Socio-economic development of Dagestan at the end. The phantom of growth - what is hidden behind the rapid growth rates of the Dagestan industry

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most economically developed regions of the North Caucasus Federal District. In 2011, the volume of the gross regional product of the Republic amounted to 327 billion rubles; over the past 7 years, the volume of GRP has increased more than 3 times. As part of the total volume of the gross regional product of Russia, the Republic of Dagestan’s share of GRP also tended to grow from 0.02% in 2005 to 0.3% in 2011. In the Russian Federation, Dagestan ranks 37th in terms of GRP, among regions of the North Caucasus Federal District - 2nd place, second only to the Stavropol Territory.

Dynamics of the volume of gross regional product by region of the North Caucasian Federal District, billion rubles.

GRP production for the period from 2005 to 2011 had a steady trend towards active growth: GRP (in comparable prices) in 2011 increased by 26% compared to 2009, and by 3.6 times compared to 2005. However, in the period 2007-2010. there was a trend towards a reduction in the real GRP of the Republic of Dagestan, the largest drop of which occurred in 2010 (the index of physical volume of GRP was 103.6%), however, starting from 2011, there was an increase in the index, exceeding similar indicators on average for the federal district and the Russian Federation in in general.

GRP physical volume index, %

Per capita, the volume of gross regional product produced in Dagestan increased by 3.3 times compared to 2005 and amounted to 111.9 thousand rubles. in 2011, which corresponds to 3rd place among the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District. In the Russian Federation, Dagestan ranks 74th in terms of GRP production per capita. In terms of per capita GRP, the republic is comparable to the Ivanovo region, North Ossetia, Tyva and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Gross regional product per capita by regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, thousand rubles.

In the sectoral structure of the formation of gross added value of the Republic of Dagestan, relative to similar indicators in the federal district and Russia as a whole, distinctive features can be identified that allow us to characterize the economy of the region as an agrarian-industrial one:

The share of the agriculture, fishing and fish farming sector in the region's GRP is 15.1% (NCFD - 14.6%, Russian Federation - 4.5%).

The share of industrial products in GRP is 6.5% (NCFD - 14%, Russian Federation - 32.6%).

The share in the GRP of the construction industry is 19.4% (NCFD - 12.3, Russian Federation - 6.9%).

The share of wholesale, retail trade and personal services in GRP is 27% (NCFD - 22, RF - 19.4%).

The share in GRP of transport and communications is 9% (NCFD - 8.7%, Russian Federation - 10.5%).

The share of commercial financial services, real estate transactions, as well as the service and tourism sectors is 6.9% (NCFD - 7.3%, Russian Federation - 13%).

The share of non-market services in GRP is 16.1% (NCFD - 21.1, Russian Federation - 13.1%).

Industry structure of gross value added in 2010, %

The largest contribution to the formation of the gross regional product of the Republic of Dagestan is made by “wholesale and retail trade, provision of household services to the population”, the share of their added value in the economy over the year increased by 1.1% and in 2011 amounted to 27.3% of the total GRP (in 2005 – 19.8%). The growth was achieved mainly due to an increase in the turnover of the “wholesale trade” activity by 2.3 times. Retail trade turnover and provision of services to the population increased during the study period by 12.9% and 10.2%, respectively; real value added also increased by 10.1%. The contribution of the activity “wholesale and retail trade, provision of household services to the population” to the region’s GRP is constantly growing, and compared to 2005, its share increased from 19.8% to 27.3%, in actual current prices the increase was almost 5 times , from 17.9 billion rubles in 2005 to 89.3 billion rubles in 2011.

Structure of gross regional product by type of economic activity in 2011, %

The second most important sectors for the economy of Dagestan are the construction and agricultural sectors, providing 18.8% and 15.2%, respectively, in the formation of the gross regional product. Compared to 2010, the share of agriculture in the structure of GRP increased by 0.1%, while at the same time there was a slight drop in construction by 0.6%. During the period 2005-2011. the influence of these sectors of the economy has also changed significantly, if in 2005 the construction sector formed 12.6% of GRP, then already in 2011 - 18.8%; agriculture, on the contrary, decreased its influence from 23.6% in 2005 to 15.2% in 2011. At the same time, the real volume of added value created in the construction industry and agriculture compared to 2010 increased by 0.3 % and by 2.4%, respectively. Comparing 2011 with 2005, the real volume of added value decreased from 108.1% to 106.3% in agriculture and from 145.8% to 108.3% in construction.

Dynamics of indices of physical volume of gross value added,%

Branch of the economy
















Fishing and fish farming
























Transport and communications
















Services in the field of finance, real estate, services and tourism








Off-market services








Agriculture, construction and trade together form 57.7% of added value in the region, the share of other sectors and their contribution to the formation of the economy of the Republic of Dagestan in the context of types of economic activities is not so significant and ranges from 8.8% (“transport and communications” ) up to 0.1% (“financial activities”). During the period under study, the share of these industries was not subject to significant deviations, which indicates a stable economic situation.

Structure of the gross regional product by type of economic activity (as a percentage of the total)

















including by type of economic activity:

Agriculture, hunting and forestry








Fishing, fish farming
















Manufacturing industries








Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water
















Wholesale and retail trade; repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items








Hotels and restaurants








Transport and communications








Financial activities








Real estate transactions, rental and provision of services








Public administration and military security; compulsory social security
















Health and social service provision








Provision of other utility, social and personal services








In the structure of areas of GRP use, its main share falls on final consumption expenditures - in 2012, 70.2% of the total volume, of which 75.4% falls on final consumption of households. In general, for the period 2005-2012. There was a steady increase in the use of gross domestic product for both final consumption and gross capital formation. 15

Dynamics of the use of gross domestic product, billion rubles

The GRP growth rate in 2015 will be 105.7%, which is 5.1 percentage points lower than the estimate for 2014 (110.8%), while being 4.5 percentage points higher than the average for the Russian Federation (101. 2%) and 3.4 percentage points more than the figure for the Stavropol Territory (102.3%).

GRP growth rate of the Republic of Dagestan, Stavropol Territory

and GDP of the Russian Federation for 2010-2013,

assessment for 2014 and forecast for 2015-2017

The data presented in the diagram indicate consistently high growth rates of GRP compared to the Stavropol Territory and the Russian Federation as a whole (GDP).

The average growth rate of GRP in 2015-2017 will be 7.3% for the republic, 2.7% for the Stavropol Territory, and 2.2% for the Russian Federation (GDP).

The share of taxes (at all levels of budgets for 2013) in the volume of GRP is 7.4%, which is 2.3 times lower than the average for the Russian Federation (17%) and 1.6 times less than the average for the North Caucasus Federal District (12.1%), including 2.4 times lower than in the Stavropol Territory (while the difference between the GRP volumes in the Republic of Dagestan and the Stavropol Territory is 1.2 times).

GRP volumes and tax revenues

by subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District for 2013

(all budget levels)

billion rubles

The share of taxes in the structure of GRP of the Republic of Dagestan is the lowest among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the North Caucasus Federal District. According to this indicator, the Republic of Dagestan ranks last among the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District. At the same time, in many macroeconomic indicators that form GRP, the Republic of Dagestan occupies a leading position (1-2 places), including:

The volume of agricultural production is 2nd after the Stavropol Territory;

Volume of investments in fixed capital - 1st place;

Volume of construction work performed - 1st place;

Retail trade turnover - 2nd place after the Stavropol Territory;

The volume of paid services to the population is 2nd after the Stavropol Territory.

Based on 2014 estimates GRP per capita in the Republic of Dagestan will be 171.5 thousand rubles, which is 7.9 thousand rubles or 4.6% less than in the Stavropol Territory (179.4 thousand rubles), then according to the forecast for 2015, the gap will be 3.9 thousand rubles or 2.1% (RD - 190.3 thousand rubles, SK - 194.2 thousand rubles).

The increase in GRP per capita is projected: in 2015 by 11%; in 2016 - by 12.7%; in 2017 - by 13.7%.

In the structure of GRP (according to the forecast for 2015), the largest share (81%) falls on:

Wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles, household products and personal items – 24.6%;

Construction - 20.6%;

Agriculture, hunting and forestry – 13.3%;

Industrial production – 8.3%;

Hotels and restaurants – 7.8%;

Transport and communications – 6.2%.

Structure of Gross Regional Product

according to the Forecast of SER RD for 2015

The predicted high rates of development of individual sectors of the economy in 2015-2017 should lead to a change in the structure of GRP.

4.4. According to the Forecast of the SER RD for 2015-2017 industrial production index will be: in 2015 – 109.1%, in 2016 – 110.3% and in 2017 – 111.0% compared to the previous year. The growth rate in 2017 compared to the level of 2013 will increase by 1.5 times against the 107.3% average for the Russian Federation.

In 2015, the volume of shipped products will amount to 70,451.2 million rubles, which is 9,763.7 million rubles more than the estimate for 2014.

The structure of industrial production is:

- “mining” - 7.2% (5,076.3 million rubles) versus 6.8% according to estimates for 2014;

- “manufacturing industries” - 67.8% (47,800.6 million rubles) versus 66.7% according to the 2014 estimate;

- “production and distribution of electricity, gas and water” - 24.9% (17,574.3 million rubles) versus 26.5% according to the 2014 estimate.

The volume of industrial production per capita for 2015 is 23.6 thousand rubles and will increase compared to 2013 (20.4 thousand rubles) by 3.2 thousand rubles or 22.8%, while being 4 times lower level of the Stavropol Territory (92.0 thousand rubles).

Structure of industrial production


The main part of industrial production volumes (more than 60%) is formed by manufacturing industries. According to the forecast for 2015, the production volume of manufacturing industries will be 47,800.6 million rubles, which is 7,306.2 million rubles or 18% more than the estimate for 2014 (40,494.4 million rubles).

Product share by manufacturing industries the total volume of industrial production in 2015 will increase by 1.1 percentage points (from 66.7% to 67.8%), while the share of production and distribution of electricity, gas and water– will decrease by 1.6 percentage points (from 26.5% to 24.9%).

It should be noted that the further development of industry should be facilitated by the implementation of Priority development projects in the Republic of Dagestan, including “New industrialization”, “Growth points”, investments and effective territorial development”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 596 “On long-term state economic politics”, as well as the state program of the Republic of Dagestan “Industrial Development of the Republic of Dagestan for 2014-2018”.

4.5. In 2015, the production growth rate is projected to increase agricultural products by 0.2 percentage points (106.4%) compared to the assessment level for 2014 (106.2%). The growth rate for 2017 relative to 2013 is projected to be 129.1%, with an average of 112.3% for the Russian Federation.

In the field of agricultural development, a number of programs and investment projects are annually implemented in the republic, for the support of which significant financial resources are allocated, including credit.

In addition, in 2015, the implementation of Priority Development Projects of the Republic of Dagestan will be continued, including those aimed at the development of the agro-industrial complex: “Creating “growth points” of the Republic of Dagestan” and “Efficient agro-industrial complex”.

In the total volume of agricultural production, the main share is made up of household households - 71%, peasant (farm) households - 14.7%, agricultural enterprises - 14.3%.

Structure of agricultural products

Republic of Dagestan and Stavropol Territory

In the total volume of agricultural products produced, the smallest share is made up of agricultural products - 14.3%, versus 60% in the Stavropol Territory (or 4.2 times less).

The volume of agricultural production per capita for 2015 is planned at 32.0 thousand rubles, or 1.6 times lower than in the Stavropol Territory (53.0 thousand rubles).

According to this indicator, in order to reach the level of the Stavropol Territory by 2017, it is necessary to annually increase the growth rate of agricultural production by at least 1.3 times, and bring the level to the Russian average by 3 times.

In the forecast period, work will continue to implement the priority development project of the RD “Effective agro-industrial complex”, aimed at the development of poultry farming, viticulture (introduction of a cluster approach), livestock farming, fishery complex, placement of intensive industrial gardens, creation of agro-industrial parks, geothermal agricultural parks, support of key investment projects in the agricultural sector.

4.6. Volume investment in fixed capital from all sources of financing for 2015 it is predicted in the amount of 248,000.0 million rubles, which is 30,000.0 million rubles more than the estimate for 2014, while the growth rate (107.6%) is 5.1 percent points lower than the estimate for 2014 (112.7%).

The growth rate of investments in 2017 compared to the level of 2013 will be 144.9% against the 104.1% average for the Russian Federation.

The volume of investments per capita for 2015 is projected at 82.9 thousand rubles, which is 13.1% or 9.6 thousand rubles more than the estimate for 2014 (73.3 thousand rubles).

In the structure of investment distribution, the largest share is occupied by enterprises of the following types of economic activities: “transport and communications” - 19.5%, “construction” - 17.0%, “production and distribution of electricity, gas and water” - 12.8%, “manufacturing” - 10.3%, “operations with real estate, rental and provision of services” - 8.6%, “agriculture” - 8.5%, “health care” - 8.1%, “education” - 7.1%.

Of the total investment, the share of organizations' own funds is 13.6%, attracted funds - 86.4%, of which budget funds - 57.6%.

In terms of investment volume for 2015, the Republic of Dagestan is ahead of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, in particular the Stavropol Territory, in terms of total investment volume and investment volume per capita - 1.5 times (investment volume: RD - 248.0 billion rubles, SK - 145.0 billion rubles; per capita: RD - 82.9 thousand rubles, IC - 51.8 thousand rubles).

High growth rates of investment in fixed assets will be ensured through additional capital investments in the energy sector, production of building materials, agriculture, the mining sector, manufacturing, transport, tourism and recreation, housing construction, education and healthcare.

In order to attract investments in the republic, the Priority Development Project of the Republic of Dagestan “Investments in Dagestan” is being implemented, which provides for the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the representation of the republic in federal programs, in the investment programs of state companies and state corporations, which will ensure the influx of additional investment funds into economy.

4.7. Taking into account the growth of investments in fixed capital in the forecast period, the increase volume of work performed by type of activity “Construction” will be: in 2015 – by 15,000.0 million rubles or 13.8%, in 2016 – by 7,000.0 million rubles or 5.7%, in 2017 – by 11,000.0 million rubles or 8.4%.

An increase in the commissioning of residential buildings is predicted from all sources of financing: in 2015 - by 2.5% or 40 thousand sq. m. m (1,650 thousand sq. m), in 2016 - by 5.5% or 90 thousand square meters. m (1,740 thousand sq. m), in 2017 - a decrease of 2.3% or 40 thousand sq. m. m (1,700 thousand sq. m).

The share of housing built by individual developers will increase to 90% versus 89% in 2014 (estimate).

According to the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Dagestan, in January-September of this year the rate of commissioning of new housing increased by almost 8% compared to the same period last year. More than 80% of the total housing under construction is being built by individual developers. Over 9 months of 2014, about 650.0 thousand square meters were commissioned in the region. m of individual housing and almost 120.0 thousand sq. m. m of housing in multi-storey residential buildings.

The total area of ​​residential premises per 1 resident of the republic in 2017 will be 19.0 square meters. m (for 2013 - 17.1 sq. m), while the average for the Russian Federation (according to the report for 2012) is 23.4 sq. m. m.

4.8. Turnover retail for 2015, according to the SER RD Forecast for 2015-2017, will amount to 579,598.1 million rubles, which is 67,938.2 million rubles or 13.3% more than the estimate for 2014 (511,659.9 million rubles ).

The growth rate of retail trade turnover for 2013-2016 is planned to be higher than the average for the Russian Federation and the Stavropol Territory. Thus, the growth rate of retail trade turnover in the forecast period will be: in 2015 – 8.4%; in 2016 – 10.2%; in 2017 – 12.1%.

In 2015-2017, the average annual growth rate of retail trade turnover will be 110.2% (in the forecast for the Russian Federation as a whole - 103.9%).

The growth rate of retail trade turnover in 2017 compared to the level of 2013 will be 44.8% versus 9.1% on average for the Russian Federation.

Today, when there is a change of power in the republic, dialogue between experts and scientists to adequately analyze the situation and determine development paths is more important than ever. Every year, ISEI DSC RAS ​​employees prepare proposals aimed at the comprehensive socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan, some of which are presented in this report. Therefore, to overcome negative phenomena in the economy of the Republic of Dagestan, a model of sustainable economic growth of the region has been developed.

At the beginning of the year, changes began in the state policy of regional development. The Decree of the President of Russia of January 16, 2017 “Fundamentals of state policy for regional development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” was adopted and regulatory documents for its implementation are being developed. As part of the discussion of the Decree of the President of Russia, 5 round tables were held on the topic:

v state policy of regional development as the basis of national security;

v economic security of the region: modern problems and mechanisms for ensuring;

v organizational and economic aspects of modernizing the region’s healthcare system;

v problems of ensuring food security: regional aspect.

But in order to change something, you need to figure out: where are we? What is happening to Dagestan: is it either in crisis, or is it developing dynamically? Without a diagnosis, it is impossible to prescribe treatment.

In recent years, the Republic of Dagestan has seen a certain growth trend in key macroeconomic indicators. At the same time, the improvement in the dynamics of absolute indicators does not reveal the real lag of Dagestan in comparison with the economic situation in the country as a whole.

So, per capita, the region’s lag in terms of GRP (2015) was more than 2 times, labor productivity 1.7 times, industrial output 20 times, capital-labor ratio (fixed assets in the economy) 2.8 times, retail trade turnover by 1.1 times, investment in fixed assets by 1.5 times.

Although Dagestan is considered an agricultural region, gross agricultural output per capita is only 100.8% of the Russian average. Average per capita cash income is 1.2 times lower, average monthly wages are 1.8 times lower, and the unemployment rate is 2.1 times higher.

The main indicator of the socio-economic development of the region - the gross regional product - allows us to assess economic dynamics.

In 2013-2014, GRP growth was at the level of 6%, although previously there were figures 2-3 times higher. And in 2015, the dynamics became negative for the first time since 1998. This suggests that there can be no talk of any sustainable development or even positive dynamics.

The share of industry in the GRP of the Republic of Dagestan is 9 times less than the Russian average (fell from 18.5% in 2000 to 5.5% in 2015).

Main socio-economic indicators of the Republic of Dagestan

in comparison with the average indicators for the Russian Federation and the North Caucasus Federal District

Average indicators

RF in % to RD

North Caucasian Federal District as a percentage of RD


per capita

Industrial output per capita

Agricultural products per capita

Fixed assets per capita

Investment per capita

Labor productivity (GRP per number of employees)

Average per capita cash income

Average monthly nominal salary

Unemployment rate, %

Share of gratuitous revenues in consolidated budget revenues, %

Consolidated budget expenditures per capita

Total area of ​​residential premises per inhabitant, sq. m.

Number of own passenger cars per 1000 population, pcs.

Calculated by: Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2016. Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. – M., 2016; Russia in numbers. 2017. Krat. stat. Sat./Rosstat. – M., 2017. pp. 40–43.

The volume of shipped industrial products lags behind the Russian average by 21.2 times (in the North Caucasus Federal District by 3.3 times).

The Republic continues to remain an outsider among the regions of the North Caucasus in terms of the number of small enterprises per 10 thousand people of the economically active population.

For the period 2011-2016. the number of small enterprises in Dagestan decreased by 41.8% (from 762 in 2011 to 443 in 2016)

Insufficient funding for support infrastructure is 13.7 times less compared to Tatarstan.

The average Russian salary in September is 38 thousand, and in Dagestan 23 thousand rubles, an increase of 5.1% in Dagestan and 3.2% in the country is approximately the same amount of about 1200 rubles.

The unemployment rate (10.9%) is almost twice the Russian average (5.5%).

The number of unemployed in 2016 increased by 6 thousand people compared to 2015 and amounted to 146.2 thousand people.

It is pointless to comment on the unemployment data, since the data on the population of Dagestan is incorrect. Recently, the Accounts Chamber of Dagestan, the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, medical insurance organizations, the Territorial Administration of the Federal Tax Service for Dagestan, the Pension Fund branch, and the Civil Registry Office verified information on those who died before 2011, who left and lived outside of Dagestan.

Based on the results of the work carried out, the number of insured citizens of the republic was clarified, which as of April 1, 2017 amounted to 2,588 thousand people; Of these, 2,006 thousand people are unemployed, for whom the republic pays into the MHIF budget. Thus, the discrepancy between the statistical and actual population is 453 thousand people.

Rosstat shows in October of this year in Dagestan the labor force of 1.36 million people and 154 thousand unemployed, 6.9% is only 10 thousand people. In conditions when 70% of employees are small businesses that do not always submit reports correctly, the result is beyond statistical error.

The education index of the Republic of Dagestan is 0.870 (80th place in the ranking of Russian regions).

Only up to 15% of students are employed after studying.

More than 72% of families in the region (according to some estimates, up to 90%) spend more than 50% of their income monthly on food purchases.

The level of consumption of basic food products is at the level of 3-12% of the existing medical standards in Russia.

Over the past 7 years, the nutritional value of diets has consistently ranked last among the subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District.

In Dagestan, judging by 2016, the lowest tax burden is 5.2%. If you look at the North Caucasus Federal District, it will be 10 percent, in Russia – 20 percent.

And as a consequence of all these “successes”, the budget of Dagestan for 2018, adopted by the People’s Assembly, assumes the receipt of taxes and fees to the republican budget in the amount of over 23.9 billion rubles (23.2%), 69.1% of the revenue structure is interbudgetary transfers (more than 71.2 billion rubles, of which subsidies - over 59 billion rubles, subsidies -5.4 billion rubles, subventions - 6.5 billion rubles, etc.).

The declared growth of the indicator “Investment in fixed assets” in the context of maintaining high investment risk indicators confirms the low efficiency of the ongoing investment policy in the region. In 2015, the region was assigned a 3D rating – low potential/high risk.

But the problem of attracting investment to the region is connected with “terrorist activity” (remember the constant regimes of the CTO in one or another region of Dagestan), and with “corruption of officials” (let us also add their low competence), and with clannishness of the leadership and many more other reasons.

Considering the problems of economic development, we identified as one of the key problems the presence in the North Caucasus of a powerful clan system with its own orders and laws.

The clan system breeds corruption, scares away “outside” investors, and impedes the vertical mobility of young people.

We must recognize the fact that the Republic of Dagestan has actually turned into an “internal foreign country”, which, formally being part of the Russian Federation and using its financial resources, has long been living according to its own guidelines and realizing its interests.

Today it is important to return the region to the legal framework of Russia so that it finally becomes real subjects of the Federation. A single country means a single legal system, a single cultural system, and uniform laws throughout its territory.

Given this state of the initial base of the economy and social sphere, growth rates assessed as high disorient both society and authorities.

To overcome the backlog, overcome the systemic crisis, create a self-sufficient economy and take its rightful place among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Dagestan needs to ensure a breakthrough in the development of the economy and social sphere, significantly increase production volumes and the share of innovative goods in the basic sectors of the real economy.

To do this, it is necessary to make the most efficient use of all internal resources, our own production potential and competitive advantages, as well as resources from federal sources.

In order to make the most complete and effective use of available resources and potential for breakthrough socio-economic development, you need to have complete and comprehensive answers to at least two questions:

1) Where and what potential, and what resources does the republic have;

2) What mechanisms need to be used for rational and effective use of available resources and potential.

An analysis of the current state of the economy of the Republic of Dagestan convinces of the need to focus on “impact” highly effective areas, acting along which it is possible to bring the economy as a whole out of the crisis. In this regard, it is necessary to support not all types of activities, but only those that have the properties of regional multipliers (RM). In general terms, these include the following productions and activities:

firstly, products or services that may have extensive and reliable sales markets, mainly outside the republic, which may be attractive to external investors;

secondly, products or services that, although sold mainly within the republic, may also have the prospect of expansion beyond the domestic market;

thirdly, capable of generating new organizational, economic and technological chains, as well as expanding the involvement in economic circulation of intellectual, entrepreneurial, labor, material and technical, natural resources, taking into account the geographical advantages of the republic, bringing it to effective sales markets and allowing it to become attractive to influx of significant funds into the republic.

Taking into account the resource capabilities and the current structure of the economy of Dagestan, enterprises forming the fuel and energy complex (FEC) can be classified as regional multipliers of the first type.

The fuel and energy complex is a life-supporting sphere of economic activity. The problem of developing the fuel and energy complex is complex and its implementation is associated with the mobilization of all types of energy resources available to the republic. Intensification of the development of industrial production will require the involvement of a significant portion of energy resources.

Regional multipliers of the second type include agricultural farms and most of the processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Dagestan, although individual industries, and in particular enterprises producing sparkling wines and cognac products, can be classified as regional multipliers of the first type.

It is extremely important to choose the industrial specialization of the region, taking into account the need to use the existing industrial and natural potential. One of the areas of industrial specialization could be the development of a shipbuilding cluster in the Republic of Dagestan, both on the basis of already existing enterprises that traditionally produced shipbuilding products for defense purposes, and by attracting enterprises from other regions of Russia within the framework of industrial cooperation.

The development of small-sized shipbuilding (boats, yachts, barges, trimarans, tankers, container ships, ferries, etc.) will allow organizing the largest internal cooperation of enterprises in the Republic of Dagestan.

Another direction of industrial development should be the processing of agricultural products. An analysis of the structure of processing industries in the economy of the Republic of Dagestan (RD) allows us to assert that the agro-industrial complex produces predominantly low-value products. While in the Russian Federation the total per capita production volume of agricultural raw materials processing industries exceeds the average per capita production volume of agricultural products, on average in the Republic of Dagestan, the economic results of the food and light industries per capita lag behind the economic results of agriculture.

In the current situation, the priority for the socio-economic progress of the economy of rural areas of the Republic of Dagestan is to increase the volume of gross added value produced through the development of the food and light industry and attracting capital to agricultural production, which will contribute to economic growth in rural areas, preservation of labor potential, and improvement of the quality of life in rural areas and reducing population outflow.

Within the framework of the development of the agro-industrial complex of Dagestan, it is extremely important to use modern bio- and energy-saving technologies and, on their basis, to create environmentally friendly and cost-effective agricultural farms and enterprises for processing agricultural products, which provide significant energy savings.

Regional multipliers of the third type include objects that form the recreational complex of Dagestan, as well as transport and communication components that form a multidisciplinary logistics center on the territory of the republic in order to effectively use the geopolitical position of the republic and develop mutually beneficial economic relations in the border territories of Dagestan with Azerbaijan and Georgia, taking into account the decision problems of divided peoples, as well as with other Caspian states, is the formation of modern transport and communication systems that provide transit and warehousing of various goods, which is an important incentive for the influx of capital into the republic and can lead to a multiplier effect in the development of the economy of Dagestan as a whole.

The recreational complex is a sector of the Dagestan economy that has enormous potential, but is currently in deep stagnation.

For Dagestan, the development of the recreational complex means new jobs, it is an area for the wide application of small businesses (various types of services of a household, medical, entertainment, cultural and other nature), it is the development of traditional folk art crafts for Dagestan, focused on the production of resort and souvenir goods , this is the development of road transport communications, the hotel industry and service services in general, this is a stimulator for the development of the agro-industrial complex and other types of economic activity.

In the document “Scientific and expert activities of the Institute of Socio-Economic Research of the DSC RAS”, developed at the Institute of Social and Economic Research of the DSC RAS, in the section “Proposals for solving socio-economic problems of the Republic of Dagestan”, a number of areas are considered, and in particular:

In the field of state regulation and management organization

Carry out forecasting, justification and an objective assessment of the financial resources that the Republic of Dagestan can receive from all federal sources. For each planning period (year, quarter), it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​what financial resources and from what specific federal sources the republic can count, and accordingly build economic, in particular, budget and investment policies.

Currently, state regulation of socio-economic development in the republic is carried out in the format of implementing numerous programs, projects and other planning documents.

These include: Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan until 2025, a territorial planning scheme for the Republic of Dagestan, 7-10 priority development projects for the Republic of Dagestan with many subprojects, 29 state programs, within which another 86 subprograms are allocated, a program for the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 23 .2014 No. 1444 “On priority measures to ensure the priority development of the Republic of Dagestan”, subprogram “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan until 2025” within the framework of the “Strategy for the socio-economic development of the North Caucasian Federal District until 2025”, republican and federal import substitution program, etc. d. All these approved program-target documents are not linked with each other, are not provided with resources and responsible executors.

Such “program mania” scatters financial, material, technical, labor and other resources, creating only the appearance of active activity of the executive authorities. Essentially, administrative resources are not used rationally.

Taking into account real estimates of the entire resource potential, it is necessary to predict and determine specialization, sectoral and territorial structure, priority directions for economic development, scenarios for the long-term development of the republic, etc. For this, it is extremely important, in accordance with the new Federal Law of June 28, 2014 No. 172-FZ “On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation,” to finalize and update the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Dagestan until 2025, to consolidate and link everything with the 2025 Strategy state programs, priority development projects in the Republic of Dagestan, Government plans, investment projects, etc.

It is also necessary to update those already adopted, as well as develop new regional strategic documents in accordance with the Federal Law on Strategic Planning, in particular the territorial planning scheme of the Republic of Dagestan, strategies for the long-term socio-economic development of municipalities, etc.

It is necessary to create a unified interconnected system for planning the socio-economic development of the republic, industries and spheres of the economy, as well as municipalities based on long-term strategic planning. This system should be linked to the unified system of strategic planning that is emerging in the country and, accordingly, to the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District and the Russian Federation.

In the field of combating the “shadow economy” of the republic

One of the most significant, large-scale and real reserves for breakthrough economic growth and improvement of the financial condition of the republic is the legalization of the shadow economy.

The shadow economy of the republic, according to the most conservative expert estimates, amounts to over 40-60% of GRP, and in certain areas (trade, services, construction, transport) reaches 2/3.

Of course, we must also keep in mind that “... the shadow economy, corruption and banditry “live” together.” The shadow economy and its legalization are not only a reserve for economic growth and the tax base. This is the most large-scale, multifactorial and dangerous challenge not only to the Republic of Dagestan, but to all of Russia. The response to this challenge must be radical and systemic legal, organizational, economic and educational measures to unlock and bring into the legal framework the entire sphere of the shadow economy.

Take urgent measures to eliminate discrepancies and bring into compliance the databases of the FSGS of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan, the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan, the Ministry of Economy and Territorial Development of the Republic of Dagestan, the Ministry of Trade, Investment and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Dagestan and municipal authorities on the number of small and medium-sized enterprises and individual entrepreneurs , peasant (farm) farms in the Republic of Dagestan.

The main problem of Dagestan is not even that it has a large shadow economy, but that a significant part of the economy exists only on paper. This economy is “fiction”, fake reports. Conventionally, the economy of Dagestan can be divided into three parts:

1. A third of the economy exists in reality and officially, evading taxes like the national average.

2. The other third exists in the “shadow”, paying not taxes, but a corruption fee.

The corruption component in the cost of products in the North Caucasus Federal District ranges from 30% to 50%.

We can only note that the corruption tax significantly influences the structure of the region’s economy: the higher its value, the more predominant are those sectors (activities) that can go into the shadows, in particular construction, trade, and services.

Today the structure of GRP is as follows:

v trade – 28.5% of GRP.

v construction – 15.8% of GRP.

v agriculture – 15.5% of the gross regional product.

v transport and communications – 7.5% of GRP.

v public administration sector – 6.4% of GRP.

v manufacturing – 3.9% of GRP.

v energy – 2.0% of GRP.

v mining – 0.4% of GRP.

3. The third part exists only in the reports of officials.

If we say that it is necessary to increase tax collections to the average Russian level, then the real tax burden on those “who pay taxes” will increase by about 3 times, and they will move to other regions or close down.

The document also provides suggestions for sections:

v in the field of education, human capital formation and social mobility;

v in the field of regulation of employment and labor migration;

v in the field of ensuring a favorable investment climate;

v in the field of balanced economic development;

v in the field of integrated development of rural areas.

To overcome negative phenomena in the economy of the Republic of Dagestan, a model of sustainable economic growth of the region has been developed. The macroeconomic conditions of the regional sustainable development model are built into a system of five enlarged interconnected blocks:

1. A block of management and regulation of regional development, which includes a mechanism for the territorial organization of a diversified, multifunctional, multi-structured economy based on an effective combination of state regulation and market relations.

2. Industrial block (industrial policy, employment, tax potential, innovative economic transformations, industrial infrastructure, tourism and recreation). All these and other areas of development of the Republic of Dagestan seem to be the most important components of economic growth and recovery from a depressive state.

3. Agrarian block (agrarian policy, land relations, food security of the population). For Dagestan, this block of the model is of greater importance not only from the standpoint of food supply, but also from the standpoint of the historically developed labor skills and mentality of the local population.

4. Social-ecological block - education, healthcare, systems of social support for the population, regulation of employment and ensuring environmental safety - conditions that determine the social orientation of the model of sustainable economic growth of the Republic of Dagestan.

5. Political-legal and cultural-moral block - the legal and regulatory framework for economic activity and macroeconomic conditions that ensure, which is very important, socio-political stability and interethnic harmony. The need to include this block in the model is obvious, since economics is inseparable from politics and the state of public consciousness, the moral and cultural level of the population, many other aspects of people’s lives and behavior - from everything that is denoted by the concept of the social environment.

Naturally, the general directions of economic development of the Republic of Dagestan listed above by no means exhaust their list. There are many specifically detailed directions for the development of the economy of the Republic of Dagestan


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Gross regional product

Index of output of goods and services by basic types of economic activity for January-December 2016. increased compared to the corresponding period in 2015 and amounted to 107.8% (January-December 2015 - 105.9%).

Industrial production

Industrial production index for January-December 2016 to the corresponding period in 2015. amounted to 136.3%, against 105.2% in January-December 2015. The growth of industrial production compared to January-December 2015. influenced by an increase in: production of machinery and equipment - 2.5 times (JSC Dagdizel), production of vehicles and equipment - 1.8 times (JSC Concern KEMZ), production, transmission and distribution of electricity - by 44.9 % (Dagestan Branch of JSC RusHydro) and food production, including drinks and tobacco - by 5.7% (JSC Kizlyaragrokompleks, JSC Derbent Brandy Factory, JSC Rychal-Su). At the same time, there is a decrease in the production of fuel and energy minerals - by 7.6% (JSC NK Rosneft-Dagneft), production, transmission and distribution of steam and hot water - by 12% (JSC Makhachkala Teploenergo ", LLC "Caspian Heat Service", LLC "Dagestanenergo").


The volume of agricultural production of all agricultural producers (agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, population) in January-December 2016 is estimated at 112,454.6 million rubles in current prices, and amounted to 104.7% (including crop production - 104. 7%, livestock - 104.6%,) compared to the corresponding period in 2015, against 105.2% in January-December 2015.


The volume of work performed in the “construction” type of activity in January-December 2016 amounted to 133,440.1 million rubles and increased by 4.0% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Large and medium-sized construction organizations completed work worth 8,841.6 million rubles in January-December 2016, which amounted to 121.0% of the level in January-December 2015. In January-December 2016, housing with a total area of ​​1844.8 thousand square meters was commissioned. meters, which is 1.9% more than in the corresponding period of the previous year, including individual residential buildings - 1579.3 thousand square meters. meters, which is 12.5% ​​more.

Trade and services

Retail trade turnover in January-December 2016 amounted to 671,214.4 million rubles, which in comparable prices is 1.9% more than the same period of the previous year. The increase in the growth rate of retail trade turnover in January-December 2016 was due to an increase in the physical volume of sales in the markets by 3.9% compared to the level of the corresponding period of the previous year. In the structure of retail trade turnover, the share of food products in January-December 2016 amounted to 52.4%, non-food products – 47.6%. The volume of paid services provided to the population of the republic through all sales channels in January-December 2016 amounted to 116,440.3 million rubles, which in comparable prices is 1.6% more than the corresponding period in 2015.


Finance. In January-November 2016, the balanced financial result (profit minus loss) of organizations in current prices amounted to 3,750.2 million rubles of loss. The accounts payable of the surveyed organizations of the republic amounted to December 1, 2016. 80517.6 million rubles, including overdue - 28027.1 million rubles or 34.8% of the total amount (as of December 1, 2015 - 32.4%). Accounts payable decreased by 3% compared to the previous month, and increased by 13.9% compared to the same period of the previous year, and overdue accounts, respectively, decreased by 3.5% and increased by 22.3%. Accounts receivable as of December 1, 2016 amounted to 30,085.9 million rubles, of which overdue – 6,631.4 million rubles or 22% (as of December 1, 2015 – 18.3%). Accounts receivable decreased by 2.1% compared to the previous month, and decreased by 1.5% compared to the same period of the previous year, and overdue accounts decreased by 7.9% and 13.4%, respectively.

Social issues

Average per capita cash income for January-December 2016 was estimated to be 28,634.4 rubles. Real disposable cash income (income minus mandatory payments, adjusted for the consumer price index), according to preliminary data, amounted to 102.6%. Average monthly nominal wage for January-November 2016 amounted to 19,446.9 rubles and increased by 3.4% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Real wages for the same period compared to the corresponding period in 2015. decreased by 2.8%.

Level of socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan General characteristics of the region Dagestan has sufficient natural production, innovative and intellectual potential to achieve the goals set in the Strategy - 2020. The main features of Dagestan are the presence of mineral springs and healing mud, the abundance and variety of beautiful landscapes of historical and natural monuments, a mild climate, an extensive sandy beach strip on the Caspian coast, a warm sea, ionized air and a unique...

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Magomedova Marita Salimsultanovna,

Lecturer, postgraduate student of the Department of Economic Disciplines

Belgorod University of Consumer Cooperation

Dagestan Cooperative Institute (branch)

Republic of Dagestan, Buinaksk

Level of socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan

General characteristics of the region

Dagestan has sufficient natural, production, innovation and intellectual potential to achieve the goals set in the 2020 Strategy.

The main features of Dagestan are the presence of mineral springs and healing mud, the abundance and variety of beautiful landscapes, historical and natural monuments, a mild climate, an extensive sandy beach strip on the Caspian coast, a warm sea, ionized air and the unique original culture and art of the peoples.

Dagestan is a unique corner of Russia, in which five climatic zones coexist: from subtropics in the Caspian lowland to snowy peaks over 4000 meters high. Caspian Sea, steppes and forests, deserts and glaciers.

Dagestan ranks third in population among other republics of the Russian Federation, where over two million people live, which is 1.2 percent of the total population of Russia. Of these, 58 percent are residents of rural areas. The population is growing dynamically.

The main difference between Dagestan remains its multilingual population. In Dagestan, a relatively compact region, more than 60 nations and nationalities coexist, including over 30 indigenous peoples and ethnic entities, using different languages ​​and dialects.

In the Middle Ages and more distant times, the territory of Dagestan was called the “Country of Mountains”, “Country of Languages”.

With ancient traditions and their own uniqueness, unique sectors of the economy traditional for Dagestan using modern technologies can become a serious support for improving the well-being and quality of life of Dagestanis. This is quite important for planning your own agro-industrial (food and processing, etc.) production: grain, meat and dairy, fruit and vegetable production in general, horticulture, fish production, wine and cognac production. There is an opportunity to establish the production of medical drugs. Many of the traditional production sectors can be fully developed if we engage not only in lowland Dagestan, but also in the revival and development of mountainous territories. The loss of mountain life is Dagestan’s loss of its mentality, the loss of thousand-year-old traditions, the most ancient cultural way of life. An indicator of the standard of living of the population is that in many villages, even today, in the 21st century, the only asset of modern civilization is the “Ilyich light bulb” hanging alone on the ceiling. Moreover, perhaps there are still villages in the highlands that are deprived of this small heritage of civilization of the 20th century.

Dagestan, with the exception of the coastal strip, is truly a high-mountainous republic. In the full sense of the word, the high-mountain ecosystem today is in a deplorable state.

The Republic of Dagestan has significant economic potential, especially resource potential. On its territory there are deposits of combustible minerals. Agriculture and industry also have great potential. The most significant industries are viticulture, horticulture, livestock breeding, grain growing, and, accordingly, fuel, processing industries and mechanical engineering.

In general, the Republic of Dagestan has a certain potential for socio-economic development, which is currently not fully realized.

Based on the results of socio-economic development for the first half of the year, Dagestan was among the 14 successful regions of the country. This is a huge success, and the successes in the fields of culture, art, science, and sports are especially impressive.

The republic has every opportunity to accelerate the socio-economic development of the republic. Currently, 13 special economic zones are being built in Russia. This begs the question, where will Russia find a more favorable economic zone than Dagestan? The border, southernmost republic in the south of Russia should be a special economic zone.

Main problems of socio-economic development of the region

But, despite the positive trends that have emerged in recent years, there are also a number of socio-economic problems. The main ones are the high level of unemployment and poverty of the population.

These problems are constraining factors of economic growth, hinder the implementation of effective economic policy in the republic, and negatively affect the socio-political situation in the region.

As a result, in terms of GRP and industrial production per capita among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Dagestan is in the last ten, and the level of provision of consolidated budget expenditures with its own income is 20.7%.

To overcome the current discrepancy, it is necessary to use the existing production and raw material potential as efficiently as possible. Achieving this goal is possible by solving a number of accumulated problems in the priority sectors of the republic’s economy.

The agro-industrial complex is the main link in the republic's economy. Despite the increase in agricultural production in recent years and some improvement in the financial condition of agricultural enterprises, the general situation of agricultural producers remains quite difficult.

Among the main problems in the development of the agro-industrial complex of the republic, one can also name: high tax rates and interest rates on loans, underdeveloped market infrastructure - markets for agricultural products and food, equipment, a decrease in the natural potential of the industry - soil fertility, farmland, breeding livestock, low efficiency of use of arable land. land.

Constraining factors for the development of the industry are: low level of mechanization, significant wear and tear (up to 70%) of the current fleet of agricultural machinery, high prices for new equipment, insufficient development of leasing of equipment and machinery in the agro-industrial complex, backward technologies of agricultural production and others.

Product manufacturers do not have sufficient income to conduct production on an expanded basis, maintain and update the material base and social infrastructure, and timely pay suppliers and contractors. Most farms do not have their own working capital.

If the republic has its own raw material base, food products are imported and imported from other regions of Russia. The level of development of agricultural infrastructure (warehouses, storage facilities, refrigerators) does not ensure the safety of the harvested crop.

The existing potential of food industry enterprises does not allow for deep processing of the entire volume of agricultural products grown in the republic, which determines the need for reconstruction and technical re-equipment of processing industry enterprises.

The problems of the fishing industry are associated with a decrease in the efficiency of fish hatcheries, as well as the natural reproduction of fish, the penetration of the Black Sea jellyfish into the Caspian Sea, destroying the food supply of fish, a decrease in the area of ​​spawning grounds, the expansion of uncontrolled, irrational fishing, and environmental pollution. As a result, the fish catch over the past 10 years has decreased by 4 times, and the capacity utilization of the fish canning industry is only 15-20%.

Despite the stable growth in industrial production in recent years, the level of industry development does not correspond to the region’s potential and its needs.

The difficult financial situation of enterprises, a chronic lack of working capital, unavailability of credit resources, and rising production costs have led to a low percentage of production capacity utilization.

The level of development of transport infrastructure does not meet modern requirements. A significant part of the industry's fixed assets is operated beyond its standard service life. As a result, safety indicators and economic efficiency of transport are significantly deteriorating, and transport costs of the national economy are rising.

Solving the listed problems in the economic and social spheres requires an integrated program approach.

Promising directions of socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan

The main directions of socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan are reducing the overall unemployment rate from 22.5% in 2003 to 14.0% in 2010, reducing the poverty level from 52.7% in 2003 to 21.0% in 2010, GRP growth by 2.6 times, real income of citizens by 2.3 times.

Achieving this goal determines the need for a comprehensive solution to a number of interrelated main tasks:

1. Improving the regulatory legal framework of the republic.

2. Creation of a favorable investment environment and business climate, necessary conditions for the development of the agro-industrial complex, industry, small business, overcoming administrative barriers, strengthening the investment infrastructure of the stock and insurance markets, protecting the rights of investors, creditors, owners, reducing the share of the shadow sector of the economy, effective use government support instruments.

3. Ensuring GRP growth of 12-14% per year, increasing tax revenues to budgets of all levels.

4. Improving the quality of life of the population, solving key social problems, implementing housing policy, reducing social tension.

Conclusion: Based on the above, we propose:

Solve the problem of the underdevelopment of the republic’s agricultural infrastructure and improve the agro-industrial complex;

Organize a wholesale livestock market with special centers for providing comprehensive services;

Create a similar wholesale market for agricultural products and food with a logical center and extensive infrastructure;

In each region of the Republic of Dagestan, the project is to form a regional agricultural center, which would be subordinate to the regional center. These centers would collaborate with producers at different levels, in particular, prepare materials for projects for organizing a system for processing and marketing the products of small farms and private farms, as the primary link in the marketing chain of agricultural products. A special place is occupied by the improvement of market relations between participants in the grape and horticultural complexes;

Create a network of wholesale fruit and vegetable markets in large cities. Manufacturers of these products at different levels, with the support of the state, using the services of agricultural centers, will have the opportunity to freely sell goods;

Develop forward lending to grain producers and livestock enterprises. Forward transactions combine the production volumes and credit limits required for the region. When purchasing a forward contract, the borrowing company receives an unconditional guarantee to receive credit resources in the future at a specified interest rate and in a certain quantity. After providing loans for the production of a specific type of product in full (necessary at the level of aggregate demand) banks will stop lending to this type of product and will continue to lend for others (for which the limits will not be exhausted). Like a security, a forward contract can be resold to another entity, but only with the approval of the issuing bank, which determines the creditworthiness of that entity;

In livestock farming, enterprises at all levels use their own feed base using waste from processing plants and purchasing concentrated feed. Agricultural centers can facilitate connections between livestock breeding and processing enterprises;

Develop the construction of new facilities for raising cattle, establishing meat and dairy production, associated with processing plants;

Purchase small equipment for the needs of the mountains or produce it in industrial enterprises of Dagestan, which, without much damage, can be reoriented to the creation of small agricultural equipment.

The development of the mountains and the consolidation of the indigenous population there seems to us to be one of the most important economic and political tasks of our republic. The republic has the necessary energy and material resources to create such equipment. The Rosselkhozbank branch alone invested 12 billion in the republic’s economy.

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