Sberbank civil liability. Real estate insurance from Sberbank

An important condition for a happy life is peace of mind for the safety of residential property. And even more so if you buy a home with a mortgage loan. The borrower needs confidence in the future and the absence of risks. Sberbank offers mortgage insurance for its clients on favorable terms. Let's look at some questions clients have about concluding an agreement, and how much insurance costs at Sberbank for a mortgage.

Advantages and features of the service

Insuring real estate purchased with a mortgage from Sberbank is primarily beneficial for those who took out a housing loan from the same bank. Taking out insurance at the same time as concluding a mortgage agreement reduces the annual loan interest rate by 1%. As the outstanding balance decreases, the cost of the policy decreases. Insurance can be obtained in the shortest possible time directly from the bank or by placing an application on the website.

Sberbank does not prevent the mortgage insurance from being taken out by another bank, but then the interest rates on the loan will be increased by 0.25% of the original rates.

What is insured

Sberbank offers insurance packages covering the property, ownership, as well as the health and life of the borrower.

The housing policy includes insurance of the structural elements of the property - windows, doors, load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, partitions and ceilings. When insuring a private residential building, the foundation and roof are also covered. The list of risks when insuring a mortgage from Sberbank includes:

  1. illegal actions of third parties;
  2. natural disasters;
  3. damage or loss of housing due to fire, gas explosion or lightning strike;
  4. falling trees or any large objects;
  5. detection of structural defects in the insured property;
  6. water flooding;
  7. collision with a vehicle;
  8. other negative impacts.

Mortgage life insurance at Sberbank in 2017 includes:

  • loss of ability to work resulting from a serious long-term illness, disability, unsuccessful surgery;
  • death of the borrower - relatives are exempt from mortgage payments;
  • loss of employment due to bankruptcy or liquidation of the company in which the borrower was employed.

How to get insurance

If the document is drawn up directly at the Sberbank office, the client receives it in his hands immediately after payment. Applying for mortgage insurance with Sberbank online is the most convenient way to obtain a policy. Submission of an application for insurance is made using the form on the website. The electronic application must indicate:

  • type of housing (house, apartment);
  • list of risks;
  • contract time;
  • year of construction of the residential property, presence of wood in the floors;
  • the insured amount based on the results of an independent assessment;
  • mortgage loan agreement number;
  • personal data of the policyholder;
  • contacts of the policyholder;
  • address of the property.

The price for a year of insurance can be only 4-5 thousand rubles, it all depends on the balance of debt on a mortgage loan at Sberbank PJSC. To accurately calculate the cost of insurance, use the calculator at

When registering online, payment is made immediately. Then you need to wait for an SMS notification that the application has been accepted and the policy has been generated in your personal account. The bank sends the original document by Russian Post by registered mail to the location of the insured residential property. Delivery is carried out on average in 1.5-2 weeks. If it is not possible to pick up the envelope with the policy due to the remoteness of the post office, you should provide the bank with your personal information and the address to which the letter should be sent a second time.

Information about issuing a policy with insurance is automatically transmitted to Sberbank.

Calculation of the cost of an insurance policy

This happens automatically when you place an application on the site. However, the exact price of the service is established when signing a loan agreement for housing. An electronic policy format with all the information the client needs is also available. Registration takes place on the website of Sberbank Insurance LLC

The calculation shows that insurance premiums are combined with monthly mortgage payments. That is, if the annual mortgage rate is 12%, then together with insurance it will increase to 12.5-13%. The full amount of the loan is indicated in the repayment schedule, but you will also have to add the amount of insurance premiums to these values.

For example, the interest rate on a loan together with payment of insurance is 13%. This means that about 1% goes to paying for the insurance policy. If the client refuses to take out insurance with Sberbank and chooses another institution, the rate increases to 13.25%. But, if a third-party bank offers insurance on more favorable terms that cover Sberbank’s interest premium for refusing the service, it makes sense to get insurance there.

About the need for insurance

The law states that voluntary insurance is not among the necessary ones. But concluding a mortgage agreement implies simultaneous registration of insurance.

This is explained by the fact that the rules for obtaining insurance upon receipt of ownership of residential premises are regulated by separate laws on mortgages. Home insurance is thus pledged and must be taken out without fail. Therefore, the question of whether mortgage insurance is mandatory at Sberbank should be answered in the affirmative. Another thing is that the client can choose an insurance company for a home loan from Sberbank at his own discretion. But this will be unprofitable, since the bank will increase the annual interest. In addition, it is necessary to check that the selected organization is on the list of those accredited by Sberbank, otherwise the bank will not accept the document.

Mortgage insurance from Sberbank really allows you not to worry about the safety of your home. Therefore, it is advisable to apply for it for those who received a mortgage loan from the same large and reliable bank.

With the Home Protection policy, your apartment or house will be insured against the most common risks, and your liability to your neighbors will also be insured (if they are harmed while operating your property).

Apply for mortgage insurance online

With a mortgage insurance policy, your apartment or house is insured against the most common risks, as well as in case of loss of title.

Insurance of bank cards online

Do you want to be sure of the safety of your money and protect it from intruders? Get comprehensive insurance protection for funds on bank cards!

Insurance services under the Insurance Programs Protection of Loved Ones and Head of Family are provided by Sberbank Life Insurance LLC, 115162, Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 31G, tel. +7 800 555 5595 (24 hours a day, calls within Russia are free). License for insurance SL No. 3692 (type of activity - voluntary personal insurance, with the exception of voluntary life insurance) issued on March 5, 2015 by the Bank of Russia (for an indefinite period). Official site
Insurance services under the Insurance Programs: Travel Insurance, Home Protection, Card Protection, Mortgage Insurance are provided by Sberbank Insurance LLC, 115093, Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, house 7, tel. +7 800 555 5557, (opening hours: Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 19:00 Moscow time), licenses of the Bank of Russia for voluntary property insurance SI No. 4331 and for voluntary personal insurance, with the exception of voluntary life insurance SL No. 4331 , issued by the Bank of Russia on August 05, 2015 for an indefinite period). Official website sites .
The formation and purchase of insurance policies is carried out on the official website of the Insurer providing the insurance service.
More detailed information about insurance policies, a list of insurance risks, exceptions to insurance coverage, the procedure for determining the sum insured and the amount of insurance payment (including limits of insurance liability), the conditions for concluding an insurance contract, as well as other insurance conditions can be found on the websites

When purchasing a “Home Protection” policy, the client purchases an insurance product that allows you to protect:

Insurance price

How much does insurance cost in a bank office and online? Depending on the policy purchase option, its cost will vary. It is more profitable to purchase insurance online, on the official website of the Sberbank company.

Table 1: “Cost of policies when purchased at a bank office.”

The price of the policy is fixed and does not depend on the services included in it. In Sberbank Insurance, insurance differs only in the amount of insurance coverage.

REFERENCE. All risks that are included in the list of the insurance contract are already included in any of the packages. The client cannot adjust the cost of the service or the list of coverage items.

Table 2: “The cost of the policy when issued online.”

When purchasing an online policy, the client receives an electronic version of the document by email, which is analogous to purchasing a “boxed product” at a bank office. The type of insurance taken out does not affect the quality of the services provided.

Difference between private and commercial housing

To buy a Home Protection policy, you only need a passport and property data. The purchaser of the insurance may be a third party, but it is recommended that the homeowner be named as the beneficiary.

You can only insure property that is the property of an individual. Individual entrepreneurs cannot purchase insurance to protect the territory that is used as part of their business activities.

Office decoration

When purchasing a policy from a bank, the policyholder must take a passport and property data. It is important that payment for the policy is made immediately after all documents are completed. The purchasing process takes no more than 10 minutes.

Program selection

The manager introduces the client to the insurance conditions so that the client can choose a program that meets the necessary protection conditions:

  1. the protection program includes all types of risks;
  2. The policy is valid for 1 year;
  3. the amount of insurance coverage depends on the amount of insurance;
  4. it is allowed to purchase insurance by a third party - the policyholder - in favor of the beneficiary, the owner of the property.

ATTENTION! If the apartment is divided into several owners, for example, each of them owns a room, the insurance is not divided into several objects. The policy is issued for an entire apartment or a private house.

In the event of an insured event, only the owner of the premises can take advantage of the protection, even if the policy was purchased by the tenant or relative.

Cost calculation

The client chooses the amount for which he wishes to insure his apartment or household property. It is not possible to adjust the amount of insurance coverage by excluding or adding insurance risks at Sberbank. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the option that optimally covers possible risks (financially).

The minimum insurance amount when purchasing a policy at a bank office is 2.5 thousand rubles, with a coverage amount of 600 thousand rubles.

Application form

The manager draws up a policy: enters the name and address of the beneficiary into a mini-questionnaire inside the “boxed product”, and indicates a contact phone number.

Sberbank does not provide for a standard agreement with individual conditions
, since the client does not have the opportunity to exclude or add risks at his own discretion. A variant of the contract is a completed questionnaire, which is contained in “pure” form in each of the “boxed products”.

An application form is an analogue of a contract on a general basis, offered by 9/10 insurance companies with a fixed amount of payment and protection.

Additionally, the policy specifies the insurance conditions: what protection options the insurance company offers, how payment occurs, activation methods and other features.

Payment document

The client signs the policy and pays for the purchase. At Sberbank you can pay for insurance using a bank card, in cash or by debiting from the client’s account. Payment is made without commission.

IMPORTANT! Home Protection insurance must be activated within 14-30 days of purchase. Without activation, if an insured event occurs, the service is considered provided, but no compensation will be made to the beneficiary.

The purchase of a policy is carried out according to a simplified scheme: The sending of papers is handled by the office manager, who scans (or keeps a copy of) the receipt for payment for the purchase. The client only needs to activate the service.

Online purchase

Bank clients can purchase a “Home Protection” policy on the Sberbank website (

Methods for activating the policy

The policyholder can activate the policy in 2 ways: by calling Sberbank Insurance 8-800-555-555-57 or on the company’s website

By phone

Without activation, the beneficiary will not be able to take advantage of financial protection in the event of an insured event. It's easy to activate your policy:

  1. After dialing the number, the buyer gets to the operator, who requires information about the contract from him: the name of the policyholder, address, policy number (indicated in the form inside the “box”, or sent by mail in electronic format), the amount of insurance.
  2. After specifying all the data, the policy becomes active and is valid for 1 year.

REFERENCE. The online policy becomes active only on the 15th day after purchase.

On the site

It’s easy to activate your policy on the website:

Insurance from Sberbank allows you to protect property from 90% of risks. The client can buy insurance without leaving home, or purchase the service at the nearest branch. It is possible to purchase the policy “as a gift” by third parties, but only the owner of the property can use the program.

Rating: 1

I took out a consumer loan. Employees of the Sberbank branch offered the service of issuing a “Home Protection +” insurance policy. Two months after registration, an insured event occurred - a fire. Employees of the Sberbank branch on insurance products, on the supporting documents of the insured event, the timing and review process, do not provide any information, citing the fact that they have nothing to do with the Sberbank Insurance organization, but are only intermediaries in the transfer of documents. They say: “Contact the Sberbank.Insurance hotline.”

For a month and a half I collected the necessary documentation. Having provided all the documents, photographs, receipts of expenses and called the hotline, the bank employee explained that the resolution to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings regarding the fire should be issued by the police (and not by the State Fire Supervision Service). On what basis will the Police issue me this certificate if there are no victims or suspects in the fire, and the investigation was carried out by the investigator of the ND and PR department of the internal service??? There were no substantiated arguments from the employee on this issue.

Having called the hotline back twenty minutes later, the employee replied that he did not see the previously provided documents (checks, resolution) in the Sberbank.Insurance system. An affirmative answer to the question asked: “At what stage is the transfer of information on paper?” I didn't hear either.

Repeated visits to the local Sberbank branch did not yield any results. Employees of a Sberbank branch see all the supported documents in the Sberbank.Insurance program, but for some reason Muscovites do not. I ask myself: “Where is your competence and customer protection?”

Currently I am completely in the dark about how to resolve this issue. This situation forces you to seek help and protect your interests from a lawyer’s office, /of course, at a certain monetary cost.

Why is it that when purchasing various Sberbank products and applying for loans, the procedure for registration, confirmation and collection of funds occurs within a few minutes, but it takes an indefinite amount of time to resolve such vital issues? And in my case - me, my wife and 4-year-old child on the street, a burnt-out apartment, repairs that have not started (since the result has not been received from the insurance company), an unresolved issue, additional costs for a lawyer???

I come to the conclusion that DO NOT CONTACT with the insurance company SBERBANK.INSURANCE to avoid a number of problems. The central office of the insurance company is located in Moscow. Not every policyholder has the opportunity to come in person to clarify information. Who will give me a clear answer: “How long will my case be considered? Should each procedure have its own deadlines? What are they like?

Contact details: Policy No. 001SB1370414316 dated November 27, 2018

Sberbank insurance 09.04.2019 16:33

Dear Kudlaev AA!

I am an employee of the Customer Service Department of an insurance company, my name is Yulia.

I am very sorry that you had to face this situation.

However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in order to make a decision on an event that has signs of an insured event, you need to provide a complete package of documents.

The Insurance Company sent you a request for additional documents dated March 11, 2019 by Russian Post.

I will additionally explain what you need to provide - a resolution to initiate or refuse to initiate a criminal case regarding the fire (you can receive this document from the supervisory authorities), only a certificate is provided.

Upon receipt of the documents, a decision will be made on the event you requested.

Best regards, Yulia.