Shalakov Yuri Andreevich Deputy Head of the Department biography. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Vladimir Kolokoltsev are now under guard

At a recent government hour in the State Duma, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, actually admitted that the reform presented by the former leadership of the department had failed, and billions of taxpayers’ rubles were thrown away. Some generals turned on others, and instead of fighting crime and systemic corruption in their ranks, they simply reduced their personnel by 20% and renamed themselves the police. General Kolokoltsev suggested starting all over again.

According to official data, as a result of the past reforms The Ministry of Internal Affairs has laid off approximately 200 thousand employees at various levels - mainly officers and non-commissioned officers. But with fired generals There is always some kind of confusion: either 119 left the police, or 143. A large-scale re-certification did not help to cope with the mess: we hear about the “exploits” of newly-minted police officers almost every day - that while driving while drunk, people will be killed or maimed , then they will open fire in a crowded place, or they will get caught taking a bribe.

In fact, experts warned at the very beginning of the loudly promoted reform: initially, everything was started not as a real restructuring of the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but as a plausible pretext so that some KGB-police clans could “outmaneuver” others and sit on financial flows .

Novaya has written about general groups in the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs more than once. Let us briefly recall the disposition (this is important, since the new reform will have to face opposition former "players" ).

The most influential and numerous lives and works under the flag of the Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev (formerly director of the FSB) and the former head of the presidential administration Sergei Naryshkin, appointed head of the presidential certification commission. They directly supervised the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev and lower Kazan and Omsk police groups (the whole point is that since Soviet times the principle of fraternity has flowed into the leadership of departments). Putin’s colleague in the GDR, Deputy Minister Evgeniy Shkolov, Deputy Minister Sergei Gerasimov and the head of the DSB (internal security) Yuri Draguntsov (former security officers) were also considered Patrushev’s.

This clan was opposed by another KGB graduate, Medvedev’s fellow student, the powerful head of the Presidential Control Directorate, Konstantin Chuichenko, and State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sergei Bulavin, who graduated from the Leningrad Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Soviet times.

The third force should not be discounted: the head of the presidential administration’s department for civil service and personnel issues Sergei Dubik - he directly supervised the chief police personnel officer Vladimir Kubyshko .

Perhaps, of course, this will be news for some, but the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself (including the minister) was, let’s say, not entirely independent in terms of resolving pressing, mainly personnel issues. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was monitored by “big brother”: compromising evidence against the police authorities flowed (and is still happening) to the FSB. True, in three different structures: Directorate “M” (controls law enforcement agencies), Internal Security of the FSB (own security and control over the most significant criminal cases) and Directorate “K” of the FSB (in principle, financial counterintelligence, but which has recently received a gigantic field for activities outside your profile). All these structures are not very friendly with each other, and in each of them, each clan has its own people. Therefore, folders with negatives, examined from three different angles, were placed on the table of the certification commissions, which made the final decision: to fire or leave.

It is worth noting that this technology only worked for medium-sized figures, and serious people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs were eliminated according to a different scenario: first, they cut off oxygen to the “under the roof” business, then information with “shocking” details appeared in the media, and then a deputy friendly to the clan sent a request to Prosecutor General's Office. If the victim continued to resist, then criminal cases were opened against relatives or colleagues.

It was precisely this scheme that was used to kill candidates who hoped to take Nurgaliev’s place: the head of the BKBOP (Bureau for Combating Organized Crime) Alexandra Bokova (sentenced to 9 years), First Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Sukhodolsky (if he refused to resign voluntarily, they threatened to imprison his son), head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region Nikolai Golovkin (they arrested the police "dealer" - Oleg Sudakov, whose activities were associated with the name of the head of the main department) and the main developers of the old reform - Deputy Minister Alexander Smirny and the head of the organizational and inspection department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladislav Volynsky ("Omsk community"). The latter was called the “golden-headed boy” for his incredible efficiency, but this did not stop him from first having his closest assistant “closed” for allegedly taking a bribe, and then posting details of the general’s personal life on the Internet. Both Smirny and Volynsky eventually retired. State Secretary Bulavin could not stay in his chair and became Medvedev’s adviser.

General Kolokoltsev, who became a minister, also had to withstand a serious attack. They also collected incriminating evidence against him, and even at the request of communist deputy Vladimir Khakhichev, they sent a high-ranking task force from the DSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Oryol region (in 2007, Kolokoltsev headed the local police department). When they couldn’t scrape together anything, they tried substitute his confidant is the head of the capital’s Internal Security Service, Alexander Trushkin.

The second front, in addition to the war for the position of minister, is the battle for the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Here, the country's chief controller, Chuychenko, celebrated the victory: the curator of the economic block, Deputy Minister Shkolov, left the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and after a noisy information campaign in the media, the two top officials of the department, Yuri Shalakov and Andrey Khorev, resigned (now Shalakov works as an assistant to the presidential plenipotentiary in the Volga Federal District, and Khorev returned from temporary “emigration” and occupies a high post in Rosalkogol). Their positions were taken by 36-year-old General Denis Sugrobov and former employee of the Control Directorate of the Presidential Administration Vitaly Skvortsov - people who were not “noticed” in economic activity.

The third front is the Investigation Department, which has been rocked by scandals for a long time (take, for example, "Magnitsky case" ). As a result, General Alexey Anichin left his post , and General Alekseev returned to his place (he is classified as a member of the Patrushev clan), who had left the internal affairs bodies. Experts claim that this appointment was a compromise for Minister Kolokoltsev.

Team Kolokoltsev

This is precisely the state of affairs that the new minister had to face. At the same time, some media outlets hastened to declare that Kolokoltsev had brought his team to Zhitnaya - that is, there would be no interference for him. Alas, this is far from the case: the Ministry of Internal Affairs is still under the constant control of the KGB clans, and key positions are occupied by proteges or relatives of high-ranking officials.

For example, Advisor to the Minister Valery Kozhokar - Medvedev's classmate ; General Alexander Gorovoy, the first deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who has made a dizzying career, is a person from the inner circle of the presidential envoy to the North Caucasian Federal District, Alexander Khloponin. When they “killed” General Sukhodolsky, he was accused of many kinds of abuses and inflated staffing in FSUE "Security" , which he oversaw. After his resignation, supervision passed to Gorovoy, and he already managed to state that “there are no plans for changes in the organizational and legal form of FSUE Okhrana, including no layoffs of employees.”

Appointed State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prime Minister Medvedev’s neighbor in the elite Golden Keys residential complex, Igor Zubov, at one time worked in the structures of billionaire Vladimir Yevtushenkov, then was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly in the Tver region. Before his appointment, he was one of the founders of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Law Enforcement Agencies. In addition to the general, the fund included his relatives, the founder of Neftegazopererabotka LLC Nonna Dzhumaki, the founder of Amedika LLC Ashot Aloyan, a native of the KGB and a member of the “Cathedral of the Russian People” Oleg Bezrodny and the above-mentioned “golden-headed” head of the OID (organizational inspection department) Vladislav Volynsky . Now the government has instructed General Zubov to streamline the production of alcoholic beverages.

The already mentioned new head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuri Alekseev, allegedly a protege of the Patrushevskys, had previously worked in the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then in the Prosecutor General's Office, but after a conflict with Yuri Chaika he returned to Zhitnaya again. By the way, now, according to our experts, Alekseev is tipped for the post of head of the joint Investigative Committee, which means that a new war between high-ranking security officials is not far off: neither the clans in the Ministry of Internal Affairs nor the Federal Drug Control Service will want to give up their positions, not to mention the head of the Investigative Committee Bastrykin .

It is also difficult to classify another deputy minister responsible for the fight against organized crime, Mikhail Vanichkin, as a member of Kolokoltsev’s team, since he was Nurgaliev’s adviser for six years and served as head of the St. Petersburg Central Internal Affairs Directorate. But St. Petersburg residents do not appoint strangers to such positions.

Of the previous figures in the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main “traffic cop” Viktor Kiryanov (previously served as head of the St. Petersburg traffic police), deputy minister and former intelligence officer Sergei Gerasimov (according to experts, Patrushevsky), personnel officer Vladimir Kubyshko and commander of the internal troops Nikolai Rogozhkin remained.

It is not yet known how long they will remain in their positions. But it is known that the chief physician of the internal troops, General Yuri Sabanin, who was arrested for taking a bribe, is allegedly already offered to testify against Rogozhkin in exchange for some relief, and an anonymous letter was sent to the FSB, which tells about Kubyshko’s very close relationship with show business figures. (General Kubyshko composes music for Russian pop stars, and recently visited the Ministry of Internal Affairs soldiers in the North Caucasus with a concert team.)

In general, so far only a few can be included in the new minister’s team: Advisor Vladimir Ovchinsky, Deputy Minister Arkady Gostev, Head of the Criminal Investigation Department Vladimir Golovanov (moved from the MUR) and Head of Internal Security Alexander Makarov.

Road map

The methods by which the new minister proposes to pull the police out of the militia swamp are still being discussed. They have already been dubbed “Kolokoltsev’s five steps.” To formulate them, a working group was created, which included 31 people. Alas, with the exception of some new faces, a set of United Russia deputies, a lawyer Kuchereny , human rights activist Olga Kostina and others. is a faction of “civil society”, which consists of 12 people. Let's hope that all this is a tribute to the political situation and the same clans that any leader has to reckon with. The “power” faction of the working group included 19 former or current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor’s office and the chief adviser to the Main Legal Directorate of the Presidential Administration, Valentin Mikhailov. The trouble is that most group members simply do not come to meetings.

The main ideologist and conductor of the new reform is considered to be the minister’s adviser, Vladimir Ovchinsky, who, together with a group of like-minded people, developed a “Road Map” for further reform of the police and is not going to hide departmental vices. I quote: “They lied to us all the time from the stands that crime was falling. But in fact, it has grown by 80% in 12 years! In 2000, citizens submitted 13.7 million reports of crimes to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the basis of which 3 million criminal cases were initiated. The remaining over 10 million applications were simply lost to the masses, transferred to other territories, or to no one knows where at all. In 2011, the picture was even worse: citizens wrote 24.5 million reports to the police, but only 2 million criminal cases were opened. That is, the police managed to quietly bury 22.5 million crimes in this fork of lies!”

What is planned to be done (in brief):

1) It is proposed to take the German police as a basic basis. In other words, keep the police uniform, but abolish shoulder straps and other “army gear.” Law enforcement officers should be civilian officials with their own specifics and there is absolutely no need for operatives or special forces soldiers to pull their socks up on the parade ground. The former are required to work painstakingly with agents, and the latter are required to rescue hostages and neutralize criminals.

2) Upon admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a contract will be concluded with an individual police officer for 8 years. In the future, if he worked honestly and efficiently, the contract is unlimited. At the same time, an ordinary police officer and his boss will have approximately the same salary - 120 thousand rubles. And no cash bonuses: if you work well or catch a criminal, you will receive a certificate, an award pistol, or a watch with a dedicatory inscription (there is a particularly heated debate around this point).

3) Completely eliminate the pursuit of crime detection rates (“stick” system). And in any form. It is not yet very clear on what basis to evaluate the work of police units: it is being actively discussed.

4) Abolish the concept of “refusal to initiate a criminal case” and eliminate inquiries in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All applications from citizens will be accepted, and any duty officer, district police officer or detective can talk with the applicant, draw up a report and make an initial decision.

5) Create a website on which photos and identifying information of former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, dismissed due to compromising circumstances, will be posted. They will also be prohibited from working in government agencies. And for life. Over time, “werewolves” from the FSB, FSKN, prosecutor’s office, customs and the Investigative Committee will appear on the site.

It is proposed to add a few details to this. For example, cancel the celebration of All-Russian Police Day with subsequent expensive corporate parties and “plywood” concerts. Reformers say this about this: “If the police want to, let them celebrate the holiday in their departments, but not at the expense of taxpayers.” And they plan to invite people with an impeccable reputation to the public councils under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For now, unfortunately, the same people who sang the praises of Rushailo, Gryzlov, Nurgaliyev, as well as “undercover” businessmen or “fixers” continue to sit in them.


In any case, even these “five steps” Kolokoltsev will have to walk through a minefield. Firstly, the restructuring of the department may turn into another stage of a behind-the-scenes war between clans: it will be necessary to maneuver and make compromises.

Second: the overwhelming majority of the generals and ordinary employees are simply not ready to work like their German colleagues. The first ones have long since become dollar millionaires and they won’t step on the throat of their own business. The lower-ranking officer stratum is quite satisfied with the system of impunity, nepotism and mutual responsibility that has been established over many years. In addition, more than one generation of “stick makers” operatives has grown up in the bowels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sitting on the salaries of businessmen and criminal authorities, and so far there is simply no one to replace them. That is, there is a danger of elementary sabotage, as in the case of all other reforms that encroached on the well-being of officials.

The third is especially surprising: in addition to the FSB (there is, apparently, no escape from this disaster yet), the Prosecutor General’s Office has been entrusted with monitoring the implementation of the reform. And this is against the backdrop of recent gambling scandal in the Moscow region, in which high prosecutorial officials and their relatives were involved.

Only one conclusion can be drawn: any, even the most correct steps of the minister-reformer can run into the interests of the “roof” from among the security officers and prosecutors. And until the corresponding reform of the FSB, the judicial system and the prosecutor's office is carried out, any other reform risks choking halfway in a known substance.

Major General of Police.

Born on May 18, 1957 in Krasnoyarsk.

In 1982-1984 he served in the Armed Forces and served as an officer in the Turkestan Military District on the border with Afghanistan.

Has two higher educations. Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

He began his career at the Krasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant. After serving in the army, he joined the internal affairs bodies, where he worked from 1985 to 1994 in various positions - from criminal investigation officer to deputy head of the department of operational and technical measures of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Executive Committee.

In 1994, he joined the tax police of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where he headed an independent unit. Five years later he already held the position of first deputy head of the department.

In 1996, when Yuri Shalakov held the position of deputy head of the Federal Tax Service, then acting. Head of the Federal Tax Service for the Krasnoyarsk Territory under the supervision of Alexander Lychkovsky, Lieutenant General, Head of the Federal Tax Service for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Advisor to the Governor, Secretary of the Regional Security Council. At this time, there was a high-profile murder of Segodnyashnyaya Gazeta journalist Vadim Alferyev, who had repeatedly written about the war around the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant and government officials associated with it. As a result, the case was reopened 5 times, but was never brought to trial. However, later Yuri Shalakov was detained for 10 days in connection with this case.

In 1999, Yuri Shalakov was appointed to the Ivanovo region, where he headed the regional department of the Federal Tax Police Service, and in the same year he was awarded the rank of “Major General of Police.”

In 2000, Yuri Shalakov, while on vacation in Krasnoyarsk, was detained in connection with the resumption of the criminal investigation into the death of Vadim Alferev. However, after 10 days he was released.

In the spring of 2003, according to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Federal Tax Police Service was abolished. On its basis, the State Committee for Control of Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances was created, where Yuri Shalakov headed the Office of the State Committee (since the spring of 2004 - the Federal Service) for control of traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the Ivanovo region. He worked in this position until 2005.

On June 3, he was appointed head of the 9th Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, which includes several departments, including forensics and special forces.

From 2007 to 2008 he worked as first deputy head of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In February 2008, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Married. Son - an officer of the armed forces (2004)
Political and business connections
The mid-1990s in the Krasnoyarsk Territory was characterized by a struggle for large enterprises located in the region (primarily KrAZ), which found its response in the relationship between business and government structures. The investigation into the murder of Vadim Alferyev was purely political in nature. This is clear even from the fact that it was resumed several times, and the most active actions in 2000 occurred precisely during the redistribution of property at KrAZ - in early April it was announced that a criminal case had been initiated against Anatoly Bykova, a famous Krasnoyarsk entrepreneur and co-owner of the Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter.

The investigation was carried out by a group of Moscow investigators headed by First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolesnikov. The main purpose of his actions, apparently, was not to investigate economic crimes in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but to find incriminating evidence on Anatoly Bykov, which was later used. After this investigation, in mid-2000, Vladimir Kolesnikov went to work at the Prosecutor General's Office.

In addition to Yuri Shalakov, the case involved: Alexander Lychkovsky, in 1996, Shalakov’s boss, Vladimir Shakhov, his subordinate and head of the Krasnoyarsk city tax police department, as well as Gennady Druzhinin, one of the most influential businessmen of that period in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, was the head of the board of directors of KrAZ, general director, partner of Anatoly Bykov. In addition, during the investigation, the name of Alexander Uss, chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, known for his close ties with the business community and criminal connections, came up repeatedly 27.

In turn, one can trace the connection between Yuri Shalakov and Boris Petrunin, former head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, who also lobbied for the interests of Anatoly Bykov.

In the summer of 2007, another expansion of people began Viktor Cherkesov into the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. Thus, a former senior drug control officer Sergei Derevyanko appointed deputy head of the Department of Internal Security (DSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the assignment of the police rank of major general. On June 30, Yuri Shalakov became the first deputy head of the Department of Economic Security (DES) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a key department, and in the fight for it, Viktor Cherkesov outplayed Igor Sechin.

Head of the Human Resources Department
Kikot Vladimir Yakovlevich

Lieutenant General of Police.
Born on January 1, 1952 in the village of Belokurakino, Voroshilovgrad region, Ukrainian SSR.

After completing military service in the Armed Forces of the USSR in 1972, he entered the Higher Political School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in Leningrad (from 1972 to 1976).

Graduated from the same university:
STEPASHIN Sergey Vadimovich- Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Lieutenant General.

Utkin Nikolay Ivanovich- Deputy Head of the St. Petersburg Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for scientific work, Colonel of the Internal Service.

TOPCHY Sergey Stepanovich - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Lieutenant General.

SALNIKOV Viktor Petrovich - Head of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Lieutenant General of Police.

SPITSNADEL Vladimir Borisovich - Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the administration of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Lieutenant General of Internal Service.

SKRYABIN Viktor Nikolaevich - Deputy Head of the Department for Educational Work of the State Committee for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Major General.

VLASKO Vladimir Vasilievich - Deputy Commander of the Siberian District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for work with personnel. Major General.

DENISENKOV Yuri Vladimirovich - Deputy Commander of the Ural District Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for work with personnel. Major General.

LISENKO Vladimir Mikhailovich - Deputy Commander of the Eastern District of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Major General.

ROGANOV Anatoly Alexandrovich - Deputy Commander of the Moscow District of Internal Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for work with personnel. Colonel.

ANASTASYAN Sergey Vladimirovich - Head of Department, Deputy Head of the Department for Educational Work of the State Committee for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Colonel.

LYSENKO Valery Vladimirovich - First Deputy Head of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for academic work. Police Colonel.

ALEXANDROV Sergey Grigorievich - Deputy Head of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for work with personnel. Police Colonel.

LOIT Hillar Harrievich - Professor of the Department of Organization of Personnel and Educational Work at St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Major General of Police.

LUGOVKIN Vladimir Alexandrovich - From 1997 to September 1998, deputy head of the St. Petersburg Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, also head of the Higher Academic Courses. In September 1998, he was transferred to the reserve of the USSR Armed Forces.

GOROZHANIN Alexander Vladimirovich - Head of the Samara Law Institute of the Russian Ministry of Justice.

GASANOV Karim Kadyrovich - Deputy Head of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for correspondence education and training of economic personnel.

RACHILA Yuri Lukyanovich - Deputy commander of a military unit for work with personnel of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

KOCHIN Andrey Anatolievich - Head of the North-Western branch of the All-Russia Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
In 1986 he successfully graduated from the Military-Political Academy named after. IN AND. Lenin in Moscow. In the same year, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces for educational work, head of the educational work department, Major General, also graduated from this academy. Victor Batmazov .

In 1976-1979 he worked as secretary of the Komsomol bureau of the 2nd battalion, secretary of the party committee of the 4th battalion of the Higher Political School. 60th anniversary of the Komsomol Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

In 1979-1983 he was assistant to the head of the political department for Komsomol work at the Higher Political School named after. 60th anniversary of the Komsomol Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

In 1983, he switched to teaching and reached the position of deputy head of pedagogy and psychology at the Higher Political School. 60th anniversary of the Komsomol Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1992, he moved to the position of head of the department of military pedagogy and psychology at the Higher Military Command School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 1994-1998 - Deputy Head of the St. Petersburg Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for scientific work, Deputy Head of the St. Petersburg Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for personnel. In 1998-2000 - Deputy Head of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for retraining and advanced training, training of financial and economic personnel.

In 2000, he was appointed to the position of head of the State Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”.

Later he combined scientific and professional activities. In 2001 - 2002, he was the head of the Passport and Visa Directorate of the Security Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Since April 2002, he has been the head of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and since August, the rector of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2005 No. 152, he was appointed head of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

He is a professor in the department of pedagogy and psychology, and has the academic degrees of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1998) and Doctor of Legal Sciences (2002).

Repeatedly awarded state and departmental awards, awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation.”

Author of more than 100 scientific and educational works. The main ones are: “Formation of a culture of professional communication among police officers” (1994); “Pedagogy and psychology of higher education” (1996)” “Problems of management and ways of developing professional training for students at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” (1997); “Information support for the educational process in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” (1997); “Legal culture of employees of internal affairs bodies in professional communication” (2001); “Moral and psychological support for service and combat activities of military personnel of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” (2003), etc.

He is the chairman of the dissertation council at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the Academic Council of Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Full member of the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences. He performed service and combat missions in the Caucasus.
Married, has a son and two daughters.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Shalakov Yuri Andreevich. The influence of professional self-education on the effectiveness of a tax police officer: Dis. ...cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.13: Moscow, 2000 162 p. RSL OD, 61:00-19/366-2




§ 1. Essential characteristics of an officer’s professional activity

tax police 13

§2. The problem of increasing the efficiency of professional activities

tax police officers 29

§3. Self-education as a means of increasing the effectiveness of professional activity: theoretical model and research methods 43

Conclusions on the first chapter "59



§ 1. Forms and content of self-education for tax officers

police 64

§2. The influence of professional self-education on objective and subjective indicators of officer performance

tax police 76

§3. Managing self-education of a tax police officer during

vocational training 89

Conclusions on the second chapter 107




Introduction to the work

Relevance of the research problem

The process of radical reforms that has unfolded in modern Russian society puts forward qualitatively new tasks for the officers of the tax police, the significance of which increases due to the contradictory nature of the formation of new economic relations in Russia. This leads to an increase in the efficiency of the professional activity of a modern tax police officer. The main link in solving this problem is the officer himself, his professionalism, personal and individual qualities.

The importance of a personal approach in solving the problem raised is noted in the Law on the Tax Police and formulated in the Code of Honor of a Tax Police Officer. Here are the basic requirements for the personality of an officer, among which in the first place are high professional competence, organizational and business abilities.

At the same time, practice shows that existing forms of specialist training cannot sufficiently cover the wide range of tasks that officers face. In these conditions, a special role is given to the process of professional self-improvement, which consists in intensifying the officer’s work on himself, allowing him to update personal efforts and reserves in achieving the goals of professional activity. Thus, 86.4% of surveyed officers note that they are constantly engaged in self-improvement, 69.7% note that it was personal efforts in self-development and self-improvement that contributed to their successful career1.

In the general process of professional self-improvement, its main component stands out - professional self-education, which provides for the integration into the personality of an officer of a whole system of civil, socio-psychological and narrowly professional qualities. The effectiveness of this integration is largely determined by the specialist’s possession of the means and methods of professional self-education, the focus of the officer’s personality on the constant improvement of his qualifications, and the formation of motivation for professional self-improvement.

Thus, the relevance of the research topic is determined, on the one hand, by the needs of the development of society, the tax police authorities themselves in the formation of a competent professional corps of officers, and on the other hand, by the desire of the officers themselves to achieve the heights of professionalism.

State of development of the research problem

Self-education, as an important component of the more general process of self-improvement, is the subject of study by representatives of various sciences: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, etc. Issues of professional self-improvement, self-education, their relationship with the efficiency and effectiveness of professional activity have been studied quite deeply by domestic and foreign researchers. Various aspects of this problem are highlighted. The influence of the operational sphere of the subject of activity on the effectiveness of professional activity was considered in the studies of T.I. Artemyeva, S.G. Gellershtein, D.N. Zavalishina, E.P. Ilyin, N.P. Nechaev, V.D. Shadrikov and others. The development of the motivational sphere in the process of professional development of the individual is given much attention in the works of B.G. Ananyev, M.I. Dyachenko, L.A. Kandybovich, V.I. Kovalev, E.A. Klimov, V.E. Milman and others .

Of particular importance for this study are the works of B.G. Ananyev, V.A. Bodrov, E.M. Borisova, A.A. Derkach, M.I. Dyachenko, L.F. Zheleznyak, V.G. Zazykin, E .A.Klimova, T.V.Kudryavtseva, A.K.Markova, Yu.P.Povarenkova, A.V.Sukhareva, which discuss the problems of individual activity in achieving high results of professional activity.

At the same time, it can be stated that this issue has not been sufficiently developed in the specific conditions of the professional activity of a tax police officer. First of all, this concerns the study of the influence of professional self-education on the effectiveness of professional activities.

The above determined the choice of the research topic and determined its specific content.

The object of the study is the professional activity of a tax police officer.

The subject of the study is the process of self-education as a factor in the effectiveness of the professional activity of a tax police officer.

The purpose of the dissertation research is to identify the essence and content of professional self-education, ways to optimize it and influence on the effectiveness of the professional activity of a tax police officer.

Research hypothesis

Effective professional activity of a tax police officer presupposes as a basic condition the constant self-education of a professional. Professional self-education, being a derivative of the main professional activity, influences both objective and subjective indicators of the effectiveness of professional activity.

In the course of professional development, the functionality of self-education changes from reproductive functions (independent study of established norms, techniques, methods of professional activity, etc.) to productive ones (self-design, independent search for unknown professional solutions, problems of professional activity, development of independent projects, etc. ).

An effective means of increasing the success of the professional activities of tax police officers can be the targeted management of the process of professional self-education, including the officer’s mastery of psychological and acmeological techniques and techniques of professional self-improvement and self-development during the period of professional training.

Within the framework of the goal and hypotheses put forward, the research objectives were determined:

Disclosure of the psychological characteristics of the professional activity of a tax police officer, indicators of its effectiveness and, in this context, determination of the essence and content of self-education;

Identification of the peculiarities of the influence of self-education on the professional activity of a tax police officer;

Development and testing of methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on the process of self-education in order to optimize it.

The methodological basis of the study was the provisions on the dialectical nature of social relations, the development and formation of personality in activity and communication (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G. Ananyev, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, etc.); philosophical, psychological, pedagogical theories of personality development (B.G. Ananyev, A.A. Bodalev, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin,

A.S. Makarenko, A.V. Petrovsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.); ideas of developmental education (K.D. Ushinsky, L.S. Vygotsky,

V.V. Davydov and others); acmeological concepts of holistic personality development in adulthood (B.G. Ananyev, A.A. Derkach, N.V. Kuzmina, etc.); theoretical and practical approaches to the problem of lifelong education (G.L. Ilyin, N.B. Kovaleva, M.V. Clarin, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, etc.).

The dissertation was carried out in line with psychological and acmeological research (K.A. Abulkhanova, B.G. Ananyev, A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach, A.S. Guseva, V.G. Zazykin, P.A. Korchemny , N.V.Kuzmina, L.G.Laptev, V.G.Mikhailovsky, A.Yu.Panasyuk, Yu.V.Sinyagin, S.I.Sedin, E.A.Yablokova, etc.). Methodological approaches to the technique and methodology of empirical research were built on the basis of an analysis of the works of A.Ya.Antsupov, A.V.Barabanshchikov, G.A.Volkovitsky, K.M.Gurevich, Yu.A.Elbaev, L.F.Zheleznyak, E A. Klimova, A. K. Markova, V. V. Stolina, B. Ya. Shvedina and others.

The following methods were used in the study: study of literary sources of domestic and foreign authors, retrospective analysis of the professional activities of civil servants, document analysis, questionnaires, surveys, expert assessment, observation, analysis of independent characteristics, ascertaining and forming experiments.

Empirical basis and stages of research: the period of work on the topic of dissertation research covers a five-year period. The basis and specific content of the research at its various stages were determined by the variety of problems being solved and the multifaceted nature of the problem being studied. The following participants took part in the study: tax police officers (178 people), students of retraining courses for tax police officers (64 people). The heads of tax police bodies (22 people) acted as experts.

At the first stage of the study (1994-1995), philosophical, socio-psychological, acmeological literature on

the research problem, a theoretical and methodological basis for implementing the psychological-acmeological approach in solving the assigned problems has been developed.

At the second stage (1995-1996), the study of literature continued; forms and methods of ascertaining experiments were developed and tested, forms and methods of self-education of officers, levels of mastering professional skills were studied, criteria and performance indicators of a tax police officer were analyzed.

At the third stage of the study (1997-1998), the development and experimental testing of a formative experiment program and research methodology were carried out, and the obtained scientific material was analyzed and generalized.

At the fourth stage (1998-1999), the obtained data and results were summarized, prospects for further research of the problem were determined, and practical recommendations were developed.

The main scientific results obtained personally by the applicant and their scientific novelty

It has been proven that professional self-education is the most important component ensuring the effective professional activity of a tax police officer and has a significant impact on such objective and subjective indicators of its effectiveness as: time parameters; qualitative indicators; quantitative indicators; satisfaction with professional activities; interest in professional activities. At the same time, professional self-education is a purposeful, systematic activity, controlled by the individual himself, serving to improve the main professional activity.

The dynamic characteristics of self-education at various stages of professional development of the personality of a tax police officer have been identified. It is shown that, in terms of its content, professional self-education can perform both adaptive (adaptive) and productive (creative) functions. Thus, during the adaptation period, professional self-education performs adaptation functions that are aimed at achieving a specific result in the given conditions of professional activity. In the future, professional self-education ensures productive processes of professional activity, the results of which are: sustainable professional activity of an officer (the stage of stable functioning of a specialist) or professional creativity (the stage of a specialist-innovator).

Methods of influencing the process of professional self-education of a tax police officer are substantiated. It has been empirically proven that purposeful management of the process of professional self-education, including the officer’s mastery of psychological and acmeological techniques and techniques of professional self-improvement and self-development during the period of professional training, training the individual to consciously work with methods, techniques, and methodological techniques of self-education; development and improvement of techniques and methods of self-regulation in professional activities, the use of individual self-diagnosis is an effective means of increasing the success of the professional activities of tax police officers.

In general, the results obtained in this study served as a theoretical basis for the development of practical recommendations for tax police officers to improve the process of their self-education in professional activities and the process of retraining.

Practical significance of the study

The results of the dissertation research, generalizations and conclusions about the content of the self-education process, its structure, features at various stages of professionalization of a tax police officer can be used to improve the professional training of civil servants.

The obtained research data can be used by educational bodies for the training and retraining of tax police officers in determining the content of special topics related to the organization of processes of self-education and self-development of specialists.

The reliability and validity of the research results were ensured by the initial general methodological positions, the use of proven tools, the representativeness of the research sample, the variety of research procedures and techniques, their complementarity, numerous data verification, mathematical processing of the data obtained using a package of computer programs for statistical analysis, as well as the expert assessment of leading specialists, practical testing of the obtained materials.

The testing and implementation of the research results was carried out both during the formative experiment and directly in the professional activities of civil servants. Practical results have been introduced into the system of state and special training of tax police officers. Theoretical and experimental results of the study at its individual stages were reported and discussed at the seminar of the Department of Acmeology and Psychology of Professional Activities of the Civil Registry of State Civil Service, educational and methodological gatherings of tax police officers, seminars of senior tax police officers, various scientific and practical conferences (Moscow, 1997-1999; Krasnodar , 1998, etc.).

The results of the work were used to diagnose the development of communication skills of Moscow tax police officers with subsequent analysis and recommendations for assessing their managerial potential.

The research materials formed the basis of the special course “Professional self-education and the effectiveness of the professional activity of a tax police officer” (20 hours).

The following provisions are submitted for defense

Purposeful, systematic activity, controlled by the individual himself and focused on improving the main professional activity, includes professional self-education as the most important component that ensures the effective professional activity of a tax police officer and has a significant impact on both objective and subjective indicators of its effectiveness.

During the adaptation period of professional activity, self-education performs adaptation functions that are aimed at achieving a specific result in the given conditions of professional activity. In the future, professional self-education ensures productive processes of professional activity, the results of which are: sustainable professional activity of an officer (the stage of stable functioning of a specialist) or professional creativity (the stage of a specialist - innovator), the results of which are: the formation of mental new formations (motives, knowledge, skills, abilities, new meanings of professional activity, etc.); the emergence of professional tasks that initiate the beginning of new acts of productive activity of the individual.

The features of the influence of self-education on the effectiveness of the professional activities of tax police officers at the stage of adaptation to professional activities are: the implementation of self-education in the form of instructions; independent study of existing activities by analyzing actions and operations. At the stage of stable functioning: the content of professional self-education is focused on ensuring the sustainability of professional activity through an independent search for the causes of errors in activities, an independent search for unknown professional solutions, and independent mastery of new techniques and methods of professional activity. At the stage of innovation, self-education has an analytical-project nature and is implemented in the form of an independent search for unknown solutions to problems of professional activity, the development of independent projects, independent analysis and mastery of new types of professional activity, self-design, construction and implementation of a professional life scenario.

Optimization of the process of self-education of a tax police officer can be ensured on the basis of a professional training methodology, which serves as a basic component of the means of formative influence on the self-education of a tax police officer. Dissertation structure

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions and conclusions, a list of references and an appendix.

On the sidelines of the Kremlin, one of the most discussed news in recent days has been a small industrial conflict. During a scheduled meeting in the presidential administration (AP RF), Oleg Markov, assistant to the head of state for personnel issues, unexpectedly lost his temper. His anger fell on the head of the Department for Civil Service and Personnel of the Administration of the Russian Federation, Sergei Dubik. According to Kremlin residents, Markov unexpectedly interrupted his colleague and said the following: “If I were you, you should generally remain silent. I recommended you for this position at one time, and you ruined yourself as much as you could!” Now the RF AP is discussing that Dubik’s exorbitant career ambitions can definitely be put to rest. But just recently he shared with his colleagues that he sees himself in the chair of the Minister of Defense. And at the same time, the current head of the defense department Anatoly Serdyukov an information attack was carried out, and “behind-the-scenes” attacks were also organized against him inside the Administration and the White House.

And, of course, on the sidelines of the Kremlin they are discussing all the numerous stories with which Dubik “messed himself up as best he could.” Here is a strange attack on the former governor Butov, and cooperation with Don-Stroy, and “shady affairs” with the general Khorev . They also remember Sergei’s brother, Gazprom top manager Nikolai Dubik, whose accounts in Switzerland receive large sums from contractors of the gas monopolist.

Knife for ex-governor

On September 10, 2011, in the center of Moscow, the former governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Vladimir Butov, was stabbed. It would seem like an ordinary “everyday situation”: the hot-tempered ex-head of the region had an argument with two Caucasians, they stabbed him with a knife. However, the crime has still not been solved, although the moment of the attack by the attackers was captured on CCTV cameras. From the police reports you can see that the blows were delivered expertly - right to the liver. And most importantly, the attack took place in the midst of the “war” that Butov tried to wage against the company "Lukoil" , closely associated with Sergei Dubik. This “war” has a very interesting backstory.

CARD FOR 09/10/2011

ATC for the Central Administrative District

Central Administrative District Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Arbat district


September 9 at 23.31 to service 02 DC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow from medical. The institution received a telephone message stating that at 21.45 from 31 Gogolevsky Blvd. With a wound to the lumbar region on the left, penetrating into the abdominal cavity, a wound to the side wall of the abdomen, penetrating into the abdominal cavity, a wound to the seventh segment of the liver, and a small hemoperitoneum, V.Ya. was brought to them. Butov, born 1958, lived. st.... (criminal case No. 350512 under Article 111 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Russia).

The scene of the incident was photographed and the following items were seized: a cell phone, a fragment of a light-colored metal knife blade.

A review of CCTV footage revealed that at 21.40, near the Gogolevsky restaurant, 31, two unknown men of Caucasian appearance approached the victim. After a verbal altercation, one of the unknown men struck Butov several times in the back, after which they fled.

Operational investigations are being carried out.

The following went to the scene: deputy chief. 4th ORCh at ESD ATC Pushkarev, acting head. Department of Internal Affairs Furs, head OODUUP Brusov, next. Sotnikov, UR OMIA Chermoshentsev, dozn. Mishko, Merzenev expert.

As detailed in the article "Oak Almighty" , at one time Sergey Dubik had a quick and successful battle with Lukoil in the Volgograd region and the oil workers “surrendered” to the winner. The Kremlin official had a personal plane at his disposal. Officially, he is registered with Lukoil, but, at Dubik’s first request, he is ready to fly to any place indicated by him. Also, the main Kremlin personnel officer received access to all other benefits that rich oil workers can provide. Dubik guaranteed them full support from his side. Such cooperation was going quite successfully until the former head of the Nenets circle, Vladimir Butov, and his friend, Yugoslav businessman Savva (Savo) Kujundzhich, unexpectedly appeared on Lukoil’s path.

Butov, while still the governor of a region rich in “black gold,” managed to establish contacts with most of the major players in the oil market, both in Russia and abroad. Of course, he also had enemies. Butov especially could not work well with Lukoil. When he left the post of governor, he began mediating negotiations between oil workers. And in 2011, Butov had the opportunity not only to complete a major deal, but to strike a blow at the much-unloved Lukoil. Then the former governor received authority from his Western acquaintances to begin searching in Russia for potential buyers for three oil refineries in Greece and two oil refineries in Sweden. He took his friend Savva Kujundzhich as a partner, and chose Gazpromneft as a potential client. This categorically did not suit Lukoil, which tried unsuccessfully to acquire these assets for almost ten years. Half of the oil that Lukoil exports is intended for these refineries. The arrival of Gazprom Neft at the factories threatens Lukoil with colossal financial losses. To ensure that the deal did not take place, representatives of Lukoil immediately went to the Dubikov family. Sergei could have used administrative resources, which is what he actually did. And his brother Nikolai had the opportunity to prevent the conclusion of a contract at the Gazprom level, because he is the head of the legal department of the gas monopolist and is on the board of directors of Gazprom Neft. In addition, Nikolai Dubik has known Savva Kuyundzhich well for a long time. For many years, structures controlled by this businessman received lucrative contracts from Gazprom and its subsidiaries. So, Nikolai Dubik and Savva Kuyundzhich were connected by deep financial “roots”. Employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation still do not know what to do with the payment card discovered during one of the searches. It follows from it that 9 million euros were transferred from the account of Kujundzic’s company in the Latvian Aizkraukles Bank to the personal account of Nikolay Dubik in the Swiss bank Ventobel as commissions from a certain transaction. Moreover, counterintelligence officers believe that such wiring was far from the only one.

Nikolai Dubik put the question to Kuyundzhich bluntly: either he is friends with him, or continues to be friends with Butov and play against Lukoil. Kujundzhich chose Butov, after which Gazprom broke all contracts with the structures of the Yugoslav businessman. This happened at the instigation of the same Nikolai Dubik, who was more than once noticed by traffic police officers on Rublyovka driving drunk at the wheel. For this, the top manager of Gazprom was even somehow deprived of his rights.

Sergei Dubik, in turn, put pressure on Butov through the resources available to him. However, the ex-governor has an uncompromising character, so he continued to work on the deal for the sale of Greek and Swedish refineries. The next business meeting on this issue was to take place on September 10, 2011 in a restaurant on Gogolevsky Boulevard. The former governor was unable to appear due to a stab wound to the liver.

Thousands of apartments from Don-Stroy

At some point, the presidential administration began to buy real estate from the Don-Stroy construction company for the needs of its employees. About 1,000 apartments are purchased annually, each with an area of ​​approximately 100 square meters. meters. Moreover, we are talking about elite houses built by Don-Stroy. Such “love” for the construction company in the AP of the Russian Federation appeared immediately after Sergey Dubik got a job there. Formally, he has nothing to do with providing housing for his subordinates. However, in reality, the housing commission of the RF AP is under his complete control and he also selects partners for the purchase of apartments. “Don-Stroy” was among the “chosen ones” not by chance. The company was under the control of General Andrei Khorev, Dubik’s long-time friend.

From 1991 to 1999, Dubik was an associate professor at the Military University of the USSR Ministry of Defense, whose rector was Viktor Khorev, the father of one of the most corrupt generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the now former first deputy head of the DEB Andrei Khorev. Since then, the paths of Khorev and Dubik have been closely connected with each other. Khorev helped Dubik initiate criminal cases against unwanted people and send them to a pre-trial detention center. Dubik, in turn, “covered” his friend and ensured that no problems would arise in the general’s service. Having such a high-ranking patron, Khorev and his faithful assistant Maxim Kagansky managed to take dozens of companies under their “wing,” among which was Don-Stroy. According to the testimony of Kagansky’s guards, who were arrested along with the capital’s investigator Nelly Dmitrieva in the case of a $3 million bribe, their boss often met and was friends with the co-owner of the Don-Stroy company Dmitry Zelenin .

However, in the circles of all these corrupt officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, “divorcing” businessmen friends for big money is considered quite normal. As a result, Zelenin began to be “milked” under Dubik. “Do you want the Administration of the Russian Federation to buy Don-Stroy apartments? “Pay.” “Do you want Dubik to help in the Don-Stroy business? - Pay”, etc. However, these constant contributions seemed not enough to Kagansky, Khorev and their patron.

In 2008, the departments of the Economic Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation collected materials indicating that Don-Stroy had underpaid taxes by 400 million rubles and transferred them to initiate a case to the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. After this, a new siphoning of money from Zelenin began. Participating in this were the “friend” of the co-owner of “Don-Stroy” Maxim Kagansky and another “fixer”, a former employee of the Investigative Committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Anatoly Shavlyakov (when he was still working in the police, he became famous for coming to work in a Bentley). By the way, Shavlyakov personally knows Dubik.

At first, they took money from Zelenin for not opening a case, but they still opened it. And then they started pumping in money to stop the investigation. Shavlyakov and Kagansky said that the fate of the investigation is being decided at the “very top” and there is no way to do it without Dubik’s help. As a result, they received 3.5 million dollars from Zelenin (with a discount for friendship), and later also several apartments in new prestigious buildings, one of which went to Andrei Khorev (the general registered it in his father’s name). The cash was transferred directly to Anatoly Shavlyakov, who stated that he would immediately transfer it to Dubik. Whether the money reached the recipient, history is silent. However, after this, the investigation into the criminal “Don-Stroy” case was suspended. And in order for Zelenin to finally calm down, they sold him a false decree to close the case.

Most expensive position

While promoting Zelenin with money, Andrei Khorev had no idea that he himself would one day find himself in the role of a “cash cow.” In the summer of 2011, recertification of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation began. By this time, almost the whole country knew that Khoreyev was the most corrupt police general. Khorev had little chance of passing through the “sieve of selection”. He understood this very well, and turned for help to his friend Dubik, who was a member of the leadership of the certification commission. Previously, Dubik had repeatedly rescued the general from similar situations.

At some point, the head of the Internal Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation, Yuri Shalakov, and the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Evgeniy Shkolov, got tired of Khorev’s tricks. ORB-3 (engaged in the fight against corruption and was not under Khorev’s control) wiretapped his office and phones. As a result, a disc containing a recording of Khorev’s conversation with a businessman was placed on Shkolov’s desk. During it, the general indicated the amount of $5 million that he wants to receive for his services. Khorev was familiarized with this recording, he wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will and took his things from the office. And two weeks later, as if nothing had happened, he went back to work. During these two weeks, the “almighty” Dubik managed to defend his protégé. As a result, Khorev’s application for dismissal was not satisfied.

In the case of recertification, Dubik admitted to a friend that he himself could not solve such a complex issue, but with the help of the head of the Administrative Office of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin , who also headed the certification commission, the problem is completely surmountable. Considering the level of the official, $50 million was asked from the general. Khorev decided that, remaining in office, he would eventually “recoup” this amount and paid it. Only Naryshkin, as it turned out, was not aware of such vicissitudes. He himself personally rejected Khorev’s candidacy during re-certification.

And then the general was faced with an innovation that appeared in the RF AP, with the arrival of Dubik. This is when a person is charged a large sum for an appointment to a position, and when it does not happen, the money is not returned, promising to assign him to some other “tidbit” in the future. Khorev's $50 million was not returned. In exchange, he was promised the post of deputy head of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Khorev has been waiting for a new assignment for almost a year, living most of the time in Israel and fighting off attacks from law enforcement agencies who are trying to bring him to justice for numerous dubious matters.

======= Road accident MOSCOW 2010 09 =======

Last name......................... DUBIK

Name........................... NIKOLAY

Patronymic................... NIKOLAEVICH

Year of birth............ 1971

Full address................ MOSCOW REGION MOSCOW MICHURINSKY PROSPECT, 19, 1, 294

Date of modification..... 06/01/2004

Document...................DRIVING LICENSE GOZNAK

Violation......................... 12.8.1 — DRIVING A VEHICLE BY A DRIVER WHICH IS IN A STATE OF INTRODUCTION

Road accident MOSCOW 2007 =======

Last name............... DUBIK

Name................... NIKOLAY

Patronymic......................... NIKOLAEVICH

Date of birth......... 1971.05.18

Region................ MOSCOW

District............. 0

Locality...... MOSCOW

Street............ MICHURINSKY PR-T

Home................... 19

Building 1

Apartment............... 294

Date of violation........ 07/07/2005

Brand............... AUDI

State number.............P546ES97

Water certificate..... 77ВВ148481

Protocol number...... 50АВ272473