company on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited.
  5. Equipping the office with the necessary equipment.
  6. Establishing partnerships with various insurance organizations.

Obtaining a license

Before becoming a broker for an insurance company under compulsory motor liability insurance, you must obtain a license, since without it, conducting insurance brokerage activities is prohibited by law.

You can begin processing permits for insurance activities only after registering a business entity.

  • The license is issued by the insurance supervisory authorities, for which it is necessary to prepare a set of documentation:
  • statement;
  • registration and constituent documents;
  • documents confirming the appropriate qualifications of the broker and his employees (diploma of higher education in the economic or financial field);

agreements necessary for conducting brokerage activities. Making a decision on licensing

accepted within 120 days after submission of the application.

How to become an MTPL insurance broker under a franchise

Promoting insurance brokerage business ideas takes a long period, during which additional costs are required for advertising activities, while profits are unlikely to be made. Government authorities may delay decisions on issuing licenses, citing the non-compliance of the newly created company with the requirements of regulations.

To simplify the procedure for a new organization to enter the market for the provision of MTPL insurance services, many insurance brokers prefer to organize their activities as a franchise.

Work organization

  1. Organization of the work of an insurance broker under a franchise occurs in several stages:
  2. Search for a well-known insurance broker whose services are used by many clients.
  3. Familiarization with the terms of cooperation.
  4. Providing evidence of the potential franchisee's compliance with franchising requirements.
  5. Receiving a positive conclusion about cooperation.
  6. Registration of a business entity.
  7. Obtaining a license (some types of cooperation do not require obtaining permits, since they provide the opportunity to work under their own license).
  8. Drawing up a franchise agreement.
  9. Making a down payment.

Bringing the external appearance of the office, the procedure for maintaining documentation and the specifics of conducting activities into compliance with the requirements established by cooperation.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Working under a franchising scheme has the following advantages:
  • well-known brand and established positive reputation;
  • no need for promotion, since the franchisor took care of this procedure in advance;
  • availability of a ready-made client database;
  • providing professional training to the company's management and staff specialists;
  • production and legal support;
  • transparency of cooperation;
  • the opportunity to get acquainted with the results of the franchisor’s activities, as well as its competitive position in the market for the provision of similar services before formalizing the agreement.

The disadvantages of cooperation include:

  • the need to have an initial investment to formalize a franchise agreement;
  • payment of license fees;
  • penalties for conducting activities not in accordance with marketing strategies.

A competent approach to organizing business activities in the field of insurance as a broker, as well as compliance with legal requirements and regulations, will allow the head of a brokerage company to make a good profit.