Signs that will instantly lure money into your wallet. Money wallet talismans DIY money magnet

One of our friends, a famous expert from the USA, told us that when he goes home, his space is filled with more than a hundred different money magnets that remind him of money.

Several hundred different “triggers” remind him of money. He enters the house, looks around it, and sees money surrounding him everywhere.

How many money magnets do you have?

How many things do you have that remind you
that you are a rich woman?

Our task is to create as many such magnets around us as possible. They are designed to remind you that money is all around you. Very often we fill our attention with various problems.

If you like to watch TV or talk with your friends about their bad lives and your difficulties, think about it: do you really want to make this problem worse?

The “Law of Focus,” which we told you earlier, says: “We develop what we give our attention to.” If you pay attention to troubles, then the troubles in your life will increase. It happens that we do not call troubles troubles.

We call them complex problems, and at this moment we feel satisfied because we seem to be working with our brains and seem to be doing something serious, we feel our importance and our intelligence. But in fact, we attract new problems and difficulties into our lives.

Why do women like to watch TV series?

Because some difficulties, some problems are constantly being solved there, and this creates the illusion of an active life and mental activity, but in the end our life turns out to be filled with something completely different from what we would like.

It's the same with news programs: news is evil. Because, unfortunately, every news, instead of inspiration and confidence in the future, shows us problems and difficulties that instill fear and self-doubt in us.

It is important to remember that if you give your attention to something, then this is what you develop in your own life.

What kind of money magnets can you make at home?

For example, according to Feng Shui, the southern wall of a house is a wall of fame, success, recognition, and the social sphere of life. At our house on this wall hangs a picture in A3 format, a frame filled with money. It just hangs there and is nice to look at when the eye turns there.

And a clock hangs a little higher, so our attention is drawn there all the time. We look there all the time and experience a pleasant feeling.

The point is to place such a magnet where you pay attention most often. In our case, it’s a watch, and it’s the money that comes into focus. The association “time = money” is created; it helps to realize this value.

The main thing is that such a magnet does not cause tension in you. Don't rush yourself, make sure you are relaxed inside.

Another money magnet

We have another money magnet: we brought a large beautiful plate and filled it with banknotes, you can put some jewelry, some important things there, and this also works as an attraction.

You can take a beautiful vase and fill it with fruits or replicas of fruits, creating a kind of vase of abundance. And you can also fill it with money.

The essence of magnets is to fill those areas of space that are in your house, apartment, room with magnets that remind you of money. This way you train your brain to the simple idea that there is a lot of money around you.

Banknote portrait

Another magnet that can be made is a portrait of a banknote. Nowadays many different frames are sold, and we insert portraits of those we love into them: our loved ones, children.

Make some kind of frame with a banknote, real or toy. This portrait and beautiful design will carry a certain message: “I value money, and it surrounds me.”

You can make a treasure chest out of any cute box by filling it with money, jewelry or coins. The chest stands open, and when you look at it, it’s very nice.

Aladdin's lamp

You can make any lamp, write on it, for example, “Aladdin’s lamp,” and rub it so that all your wishes come true, this also affects the attraction of money. Or every time you turn on a floor lamp or sconce, say to yourself: “I turn on the lamp, I attract money.”

Creating money magnets is your creativity. And your task is to make as many of them as possible and place them where your attention is concentrated.

Everything you do should be beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to you. This is one of the factors that brings inner relaxation. This should bring awareness that life is already beautiful and good.

Listen to your intuition!

The most important thing is to focus on your sense of beauty. If you like the way a money magnet looks in a particular place, then this is the right place for you, be guided by your own feelings.

Our intuition always knows best where to place the magnet. Just trust yourself. You can hang or put something up and see if you like it or not. And if you don’t like it, you rearrange the thing and look for another place for it.

Money symbols accepted in Feng Shui are a toad, a dragon, a sailboat with gold, with money. You can buy a boat, they are now sold in any souvenir shops, fill it with money, jewelry, beads or some kind of jewelry, and it will be your sailboat of good luck.

Craft 10 magnets

Money should bring joy, not tire or irritate.

Learn to enjoy the process of making magnets, while turning on good music, lighting candles, turning on a good movie - fill the space with good emotions!

Concentrate on the fact that money is joy, then it all works, and there will be more money around.

Symbols of wealth surround us!

No need to strain to find them, make it very easy! Magnets should inspire you. This is what reminds you that you are already in the world of millionaires, in the world of wealth and attracting money into your life.

And the last point that needs to be noted: you should not hope for an instant and drastic change in life. To use a metaphor, “a large log in the fireplace cannot be lit with one match.”

In the same way, it is useless to start a big project, any business, big changes right away. Great results are not possible with one spark.

Your gradual inner growth, financial education and the right attitude will give you results. This will help you create money magnets and special rituals that we will do with you further to attract money into your life.

Visualization has long been recognized as an effective method of influencing human activity: the more often people see the personification of their own dreams, the more actively they move in the chosen direction.

Money magnet: photo

Everyone should have something that attracts money. After all, material well-being takes 90% of every person’s attention. Money transactions, investments and risks lead to frequent stress and depression. In order to beneficially reduce psychological stress and improve brain activity, many experts advise creating a money magnet, the photo of which can delight you even from a distance. What are these things?

Money magnets are a popular and quite colorful way to attract financial success. Banknotes and coins, like royalty, love to be treated with care and respect. Therefore, by creating a money figurine, a person attracts financial stability. Such magnets can be bought in popular souvenir shops or made yourself, imbuing every movement with thoughts about what you want.

Money magnets are a sign of good luck and financial prosperity, so the magnet figurine can repeat a wide variety of silhouettes. To give your financial assistant a positive charge, a magnet can be created in the shape of a Christmas tree. This amulet will fit perfectly into the interior of any home and will serve as a wonderful decoration during the New Year.


To create a money magnet in the shape of a Christmas tree, you will need:

  • green raffia (material from palm leaves);
  • 15 golden blank coins (10 kopecks will do their mission perfectly);
  • high-quality cardboard;
  • a magnet not exceeding the size of the intended figure;
  • scissors and glue;
  • figurines of banknotes for decorating a tree.

Making a talisman

  1. For a talisman to become a powerful symbol of financial success, it must be created in the most benevolent mood and completely devote oneself to the future figurine. How to make such a money magnet? To begin with, you need to draw the silhouette of a Christmas tree on the prepared cardboard; its dimensions and layering depend only on the number of coins and the person’s imagination.
  2. The next step is to transform the Christmas tree using raffia - green fibers must be glued to the top of the Christmas tree and allowed to adhere well to the cardboard. Afterwards, the fiber must be carefully wrapped around the cardboard figure, slowly pressing it against the base of the tree. To ensure that the raffia holds as firmly as possible, you can lightly spray it with water before gluing. Then the fibers will become pliable.
  3. It is not for nothing that money magnets are created on a green background - the rich colors of greenery symbolize growth and powerful development, so coins lying on such a prosperous background work with double zeal to improve their financial situation.
  4. When the raffia has completely set on the cardboard and dried, you can safely begin gluing with coins. You should always start with the “foundation” of the Christmas tree: the base of the tree must be decorated with 4-6 coins (depending on its size), laying the coins slightly overlapping. The next row of them should be laid in a tight checkerboard pattern, decreasing the number of golden disks towards the top of the tree.

To make money magnets more presentable, before gluing the magnet to the back of the financial assistant, you should take care of the loop for greater convenience when decorating. To make the completed tree shine with prosperity and good luck, the space between the coins can be sprinkled with sparkles and glass beads. And figurines of banknotes can be chaotically pasted all over the Christmas tree.


There is also a money magnet, the reviews of which are only positive, it is called a money box. This kind of thing can be stuck on the refrigerator and gold coins can be placed in it. To create a casket magnet you will need:

  • a cardboard box that is not very deep (you can glue it yourself);
  • 3 gold with red silk ribbon;
  • amethyst;
  • a magnet along the width of the side of the box (a small magnet may not subsequently hold a full casket of coins);
  • coins (banknotes);
  • decor.

To easily increase funds, the color of the bills is important - blue, green and yellow bills are positive and easy to develop. You should not save banknotes with ruins in the background. Such bills must be exchanged with joy or simply squandered with pleasure. To ensure that money does not stagnate, it must be used wisely. Experts advise storing banknotes only in wallets made of natural materials; it is not necessary to chase python or crocodile skin: fabric wallets are in no way inferior to leather ones.


A cardboard chest will also be a chic solution to this issue. In order for the money chest to be a reliable keeper of money, you need to take care of the lid of the chest (you can take a wicker decorative box made of wicker). Many girls prefer stylish retro, so they often create a vintage money magnet.

You need to glue a magnet to the back of the casket and let it dry thoroughly. Afterwards, you can safely start decorating the product. Each side of the box can be decorated with pearlescent decorative drops, beads or glass beads, golden banknotes and flowers. The inside of the casket can be lined with fringe or silk so that the coins feel cared for. When the casket is ready, you need to put coins and banknotes in it. And put amethyst in the middle, it will perfectly concentrate

In order for the casket to not just store savings, it is necessary to put new coins into it from each payday, and take the old ones for spending. Such a cycle will help strengthen financial success. Any money magnet obeys this rule.

Magnet for money

Teaches everyone to evaluate the process of financial movement, analyzing their own situation, realizing their own In order to develop dynamically, each person must constantly work on himself.

You should not accumulate “dead weight” - a magnet can attract any gold, but if there is nowhere to put it with due attention and reverence, it will leave a person. Therefore, when buying or creating money figurines and magnets, you need to clearly understand your situation, understand where you can expect funds to come from and in what quantity.

Money Tree

Each magnet represents a direct connection between a person and his finances. An excellent solution for women can be a living one supported by everyday magic. At the bottom of the flower pot (you should use a new one), you need to place valid coins of each denomination, compact the prepared soil on top of them and plant the flower. To give the pot an additional ambiance, you can hang jingling coins with a hole in the center (these are sold in many stores) and wooden beads on a woolen thread.

It is necessary to carefully care for such a money plant, carefully responding to all changes or disturbances. The coins will not damage the root system of the flower, but rather will serve as a kind of drainage layer if they are placed mixed with pebbles. The more the plant develops, the more effective the development of financial well-being will be.


As you can see, money magnets can be different. Choose the one you like best.

Rituals of money magic Zolotukhina Zoya

"Money Magnet"

"Money Magnet"

Money is the basis of peace, the epicenter of waves of well-being. If you have a bank account or, in extreme cases, a “moneybox” at home, then admit it: waves of confidence and good mood emanate from them.

If you don’t have such a treasured wallet (jug, chest) in your apartment, get a “Money Magnet”.

Of the money you receive in any way (salary, gift, find, winnings), set aside 10% or more. This is an emergency reserve.

By storing it in a certain place, you create a magnet that attracts finances into the house. Banknotes must be of the same denomination in multiples of ten (10, 20, 100, 200, etc.).

Remember: from 20 to 40 bills work for attraction, from 40 to 60 - for the outflow of money (and so on, every next twenty). If your magnet is in a “minus” state, you need to urgently either add the required number of bills to “plus” or enlarge the money, that is, exchange them for bills of higher denomination. It is undesirable to spend the reserve, as well as to split it into two wallets to change the quantity. You can only use it for something substantial - a car, an apartment, etc.

Money cannot be kept in bundles with an odd number of bills: otherwise they will quarrel with each other and quickly disperse. You can’t hold fifty bills either: it’s not for nothing that people say: “five tens is a disadvantage.” It is best to put ten or twenty bills in a pack.

? Packs of ten bills attract money girlfriends;

? packs of twenty bills are able to transfer their energy to a person, force the owner to work and earn more, and help to successfully manage money matters.

And don’t keep the same banknotes for a long time: if you put new ones in, spend the old ones. Cash flow must always be in motion, otherwise it will dry up!

It is best to store a home money talisman in the left corner of the apartment farthest from the entrance. It is unnecessary for us Orthodox Christians to build our entire life according to the laws of Chinese Feng Shui, but we should check the house for the location of zones that bring good and evil. For if there is a bed or desk in a “bad place”, then troubles are clearly awaiting you; if there is a bathroom in the wealth zone, you will, in Zhvanetsky’s language, “work for the toilet,” etc.

So look at the Chinese square, which can be found in any Feng Shui manual, to see what is clearly incorrectly located in your apartment. I think the reshuffle will be necessary for the majority.

Check the house for the presence of geopathogenic zones. Sometimes, by moving the bed 15 cm, you will get rid of migraines or leg pain. What does work have to do with it? Legs hurt - damage to the business, head - even more so. Basic rearrangement of furniture does not require much effort, but you will have to tinker with the psychological attitude.

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Who among us doesn’t want, albeit modestly, but still, to live in abundance, without burdening ourselves with the endless problem of where to get money for food, for clothes and shoes, for kindergarten and school, for treatment and recreation...

To ensure that money energy does not pass us by, you can make a magnet for money - a cup of abundance, a kind of money amulet-talisman.

Making a money amulet.

One of the most famous feng shui amulets is the Bowl of Abundance. Translated from Chinese, this name means Vase of Abundance or Cup of Wealth. If the Cup of Abundance is made correctly, it will become a strong money talisman that will attract wealth and good luck to the home.

Many Feng Shui talismans can be found in stores, but there is no guarantee that they were made according to all the rules. By making your own amulet of wealth, you fill it with your energy, so it will become a powerful talisman.
The Vase of Abundance must be installed in the owner’s bedroom, in the southeast corner of the room. You cannot place talismans in prominent places accessible to the eyes of strangers. This can weaken the power of the talisman and even disrupt the flow of good luck coming into the house.

How to make a Cup of Plenty with your own hands

It is necessary to find a suitable vessel. A deep container made of crystal, silver, gold, ceramics or copper is suitable for this purpose. You can take a vase or bowl, but not glass or plastic. Sometimes the Horn is used for this purpose. When the required vessel has been found, we proceed to filling it.

The required items in the Bowl that must be placed first are:

Chinese gold coins tied with red cord. There should be nine of them and they should have a square hole in the middle. Such coins can be purchased at a feng shui store;

A handful of soil or a cutting of a plant taken from a rich person's plot;

Money. Coins and/or bills that add up to the number 988 (for example, 9 rubles and 88 kopecks). Any valid currency will do. You cannot use fake money or money that has already gone out of circulation.

An important point is that all components must be packaged in separate red silk bags. You can sew them yourself or purchase them in a store. The packed items must be placed in the Bowl.

Additional components for a money talisman

The bowl must be filled to the brim. To do this you should use the following items:

Gold item. The main symbol of wealth is gold. That is why you need to put an object made of gold in a money talisman (you can use gold jewelry)

Semiprecious stones. It can be any stones, such as topaz, rock crystal, turquoise, amethyst and others. It will be enough to put a piece of jewelry with stones;

Dried flowers;


To maximize the effect of the amulet of wealth, you can put the following additional items in it:

Item with a lotus image. It can be depicted on glass or ceramics;

Paired figurines of elephants, fish or horses made of glass and ceramics;

Endless knot. You can do it yourself. You need to take a silk cord and glue or sew its ends. The result will be a ring, an object that has no beginning and no end;

An image or object symbolizing the vault of heaven. A photo of a clear blue sky or a drawing will do. The tortoise shell is also traditionally considered a symbol of the sky.

Watch 2 master classes on making a cup of wealth.

The first master class, more simple, from needlewoman Olga Businka

Second master class from a Feng Shui salon master

When everything is ready, the Cup of Abundance should be taken to its designated place and placed in such a way that no one can knock it over, even by accident. Now your home has its own money talisman of wealth and good luck!


Signs and spells to attract money

1. Sprinkle ground cinnamon on your money to keep your wealth growing.

2. Always take change, even if it is small. If there is no money in the cash register for change, wait until they change it.

3. Never give money to another person in unfolded form. Fold the bill in half and pass it with the folded end forward. If you give money openly, your wealth will dry up.

4. Never throw money on the floor or the ground; If even a small coin falls, pick it up.

5. Rub dried mint and a little cinnamon between your palms before you go shopping. Imagine how everything you spend comes back to you threefold.

6. Do not crumple banknotes or carry them crumpled in your pockets.

7. Try to do without loans, they were created specifically so that money flows away from you. Don't take out a loan if you don't know how you'll pay it back. Don't take out one loan to pay off the previous one. In general, borrow money (from banks and other people) only as a last resort, when time is running short and no other options are in sight. Whenever you borrow, always pay back. Don't lend to someone you know won't repay.

8. In your wallet, carry three Chinese coins (round coins with a square hole in the middle), tied with red silk thread or ribbon.

9. Don't keep old receipts in your wallet.

10. Don’t keep anything in your wallet that has nothing to do with money.

11. If you win the lottery, be sure to share this amount with your friends or donate some to the church. Otherwise, you will soon lose the same amount as you won, or more.

12. Sprinkle some dry mint and cinnamon into your purse or wallet.

13. Every day, place a small coin in a glass jar with wishes for prosperity and abundance.

14. Always carry an irredeemable banknote in your wallet. You cannot spend or exchange a banknote: it must be with you at all times in order to attract money into your wallet.

*Never take out trash from your house or apartment in the evening.

*Do not throw anything out the window so that prosperity does not leave your home. And it’s not pretty at all.

*Do not count money after sunset, otherwise it will disappear. Do this in the morning. Trim your nails only on Tuesdays and Fridays - this will attract money to your home.

*To always have money, you should cut your nails on the waxing moon and during the full moon.

*During the feast, do not leave empty bottles on the table. Be sure to throw away all the leftover booze, no matter how sorry it is - “the toad didn’t choke”

*In one house you cannot use different brooms, otherwise the wealth will disperse to the corners. When moving into a new apartment or house, sprinkle silver coins on the floor.

*When you see the young Moon for the first time, show her a wallet with money or a large bill so that the money grows like the growth of the Moon.

*For a successful outcome of any undertaking taking place in a certain room, it is necessary for a man to enter it first.

*Merchants should sell the first thing to a man.

*Whoever shells the seeds does not keep his money.

*Do not sweep anything off the table with your hand without a napkin.

*Avoid showing your money to strangers, otherwise you can quickly lose your money. Either they will steal it or they will jinx it.

*Don't whistle in the house, otherwise it will be empty.

*Help only those who are “loading”, not those who are “unloading”.

*It is better to repay debt in the morning, not in the evening.

*After sunset, do not clean the house; sweeping is especially dangerous - sweep away your well-being.

*Do not wash your apartment in the evening; washing the floor in the evening means washing away your well-being.

*After sunset, do not give anything to strangers through the threshold of your house or apartment.

*Do not wash the floor from the threshold, there will be misfortune.

*Avoid putting money on the table.

*You cannot leave knives on the table overnight - this will lead to big trouble.

*Under no circumstances should you cut your hair yourself, even trim your bangs or the ends of your hair. To a loss.

*It is advisable to always keep some money on the table under the tablecloth. Then they will never be transferred in the house and there will be no thefts or losses.

*Money borrowed is paid back in smaller denominations than borrowed.

*They borrow money for the new month and return it for the bad one.

*They take money with their left hand and give it back with their right.

*If you have a large sum of money in your wallet, sufficient for a “comfortable” life, bring it to your lips and read the spell three times: Just as you can’t count the stars in the sky, just like there is enough water in the ocean, the sea is enough, just like there were countless grains of sand, MANY, MANY!

*Do not borrow money at sunset, and if you have to borrow money yourself, it is advisable to do this before noon, and do not forget to mentally say: For good luck, for a quick return Amen!

*Do not lend money on Sunday - they simply may not be returned to you. On Monday, also, do not lend money and do not repay debts, otherwise there will be no money.

*To prevent money from being transferred, give alms to the one asking and say to yourself: May the hand of the giver not become scarce! And under no circumstances look into the eyes of the person you serve it to.

*In order not to be left without money, always remember the following: do not put a hat on the table, do not put gloves on the table.

*You can’t sit on the table - it means poverty.

*Money does not like light.

*When there is no money, there are many desires for where to spend it, and the larger the amount, the fewer desires there are.

*The larger the amount of money, the faster it increases (money attracts money).

*Money is not given back if the debtor has any financial or other obligations.

*You cannot give a loan to a person to whom you have some obligations; he will not return the debt, considering that he has the right to do so.

*You cannot lend money if there is no mechanism for returning it.

*You need to love money and constantly think about it.

*When returning, say: “So that you and I always have more,” passing the bills from hand to hand.

*Money needs to be kept in the house (“Money leads to money”) and counted regularly.

*Never crush banknotes, tear them, or trample them underfoot.

*There must be a coin under the threshold (silver). Stepping over the threshold, say: “I’m home and the money is with me.”

*The coins should be in the corner of the room. The larger the slide, the stronger the vibrations. Do not sweep, do not pick up.

*Do not lend on Tuesday and on the waning moon. And also in the evening.

*Do not take money from hand to hand - damage can easily be done to it.

*Tip generously for a job well done - three times as much will come back to you.

*Economic law - the higher your income, the higher your expenses. “As much as it came, so much will go.”

*Do not borrow or pay back money in the evening. If the situation is hopeless, put the money on the floor, table, cabinet. Just not on the dinner table.

*You have to pay for everything.

*The more you give, the more you receive.

*When borrowing, say: “So that you and I always have more.” With these mutual spells you close the money circle

*Take money with your left hand, give with your right.

*Remember, when you return money, you return energy.

*Money should always be in circulation. You cannot save money “in your pocket”; it is better to use a bank for savings purposes; to reduce the risk, several different banks. Money loves circulation because this is its native environment.

*You need to receive money with pleasure, and part with it without regret.*

Never set yourself the goal of accumulating money, since money cannot be a goal, but only a means to achieve goals. (Possible goals achieved with the help of money are an apartment, a car, a trip abroad, etc.).

*Respect for money. If you see a coin on the road, be sure to pick it up, because if you pass by, you will show your disrespect for the egregor of money; you don’t need to worship him, but you must respect him.

* Deal with money politely. When they come to you, talk to them, for example, “Hello, my coins, my little crispy pieces of paper,” or you can also say the “magic” phrase: “Money to money.” When they leave you, speak to them: “Goodbye, my coins, my little crispy pieces of paper, I hope we will see each other again soon.”

Do not attach excessive importance to money and do not endow it with non-existent qualities, money is just money, and even if you accumulate a huge amount, you will not take it with you to the next world after death, you can find a lot of interesting things besides serving them.

If you sow a thought, you will reap an action; if you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny.

(Charles Reed)

The money in the wallet should be facing you in descending order of monetary value, so that when you open the wallet, the larger ones are closer to the body, facing you. And don't put bills upside down. It's unpleasant for you if you're upside down. So it’s unpleasant for them. The front one is like this.

Once you receive the money, take the entire amount home. Don't waste any of them along the way. If you are going to make purchases, take the required amount from home or use a card. The new money should spend the night at home with your other money where you usually keep it.

Every person has their own lucky dollar! And the ruble too.
The last two digits of the bill number must match the last two digits of your year of birth. Three is even better. And ideally - all four. But it's not easy to find. Such a bill is your priceless personal money talisman. It is not wasted or given to anyone. But there is a condition. She must come to you herself. You cannot exchange with friends and search specifically (if you are a cashier))!

Money cannot be kept in bundles with an odd number of bills. They will quarrel and go their separate ways. Everyone should have a pair. 50 is also not allowed: “Five tens is a disadvantage.” Our grandfathers knew about this. In any case, Mr. Tretyakov’s treasurer knew his job well.

They don't like nightly counting money. In the morning you need to count them, especially cash.

The picture is a “Money Bumblebee”, a money lure)

The fear of big money prevents you from getting it - this is an axiom. We must stop being afraid of them. In ordinary life, a person carries with him the money that he considers small, and keeps the rest at home. But for one it is 50 rubles, and for another it is 50 thousand. And in order to overcome the subconscious fear of big money, you need to constantly have with you the amount of money that you currently consider large. Nature abhors a vacuum, and since you have such an amount for pocket expenses, then a much larger amount should appear in a safe place (in a nightstand, safe, in the attic).

Try to avoid getting anything for free. You will still have to pay for what you received later, in another place and with interest. Money doesn't go to freeloaders. Why does he need them, since he still lives at someone else’s expense. You can only dine at someone else's expense if you later reciprocate in kind.

Don't go to visit empty-handed. If it’s really tight, bring at least some small change for tea. They will understand you, and the owner will be pleased with your attention.

Don't count other people's money. Higher powers may think that you like this activity and you will forever be a cashier with other people’s money, without having your own.

Do not scold the rich and successful, do not envy. You cannot become “your own among strangers.” Who will let you into a circle that you hate) Higher powers will try to distance you as far as possible from what is unpleasant for you.

Money in your wallet.

A wallet is a house for money and it should always be in order. Rubles and dollars are not put together, only in different sections. Paper coins are not placed together with coins. Do not put crumpled bills in your wallet, sort the money in your wallet by denomination, with the front side facing you, straighten the corners.

Never leave your wallet empty, let it contain at least one coin, preferably a lucky one, the first one you earned, received from a good person, a successful transaction, or from earnings that brought you joy. This coin cannot be spent; it is a lucky talisman of prosperity. It’s even better if it’s a large denomination bill in green, the color of wealth. And in the smallest compartment, keep a one dollar bill folded into a triangle (I have a two dollar bill).

It’s even better to save any large bill for a year, which, charged with your energy, will attract money to you.

Another money bait is the so-called “wallet extender.” It's any cute little thing you can attach to a lock.

The idea is to have the extension cord on the outside of the wallet. It changes the size of any wallet to a favorable one, with such an extension the wallet has favorable proportions that will attract money and protect against losses and thefts.

Imperial sizes Feng Shui.

Ideal wallet size.
The ideal wallet size is from 17.55 to 18.9 centimeters. It is he who brings additional income from unexpected sources.

It changes the size of your wallet, bag or suitcase to a favorable size. It doesn’t matter at all what size your wallet is, with this extension it will always have favorable proportions. And, as you know, such proportions attract money and reliably protect against losses and thieves.

To find out the favorable size of your wallet (and more), use the imperial Feng Shui sizes. Imperial sizes 8:

The first imperial size ranges from 0 to 5.4 centimeters.

1 part - from 0 to 1.35 centimeters. Brings luck in money.
Part 2 - from 1.35 to 2.7 centimeters. Brings "security filled with jewels."
Part 3 - from 2.7 to 4.05 centimeters. Brings “six types of Luck” at once.
Part 4 - from 4.05 to 5.4 centimeters. Brings "abundant happiness."

The second imperial size ranges from 5.4 to 10.8 centimeters.
It is divided into four equal parts.
1 part - from 5.4 to 6.75 centimeters. Brings monetary losses.
Part 2 - from 6.75 to 8.1 centimeters. Brings problems with the law and authorities.
Part 3 - from 8.1 to 9.45 centimeters. Threatened with imprisonment.
Part 4 - from 9.45 to 10.8 centimeters. Indicates the death of a spouse

The third imperial size ranges from 10.8 to 16.2 centimeters.
It is divided into four equal parts.
1 part - from 10.8 to 12.15 centimeters. Is a "receptacle of failures."
Part 2 - from 12.15 to 13.5 centimeters. Brings loss or taking away money.
Part 3 - from 13.5 to 14.85 centimeters. Facilitates meeting with unscrupulous people who will deceive you.
Part 4 - from 14.85 to 16.2 centimeters. Contributes to the fact that "everything will be lost or stolen."

The fourth imperial size ranges from 16.2 to 21.5 centimeters.
It is divided into four equal parts.
1 part - from 16.2 to 17.55 centimeters. Denotes good children.
Part 2 - from 17.55 to 18.9 centimeters. Brings additional income from unexpected sources.
Part 3 - from 18.9 to 20.25 centimeters. Means a very successful son.
Part 4 - from 20.25 to 21.5 centimeters. Brings "very good Luck".

The fifth imperial size ranges from 21.5 to 27 centimeters.
1 part - from 21.5 to 22.95 centimeters. Allows you to pass exams easily and successfully.
Part 2 - from 22.95 to 24.3 centimeters. Brings good luck in gambling, lotteries and in intermediary transactions.
Part 3 - from 24.3 to 25.65 centimeters. Brings "improved income".
Part 4 - from 25.65 to 27 centimeters. Brings "prosperity, power and high honors to the family."

The sixth imperial size ranges from 27 to 32.4 centimeters.
1 part - from 27 to 28.35 centimeters. Brings death and separation.
Part 2 - from 28.35 to 29.7 centimeters. Brings deprivation of livelihood.
Part 3 - from 29.7 to 31.05 centimeters. Indicates that a person can be expelled with disgrace from the society around him.
Part 4 - from 31.05 to 32.4 centimeters. Brings extremely heavy loss of money.

The seventh imperial size ranges from 32.4 to 37.5 centimeters.
1 part - from 32.4 to 33.7 centimeters. Means "disasters are coming."
Part 2 - from 33.7 to 34.9 centimeters. Brings death.
Part 3 - from 34.9 to 36.25 centimeters. Brings illness and poor health.
Part 4 - from 36.25 to 37.5 centimeters. Brings scandals and quarrels.

The eighth imperial size ranges from 37.5 to 43.2 centimeters.
1 part - from 37.5 to 38.9 centimeters. Brings a large influx of money.
Part 2 - from 38.9 to 40.35 centimeters. Brings good luck in exams.
Part 3 - from 40.35 to 41.77 centimeters. Portends "many jewels, treasures and precious stones."
Part 4 - from 41.77 to 43.2 centimeters. Brings "abundant prosperity and happiness."

How to spend

Do not pass money from hand to hand. When you make purchases, always put money on a stand near the cash register, it is there not only for convenience) Money can transmit negative energy and a bad mood to you. Sellers are often guilty of irritation with the buyer. Well, if you took it from hand to hand, when you come home, pass the bills through a “wooden filter”: let them lie on a wooden board for half an hour or an hour. Wood extinguishes negativity well.

Do not hold out unfolded bills, as you will miss the energy of money. They need to be folded in half and given with the folded end first.

Money won or found must be spent immediately. Buy gifts for your loved ones and give your tithe to those in need.

Talking about money.

Don't complain that there is no money! Otherwise it will be so. The thought is material. This will attract the vibrations of people who don't really have them to you.
Don’t brag about your income, don’t flaunt your high salary, and especially don’t exaggerate your earnings. Don’t brag to your girlfriends that your loved one gave you an expensive fur coat or earrings. By doing so, you destroy your monetary energy. It is no coincidence that in the West no one knows about the earnings of friends, relatives, and sometimes even parents and children.

Get rid of excess

Sort out your old things, give them to the poor, or simply take them to the trash cans. Even your most “unusual” things will always be useful to a certain category of people. They will be quickly sorted out, and you will have more space to open cash flows and purchase new things.
There is an old Chinese proverb: “If you are missing something, give three items from your home to a passerby.”

We restore order wherever possible. Every thing has its place. If it’s a shame to throw it away, give it to a church, a shelter, or a friend. But don’t take unnecessary things to the dacha. The dacha is also yours.

Money energy cannot tolerate deposits of things with necrotic information. An item that has not been used for more than a year begins to die, emitting negativity. “Soft” things die quickly, “hard” things live longer. Diamonds are practically immortal. Dishes made of silver and cupronickel last for decades, and can be easily revived by holding them under running water. Glass and crystal die faster, but they can be renewed by regular cleaning. But the T-shirt, which has not been worn for more than a year, is hopelessly dead.

Lure into the house

The energy that brings monetary luck is attracted by good lighting and order. Get rid of unnecessary things and hidden rubble immediately. “The house should only have what is beautiful and what is needed. The rest is trash!”

There is no better place to lure money than the hallway and kitchen. If the kitchen is dirty and messy, the same will happen in financial matters. All equipment must be clean and in good working order. And if something is broken in the house, and especially in the kitchen, there will be financial problems.

It’s good to put a pot in the hallway and throw a couple of coins into it every day. "Money attracts money." The more money is in the piggy bank, even in pennies, the more money egregor they will create in the house.

Place small denomination coins under the doormat in the hallway, heads up. Every time you return home and cross the threshold, say to yourself: “I’m going into the house, and the money is with me.”

It is ideal for the color to include red. We buy a new rug and glue five 10-ruble coins on the back side: four in the corners, the fifth in the center. If semicircular: two - in the corners, three inside in a semicircle along an arc. After a year, I throw away the mat along with the coins and replace it with a new one.

There should only be one broom in the house and it should be placed with the handle down.

Place a banknote in the pockets of your clothes put away for the season.
Plant a crassula money tree. Its leaves are shaped like coins; according to Feng Shui, it is considered a symbol of prosperity.

There is also this fun game to raise money. Making homemade money magnets

To create the device you will need:
- Personal wallet - 1 pc.
- Magnet - 1 pc. (anyone from refrigerators and magnetic boards will do)
- small coins (pennies, they are lighter. Your magnet is small, it will be difficult for him)
Task: train a magnet for money, teach how to attract it.

A magnet is like a dog, he just needs to know what money smells like and what waves it operates on.
Any small coins are suitable for training. Once you've trained your magnets, simply place them in your wallet or safe and let them work.
If you think that the magnet has lost its sense of smell, carry out the training again. You can train at least every day. Just take it out of your wallet at the end of the day and place it in your cash pile.

Remove plastic cards from your wallet. After all, a magnet attracts real money, not electronic money. In short, they can demagnetize.
Plastic cards can also be charged and trained.
We take a plastic card, rub it on our hair and attract paper money to it, like pretending to be an airplane with a banknote as wings. And so how many times. Until he gets used to it.
And more fun, more fun) don’t be so serious) For the game to work, you don’t have to believe in it) You have to play it!