Financial companies in real estate development. Commercial real estate development

A few more years back Russian market real estate could not dream about those investments which many companies ready to invest today. If previously a large project was valued in the millions dollars, now thanks emergence of new players The count is already in the billions. Building Business magazine decided make a TOP 15 rating, whose management does not intend to regret money for construction projects and ready to build cities. The main selection criterion was presence in the company's portfolio one project worth not below $1 billion

The right to be a leader is being contested by the development divisions of three holding companies: Oleg Deripaska's Basic Element, Viktor Vekselberg's Renova group and Vasily Anisimov's Coalco. It is interesting that the heads of all these companies are or have been actively involved in the aluminum business.


$10 BILLION Vasily Anisimov's Coalco company will invest in construction projects in the next seven years.

Details: Coalco was founded in 1994. Before the advent of the Bolshoye Domodedovo housing construction project, the company specialized in investments in the commercial real estate sector in Russia, the USA and the CIS countries. The company is also one of Russia's largest investors in the agro-industrial complex. In 2000, Coalco exited the metallurgical business by selling its aluminum assets to SuAl and RusAl. After this, the development direction became the main activity of Coalco.

Main projects: Bolshoye Domodedovo (12 million sq. m of housing, $9.3 billion); three office centers (Khodynskaya street, 2; Lesnaya, 27; Tverskaya Zastava) – total investment volume is approximately $800 million; shopping and entertainment complex in Kazakhstan together with the Turkish company Rixos Hotels (80,000 sq. m., $140 million).


$10 BILLION will be involved within 20 years in the construction of the Academichesky district (Ekaterinburg) by the Renova group.

Development divisions: CJSC Renova-StroyGroup and CJSC Renova-Development.

Details: development divisions were created in 2005. The process of merging them is now underway. According to experts, in the next few years the annual investment volume could reach $1.5 billion, and the annual construction volume will exceed a million square meters if Renova develops projects similar to Academichesky in Perm and Chelyabinsk.

Main projects: Akademichesky microdistrict, Yekaterinburg. Over 20 years, more than 13 million square meters will be built here. m of housing and other real estate for 325,000 people.

Management Company "Scale"

$7 BILLION intends to direct the management company "Scale" to implement the project on the territory of the Kommunarka state farm for 20 years.

Developer: Management Company "Scale".

Details: shareholders of the companies "Augur Estate", "North-West" and "Sobinbank" created the management company "Scale" to build a city on the territory of the former Kommunarka state farm near Moscow. It was not possible to find out the names of the owners of the Masshtab Management Company, but it is known that one of the most likely participants is the co-owner of the Avgur Estate company, Vadim Moshkovich. The lands under the Kommunarka state farm were bought by Moshkovich’s structures three years ago. They start almost immediately behind the IKEA and MEGA shopping centers and stretch to the city of Troitsk (3–23 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kaluga Highway). This is almost a third of the entire Leninsky district of the Moscow region.

Main project: Kommunarka ($7 billion). More than 11 million square meters will be built here. m of housing for 300,000 people. The project implementation period is 20–25 years.

Mirax Group

$5.8 BILLION Mirax Group is planning to invest in real estate.

Development divisions: MiraxConstruction, MiraxCity (builds Federation Tower).

Details: The company is currently assessing new facilities, so we have to rely on old numbers. Mirax Group Corporation was founded in 2000 by Sergei Polonsky. Its original name was the Stroymontazh company. According to Mirax President Sergei Polonsky, by 2010, in addition to existing projects, the company plans to invest more than $2 billion in new facilities.

Main projects: 1.2 million sq. m of retail, entertainment and office space on a 45-hectare plot in the railway exclusion zone next to Victory Park not far from Moscow City (investments are estimated at $1 billion). Reconstruction of the Fili Davydkovo district - total construction area of ​​1.2 million square meters. m. The new microdistrict will be located in a park area on an area of ​​46 hectares ($1 billion); business complex "Federation" (423 thousand sq. m - about $850 million).

Sibir Energy PLS

$5 BILLION Shalva Chigirinsky, co-owner of Sibir Energy PLS, expects to invest in real estate within five to six years.

Development divisions "ST Group":"ST-Development" (managing the project on the "Russia" hotel), "ST-Towers" (developer of the "Tower "Russia" project in the MIBC "Moscow City"), "ST-New Holland" (working on the project "New Holland" " in St. Petersburg).

Details: Projects totaling $5 billion are currently in the works. The declared capital will be doubled if the developer wins the competition for the project of a public entertainment complex. Most of Shalva Chigirinsky's major projects are led by the architect Lord Norman Foster.

Main projects: demolition of the Rossiya Hotel and construction of a multifunctional complex in its place (450,000 sq. m, investment volume $2.5 billion); 600-meter tower "Russia" (400,000–420,000 sq. m., $1.5 billion); reconstruction of “New Holland” in St. Petersburg ($340 million); six Real hypermarkets ($360–420 million); project of a public entertainment center in the Nagatinskaya floodplain (about $5 billion).


At $4.4 BILLION the portfolio of projects of the Don-Stroy company is assessed.

Development divisions:"DS-Realty" - residential real estate, "DS-Development" - commercial real estate.

Details: The Don-Stroy company was founded in 1994 and belongs to Maxim Blazhko and Dmitry Zelenov. The largest completed projects: “Scarlet Sails”, “Triumph Palace” and the “Vorobyovy Gory” quarter.

Main projects: complex on Zvenigorodskoye Highway with an area of ​​about 680,000 sq. m, of which almost 200,000 sq. m accounts for premium housing. Investments in the project will amount to $1.5 billion. The area of ​​the site is 8 hectares. In total, the company's order portfolio until 2010 includes 2 million sq. m. m of residential and commercial real estate. Among the large unrealized projects is the House on Mosfilmovskaya (138,000 sq. m - $300 million) and the Oruzheiny office and business center (150,000 sq. m - $365 million).

"ST Group"

$4.3 BILLION will amount to the volume of investments in real estate of Alexander Chigirinsky's development companies. Development divisions: ST Group, ST Group Region.

Details: The owner of the oldest development company ST Group, Alexander Chigirinsky, is only $700 million behind his brother Shalva. He will invest $4.3 billion in the projects of his two companies. Of this, the lion's share will be spent by ST Group - $3.3 billion in Moscow. ST Group was founded in 1989 by the Chigirinsky brothers, and is currently controlled only by Alexander. He also owns the Mtsensk Aluminum enterprise. ST Group Region builds business-class residential complexes in Novosibirsk, Sochi, Lazarevsky (Sochi), Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol and A+ class office complexes in Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod. The total planned construction area is 1 million square meters. m. Total investment until 2009 is $1 billion.

Main projects: City Palace ($2 billion); cottage village "Rublevo-2" (30,000 sq. m., $300 million); multifunctional complex Di fronte de la Casa on 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street (formerly called the “4 Winds” project; 40,000 sq. m of office space, 80,000 sq. m of housing, $300 million); Lake House (300,000 sq. m., $700 million).

"East Line" and MRP

$4 BILLION There is a joint project between the Moscow River Shipping Company and the shareholders of the East Line group to develop the surrounding area of ​​Sheremetyevo Airport.

Developer: Hines (not yet officially approved).

Details: MRP holding operates in four industries - construction of fiber optic lines, shipbuilding, real estate and airport management. More than 50% of the MCI belongs to Roman Trotsenko. In 2005, the value of assets was about $1.5 billion. East Line is the company that manages Domodedovo Airport and a large landowner. The companies plan to begin their joint project in the summer of 2007 and complete it in four to five years.

Main projects: construction of 5 million sq. m of housing, offices and warehouse space in the area of ​​Sheremetyevo airport: a business park with an area of ​​1.8 million sq. m. m, including 1 million sq. m of class A offices and 800,000 sq. m of business class housing; four-star hotel with 500 rooms; a logistics complex (850,000–900,000 sq. m.), as well as 2.5–3 million sq. m., will be built near the Sheremetyevo-Cargo terminal. m of panel housing.

JSC "Sistema-Hals"

$3.5 BILLION will attract the capital development company Sistema-Hals, a division of AFK Sistema.

Details: CJSC Sistema-Hals is a subsidiary of AFK Sistema. Created in 1990. In 2006, Sistema-Hals became a public company. In November, during an IPO on the London Stock Exchange, it is planned to place 18% of the shares of Sistema-Hals OJSC. By the time of the offering, the company's value could be $2–3 billion.

Main projects: two projects worth $1 billion each - the Preobrazhensky technology park (572,000 sq. m) and the multifunctional complex "Hals Park" (390,000 sq. m) on the site of the Sport Hotel. In addition, SistemaGals manages the Big City with an area of ​​1000 hectares, is reconstructing the Beijing Hotel, Children's World, and is building a Siemens office (572,000 sq. m).


$3 BILLION The Nafta-Moscow company is going to invest in the construction project of the city of Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye.


Details: Terra-Development was created in 2005 specifically for the implementation of the Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye project. The investor of the project is the former oil trading structure NaftaMoskva, which, according to market participants, is headed by State Duma deputy Suleiman Kerimov. In 2005, the company became a co-owner of Mosstroyekonombank, on whose balance sheet the Smolensky Passage complex was located, and then the largest shareholder of the construction company SPK Razvitie, which controls such companies as Glavmosstroy, Mosmontazhspetsstroy and Mospromstroymaterialy. However, a few months later, SPK Razvitie was resold to the structures of Basic Element, and a large stake in Mosstroyeconombank was transferred to the industrial and financial corporation BIN.

Main projects: Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye is the only development project of Suleiman Kerimov. The development site is located 3 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Novorizhskoe Highway; 3 million sq. m. will be built here. m of real estate for 30,000 people. The land area is 430 hectares. The project is due to begin in 2007.


$2.5 BILLION Nikolai Tsvetkov’s Znak corporation intends to spend on its five projects.

Details: one of the largest land owners in the Moscow region, the Znak corporation (Land Agro-Industrial Corporation), has in its portfolio five development projects in the immediate Moscow region.

Main projects: the largest project of the Znak corporation is “Grand Prix” ($1.5 billion). Here, on an area of ​​313 hectares, 1.4 million square meters will be built. m of housing and 120 thousand sq. m. m of commercial real estate, hippodrome, golf course. Construction will take place near the village of Putilkovo, 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road. On another site of 524 hectares, the Kozino Valley low-rise development area (about 200 thousand sq. m of housing) is planned. In addition, the Rozhdestveno Hills cottage community (58 hectares) and the Rublyovka Golf Club complex (333 hectares) will be located in the Krasnogorsk district. In the Dmitrovsky district, not far from Yakhroma, the construction of a “Park Hotel” hotel is planned.

Concern "Krost"

$1.5 BILLION The Krost concern is investing in two blocks in Moscow.

Details: The concern is owned by Alexey Dobashin and has existed since 1990. During its existence, the company reconstructed, built and sold 350 objects, the total area of ​​which was about 2 million square meters. m.

Main projects: reconstruction of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district. Union Park and Welton Park, currently under construction, will be complemented by two more blocks of 32 hectares each. 2 million square meters will be built on this territory. m of areas for various purposes.

"Crocus International"

$1.3 BILLION Aras Agalarov's Crocus International company plans to invest in the construction of Crocus City.

Details: Crocus International is the largest multifunctional trade and financial group in Russia. The development activity of Aras Agalarov, the owner of Crocus International, began in 1997, when he built Agalarov House on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street. To this day, this building remains an example of luxury residential real estate. The second successful development project is the Crocus City complex at the intersection of Volokolamsk Highway and the Moscow Ring Road.

Main projects: the total investment in the development of the remaining territory of Crocus City is estimated by Agalarov at $1.3 billion. The exhibition site Crocus Expo 3 (312,000 sq. m, $368 million) is currently under construction. As a result of the expansion of Crocus City, Veneto will appear - a 22-story extension to Crocus City Mall, where a five-star hotel and Crocus City Business Center will be located. In addition, a luxury cottage community Agalarov Estate is being built on the 24th km of Novorizhskoye Highway.


$1.2 BILLION Major shareholders of Wimm-Bill-Dann are planning to invest in development.

Details: co-owners of WimmBill-Dann. Food products" Gavriil Yushvaev, David Yakobashvili and Sergey Plastinin, having started with a relatively small project on Rublevskoye Shosse for the construction of a ski slope, have now decided to invest in a large project on the territory. Their colleague Mikhail Dubinin is participating in the implementation of the project for the construction of the Benelux Residences cottage community.

Main projects: office and residential complex next to the “Big City” on the site of the 4th Moscow flour mill (1 million sq. m., $1 billion); multifunctional center in Kitay-gorod (37,000 sq. m., $92.5 million).

The cost of the model is 125,000 rubles.

Industry Development and management of commercial real estate
Company size (number of employees) 50-1000
Model size (number of goals, total number of business processes, model depth, number of organizational structure elements, number of documents, etc.)
  • Goals - 65;
  • Strategic maps - 3;
  • Processes - 463;
  • Process diagrams - 105;
  • Indicators - 320;
  • Divisions - 19;
  • Positions - 92;
  • Documents - 194;
  • Modules and functions of information systems - 550;
  • Databases and tables - 92.
Business Description

A company that manages a portfolio of commercial real estate and carries out a full cycle of development activities:

  • Search and acquisition of land;
  • Implementation of a development project;
  • Operation and receipt of income from ownership of the facility (renting out space);
  • Sale of an object (in case a decision is made to withdraw an asset from the portfolio).

in the market of retail, retail, entertainment and office real estate

Model description

General provisions

A comprehensive integrated standard model of a development company is a set of interrelated documents, diagrams and diagrams that describe in detail an organization operating in the field of implementation of development projects and management of commercial real estate.

The model was developed in the business modeling system Business Studio - one of the most popular products for developing a model of an organization's business architecture and obtaining regulatory documentation for an organization's management system.

The concepts “complex”, “standard”, “integrated” mean the following:

  • Comprehensive - covers all the main elements of the organization's management system (goals and indicators, processes, organizational structure, descriptions of positions and departments, documents, information systems, databases, software - Figure 1) in the context of activities for the implementation of development projects and management of a commercial real estate portfolio ;
  • Integrated, all elements of the model are interconnected into a single holistic system;
  • Typical - the general case of activity in the field of development and management of a portfolio of commercial real estate is considered, thus, the model with some modifications and modifications can be used to create and develop a management system for office, retail and office, shopping and entertainment, warehouse centers, for companies of various specializations:
    • Only development for a specific customer;
    • Only real estate portfolio management with the acquisition of finished properties;
    • Full cycle companies: development + portfolio management.

Figure 1 - Conceptual diagram of the organization's management system

The model was developed taking into account the best practices and approaches of system management of an organization and generally accepted methods of business analysis, business modeling and business engineering.

Model process diagrams are created in common modeling notations such as IDEF0, BPMN, cross-functional diagrams, simple process.

The target audience

The main target audience of the product is represented, but not limited to, by the following categories of companies operating in the field of development and management of commercial real estate:

  1. Dynamically developing companies in the commercial real estate market, striving to have an effective management system to ensure sustainable business growth and development of a portfolio of commercial real estate;
  2. Large operators of the commercial real estate market with large portfolios of real estate under management, seeking to increase the efficiency of portfolio management and reduce costs;
  3. Consulting companies and IT companies that provide services to companies in the commercial real estate market and seek to expand the range of services and improve their quality or improve their expertise and understanding of the specifics of business processes in this industry.

This model is designed for a wide range of companies specializing in the field of shopping, shopping and entertainment, office and business centers, as well as multifunctional facilities with an area of ​​5,000 m² and above. With some modifications, the model can be applied to other types of real estate development.


Application of the model allows:

  • Conduct benchmarking (comparison, analysis and evaluation) of the company’s processes and the organization’s management system as a whole in order to determine which elements of the organization’s management system need to be improved in order to improve performance and ensure the achievement of the company’s goals;
  • Reduce financial and time costs for project implementation:
    • Organizational development (development of organizational strategy, optimization of business processes and organizational structure);
    • Implementation of information systems, ERP, PPM class systems, business process automation, document flow and employee collaboration;
    • Construction of a quality management system and its certification for compliance with the ISO 9001 standard.
  • Implement more effective methods and practices for managing a development company:
    • Increase the efficiency and quality of management of both individual business processes and the company as a whole;
    • Increase the productivity of staff and their interaction in the company;
    • Reduce the duration of training of new employees;
    • Reduce costs, optimize the budget, eliminate unnecessary and duplicative processes, optimize the organizational structure;
    • Improve the company's financial performance.

Effect of application

Successful application of the model allows:

  • Increase the company’s reputation and the ability to attract financial resources for new projects;
  • Ensure sustainable growth and development of the company in the long term;
  • Reduce the duration of implementation and increase the profitability of development projects;
  • Increase profitability, liquidity and capitalization of the business.

Basic elements of the model


The company's business process model is extremely optimized, i.e. includes all business processes necessary for full-fledged activities and at the same time does not contain “extra” processes that incur additional costs - Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Conceptual diagram of the process model

The business process model has 4-6 nesting levels and includes the following process groups:

Process group "Company Management"
  • Analysis of the internal and external environment of the company;
  • Corporate governance - processes of interaction between the owners and top management of the company and the adoption of senior management decisions;
  • Strategic management:
    • Definition and development of the company's strategy;
    • Strategic planning;
    • Monitoring and control of the implementation of the organization’s strategic development plan;
    • Measuring and analyzing the implementation of the strategic plan.
  • Development of the company's management system:
    • Analysis of the current state of the control system;
    • Development of the company's management system;
    • Support of the company's management system.
  • Project management - processes developed based on PMI (Portfolio Management Standard, Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge) and ISO standards:
    • Determining the company's project portfolio;
    • Monitoring and control of the implementation of the project portfolio;
    • Measurement and analysis of project portfolio performance.
  • Project/project phase management (unified process);
  • Operations management;
  • Operational planning;
  • Monitoring and control of operational activities;
  • Measurement and analysis of operational activities;
  • Operations process management (unified process).
Process group “Development and management of commercial real estate”
  • Search and purchase of commercial real estate land/object;
  • Determining the requirements for the site/real estate;
  • Search and selection of land/real estate;
  • Concluding a purchase and sale agreement/real estate property;
  • Monitoring compliance with the terms of the purchase and sale agreement;
  • Implementation of a development project;
  • Marketing and development of the object concept;
  • Promotion of a development project;
  • Concluding preliminary agreements with potential tenants;
  • Organization and provision of project financing;
  • Organization and control of design and survey work;
  • Obtaining initial permitting documentation;
  • Organization and control of construction, installation, commissioning and finishing works;
  • Obtaining title documents for a completed construction project;
  • Management of commercial real estate and leasing of space;
  • Organization of activities and launch of the facility;
  • Ensuring the functioning of a commercial real estate facility;
  • Promotion of commercial real estate;
  • Renting out space and servicing the tenant;
  • Providing additional services;
  • Sale of commercial real estate;
  • Object assessment;
  • Announcement of sale and search for a buyer;
  • Agreeing with the buyer on the terms of sale;
  • Concluding a purchase and sale agreement;
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of contractual sales obligations.
Process group “Ensuring the company’s activities”
  • Providing and managing personnel:
    • Search and attraction of personnel;
    • Recruitment and hiring of personnel;
    • Personnel registration;
    • Personnel assessment and development;
    • Ensuring staff efficiency;
    • Relocation and dismissal of personnel;
    • Formation of personnel reporting.
  • Procurement and resourcing:
    • Determination of requirements for the purchased resource and supplier;
    • Supplier selection;
    • Concluding an agreement with the supplier;
    • Control of resource supply;
    • Analysis and evaluation of suppliers.
  • Accounting and management of material resources:
    • Registration of receipt of material resources;
    • Internal movement of material resources;
    • Write-off of material resources;
    • Inventory of material resources.
  • Providing and managing the company's infrastructure;
  • Providing and managing IT resources:
    • Providing the company with IT infrastructure;
    • Providing the company with information systems;
    • Providing client equipment and software.
  • Financing of activities and payments:
    • Development of the company's financial budget;
    • Operational forecasting and control of income;
    • Providing financial resources;
    • Carrying out calculations;
    • Preparation and audit of financial statements.

At the moment, the model includes over 400 processes in IDEF0 and EPC notations; it is planned to detail individual processes in the notation of individual processes in the BPMN notation. For each process, the following parameters are defined: inputs, outputs, process participants and owners, process indicators, IT system services that are necessary for the effective functioning of the business process.

Organizational structure and roles

The organizational structure, developed on the basis of the process model, includes about 20 structural units and 92 positions, as well as 28 roles and 12 external entities that can be involved in the company’s activities - Figure 3.

Description of the organizational structure includes:

  • Organizational chart of corporate governance structure (boards and committees);
  • Company organizational chart;
  • Organizational charts of departments.

Figure 3 - Typical structure of divisions of a development company

Goals and indicators

The structure of the model's goals shows what the company's personnel should focus on in order to ensure sustainable development and increase business profitability in the long term. To measure the achievement of a particular goal, a structure of company indicators has been defined. Each indicator, in turn, is associated with a specific business process in which it is formed. Indicators are also displayed in employee job descriptions.

Currently, the model defines 55 goals and 312 indicators. The most significant goals and indicators are presented in the form of strategic maps:

  • Increasing the profitability of a development project;
  • Increasing the profit of a commercial real estate portfolio;
  • Increasing the profitability of a shopping and entertainment center.

Information systems and databases

A special place in the model is given to the structure of information systems and databases, which are determined based on the process model:

  • IS "Operational work and interaction" - defines and describes a set of services designed for managing information content, similar to corporate portals;
  • IS "Projects" - defines and describes a set of services intended for managing portfolios and projects of the Enterprise Portfolio Management class;
  • IS "Procurement" - defines and describes a set of services designed to manage information and processes in the field of procurement and provision of resources;
  • IS "Personnel" - defines and describes a set of services designed to manage information and processes for providing personnel;
  • IS “Operations with plots and real estate objects” - defines and describes a set of services designed to manage information and processes of operations with plots and real estate objects;
  • IS “Objects and Rent” - defines and describes a set of services designed to form and support an information base of real estate objects, services for the operation of objects and management of relationships with tenants (CRM);
  • IS "Finance and Accounting" - defines and describes a set of services for budgeting systems, provision of financial resources, accounting and financial reporting;
  • IS "IT resources" - defines and describes a set of services for managing the provision of company IT resources and supporting users and IT infrastructure.

The functional structure of each information system includes 3-6 levels of nesting in the form of a hierarchy of modules and functions that can be implemented on the basis of various platforms and/or industry solutions. Databases and their conceptual structure are defined for information systems. Databases and information systems are linked to the business process model.

Model features

Unification of the approach to organizing processes, versatility and compactness of the model

The processes and services of IT systems are organized according to a uniform general principle, which is aimed at the systematic and sustainable development of the organization, both external and internal. This method, when applied in a company, facilitates the construction and implementation of a business management system and is easily communicated to employees at various levels. It is quite easy to explain to the staff how all the company’s processes should be organized (both those in which the contractor participates, and related ones in which he does not participate), which, in turn, will give an additional synergistic effect when using the model.

Centralized planning and management of organizational processes

Planning, monitoring and control are carried out systematically from the level of strategic management to the level of management of an individual project or operational process, providing a single information flow from top to bottom and back. By combining this methodology with the capabilities of modern IT systems, you can obtain an effective decision support system aimed at achieving strategic business goals and at the same time simple and understandable for company personnel.

Full life cycle of a property

The processes of the model are organized in the form of a complete life cycle of a real estate object: from the search and acquisition of a plot or commercial real estate object through the implementation of a development project (construction or reconstruction of an object) with the subsequent receipt of income from the operation of the real estate object through the rental of space to the sale of the object. This approach provides the possibility of widespread application of the model for companies of various specifics that operate in the commercial real estate market.

Even if a company focuses only on certain processes, such as just project execution or just portfolio management, the ability to review entire lifecycle processes allows it to better shape the vision and requirements for a process model and organizational structure that will better suit the company's needs and strategy.

Figure 4 - Process group

Organization of a process model taking into account the maximum use of outsourcing

Successful developers say: “The ideal development company is 2 people, everything else is outsourced.” The meaning of this expression is that the activities of a development company should concentrate exclusively on key processes that generate income, such as strategy, asset portfolio management, project management, facility management, and leasing of space. All other processes, including the direct execution of design, construction, commissioning and other works, as well as operational processes, for example, such as cleaning, security and public order, major repairs, maintenance of engineering systems, etc., must be transferred external contractors. This approach in the development business also helps to increase the investment attractiveness of the company and facilitates the attraction of financial resources for projects on more favorable terms. Therefore, in the model, much attention is paid to the procurement process and its integration with the processes of planning the company’s activities, budgeting and directly monitoring the contractor’s fulfillment of contractual conditions.

Development of the company's intellectual capital.

In this model, outsourcing of costly and auxiliary processes, on the one hand, is contrasted with an emphasis on intellectual processes, human resources and competencies, on the other. The model is built in such a way that the company has sufficient intellectual potential regarding the choice of strategy, market positioning, development vector, risk management and key decision making. Therefore, the use of the model allows for more efficient use of expensive “intellectual” human resources. It also increases the company’s capabilities and contributes to the development of relations with investors and financial institutions.


The KR Properties company was created in 2000 with the aim of managing a complex of real estate properties in Moscow. During its work, the organization became one of the leading ones in the capital, establishing itself as a developer of unique projects.


KR Properties Company was created in 2000 with the aim of managing a complex of real estate properties in Moscow. The company's scope of activities includes the full cycle of facility management: from pre-project and design, construction and repair work and operation to the comprehensive implementation of real estate projects.

In terms of gross revenue, KR Properties CJSC has had a stable increase of 20% per year since 2008. In 2009, KR Properties was recognized as the “Company of the Year” in the field of professional real estate development. The total area of ​​real estate managed by the company is more than 500 thousand square meters, including Moscow shopping centers, offices, warehouses, apartments and other residential and commercial real estate.

KR Properties' strategy for commercial properties is their high-quality development. We develop and improve vast areas in the center of Moscow and on the periphery of the metropolis, satisfying a variety of consumer needs (tenants, buyers of apartments and apartments). Our projects and results speak for themselves.

Among the main projects under implementation are the business quarter “Red Rose 1875” and the loft quarter “Danilovskaya Manufactory 1867”. The apartment line in the KR Properties company is represented by five projects: “Nikolaevsky House”, “Manhattan House”, loft apartments at the “Danilovskaya Manufactory”, “Clerkenwell House” loft-style apartments, exclusive loft apartments “Kadashevskie Palata” Total area exhibited at sale of exclusive premises - more than 22 thousand sq.m.

Currently the company's projects are at different stages of readiness - from the design stage and objects under construction - to those transferred into operation. The total area of ​​projects at various stages of implementation is more than 173,000 sq. m. m.

  • The development of KR Properties company consists of real estate management, from the project stage to implementation. Development includes:
  • selection of a cost-effective project;
  • obtaining all necessary permits for its implementation from the relevant authorities;
  • determining the conditions for attracting investments, developing a mechanism and forms of their return if necessary;
  • searching and attracting investors (if necessary);
  • selecting contractors, financing their activities and monitoring their work;
  • sale of the created property.

KR Properties is one of the largest developers in Russia, whose achievements have been noted by leading foreign experts. As a developer, KR Properties is considered one of the best construction companies in Moscow and the Moscow region in the luxury real estate sector. The completed projects of KR Properties have been awarded prestigious awards in the field of residential and commercial real estate from Urban Awards, FIABCI, CRE Awards, PRO Estate, International Property Awards, etc. For example, in 2012 only KR Properties projects reached the finals of the Urban Awards competition, and in 2013 the Clerkenwell House complex became the winner in the Loft Apartment No. 1 category.

The commercial and residential real estate agency also takes part in the events of the Guild of Property Managers and Developers.

Real estate development– a relatively new type of activity, without which it is impossible to imagine a modern investment and construction project. Under development(from English development– development) today refers to any economic activity associated with the transformation of an existing property and a concomitant increase in its value. In simple terms, development companies ensure rapid growth in the value of an asset compared to the volume of investment in the project through its physical transformation. Professional development includes management of an investment and construction project at all stages of its life cycle.

Since the early nineties, when the current build and the real estate market was just beginning to take shape, competition has increased significantly, and many previously free niches are already overcrowded with ready-made objects. This requires a much more serious approach from a qualified investor when preparing new projects in order to achieve the required profitability indicators and minimize possible risks. Help professional developer allows not only to competently plan, but also organize the process construction, implement the project in practice and ensure its effective operation in the future.

Thus, the team of specialists involved real estate development always includes experts from completely different fields: qualified lawyers, financiers, managers, builders, operators, marketers, economists. Their work is managed and coordinated by experienced managers, often using Project Management (PM) class information systems. The key task that these people solve is to increase the efficiency of capital investments at all stages of the project, because otherwise it may lose competitiveness and not achieve the indicators set by the investor.

Construction development as a type of activity includes the following services:

  • detailed development of the project concept;
  • conducting marketing research and economic calculations;
  • selection and preparation of real estate for the needs of a specific project;
  • preparation of documents and obtaining approvals for the project;
  • technical and economic planning;
  • organizing project financing;
  • preparation of design and working documentation;
  • resource base planning;
  • organization and control of construction, installation, repair and finishing works;
  • management and operation of finished real estate objects.

Obviously, without real estate development indispensable not only during the construction of new territories and the development of technology parks, but also during the renovation of individual real estate properties and entire city blocks, and the repurposing of land plots. Such services are provided in support of projects for the construction or modernization of residential, commercial and industrial real estate, and the development of land plots for further development.

TekhnoStroyProekt has significant experience in the field of development real estate objects of various profiles. The company has long been well known in the market, has its own niche and a certain circle of regular customers from among large investors in development projects in Moscow and other regions of Russia. You can find out more detailed information about the services and competitive advantages of the TekhnoStroyProekt company by phone or directly in our office.

Any commercial real estate, And retail real estate in particular, it remains an extremely attractive investment for individuals and legal entities, because retail continues to grow and develop even during a crisis. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of meters of new space are rented out every year in Moscow alone, so professional commercial real estate development acquires special, critical importance for the success of any project.

In conditions of fierce competition, building a new shopping center or any other commercial facility at minimal costs, as well as making it attractive to potential tenants or buyers, is a task for professionals. Besides,commercial real estate - it's not only retail real estate , but also offices, warehouses, public and industrial premises, and each of these types has its own nuances.

Commercial real estate development includes a whole range of services at all stages of the life cycle of an investment and construction project. Significant preparatory work at the pre-investment stage is decisive for ultimate success. It consists of the following actions:

  • detailed development of the project concept;
  • economic justification for the investment decision;
  • selection and preparation of territory for development, urban planning and coordination of necessary documents;
  • development of a business plan and feasibility study;
  • development of a project financing scheme,

attracting the necessary borrowed funds to the project.
The investment stage itself includes the organization and support of actions related to the implementation of the finished project in practice:

  • development of architectural solutions and engineering designs;
  • preparation of working documentation for the construction of the facility;
  • optimal selection of suppliers and project implementers;
  • coordination of construction work;
  • automation of project management using IT.

Also development includes marketing and legal support for the process of selling commercial real estate, as well as project management at the operational stage, including organizing the effective use of the facility and monitoring the operation and operation of engineering systems. This stage is also critically important, because the payback period of an investment and construction project directly depends on the quality of work in these areas. IN development there are no trifles at all: for example, savings in developing documentation for engineering communications can result in inconvenience for tenants and, as a result, low occupancy of a new shopping center.