Reviews about working in a bank. Life is a drive

Hello! Is it boiling? so to speak...
The review will be about the head of agency sales X.

I found a vacancy on hh, its phone number was indicated directly. We discussed everything, I asked if it was possible not to work on weekends and holidays (for me this is fundamental and very important), she promised that there would be no problems. S. sent me for a two-day training at the main office in Moscow. After successfully completing the training, in the evening at the end of the second day, I called her to clarify whether everything was valid regarding weekends and holidays, she promised that everything would be in order and the next day I could safely go to register. I'm ready.
The next day she asked me to come to the point on the same day another employee was working. I arrived, employee Olesya showed me the bypass sheet, verbally explained where everything was and said that I could go.

On my first working day, Kh. promised to come to the point (POS lending, know-how store, Dmitrov) by the beginning of the working day (by 10.00) and show everything. I arrived on time, the manager was not there, I called, H. said that she would arrive at 12.00. Well, okay, I think I'll wait.
12.10, 12.20, 12.30, still no manager. I finally arrived at 13.00 when I was already getting ready to go to lunch. After staying with me on the spot for an hour, she only managed to show me how installment plans are arranged and that’s all (there is also a cash loan, credit cards, insurance, etc.).

On the second working day it turns out that the points need to be bypassed daily. There are 18 of them! And half of them are far from within walking distance! X. demanded to make a detour, claiming that it only took 20 minutes! I didn’t have addresses, I somehow found a couple of points from Olesya’s words and explained to H. that I had only recently lived in Dmitrov, I didn’t know my way around the city and I would like someone who would show me where everything is and how to interact with partners correctly. My request was ignored for 2 weeks, while the manager demanded that I make rounds!

Next is my first installment plan from a partner. I go to him, open the program and understand that no one has connected the bush points to me. Kh. asked Olesya to give me her login and password for the system so as not to lose a client. By the way, transferring logins and passwords to anyone is strictly prohibited by the bank’s security service. Naturally, I refused, to which X. began to rudely demand registration from me. I flatly refused to do this, not only is this prohibited by SB Bank, but also the bonus for this client would be credited to another employee. After which X. stated that I was “not a team person and I can’t lose a client, no matter what happens.”

A month passed, I really asked H. to come help me figure out the programs, but there was no reaction, only a demand for extradition.
The next month, I gained access to obtaining insurance. On the corporate portal, Kh. posted detailed instructions on how to register products on the Rosgosstrakh website and logins and passwords. Everything would be fine, but the login data did not go through. Over the 3 months of work, I asked about their provision several times, but there has been no response so far.

Also, during the three months of work, X. repeatedly manipulated me with the help of days off, which were discussed even before employment, and made threats against me and other employees.

The second and last time I saw my manager was at a meeting of employees from other cities, everyone was gathering in Dmitrov at 10.00 in the shopping center where I was sitting. Despite the fact that I was on sick leave, Kh. demanded to appear at the meeting. Okay, I don't feel that bad, I thought. Everyone arrived on time, but H. herself appeared only at 10.37. At the meeting, she promised me that after leaving the hospital, she would come and help me understand all the products and their design, moreover, she would transfer me to another point in the same Dmitrov. I also asked her for the payslip for the previous month, she promised to provide it on Monday (the meeting was on Friday).

On Monday I inform her that I have closed my sick leave and am ready to go out, specifying where the pay slip is and when she will arrive. Kh. responded rudely that she would send off the pay slip when it was ready, she would not come anywhere and would generally raise the issue of changing my manager. This was the extreme boiling point, I turned to the head of the Moscow sales center M.A., this is X’s immediate supervisor. I came to his main office in Moscow, after listening to me, he advised me to “find a common language with X.”

I made several more attempts to establish contact with the manager, but, attention, X. simply did not answer my calls. Moreover, she removed me from the general chat and from the corporate social network. The ignoring continued for 5 days. After which I went to M.A. again, with the same question. I was also ignored.

As a result: the light did not converge on this bank, there was no point in suffering, I decided to simply quit.
I also filed a complaint with the labor inspectorate, because people like me, in my opinion, should not work with people. Kh. is an absolutely irresponsible, unpunctual leader who does not keep his word, moreover, he constantly communicates in a raised voice.
During this time working at the bank, it turned out that at least 6 more people were dissatisfied with her management.
By the way, before that I worked in other banks and simply in other companies and such problems did not arise with more than one employer.
All my words are supported by screenshots of correspondence and some conversations are recorded, all this is also sent to the labor inspectorate.

I think that conversations with X. are useless, not only due to age and the nuances of taking office, but also simply because she is such a person in herself, otherwise I cannot explain such behavior in any way.
I really hope that my review will be noticed and action will be taken against X! Thank you!

Administrator: We have moderated the review by removing personal information. When did the events described in the review take place?

d.sergeevna Between mid-January and mid-April

As part of my filling out this application form in electronic form on the Internet information and telecommunications network on the website of OTP Bank JSC ( in order to consider the issue of providing me with financial services:

1. I agree to: 1.1) processing by JSC OTP Bank (125171, Moscow, Leningradskoye sh., 16A, building 1) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank), LLC MFK OTP Finance (127299, Moscow, st. .Clary Zetkin, 4A) (hereinafter referred to as the IFC) and the partners of the Bank/IFC (including those listed below) of my personal data (hereinafter referred to as the PDN), including those received from third parties, located in open sources and publicly available on the Internet Internet (last name, first name, patronymic; date and place of birth; address; telephone numbers; family, social, property status; education; profession; income; state of health; information on criminal/administrative liability; criminal record; biometric PDN; history visits to websites; any other data), including the exchange (reception/transfer) of personal data between the Bank/IFC and the Bank/IFC partners (including telecom operators; organizations that analyze data sets from the Internet), including PJSC Megafon (115035, Moscow, Kadashevskaya embankment, 30); PJSC "Vympel-Communications" (127083, Moscow, Vosmogo Marta St., 10, building 14); Mail.Ru LLC (125167, Moscow, Leningradsky pr., 39, building 79); LLC "Equifax Credit Services" (129090, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya st., 16, bldg. 1), CJSC "OKB" (115184, Moscow, Tverskaya-Yamskaya st. 1st, bldg. 2, bldg. 1) ; JSC "NBKI" (121069, Moscow, Skatertny per. 20, building 1); LLC "Double" (125040, Moscow, Yamskogo Polya street 3rd, building 28, office 2052) for the purposes of: a) concluding and executing agreements between me and the Bank/IFC; b) checking and clarifying the information provided by me; c) checking solvency and reliability; 1.2) the Bank/IFC makes decisions based solely on automated processing of my personal data; 1.3) receipt by the Bank/MFC of credit reports on my credit history for the purpose of checking reliability, as well as concluding and executing agreements with the Bank/MFC, and I also provide my credit history subject code ___________ (filled in if you want to create/replace the code); 1.4) telecom operators (including those mentioned above) - to provide the Bank/MFC with information about me as a subscriber and the communication services provided to me (including last name, first name, patronymic / nickname / other designation of the subscriber; address of the subscriber / installation / location of terminal equipment; subscriber numbers / other data identifying the subscriber / terminal equipment; information from payment systems for communication services, including connections, traffic, payments and other data allowing the identification of the subscriber or his subscriber device (except for information constituting a communication secret)); 1. 5) sending requests to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to receive an extract from my individual personal account.

2. Within the framework of the above agreements regarding PDN, the Bank/IFC and the partners of the Bank/IFC can carry out any actions (operations) with or without the use of automation tools, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing) , extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction. PDN is processed on paper and electronic media, as well as using communication means. The consent is valid for 10 years from the date of signing this application form with an analogue of a handwritten signature (in the case of contracts - 10 years from the date of termination) and applies to all previously concluded contracts. Consent may be revoked by submitting a written application to the Bank/IFC and/or a partner of the Bank/IFC.

3. The client hereby, by signing the application form with an SMS code and sending it to the Bank/MFK through the Bank’s website, enters into an Agreement with the Bank/MFK on the use of an analogue of a handwritten signature (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) on the following conditions:

  • This Agreement provides for the client to use a simple electronic signature in the form of an SMS code received by the client to his mobile phone number (hereinafter referred to as the “ASP”) for the purpose of signing this application form;
  • The Bank/IFC and the client (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) have agreed that this application form, signed by the client with an ASA (simple electronic signature), is recognized as an equivalent document on paper, signed with the client’s handwritten signature;
  • The parties agreed that it is unacceptable to recognize an electronic document signed by an HSA as having no legal force solely on the basis that such an electronic document was not signed with one’s own hand, but using tools for the automatic creation and (or) automatic verification of an HSA in the information system Bank/IFC;
  • creation and verification of HSA is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Bank/IFC;
  • The parties are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the TSA and are responsible for the consequences of failure to ensure such confidentiality.

The president

Ilya Petrovich Chizhevsky was born in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in 1978.

In 2000 he received a diploma from the St. Petersburg Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics (Technical University). While studying at the University, he was an active member of the International Association of Students Studying Economics and Management (AIESEC). He began his career in St. Petersburg in the FMCG sector - Kraft Foods.

In 2003, he moved to work in the retail division of Citibank CJSC in Moscow, where he developed alternative sales channels and credit products. In 2006, he moved to GE Capital - working in Russia and abroad, he went from head of the Moscow region to Director of Sales and Distribution in Russia, responsible for the development of distribution and sales channels, alternative funding and attracting customers via the Internet. In October 2012, he moved to Rusfinance Bank LLC (Societe Generale) to the position of Deputy President of the bank, where he was responsible for sales, products and marketing in the bank.

In June 2013, he joined the OTP Bank team, where from August 2013 he held the position of Director of the Network Division. On June 9, 2014, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of OTP Bank. Ilya Chizhevsky’s area of ​​responsibility included the business of the classic branch network and alternative sales channels. In addition, he was responsible for working with the VIP segment, micro and small businesses, developing the Bank’s corporate business, and channels for remotely attracting and servicing the Bank’s clients.

Kapustin Sergey Nikolaevich

short biography

Sergei Nikolaevich Kapustin

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

Sergei Nikolaevich Kapustin was born in Moscow in 1979.

In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics. Has a PhD in Economics.

More than 15 years in the banking industry. He began his banking career in 2001 at Bank Vozrozhdenie, where he worked his way up from a leading specialist to Deputy Head of the Retail Operations Department, responsible for the Bank’s retail business and risk management.

In 2008, he moved to OTP Bank, where he took the position of Director of the Risk Assessment and Methodology Directorate. Oversaw issues related to credit risks for the Bank's retail portfolio, lending methodology, operational and market risks.

From 2011 to 2013 he worked in the field of microfinance.

Since 2013, he has been Deputy Chairman of the Board, Director of the Risk Management Division at OTP Bank.

Oreshkina Yulia Sergeevna

short biography

Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina

Director of the Legal Support Directorate, Member of the Board

Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina was born in Moscow in 1973.

In 1997 she graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence.

She began her career in the prosecutor's office, then moved to work in the Legal Department of the Moscow Main Territorial Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina also worked in various years in the legal services of a number of large Russian banks, in particular such as CB Petrocommerce, OJSC Impexbank and others.

Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina has been working at OTP Bank (until 2008 – Investsberbank) since 2007, where she heads the legal support directorate.

Vasiliev Alexander Vasilievich

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

short biography

Alexander Vasilievich Vasiliev

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

Alexander Vasilievich Vasiliev was born in Akhtubinsk in 1978.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Works in the banking industry for more than 10 years.

From 2004 to 2010, he acted as deputy head of the retail operations department at Bank Vozrozhdenie OJSC, where he worked on projects for the development of credit products for individuals (consumer loans, car loans, mortgage lending), as well as for the implementation of automation systems for retail lending processes , such as Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Experian Strategy Manager.

In 2010, Mr. Vasiliev headed the credit risk department of the BCS Federal Group, where he participated in the launch of the personal lending business and in the creation of unified processes for assessing and managing credit risks. Since June 2011, he joined the OTP Bank team as Director of the Product and Technology Development Directorate. Since December 2013, he served as Director of the Consumer Lending Division.

Dremach Kirill Andreevich

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

short biography

Kirill Andreevich Dremach

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

Kirill Andreevich Dremach was born in Moscow in 1974.

In 1996 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in Applied Mathematics.

More than 20 years in the banking industry. He began his banking career in 1996 at ZAO CB Citibank, progressing from a specialist to the Head of the Information Technology Department, and was responsible for the development of the information technology base, automation of business processes and financial management in the IT field.

In 2009, he went to work at Barclays Bank LLC as Director of the Information Technology Department, and in 2010 he was included in the bank’s Management Board.

From 2012 to 2016, he worked at JSC Citibank as the Head of Operational Banking Technologies in Central and Eastern Europe, responsible for the creation, maintenance and development of the bank’s high-tech information environment, and supervised the development and application of information systems and new banking products.

In November 2016, he joined the team of OTP Bank JSC as Director of the Operations Management Division. Since November 3, 2017, he has been Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Management Board of OTP Bank JSC.

Belomytsev Igor Yurievich

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

short biography

Igor Yurievich Belomytsev

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

Igor Yurievich Belomyttsev was born in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) in 1966.

In 1989, he received a diploma as an economist with a specialization in Foreign Economic Relations from the Budapest Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences. In 1993, Igor Yuryevich completed his master's degree at the Stockholm University of Economics.

More than 25 years in the banking industry. He began his banking career in 1990 in the Hungarian Mezobank, which was later merged with a large financial group in Central Europe - Erste Bank Group. Igor Yurievich was appointed Director of the Treasury Operations Division and was responsible for the development of ALM and management of the treasury activities of Erste Bank in Hungary, the development and implementation of business strategies in the field of treasury operations, and the initiation of the development of new investment products and strategies.

In 2001, he moved to Volksbank PJSC (Budapest) and headed the Treasury Division and the investment direction of the Bank.

In 2007, he joined the OTP Bank (Ukraine) team as Deputy Chairman of the Board, responsible for Treasury operations and asset and liability management, development of subsidiaries. Under the leadership of Igor Yuryevich, OTP Factoring, OTP Pension Fund, OTP Management Company and OTP Leasing were created and successfully developed.

In 2016, Igor Yuryevich moved to OTP Bank (Russia), where he took the position of Advisor to the President and was responsible for the development of Corporate Business and Treasury Operations. In February 2017, Igor was appointed Director of the Corporate Business and Treasury Operations Division. Igor successfully manages the development of strategies and new products in the business areas of these divisions.

On November 3, 2017, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Management Board of OTP Bank JSC.

On January 27, 2015, Gabor Burian-Kozma joined the team of the Finance Division of OTP Bank JSC as a Project Manager. He was involved in the development of plans for the preparation and implementation of the Bank's financial projects, took part in improving business planning and developing an effective strategic model for the development of OTP Group in Russia.

On December 1, 2015, Gabor was appointed Director of the Finance Division and took over the supervision of the financial block of OTP Bank (Russia) and management of the divisions responsible for the formation and strategic planning of the Bank’s financial policy, financial and accounting services, and divisions responsible for audits.

On June 6, 2018, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Management Board of OTP Bank JSC.

I have always wanted to work in a bank, as it involves communication with people and constant development. I consider myself lucky that I got a job at OTP Bank. The conditions here are excellent and the pay is good.

There is a lot of work with people, you get very tired.

25.12.19 17:46 MoscowSvetlana,

I work here mainly in lending. I like explaining to people, helping with design, it’s interesting to me. For the previous 3 years I worked in another bank, the team there was simply terrible, really bastard, I apologize for my French. And they were finding fault with the dress code to the point of ridiculousness. Here, of course, I also choose office-style clothes, but everything is within reason... in general...

I like everything, especially when I worked with much less loyal management and now I see the difference.

25.12.19 09:44 MoscowArkady,

The bank has good working conditions, there is an opportunity for development if you strive for it. You will be noticed and celebrated. Salaries are paid on time, there is a consistently good, calm atmosphere in the team. I feel comfortable working.

low salary

17.12.19 00:55 MoscowSergey,

I am a call center employee at OTP Bank. I love communicating with people, this is my thing. I provide consultations, answer many questions, and sometimes give advice at the client’s request. I can’t call the job easy, but I like it. I am officially employed, my work schedule is comfortable. It’s a long way for me to get to work, but they promised me, if possible, to transfer me to an operator in an office that is closer to mine...

it takes me a long time to get to my place of work

09.12.19 12:39 Moscowmisha,

You can work in OTP Bank. The conditions are normal, the management is understanding and calm. The internship was completed in just 3 days and was immediately completed as expected. If you promote banking products well and effectively, you will earn decent money. In general, everything depends on you, how you work is how you get. Everything is fair.

I would like two days off

06.12.19 16:50 MoscowMarina,

I have been working in a bank for almost a year now and for me this was a good start in career development. The team is top-notch, the salary is ok, the office is also ok. The salary consists of salary and bonus, paid regularly.

get up in the morning.... Although if something didn’t suit me globally, I would already be looking for another place of work.

02.12.19 13:43 MoscowAnastasia,

Due to recent innovations introduced in the work of the bank, it has become much better and more interesting to work. I am pleased with the good team and management, people with whom it is pleasant to work as a team.

28.11.19 17:35 PermAnna Knyazeva,

Belaya salary, office employment, no employment requirements

“Your opinion is very important to us” Surely, you have heard this phrase more than once, and at OTP Bank you can feel it for yourself. How? When you send wishes according to the schedule for the next month to your manager, and in response you receive a schedule that is absolutely inconvenient for you, and no one is interested in what your studies, courses, children, plans, etc. are. When you ask to change your shifts, and the answer is silence... When you ask...

As part of my filling out this application form in electronic form on the Internet information and telecommunications network on the website of OTP Bank JSC ( in order to consider the issue of providing me with financial services:

1. I agree to: 1.1) processing by JSC OTP Bank (125171, Moscow, Leningradskoye sh., 16A, building 1) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank), LLC MFK OTP Finance (127299, Moscow, st. .Clary Zetkin, 4A) (hereinafter referred to as the IFC) and the partners of the Bank/IFC (including those listed below) of my personal data (hereinafter referred to as the PDN), including those received from third parties, located in open sources and publicly available on the Internet Internet (last name, first name, patronymic; date and place of birth; address; telephone numbers; family, social, property status; education; profession; income; state of health; information on criminal/administrative liability; criminal record; biometric PDN; history visits to websites; any other data), including the exchange (reception/transfer) of personal data between the Bank/IFC and the Bank/IFC partners (including telecom operators; organizations that analyze data sets from the Internet), including PJSC Megafon (115035, Moscow, Kadashevskaya embankment, 30); PJSC "Vympel-Communications" (127083, Moscow, Vosmogo Marta St., 10, building 14); Mail.Ru LLC (125167, Moscow, Leningradsky pr., 39, building 79); LLC "Equifax Credit Services" (129090, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya st., 16, bldg. 1), CJSC "OKB" (115184, Moscow, Tverskaya-Yamskaya st. 1st, bldg. 2, bldg. 1) ; JSC "NBKI" (121069, Moscow, Skatertny per. 20, building 1); LLC "Double" (125040, Moscow, Yamskogo Polya street 3rd, building 28, office 2052) for the purposes of: a) concluding and executing agreements between me and the Bank/IFC; b) checking and clarifying the information provided by me; c) checking solvency and reliability; 1.2) the Bank/IFC makes decisions based solely on automated processing of my personal data; 1.3) receipt by the Bank/MFC of credit reports on my credit history for the purpose of checking reliability, as well as concluding and executing agreements with the Bank/MFC, and I also provide my credit history subject code ___________ (filled in if you want to create/replace the code); 1.4) telecom operators (including those mentioned above) - to provide the Bank/MFC with information about me as a subscriber and the communication services provided to me (including last name, first name, patronymic / nickname / other designation of the subscriber; address of the subscriber / installation / location of terminal equipment; subscriber numbers / other data identifying the subscriber / terminal equipment; information from payment systems for communication services, including connections, traffic, payments and other data allowing the identification of the subscriber or his subscriber device (except for information constituting a communication secret)); 1. 5) sending requests to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to receive an extract from my individual personal account.

2. Within the framework of the above agreements regarding PDN, the Bank/IFC and the partners of the Bank/IFC can carry out any actions (operations) with or without the use of automation tools, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing) , extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction. PDN is processed on paper and electronic media, as well as using communication means. The consent is valid for 10 years from the date of signing this application form with an analogue of a handwritten signature (in the case of contracts - 10 years from the date of termination) and applies to all previously concluded contracts. Consent may be revoked by submitting a written application to the Bank/IFC and/or a partner of the Bank/IFC.

3. The client hereby, by signing the application form with an SMS code and sending it to the Bank/MFK through the Bank’s website, enters into an Agreement with the Bank/MFK on the use of an analogue of a handwritten signature (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) on the following conditions:

  • This Agreement provides for the client to use a simple electronic signature in the form of an SMS code received by the client to his mobile phone number (hereinafter referred to as the “ASP”) for the purpose of signing this application form;
  • The Bank/IFC and the client (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) have agreed that this application form, signed by the client with an ASA (simple electronic signature), is recognized as an equivalent document on paper, signed with the client’s handwritten signature;
  • The parties agreed that it is unacceptable to recognize an electronic document signed by an HSA as having no legal force solely on the basis that such an electronic document was not signed with one’s own hand, but using tools for the automatic creation and (or) automatic verification of an HSA in the information system Bank/IFC;
  • creation and verification of HSA is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Bank/IFC;
  • The parties are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the TSA and are responsible for the consequences of failure to ensure such confidentiality.