SCS office network project example. Design of SCS office building

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A structured cabling system (SCS) serves to provide communication between terminal information transmission devices (computers, terminals, telephones and fax machines) and active switching equipment (switches, hubs, office PBXs, etc.). A structured cabling system is a hierarchical cabling system of a building or group of buildings, divided into structural subsystems. It consists of a set of copper and optical cables, patch panels, patch cords, cable connectors, modular sockets, data sockets and auxiliary equipment. All elements are integrated into a single system and operated according to certain rules. Three main principles are laid down in the SCS:



Structurality .

The versatility of the cable system is expressed in the fact that it is not built for any specific application, but is created in accordance with the principle of open architecture and on the basis of relevant standards.

Redundancy implies the introduction of additional information outlets into the cable system. The number of information outlets is not determined by current needs, but is determined by the areas and topology of work premises. Thus, the organization of new jobs, adaptation to the specific needs of the customer, occurs quickly and without disrupting the work of the organization.

Structuring consists in dividing the cable system into separate subsystems that perform strictly defined functions.

The goal of the course project is to gain practical skills in designing a structured cabling system using the example of a 4-story office building.

cable structured subsystem design

1.Description of the design object

1.1 Purpose and goals of creating a structured cabling system

The system being created is intended to ensure the functioning of the customer’s automated systems, as well as to implement centralized management of cable management.

SKS is intended for:

§ Data exchange in a data network;

§ Access to Internet resources;

§ Providing reliable channels for transmitting information within the data transmission network;

§ Preparing the basis for creating a unified information space in the territory;

§ Providing security systems and other public services in the territory where the data transmission network is deployed;

1.2 Initial data for design

The SCS being created must ensure the functioning of automated information systems based on the LAN and telephone network of the building.

A structured cabling system is installed in a 4-story office building; individual floors and workspaces on them have an identical layout. The height of the floor between the floors is 3.5 meters, the total thickness of the floors is 50 cm.

In corridors and work areas to accommodate users, a suspended ceiling with a free space height of 80 cm is provided. Behind the false ceiling there is enough free space to accommodate trays used for laying cables for various purposes. The walls of the building and internal non-permanent partitions separating the rooms from each other are made of ordinary brick and covered with a layer of plaster, the thickness of which is 1 cm. The construction design of the building does not include any additional channels in the floor and walls that can be used for laying cables provided.

2. Selection of basic technical solutions

2.1 Principles of administration and topology of SCS

The principles of administration or management of SCS are entirely determined by its structure. There are single-point and multi-point administration.

Multipoint administration refers to the management of SCS, which is built according to the classic hierarchical star architecture. Hierarchical star architecture can be used both for a group of buildings and for one individual building. In the first case, the hierarchical star consists of the central cross of the system, the main crosses of buildings and horizontal floor crosses. The central cross-connection is connected to the main cross-connections of the buildings using external cables. The floor crosses are connected to the main cross of the building by vertical trunk cables. In the second case, the star consists of the main cross of the building and horizontal floor crosses, connected to each other by cables of a vertical trunk. The hierarchical star architecture provides maximum management flexibility and maximum system adaptability to new applications.

The number of distribution nodes is determined by the number of floors of the building and the length of the floors. Typically, one (floor) distribution node is installed on each floor. (Fig. 2.1.1) If the floor is long, several distribution nodes can be created on it, each of which serves an area within reach of workplaces with a 90-meter cable of a horizontal cable system. Floor distribution nodes are connected by main channels to the main distribution node of the building.

The building's cabling system should have no more than two levels of hierarchy. In small buildings with a low concentration of jobs, it is possible to install one distribution unit for the entire building, which is located on the floor where the majority of jobs are concentrated.

Single-point management architecture is used in situations where you want to simplify cable management as much as possible. Its main feature is the direct connection of all information sockets of workplaces with switching equipment in a single technical room. A fundamentally similar architecture can only be used for SCS installed in one building and without a backbone subsystem. Single-point administration provides the simplest circuit management possible by eliminating the need to cross-connect circuits across multiple locations. Single point administration architecture does not apply to a group of buildings.

Figure 2.1.1 SCS topology, where short circuit is the cross-connection of the building; FE - cross floor; IR - information outlet

2.2 Selecting the location of hardware and crossovers

In general, the technical premises that are part of the administrative subsystem of the SCS are divided into hardware rooms and distribution rooms.

Hardware is called a technical room in which, along with the group switching equipment of the SCS, there is active enterprise-scale network equipment for collective use (PBX, servers, switches). The control rooms are equipped with fire extinguishing, air conditioning and access control systems.

The cross room is a technical room that houses switching and network equipment.

The hardware room can be combined with the cross-connection of the building.

The area of ​​the equipment room serving the building's workplaces should be 14 m2. To locate the equipment room, it seems most appropriate to allocate room 111, since it is located on the ground floor, is not a passage, is located approximately in the middle of the floor and is not adjacent to the external walls of the building, is located near the stairs, etc. Room 111 has an area of ​​20 m2, which exceeds the recommended area of ​​the equipment room, obtained based on the specific norm - 0.7% of the working area, so it is advisable to combine it with the cross room of the first floor.

The standard area for the cross-room premises, based on the number of serviced IRs, should be 6.2 m2, which slightly exceeds the minimum permissible value of 6 m2. Rooms 111, 211 and 311,411 with an area three times larger than the standard are allocated for cross rooms on different floors. The presence of space reserves makes it possible in the future to place additional network equipment for collective use in these premises. The distance from these technical premises to the farthest outlet turns out to be approximately 58 m, that is, the diameter of the serviced work area will not exceed 70 m, then a single-level (centralized) CKC structure is implemented on the floors.

On the ground floor of the building there is no separate room for CE, and the switching equipment necessary for servicing the cables of the horizontal CKC subsystem of this floor is installed in the equipment room.

PBX, servers and central LAN equipment will be located in the equipment room, that is, the CKC is built according to a two-level scheme using the principle of multipoint administration.

2.3 Determination of physical parameters of SCS and installation requirements

The throughput of communication channels for the vertical subsystem is not less than 1 Gbit/s; for the horizontal subsystem it is recommended not less than 100 Mbit/s. Form factors for laying cable products: pipes are used for a vertical cable system, trays are used for a horizontal cable system, cable ducts are used for laying in a false ceiling.

Table 2.3.1 shows the results of calculating the number of workplaces for each of the working premises based on the ratio - at least one workplace per five square meters of room area.

Table 2.3.1 Number of jobs

Room number, its purpose

Area, m2

Number of workplaces


114(do not use)

115(do not use)

Total on one floor


214(do not use),314,414

215(do not use),315,415

Total on one floor

The total number of jobs in the building is 320.

Each element of the cable system must be marked, that is, have a unique number, which consists of a prefix indicating the element of the cable system; a field defining the location of the element and letters identifying the system to which this element of the cable system belongs. In this project the following SCS elements are marked:


Patch panel port;

Building room.

Each cable has a unique identifier printed on both sides, which contains the following information:

Cable type (G - 4-pair UTP cable; M - Backbone vertical fiber optic cable);

Room and workplace number on one side;

The port number of the cross-connect and patch panel on the other side.

Each workplace has a unique identifier, which contains the following information:

A three-digit number, including the floor number (first digit), a two-digit number of the room in which the workplace is located;

Workplace number in room;

Each patch panel port has an ID that contains:

The letters MC (Main Cross-Connect) for the main cross-connect, 1C (Intermediate Cross-connect) for floor intermediate cross-connects;

Number of the room where the main switching center is located;

The single digit after the room number is the patch panel number;

The single digit after the dash is the patch panel port number;

Each room has a number that contains:

Single digit - floor number;

A two-digit number is the number of premises on the specified floor.

3. Description of structured cabling system

3.1 Workplace subsystem

The workstation subsystem is used to connect end devices (computers, terminals, printers, phones, etc.) to the local network.

To implement the workstation subsystem, the following types of socket modules were selected: double information sockets type RJ-45 of the 5th category (one module is used to connect a workstation, the second is reserved or used to connect additional network equipment), double VEPS sockets - (provide network equipment and other active devices at the user's workplace with a guaranteed power supply) are used to connect the workstation kit and other devices operating on the local network, household electrical sockets (for connecting office equipment) and single RJ-11 telephone sockets.

The method of fastening information and power sockets is a cable channel.

For general use rooms, you need at least 1 workplace per 5 square meters. meters of room area equipped with the necessary socket modules for connecting a minimum set of organizational equipment (typical workplace). In addition, one of the workstations must be equipped with additional socket modules for connecting a set of organizational equipment (reinforced workstation).

A typical work place (Fig. 3.1.1) is equipped with:

Two VEPS sockets (one double);

A reinforced workplace is a workplace equipped with additional socket modules for connecting a set of organizational equipment. The view of the reinforced workplace is shown in Figure 3.1.2.

The reinforced workplace is equipped with:

Two information sockets type RJ-45 of the 5th category (one double);

One telephone socket type RJ-11;

Four VEPS sockets (two double);

One household electrical outlet.

Figure 3.1.1 Typical workplace

Figure 3.2.2 Reinforced workplace

Table 3.1.1 provides information on the number of information and power sockets in the premises of the building

Room number

Area, m2)

Number of workers Places (pcs)

Socket modules

Power sockets

End cords (pcs)

2*VEPS (pcs)

Household (pcs)


114 (do not use)

115 (not used)


214 (not used)

215 (not used)


314 (not used)

315 (not used)


414 (not used)

415 (not used)

*Taking into account the percentage for development (10%), the number of patch cords will be equal to 352. They are used to connect information sockets of network equipment to the socket modules.

3.2 Horizontal subsystem

The horizontal subsystem is designed to connect the control subsystem with the workplace and is characterized by a very large number of cable branches. The horizontal SCS subsystem will be built on the basis of unshielded 4-pair cables of category 5e, laid two to each socket block.

To calculate the amount of cable required to implement a subsystem, two main methods are used: the summation method and the static method.

The summation method consists of calculating the route length of each horizontal cable and then adding the values ​​thus found.

The required amount of cable is calculated using a statistical method. This method was chosen based on the fact that on each floor there are over 12 information outlets and workplaces are distributed evenly across the serviced area.

The statistical method assumes:

1. Calculation of the average length (Lcp) of cable routes using the formula:

Lcp =(Lmax+Lmin)/2,

where L min and L max are the lengths of the cable route from the point of placement of the cross-connect equipment to the information connector of the closest and farthest workplace, calculated taking into account the cable laying technology, all descents, ascents, turns and building features.

2. When determining the length of the routes, it is necessary to add a technological margin of 10% of Lcp and a margin X for cable routing procedures in the distribution node and information connector; so the length of the traces L will be:

L= (1.1Lcp+X)*N ,

where N is the number of sockets on the floor.

We will calculate the amount of cable required for each floor and the building as a whole.

For each floor:

Lmin = 10 m; Lmax = 58 m; N = 80, k=10% .

Average length (L cp) of cable routes:

L cp =(L max +L min)/2 = (58+10)/2=34 m.

The length of the routes L will be:

L= (k*L cp +X)*N =(1.1*34+2)*

Total for the horizontal subsystem it is necessary:

L total = L *4= 12608 meters of cable.

There are 305 meters of cable in the bay. Then to create a horizontal subsystem you need 42 (12608/305=41.338) bays, or 12810 meters of cable (42*305=12810).

Cable laying of the horizontal subsystem on the floors is carried out in a cable channel, which is mounted on the wall.

The specification for cable products for organizing a horizontal system is in the table in the appendix. Schemes of the horizontal subsystem of SCS of floors 1-4 are shown on graphic sheet 2.

· Cable channel, 35x80 mm - for laying to the workplace;

· Tray 100x50 mm - for laying a route to the audience;

· Tray 100x80 mm - for laying a route along the corridor from the crossover.

3.3 Vertical subsystem

The backbone (vertical) system of the building ensures the connection of the cross-connection of each floor of the building with the equipment room of the building.

Depending on the degree (high, medium or low) of integration in the building, the length of the backbone subsystem path and the required data transfer speed, fiber optic cable, unshielded or shielded twisted pair can be used for installation of the vertical SCS subsystem.

Taking into account the initial assessment of the capacity of the main cables, we choose a high degree of integration. This configuration includes two or more socket modules per data socket with the corresponding number of horizontal cables per workplace. A characteristic feature of this configuration is the use of fiber optic cable to organize the internal backbone.

The number of optical cores of the backbone cable system is determined taking into account 100% redundancy, therefore, when laying the backbone cable network, the project provides for two different routes (main and backup), running from the central control room, where the switching equipment is installed, to the floor cabinets (graph sheet 3). We will make redundancy using twisted pair cable of category 5e.

The total height of the building is 12 meters. Riser channels pass through the technical rooms, that is, the maximum length of the main cable will be approximately 25 m

We will calculate the cables according to the principle of high integration. We assume that for each workplace in the internal backbone of the building 0.2 fibers should be provided and, accordingly, for each floor: 16 (80*0.2=16) for the main route and 16 (80*0.2=16) for the backup route optical fibers In total, a building requires 64 optical fibers for the main route and 64 for 100% redundancy.

As the basis of the backbone for transmitting LAN signals, a multimode indoor fiber optic cable with traditional 62.5/125 fiber design should be used.

Table 3.3.1 Cables of the internal trunk subsystem

Cable type

Number of pairs/fibers

Number of cables

Cable length m


Summing up the obtained values, we obtain the required amount of cable for the implementation of the internal backbone subsystem of the designed cabling:

· 52m of 16-fiber optical cable for the main route and 52m of 16-fiber optical cable for the backup route.

To pass vertical sections, dedicated risers or shafts of various types are usually used. These passages in practice are implemented in the form of slots, sleeves and embedded pipes .

To lay the cables of the internal highway subsystem of the designed CKC, we will use vertical tubular elements such as hoses with a diameter of 100 mm, located along the wall of the technical room and performing the functions of riser channels.

3.4 Control subsystem

In the premises of the control subsystem, active and passive equipment of computer, telephone, signaling and other types of networks are placed in order to organize access to external information networks.

In general, the technical premises of the control subsystem are divided into:



In the designed system, taking into account the total number of serviced workplaces, we will accept the following equipment layout:

Mounting structures such as cabinets are installed in cross-country rooms;

A mixed installation option is used in the equipment room.

Patch panels for various purposes, mounted in each cross-connection floor, support the functioning of active network equipment connected to 80 workstations. In the rooms of the equipment room and cross floors, a central placement of the cabinet with a circular approach to it is used.

Switching of workstations is carried out using special cross-over cables between panels on the main cross-connection. The use of such a circuit provides a safe method for switching active equipment.

In the equipment room (No. 111) the following is installed:

- No. 1 - 19” cabinet for 28 units (28U), which fits:

· 4 fiber optic switches Shanghai BDCOM L2 S2228F for 24 ports; (5U)

· 4 fiber optic patch panels, 19"", with 24 duplex adapters; (6U)

· 4 horizontal cable organizers; (6U)

· server equipment (6U);

- No. 2 - 19” cabinet for 32 units (32U), which fits:

· Uninterruptible power supply GE M 2200 19"" with power - 2.2 kW, voltage - 140 V ~ 305 V, number of output sockets (IEC 320) - 9; (3U).

In the cross room (No. 211, 311 and 411) a 19” cabinet with 32 units is installed:

· 5 D-Link DES-3200-28 switches with 24 RJ-45 ports and 4 1000Base-T/SFP combo ports

· 5 patch panels, 19"", with 24 duplex adapters; (7U)

· 8 horizontal cable organizers; (10U)

· Uninterruptible power supply GE M 2200 19"" with power - 2.2 kW, voltage - 140 V ~ 305 V, number of output sockets (IEC 320) - 9; (3U).

The configuration and installation of the equipment room cabinet on the 1st floor is carried out in the following sequence (for a 28U cabinet, from top to bottom):

· 1 U - optical switch Shanghai BDCOM L2 S2228F for 24 ports;

· 1 U - 24 ports;

· 1 U - cable organizer;

· 1 U - optical switch Shanghai BDCOM L2 S2228F for 24 ports;

· 1 U - Optical panel Zet ODF 1U 24 SC/FC/Duplex LC 24 ports;

· 1 U - cable organizer;

· 1 U - optical switch Shanghai BDCOM L2 S2228F for 24 ports;

· 1 U - Optical panel Zet ODF 1U 24 SC/FC/Duplex LC 24 ports;

· 1 U - cable organizer;

· 6 U - server equipment;

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

The configuration and installation of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th floor crossover cabinets is carried out in the following sequence (for a 32U cabinet, from top to bottom):

· 1 U - switching equipment D-Link DES-3200-28 for 24 ports;

· 1 U - Krone/110 (dual) IDC Patch panel 24 RJ45 ports, category 5e

· 3 U - cable organizer;

· 1 U - switching equipment D-Link DES-3200-28 for 24 ports;

· 1 U - Krone/110 (dual) IDC Patch panel 24 RJ45 ports, category 5e

· 3 U - cable organizer;

· 1 U - switching equipment D-Link DES-3200-28 for 24 ports;

· 1 U - Krone/110 (dual) IDC Patch panel 24 RJ45 ports, category 5e

· 3U - cable organizer;

· 1 U - switching equipment D-Link DES-3200-28 for 24 ports;

· 1 U - Krone/110 (dual) IDC Patch panel 24 RJ45 ports, category 5e

· 3 U - cable organizer;

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

· 1 U - plug (reserve place);

· 3 U - uninterruptible power supply GE M 2200 19"" (2.2 kV).

The specification of equipment and cabinets located in technical rooms is given in the appendix.


As a result of the completed course project, a structured cabling system for a four-story building was designed.

In this course project, all stages of designing a structured cabling system for an enterprise were considered: designing a workplace subsystem, designing a horizontal subsystem, designing a vertical subsystem, designing a control subsystem.

During the course of the project, useful skills were obtained in all the considered sections of the field of network technologies.

The designed network is easy to configure, install and operate. The equipment used in building the network is reliable and easy to use, easily replaceable and affordable.

List of used literature

1. A. B Semenov, Design and calculation of structured cable systems and their components. - M.: DMK Press, 2003. - 416 p.

2. N.A.Olifer, V.G.Olifer, Transport subsystem of heterogeneous networks, 1997

3. Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed./N.A.Olifer, V.G.Olifer. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 864 pp.: ill.

4. Fundamentals of Cisco Networking, volume 1.: Per. from English -M.: Publishing house "Williams", 2002. - 512 p.: ill.

5. Fundamentals of Cisco Networking, volume 2.: Per. from English -M.: Publishing house "Williams", 2002. - 464 pp.: ill.

6. Yu.V.Novikov. Local network equipment. Functions, selection, development. M., Publishing house "Ekom", 1998, 288 p.

7. T.I.Radko. Design of a structured cabling system. Electronic textbook for students of specialty 050704 “VTiPO”. KSTU, CETO, 2009

8. Radko T.I., M.Kh.Zakirov. structured cabling system. Textbook, Publishing House KSTU, 2009, 80 p.


Specification for equipment used in SCS

Table A.1 Specification for equipment used in SCS

Specifications for outlet modules and termination cords



Amount (tg)

Double RJ-45 socket, VALENA series, LE-774444, Legrand

Telephone socket Valena RJ11 4 contacts 1 connector (aluminum), 7701 38, Legrand

Socket 220V, household 16A, VALENA series, LE-774416, Legrand

Double socket (monoblock) Valena with grounding from the curtain (aluminum), 7701 27, Legrand

Fiber optic socket Legrand Mosaic Socket SC, 2M, duplex 74229

Specification for cable products, form factors, telecommunications equipment

Telephone cable Solid-Cross RJ-11 (500m)

Tray DKC 100x50 L 3000, 35022, Depth: 50 mm

Length: 3 m

Width: 100 mm

Tray DKC 100x80 L 3000, 35062

Depth: 80 mm

Length: 3 m

Width: 100 mm

Specification for cable products, switching equipment, form factors

Shanghai BDCOM L2 S2228F Layer 2 (L2) managed switch, 24 ports 1000M SFP + 2 ports 10/100/1000M TX +2 ports 10/100/1000M TX/Gigabit SFP combo

Rigid self-extinguishing PVC pipe 63 mm diameter (3 m length of 1 pipe)

1005 (price 1m - 335)

Equipment specification for the control subsystem

Optical panel Zet ODF 1U 24 SC/FC/Duplex LC

Cable organizer with metal rings

1U end cap

Table A.2 Characteristics of equipment used in SCS

Hyperline HF1DJ19B5 (FO-D-IN/OUT-50-24-HFFR) Multimode fiber optic cable 50/125 (multimode), 24 cores

Meets standards

EIA-TIA 455 and IEC-60332, 60754, 60794.

Optical characteristics meet the standard

Complies with fire safety standard

Conductive material: optical fiber

9/125, 50/125, 62.5/125

Fiber insulation:

dense buffer coating

Reinforcement and waterproofing:

waterproofing reinforcing aramid threads

Outer shell:

halogen-free flame retardant compound (HFFR)

Central power element:

dielectric rod

Flexural resistance

no data 300 cycles

Fiber diameter

Diameter according to protective coating

Operating temperature

D-Link DES-3200-28 Managed stackable switch 4 SFP ports, 24 RJ-45+ ports 4 combo ports 10/100/1000Base-T/SFP


Type of equipment



Power, Console; for ports 10/100/1000 Mbit/s: Link, Activity, Speed; for SFP ports: Link, Activity, Speed

Gigabit ports

24 ports 10/100/1000 Mbit/s, 4 of them are shared with SFP ports

4 Gigabit ports shared with SFP ports


Web Interface, Telnet, GUI (Graphical User Interface), Command Line Interface (CLI), SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), RMON (Remote Network Monitoring)

WAC (Web Access Control)


Port Based Network Access Control

Supported, IEEE 802.1x

Access Control List


power unit


Port Mirroring

Supported; one-to-one, many-to-one, stream mirroring


802.1d (Spanning Tree Protocol), 802.1Q (VLAN), 802.1s (MSTP), 802.1w (RSTP), 802.1x (User Authentication)

IGMP (Multicast) support

Port speed limiting

Supported; with a step of 512 Kbps

MAC Address Table

8000 addresses

Supported (software-based virtual stacking; D-Link Single IP Management support; virtual stacking of up to 32 devices possible)

Supported, IEEE 802.1Q. Up to 4K static groups; up to 255 dynamic groups.


1 fan; automatically turns on at temperatures above 35°C and turns off at temperatures below 30°C

19" rack mounting

Possible, mounting hardware included

Dimensions (width x height x depth)

280 x 43 x 180 mm

Shanghai BDCOM L2 S2228F Layer 2 (L2) Managed Switch, 24 1000M SFP ports + 2 10/100/1000M TX ports + 2 10/100/1000M ports

The switch supports various functions for processing multicast traffic

IGMP Snooping, MVR.

24x1000 Mbit/s SFP port

2x10/100/1000 Mbit/s SFP-Combo ports

1 console port

Switch Fabric Speed

Switching type

Store-and-forward switching

MAC address table capacity

Dimensions (LxWxH)

Power consumption

28 W (max)

LED indicators

Nutrition, link activity


Operating temperature: 0 ... 50°C, storage temperature: -40 ... 70°C

Port-based VLAN, 802.1Q tag VLAN, VLAN Stacking (selective QinQ), GVRP dynamic VLAN configuration, port-to-VLAN isolation


Up to 32 devices controlled from one IP address

Optical panel Zet ODF 1U 24 SC/FC/Duplex LC

Overall dimensions (without mounting brackets):

430x220x44 mm.

light gray (RAL7035)

Panel Features:

retractable design;

front panels are included in the price;

several cable fixing options;

ability to route cables from the side and back;

installation of cable organizers in any convenient place; a new method of rigid cable fixation - metal (2mm) brackets.


organizers - 6 pcs.

Splice cassette - 1 pc.

cable clamps - 12 pcs.

SC front panels (FC, SC duplex, plugs) - 3 pcs.

brackets for clamping the cable at the input - 2 pcs.

double brackets for clamping the cable at the input - 2 pcs.

power element clamp - 2 pcs.

Floor cabinet 19" 28U ZPAS WZ-SZBD-081-ZCAA-11-0000-011


Floor cabinet 19" 32U ZPAS WZ-SZBD-062-ZCAA-11-0000-011


glass door with metal inserts, handle with three-point lock

Uninterruptible power supply GE M GE M 2200 19(2.2kV)

Application area:

Servers and switches;

PCs and workstations;

Cash registers, fax equipment, modems and ISDN adapters;

Internet servers;

Network hardware;

Equipment for control systems and telecommunications.

Cable organizer

Front access for battery replacement;

Easily connect additional battery packs to extend battery life

Horizontal cable organizer 19"

Maximum number of cables to be laid

25 patch cords 4 pairs UTP 5E


Powder coating RAL9005


Storage conditions

-40 to +70

terms of Use

-0 to +70

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Let's consider an example of using the basic principles of the material presented above to design a cable system in a certain hypothetical project. The presentation of the material is carried out, if possible, without reference to a specific type of SCS. In situations where there is a need to perform specific calculations, for certainty, the numerical parameters of the element base of the Russian IT-SCS cable system are used.
9.1. Initial data
The structured cabling system is installed in a 4-story office building, the individual floors of which have an identical layout as shown in Fig. 9.1 using the example of the first floor. The clear height of the floor between the floors is 3.5 meters, the total thickness of the interfloor floors is 50 cm.
The SCS being created must ensure the functioning of the LAN equipment and telephone network of the office building. The customer's electronic PBX has a total capacity of about 400 internal numbers; at the initial stage of operation of the information and computing system, it is intended to connect mainly single-pair telephone sets to its ports. SCS is intended to create a regular communication network and is intended to transmit information that is not classified as confidential.
From the structure of the organization that will operate the cable system immediately after its construction is completed, and the technical requirements, it follows that the functioning of the customer’s LAN is associated with the processing and transmission of fairly large volumes of information in the process of solving several typical problems.
Additionally it is provided:
connecting the organization's PBX to the input 100-pair cross-connection of the city telephone network;
connection of the organization's LAN via two channels with a capacity of at least 100 Mbit/s each with a previously built network in another building via a cable laid along a free channel of the existing cable duct; The sewerage diagram is shown in Fig. 9.2 (ascents and descents are counted in the direction marked by the arrow).

The underground cable entry is located at the intersection of coordinate axes 9 and K.
In the corridors and work areas to accommodate users, the construction design of the building provides for the installation of a suspended ceiling with a free space height of 80 cm. Behind the false ceiling there is enough free space to accommodate trays used for laying cables for various purposes. The walls of the building and internal non-permanent partitions separating individual rooms from each other are made of ordinary brick and covered with a layer of plaster, the thickness of which is 1 cm. Any additional channels in the floor and walls that can be used for laying cables are determined by the construction design of the building not provided.
In the building, the construction project provides for a riser based on three pipes with a clear diameter of 80 mm, the installation channels for which run along the right wall of the X28 premises on all floors of the building at a distance of 80 cm from the rear wall (Fig. 9.3).

Cable entries into technical rooms and work areas for users are based on several metal pipes with a clear diameter of 32 mm. In addition to information sockets, to serve each workplace, there are two power sockets connected to the guaranteed power supply network and one power socket connected to the household power supply network. The laying of power cables, as well as their connection to power sockets and the power distribution panel, is carried out by a related subcontractor.
9.2. Architectural design phase
On each floor of the building according to the plan in Fig. 9.1 there are 18 workrooms designed to accommodate users. Data on the area of ​​these premises are summarized in table. 9.1. In accordance with the provisions of section 4.3.1 with reference to SNiP 2.09.04-87, paragraph 3.2 for an office building, we assume the installation of one block of sockets mainly for every 4 m2 of working area. Additionally, to increase the ease of maintenance and operational flexibility of the information and computing system as a whole, we provide three socket blocks in each technical room on the floors of the building, that is, a total of 90 socket blocks need to be installed on each floor, and a total of 360 socket blocks in the building.

9.2.1. Technical buildings
Working areas on each floor intended to accommodate user workstations, in accordance with the data in Table. 9.1 is 380 m2. According to the standards given in section 3.2.2, the area of ​​the equipment room serving the building's workplaces should be 10.6 m2. They also introduced a restriction on the minimum area of ​​the equipment room of 14 m2. To accommodate the equipment room, it seems most appropriate to allocate rooms 128 and 129, since they are located on the ground floor, are not walk-through, do not have windows and are not adjacent to the external walls of the building, are located close to elevators, etc. Room 128 has an area of ​​12.9 m2, which is only 1.1 m2 less than the required norm, but exceeds the recommended area of ​​the equipment room, obtained based on the specific norm - 0.7% of the working area (Table 9.2).

When choosing the final decision in favor of one or another premises, the following considerations were additionally taken into account. According to the first option, the location of the equipment room in room 128 is accepted. The area of ​​this room can be quickly and easily brought up to the standard by moving the front non-permanent wall towards the corridor by about 50 cm. This operation is carried out immediately or in the future if such a need arises, for which everything is available necessary prerequisites. The second option is to organize the equipment room in the adjacent room 129, which meets all standard requirements regarding its dimensions. The area of ​​20.1 m2 of this room exceeds the standard. At the same time, however, the implementation of the main subsystems becomes somewhat more complicated, since access to the existing riser will require the organization of a horizontal channel. Taking this circumstance into account, in this particular case we will focus on the first option.
The standard area for cross-country premises based on the number of serviced IRs according to section 3.3.1 should be 6.2 m2, which slightly exceeds the minimum permissible value of 6 m2. Rooms 228, 328 and 428 with an area twice the standard are allocated for cross rooms on different floors. The location of these technical rooms directly above the equipment room significantly simplifies the design of interfloor passages and makes it possible to dispense with one riser without horizontal sections of laying the main cable. In addition, the availability of space reserves and the installation of IR makes it possible in the future to place additional network equipment for collective use in these premises in the event of a significant modernization of the enterprise network.
In all technical rooms, in accordance with the requirements of section 3.2.5, the door, which must open outward, is rehung.
UPBX, servers and central LAN equipment will be located in the hardware room, that is, the SCS is built according to a two-level scheme using the principle of multipoint administration.
9.2.2. Cable channels for various purposes
To lay horizontal and trunk cables of the internal trunk subsystem of the designed SCS, we use the following types of channels:
closed metal trays behind a false ceiling, designed for laying horizontal subsystem cables in corridors;
decorative cable ducts (due to the lack of channels in the walls and floors of the users’ work areas), made of non-flammable plastic and used for laying horizontal subsystem cables and power supply cables;
embedded tubes of the sleeve type with a clear diameter of 32 mm, through which horizontal cables removed from the tray in the corridor are inserted into the false ceiling of the working premises of users;
vertical tubular elements such as sleeves with a clear diameter of 80 mm, located along the right wall of the technical room at a distance of approximately 80 cm from its rear wall and performing the functions of riser channels and used for laying cables of the internal backbone subsystem along them.
The trays are located behind the false ceiling, fastened at least every 1.5 m and grounded according to the rules of the Electrical Installation Code (section The installation height of the tray body is selected equal to 3 m from the floor level.
To reduce the consumption of the decorative box and, accordingly, minimize the cost of the project and slightly reduce the duration of its implementation, horizontal laying of the box is used in rooms to accommodate users at the height of the sockets and one vertical descent due to the false ceiling for laying cables.
Under the sleeves on each floor, fastenings of vertical sections of main cables are provided, located at a distance of no more than 1 m from each other.
Patch panels for various purposes, mounted in each cross-connection floor, support the functioning of active network equipment connected to 90 IR. In this type of technical room, we install equipment in a closed installation structure such as cabinets with glass front doors.
To save space, the equipment room is combined with the cross room on the first floor. Therefore, taking into account the placement of additional network equipment for collective use in this technical room, we install two mounting structures.
In CE rooms, a central placement of the cabinet with a circular approach to it is used. In the equipment room, cabinets are installed in a row and fastened to each other. The relatively small width of the technical room (2640 mm) does not make it possible to provide all-round access to the installation structure in the equipment room with a passage width according to BICSI rules. Therefore, a number of cabinets in the equipment room are installed close to the right wall of the room relative to the entrance. The displacement of the cabinets to the right relative to the longitudinal axis of the equipment room is due to the passage of riser channels along this wall. In this case, the passage has a width of: 264 - 2 x 80 = 104 cm, which exceeds the minimum permissible value of 76 cm. The distance from the wall to the rear wall of the cabinet is selected equal to 1 m, which allows us to obtain:
easy access to the rear cabinet door;
ease of insertion of main cables into the riser channels.
To ensure ease of operation of the cable system and network equipment installed in the control room, the door of the cabinet standing near the wall is hung in such a way that it opens from left to right.
SCS cross-connect equipment, which ensures the operation of a telephone exchange, is made in the form of cross-connect towers, which, together with the organizers, are installed on the wall of the room. The capacity of these towers is 400 pairs. To ensure ease of maintenance and switching, the installation height of the towers is selected so that the upper edge of the base is at a height of 1.7 m from the floor level. In this case, the extreme organizer of the tower is located at a distance of approximately 900 mm from the mounting cabinet, which ensures full opening of the door and free access to the equipment.
The PBX is located on the short end wall of the equipment room opposite the mounting cabinets. Placing a wall distribution between the mounting structure and the telephone exchange reduces overall cable consumption and simplifies equipment installation.
9.3. Telecommunications design phase
At the time of design work, the main standard for constructing a LAN was Ethernet in various versions. The use of category 5e element base for the implementation of the horizontal subsystem ensures the transmission of signals through the SCS paths of all widely used in practice varieties of this LAN network interface, up to its ultra-high-speed version Gigabit Ethernet 802.3b. Thus, the proposed solution provides a reserve capacity of horizontal SCS paths, sufficient to support the functioning of all known at the time of design and promising types of applications, that is, reliable protection of the customer’s investments made in SCS.
According to the initial data, the enterprise information and computing system being created is not intended to transmit confidential information. Therefore, a structured cable system is built on a cheaper and less complex in practical implementation unshielded element base.
9.3.1. Workplace subsystem
The composition of sockets at each workplace is determined by the customer in the technical requirements and is given in the initial data, according to which one IR with two socket modules forming SCS subscriber ports, and three power sockets for various purposes are provided.
The type of socket modules is determined taking into account the requirements for throughput, workplace configuration and the chosen mounting method. In this particular case, to build information sockets, we use single modules of category 5e of the MAX series type MX-C5-02-IT, installed in pairs in their place in the Mosaic 45 socket using the adapter MX-45-82-IT. Use of two socket modules of category 5e determined by considerations of universality and fully complies with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 11801 standard as amended in 2000.
Information on the number of information and power sockets in each room is entered in the table. 9.4.

9.3.2. Design of a horizontal subsystem
The building in question does not have large halls or compact separate groups of users. Based on this, it will not involve laying cables under the carpet and it is not practical to implement individual sections and some paths of the horizontal subsystem based on a multi-pair cable. In turn, this means that transition points and consolidation points are not required in the SCS.
Thus, the process of designing a horizontal subsystem in this case will be reduced to calculating the scope of supply of the horizontal cable and determining its design.
The horizontal SCS subsystem is built on the basis of unshielded 4-pair cables of category 5e, laid two to each socket block. The required amount of cable is calculated using a statistical method. The basis for its use is the fact that there are over 42 information sockets on each floor and the requirement of uniform distribution of sockets over the serviced area is met.
90 IRs are installed on each floor. In accordance with the rationale, we use floor-standing mounting cabinets to place SCS switching equipment and active LAN network equipment in cross-connection rooms. The minimum height of these structures will be approximately 35 U.
As an IR with a minimum distance from the technical room, we will take socket block number 3 in room 29. SR with the maximum length of cable forwarding is socket block number 4 in room 14. Calculations of the maximum and minimum lengths of cable forwarding are given in table. 9.3 and indicate that the maximum value of this parameter does not exceed 70 m. Therefore, the statistical method is applicable to all IRs served by switching equipment in a given technical room. The cable length required to implement an average forwarding, taking into account a 10 percent technological margin, will be 1.1 x 33.3 = 36.6 m. One standard 1000-foot cable box will be enough to implement an average of 305 / 36.6 = 8 forwarding. The total number of forwardings on one floor is 2 x 90 = 180, and their implementation will require 23 boxes of 4-pair horizontal cable.
The laying of cables of the horizontal subsystem along the entire length of any route, that is, in the corridors, technical and work rooms of the building, is carried out in closed channels made of fireproof materials. This allows the use of a cheaper design of these products with a polyvinyl chloride shell.
9.3.3. Design of a subsystem of internal highways
The cables of the internal trunk subsystem connect switching equipment installed in the cross-connection and equipment rooms. According to the initial data, these cables transmit mainly information flows created by LAN network equipment and telephone signals from a private branch exchange. The designed system adopts the principle of using 2-port information sockets at workplaces. There are no PBX outlets or hubs on the floors. Based on these two factors, you should expect a significant number of telephone calls to be carried over the trunk cables. Based on this circumstance, taking into account the accepted principle of multipoint administration, the following ideology for constructing a subsystem of internal highways is adopted:
part of the subsystem of internal highways, intended to service the telephone network, is built on a multi-pair cable made of twisted pairs of category 3;
to organize part of the subsystem of internal highways that serves the operation of the LAN, a fiber-optic cable is used;
To increase the operational flexibility and survivability of the created system, each pair of fibers is duplicated with a 4-pair cable made of twisted pairs of category 5e.
According to the initial data, the total height of the building is 16m. Riser channels pass through the technical rooms. Taking these circumstances into account, the maximum length of the main cable will be approximately 25 m.
Let's calculate the required total cable capacity in pairs/fibers. The designed cable system has a high degree of integration. In this case, the internal highway subsystem is built based on ensuring the functioning of the IR with two socket modules for each workplace. Based on the chosen configuration, we assume that for each workplace in the internal backbone of the building, 2 pairs of category 3, 0.4 pairs of category 5e and 0.2 fibers should be provided and, accordingly, for each floor: 180 pairs of category 3, 36 pairs of category 5e and 18 optical fibers. This information allows you to determine the capacity of the main cables and, if necessary, specify their design.
The industry mass-produces category 3 twisted pair cables with a capacity of 25, 50 and 100 pairs. Therefore, when implementing trunk paths for transmitting PBX signals, it is advisable to use two 100-pair cables.
Let's determine the capacity and number of optical cables in the internal backbone. Calculations have established that in order to organize backbone LAN paths in the “KE - hardware room” section, in the general case, 18 fibers are required. Due to the peculiarities of their design, internal cables of similar capacity have unsatisfactory weight and size characteristics, poor flexibility and increased cost. Therefore, in this particular project, twice as many 12-fiber cables are applicable. Based on the provisions of table. 4.6, as the basis of the backbone for transmitting LAN signals, you should use a multimode fiber-optic cable of internal installation with fibers of the traditional 62.5/125 type, which provide slightly lower input losses and are not so demanding on the quality of installation of optical connector plugs.

Semenov A.B.

9.3.4. Design of external highway subsystem
According to the initial data, two 100-megabit information streams should be transmitted along the cable paths of the external trunk subsystem. If the currently most common Ethernet technology is used, organizing such paths will require an optical cable containing at least four fibers. In order to increase the operational flexibility of the designed network and create a reserve for the future, in this case we use an 8-fiber cable with twice the capacity. The cable laying of the external highway subsystem is carried out along a sewerage channel with a total length of 1850 m according to the plan in Fig. 9.2. Based on this, to organize this line, we select a single-mode external cable. This product has a protective coating of corrugated steel tape and hydrophobic filling of the internal voids of the core to protect against moisture. The cable, in accordance with the factory specifications, can be used in cable ducts without any restrictions and has a maximum permissible tensile force ZkN.
The industry produces such cables in accordance with specifications with a maximum construction length of 4 km, that is, it would be advisable to build the linear part of the external highway subsystem without installing an intermediate coupling. To select the installation method, we will determine the expected tensile force in accordance with the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union. When performing calculations, it is assumed that there is no jamming effect (kM = 1), since the installation, according to the initial data, is carried out in a free channel of the cable duct. The calculation results are summarized in table. 9.7 and indicate the need to use one or more methods to reduce the tensile forces to an acceptable value.
To achieve this goal, we will perform a pull from intermediate point E, which allows us to reduce the maximum length of the laying route by 500 m and reduce the number of turning points in each section during the laying process to one. The calculation results (Table 9.8) indicate that in this case the expected tensile force does not exceed 1720 N, which is more than 1.5 times lower than what is permissible according to the specifications for this type of cable.
The cable entry into the building is located in such a way that the distance from it to the equipment room is about 8 m, that is, even taking into account the rise from the basement, the length of the external highway subsystem cable laid inside the building does not exceed 15 m. This allows the use of a cheaper design with a polyethylene sheath without switching to cables with external non-flammable protective coatings. To organize the installation route inside the building from the cable entry point to the equipment room, piping is used, which ensures compliance with fire safety standards and reliable protection of the cable from mechanical damage during operation.
The total length of the cable, taking into account the amount of technological reserves for uneven laying and installation of terminal switching and termination devices, will be determined as 1850 x 1.057 + 2x15 + 2x5 = 1995 m = 2000 m.

9.3.5. Design of the administrative subsystem Selecting the type of switching equipment and connection diagram for network devices
As switching equipment in technical rooms we use:
19-inch panels with modular connectors in a fixed configuration - for connecting horizontal subsystem cables;
19-inch panels type 110 - for connecting multi-pair trunk cables of category 3 in floor cross-connections and cross-connection towers of type 110 in the equipment room;
dial panels with modular connectors - for organizing backup trunk lines of category 5e;
switching shelves with duplex sockets of a multimode SC type connector - for connecting optical cables of the internal backbone subsystem;
a switching shelf with sockets of a single-mode FC type connector - for connecting the optical cable of the external trunk subsystem.
In all technical rooms of the lower level of this particular project, that is, in the control room, as well as in the equipment room in the part that serves the workstations of the first floor, the interconnect method will be used to connect high-speed network equipment to the horizontal subsystem. To connect to the cable system of the UPBX cross-connection, a communication scheme between cross-connections is used. Calculation of the number of switching equipment devices and their accessories
Each technical room of the designed system serves 90 2-port IR at workplaces. To connect horizontal cables, you will need 2 x 90 / 24 = 8 panels 1 U high with 24 female connectors. The choice of this particular type of panel is justified by the slightly lower labor intensity of installation compared to double-height panels.
To connect multi-pair cables of category 3 of the internal backbone subsystem in each mounting cabinet installed in the EC, one 200-pair panel of the PO type will be required.
Category 5e redundant cables are installed on panel panels. Each EC has 9 such cables. Accordingly, 27 category 5e cables are laid into the equipment room through the riser channels. Therefore, the designed system will require a total of 5 typesetting panels: one in each of the FEs and two in the hardware room.
We mount socket modules in type-setting panels installed in EC on their right side under the up-link ports of workgroup level switches. Some of the installation slots for the socket modules of these panels remain free. Cabinets with a glass front door were selected as the mounting structure in Section 9.2.3. Therefore, to improve the aesthetic performance of the switching field, free openings are closed with plugs. The typesetting panel has openings, each of which is designed to install two modules. Then in the FE in the type-setting panels 12-9/2 = 7 openings remain unused, and in the hardware room 2 x 12 - 27 / 2 = 10 openings, and in total 3x7 + 10 = 31 plugs will be needed.
Two 12-fiber internal optical cables are inserted into each EC. The 1 U high optical shelf for their connection has 2 cable entries and 12 duplex SC sockets, that is, both cables can be separated in one such shelf. The standard splice plate is equipped with the following elements: a housing with a built-in organizer for the technological supply of fibers, two removable KDZS sleeve holders for 6 seats and a protective cover. Each shelf can accommodate two splice plates. To increase the functional flexibility of the created network, we will terminate all cable fibers inserted into the shelf, which will require 24 installation cords with a multimode SC connector plug. In the equipment room we will install 3 similar optical shelves with the same accessories. This ensures the unity of the element base used and somewhat simplifies the installation procedure.
A cable for the external trunk subsystem is additionally introduced into the equipment room. To connect it, order a 1 U high shelf with 8 single-mode FC sockets. The connection process uses 8 single-mode mounting cords with FC connector plugs, 8 KDZS protective sleeves, one splice plate with a configuration similar to that used in shelves with multimode connectors.
To connect the UPBX to the SCS, a communication scheme between cross-connections is used. From the SKS side, 2 x 400 = 800 pairs are suitable for the cross. To route these pairs, we use two 400-pair wall-mounted cross-connect towers. We will select similar equipment as an intermediate UPBX crossover. Moreover, of the eight 100-pair blocks of these towers, seven are designed for connecting internal telephones, and the eighth is for connecting direct city numbers. This option is possible because, in accordance with the initial data, at the first stage of operation of the enterprise information and computing system, the bulk of telephone sets will be operated using a single-pair scheme. When completely switching to a 2-pair scheme, a 100-pair wall panel can be installed next to the panels, for which there is enough free space in the equipment room.
The results of calculations of switching equipment installed in technical rooms of various levels are summarized in table. 9.9.

  • 2.1.1. Basic regulatory documents
  • 2.1.2. SCS creation process
  • 2.1.3. Design phases
  • 2.1.4. Features of designing SCS as a technical object
  • 2.2. Types of design documentation
  • 2.2.1. Technical requirements and terms of reference
  • 2.2.2. Preliminary design
  • 2.2.3. Technical project
  • 2.2.4. Working documentation
  • 2.2.5. Technical working project
  • 3.1. Goals and objectives, regulatory framework
  • 3.2. Hardware design
  • 3.2.1. Hardware room placement
  • 3.2.2. Environmental conditions in the equipment room
  • 3.2.3. Features of organizing the power supply system in the equipment room
  • 3.2.4. Rules for installing telecommunications equipment
  • 3.3. Design of cross-country
  • 3.3.1. Placement of cross
  • One sneaker per floor
  • Several crosses per floor
  • 3.3.2. Other options for the construction implementation of switching nodes
  • 3.4. Cable channels of various types and their capacity
  • 3.4.1. General provisions and classification
  • 3.4.2. Capacity of channels of various types
  • 3.5. Cable routes of the external highway subsystem
  • 3.6. Cable routes of the subsystem of internal highways
  • 3.7. Cable routes of the horizontal subsystem
  • 3.9. Principles and methods of installing information sockets in work areas
  • 3.9.1. Principles and rules for placing sockets
  • Telecommunications design phase
  • 4.1. Goals, objectives and principles of performing calculations in the telecommunications phase
  • 4.2. Initial data for design
  • 4.2.1. Construction solutions
  • 4.2.2. Cable system parameters
  • 4.3. Workplace subsystem design
  • 4.3.1. Termination cords in user accommodation areas
  • 4.3.2. Adapters
  • 4.4. Design of a horizontal subsystem
  • 4.4.1. Linking individual workplaces to cross ones
  • 4.4.2. Selecting the type of information sockets
  • 4.4.3. Horizontal cable calculation
  • Selecting type and category
  • Determination of flow rate
  • 4.4.4. Designing Transition Points
  • 4.5. Backbone subsystems
  • 4.5.1. Selecting the type and category of trunk cables
  • 4.5.2. Connection diagrams for group devices of network equipment
  • LAN equipment
  • Upats equipment
  • 4.5.3. Calculation of linear cables of trunk subsystems
  • 4.5.4. Features of designing the linear part of the external highway subsystem
  • 4.5.5. Ensuring the reliability of backbone subsystems
  • 4.6. Administrative subsystem
  • 4.6.1. Methods for connecting network equipment to a cable system
  • Electrical subsystem
  • Optical subsystem
  • 4.6.2. Principles and methods of connecting network equipment to SCS in technical rooms of various levels
  • Basic Rules
  • Cross floor
  • Top-level crossovers
  • 4.6.3. Selecting the type of switching equipment and distributing its panels into functional sections
  • Some features of the organization of the commutation field
  • 4.6.4. Determining the capacity of information transmission paths and calculating the number of switching equipment devices
  • 4.6.5. Adapters
  • Calculation of decorative boxes, mounting structures and other additional components of SCS
  • 5.1. Wall cable channels
  • 5.2. Mounting structures
  • 5.3. Accessories and additional components for 19-inch mounting frames
  • 5.4. Fastening elements for decorative boxes and their accessories
  • 5.5. Labeling elements
  • 6.1. Preparation of technical proposal
  • 6.1.1. General provisions
  • 6.1.2. Presentation format and document templates
  • 6.2. Principles for accelerating and means of automating the process of preparing technical proposals
  • 6.3. SCS installation work and assessment of the duration of the cable system implementation
  • 6.3.1. Organization of work
  • 6.3.2. Main types of installation work
  • 6.3.3. SKS acceptance work
  • 6.4. Principles and rules for preparing project documentation
  • 6.4.1, General
  • 6.4.2. Features of the design of the text part of project documentation
  • 6.4.3. Specification design features
  • 6.4.4. Working drawings
  • Fire safety rules when designing scs
  • Features of constructing cabling for transmission of protected information
  • 8.1. General provisions
  • 8.2. Methods for minimizing the level of external radiation and masking information signals
  • 8.2.1. Technical means
  • 8.2.2. Masking of transmitted signals
  • 8.3. Project activities in the architectural phase
  • 8.3.1. Protection of cables outside the protected area
  • 8.3.2. Requirements for switching equipment
  • 8.3.3. Features of the use of fiber optic cables
  • 8.4. Technical solutions for individual subsystems of protected SCS
  • 8.4.1. Workplace Solutions
  • 8.4.2. Linear Cabling Solutions
  • 8.4.3. Solutions for technical premises
  • 8.5. Organizational events
  • SCS design example
  • 9.1. Initial data
  • 9.2. Architectural design phase
  • 9.2.1. Technical buildings
  • 9.2.2. Cable channels for various purposes
  • 9.3. Telecommunications design phase
  • 9.3.1. Workplace subsystem
  • 9.3.2. Design of a horizontal subsystem
  • 9.3.3. Design of a subsystem of internal highways
  • 9.3.4. Design of external highway subsystem
  • 9.3.5. Design of the administrative subsystem
  • SCS design example part 2
  • 9.3.6. Selecting the type and calculating the number of organizers
  • 9.3.7. Quantity calculation and length determination
  • 9.4. Calculation of additional and auxiliary elements of scs
  • 9.4.1. Calculation of decorative boxes and their accessories
  • 9.4.2. Other types of cable channels
  • 9.5. Calculation of auxiliary elements of scs
  • 9.5.1. Selecting the type and calculating the volume of supply of fastening elements
  • 9.5.2. Calculation of the number of marking elements
  • 9.5.3. Technological and measuring equipment
  • SCS design example part 2

    9.3.6. Selecting the type and calculating the number of organizers

    The following types of organizers are used in the designed cable system:

    Horizontal organizers installed in mounting structures;

    Vertical organizers installed in cabinets;

    Vertical organizers installed next to cross-connect towers in the control room.

    According to the diagram in Fig. 9.6 in each of the CEs 9 horizontal organizers will be required. SCS switching equipment and LAN network devices in this case are placed in one mounting cabinet. Therefore, we choose the height of the organizer 1 U. In the equipment room in that part of the switching field that performs the functions of FE equipment, the required number of organizers coincides with the same FE parameter (that is, 9 pieces). Category 5e backup trunk panels in the amount of 2 require one organizer, 3 optical shelves require three. Additionally, 2 organizers are provided, mounted above and below the central switchboard. Thus, a total of 15 organizers will be required in the control room. Summing up the indicated values, we obtain the number of products of this type included in the specification: 9 x 3 + 15 = 42.

    Vertical cable organizers (holders) of cables for various purposes in cabinets are installed on mounting rails next to the panels and equipment of individual functional sections of the switching field on both sides of each functionally complete block, that is, a pair for each horizontal organizer and a pair for each 200 -pair panel type 110. Thus, each cross panel will require 22 holders of this type. In the hardware room, the functional section of the horizontal subsystem and network equipment of the LAN workgroup level is served by 16 holders, the PABX port display panel - by two, optical shelves - by six, and category 5e backup trunk panels - by two. Next to the central switch, due to its large height, we install two holders on each side. Thus, a total of 30 holders will be required in the equipment room.

    Summing up the indicated values, we obtain the number of holders entered into the specification: 22 x 3 + 30 = 96. The dimensions of the holder are chosen to be 93x80 mm.

    Vertical organizers for cross-connect towers in connection with the customer’s requirement to use patch cords in this part of the administrative subsystem are installed:

    On both sides of the cross towers;

    In accordance with the rules - between the second and third cross towers.

    Thus, the total number of vertical organizers is three. The installation height of the cross tower bases is chosen equal to the height of the organizers.

    9.3.7. Quantity calculation and length determination

    termination, crossover and patch cords in technical rooms Cross

    The cross-country shoes provide the following types of cord products:

    Single-pair combination cords with modular plugs and type 110 plugs at different ends, designed to connect horizontal subsystem panels and Category 3 mains;

    Optical cords - for connecting optical up-link ports of floor switches of work groups to fiber-optic lines of the internal backbone subsystem;

    Redundant 4-pair cords with modular connector plugs - for connecting the electrical ports of floor hubs to a Category 5e backbone cable.

    To calculate the total number of cords of a certain type, we use a statistical approach. We assume that the supplied cords provide servicing for 70% of workplaces, and 10% of this amount is included as part of spare parts. This means that the specification of the supplied equipment includes a total of 77 cords of the first two types and 8 cords for connecting to the uplink ports of floor switches.

    In accordance with the initial data, single-pair combined cords will be used to connect to the Category 3 main line.

    With the accepted placement of LAN and SCS equipment in the project, shown in Fig. 9.6, the maximum distance between the switches and the backup trunk panel of category 5e will not exceed 65 cm. Taking into account the fact that the sockets of the backup trunk dial panel are located under the sockets of the up-link ports of the floor switches, this allows the use of cords 1 m long.

    To connect optical modules of up-link ports of floor switches, we use cords of a standard length of 3 m. Hardware

    The equipment room provides the following types of cord products:

    Single-pair combined cords with modular plugs and type 110 plugs at different ends, designed to connect the socket parts of the horizontal subsystem panel connectors and the “degenerate” Category 3 main connecting the mounting structure and wall cross-connect towers;

    4-pair cords with modular connector plugs - for connecting horizontal lines to the ports of floor switches of LAN workgroups;

    Optical cords - for connecting the optical ports of the central network switch to the fiber-optic lines of the internal backbone subsystem;

    Optical cords - for connecting the optical ports of the central network switch to the fiber-optic lines of the external backbone subsystem;

    4-pair cords with modular connector plugs - for connecting up-link ports of floor switches of workgroups to the ports of the central LAN switch;

    Redundant 4-pair cords with modular connector plugs - for connecting the electrical ports of floor concentrators to the main cable of category 5e;

    Single-pair cords type 110 - for switching socket parts of connectors of cross-connect towers;

    25-pair Telco patch cords on one end - for connecting the office telephone exchange to its dedicated 100-pair cross-tower panel.

    To improve the technical and economic indicators of the designed system, the equipment room additionally performs the functions of the FE of the first floor. Therefore, the number and distribution of cord lengths of the first two varieties in the equipment room coincide with similar parameters in any floor cross-connection room.

    The central LAN switch is connected to the up-link ports of the workgroup switches as follows:

    Multimode optical cords with SC connector plugs through optical cables of the internal backbone subsystem - to switches in the remaining cross-connections;

    Using single-mode optical cords through optical cables of the external backbone subsystem - to a previously built network in another building.

    Let's estimate the length of twisted pair cords of the latest variety. From Fig. 9.6 it follows that it is advisable to place the central switch and switches at the work group level of the LAN of the information computing system in different mounting structures. If they are installed at the same height, to simplify ease of maintenance, the distance between the connected ports of these devices can only reach 1.5 m horizontally. Because of this, it is advisable to use cords 2 m long. The total number of these cords can be found based on the expected number of operating switches groups in the control room and taking into account the 10% reserve will be 8 pieces.

    To connect the central switch via optical channels, you will need a total of 3 x 8 = 24 multimode optical cords, 2+1 = 3 single-mode optical cords.

    To connect the PBX, installation cords are used in the form of 25-pair cables with Telco connectors installed at one end. Cords up to 30 m long can be ordered. The distance between the cross towers and the UPBX system unit on the wall of the room is approximately 1 m. In this case, taking into account lifts and turns, as well as reserves for non-straightness of laying and cutting, we will take the average length of the installation cord equal to 5 m In the process of designing the administrative subsystem, seven 100-pair blocks were allocated for the cross-PBX, which will make it possible in the future to switch to connecting 2-pair phones without any problems. Therefore, the total number of mounting cords of this type will be: 700 / 25 = 28.

    To perform switching on cross-connect towers, a total of 77 x 4 = 308 single-pair cords with NO connectors will be required. To perform this operation we use standard cords 1 m long.

    The calculation results are summarized in table. 9.10.


    The uninterrupted operation of the entire future network infrastructure of the enterprise and its service life depend on the competent design of the SCS. When designing an SCS, all possibilities for expanding the customer’s company, changing its structure, number of personnel, increasing the number, purpose and intensity of use of workplaces are taken into account.

    "IC TELECOM-SERVICE" offers its clients the following services:

    • A full range of works on the design of structured cabling systems, installation and maintenance of cable systems
    • Selection of the optimal solution.
    • Modernization of existing network infrastructure.
    • Design of SCS of any topology taking into account the requirements of the enterprise.
    • Estimated cost and functionality of a future structured cabling system.
    • Installation and commissioning.
    • Testing and labeling.
    • Diagnostics and preventive repair of networks.
    • Technical support and service of SCS.

    EC “TELECOM-SERVICE” is an experienced network integrator, staffed by competent designers who develop optimal solutions for building structured cabling systems.

    Efficiency of solution implementation

    • When the Customer contacts our company and until the conclusion of the contract for the design of the SCS, the project manager conducts a survey and analysis of all technical means available to the customer, determines the architecture of the developed SCS and provides the Customer with a technical and commercial proposal (TCP) with a detailed description of all types of work that will be carried out by our company’s specialists and the Customer’s capabilities.
    • We offer the Customer an approximate estimate of the cost and functionality of the future structured cabling system.
    • Our company’s specialists, in a timely manner and strictly observing the terms of the contract, carry out the entire range of pre-design work and activities related to the design of structured cabling systems and networks.
    • EC “TELECOM-SERVICE” develops network infrastructure projects taking into account the individual needs of the customer, using in the process of creating an SCS project a systematic study of the entire range of problems associated with the design of facilities, implementation and operation of the created infrastructure.
    • Our specialists include in the network infrastructure plan the possibility of its further development, i.e., they ensure further scaling of the system. The ability to expand the system's capacity allows our customers to save money and technical resources when creating new jobs and moving from floor to floor.
    • After completing the project, we are ready to take over your system for technical support and service.

    Design of objects. Project documentation

    The SCS technical project consists of a standard technical and commercial proposal, including specifications and brief explanations, as well as working documentation made in accordance with GOST standards for SCS. At the stage of creating and discussing the document before the design stage of structured cabling systems, the compliance of the developed solution with the Customer’s requirements is established.

    The technical project cycle includes the design of the SCS itself, installation and commissioning works, and subsequent maintenance of the facility.

    Technical and commercial proposal for the design of SCS facilities

    When the Customer contacts our company and until the conclusion of the contract, the project manager conducts an examination and analysis of all technical means available to the customer, determines the architecture of the designed system and provides the Customer with a Technical and Commercial Proposal (TCP).

    As part of the technical and commercial proposal, the following documents are being developed:

    • Explanatory note
      Contains general characteristics, description of SCS and components, their operational parameters. The note may provide examples of fulfillment of the Customer's requirements.
    • SCS project block diagram
      A graphic document that shows the location and relationship of the components of the SCS.
    • Floor plans
      Clearly demonstrate the placement of equipment and the location of workplaces
    • Equipment specification
      A document describing the quantity and cost of equipment for implementing the system, as well as the volume and cost of the upcoming work
    • Technical project
      The technical design of the SCS is drawn up at the request of the Customer and is provided after concluding an agreement for the design of SCS facilities and before concluding a contract for the installation of SCS.

    Technical design (SKS)

    The technical design is drawn up at the request of the Customer and is provided after concluding an agreement for the design of facilities and systems and before concluding an agreement for the installation of SCS.

    The project is a detailed document describing all aspects of the implementation of the SCS. Based on the information presented in the technical design, construction and installation work is carried out. A technical project drawn up professionally and with high quality allows installation of SCS even by independent third-party contractors.

    As part of the technical project, the following documents are being developed:

    • Explanatory note
      The explanatory note contains a detailed description of the SCS, the composition and purpose of the subsystems, a diagram of their interaction, methods of organizing cable routes, a marking scheme for SCS components, a method for protecting system components from external influences and access, requirements for personnel installing and operating the system.
    • Equipment Specifications
      List of structural elements, cabinets, cable channels and accessories.
    • SCS block diagram
      A graphic document showing the location and relationship of the components of the SCS. It indicates the layout of the premises with switching equipment, the spatial zones served by each switching room, and the trunk connections connecting these premises with each other and the outside world. The SCS diagram contains a description of the qualitative and quantitative parameters of all subsystems, for example, the type and number of cables in the backbone, the number and type of cabinets in cross-connect rooms, cross-connect equipment in each cabinet.
    • Tables of connections and connections
      A list of all system elements, their purpose and connection to premises, ports, cable routes, as well as their method of protection and installation.
      Layout plans for equipment in technical rooms and equipment in installation cabinets show the location of the corresponding elements (cabinets - to rooms, cross-connect panels - to cabinets, cables - to cross-connect panels and/or sockets)
    • Floor plans
      Schemes of the exact spatial arrangement of workplaces, equipment and each element of the system on the architectural drawings of the building.
      Programs and test methods for structured cabling systems contain a list of activities that will be carried out during the implementation of the project.

    Working documentation for the SCS project

    Working documentation for the project is provided upon completion of all work on the structured cabling system construction project. This documentation exactly corresponds to the installed cable network and contains the parameters of all existing communication channels, the location and marking of all elements of the created infrastructure, and the rules for operating the system.
    Working documentation complements and clarifies the technical project documentation. For simple systems, working documentation may not be developed.

    The working documentation for the design of SCS specifies:

    • cable routing diagrams
    • equipment placement diagrams in switching rooms
    • diagrams of cable connections on panels and cross-connects
    • workplace organization schemes
    • connection tables.

    Additionally, for the SCS construction project, the following are being developed:

    • Coordination protocols - showing changes to cable routing diagrams and equipment layouts
    • Testing protocols for certification. The protocol is made in the form of a table of measurements of functional parameters of lines and channels.
    • User manual. Contains recommendations for maintaining the working condition of the SCS, a list and terms of warranty and service.

    Technical working draft of SCS

    It is developed in parallel with the implementation work (after concluding a contract for design and installation work with the Customer) and is provided to the Customer upon completion of work on the implementation of the SCS project. It is a document that fully describes the designed and installed cable network.
    It is allowed to combine “Technical Design” and “Detailed Documentation” into one document “Technical Detailed Design”.