Procedure for insuring property of individuals. Voluntary property insurance

In the field of property insurance, the first industry to emerge was the protection of material wealth of individuals.

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Personal property insurance is carried out to create financial security in the event of a threat to existing personal assets.

What it is

Property insurance for individuals is a type of non-personal insurance, the object of which is a certain property interest.

This interest is associated with the exercise of property rights. The non-personal nature of such insurance means that its objects are unrelated to the life and health of a person, the implementation of his personal inalienable rights.

The object of such insurance is always the property or material interest of an individual. It is mainly carried out on a voluntary basis.

Material goods that belong to the policyholder on the basis of property rights are subject to insurance.

The property rights regime creates real risks that are associated with the use, disposal and alienation of special objects.

It is the insurance of property of individuals that allows you to avoid unforeseen expenses and losses that arise in the process of realizing property rights.

This type of insurance acts as a guarantee for receiving compensation in the event of complete or partial damage to property, its absolute or local destruction.

Property insurance for individuals can be double. This means that every individual can protect their material assets. a person may have several insurers.

The justification for such duality is the special regime of property, which is established by a number of norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If we refer to the law, then a thing or object that belongs to one person on the basis of property rights is untouchable. All objects of property rights that are subject to insurance are of particular value.

For example, household items and a plot of land may be owned by right of ownership. But the object of insurance of property of individuals will be a land plot, which is of particular value and for which a certificate is issued in a special manner.

The property insurance contract for individuals will be drawn up on the basis of a title document.


In fact, individuals insure property in order to receive monetary compensation or damages in the event of a risk event.

On the territory of the Russian Federation to property insurance of individuals. People still treat people irresponsibly. A good example of what this attitude leads to is the natural disasters that hit Asia.

In this region (with the exception of developed countries such as Japan, Korea, Singapore), property insurance for individuals is not widespread. Therefore, the consequences of natural disasters fell on the shoulders of the owners of almost destroyed houses.

In the West, property owners in 90% of cases prefer to insure it, and this should be a guideline for everyone who does not want to risk their life’s work.

Having an insurance policy for an individual allows you to receive compensation in the following cases:

  • fire;
  • robbery, theft, robbery or embezzlement;
  • illegal actions of third parties with deliberate and careless damage to property;
  • , atmospheric or natural phenomena.

Property insurance for individuals allows you to protect yourself from causing damage to your neighbors’ property. Civil liability security in this case is an excellent help in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

The features of this type of insurance include the principles of compensation for damage. Firstly, the insured person must report the occurrence of an insured event within 3-4 days.

The statement shall indicate where and under what circumstances the incident provided for in the contract occurred.

All damaged or destroyed property must be listed. Secondly, the fact of compliance of the specified circumstances with the contractual terms of insurance is checked.

If the damage or destruction of property that occurs is covered by the policy, it determines the amount of damage and insurance payment. An insured event report must be drawn up.


Regardless of whether the insurance was voluntary or compulsory, according to the established rules, when an insured event occurs, an individual must contact the insurer and the competent government authorities.

After a certain period of time after notification, the policyholder must submit a package of documents to receive monetary compensation.

The following documents must be submitted:

  • insurance certificate;
  • receipt of payment of insurance premium;
  • confirmation of the insured event;
  • documents that relate to the reasons for the occurrence of the insured event and the losses caused.

The policyholder must submit a notification to the insurer about the occurrence of an insured event immediately within the period established by the contract.

After checking all the information and drawing up a report on the occurrence of an insured event based on the results of the investigation conducted by the emergency commissioner, compensation is paid.

According to the general rules, a report on the occurrence of an insured event must be drawn up no later than 10 days from the date the insured person submits an application. But such a rule cannot be applied to the response procedures of all insurance companies.

Insurance payments are always determined on an individual basis. The basis for their calculation is the initial insurance amount.

The insured amount depends on the value of the object and existing limits. Insurers do not insure the property of individuals for an amount exceeding its actual value. The insurable value is determined during a special economic assessment.

For example, in order to insure a plot of land with a house, it is necessary to conduct a market assessment of the value of the land and the building separately. Based on the expert opinion, the insurer will subsequently calculate the insurance amount for the policyholder.

Don't forget about the existence of the franchise. This is the amount that will be deducted from the payments received by the policyholder.

There are two main types of franchise: conditional and unconditional. Property insurance is most often carried out using a conditional franchise.

What can be insured

The object of insurance is almost any valuable property of citizens that belongs to them by right of ownership.

May be insured:

  • land;
  • apartments, houses, outbuildings;
  • household items, equipment;
  • vehicles.

And the land plot on it is held under two separate policies.

What are the risks?

The main risks against which an individual insures his property may be:

  • property damage;
  • its partial loss;
  • complete loss or destruction of property.

An interesting possibility is insurance of civil liability to third parties regarding damage to their property. The risk of causing harm to another person's property is equal to that associated with the destruction of personal material wealth.

Civil liability insurance will help avoid problems that arise when multiple owners interact.

Compulsory and voluntary insurance

Today, property insurance for individuals is carried out, as a rule, in a voluntary form.

Compulsory insurance applies only to leased land plots that are state or municipal property.

Scheme: types of voluntary property insurance for individuals.

The most common object of voluntary property insurance is buildings. The main conditions for a building to be insured are its real estate, permanent residence in one place, the presence of walls and a roof.

What does the contract say?

The insurance contract must indicate its parties. The insurer can be any non-state savings fund or company licensed to provide this type of service. The insured is an individual or enterprise, firm, or organization.

With civil liability insurance, there is also a beneficiary – the person whose property is at risk.

The contract is concluded on the basis of an oral or written application submitted to the insurer.

Validity period – 1 year or several months. Inspection of the contract objects is not carried out if the insured amount does not exceed the one offered by the insurance company employee.

Otherwise, the property is assessed. On its basis, the insured amount is established, the amount of contributions is calculated and the procedure for paying insurance compensation is formed. The fact of concluding an agreement is confirmed by a special certificate.

Insurance payments are calculated according to the amount, period of insurance and depend on the degree of risk with tariffs.

Contracts for insurance of property of individuals always differ in the volume of covered risks.

For example, you can insure your apartment with liability for all risks from the policyholder.

Insurance payments under such an agreement are provided for damage or destruction of property by all possible means.

Contracts with liability for certain risks are much more beneficial for the policyholder, because the documents clearly state the cases in which payments should be made to clients.

As for insurance of especially valuable household property, the guarantee agreement is drawn up on a special form.

Property insurance for individuals is no longer regarded as a whim in modern society. It is simply necessary to maintain confidence in the future.

After all, individuals are never insured against negative political, economic and atmospheric phenomena unless they have a confirming policy in hand.


Comparison of costs for real estate insurance for individuals:

The subject of comparison was real estate worth 3 million rubles and the cost of repairs was 20 thousand.

As the law on the “Organization of Insurance Business” states, 2 forms of insurance are recognized in the Russian Federation: compulsory and, at the request of the client, voluntary.

The rules of property insurance state that only property can be insured for which the owner can prove ownership with appropriate documents.

Features of insurance when purchasing a policy by individuals

Insurance itself was designed to minimize unplanned losses that arise from risks beyond a person's control.

This means that a person who has purchased an insurance policy and makes monthly contributions to the insurance company can claim monetary compensation if the property is partially or completely damaged.

You can insure an apartment, a plot of land, a car, household appliances and even decoration, i.e. everything that belongs to a citizen and he has title documents.

Regardless of whether it is compulsory or voluntary insurance, compensation will be paid by the company in any case.

The rules of personal property insurance mean that in order to receive compensation, the applicant will need to prepare documents:

  1. the insurance policy itself;
  2. passport of the insured person;
  3. receipts showing that the person regularly paid insurance premiums;
  4. documents that prove that what happened is truly an insured event;
  5. certificate of the amount of damage caused.

An individual must submit documents to the insurance company stating that an insured event has occurred and there is evidence of this. As for the deadlines for filing an application, they are regulated by the concluded agreement.

The rules of voluntary property insurance establish a 10-day period from the moment the insured person submits a package of documents, during which an inspection is carried out and a report on the occurrence of an insured event is drawn up. Some companies may have a different standard.

An individual can insure any of his property, as noted above; apartment and land, house, utility room, inventory and furnishings or household appliances.

The main risks in the concluded contract may be the complete or partial loss of property, as well as its damage. You can even insure civil liability, so you can avoid problems with other owners if the insured object is owned by several persons.

Important points of the insurance contract for individuals

Compulsory insurance is usually only needed for land that belongs to the state. All other property is insured voluntarily and, as experts say, most often the policy is issued specifically for buildings and real estate.

In the process of concluding a contract, its parties are determined: the insurer (must have a license to conduct such activities) and the policyholder - an individual, but legal entities also have the right to insure their property. It is their property that is at risk.

An application in which the policyholder expresses a desire to insure property can be made in writing or orally.

Now is the time to pay attention to the procedure for paying compensation to a citizen in the event of an insured event. Next, the duration of the contract is negotiated; if necessary, an assessment of the property is carried out, on the basis of which the maximum monthly contribution is determined.

The insurance payment will depend on the risk and the tariff set by the company; this is an aspect of the contract that always differs in the amount of indemnified risks.

So, if a person chooses the maximum number of risks, then if his property is destroyed by any of the known methods, compensation will be paid in any case, but contributions will need to be paid in a much larger amount than if he selects only a couple of risks.

What are the differences between buying a policy for an individual and a legal entity?

As the law states, legal entities can insure any property that is recorded on their balance sheet and used in business activities. The insurance policy protects:

  1. all structures, buildings and other structures;
  2. equipment for work, machines, inventory and equipment for offices;
  3. intangible assets, even products and raw materials;
  4. cars and vehicles and other movable or immovable property.

In this regard, there is no difference from purchasing a policy by an individual: you can only insure an object that you own.

Also, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individual entrepreneurs, can insure property purchased with their funds or received as a gift, but provided that all of it is on the company’s balance sheet. An insurance contract can also be issued for property received under a lease agreement.

The rules for insurance of property of legal entities also stipulate possible risks. Entrepreneurs may face a large number of risks that will bring financial losses, which is why it is so important when concluding a contract to discuss everything with the insurance company and find a suitable policy that will protect against:

  1. negative natural phenomena and natural disasters, which for farmers is fraught with loss of harvest. These include landslides, avalanches, floods, snowfalls and hurricanes, and even lightning strikes;
  2. explosions and fires at work, accidental (due to careless handling) or intentional arson by third parties;
  3. robbery, vandalism or theft of property;
  4. damage caused by road accidents, including on water or during air travel, and much more.

But voluntary insurance can only be carried out in relation to movable or immovable property that is on their balance sheet. Otherwise, there are no differences from the insurance policy for the property of individuals.

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“U T V E R J D E N O”



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(new edition)

(Old version of the Property Rules for Individuals dated 01/01/01)

Moscow, 2010

1. General Provisions.

2. Insurance subjects.

3. Objects of insurance.

4. Insured events and insurance risks.

5. Insurance exclusions.

6. Sum insured. Franchise.

7. Insurance premium (insurance premium).

8. Insurance territory.

9. Insurance contract and its validity period.

10. Rights and obligations of the parties.

11. Actions of the parties upon the occurrence of an event that has signs of an insured event.

12. Procedure and conditions for payment of insurance coverage.

13. Dispute resolution procedure.

1. General provisions

Based on these Rules and the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the Insurer), operating in accordance with the current license issued by the federal executive body for supervision of insurance activities, enters into contracts with capable individuals (citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens , stateless persons) and legal entities of all forms of ownership (hereinafter referred to as the Insured), voluntary property insurance contracts for individuals, according to which the persons in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded are compensated for damage incurred by them as a result of loss (death) or damage insured property during the validity period of the contract.

Basic terms used in these Rules:

Beneficiary– an individual or legal entity in whose favor an insurance contract has been concluded and who has a legal interest in preserving property.

Insurance risk- an expected event that has signs of probability and randomness of occurrence, in case of which insurance is carried out.

Insurance case- an event that has occurred, provided for by an insurance contract or law, upon the occurrence of which the Insurer’s obligation arises to make an insurance payment to the Policyholder (the Beneficiary).

Sum insured- the amount determined by the insurance contract, within which the Insurer undertakes to pay insurance compensation and, based on which, the amount of the insurance premium is determined.

Insurance premium, insurance premium- funds that the Policyholder is obliged to pay in the manner and within the time limits established by the insurance contract and (or) insurance rules.

Insurance compensation- the amount of money established by the insurance contract and paid by the insurer to the Policyholder (Beneficiary) upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Limit of liability– the maximum amount of insurance compensation for one or a group of risks for one or several insured events.

Franchise- the part of the Insured’s losses stipulated by the terms of the insurance contract (in absolute amount or as a percentage), which is not subject to compensation by the Insurer.

Subrogation - transfer to the Insurer, who paid the insurance compensation within the amount paid, of the right of claim that the Policyholder has against the person responsible for the damage compensated as a result of insurance.

An insurance contract is considered concluded on the terms and conditions contained in these Rules if the insurance contract (policy) directly states their application and the Insurance Rules themselves are attached to this contract. The delivery of the Insurance Rules to the Policyholder upon concluding an insurance contract is certified by an entry in this contract.
The Policyholder and the Insurer have the right, by agreement of the parties, to accept any additions, exceptions, clarifications to the insurance contract, not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, to exclude from the text of the insurance contract certain provisions of these Rules that are not related to a specific insurance contract, securing this in the text of the insurance contract. In addition to additional conditions, the insurer has the right to create special insurance conditions.

2. Insurance subjects

2.1. According to these Rules, the subjects of insurance are the Insurer, the Policyholder, and the Beneficiary.

2.2. Insureds are recognized as capable individuals who are Russian citizens, or foreign citizens or stateless persons who have entered into insurance agreements with the Insurer for property that they own as property or other proprietary rights.

2.3. Insurer – insurance organization – Insurance”, carrying out its activities in accordance with the Insurance License issued by the state insurance supervision body of the Russian Federation and current legislation.

2.4. Property may be insured by the Insurer under an insurance contract in favor of a person (the Policyholder/Beneficiary) who has an interest in preserving this property based on law, other legal act or contract.

A property insurance contract concluded in the absence of an Insured or Beneficiary interest in preserving the insured property is invalid.

2.5. The policyholder has the right, during the validity of the contract, to replace the Beneficiary named in the insurance contract with another person. The Policyholder must notify the Insurer in writing of the replacement of the Beneficiary.

The Beneficiary cannot be replaced by another person after the occurrence of an insured event and after the Beneficiary has fulfilled any of the obligations under the insurance contract or has submitted a claim to the Insurer for payment of insurance compensation.

2.6. The conclusion of an insurance agreement in favor of the Beneficiary does not relieve the Insured from fulfilling obligations under this agreement, unless otherwise provided by the agreement or the obligations of the Insured are performed by the person in whose favor the agreement was concluded.

3. Objects of insurance

3.1. The object of insurance is the property interests of the Insured (Beneficiary), which do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation, associated with the destruction, loss and damage to movable and immovable property specified in the insurance contract (policy) (hereinafter referred to as the insured property).

3.2. According to these Rules, the following property is accepted for insurance if it belongs to the Insured (the Beneficiary) by right of ownership or on another legal basis, in particular received by the Insured under a rental agreement (leasing), rental, pledge, lease of property, gratuitous use (loan), etc. d.:

3.2.1. "real estate":

Structural elements, communications and related engineering equipment, interior decoration of apartments, rooms in communal apartments, dormitories, etc.;

Structural elements, communications and related engineering equipment, interior and exterior decoration of detached residential buildings and/or non-residential buildings (outbuildings, summer kitchens, baths, saunas, garages and other similar buildings);

Structures (household structures (greenhouses, greenhouses, premises for storing agricultural products and keeping pets, etc.), swimming pools, wells, gazebos, fences and other similar structures);

Elements of landscape architecture and design (paths, garden sculpture, decorative pools, ponds, hedges, lawns, ornamental trees, plants and other elements of landscape design), winter gardens;

Structural elements, communications and related engineering equipment, interior and exterior decoration of non-residential buildings (premises);

Structural elements of unfinished objects.

An unfinished object is considered to be objects in which at least one of the following structural elements is missing or not completed - foundation, external enclosing walls, roof, or there are no glazed (closed) windows and doors, if this is provided for by their design or design;

3.6.3. manuscripts, plans, drawings and other documents, accounting and business books;
3.6.4. models, layouts, samples, forms, etc.;

3.6.5. technical storage media for computer and similar systems, in particular magnetic films and cassettes, magnetic disks, memory blocks, etc.;
3.6.6. explosives;

3.6.7. means of transport, mobile construction, agricultural or other machines, motorcycles, mopeds, trailers; residential trailers, mobile homes and their accessories;
3.6.8. property located in the insured premises, but which the Insured does not dispose of as property (rent, custody, etc.);
3.6.9. domestic and farm animals;

3.6.10. food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
3.6.11. other property withdrawn from circulation or limited in circulation in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

3.6.12. buildings, structures and structures, the structural elements and engineering systems of which are in disrepair, are subject to demolition, reconstruction or major repairs, residential premises unsuitable for habitation, as well as the property located in them;

3.6.13. buildings, structures, apartments, premises in which redevelopment was carried out without special permission from the competent authorities (district or municipal interdepartmental commission - MVK), as well as the property located in them;

3.6.14 property located in an area recognized by competent state bodies as a zone of possible natural disaster, as well as in a zone of military operations from the moment such a threat is announced in the prescribed manner, if such an announcement was made before the conclusion of the insurance contract;

3.6.15. property that has been foreclosed on for obligations or is subject to confiscation;

3.6.16. weapons not registered in accordance with the established procedure;

3.6.17. movable property stored in the insurance territory in the open air, even if it is protected by soft materials (canvas, film, inflatable structure or the like), or contained inside open structures/sheds.

3.7. The property specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy) is considered insured only within the insurance territory specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy). If the insured property is withdrawn from the insurance territory, then insurance protection in respect of such property is not valid from the moment the insured property is withdrawn from the insurance territory until its return to the insurance territory.


4.1. An insured event is an event that has occurred, which has signs of probability and randomness of its occurrence, provided for by the insurance contract, upon the occurrence of which the Insurer’s obligation arises to make an insurance payment to the Policyholder (the Beneficiary) or other third parties, in the manner established by these Rules and the terms of the insurance contract.

4.2. An insurance risk is an expected event, in case of which an insurance contract is concluded.

4.3. According to these Rules, an insured event is the loss or damage of property upon the occurrence of insured events for the following groups of risks or any combination thereof:

4.3.1. the effect of fire, including from a lightning strike, explosion of gas used for domestic purposes;

4.3.2. water damage/flooding;

4.3.3. natural disasters;

4.3.4. illegal actions of third parties;

4.3.5. mechanical damage;

4.3.6. broken glass;

4.3.7. terrorism, sabotage;

4.4. Under the “fire effect” risk, losses that occur as a result of:

4.4.1. exposure to flames, combustion products, hot gases, and high temperatures during a fire on the insured property;

4.4.2. impact on the insured property of a lightning electric discharge (strike

4.4.3. impact on the insured property of fire extinguishing agents used to prevent and extinguish fire;

4.4.4. gas explosion.

Within the framework of these Rules, fire is understood as uncontrolled combustion that occurs outside specially designated places for starting and maintaining fire, including as a result of arson, or that has spread beyond these places, capable of self-propagation and causing material damage. If a fire occurs outside the place of insurance, but causes damage to the insured property located at the place of insurance, then such an event is also considered insured. Damage from fire damage arising for other reasons is not covered by insurance and is not subject to compensation, as well as damage caused to the insured property as a result of the targeted impact of useful (working) fire and heat necessary for heat treatment, frying, roasting, cooking, drying, ironing and other similar purposes.

Within the framework of these Rules, a lightning strike is understood as a lightning electrical discharge in which the current has a thermal, mechanical or electrical effect on the insured property. Damage from failure of electrical installations as a result of secondary manifestations of lightning and related phenomena is not subject to compensation. The secondary manifestation of lightning refers to any indirect effect of a lightning strike, excluding direct lightning strikes on electrical installations.

Within the framework of these Rules, an explosion is understood as a rapidly occurring process of physical and chemical transformations of substances, accompanied by the destructive work of expanding gases or vapors, caused by the release of a significant amount of energy in a limited volume in a short period of time, as a result of which a shock wave is formed and propagated in the surrounding space. Compensation is also subject to damage from damage or loss of property due to the explosion of steam boilers, boilers and other similar installations. Damage caused to internal combustion engines or similar machines and units due to explosions occurring in combustion chambers is not covered by insurance.

Also, according to these Rules, compensation is subject to damage as a result of the use of fire extinguishing measures, i.e. exposure to fire extinguishing agents on the insured property, dismantling or breaking of structures of the insured property and other fire extinguishing measures applied to prevent the spread and/or extinguishing of fire that causes or may cause cause damage to the insured property. Under this clause, losses caused by loss of or damage to the insured property as a result of flooding from adjacent premises when extinguishing a fire in adjacent premises are not subject to compensation, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.

4.5. For the risk of “water damage, flooding”, losses that occur as a result of:

4.5.1. exposure to water or steam on the insured property due to an accident in water supply, heating, sewerage and fire protection systems, including those that occurred outside the insured premises;

4.5.2. flooding with liquid coming from other residential premises that do not belong to the Insured (Beneficiary);

4.5.3. freezing of pipes of water supply, heating or sewer systems;

When insuring real estate, in addition to damage caused to the insured property, the costs of eliminating damage (ruptures) and thawing pipes of engineering systems located within the insured property, and devices, instruments and devices connected directly to these pipes, such as taps, are also reimbursed. valves, tanks, radiators, etc. If it is necessary to replace pipes, for each insured event, expenses not exceeding the cost of replacing two linear meters of the damaged section of pipes are reimbursed. If it is necessary to repair or replace systems and devices connected to pipelines, including taps, valves, tanks, baths, radiators, heating boilers, etc., for each insured event, the costs of repair or replacement of such systems and devices are reimbursed in an amount not exceeding 0.1% of the total insured amount of the policy (insurance contract).

According to paragraphs 4.5.1., 4.5.3. Expenses for excavation work to restore the specified engineering systems and losses resulting from corrosion or natural wear and tear of engineering systems are not reimbursed.

4.6. A natural disaster is understood as a natural phenomenon that is of an emergency nature and leads to disruption of the normal activities of the population, loss of life, destruction and destruction of material assets.

Under the risk of “natural disaster”, losses that occur as a result of:

4.6.1.earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, underground fire;

An earthquake is a natural vibration of the soil recorded by a seismological station.

A volcanic eruption is a volcanic activity accompanied by the release of hot gases, stones, ash from the crater of a volcano, as well as the outflow of magma.

4.6.2. landslide, subsidence, mountain collapse, rockfall, avalanche, mudflow;

Landslide is the sliding and separation of rock masses down a slope under the influence of gravity.

Mountain collapse is the separation and fall of masses of rocks down from the slopes of mountains under the influence of gravity.

Mudflow is a flow with a very high concentration of mineral particles, stones and rock fragments (up to 50-60% of the flow volume), suddenly appearing in the basins of small mountain rivers and dry ravines and usually caused by rainfall or rapid snow melting.

An avalanche is a mass of snow falling or sliding down mountain slopes at a speed of more than 20 m/s.

4.6.3. tsunami;

Tsunamis are long waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire thickness of water in the ocean or other body of water.

4.6.4. storms, hurricanes, tornadoes or other movement of air masses caused by natural processes in the atmosphere;

A storm is a long-lasting and strong wind with a speed of more than 16.6 m/s.

A hurricane is a long-lasting and strong wind with a speed of more than 35 m/s.

4.7.2. robbery (Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

“Robbery” in the sense of an insurance contract means an attack for the purpose of stealing insured property, committed with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such violence.

4.7.3. robbery (Article 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

“Robbery” in the sense of an insurance contract means the open theft of insured property.

4.7.4. hooliganism (Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

“Hooliganism” is understood as a gross violation of public order, expressing clear disrespect for society.

4.7.5. vandalism (Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

“Vandalism” refers to the desecration of buildings or other structures, damage to property on public transport or in other public places.

4.7.6. intentional damage or destruction of property (Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

According to these Rules, insurance compensation for “deliberate destruction or damage to someone else’s property” is paid if these actions caused significant damage or were committed out of hooligan motives, by arson, explosion or other generally dangerous method, or negligently resulted in the death of a person or other grave consequences. Damage amounting to at least two and a half thousand rubles is considered significant (note 2 to Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

4.7.7. destruction or damage to property due to negligence (Article 168 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to these rules, insurance compensation for “destruction or damage to property due to negligence” is paid only in the event of large-scale damage resulting from careless handling of fire or other sources of increased danger. Sources of increased danger are flammable and toxic liquids, electrical equipment, vehicles, mechanisms, and explosives. Major damage is considered to be damage amounting to at least 250,000.00 (two hundred fifty thousand) rubles (note 4 to Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

4.8. According to the risk of “mechanical damage”, compensation is subject to damage resulting from:

4.8.1. falls of aircraft (airplanes, helicopters, spacecraft, balloons, etc.), their fragments, parts or cargo transported by them, exposure to sound waves produced by aircraft, provided that such aircraft were piloted by people or people were in them at least at one of the stages of their flight;

4.8.2. falling of trees, poles, lighting masts and other objects onto the insured property, with the exception of losses resulting from: any objects falling on it as a result of natural disasters (clause 4.6. of these Rules); destruction (collapse) of structural elements or parts of a building, structure or premises due to dilapidation (wear), errors in the installation and/or installation of poles, lighting masts, etc. structures;

4.8.3. collision with the insured property, collision, overturning of land vehicles, construction, agricultural and other equipment, other self-propelled vehicles, their parts or cargo, as well as other road accidents.

4.9. According to the risk of “broken glass”, compensation is subject to damage as a result of deliberate actions of third parties aimed at destroying or damaging window and door glass, glass walls, stained glass windows, mirrors, lighting installations made of glass parts or other similar glass products already inserted into window or door frames, or mounted in their attachment points.

4.10. For the risk of “terrorism, sabotage”, damages resulting from the actions of third parties are compensated, which are qualified in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation as: terrorism (Article 205 of the Criminal Code); sabotage (Article 281 of the Criminal Code).

Terrorism is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death, causing significant property damage or other socially dangerous consequences, if these actions were committed with the aim of violating public safety, intimidating the population or influencing decision-making by government authorities.

Sabotage - committing an explosion, arson or other actions aimed at destroying or damaging enterprises, structures, routes and means of communication, communications, life support facilities for the population in order to undermine the economic security and defense capability of the Russian Federation

According to these Rules, if the insurance contract does not specifically mention the insurance of the risk of “terrorism, sabotage,” then it is considered that this risk is not included and insurance payments are not made for it.

4.11. The policyholder has the right to conclude an insurance contract both against all (insurance for the full package of risks) and against individual groups of risks listed in clause 4.3. of these Rules, as well as from specific causes of damage (insurance risks) separately specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy).

4.12. The insurance contract may also provide for reimbursement of costs for clearing the insurance territory from debris (residues) of the insured property damaged in an insured event (“clearing costs”). In the event that compensation for these expenses is provided for in the insurance contract, the amount of compensation cannot exceed 10 (ten)% of the insured amount for the damaged property, unless a different amount of payment is agreed upon in the contract.

5. Insurance exclusions

5.1. According to the risk, “the effect of fire” is not recognized as an insured event and damage caused as a result of:

5.1.1. exposure to electric current from a short circuit of household electrical appliances, electronic equipment and office equipment, if this did not cause a further fire, an increase in voltage or current in the electrical network, an overload in the electrical network, a lightning strike without causing a fire;

5.1.2. malfunctions of elements of automation and protection devices (in particular: protective fuses of any kind, protective switches, lightning arresters, lightning rods), household electrical appliances, electronic equipment and other similar machinery and equipment;

5.1.3. processing the insured property with fire or heat for the purpose of processing it in accordance with the technological process (for example: for drying, cooking, ironing, smoking, frying, melting, roasting, heat treatment, etc.);

5.1.4. burning or burning with burning coals fallen from stoves, fireplaces, etc., cigarettes or cigars, blowtorches and other similar devices, if this did not cause a further fire;

5.2. According to the risk of “water damage/flooding”, damage caused as a result of: is not recognized as an insured event and is not subject to compensation.

5.2.1. cleaning or cleaning of the insured premises, floods, inundation or due to rising groundwater levels;

5.2.2. penetration of liquids into the insured premises, including rain, snow, hail and dirt through unclosed windows, doors, as well as holes made intentionally or resulting from dilapidation or structural defects of buildings, structures and structures, including due to defects in roof waterproofing and interpanel/block seams;

5.2.3. carrying out repairs or reconstruction (redevelopment) of the insured building or premises;

5.2.4. expenses for repair or replacement of pipelines and systems and devices connected to pipelines located outside the insured buildings and premises;

5.2.5. operation by the Insured of emergency and dilapidated water supply, heating, sewer and fire protection systems, violation or non-compliance by the Insured with the standard service life of these systems;

5.2.6. flooding of property stored in basements or other buried areas;

5.2.7. location of the insured property (household property, building materials, etc.) in the open air;

5.2.8. natural and premature wear, corrosion or rusting of internal drainage systems, ventilation, heat, water supply, sewerage and fire protection systems; - expansion of water and/or other liquids as a result of temperature changes, including when pipes defrost;

5.2.9. fire extinguishing measures and/or fire prevention measures used to extinguish and prevent further spread of fire.

5.3. According to the risk, “natural disasters” are not recognized as an insured event and damage caused as a result of:

5.3.1. carrying out by the Insured (Beneficiary) in the immediate vicinity of the location of the insured property of blasting, excavation, backfilling of voids or other earthworks that caused subsidence or movement of soil, collapse, landslide, etc., resulting in damage to the insured property;

5.3.2. penetration of rain, snow, hail or dirt into the insured premises through unclosed windows, doors, openings in buildings, unless these openings were caused by an earthquake, subsidence, storm, hurricane or tornado;

5.3.3. damage or destruction of the insured property under the influence of natural forces due to the dilapidation (wear and tear) of the insured property or the dilapidation (wear and tear) of buildings, structures, premises in which the insured property was located.

5.4. According to the risk, “illegal actions of third parties” are not recognized as an insured event and damage caused as a result of:

5.4.1. shortage, disappearance or unjustified misappropriation of insured property;

5.4.2. collapse of insured buildings, appearance of cracks or other defects in insured buildings, structures, structures and apartments as a result of repairs or reconstruction (redevelopment) of the insured building or insured apartment, including repairs or reconstruction in neighboring buildings or premises; carrying out excavation or construction and installation work on the insurance territory or in its immediate vicinity, unless otherwise agreed;

5.4.3. illegal actions of third parties in relation to the insured property transferred to these persons by the Insured under rental agreements, leasing, rental agreements, etc.;

5.4.4. applying drawings, inscriptions, gluing posters and other similar actions to the insured property;

5.4.5. damage caused by members of the Insured's family or personnel working for the Insured;

5.4.6. causing damage by deception or breach of trust;

5.4.7. fraud (theft of someone else's property or acquisition of rights to someone else's property through deception or abuse of trust);

5.4.8. extortion (demanding the transfer of someone else's property or the right to property, committing other actions of a property nature under the threat of violence or destruction or damage to someone else's property, as well as under the threat of disseminating information disgracing the victim or his relatives, or other information that could cause significant harm to the rights or legitimate interests of the victim or his relatives).

5.5. According to the risk, “mechanical damage” is not recognized as an insured event and damage caused as a result of:

5.5.1. impacts and collisions caused by vehicles, animals or aircraft belonging to the Insured or the Beneficiary, or members of their families or persons working for them, as well as those that are temporarily used by these persons;

5.5.2. collapse, rockfall, landslide or subsidence of soil caused by blasting, excavation, filling of voids, soil compaction, excavation or construction work, mining or development of mineral deposits in the insurance territory or in its immediate vicinity.

5.6. According to the risk, “broken glass” is not recognized as an insured event and damage caused as a result of:

5.6.1. damage to the glass surface (for example, scratches, chips);

5.6.2. damage to glass as a result of installation/dismantling.

5.7. In all cases, damage caused as a result of:

5.7.1. exposure to a nuclear explosion, radiation or radioactive contamination;

5.7.2. military operations, as well as maneuvers or other military events;

5.7.3. civil war, civil unrest of any kind or strikes;

5.7.4. seizure, confiscation, requisition, arrest or destruction of property by order of government authorities;

5.7.5. intentional actions or inaction of the Policyholder (Beneficiary), as well as members of his family;

5.7.6. failure by the Insured to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and instructions for the operation and maintenance of the insured property (fire safety rules, standards for safe work, building codes and regulations, instructions regulating the operation and maintenance of electrical and gas appliances, heating equipment), as well as the use of this property for purposes other than those for which it is intended;

5.7.7. property defects that were known to the Policyholder at the time of concluding the insurance contract;

5.7.8. the Insured (Beneficiary) commits an intentional crime that is directly related to the insured event;

5.7.9. receipt by the Insured of appropriate compensation for damage (harm) from the person responsible for causing this damage (harm);

5.7.10. failure by the Policyholder (Beneficiary) to fulfill the obligations provided for in clause 10.2. Rules, unless otherwise provided by the contract;

5.7.11. if the fact of the occurrence of an insured event is not confirmed by the competent authorities, or if the insured event occurred under unknown (or unclear) circumstances, unless otherwise provided by the contract;

5.7.12. if the theft (attempted theft) of property destroyed or damaged as a result of illegal actions of third parties was not reported to the police, and also if this fact is not confirmed by them, or further investigation into the criminal case is terminated upon a written application from the Insured (Beneficiary) ;

5.7.13. interruption in production and trade;

5.7.14. loss of receipt of rent or rent;

5.7.15. loss of profit;

5.7.16. other indirect losses (for example, lost profits), although they were caused by an insured event.

5.8. The insurance contract may also provide for other exclusions from insurance.

6. Sum insured. Franchise

6.1. Sum insured is the amount of money determined by the insurance contract, established by agreement of the parties, within the limits of which the Insurer bears obligations under the insurance contract, and, based on which, the amount of the insurance payment and the insurance premium (contribution) is established.

6.2. When concluding an insurance contract, maximum amounts of insurance compensation (limits of liability) may be established for each piece of property (item) accepted for insurance, as well as for each insured event.

6.3. The insured amount for each insured object should not exceed its actual (insurable) value. At the request of the Insured, the insured amount can be set lower than the insurance (actual) value of the insured object (incomplete insurance).

6.4. If the insured amount established in the insurance contract (insurance policy) is less than the insurance (actual) value of the insured object at the time of concluding the insurance contract (insurance policy), then the payment of insurance compensation is made in proportion to the ratio of the insured amount to the insurance (actual) value of the insured object.

If the insured amount (indemnity limit) specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy) turns out to be higher than the actual value of the insured property, then the insurance contract is considered void in that part of the insured amount that exceeds the actual value of the property on the date of conclusion of the insurance contract. The excess paid part of the insurance premium is not refundable in this case.

6.5. The insurance contract, by agreement of the parties, may indicate a monetary amount of loss not compensated by the Insurer (hereinafter referred to as the Franchise). The deductible is set as a percentage of the total insured amount as unconditional or conditional and applies to each insured event.

When establishing a conditional deductible, the Insurer is released from the obligation to pay insurance compensation if the amount of damage does not exceed the deductible amount. If the amount of damage exceeds the amount of the conditional deductible, then the deductible is not deducted from the amount of insurance compensation. When establishing an unconditional deductible, the amount of the deductible is deducted from the amount of insurance compensation for each insured event.

If the insurance contract (insurance policy) establishes a deductible and does not indicate what type of deductible is applied (conditional or unconditional), it is considered that the insurance contract establishes an unconditional deductible.

6.6. The actual value of the property is determined as follows: 6.6.1. for movable property insurance items - based on the amount required to purchase property similar to the insured one, taking into account the wear and tear of the insured property and operational and technical characteristics;
6.6.2. for real estate insurance items - in the amount of the cost of purchasing apartments (rooms), or constructing a separate building in a given area, completely similar to the insured one, taking into account the wear and tear and operational and technical condition of the insured building, according to the Insurer’s assessment standards or an independent expert assessment (expert assessment is carried out at the expense of the party that requested it;

6.6.3. for items of insurance of products made of precious metals and stones - in accordance with the expert’s assessment, or in the amount of the assessment usually established in accordance with the prices for things of this kind and quality in the commission trade in jewelry;
6.6.4. for insurance items of works of art, antiques and collections - in accordance with the expert’s assessment, as well as based on the selling prices of these items at auction.

6.6.5. for items of property insurance manufactured by the Insured - based on the costs necessary for its re-production.

6.6. After payment of the insurance indemnity, the insurance amount is reduced by the amount of the indemnity paid, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract. The insured amount is reduced from the date of occurrence of the insured event, provided that the Insurer recognizes the occurrence as an insured event.

6.7. The insured amount established by the insurance contract is reduced by the amount of insurance compensation paid from the date of the insured event, which resulted in the Insurer's obligation to pay insurance compensation, unless such payment terminates the insurance contract.
At the request of the Policyholder, the insurance amount can be restored to its previous amount by concluding an additional agreement for the remaining insurance period and paying an additional premium (contribution).

6.8. The insured amount is established in Russian rubles. By agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurer, the insurance contract may indicate insurance amounts in foreign currency, the equivalent of which is the corresponding amounts in rubles (hereinafter referred to as insurance in the ruble equivalent of foreign currency).

6.9. The insurance contract may provide for a maximum amount of insurance payment: for one insured event, for one insured risk, for one object.

6. Insurance rate. Insurance premium (insurance premium)

7.1. The insurance premium is the payment for insurance that the Policyholder is obliged to pay to the Insurer in the manner and within the time limits established by the insurance contract.

The amount of the insurance premium is calculated based on the sum insured and insurance rates developed by the Insurer.

The insurance rate is the insurance premium rate as a percentage of the sum insured.

7.2. The insurance premium is calculated based on the tariff rate, insurance period and sum insured.

7.3. When determining the amount of the insurance premium payable, the insurer has the right to use increasing and decreasing coefficients to the basic insurance rates, expertly determined depending on risk factors: equipment of the insured premises or property in the insured premises with fire extinguishing means, distance from the nearest fire service post, emergency and repair services and etc.

7.4. The insurance premium is paid by the Policyholder at a time - in a one-time payment or in installments. The payment procedure is specified in the insurance contract.

7.5. The day of payment of the insurance premium is considered to be the day of receipt of money to the Insurer's current account (in case of non-cash payment of the insurance premium) or the day of payment of the insurance premium in cash to the cash desk of the Insurer or its representative, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.

7.6. In case of failure to pay the insurance premium or insurance contribution within the period stipulated by the insurance contract, the insurance stipulated by the contract (the insurer's obligation to pay insurance compensation) does not apply to insurance events that occurred during the period calculated from 00:00 hours of the day following the day specified in the insurance contract as the last day for payment of the insurance premium or insurance contribution, until 24:00 on the day of payment of the debt.

If the payment of the next insurance premium is overdue (if the insurance premium is paid in installments) by more than 30 calendar days, the contract is considered terminated. In this case, notice of termination of the contract is not sent to the policyholder.

The contract may establish other consequences of late payment of the insurance premium.

If it is impossible to make the next installment within the time period established in the contract, the Policyholder is obliged to notify the Insurer in writing, indicating the date of depositing funds into the Insurer's cash desk, or indicating the date of transfer when paying by bank transfer. In this case, the parties enter into an additional agreement to the insurance contract to change the timing of payment of the next premium.

7.7. If the insurance contract is concluded for a period of less than one year, the insurance premium is paid in the following percentage of its annual amount, with an incomplete month taken as a full one:

Insurance period

Tariff rate as a percentage of the annual rate

In this case, an incomplete month is taken as a full one.

7.8. When insuring for a period of more than one year, the insurance premium under the insurance contract as a whole is established as the amount of insurance premiums (contributions) for each year. If the insurance period is set as a year (several years) and a month (several months), then the insurance premium for an incomplete year is determined as part of the insurance premium for the year, in proportion to the full months of validity of the insurance contract in excess of the full years of validity.

7.9. If, after payment of the insurance indemnity, an additional agreement is concluded in order to restore the insured amount to the previous amount, the additional insurance premium is calculated using the following formula:


D – additional insurance premium;

B1 - insurance premium for the year, calculated based on the insured amount at the time of conclusion of the contract;

B2 - insurance premium for the year, calculated based on the insured amount at the time of change in the contract;

n is the number of full months remaining until the end of the contract.

When calculating the additional insurance premium, an incomplete month is taken as a full month.

7.10. When insuring in currency equivalent, the insurance premium (insurance premium) is paid in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation established on the date of payment of funds to the Insurer's cash desk (to the Insurer's representative) or on the date of transfer of funds to the Insurer's current account.

8. Insurance territory

8.1. Property is considered insured only in the territory specified in the insurance contract (in premises, buildings, structures, structures or on a land plot). If the insured property or part of it is withdrawn from the insurance territory, then insurance protection for this property or for the withdrawn part ceases to be valid for the period of withdrawal, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

9. Insurance contract and its validity period

9.1. The insurance contract is an agreement between the Policyholder and the Insurer, by virtue of which the Insurer undertakes, for the fee stipulated by the contract (insurance premium) paid by the Policyholder, upon the occurrence of an insured event, to pay insurance coverage to the person in whose favor the insurance contract was concluded, within the established time limits and within the established limits. contract for the sum insured.

The insurance contract must be concluded in writing and meet the general conditions for the validity of the transaction provided for by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The duration of the agreement is established by agreement of the parties. The insurance contract (insurance policy), unless otherwise provided in it, is concluded for a period of 12 months.

9.2. The contract comes into force from the date specified in the insurance contract, but not earlier than the payment of the insurance premium or its first installment (if paid in installments):

When paying the insurance premium in cash - from 00 o'clock on the day following the day of payment to the Insurer's cash desk or receipt by the Insurer's representative of the insurance premium or its first installment, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

Acceptance of cash is issued by a receipt in the prescribed form;

When paying the insurance premium by bank transfer - from 00 o'clock on the day following the day of receipt of the insurance premium or its first installment if paid in installments to the Insurer's bank account, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

9.3. The basis for concluding an insurance contract is an application from the Policyholder, which indicates:

Last name, first name, patronymic, home address and telephone number of the Insured;

Last name, first name, patronymic, home address and telephone number of the Beneficiary;

Objects of insurance;

Insurance period;

Insurance risks;

Sum insured;

The procedure for paying insurance premiums;

Other information necessary for the Insurer to make a decision on concluding an insurance contract and determining the degree of risk.

9.4. When concluding an insurance contract, the Policyholder is obliged to inform the Insurer of the circumstances known to the Policyholder that are significant for determining the likelihood of the occurrence of an insured event and the amount of possible losses from its occurrence (insurance risk).

In any case, circumstances specifically stipulated by the Insurer in the standard form of the insurance contract (insurance policy) or in its written request are considered significant.

9.4.1. If, after concluding an insurance contract, it is established that the Policyholder has provided the Insurer with knowingly false information about the above circumstances, the Insurer has the right to demand that the contract be invalidated.

9.4.2. The insurer cannot demand that the insurance contract be invalidated if the circumstances that the Insured was silent about have already disappeared.

9.5. An insurance contract can be concluded by drawing up one document signed by the parties and/or delivery by the Insurer to the Policyholder (Insured Person) of an insurance policy based on the Policyholder’s Application. In this case, the Insured’s consent to enter into an insurance contract on the proposed terms is confirmed by his acceptance of the insurance policy, with a record of this on the second copy (copy) of the insurance policy, a written statement from the Insured or a receipt for payment of insurance premiums.

In the event of loss of the policy, the Insurer, based on the Insured's application, issues a duplicate policy, after which the lost policy is declared invalid and no payments are made under it.

9.6. The conditions contained in the Rules and not included in the text of the insurance contract (insurance policy) are mandatory for the Insured if the insurance contract (insurance policy) directly indicates the application of these Rules, and they are set out in one document with the insurance contract (insurance policy) or attached to it.

9.7. When the rights to the insured property are transferred from the person in whose interests the insurance contract was concluded to another person, the rights and obligations under this insurance contract are transferred to the person to whom the rights to the property were transferred, with the exception of cases of forced seizure of property on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation or waiver of ownership rights. The person to whom the rights to the insured property have been transferred must notify the Insurer in writing within 3 (three) working days.

9.8. In accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, when concluding an insurance contract, the Policyholder and the Insurer may agree to amend or exclude certain provisions of the Insurance Rules.

9.9. The insurance contract terminates in the following cases:

9.9.1. expiration of the contract;

9.9.2. fulfillment by the Insurer of its obligations under the insurance contract in full;
9.9.3. failure by the Insured to pay the insurance premium or insurance contributions within the terms established by the insurance contract and in a certain amount, unless the Insurer provided a deferment in payment;

If the failure to pay the next insurance premium by the Insured was due to the fact that during the payment period specified in the insurance contract he was undergoing treatment in a hospital and notified the Insurer about this, then the next insurance premium can be paid by the Insured within 14 days after the date of discharge from the hospital subject to the provision to the Insurer of a certificate from a medical institution indicating the duration of the Insured's stay in the hospital;

9.9.4. liquidation of the Insurer in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

9.9.5. death of the Policyholder - an individual or liquidation of the Policyholder - a legal entity;

9.9.6. alienation of property by the Insured (Beneficiary);

9.9.7. by agreement of the parties;

9.9.8. a court decision to invalidate the insurance contract. In this case, the procedure for mutual settlements is determined by the provisions on the consequences of invalidity of the transaction established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, or in accordance with a court decision declaring the insurance contract invalid;

9.9.9. if the possibility of the occurrence of an insured event has ceased, and the existence of the insurance risk has ceased due to circumstances other than the insured event, in particular in the event of the loss of the insured property for reasons other than the insured event.

In this case, the Insurer has the right to a portion of the insurance premium in proportion to the time during which the insurance was in force.

9.9.10. if the Policyholder refuses the insurance contract.

The policyholder has the right to cancel the insurance contract at any time, if at the time of refusal the possibility of the occurrence of an insured event has not disappeared due to circumstances other than the insured event. If the Insured refuses the insurance contract, the paid insurance premium in accordance with Art. 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is not refundable unless otherwise provided by the contract;

9.9.11. in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 9.10. The parties are required to notify each other of their intention to terminate the insurance contract early at least 30 days before the expected date of termination of the insurance contract, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.

9.11. The portion of the insurance premium to be refunded is calculated using the formula:

NP = ------- - B

P – paid premium under the insurance contract (insurance policy);
40%*P – insurer’s expenses;

n – the number of days remaining until the expiration of the insurance contract (insurance policy);

B – insurance compensations paid and payable;
N – validity period of the insurance contract in days;
NP – part of the insurance premium subject to return.

9.12. The Insurer has the right to demand recognition of the concluded insurance contract as invalid if, after concluding the contract, it is established that, when concluding the insurance contract, the Insured provided the Insurer with knowingly false information about circumstances that were significant for determining the likelihood of the occurrence of an insured event and the amount of possible losses from its occurrence.

9.13. The Insurer has the right to demand termination of the insurance contract if the Insured fails to fulfill the obligation to inform the Insurer about significant changes that have become known to him in the circumstances communicated to the Insurer at the conclusion of the contract, if these changes may affect the increase in the insurance risk. In case of early termination of the contract for this reason, the Insurer returns to the Insured part of the insurance premium for the unexpired term of the contract, minus the expenses incurred by the Insurer.

9.14. The validity of the early terminated insurance contract ends at 00 hours 00 minutes of the day specified as the date of its early termination.

9.15. The insurance contract is recognized as invalid from the moment of conclusion on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as if it puts the Insured in a worse position than that provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and if the contract was concluded after the occurrence of an insured event. If the insurance contract is declared invalid, each of the Parties is obliged to return to the other everything received under it, unless other consequences of the invalidity of the insurance contract are provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. Rights and obligations of the parties

10.1. The policyholder has the right:

10.1.1. read these Insurance Rules;

10.1.2. conclude an agreement in favor of the Beneficiary who has an interest in preserving the insured property, as well as replace it before the occurrence of the insured event. The beneficiary cannot be replaced by another person if he has fulfilled any obligation under the insurance contract or submitted a claim to the Insurer for payment of insurance compensation;

10.1.3. choose insurance risks at your discretion; prove a different valuation of the insured property than its valuation by the Insurer;

10.1.4. during the period of validity of the insurance contract, contact the Insurer with a proposal to change the terms of the insurance contract (change in the sum insured, insurance period, etc.);

10.1.5. carry out additional insurance with another Insurer in the event that the property is insured only for part of the insured amount. At the same time, the total insured amount for all contracts should not exceed the insured value of the property at the time of concluding the insurance contract;

10.1.6. terminate the insurance contract early in accordance with these Rules and current legislation;

10.1.7. submit an application for changing the terms of insurance, additional insurance and/or increasing the sum insured;

10.1.8. obtain information about the Insurer in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

10.1.9. to receive insurance compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event in the manner prescribed by these Rules and the insurance contract;
10.1.10. in case of loss of the insurance policy during the validity period of the insurance contract, after submitting a written application, obtain a duplicate from the Insurer. After the issuance of a duplicate, the lost policy is considered invalid;

10.1.11. receive from the Insurer, in case of refusal of insurance payment, a reasoned justification for this decision;

10.1.12. demand that the Insurer fulfill other conditions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.2. The policyholder is obliged:

10.2.1. when concluding an insurance contract, inform the Insurer of the circumstances known to the Insured that are significant for determining the likelihood of the occurrence of an insured event and the amount of possible losses from its occurrence (insurance risk), if these circumstances are not known and should not be known to the Insurer.

In any case, circumstances specifically specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy), application for insurance or description/list of insured objects are considered significant;

10.2.2. timely pay the insurance premium (insurance contributions) in the amount and manner stipulated by the insurance contract;

10.2.3. inform the Insurer about all insurance contracts concluded or being concluded in relation to the property insured by the Insurer;
10.2.4. during the period of validity of the contract, immediately inform the Insurer about significant changes that have become known to him in the circumstances communicated to the Insurer at the conclusion of the contract, if these changes may significantly affect the increase in the insurance risk;

10.2.5. comply with fire safety rules, technical operation rules, sanitary and technical requirements established by regulations of the Russian Federation, ensuring the safety and suitability of the insurance object, ensure the impossibility of free access to the insurance territory (locked doors, closed windows, etc.). This requirement also applies to the Beneficiary, family members of the Policyholder (Beneficiary);

10.2.6. eliminate circumstances that significantly increase the degree of insurance risk, the need for elimination of which was indicated in writing to the Insured (Beneficiary) by the Insurer within the period agreed with the Insurer;

10.2.7. preserve the damaged insurance object for inspection, provide access to the insurance territory for a representative of the Insurer and take part in drawing up a report in the established form by a representative of the Insurer;

10.2.8. take measures to prevent further damage to the insured object and reduce damage;

10.3. The insurer has the right:

10.3.1. conduct an inspection of the property and check the condition of the insured property, request the necessary information before concluding an insurance contract, and also check the information provided during the validity period of the contract;

10.3.2. demand changes to the terms of the insurance contract and payment of an additional insurance premium if there are circumstances that change the terms of the concluded insurance contract, and factors that may influence an increase in the risk of death, damage or loss of the insurance object.

If the Policyholder objects to changing the terms of the insurance contract or additional payment of the insurance premium, the Insurer has the right to demand termination of the insurance contract in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as demand compensation for confirmed expenses caused by termination of the contract;

10.3.3. demand, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, that the contract be invalidated if, after concluding the insurance contract, it is established that the Policyholder provided the Insurer with knowingly false information about circumstances known to him that are important for determining the likelihood of the occurrence of an insured event and the amount of possible damage from its occurrence;

10.3.4. independently determine the causes and circumstances of the occurrence of damage, establish the amount of damage caused, and also send requests to the competent authorities for the provision of documents and information confirming the fact, the cause of an event that has signs of an insured event, and the amount of damage caused;

10.3.5. give instructions mandatory for the Insured (Beneficiary) and take such measures as are necessary to reduce the amount of damage and determine the circumstances, causes of the event, and possible perpetrators;

10.3.6. demand from the Insured (Beneficiary) the information necessary to establish the fact of an insured event and the amount of insurance compensation to be paid, including information constituting a trade secret;
10.3.7. delay making a decision on payment of insurance compensation until all circumstances regarding an event that has signs of an insured event are clarified, including until written responses to requests sent to the competent authorities are received; in case of initiation of a criminal case on the fact of damage, destruction or loss of insured property before the court pronounces a verdict or suspends the criminal proceedings;

10.3.8. refuse to pay insurance compensation in cases for the reasons specified in these Rules and provided for by current legislation;

10.3.9. perform other actions in order to fulfill its obligations under the insurance contract.

10.4. The insurer is obliged:

10.4.1. when concluding an insurance contract (insurance policy), familiarize the Policyholder with these Rules, issue the Policyholder with the Rules and an insurance contract;

10.4.2. not to disclose information about the Policyholder (Beneficiary), except for cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as when checking the insured event and the data set out in the insurance application;

10.4.3. issue to the Policyholder a duplicate of the insurance contract in case of its loss;

10.4.4. fulfill the obligations assumed under the insurance contract (insurance policy);

10.4.5. after receiving an application for an insured event, determine the amount (amount) of damage (based on your own calculations or independent expert opinions, documents from a repair organization or other organizations) and calculate the amount of insurance compensation;

10.4.6. upon receipt of the Insured's notification of a change in the terms of insurance, within 5 (five) working days, make a decision on making changes to the insurance contract (insurance policy) or on its termination, notifying the Insured about this;

10.4.7. after receiving all the necessary documents from the Policyholder (Beneficiary), within 10 (ten) working days, make a decision on recognizing or not recognizing the event as an insured event.

The insurer has the right to increase the specified time frame for making a decision if it is necessary to send inquiries to organizations, competent authorities regarding the causes, nature and circumstances of the occurrence of an insured event and the amount of damage, in the event of additional measures being taken in order to make a decision on insurance payment, while the period is extended by receiving a response.

If an event is recognized as an insured event, within 5 (five) working days after receiving all the necessary documents from the Insured, draw up an insurance act, unless otherwise provided in the insurance contract.

10.4.8. within 5 (five) working days after drawing up the insurance act, make an insurance payment, and in case of refusal of an insurance payment, notify the Policyholder of the decision within the same period;

Refusal to pay insurance compensation is made in writing and must contain justification for the reasons for the refusal.

10.4.9. perform other actions in order to fulfill its obligations under the insurance contract.

11. Actions of the parties upon the occurrence of an event that has

signs of an insured event

11.1. In case of detection of damage caused to the insured property, the Policyholder (Beneficiary) is obliged to:

11.1.1. take measures to prevent further damage to the insurance object and reduce damage subject to compensation under the terms of the insurance contract;

11.1.2. immediately, at the first opportunity, contact the competent authorities (internal affairs, fire supervision, emergency services, hydrometeorological service, department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) and ensure documentation of the event that resulted in damage to the insured property;

11.1.3. immediately, in any available way, but in any case no later than 3 (three) business days from the date when the Policyholder (Beneficiary) became aware of damage to the insured property, notify the Insurer, providing the following information:

Last name, first name, patronymic of the Policyholder;

Date of damage to the insured property (if it is unknown, then approximate data must be indicated);

Type of property that was damaged;

Brief information about the circumstances of the event

11.1.4. follow the Insurer’s instructions aimed at reducing the amount of damage, if any are communicated;

11.1.5. within 5 (five) working days from the date of notification of the event, submit to the Insurer or its representative a written statement in the form established by the Insurer about the fact of damage to the insured property with a detailed statement of all the circumstances of the incident known to him.

In this case, the written application must contain the following information:

Number and date of conclusion of the insurance contract;

Name and address of the location of the object to which the damage was caused;

Date and time of occurrence of the damage;

Information about the nature, cause and circumstances of the damage;

Actions of the Insured in the event of damage;

Estimated amount of damage.

11.1.6. preserve the damaged insured property in the form in which it appeared after the events that led to its damage until it is inspected by the Insurer within the agreed time frame. Changing the nature and extent of damage to the insured property is permitted only if this was dictated by safety considerations and/or saving people or reducing the amount of damage. In this case, the Insured must take available measures to collect and preserve information about the damaged object and the scene of the incident, including photo and video materials and other documents;

11.1.7. provide the Insurer with documents confirming the fact of the occurrence, causes and consequences of an event that has signs of an insured event, the nature and extent of the damage caused, as well as an interest in preserving the insured property. The fact that the Insured has submitted an application and relevant documents is confirmed by a receipt stamp from an authorized employee of the Insurer;

When applying for payment of insurance compensation, the Policyholder provides the Insurer with the following documents:

Insurance contract (insurance policy);

Power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the Policyholder (Beneficiary) with the Insurer;

A written application for payment of insurance compensation in the form established by the Insurer;

Documents confirming the fact of acquisition and the cost of the insured property on the day of the insured event (if any);

Documents confirming the ownership or other property interest of the Insured in relation to the insured property on the day of the event that has signs of an insured event (certificate of ownership, purchase and sale agreement, lease agreement, etc.);

A list of damaged or lost property indicating its value on the day of the event that has signs of an insured event, as well as a list of preserved and salvaged property indicating their value on the day of the event that has signs of an insured event;

Originals or certified copies of documents (certificates, protocols, resolutions, decisions, sentences) issued by the competent authority (official) authorized by law to investigate the relevant incident, which fully indicate:

* place, date, time, causes, circumstances and consequences of the incident, date and time of receipt of a message about it to the specified authorities (officials); name of the damaged (lost) insured property; nature or list of damages;

* full name of the owner of the insured property;

* the essence of the offense and the decision taken in the case to impose an administrative penalty (in case of an administrative offense) or the rule of law on which the criminal case was initiated, other information that, according to the law, must be indicated in documents of the appropriate kind;

* norms of law according to which a criminal case has been initiated on the grounds of theft, robbery, robbery;

Documents of the state institution of meteorological (seismic) service confirming information about the nature and time of the relevant natural disaster;

Documents from the competent authorities and (or) services confirming information about the time, place, nature and causes of the incident (accident of water supply or other engineering systems);

If necessary, additional documents requested by the Insurer in writing confirming the fact of the occurrence of an event that has signs of an insured event, the nature, circumstances and cause of the damage, the amount of damage caused, the cost of the insured property, the rights of the Policyholder (the Beneficiary) to the insured property and receipt of insurance compensation.

If the relevant competent authorities refused to issue any documents requested by the Insurer, the Policyholder (the Beneficiary) sends the Insurer a copy of the relevant request and a written response to it;

11.1.8. after eliminating the consequences of the damage, restoring the property caused by the insured event, provide the property for inspection at the request of the Insurer. If this paragraph of these Rules is not followed, the Insurer shall not be liable in case of repeated damage to this property.

11.1.9. if the involvement of third parties in damage to property is established, the Insured is obliged to transfer to the Insurer all documents necessary to exercise the right of claim (subrogation) against the guilty party;

11.1.10. immediately inform the Insurer about receiving compensation from third parties for lost (destructed) or damaged insured property;

11.1.11. if necessary, issue to the Insurer or its representative a power of attorney to protect the rights of the Insured (Beneficiary) and conduct damage settlement proceedings.

11.2. Upon the occurrence of an event that has signs of an insured event, the insurer is obliged to:

11.2.1. if necessary, inspect the insurance object within 3 (three) working days from the receipt of a written application from the Insured;

The inspection is carried out by an authorized person of the Insurer in the presence of the Policyholder (Beneficiary) or his authorized representatives. On behalf of the Insurer and if necessary, an inspection may be carried out by a representative of an independent expert.

During the inspection, photographs and videos may be taken, and an inspection report may be drawn up and signed by both parties. The drawing up of such a Report cannot be considered by the Insured as recognition by the Insurer of the fact of the occurrence of damage as an insured event.

11.2.2. if the event declared by the Insured is recognized as an insured event, pay the insurance compensation within the time limits specified in clause 10.4.8. these Rules;

11.2.3. When making a decision to refuse to pay insurance compensation, the Insurer is obliged to notify the Insured about this in writing with a reasoned justification for the reasons for the refusal within the time limits specified in clause 10.4.8. of these Rules.

12. Procedure and conditions for payment of insurance coverage

12.1. The insurance payment is a sum of money, within the limits of the insured amount established by the insurance contract, which the Insurer must pay, in accordance with the concluded agreement, to the Policyholder (the Beneficiary) or other third parties upon the occurrence of an insured event.

12.2. The insurer makes an insurance payment subject to the Insured complying with all the provisions contained in the Rules and the contract, providing documents issued by the competent authorities in the manner prescribed by law, confirming the occurrence of an insured event.

12.3. Insurance payment is made on the basis of a written application from the Insured (his legal representative, the Beneficiary) and an insurance certificate drawn up by the Insurer and signed by the Insured.

12.4. Taking into account the circumstances of the occurrence of the insured event and its consequences, the Policyholder (Insured Person, Beneficiary) provides the following documents:

12.4.1. original insurance contract;

12.4.2. identification documents of the Policyholder (Beneficiary). If the applicant is a representative of the Policyholder (the Beneficiary), he must provide a power of attorney to receive insurance compensation;

12.4.3. a written Application for payment of insurance compensation in the form established by the Insurer;

12.4.4. a list of damaged property indicating the degree of damage;

12.4.5. originals or certified copies of documents from the competent authorities:

For the risk group “action of fire” (clause 4.3.1.) - documents from the fire department, emergency services, if necessary - a copy of the resolution to initiate a criminal case (or refusal to initiate) on the fact of a fire, etc.;

For the risk group “water damage/flooding” (clause 4.3.2.) - documents from emergency services, etc.;

For the risk group “natural disasters” (clause 4.3.3.) - documents from the hydrometeorological service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or other competent authorities;

For the risk group “illegal actions of third parties” (clause 4.3.4.) - a certificate from law enforcement agencies confirming the fact that the Insured (Beneficiary) has applied to the Internal Affairs Authorities regarding illegal actions of third parties; a copy of the resolution to initiate a criminal case indicating the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or to refuse to initiate a criminal case.

For the risk group “mechanical damage” - documents from the traffic police (in the event of a vehicle colliding with the insured property), documents from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (in the event of an aircraft crash), emergency services, expert commissions, etc.;

For the risk group “terrorism, sabotage” - documents from the bodies of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or other competent authorities in charge of the case initiated on this fact;

12.4.6. documents confirming the value of damaged (dead, lost) property, the value of similar property in the absence of the above documents, allowing to estimate the amount of damage caused, the cost of restoration work, etc.;

12.4.8. payment documents confirming the amount of expenses for clearing the insurance territory from debris (residues) of the insured property damaged in an insured event, if their compensation is provided for in the insurance contract.

12.5. If necessary, the Insurer has the right to request other additional documents confirming the fact and circumstances of the insured event.

12.6. After submitting all the necessary documents, the Insurer, within 5 (five) working days, makes a decision whether or not to recognize the event as an insured event.

If the insured event that has occurred is recognized as an insured event, the Insurer, within 5 (five) working days, prepares a report on the insured event and within 5 (five) working days pays out the insurance compensation.

If the event that occurred is not recognized as an insured event or a decision is made to refuse to pay insurance compensation, the Insurer is obliged to send a written notification to the Policyholder within 5 (five) working days.

12.7. If the Insurer has doubts about the eligibility of the person claiming the right to receive insurance compensation to receive insurance compensation, the Insurer has the right to extend the payment period until the necessary evidence is provided.

12.8. If the relevant internal affairs authorities have initiated a criminal case against the Policyholder (authorized persons) or are conducting an investigation into the circumstances of the event, the Insurer also has the right to defer payment until the end of the investigation.

12.9. The amount of damage is determined by the Insurer on the basis of inspection data, examinations, documents from the competent authorities, and other documents, the need for submission of which is dictated by the nature of the incident. When determining the amount of damage, the Insurer has the right to be guided by the data of an examination carried out at its discretion, taking into account the insured value of lost or damaged property. In this case, the examination is carried out at the expense of the Insurer.

12.10. Each party has the right to request an independent examination. The examination is carried out at the expense of the party that requested it. The costs of conducting an examination for cases recognized as non-insurance after its completion are borne by the Insured.

12.11. For the purpose of calculating the amount of insurance compensation, real damage means property losses caused by damage or destruction of property (its parts) as a result of exposure to insurance risks:

12.11.1. “destruction” of the insurance object is the irretrievable loss of the insured property as a result of exposure to insurance risks;

12.11.2. “damage” to the insurance object is a deterioration in the quality characteristics of the insured property, when, through repairs, it can be brought to a state suitable for use for its original purpose, and the costs of its restoration at prices at the time of the insured event do not exceed 75% of the actual value of the insurance object. In other cases, the object is considered destroyed .

12.12. The policyholder does not have the right to refuse the property remaining after the insured event, even if it is damaged. The cost of such property is subject to deduction from the amount of insurance compensation.

12.13. If in the insurance contract (insurance policy) the insured amount is set below the insured value of the insured object, then upon the occurrence of an insured event, the Insurer compensates the Insured (the Beneficiary) for part of the damage suffered by the latter in proportion to the ratio of the insured amount to the insured value.

The amount of insurance compensation (IC) in this case is determined by the formula:

SV = U * S/SI – F, where:

Y – the amount of damage based on the insured value of the insured object;

C – sum insured;

SI – insured value of the insurance object;

F – deductible (if available).

The correspondence of the insured amounts to the insured value of the property is established separately for each insured object.

12.14. If at the time of the occurrence of the insured event other insurance contracts for similar risks were also in force in relation to the insured object, compensation for damage is distributed in proportion to the ratio of the insurance amounts in which the object is insured by each insurance organization. The insurer pays compensation only to the extent that falls to its share. The amount of compensation paid is reduced by the amount of the deductible if there is one.

12.15. Unless otherwise provided by the terms of the insurance contract (insurance policy), insurance compensation is calculated:

In case of partial damage to property - based on the amount of costs necessary to restore the damaged property to the condition in which it was at the time of the insured event, less wear and tear, but not exceeding the insured amount.

Restoration costs include:

▪ expenses for materials and spare parts for property restoration;

▪ expenses to pay for property restoration work;

▪ costs of developing the structures of the damaged property, costs of delivering materials to the place of repair and other costs necessary to restore the insured items to the condition in which they were immediately before the occurrence of the insured event.

From the amount of restoration costs, deductions are made for wear and tear of replaced parts, assemblies, assemblies and components, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

Restoration work does not include:

▪ additional expenses caused by changes or improvements to the insured object;

▪ expenses caused by temporary or auxiliary repairs or restoration of the insured property;

▪ expenses for preventive maintenance or warranty repairs of the insured property, as well as other expenses incurred in excess of the necessary ones.

Reimbursement of expenses of the Insured (Beneficiary) for clearing the insurance site from debris or remains of the insured property damaged during the occurrence of an insured event, if this is expressly stated in the contract.

Unless otherwise provided by the contract, the amount of clearing costs and the amount of compensation for loss or damage to property should not exceed the insured amount for this property.

12.16. The insurance indemnity payable is reduced by the amount of the deductible, if it is provided for by the terms of insurance.

12.17. The total amount of insurance compensation for all insured events that occurred with the insured property during the validity period of the insurance contract should not exceed the insurance amount established for this property.

12.18. After payment of the insurance indemnity, the right of claim (subrogation) that the Insured (Beneficiary) has against the person responsible for the losses compensated as a result of insurance is transferred to the Insurer, within the limits of the amount paid. The Policyholder (Beneficiary) is obliged to transfer to the Insurer all documents and evidence and provide him with all the information necessary for the Insurer to exercise the right of claim transferred to him.

12.19. If the stolen property, for which the Insurer paid insurance compensation, is found and returned to the Policyholder (the Beneficiary), the latter is obliged, within 14 days from the date of return of the said property, to return to the Insurer the received amount of insurance compensation, minus the damage caused to the stolen property.

Instead of returning the received amount of insurance compensation, the Policyholder (the Beneficiary), by agreement with the Insurer, may refuse the returned property in favor of the Insurer, taking at his own expense all necessary actions to transfer ownership rights to the Insurer.

12.20. If, during the limitation period after payment of insurance compensation, a circumstance is discovered that, under these Rules or the insurance contract, fully or partially deprives the Insured (Beneficiary) of the right to receive insurance compensation, he is obliged to return the received compensation (or its corresponding part) to the Insurer within 10 banking days. days.

12.21. If the Policyholder (Beneficiary) - an individual died before receiving insurance compensation for lost, lost or damaged property, payment is made to his heirs, who also inherit all the obligations of the Policyholder (clause 10.2. of these Rules).

12.22. Payment of insurance compensation is made by cashless transfer to the bank account specified by the Policyholder (Beneficiary) or in cash through the Insurer's cash desk.

12.23. The day of payment of insurance compensation is the day of debiting funds from the Insurer's current account or the day of their issuance through the Insurer's cash desk.

12.24. With “equivalent insurance”, insurance compensation is paid in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation established for the corresponding foreign currency on the date of payment of insurance compensation

12.25. Insurance compensation is not payable or is payable partially if:

Did not inform the Insurer about changes in the insurance conditions;

Did not comply with the instructions for storage, operation and maintenance of the insured object, and also used this object for purposes other than those for which it was intended;

did not take reasonable and accessible measures, as well as those agreed upon with the Insurer in the insurance contract, to reduce possible losses;

Obstructed the Insurer or its representatives in determining the circumstances of occurrence, nature and amount of damage, as a result of which it became impossible to determine the cause and amount of damage;

Intentionally misled the Insurer or its representatives when determining the causes and/or amount of damage;

Committed actions (inaction) that led to damage while under the influence of toxic, narcotic or alcoholic intoxication;

Did not notify the Insurer about the occurrence of an insured event, unless it is proven that the Insurer learned about the occurrence of an insured event in a timely manner or that the Insurer’s lack of information about this could not affect its obligation to pay insurance compensation;

The Insured (Beneficiary) waived his right to claim against the person responsible for the losses or the implementation of subrogation became impossible due to his fault.

If the Insurer has already paid the insurance compensation, he has the right to demand the return of the paid compensation amount;

The Policyholder (the Beneficiary) received compensation for the loss from third parties responsible for causing the damage.

If there is a difference between the amount received from third parties and the insured amount, the Insurer pays the difference between them. The policyholder is obliged to immediately notify the Insurer of the receipt of the amount from third parties responsible for causing damage to the insured property.

In cases provided for by the insurance contract (insurance policy), these Rules and current legislation.

12.26. The decision to refuse to pay insurance compensation is communicated to the Insured in writing, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

12.27. The insurer's refusal to pay insurance compensation may be appealed in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Dispute resolution procedure

13.1. Disputes arising under the insurance contract between the Policyholder and the Insurer are resolved through negotiations.

If an agreement has not been reached, disputes are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13.2. A claim for claims arising from the insurance contract and disputed by one of the parties may be brought in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and within the limitation periods established by the current legislation.

13.3. When resolving controversial issues, the provisions of the insurance contract take precedence over these Insurance Rules.

Purchasing an apartment or a country house is one of the most common ways to invest finances. At the same time, real estate insurance is also widespread.

Apartments and houses are expensive, and anything can happen to them - fires, floods, natural disasters... Voluntary property insurance is a great way to protect your property and prevent huge financial losses. Today this service is very popular and has earned a lot of positive reviews. After all, every person wants to feel confident that their property interests will be protected if something happens to their home.

Insurance rules

Reliable real estate insurance at Rosgosstrakh

Rosgosstrakh offers the following services.

Apartment insurance

This type of real estate insurance covers risks associated with theft or fire. We offer clients a choice of several programs with different conditions. If an insured event occurs, Rosgosstrakh will reimburse your costs for restoring your home. Such property insurance will allow you to select only the most necessary objects, for example, not the entire apartment, but only the equipment or finishing installed in it.

Mortgage insurance

The program from Rosgosstrakh for mortgage borrowers is guaranteed support in terms of fulfilling your financial obligations to the banking institution that provided the loan for the purchase of housing. The cost of property insurance in this case will pay for itself many times over if the main source of income is lost. And this can happen for various reasons: due to loss of ability to work, sudden large expenses, for example, for home repairs after damage, etc. With Rosgosstrakh you will protect your finances in the event of loss or partial restriction of property rights.

Note! Life insurance is required when taking out a mortgage.

Title insurance

Property insurance under this program is recommended for those who plan to purchase an apartment, country house or other real estate. For example, this could be buying housing on the secondary market. The conditions of title insurance of property allow you to protect yourself in the event that the transaction is declared illegal for reasons that were unknown to you when completing the purchase and sale transaction of the property.

Home insurance

Such a property insurance policy can be issued regardless of the type of private home, be it a cottage in a city, town or village. We will give you the opportunity to independently choose what needs to be included in the insurance contract: room decoration or antique furniture. Property insurance for individuals at Rosgosstrakh provides attractive conditions and reliable protection.

Other insurance rules

The cost of property insurance depends on many factors, so we recommend that you contact our specialists for clarification.

Property insurance in Russia is significantly inferior in scope to auto insurance. Our compatriots are skeptical about what is considered practical in the West. It is more important for them to save money without spending a penny on insurance than to prevent hypothetical threats.

The popularity of car insurance is explained by its mandatory nature, as well as the desire of the car enthusiast to protect his car from possible troubles. Recent surveys conducted on this topic have shown that modern Russians have become more interested in property insurance than in the last decade - almost 3 times! More and more people are beginning to think about the issue of property insurance, so let's talk about this topic in more detail.

Information sheet

According to some data, Russians have little understanding of legal terms, judicial nuances, and procedural features of office work. Given this point, it would be useful to dwell on key terms related to the subject of our question.



People are used to using this term often in life. In everyday life - less often, more often when dealing with various documents. When it comes to "property" as a legal term, here's what you need to know:

  • In jurisprudence, this concept is usually referred to as a set of tangible and intangible things, including money, securities, and property rights.
  • Things become property when they are in the possession of an individual or legal entity, bringing him a certain benefit - actual or potential.
  • The concepts of “property” and “property” are not identical in jurisprudence.
  • Property ceases to be considered as such when it becomes collateral.

Lawyers divide property into two types – movable and immovable. The first is something that does not suffer from physical movement and does not change its properties, essence, or value. For example, money, equipment, transport, jewelry, furniture will be movable. The second is something that, when physically moved, can lose its properties, essence, and value. For example, land, roads, house, buildings of various types.

Individuals and legal entities

The concepts of “individual” and “legal entity” are defined in relation to the state position. Laws are created and regulated by the state; it is able to determine the legal framework for a certain subject of law. Such a subject, regulated by the state in a special legal field, will be called a “legal entity.” All other subjects will be simply physical, that is, “existing” persons - general, and not special, regulators of law will apply to them.

Are there rules in property insurance?

There are rules, they really exist, but they do not have a common denominator. That is, one must understand that there are no rules common to all - there are only their particular interpretations.

Let's explain the situation in more detail. There are state laws regulating the procedure for insuring the property of legal entities and individuals. These laws are the basis on which the rules of private and public insurance companies (ICs) are created.

It is important to understand that these rules are not identical to each other and differ from each other. The rules of many insurance companies regarding property insurance for individuals are online. If you look at them, you can find these differences even in the content. For example, SPAO Resso-Garantiya has 13 points in its content, OJSC GSK Yugoria has 15 points, and OJSC Alfa Insurance has as many as 17 points! This does not cancel the provisions that are common to all, which we will consider further.

The purpose of property insurance on the part of individuals is to minimize losses in the event of potential threats to their property; on the part of the insurance company, it is to protect the interests of the client by paying insurance compensation. Considering the hypothetical nature of the risk - insured events rarely occur - the insurance business can become quite profitable.

Insurance of legal entities is mandatory - the state is interested in maintaining the functionality of the private sector. For individuals, insurance is voluntary. Procedural issues in insuring the property of individuals are governed by the Law “On the Organization of Insurance Business in the Russian Federation” (as amended on November 28, 2015), as well as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Attention! The actual practice of voluntary insurance in the Russian Federation has repeatedly demonstrated the occurrence of cases of abuse of citizens' rights. Many private insurance companies, in collaboration with other companies and financial institutions, covertly impose their services on individuals. We must remember that the laws of the Russian Federation protect the rights of citizens from such actions by imposing fines on offenders.

Features of property insurance

  • The object of property insurance cannot be personal non-property rights (MPR). LNP is a type of rights related to the type of intangible benefits. LNP have a close, inextricable, inalienable connection with the personality of the legal owner. LNP is the right to life, business reputation, honor, name, personal secrets, family secrets.
  • Citizens can insure non-personal rights that need protection when there are certain risks of their violation. The typology of risks is selected by the insurance company independently. The policyholder receives compensation when violations of non-personal rights are legally proven.
  • Only non-personal property interests associated with the exercise of ownership rights in relation to certain things can be insured. The list of things is indicated in the insurance policy.
  • Property insurance for individuals is strictly voluntary. However, the mortgage agreement includes a clause on compulsory voluntary insurance.
  • Issuance of an insurance policy to the policyholder is possible only when the policyholder has full rights to own and dispose of the things listed in the policy.
  • Reinsurance is permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation. You can insure certain property with several insurance companies.
  • To insure property, you must provide the insurance company with evidence of ownership of this property, as well as provide a set of title documents.
  • The cost of any property can be established by agreement of the parties, but it is better to use the services of third parties. Carrying out an examination allows you to avoid legal delays in the event of an insured event.


  1. Franchise. Property can be insured with or without a deductible. Franchise is a popular service among policyholders, with which you can insure only part of your property. For example, if we are talking about a house, then only some part of it is insured - walls, roof, foundation. An absolute plus of the franchise for most policyholders is the reduction in cost of the insurance policy. Individuals who are determined to protect their property buy policies without a franchise.
  2. Risks. Policies differ from each other in the number of risks listed. The more risks specified, the greater the value of the insurance policy.
  3. Typology of property. Almost any type of property can be insured, it all depends on the degree of trust of the insurer in the insured and vice versa. But there is a list of property typical for insurance obligations - apartments, cars, transport, land, personal items, luxury items, livestock. The more expensive the insured object, the more expensive the policy.
  4. Duration of the policy. The minimum validity period of insurance policies is 3 weeks, the maximum is 1 year. Policies with a validity period of up to 6 months are called short-term, from 6 months to a year - long-term. Policies can be renewed. If the contract stipulates automatic renewal, the policy will be renewed without the participation of the policyholder.

Set of basic documents

  • Identification document - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign passport, military ID, birth certificate. Sometimes - a passport of a citizen of the USSR and a temporary identity card valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • A loan agreement is when the risks associated with lending to certain property are insured. Sometimes, instead of a contract, a bank certificate confirming the issuance of a loan is used.
  • Documents establishing the ownership of the insured property - a check, a receipt for payment, a receipt from a pawnshop, a registration certificate, a certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
  • Expert conclusion on the value of the insured property.
  • Documentation of land ownership - such documents are needed when insuring your own home and buildings adjacent to it.

Important! We have given only a list of typical documents that the insurer may require. In addition to the specified documentation, the insurer may require a variety of documents. For example, in case of land disputes, there must be a document on the state settlement of the issue of the land border.

Nuances associated with compensation for damage

Whatever type of insured event occurs - fire, accident, structural collapse, flooding, damage from natural disasters - you always need to worry about confirming it. For example, take photos and videos from the scene of the incident, describe the incident in detail with timing.

No matter how inconvenient the property insurance rules may seem to read, it is important to familiarize yourself with them. You need to understand whether a crisis situation is suitable to be considered an insured event in a particular insurance company.