Appendix 10 snip 2.04 05 91.



MANUAL 13.91 to SNiP 2.04.05-91

Fire requirements for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Chief engineer I.B. Lvovsky

Chief specialist B.V. Barkalov


1.1. The temperature of the coolant (water, steam, etc.) or the temperature on the surface of electric and gas heating devices in industrial premises of category A, B or C, in sales areas and rooms for processing and storing materials containing flammable liquids should be taken, °C, not less than 20% lower than the auto-ignition temperature of substances in the room, but not more than:

150 - with water heating and the absence of flammable dust and aerosols in the room;

130 - with steam heating and the same conditions;

110 - with water and steam heating and the presence of flammable dust and aerosols in the room - for premises of categories A and B;

130 - for electric heating of premises of categories A and B (except for warehouses of categories A and B, where electric heating is not allowed) in an explosion-proof design, in the absence of sources of hot dust and aerosols;

110 - the same in the presence of sources of flammable dust and aerosols, except for the above warehouses;

130 - for electric and gas heating of premises of category B (except for warehouses of category B, where electric and gas heating is not allowed) in the absence of sources of flammable dust and aerosols in the room;

110 - the same in the presence of sources of combustible dust and aerosols (3.3. app. 11) 1).

1.2. Electric and gas radiant heating with high-temperature emitters, with a surface temperature not exceeding 250 ° C, can be used in semi-open and uninsulated premises and public catering buildings, in industrial premises of categories G and D without emissions of dust and aerosols, as well as in individual workplaces with temperature air below the normalized level, except for premises of categories A, B or C (clauses 3.4, 3.18, appendix 11).

1.3. In premises of categories A and B, the use of water or steam heating with local heating devices is prohibited if substances are stored or used in the premises that form explosive mixtures upon contact with water or water vapor, or substances capable of spontaneous combustion or explosion when interacting with water (3.9 ).

1.4. Hot surfaces of heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts located in rooms where they create a danger of ignition of gases, vapors, aerosols or dust should be insulated, ensuring the temperature on the surface of the thermal insulation structure is at least 20% lower than the temperature, °C , their ignition (1.4).

If it is not technically possible to reduce the temperature of the insulation surface to the specified level, heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts should not be placed in the specified rooms. Thermal insulation structures should be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.14-88 (1.4, 1.5).

Fire safety requirements for thermal insulation structures - see Appendix 1.

1.5. Laying transit pipelines of heating systems is not allowed through shelter rooms, electrical rooms and pedestrian galleries and tunnels. In attics it is allowed to install expansion tanks with thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials (3.36).

1.6. The distance (clear) from the surface of pipelines, heating devices and air heaters with a coolant with a temperature above 105 ° C to the surface of a structure made of flammable materials should be at least 100 mm. For smaller distances, thermal insulation of this structure from non-combustible materials should be provided (3.40).

1.7. Pipelines at the intersections of ceilings, internal walls and partitions should be laid in sleeves made of non-combustible materials; the edges of the sleeves should be flush with the surfaces of walls, partitions and ceilings, but 30 mm above the surface of the finished floor.

The sealing of gaps and holes in places where pipelines are laid should be provided with non-combustible materials, ensuring the rated fire resistance limit of fences (3.41).

1.8. Laying or crossing heating pipelines in one channel with pipelines of flammable liquids, vapors and gases with a vapor flash point of 170 °C or less or aggressive vapors and gases is not allowed (3.42).

1.9. In rooms of categories A, B and C, heating devices of water and steam heating systems (also gas and electric) 2) should be provided with a smooth surface allowing easy cleaning, including:

2) There is no requirement in SNiP, however, it is recommended to comply with it for electric and gas heating devices permitted by paragraphs. 11a and 11b in Appendix 11 to SNiP.

a) sectional or single panel radiators;

b) sectional or panel radiators, paired or single, for rooms in which there is no emission of dust from flammable materials (hereinafter referred to as “combustible dust”). For premises of category B, in which there is no emission of flammable dust, the use of convectors is allowed;

c) heating devices made of smooth steel pipes (3.44).

1.10. Heating appliances in rooms of categories A, B and C should be placed at a distance (clear) of at least 100 mm from the surface of the walls. It is not allowed to place heating devices in niches (3.45).

1.11. In staircases, it is not allowed to place heating devices that protrude from the plane of the walls at a height of up to 2.2 m from the surfaces of the treads and landings of the stairs, clause 4.11 of SNiP 2.01.02-85*.

1.12. In rooms for filling and storing cylinders with compressed and liquefied gases, as well as in warehouses of categories A, B and C and storerooms for flammable materials, or in places designated in workshops for storing flammable materials, heating devices should be protected with screens made of non-combustible materials, providing access to heating appliances for cleaning.

Screens should be installed at a distance of at least 100 mm (clear) from heating appliances. Convectors with a casing should not be protected with screens (3.57).


2.1. Exhaust and emergency ventilation systems (hereinafter referred to as “VV”) should be provided separately for each group of premises located within one fire compartment (4.24).

Premises of the same fire and explosion hazard category, not separated by fire barriers, and also having cleaned openings with a total area of ​​more than 1 m2 to other premises, may be considered as one room (4.24).

KO*. Requirements for the placement of industrial premises in a building of one or different categories of fire and explosion hazard and their separation from each other by fire-resistant or non-fire-resistant partitions, as well as for the installation of airlock vestibules in places of openings in fire partitions are given in paragraphs. 2.8*, 2.9, 2.10*, 2.11, 2.12 SNiP* - “Industrial buildings”.

According to these requirements: “When technological processes with the same explosion and fire hazard are placed in a room, the need to separate them from each other by partitions, as well as the installation of airlocks in the places of openings in these partitions must be justified in the technological part of the project, while the use of fire partitions is not mandatory, except in cases provided for by technological design standards.”

*) KO - comments and explanations of Promstroyproekt.

2.2. VOB systems should be designed common to the premises:

b) public, administrative and production category D (in any combination);

c) production facilities of one of categories A or B, located on no more than three floors;

d) production facilities of one of categories B, D or D;

e) warehouses and storerooms of one of categories A, B or C, located on no more than three floors;

e) categories A, B and C in any combinations and warehouses of categories A, B and C in any combinations with a total area of ​​no more than 1100 m2, if the premises are located in a separate one-story building and have doors only directly to the outside;

i) household premises - sanitary facilities, showers, baths, laundries and other premises for household purposes (4.25).

CO. Residential premises, which are included independently in clause 2.2k, have been removed from clause 2.2b - since general systems for administrative and household premises are not used.

2.3. VOB systems can be combined into one system for the following groups of premises, connecting to one group of premises premises of another group with an area of ​​no more than 200 m2:

a) residential and administrative or public, taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents - (meaning SNiP for residential, administrative, household and public buildings), subject to the installation of a fire-retarding valve on the prefabricated air duct of the connected group of premises for other purposes;

c) production categories A, B or C and production of any categories, including warehouses and storerooms (or premises for other purposes, except for residential premises and premises with large numbers of people) provided that a fire-retarding valve is installed on the prefabricated air duct of the connected group of premises for other purposes ( 4.26).

For example: a) residential premises + 200 m2 of administrative or household premises;

b) residential premises + 200 m 2 public premises;

c) production premises + 200 m 2 of administrative or household premises.

In each option, the first group of rooms is indicated, to which 200 m2 of “attached group” rooms can be connected through a fire-retarding valve on the prefabricated air duct. In each of the connected groups, the “main group” can be “attached” and the connected one can be the main one, but the connected one must have a total area of ​​no more than 200 m2 and be connected to the general system through a fire-retarding valve (except for subparagraph “b”).

Premises with large permanent or temporary occupancy of people should not be connected by a common air duct to other premises, either as main or connected ones.

CO. Clause 4.26b does not contain a requirement to use a fire-retarding valve when connecting a group of premises of categories D and D to the air ducts of administrative or utility premises. In premises of category G, open fire can be used, and administrative and domestic premises are fire hazardous, and they are often equated to premises of category B, therefore Promstroyproekt recommends installing a fire-retarding valve on branches to premises of category G.

When designing the installation of air ducts in buildings, it is recommended to use “Manual 7.91 to SNiP 2.04.05-91 Schemes for laying air ducts in a building,” published by Promstroyproekt in 1993.

2.4. Air supply systems for rooms of categories B, D and D, which remove air from a 5-meter zone around equipment containing flammable substances that can form explosive and fire-hazardous mixtures in this zone, should be designed separately from other systems in these rooms (4.29).

2.5. Air supply systems for premises of categories A and B should be provided with one backup fan (for each system or for several systems) providing the air flow necessary to maintain the concentration of flammable vapors, aerosols or dust in the room not exceeding 10% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation (hereinafter referred to as “0.1 NCPRP”) for gas, steam and dust-air mixtures (4.21).

A backup fan should not be installed if, when the system is stopped, the process equipment can be stopped and the emission of flammable gases, aerosols or dust can be stopped, or if emergency ventilation is provided in the room, providing 0.1 LEL; if a backup fan is not installed, then provision must be made for the activation of an alarm system (4.21 a, b).

CO. To maintain 0.1 NPR, as a rule, a fan is required with a capacity several times lower than for the main purpose, so in some cases it is advisable to design two fans for installation - the main and backup ones with the same performance, equal to 50% of that required for the main purpose.

2.6. HSA systems for premises of categories A and B, as well as for warehouses of categories A, B and C with the release of flammable gases, vapors, aerosols and dust should be provided with artificial stimulation (4.36, 4.33).

It is permissible to provide such systems with natural impulse if the gases and vapors released are lighter than air, and the required air exchange does not exceed two times per hour, providing for the removal of air only from the upper zone. For warehouses of categories A and B with a capacity of more than 10 tons, it is necessary to provide a backup exhaust ventilation system with artificial stimulation for the required air exchange, placing local control of the system at the entrance (4.33).

In industrial premises in which flammable gases or vapors are emitted, at least one air exchange per hour should be removed from the upper zone, and in rooms with a height of more than 6 m - at least 6 m 3 / h per 1 m 2 of room area (4.53).

2.7. In rooms of categories A and B, VOB systems must provide a negative air imbalance with a pressure difference of at least 10 Pa in relation to the protected rooms, i.e. in relation to rooms connected to them by doors or openings (4.52), except for “clean” rooms in which it is necessary to maintain excess air pressure.

2.8. Receiving openings of air defense systems for removing a mixture of air with explosive gases, vapors or aerosols from the upper zone of the premises should be placed:

a) not lower than 0.4 m from the plane of the ceiling or coating to the top of the holes when removing explosive mixtures of gases, vapors and aerosols (except for a mixture of hydrogen with air);

b) not lower than 0.1 m from the plane of the ceiling or covering to the top of the openings in rooms with a height of 4 m or less, or not lower than 0.025 of the height of the room (but not more than 0.4 m) in rooms with a height of more than 4 m - when removing a hydrogen mixture with air (4.59).

2.9. Air from HSA systems from premises of categories A and B (except for air and air-thermal curtains at external gates and doors) and from 5-meter zones around equipment located in premises of categories B, D and D, if explosive substances can form in these areas mixtures of flammable gases, vapors, dust or aerosols with air are not allowed to be used for recirculation (4.47, see also paragraph 3.14 of the Manual).

2.10. Emergency ventilation for industrial premises in which a sudden influx of large quantities of flammable gases, vapors or aerosols is possible should be provided in accordance with the requirements of the technological part of the project, taking into account the incompatibility in the time of accidents of technological and ventilation equipment (4.61). Air flow rates for emergency ventilation should be taken according to the data from the technological part of the project (4.62).

CO. After the emergency mass or volume of explosive substances has stopped entering the room, the air flow to bring the concentration to 0.1 LEL depends on the time allotted for this.

In the absence of instructions from technologists about the required air flow or the time allotted to bring the concentration to 0.1, NCPRP Promstroyproekt recommends determining the flow based on the previously valid SNiP 2.04.05-86 standards. clause 4.62, equal to 50 m 3 / h per 1 m 2 of room area with a height of 6 m or less, except for pumping and compressor stations of categories A and B, for which emergency ventilation must provide the specified air exchange in addition to the air exchange created by the main systems.

2.11. Emergency ventilation of rooms of categories A and B should be designed with artificial stimulation.

If the temperature, category and group of an explosive mixture of flammable gases, vapors and aerosols does not correspond to the technological conditions for explosion-proof fans, then emergency ventilation systems should be provided with explosion-proof ejectors for buildings of any number of floors, or supply ventilation with explosion-proof check valves installed at the intersection of air ducts fencing of premises for ventilation equipment. Emergency ventilation to displace gases or vapors through aeration lanterns, shafts or deflectors may be used for one-story buildings into which flammable gases or vapors with a density less than the density of air (4.63) enter during an accident.

2.12. Emergency ventilation of rooms of categories B, D or D should be designed with artificial stimulation; It is allowed to design emergency ventilation with natural impulse, provided that the required air flow is ensured at design parameters B during the warm period of the year (4.64).

2.13. For emergency ventilation use:

a) main and backup systems (fans) of general ventilation and local suction systems, providing, during simultaneous operation, the air flow necessary for emergency ventilation;

b) systems specified in paragraphs. “a”, and emergency ventilation systems for insufficient air flow;

c) only emergency ventilation systems, if the use of main and backup systems is impossible or impractical (4.65).

CO. The air flow during simultaneous operation of the main and backup fans should be determined by calculation. Approximately, when installing the changeover valve in the middle position, it is recommended to take it equal to 130% of the main flow. With separate exhaust pipes and a common suction line - 150% of the main one.

2.14. Emergency smoke ventilation for removing smoke during a fire should be designed to ensure the evacuation of people from the premises of a building in the initial stage of a fire that occurs in one of the premises (5.1).

2.15. Smoke removal should include:

a) from corridors or halls of industrial, public, administrative and domestic buildings with a height of more than 26.5 m from the average planning level;

b) from corridors more than 15 m long that do not have natural lighting through light openings in the external fences (hereinafter referred to as “without natural lighting”) of industrial buildings of categories A, B and C with a number of floors of 2 or more (5.2);

c) from the corridors of residential buildings with a height of 10 floors or more with smoke-free stairwells;

Note. According to SNiP 2.08.01-89 clause 1.31 “In corridor-type residential buildings with a height of 10 floors or more, with a total area of ​​apartments on the floor of 500 m2 or more, at least two smoke-free stairwells should be provided...”, and according to clause 1.29 “... the total area of ​​apartments on a floor of less than 500 m2 should be provided with access to one smoke-free staircase...”.

d) from the corridors of public buildings in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02-39 clause 1.137 “In buildings with a height of 10 ground floors or more, staircases should be designed smoke-free”;

e) according to clause 1.158 of SNiP 2.03.02-89 “In public buildings with a height of less than 10 floors, smoke removal must be provided in corridors without natural light, intended for the evacuation of 50 or more people;

f) in SNiP 2.09.04-87 “Administrative and domestic buildings” clause 1.23, when designing buildings with a height of 10-16 floors, additional requirements for these buildings should be taken into account in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02-89 (since it replaced SNiP 2.08 .02-85), i.e. you should be guided by what was said in clause 2.15d or 2.15a because administrative and residential buildings are mentioned in clause 5.2b of SNiP;

g) in accordance with clause 1.27 of SNiP 2.09.04-87, from corridors located in the above-ground and basement floors that do not have natural light, with any area and dressing rooms with an area of ​​more than 200 m2, exhaust ventilation must be provided to remove smoke in accordance with SNiP 2.04 .05-91, which replaced SNiP 2.04.05-86. Since administrative premises in terms of fire hazard are, as a rule, equated to industrial premises of category B, when designing smoke removal from corridors without natural light, one should be guided by clause 5.2 of SNiP or clause 2.15b of the “Manual”;

h) according to SNiP 2.11.01-85 “Warehouse buildings”, clause 2.18 “requirements for escape routes and exits, smoke exhaust devices...” should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91.

2.16. Smoke extraction should be designed:

a) from each production or warehouse premises with permanent workplaces without natural light or with natural light that does not have mechanized drives for opening transoms in the upper part of windows from a level of 2.2 m and above from the floor to the bottom of the transoms and for opening openings in the lanterns (in both cases, an area sufficient to remove smoke in case of fire), if the premises are classified as categories A, B or C in buildings of any degree of fire resistance, except for fire resistance degree IVa, where smoke removal is necessary if the premises are classified into categories D and E;

CO. The words: “not having mechanized drives for opening transoms...” should be considered together with clause 7.4 of the “Manual”, from which it follows that transoms, like openings in lanterns, must have “automatic remote and manual control”. As a rule, such mechanisms are not available in existing buildings, but their production is currently being organized. Consequently, the requirements of paragraph “a” apply to all industrial buildings listed there, both without natural and with natural lighting;

b) from every room that does not have natural light: public or administrative and household, if it is intended for large numbers of people;

c) a room of 55 m2 or more, intended for the storage or use of flammable materials, if it contains permanent workplaces;

d) dressing rooms with an area of ​​200 m2 or more (5.2).

2.17. It is allowed to design smoke removal from industrial premises of category B with an area of ​​200 m2 or less through the adjacent corridor (5.2)

CO. 200 m2 is, as a rule, the area of ​​3 to 7 rooms, for each of which, according to the basic rule, it is necessary to provide for separate smoke removal. The possibility of installing one smoke inlet in a corridor 30 m long or less significantly simplifies and reduces the cost of the smoke removal system.

2.18. The requirements of paragraph 5.2 of SNiP, set out in paragraphs. 2.15-2.16 “Benefits” do not apply to:

a) for premises of category B, and in buildings of IVa degree of fire resistance and for premises of categories G and D, as well as for public, administrative and domestic ones, if the time for filling the premises with smoke, determined by formula (7) SNiP, is greater than the time required for safe evacuating people from the premises. Time to fill the premises with smoke according to formula (1) t sec (in SNiP formula 7) has the form:

t = 6,39 A(U -0.5 - N -0.5)/p o, (1)

Where: A£ 1600 m2 - the area of ​​the room or part of its area, called the “smoke reservoir”, if it does not exceed 1600 m2 and is fenced around the perimeter with non-flammable curtains descending from the ceiling (floor);

U- the level of the lower boundary of the smoke, accepted for rooms is 2.5 m, and for smoke tanks - the height from the lower edge of the curtains to the floor of the room;

N- room height, m;

R o- the perimeter of the fire is assumed to be equal to the larger of the perimeters of open or non-hermetically sealed containers of flammable substances in equipment or storage areas for flammable substances or non-flammable substances, materials, parts in flammable packaging, but no more R o= 12 m.

In the absence of the above data, it is allowed to determine the perimeter of the fire using the formula:

£4 R o = 0,38 A 1 0.5£12, (2)

Where: A 1- area of ​​the room or smoke tank, m2; at A 1 < 100 м 2 следует принимать A 1= 100 m 2, at A 1> 1000 m 2 - accept A 1= 1000 m2;

CO. The time for safe evacuation of people from the premises is calculated according to GOST 12.1.004-91 “Fire safety. General requirements." The entire set of calculations for the SNiP section “Fire protection in case of fire” is recommended to be carried out according to “Manual 4.91 to SNiP 2.04.05-91 (2nd edition)”, published by Promstroyproekt, 1992.

b) for premises with an area of ​​less than 200 m2, equipped with automatic water or foam fire extinguishing installations, except for premises of categories A and B;

c) to premises equipped with automatic gas fire extinguishing installations;

d) for laboratory premises of category B with an area of ​​36 m2 or less;

e) to corridors and halls, if direct smoke removal is designed for all rooms with doors to this corridor or hall.

Note. If in the area of ​​the main room for which smoke removal is provided, there are other rooms with an area of ​​each 50 m2 or less, then separate smoke removal from these rooms may not be provided, provided that the smoke consumption is calculated taking into account the total area of ​​these rooms (5.2).

2.19. According to SNiP 2.08.02-89 “Public buildings and structures”, smoke removal in case of fire must be designed:

a) in library and archive storage facilities, warehouses with an area of ​​more than 36 m2 in the absence of windows... (1.69);

b) in the premises of model workshops in which processes classified as category A production take place... (1.70);

c) in trading floors without natural light... (1.72);

d) in stores selling flammable materials, as well as flammable liquids (oils, paints, solvents, etc., 1.73);

e) in storerooms of flammable goods and goods in flammable packaging; storerooms should be divided into compartments with an area of ​​no more than 700 m2, allowing the installation of mesh partitions or partitions that do not reach the ceiling within each compartment. In this case, smoke removal is provided for the compartment as a whole (1.74).

CO. It is recommended to design smoke removal according to paragraphs 2.19 a-e, guided by paragraphs. 2.16-2.18 Manuals (and Manual 4.51 to SNiP 2.04.05-91), because SNiP 2.08.02-89 contains outdated solutions that do not provide the required effect.

2.20. According to SNiP 2.11.01-85* “Warehouse buildings” “... requirements for evacuation routes and exits, smoke removal devices...” should be taken according to SNiP 2.04.05-91 (instead of -86). If there are opening window openings located in the upper part of the outer wall, a smoke exhaust device is not required in rooms up to 30 m deep. In this case, the area of ​​window openings is determined by calculating smoke removal in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91.

Note. In SNiP 2.04.05-91, compared to SNiP-86, the depth of the room from the windows is reduced from 30 m to 15 m (clause 5.10).

2.21. According to SNiP 2.10.02-84 clause 2.7 “Buildings and premises for storage and processing of agricultural products”, clause 2.7 “... ensuring the evacuation of people and smoke removal from buildings...” should be provided in accordance with SNiP P-90-81 ( replaced by SNiP 2.09.02-85 “Industrial buildings”).

2.22. According to SNiP 2.10.03-84 “Livestock, poultry and fur farming buildings and premises”, clause 2.8 “Smoke removal from displacements that do not have light and light aeration lamps must be provided in accordance with SNiP P-90-81 (replaced, see clause .2.21); in this case, a device for automatically opening exhaust shafts in case of fire is not required.

2.23. According to SNiP 2.09.03-85 “Structures of industrial enterprises”, clause 1.12. “Cable structures must be provided with smoke removal systems,” clause 4.29 “Cable tunnels must be provided with independent ventilation for each compartment, which is automatically switched off when an impulse is given from the fire alarm system.”

Note. There is a discrepancy between SNiP 2.09.03-85 and the PUE, according to clause 2.3.132 of the PUE - a special smoke removal system for cable tunnels is not required.

CO. The last phrase should be considered as the possibility of combining conventional ventilation with a smoke removal system.

2.24. According to SNiP 2.09.03-85, clause 15.23 “... ventilation devices of cable galleries must be equipped with dampers to prevent air from entering in the event of a fire.”

2.25. Removal of smoke and gases after a fire from premises protected by gas fire extinguishing installations should be provided with artificial stimulation from the lower zone of the premises. Where air ducts (except for transit) cross the fences of premises, fire-retarding valves with a fire resistance rating of at least 0.25 hours should be provided (5.13).

2.26. In the premises of refrigeration units, general ventilation should be provided, designed to remove excess heat. In this case, artificially forced exhaust ventilation should be designed to ensure air exchange in the room for 1 hour, not less than:

a) three times, and in case of an accident - five times when using refrigerants of types 11, 12, 22, 500, 502;

b) four-fold, and in case of an accident - 11-fold air exchange when using ammonia (6.16).

2.27. The air flow for ventilation and air conditioning of rooms with artificial cooling by air coolers in which freon circulates must be checked for the permissible emergency concentration of freons,

g/m 3: 570 500 360 410 460

with freon: 11 12 22 500 502.

In accordance with clause 6.5 of SNiP: “Surface air coolers (freon evaporators) and contact air coolers (nozzle chambers, etc.), connected to a single-circuit water (brine) refrigeration system with closed freon evaporators, are allowed to use:

a) for rooms in which open fire is not used;

b) if the evaporators are included in the autonomous refrigerant circulation circuit of one refrigeration machine;

c) if the mass of freon during an emergency release from the circulation circuit into the smaller of the serviced rooms does not exceed the emergency concentration given above.”

2.28. If the air cooler serves a group of rooms, then the concentration of freon, q g/m3, in any of these rooms should be determined by the formula:

q = M× R/(R about× ABOUT), (3)

Where: M- mass of refrigerant in the circulation circuit, g;

R- flow rate of outside air supplied to a given room, m/h;

R about- total flow rate of outside air supplied to all rooms of the group, m/h;

ABOUT- volume of any of the premises, m 3 (6.5).

2.29. The outlets of exhaust pipes for freon from safety valves should be provided at least 2 m above windows and doors and air intake openings and at least 5 m above ground level. The refrigerant exhaust should be directed upward.

The outlet of ammonia exhaust pipes should be located at least 3 m above the roof of the tallest building located within a radius of 50 m (6.15).

Emissions of dust-gas-air mixtures from the system with artificial stimulation of premises of categories A and B and explosive mixtures from local exhaust outlets should be provided through pipes and shafts that do not have umbrellas, vertically upward (7.4).

2.30. According to clause 1.62 of SNiP 2.08.02-89 “Smoke hatches must be installed in the covering above the stage...”, and the cross-sectional area of ​​the hatches is determined by calculation or taken as 2.5% of the area of ​​the grate stage for every 10 m of height from the hold floor to the stage covering "

The opening of hatch valves should occur under the influence of their own weight when releasing them from the holding devices, while taking into account the freezing forces of the edges along the perimeter of the valve, assumed to be 0.3 kN/m.

When installing smoke hatches in opposite walls of the stage box, their insufficiency must be ensured.

The winch servicing the hatch valves must be remotely controlled from the stage tablet, from the fire control room and the room for this winch.


3.1. Local suction systems for explosive mixtures (hereinafter referred to as “MO”) should be designed with a concentration of a mixture of flammable gases, vapors, dust and aerosols in the air no more than 50% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation, hereinafter referred to as “LKPRP”, at the temperature of the mixture being released. (4.14).

3.2 MO systems for explosive and fire-hazardous mixtures should be designed separately from general ventilation systems (4.28), except for general ventilation and MO for category A storerooms for the operational storage of test substances in laboratories (SNiP, Appendix 18, clause 3), which can be designed as a general systems.

A general exhaust system of general exchange ventilation and local suction may be designed for one laboratory room of categories B, D and D, if explosive mixtures are not formed in the equipment equipped with local suction (Appendix 18, clause 3).

MO systems should be designed common to the premises specified in clause 2.2 of the Manual and connected to one group of premises by premises of another group (with an area of ​​no more than 200 m2) in accordance with that specified in clause 2.3 of the Manual, without violating the requirements of this section.

3.3. Management systems for flammable substances settling or condensing in air ducts or ventilation equipment should be designed separately for each room or for each process equipment (4.35).

3.4. MO systems should be designed separately for each of the substances being sucked, the combination of which could create an explosive mixture or create more dangerous or harmful substances; the possibility of combining combustible substances management systems should be indicated in the technological part of the project (4.32).

3.5. Equipment for MOs containing explosive mixtures or sucking out non-explosive substances mixed with air from premises of categories A and B (hereinafter referred to as “MOs for explosive mixtures”) should be designed in an explosion-proof design. Conventional equipment should be provided for MO systems of explosive mixtures located in premises of categories B, D and D, if, in accordance with process design standards, the possibility of formation of an explosive concentration in the specified mixture during normal operation or in the event of an accident of process equipment (4.74) is excluded.

3.6. If the temperature, category and group of an explosive mixture of flammable gases, vapors, aerosols, dusts with air does not meet the technical specifications for explosion-proof fans, then ejector installations should be provided. In systems with ejector installations, conventional fans, blowers and compressors should be provided if they operate in outside air (4.74).

3.7. Equipment for systems for premises of categories A and B, as well as equipment for MO systems for explosive mixtures, is not allowed to be placed in basement rooms (4.84).

3.8. Equipment for MO systems for explosive mixtures should be placed separately from other ventilation equipment if the system has dry dust collectors or filters, or if flammable substances may be deposited in the air ducts (4.96; 4.95).

3.9. Equipment of MO systems may be placed in the premises they serve (4.82).

3.10. It is necessary to provide for the installation of one backup fan (including for ejector installations) for each MO system of explosive mixtures or for every two such systems, if when stopping the operating fan, the process equipment it serves cannot be stopped, and the concentration of the sucked flammable gases, vapors or dust in indoor air will exceed 0.1 NPRRP; the installation of a backup fan may not be provided if the concentration of sucked substances in the air of the room is 0.1 LPERP can be provided by an emergency ventilation system that is automatically turned on when 0.1 LPERP is exceeded (4.21).

3.11. Distance from sources of emissions from local suction systems of explosive vapor-gas-air mixture to the nearest point of possible ignition sources (sparks, high-temperature gases, etc.) X, m, should be taken at least:

X = 4Dq/q x³ 10, (4)

Where: D- diameter of the source mouth, m;

q- concentration of flammable gases, vapors and dust at the mouth of the discharge, mg/m 3 ;

q X is the concentration of flammable gases, vapors and dust, equal to 0.1 LKPRP - the lower concentration limit of flame propagation, mg/m 3 (7.6).

3.12. Emissions of explosive dust-gas-air mixtures from local exhaust systems should be provided through pipes and shafts that do not have umbrellas, vertically upward (7.4).

3.13. For MO systems of explosive mixtures, an alarm system should be provided: “on”, “emergency” (9.9), as well as automatic blocking of these systems with the equipment being serviced and blocking the supply of water to wet filters with the operation of fans (9.10).

3.14. Recirculation of air from MO systems of explosive mixtures is not allowed (4.47).


4.1. The fire safety requirements set out in paragraphs 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the Manual apply entirely to systems of supply general ventilation, air conditioning and air heating (hereinafter referred to as “PH”).

4.2. Air supply systems for round-the-clock and year-round supply of outside air to one or a group of airlock vestibules in premises of categories A and B should be designed separately from systems for other purposes, providing a backup fan.

Air supply to the airlocks of one room or to the airlocks of a group of rooms of categories A and B and to the airlock of a room for ventilation equipment of categories A and B can be designed from the supply system intended for these premises, or from the system (without recirculation) servicing rooms of categories B, D and D, providing a backup fan for the required air exchange for airlocks and automatic shutdown of the air flow to rooms of categories A, B, C, D or D in the event of a fire (4.31).

CO. It is recommended to resort to the assumption set out in the second paragraph of clause 4.2 only in cases where the capacity of the supply system used to supply air to the vestibule locks is no more than three times higher than the air requirement of the vestibule locks, and with a moderate ratio pressures for which the supply system fan is designed, and the pressure required for airlocks.

4.3. General receiving devices for outdoor air should not be designed for equipment of outdoor air systems that are not allowed to be located in the same room (4.41).

4.4. The flow rate of supply air (external or a mixture of external and recirculated air) should be determined by calculation, and taken no less than the greater of those required to ensure explosion and fire safety standards (4.42):

Where: M- consumption of each of the explosive substances entering the air in the room, mg/h;

LKPRP - the lower concentration limit of flame propagation through a gas, steam and dust-air mixture - is adopted according to the Handbook “Fire and Explosion Hazard of Substances and Materials and Their Extinguishing Means,” edited by A.N. Baratov and A.Ya. Korolchenko. Moscow, “Chemistry”, 1990 in 2 volumes, mg/m 3;

q pr- concentration of an explosive substance in the air supplied to the room, mg/m3.

4.5. The air flow supplied to the airlocks should be taken on the basis of creating and maintaining an excess pressure of 20 Pa (with the doors closed) in relation to the pressure in the room for which the airlock is intended, taking into account the pressure difference between the rooms separated by the airlock. gateway. The air flow rate supplied to the airlock must be at least 250 m 3 /h.

The air flow supplied to the elevator engine room in buildings of categories A and B should be determined by calculation to create a pressure 20 Pa higher than the pressure of the adjacent part of the elevator shaft (4.44).

Note. Air flow calculations according to clause 4.5 are given in Manual 1.91 to SNiP 2.04.05-91, published by Promstroyproekt.

The difference in air pressure in the airlock vestibule (in the elevator engine room) and the adjacent room should not exceed 50 Pa (4.44).

CO. If there is a danger of pressure increasing above 50 Pa, it is necessary to install valves that relieve excess air flow.

4.6. Air recirculation is not allowed:

b) from 5-meter zones around equipment located in rooms of categories B, D and D, if explosive mixtures of flammable gases, vapors, aerosols with air can form in these zones;

c) from the system of suction of explosive mixtures with air;

d) from airlock vestibules (4.47).

4.7. For rooms of categories A and B, a negative imbalance should be provided, except for “clean” rooms in which it is necessary to maintain excess air pressure. Air flow to ensure imbalance. is determined based on the creation of a pressure difference of at least 10 Pa relative to the pressure in the protected room with the doors closed, but not less than 100 m 3 / h for each door of the protected room.

If there is a vestibule airlock, the air flow to ensure imbalance is assumed to be equal to the flow rate supplied to the vestibule airlock (4.52).

4.8. In industrial premises with the release of flammable gases or vapors, air should be removed from the upper zone in a volume of at least one air exchange per hour, and in rooms with a height of more than 6 m - at least 6 m 3 / h per 1 m 2 of room area (4.58).

4.9. Explosion-proof equipment should be provided for fire protection systems:

a) if it is located in rooms of categories A and B or in the air vents of systems serving these rooms;

b) for systems with air-to-air heat exchangers using air from premises of categories A and B (4.74; 8.5).

4.10. Equipment for supply systems for rooms of categories A and B, as well as air-to-air heat exchangers for these rooms using heat from air from rooms of other categories, placed in rooms for ventilation equipment, should be accepted in the usual design if explosion-proof check valves are provided at the points where the air ducts cross the fences of the room for ventilation equipment (4.75).

4.11. When heating air in supply and recirculation installations, the temperature of the coolant (water, steam, etc.) of air heaters and heat-transfer surfaces of electric and gas-air heaters should be taken in accordance with the category of the room for ventilation equipment or the category or purpose of the room in which the specified installations are located, but not above 150 °C (4.11). The air temperature upon exiting the room must be at least 20% lower than the auto-ignition temperature, °C, of ​​gases, vapors, aerosols and dust emitted in the room (4.10).

4.12. The supply of outside air in case of fire for smoke protection of buildings should be provided:

a) into elevator shafts in the absence of airlock vestibules at their exits in buildings with smoke-free stairwells of types 1, 2 and 3;

b) in smoke-free staircases of the 2nd type;

c) in airlock vestibules in smoke-free staircases of the 3rd type;

d) in airlock vestibules in front of elevators in the basement of public, administrative, residential and industrial buildings;

e) in airlock vestibules in front of staircases in basement floors with premises of category B

Note. In smelting, foundry, rolling and other hot shops, it is allowed to supply airlocks taken from the aerated spans of the building into airlocks.

f) in elevator machine rooms in buildings of categories A and B, except for elevator shafts in which excess air pressure is maintained during a fire (5.15).

CO. According to SNiP 2.01.02-85* “Smoke-free stairwells” the following types are arranged:

1st - with exit through the external air zone along balconies, loggias, open passages, galleries;

2nd - with air pressure in case of fire;

3rd with access to the staircase through a vestibule with air pressure (permanently or in case of fire).

Smoke-free stairwells within the first floor should have exits only to the outside. Smoke-free staircases of type 1 must communicate with the first floor through the air zone (4.16; 4.23).

4.13. In buildings of categories A and B, smoke-free staircases of the 3rd type should be provided with natural lighting and constant air supply to the airlock vestibules (SNiP 2.09.02-85*, clause 2.36).

CO. Under normal operating conditions, the air flow into airlock vestibules is calculated with both doors closed, and during a fire - with one door to the corridor or hall open; calculations are given in Manual 1.91 of Promstroyproekt.

4.14. The outdoor air flow for smoke protection should be calculated to ensure an air pressure of at least 20 Pa:

a) in the lower part of the elevator shafts with the doors closed in the elevator shafts from all floors except the bottom;

b) in the lower part of each compartment of smoke-free staircases of the 2nd type with open doors on the evacuation route from corridors and halls on the fire floor into the stairwell and from the building outside with closed doors from corridors and halls on all other floors;

c) in airlock vestibules on the fire floor in buildings with smoke-free staircases of the 3rd type with one door open to the corridor or hall; in airlock vestibules in front of elevators in the basement floors of public, administrative, residential and industrial buildings with the doors closed, as well as in airlock vestibules in front of stairs in the basement in premises of category B (5.16).

Note. It is recommended to calculate air flow rates according to clause 4.14 according to “Manual 4.91 to SNiP 2.04.05-91, 2nd edition, 1992.”


5.1. Explosion-proof equipment should include:

a) if it is located in a room of categories A and B or in the air ducts of systems serving these rooms;

b) for ventilation, air conditioning, smoke removal and air heating systems (including with air-to-air heat exchangers) for premises of categories A and B (see clause 4.10);

c) general exchange exhaust ventilation systems for rooms of categories B, D and D, removing air from a 5-meter zone around equipment containing flammable substances that can form explosive and fire hazardous mixtures in this zone (4.74 and 4.29).

CO. Special fire-fighting equipment for ventilation and smoke removal systems includes:

Fire-retarding valves that automatically close when a fire occurs in the room (see clauses 6.6, 7.4 and appendices 2 and 3);

Smoke valves (see clause 7.4 and appendices 4-8), automatically opening in case of fire;

check valves that open when air flows and close when there is no air flow.

5.2. Premises for exhaust system equipment should be classified as explosion and fire hazard categories for the premises they serve. Rooms for fans, blowers and compressors supplying outside air to ejectors located outside this room should be classified as category D, and those supplying air taken from other rooms should be classified as these rooms (4.99).

In rooms for equipment of systems serving premises of categories A and B, and systems specified in clause 2.4 of the Manual, as well as in rooms for equipment of systems for local suction of explosive mixtures, space should not be provided for heating points, water pumping stations, repair work, regeneration oils and other purposes (4.101).

When designing premises for ventilation equipment in residential, public, administrative and industrial buildings, as well as free-standing buildings for this equipment, the requirements of SNiP 2.09.02-85* (4.98) must be observed.

5.3. The category of premises for the equipment of local suction systems that remove explosive mixtures from technological equipment located in premises of categories B, D and D, in public and administrative premises, as well as for general exhaust ventilation systems according to clause 2.4 of the Manual should be determined by calculation according to the ONTP -24-86/Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR or take A or B (4.99).

5.4. Premises for equipment of exhaust systems for general ventilation of residential, public and administrative premises should be classified as category D (4.99).

5.5. Rooms for equipment of exhaust systems serving several rooms of different categories of explosion and fire hazards should be classified as a more dangerous category (4.99).

5.6. Premises for equipment of supply systems should include:

b) to category B, if the system operates with air recirculation from premises of category B, except for cases when air is taken from premises without the release of flammable gases and dust, or when foam or wet dust collectors are used to clean air from dust;

Rooms for equipment of supply systems with air recirculation and air-to-air heat exchangers, serving several rooms of different categories in terms of explosion and fire hazard, should be classified as a more dangerous category (4.100).

* In pp. 5.7 and 5.8 zone characteristics are given in abbreviated form. For complete editions, see PUE, 6th edition, Moscow, Energoatomizdat, 1985.

B-I - zones in rooms in which flammable gases or vapors of flammable liquids are released, which can form explosive mixtures with air under normal operating conditions;

B-Ia - zones in premises in which explosive mixtures of flammable gases or flammable liquid vapors with air are formed only during accidents;

V-Ib - zones in premises in which explosive zones of gases or vapors of flammable liquids with air are formed during accidents or malfunctions, as well as zones of laboratory and other premises in which flammable gases and vapors are present in small quantities;

В-Iг - zones near outdoor installations;

B-II - zones located in rooms in which combustible dusts or fibers that become suspended and are capable of forming explosive mixtures with air under normal operating conditions are released;

B-IIa - the same if explosive mixtures are possible only in case of accidents and malfunctions.

5.8.* In premises of category B and other premises in which flammable substances are constantly or periodically circulated, electrical equipment must meet the requirements of Chapter 7.4 of the Electrical Installation Code for electrical equipment in fire hazardous areas of the corresponding classes:

*In pp. 5.7 and 5.8 zone characteristics are given in abbreviated form. For complete editions, see PUE, 6th edition, Moscow, Energoatomizdat, 1985.

P-I - zones located in rooms in which flammable liquids with a flash point above 61 ° C are circulated (except for those heated to a flash point and above);

P-II - zones located in rooms in which flammable dusts or fibers with an LPC of more than 65 g/m 3 to air volume are released;

P-IIa - zones located in rooms in which solid flammable substances circulate;

P-III - outdoor areas in which flammable liquids with a flash point above 61 ° C or solid flammable substances are handled.

Areas in the rooms of exhaust fans and also in the rooms of supply fans operating with air recirculation are classified as fire hazardous class P-II.

Areas in the premises of local exhaust fans are classified as fire hazardous in the same class as the area they serve.

For fans installed outside the building and serving fire hazardous zones of class P-II and fire hazardous zones of any class of local suction, electric motors are selected as for class P-III zones.

5.9. Rooms for ventilation equipment should be located within the fire compartment in which the rooms being served are located. Premises for ventilation equipment may be located behind the fire wall of the fire compartment or within the fire zone in buildings of I, II and IIIa fire resistance degrees. In this case, the room should be directly adjacent to the fire wall; equipment for servicing rooms located on opposite sides of the fire wall should not be placed in it, and fire-retarding valves should be provided on air ducts crossing the fire wall (4.102).

5.10. The enclosing structures of premises for ventilation equipment located behind a fire wall (see clause 5.9) should be provided with a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours, doors - with a fire resistance limit of 0.6 hours (10.6).

5.11. It is prohibited to lay pipes with flammable combustible liquids and gases through ventilation equipment rooms (4.107).

5.12. Dust collectors for dry cleaning of explosive dust-air mixtures should be placed openly outside industrial buildings, at a distance of at least 10 m from the walls, or in separate buildings, as a rule, together with fans, installing dust collectors, usually in front of the fans.

Dust collectors for dry cleaning of explosive dust-air mixtures without devices for continuous dust removal at an air flow rate of 15 thousand m 3 /h or less and a mass of dust in bins and containers of 60 kg or less, as well as with devices for continuous dust removal, may be placed together with fans in separate rooms for ventilation equipment of industrial buildings, except for basements (4.87).

Rooms with dust collectors for dry cleaning of explosive mixtures are not allowed to be located under rooms with large numbers of people (except in emergency situations) (4.103).

5.13. Dust collectors for dry cleaning of flammable dust-air mixtures should be placed:

a) outside buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance directly next to the walls, if there are no window openings along the entire height of the buildings and at a horizontal distance of at least 2 m from dust collectors or if there are non-opening windows with double frames in metal frames with reinforced glass glazing or filling from glass blocks; if there are opening windows, place dust collectors at a distance of at least 10 m from the walls of the building;

b) outside buildings of III, IIIa, IIIb, IV, IVa, V degrees of fire resistance at a distance of at least 10 m from the walls;

c) inside buildings in separate rooms for ventilation equipment together with fans and other dust collectors for flammable dust-air mixtures; installation of such dust collectors is allowed in basements, subject to mechanized continuous removal of combustible dust or manual removal of it from dust collectors, if the mass of accumulated dust in bunkers and other closed containers in the basement does not exceed 200 kg, as well as inside industrial premises (except for premises of categories A and B) with an air flow rate of no more than 15 thousand m 3 /h, if dust collectors are interlocked with process equipment (4.88).

5.14. In industrial premises, it is allowed to install filters to purify flammable dust-air mixtures from combustible dust, if the concentration of dust in the purified air entering directly into the room where the filters are installed does not exceed 30% of the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area (4.88).

5.15. Dust settling chambers for explosive and fire hazardous dust-air mixtures are not allowed (4.89).

5.16. Equipment for supply ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems (hereinafter referred to as equipment for supply systems) serving premises of categories A and B is not allowed to be placed in a common room for ventilation equipment together with equipment for exhaust systems, as well as equipment for supply and exhaust systems with air recirculation or air-to-air heat exchangers (4.91).

On this basis (Fig. 1), in one room it is possible to place equipment 1 of all systems operating in outdoor air for industrial premises of categories A, B, D and D, by installing explosive check valves 2 on the air ducts of systems serving premises of categories A and B and auxiliary premises located on their area - rest rooms or warming rooms for workers, offices of craftsmen, storerooms. In addition, in the room for ventilation equipment, it is possible to install air supply equipment for this room, as well as for administrative and utility rooms located in a building or extension to the building. In the same room for ventilation equipment, supply equipment can be installed, operating without recirculation, designed to serve premises of category B - in Fig. 1 it is not shown; such solutions are rare. Typically, air supply equipment for premises of category B is installed together with an exhaust air supply (Fig. 2), but exhaust equipment is prohibited from being installed together with an air supply for premises of categories A and B.

5.17. Equipment of supply systems with air recirculation serving premises of categories B is not allowed to be placed in common rooms for ventilation equipment together with equipment of systems for premises of other fire and explosion hazard categories (4.92).

On this basis (Fig. 2) for any number of supply 1, exhaust or recirculation systems 2, for premises of category B, you can design a common room for ventilation equipment, and in this room you can install supply and exhaust equipment for its ventilation (4.105 and 4.106) .

5.18. Equipment for air supply systems serving residential premises is not allowed to be placed in a common room for ventilation equipment instead of with equipment for air supply systems serving public service premises, as well as with equipment for exhaust systems (4.93).

The requirements of clause 4.93 are illustrated in Fig. 3, where pos. 1 shows the supply and pos. 2 - exhaust equipment.

5.19. Equipment for general ventilation exhaust systems serving rooms of categories A and B should not be placed in a common room for ventilation equipment together with equipment for other systems.

Equipment for exhaust systems of general exchange ventilation of premises of categories A and B may be placed in a common room for ventilation equipment together with equipment for local suction of explosive mixtures without dust collectors or with wet dust collectors, if deposition of flammable substances is excluded in the air ducts.

Equipment for exhaust systems from premises of category B should not be placed in common rooms with equipment for exhaust systems from premises of category G (4.95).

The requirements of clause 4.95 of SNiP are illustrated in Fig. 4, where exhaust ventilation equipment of general exchange ventilation 1 and local exhaust 2 without dust collectors and filters and exhaust fans 3 with wet (foam) dust collectors 4, in the air ducts of which flammable substances are not collected, are placed together in one common room for ventilation equipment, and the system equipment local exhaust units 5, in the air ducts and filter 6 of which dry combustible dust is deposited, are located in another room for ventilation equipment; pos. 7 - vestibule-gateway for premises of categories A or B.

5.20. Equipment, except for the equipment of air and air-thermal curtains with and without air recirculation, is not allowed to be placed in the serviced premises:

b) residential, public and administrative buildings, except for equipment with an air flow of 10 thousand m 3 / h or less.

Equipment for emergency ventilation systems and local suction systems may be placed in the premises they serve (4.82).

5.21. Equipment for systems for premises of categories A and B, as well as equipment for systems for local suction of explosive mixtures, is not allowed to be placed in basement premises (4.84).

5.22. Equipment for exhaust systems 1, the heat (cold) of which comes (Fig. 5) from premises of categories A and B (8.5) and is used in air-to-air heat exchangers 2 (in heat exchangers made from “heat pipes”), may be placed in a common room for ventilation equipment together with equipment for local suction of explosive mixtures without dust collectors or with wet dust collectors (foam) 4, if there are no deposits of flammable substances in the air ducts. On the partitions separating a room of category A or B with exhaust equipment 1 and 3 from a room with supply equipment 2 and 5, also of category A or B, since the equipment operates on air from rooms of category A or B, fire-retarding valves are not installed. Valves 7 regulate the air supply to heat exchangers 2. Air heated in heat exchangers from premises of categories A or B, according to (8.5), must be used only in premises of categories A or B. Heat exchangers must be supplied in an explosion-proof design. Explosion-proof check valves 6 (4.91) are installed on air ducts supplying supply air to rooms of category A or B.

5.23. Equipment for exhaust systems 8 (Fig. 5), the heat (cold) of which is supplied with air from premises of category B to air-to-air heat exchanger 9, is not allowed (4.95) to be placed in a common room with equipment for exhaust systems from premises of category G; in addition, in accordance with clause 4.92 of SNiP, in the room where equipment 8 and 9 is located, it is not allowed to place any ventilation equipment, except for equipment serving premises of category B.

5.24. Compressor-type refrigeration units with freon refrigerant with an oil content in any of the refrigeration machines of 250 kg or more are not allowed to be placed in the premises of industrial, public and administrative buildings if there are rooms with permanent or temporary mass above their ceiling or basement (except for emergency situations). ) the presence of people.

In residential buildings, medical institutions, (hospitals), boarding schools, children's institutions and hotels, refrigeration units, except for refrigeration units of autonomous air conditioners, are not allowed (6.9).

5.25. Refrigeration units with ammonia refrigerant can be used to supply refrigeration to industrial premises, placing the units in separate buildings, extensions or separate rooms of one-story industrial buildings. Condensers and evaporators may be placed in open areas at a distance of at least 2 m from the wall of the building. The use of surface air coolers with ammonia refrigerant is not allowed (6.10).

5.26. Premises housing lithium bromide or steam ejector refrigeration machines and heat pumps with freon refrigerants should be classified as category D, and with ammonia refrigerant - to category B. Oil storage should be provided in a separate room (6.14).


6.1. In the air ducts of general ventilation systems, air heating, air conditioning and local suction of non-combustible substances (hereinafter referred to as “ventilations”), to protect against the penetration of combustion products (smoke) during a fire from one room to another, the following should be installed:

a) fire-retarding valves in floor prefabricated air ducts at the points of connection to the vertical collector of branches from public (except for medical and preventive), administrative and industrial premises of category G;

b) air valves in floor-by-floor prefabricated air ducts at the points of connection to the vertical or horizontal collector of branches from residential, public, administrative (except for bathrooms, washrooms, showers, baths) premises and industrial premises of category G; The use of vertical collectors in buildings for medical and preventive purposes is not allowed; Each horizontal collector should not be connected to more than five floor air ducts (4.109) from successive floors.

Note. It is allowed to combine air ducts for general exhaust ventilation of residential, public and administrative premises with a warm attic. It is not allowed to combine air ducts for medical and preventive buildings with a warm attic (4.109).

6.2. In the air ducts of general ventilation systems for air heating and air conditioning of rooms of categories A, B (or C) and local suction of hot substances and explosive mixtures, to protect against the penetration of combustion products (smoke) during a fire from one room to another, the following should be installed:

a) fire-retarding valves in explosion-proof*) design in places where air ducts cross a ceiling or fire barrier; when installing valves under the ceiling, in a barrier, near a barrier on any side or beyond, a fire resistance limit equal to the fire resistance limit of the barrier should be ensured in the section of the air duct from the barrier to the valve;

b) a fire-retarding valve in an explosion-proof* version on each transit collection air duct (at a distance of no more than 1 m from the branch closest to the fan), serving a group of premises (except warehouses) with a total area of ​​no more than 300 m2 within one floor with exits to the common corridor;

c) check valves in explosion-proof*) design on separate air ducts for each room at the points where they are connected to the prefabricated air duct or manifold, usually located in the room for ventilation equipment (4.109). For rooms of category B, the same valves are installed in a standard version.

6.3. If the installation of valves or air seals according to paragraphs. 6.1 and 6.2 is impossible, then combining air ducts from different rooms into one system is not allowed, and separate systems without valves or air seals should be designed for each room (4.109, Appendix 2).

6.4. To protect against the penetration of explosive air into fans in the usual design: for supply systems on air ducts serving premises of categories A and B and administration, recreation and heating rooms located in the area of ​​these premises, explosion-proof check valves should be provided at the points where the air ducts cross the fence of the premises for ventilation equipment (4.75).

6.5. In fire walls and partitions separating public, administrative, domestic or industrial premises of categories D and D from corridors, it is allowed to install openings for air flow, provided that the openings are protected with fire-retarding valves. (4.110, “Change No. ”1).

6.6. Fire dampers installed in openings and in air ducts crossing ceilings and fire barriers should be provided with a fire resistance limit:

1 hour - with the rated fire resistance limit of the ceiling or barrier being 1 hour or more;

0.5 hours - with the rated fire resistance limit of the ceiling or barrier being 0.75 hours;

0.25 hours - with the rated fire resistance limit of the ceiling or barrier being 0.25 hours.

In other cases, fire retardant valves should be provided not less than the fire resistance limit of the air duct for which they are intended, but not less than 0.25 h (4.123).

6.7. Air ducts should be designed from non-combustible materials (except asbestos cement):

a) for systems of local suction of explosive and fire-hazardous mixtures, emergency systems and systems transporting air with a temperature of 80 ° C and above along their entire length;

b) for transit sections or collectors of general ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems of residential, public, administrative, domestic and industrial buildings;

c) for installation within rooms for ventilation equipment, in technical floors, attics and basements (4.113).

6.8. Air ducts made of low-flammability materials may be designed in one-story buildings for residential, public and administrative, service and industrial premises of category D, except for systems of local suction of explosive and fire-hazardous mixtures, emergency ventilation systems, systems transporting air with a temperature of 80 ° C and above throughout their length, and premises with large numbers of people (4.114).

6.9. Air ducts made of flammable materials may be provided within the premises served, except for the air ducts specified in clause 6.7 of the manual.

Flexible inserts and outlets made of flammable materials in air ducts of systems serving and passing through premises of category D are allowed to be designed if their length is no more than 10% of the length of air ducts made of low-combustible materials and no more than 5% for air ducts made of combustible materials. Flexible inserts for fans, except for the systems specified in clause 6.7. Benefits may be designed from combustible materials (4.115).

6.10. Fireproof building structures with a fire resistance limit equal to or greater than that required for air ducts are allowed to be used for transporting air that does not contain easily condensable vapors, while sealing of the structures, smooth finishing of internal surfaces (grouting, pasting, etc.) and the possibility of cleaning air ducts should be provided (4.111 ).

6.11. In fire walls, it is allowed to install ventilation and smoke ducts so that where they are located, the fire resistance limit of the fire wall on each side of the duct would be at least 2.5 hours (3.9 SNiP 2.01.02-85*).

6.12. Fire walls of the zone, and such fire resistant ceilings of type I, having a rated fire resistance limit of 2.5 hours, are not allowed to be crossed by channels, shafts and pipelines for transporting flammable gases and dust-air mixtures, flammable liquids, substances and materials (clause 3.19 of SNiP 2.01 .02-85*).

6.13. Transit sections of air ducts serving premises of categories A and B and local suction of explosive mixtures must be made tight - class II (4.117).

6.14. Transit air ducts and manifolds after crossing the ceiling or fire barrier of the serviced or other room all the way to the room for ventilation equipment should be provided with a fire resistance rating not less than that specified in Appendix 9 (Table 2).

6.15. For premises of public, administrative and domestic buildings, as well as for premises of category B (except for warehouses category B), D and D, it is allowed to design transit air ducts from non-combustible materials with a non-standardized fire resistance limit, providing for the installation of fire-retarding valves when the air ducts cross a floor with a rated fire resistance limit of 0 ,25 hours or more or each fire barrier with a rated fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours or more (4.119).

6.16. Transit air ducts and manifolds for systems of any purpose can be designed:

a) from slow-burning and combustible materials, provided that each air duct is laid in a separate shaft, casing or sleeve made of non-combustible materials with a fire resistance limit of 0.5 hours;

b) from non-combustible materials with a fire resistance limit below the standard, but not lower than 0.25 hours for air ducts and manifolds for premises of categories A, B and C, provided that air ducts and manifolds are laid in common shafts and other enclosures made of non-combustible materials with a fire resistance limit of 0 .5 h (4.120).

6.17. Transit air ducts for airlock systems in rooms of categories A and B should be designed with a fire resistance limit of 0.5 hours (4.122).

6.18. Transit air ducts for local suction systems for explosive mixtures should be designed with a fire resistance limit of 0.5 hours (4.122).

6.19. Transit air ducts should not be laid through staircases (with the exception of air supply ducts for smoke ventilation) and through shelter rooms (4.125).

6.20. Air ducts for premises of categories A and B and systems of local suction of explosive mixtures should not be laid in basements and underground ducts (4.126).

Transit air ducts should not be laid through the premises of transformer substations, battery and other electrical premises, as well as through the premises of control panels.

6.21. Pressure sections of local suction systems for explosive mixtures should not be routed through other rooms. It is allowed to lay the specified welded air ducts of class II without detachable connections (4.129).

6.22. Places where transit air ducts pass through walls, partitions and ceilings (including in casings and shafts) should be sealed with non-combustible materials, ensuring the rated fire resistance limit for the fences being crossed (4.127).

6.23. Air ducts through which explosive mixtures are transported may be crossed by pipelines with coolants having a temperature no less than 20% below the auto-ignition temperature, °C, of ​​gases, vapors, dust and aerosols contained in the transported mixture (4.128).

6.24. It is not allowed to place gas pipelines and pipelines with flammable substances, cables, electrical wiring and sewer pipelines inside the air ducts and at a distance of 50 mm from the outer surface of their walls; It is also not allowed to cross the air ducts with these communications (4.130).

6.25. Air ducts of general exchange exhaust systems and systems of local suction of mixtures with flammable gases lighter than air should be laid with a rise of at least 0.005 in the direction of movement of the gas-air mixture (4.131).

6.26. Air ducts in which precipitation or condensation of moisture or other liquids is possible should be laid with a slope of at least 0.005 in the direction of air movement and drainage should be provided (4.132).


7.1. The power supply for emergency ventilation and smoke protection systems (except for systems for removing smoke and gases after a fire) should be of category I. If, due to local conditions, it is impossible to supply power to category I electrical receivers from two independent sources, they can be powered from one source from different transformers of a two-transformer substation or from two nearby single-transformer substations. In this case, substations must be connected to different supply lines laid along different routes, and have automatic transfer devices, as a rule, on the low voltage side (9.1).

7.2. In buildings and premises equipped with smoke protection systems, automatic fire alarms should be provided (9.2).

7.3. For buildings and premises equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations or automatic fire alarms, it is necessary to provide for blocking of electrical receivers (except for electrical receivers of equipment connected to a single-phase lighting network) of ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems (hereinafter referred to as “ventilation systems”, as well as smoke protection systems with these settings for automatic:

a) shutdown of ventilation systems in case of fire, except for air supply systems to airlocks in rooms of categories A and B;

b) activation of emergency smoke protection systems in case of fire (except for systems for removing gases and smoke after a fire);

c) opening smoke valves in the room or smoke zone in which the fire occurred, or in the corridor on the floor of the fire and closing fire suppression valves (9.3).

Notes. 1. The need for partial or complete shutdown of ventilation systems should be determined according to technological requirements.

2. For premises with only a manual alarm system, provision should be made for remote shutdown of ventilation systems serving these premises and activation of smoke protection systems (9.3).

CO. Experiments on removing smoke from a fire at a textile factory in Moscow showed that supplying fresh air to zones opposite to the places where the fire occurred significantly protects these zones from smoke penetration there, creating favorable conditions for evacuating people from the building.

7.4. Smoke and fire-retarding valves, transoms, sashes and other opening devices of shafts, lanterns and windows, intended or used for smoke protection, must have automatic, remote and manual (at the place of their installation) control (9.3).

CO. Smoke and fire-retarding valves that meet the requirements of clause 7.4 of the manual are developed and manufactured by the Russian company VINGS. Smoke valves are also produced by other companies. Data on fire-retarding and smoke valves are given in Appendices 2-8 to the manual.

The leakage of the ledge of a closed valve is determined by the air flow rate sucked through the closed valve, kg/s; it should be taken according to the manufacturer’s data, but should not exceed the standard value:

G£0.0112( A×D R)0,5 (6)

A- valve flow area, m2;

D R- pressure difference, Pa, on both sides of the valve (clause 5.46 SNiP).

7.5. Premises that have an automatic fire extinguishing installation or an automatic fire alarm must be equipped with remote devices located outside the premises they serve, duplicating in the event of a fire, turning off systems according to clause 7.3a, turning on systems according to clause 7.3b, opening and closing valves according to clause 7.3 V.

If there are requirements for simultaneous shutdown of all ventilation systems in rooms of categories A and B, remote devices should be provided outside the building.

7.6. Grounding or grounding should be provided in accordance with the requirements of the PUE:

a) housings of electrical machines, transformers, drives of electrical devices and other equipment and structures specified in clause 1.7.46 of the PUE, regardless of the place or room in which they are installed;

b) metal pipelines and air ducts of heating and ventilation systems for premises of categories A and B and local suction systems that remove explosive mixtures.

7.7. Alarms about equipment operation (“On”, “Alarm”) should be provided for local suction systems that remove explosive mixtures, as well as for local suction systems that remove non-explosive substances with air from rooms of categories A and B, general exhaust ventilation of rooms of categories A and B. ventilation of warehouses of categories A and B, if in warehouses deviation of controlled parameters from the norm can lead to an accident (9.9).

7.8. Automatic blocking should be provided for:

a) closing the valves on the air ducts for the premises protected by gas fire extinguishing installations when the fans of the ventilation systems of these premises are turned off;

b) switching on backup equipment when the main one fails;

c) turning on emergency ventilation systems when concentrations of flammable substances in the air of the working area of ​​the room are formed in excess of 10% of the NKPRP for gas, steam, dust-air mixtures 9.13).

7.9. Automatic blocking of fans (in the absence of backup) of local suction and general ventilation systems specified in paragraphs. 2.5 and 3.10 Facilities that do not have backup fans, with process equipment, should be designed to ensure that the process equipment stops when the fan fails, and if it is impossible to stop the process equipment, an alarm is turned on (9.14 Amendment 1).

7.10. For transom shutters or blinds in light openings of industrial and public buildings located at a height of 2.2 or more from the floor or working platform, remote and manual opening devices should be provided, located within the working or service area of ​​the room, and used for removal smoke in case of fire - outside these premises (10.2, 9.3).


AEROSOL is a dispersed system with air and solid or liquid dispersed phases, the particles of which can remain suspended indefinitely. The finest particles are close in size to large molecules, and the sizes of the largest particles reach 0.1 - 1 microns.

VENTILATION - exchange of air in rooms to remove excess heat, moisture, harmful and other substances in order to ensure acceptable meteorological conditions and air purity in the serviced or working area.

UPPER ZONE OF THE PREMISES - a zone of the room located above the service or working area.

EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE - a mixture of flammable gases, vapors, dust (fibers), aerosols with air under normal atmospheric conditions (pressure 760 mm Hg and temperature 20 ° C), if combustion develops an explosion pressure exceeding 5 kPa. The explosiveness of the mixture should be taken into account according to the design specifications.

AIR SHUTTER - a vertical section of the air duct that changes the direction of movement of smoke (combustion products) by 180°, preventing the penetration of smoke from the lower floors to the higher ones in the event of a fire.

IMBALANCE - the difference in air flow rates supplied to a room (building) and removed from it by forced ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems.

SMOKE VALVE - a valve with a standardized fire resistance limit that opens in case of fire.

SMOKE RECEIPT DEVICE - holes in the air duct (duct, shaft) with a smoke valve installed on it.

SMOKE ZONE - part of a room with a total area of ​​no more than 1600 m2, from which smoke is removed in the initial stage of a fire, at a rate that ensures the evacuation of people from the burning room.

PROTECTED PREMISES - a room, at the entrance to which, to prevent the flow of air, there is a vestibule-lock, in which increased pressure is created, or increased or decreased air pressure is created in the protected room itself in relation to adjacent displacements.

COLLECTOR - a section of air duct to which air ducts from two or more floors are connected.

AIR CONDITIONING - automatic maintenance in enclosed spaces of all or individual air parameters (temperature, relative humidity, cleanliness, speed of movement) in order to ensure, mainly, optimal meteorological conditions that are most favorable for the well-being of people, conducting the technological process, and ensuring the preservation of cultural values.

CORRIDOR WITHOUT NATURAL LIGHT - a corridor that does not have lighting devices in the external fences.

PANTRY - a warehouse in which there are no permanent jobs.

LOCAL SUCTION - a device for removing harmful and explosive gases, vapors, dust or aerosols (umbrella, side exhaust, fume hood, air intake casing, etc.) at the places of their formation (machine, apparatus, bath, work table, chamber, cabinet, etc.), connected to the air ducts of local exhaust systems and, as a rule, being an integral part of the process equipment.

PLACE OF CONSTANT RESIDENCE OF PEOPLE IN THE PREMISES - a place where people stay for more than 2 hours continuously.

MULTI-STOREY BUILDING - a building with 2 or more floors.

NON-PERMANENT WORKPLACE - a place where people work less than two hours per shift continuously or less than 50% of the time.

SERVICE AREA - a room space with a height of 2 m with constant presence of people if people are standing or moving, and 1.5 m if people are sitting.

FIRE-RESISTANT AIR DUCT - a dense air duct with walls that have a standardized fire resistance limit.

FIRE RETARDANT VALVE - a normally open valve with a regulated fire resistance limit, which closes automatically or remotely in the event of a fire to prevent the spread of combustion products.

FIRE RETARDANT SELF-CLOSING VALVE - a fire retardant valve that closes under the influence of gravity when air flow through the valve stops.

HEATING - maintaining a normal temperature in enclosed spaces.

FIRE HAZARDOUS MIXTURE - a mixture of flammable gases, vapors, dust, fibers with air, if during its combustion a pressure develops that does not exceed 5 kPa. The fire hazard of the mixture must be specified in the design specifications.

PERMANENT WORKPLACE - a place where people work for more than 2 hours continuously or more than 50% of the working time.

PREMISES WITH MASSIVE OCCUPATION OF PEOPLE - premises (halls and foyers of theatres, cinemas, boardrooms, meetings, lecture rooms, auditoriums, restaurants, lobbies, box office halls, production halls and others) with permanent and temporary occupancy of people (except for emergency situations) numbering more than 1 person . per 1 m2 of room area with a room area of ​​50 m2 or more.

ROOM WITHOUT NATURAL VENTILATION - a room without openable windows or openings in the external walls or a room with openable windows (openings) located at a distance exceeding five times the height of the room.

A ROOM WITHOUT NATURAL LIGHT - a room that does not have windows or light openings in external fences.

DUST - a dispersed system with air and a solid dispersed phase, consisting of particles of quasi-molecular to macroscopic sizes; the soaring speed of these particles is up to 10 cm/s, and the resistance to their movement relative to the medium (air) obeys Stokes' law.

WORKING AREA - a space above the floor or working platform with a height of 2 m if work is done while standing, or 1.5 m when working while sitting.

SMOKE RESERVOIR - a smoke zone fenced around the perimeter with non-flammable curtains descending from the ceiling (floor) to a level of no more than 2.5 m from the floor.

BACKUP VENTILATION SYSTEM (backup fan) - a system (fan) provided in addition to the main ones to automatically turn on when one of the main systems (fan) fails.

AIR RECIRCULATION - mixing indoor air with outside air and supplying this mixture to this or another room; Recirculation is not the mixing of air within one room, including that accompanied by heating (cooling) by heating (cooling) units or appliances or fans.

ASSEMBLY DUCT - a section of air duct to which air ducts installed on the same floor are connected.

LOCAL EXTRACTION SYSTEM - a local exhaust ventilation system, to the air ducts: to which local exhausts are connected.

TRANSIT DUCT - a section of air duct laid outside the premises it serves or a group of premises served by the prefabricated air duct.

Appendix 1


1. Thermal insulation structures made of flammable materials are not allowed to be used for equipment and pipelines located:

a) in buildings of I, II, III, IIIa, IIIb, IV degree of fire resistance in one- and two-apartment residential buildings and in refrigerated rooms of refrigerators;

b) in external technological installations, free-standing equipment;

c) on overpasses and galleries in the presence of cables and pipelines transporting flammable substances.

2. Thermal insulation structures made of combustible materials are allowed:

a) a vapor barrier layer no more than 2 mm thick;

b) painting or film with a thickness of no more than 0.4 mm;

c) a covering layer on pipelines located in technical basement floors in buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, when installing inserts 3 m long from non-combustible materials at least every 30 m of the pipeline length;

d) a thermal insulation layer made of cast polyurethane foam with a cover layer of galvanized steel for apparatus and pipelines containing flammable substances with a temperature of minus 40 ° C in external technological installations (clause 2.15 of SNiP 2.04.14-88).

Note. When using a covering layer of low-flammability materials for outdoor technological installations with a height of 6 m and above, fiberglass should be used as a base.

3. For overhead pipelines when using thermal insulation structures made of combustible materials, the following must be provided:

a) 3 m long inserts made of non-combustible materials no less than every 100 m of the pipeline length;

b) areas of thermal insulation structures made of non-combustible materials at a distance of 5 m or less from technological installations containing flammable gases and liquids.

4. When the pipeline crosses a fire barrier, heat-insulating structures made of non-combustible materials should be provided within the size of the fire barrier (clause 2.16 of SNiP 2.04.14-88).

Appendix 2.

The fire-retarding valve type KOM-1 is designed to automatically block the spread of combustion products during a fire through air ducts, shafts and channels of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

The valve is used in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91. The valve is installed on horizontal and vertical sections of air ducts at the intersection of building structures with a standardized fire resistance limit.

The valve is not intended for installation in air ducts of premises of categories A and B, air ducts for local suction of explosive mixtures, as well as in air ducts for which routine cleaning to prevent the formation of deposits is not provided.

1. Standard cross-sectional range, mm a ´ b

250´250; 500´500; 800´300 mm. For special orders 300´300;

400x400; 600x600 mm.

2. Fire resistance limit, h, not less than 1.5

3. Operating temperature of a low-melting lock, °C 72

4. Response delay, s, no more than 2

5. Rated AC voltage

frequency 50 Hz, V 220 and 24

6. Closing drive type - automatic


and automatic with


fusible lock.

7. Opening drive type - manual.

8. Installation dimensions, mm, not less: a + 135

9. Resistance to smoke penetration in closed

position, kg -1 ×m -1 10 6 *)

G = 3,6(P D R) 0.5 , where P- perimeter of the vestibule, m; D R

Description of design

The valve consists of a body (1) and a heat-insulated damper (2), made of galvanized sheet steel or black sheet steel with a protective coating, an actuator with an electromagnet (3), a fusible lock (4) and limit switches (5) to ensure closed control or open position of the valve flap.

The valve is closed by means of a driving electromagnetic device, when actuated, the lever engaged on the damper axis disengages. Under the influence of springs attached to the damper axis, the latter closes.

The tightness (smoke-gas tightness) of the valve in the closed position is ensured by a special heat-resistant seal placed around the perimeter of the valve.

Appendix 3

Designed to block the spread of fires through air ducts, shafts and channels of ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings and structures for various purposes. Complies with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91.

Allowed for use in systems serving premises with explosive zones of any class when placed behind the enclosing structures of such premises in accordance with the instructions for installation, commissioning and operation. Can be installed directly in rooms with explosive zones of class B-IIa. Retains functionality when installed in any spatial orientation. The closing drive (triggered in case of fire) is automatic based on signals from fire detectors and remote. The automatic closing drive is duplicated by a thermal lock. The opening drive is remote.

Main technical characteristics

1. Fire resistance limit, h

not less...................................................................................... 0.5

no more.......................... 1.5*

2. Resistance to smoke and gas permeation in the closed position,

kg -1 ×m -1 , not less......…………………………………........... 10 6 **

3. Standard range of internal dimensions of the transverse

cross-section, mm.......................................................................... 250´250

* - a modified version provides a tactical fire resistance limit of up to 2 hours.

** - air permeability of a closed valve, kg/h, G = 3.6( P D R) 0.5 , where P- perimeter of the vestibule, m; D R- pressure difference on both sides of the valve, Pa.

*** - upon special orders, valves with cross-sectional dimensions of 300´300, 400´400, 600´600 are manufactured; For air duct sizes larger than 800´800, a cassette assembly of standard valves is used.

Description of valve design

The valve consists of a body (1) with a removable hatch (2) for servicing the internal cavity of the valve, a heat-insulated flap (5) made of thin sheet steel, shells (4) providing rigidity to the body, flanges (3) for joining with air ducts, and an electric actuator (7), the output shaft of which is connected by a lever system (11) to the axis of rotation (6) of the damper, closed on top by a metal casing (9). A low-fusible lock (10) is installed inside the housing, connected by a lever to the drive.

The tightness (gas tightness) of the valve in the closed position is ensured by a heat-resistant seal located around the perimeter of the damper support contour (8).

The opening or closing of the valve is carried out by applying voltage to the electric actuator, turning the output shaft of which by 1/4 turn ensures through the lever system (11) the rotation of the damper and the opening or closing of the valve flow area.

If the electric drive fails, automatic closing of the damper is ensured by springs, which are released after the low-melting lock melts under the influence of high-temperature gases.

Appendix 4

The smoke removal valve KDM-1 is intended for use in smoke protection systems for buildings to ensure the removal of combustion products from floor corridors and halls.

The valve is installed in the openings of smoke exhaust ducts provided in the building envelope.

Main technical characteristics*)

1. Flow area, m2, not less.....………………………........ 0.25

2. Fire resistance limit, h, not less..........………………………....……...... 1

3. Valve resistance to gas permeation in the closed position,

kg -1 ×m -1 , not less......……………………………………………………………........ 4.10 4*

4. Inertia of valve actuation, s, no more.………………......... 2

5. Rated voltage of alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz, V............. 220 and 24

6. Opening drive type - automatic electric

7. Closing drive type - manual

3. Installation dimensions:

length, mm, no more.......…………….…........ 740

height, mm, no more.....…………….…........ 504

width, mm, not less...……………….…........ 160

*) Air permeability of a closed valve, kg/h, G = 18(P D R) 0.5 , where P- perimeter of the vestibule, m; D R- pressure difference on both sides of the valve, Pa.

Description of design

The valve consists of a body (1) and two thermally insulated flaps (2), made of galvanized sheet steel or sheet steel with a protective coating, a drive device with an electromagnet (3), limit switches (4) to control the closed or open position of the flaps, a block clamps (5), push-button switch (6), cover (7) and decorative grille (8).

The valve is opened by means of an electromagnetic drive device, when triggered, the levers attached to the valve axes disengage. Under the influence of springs attached to the axes of the sashes, the latter open.

The tightness (smoke-gas tightness) of the valve in the closed position is ensured by a special heat-resistant seal placed around the perimeter of the valves.

Application. 5

The KDM-2 valve is designed to open a hole (opening) in the channel (shaft) of the exhaust or supply systems of emergency smoke ventilation of buildings and structures for various purposes.

The valve is used in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91. The valve cannot be installed in rooms of fire and explosion safety categories A and B.

The valve remains operational when installed in horizontal, vertical or inclined planes.

Main technical characteristics

1. Flow area, m 2, .............................................................. 0.33

2. Fire resistance limit, min, not less....………………………............ 60

3. Valve resistance to smoke and gas permeation when closed

position, kg -1 ×m -1, not less....…………………………………………………….......... 4 ´ 10 4 *)

4. Inertia of valve actuation, s, no more...………………....... 2

5. Type of valve opening drive - automatic from external

fire alarm circuits, remote from the fire control panel

alarm and from the button on the valve.

6. Type of valve closing drive - manual.

7. Rated AC voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz, V:

for powering automatic and remote drives

valve opening......................................................................................................... .. 220

for power supply of valve leaf position control circuits……………..…... 24

8. Weight of valve with decorative grille, kg, no more than …………….….... 16

9. Valve service life before decommissioning, year, ....………………………... 12

10. The valve warranty period is 18 months. from the moment of installation,

but not more than 24 months. from the date of shipment of the valve to the consumer.

* Air permeability of a closed valve, kg/h, G= 27.9×D R 0.5, where D R- pressure difference on both sides of the valve, Pa.

Rice. 1. Design diagram of the KDM-2 valve (valve blade closed).

The valve consists of a body (1), a heat-insulated flap (2), made of galvanized sheet steel, an electromagnetic type drive device (5), a limit switch for monitoring the closed or open position of the flap, a terminal block, a push-button switch for autonomously checking the operation of the valve, decorative grille protecting live and moving parts of the valve from unauthorized persons. The tightness (smoke-gas tightness) of the valve in the closed position is ensured by a heat-resistant seal located around the perimeter of the support contour of the valve leaf.

The valve is opened by applying voltage to the electromagnetic device (5), when triggered, the bracket (6) attached to the flap is released from the drive lock (7), and under the action of the lever system (4) with springs, the flap (2) rotates on the axes ( 3), opening the valve flow area.

Appendix 6

Designed for controlled opening (or closing) of openings (openings) in channels, shafts and air ducts of exhaust and supply smoke ventilation systems, as well as general ventilation and air conditioning systems when used for smoke protection of buildings and structures for various purposes. Provides the possibility of automatic and remote control, as well as automatic control of operation and serviceability, regardless of the spatial orientation of its installation during installation. On special orders it is equipped with drives to ensure the possibility of use in hazardous areas of any class. Complies with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91.

Main technical characteristics

Fire resistance limit, h

no less.....................…………………………….........0, 5

no more................................................................... 1, 5

Resistance to smoke and gas permeation in closed position,

kg -1 ×m -1 , not less.....………………………………………………………………………………........... 4.10 *)

Response delay, s, no more (opening or closing) ..................................... 30

(in the full opening and closing cycle) ........…………………………………........... 60

Rated supply voltage of the electric drive, V ……………………............. 220 (50 Hz)

Cross-sectional area, m 2, not less................................................... .................... 0.25

Service life before decommissioning, years................................................................................................ 12

*) Air permeability of a closed valve, kg/h, G = 18(P D R) 0.5, where P is the perimeter of the vestibule, m; D R- pressure difference on both sides of the valve, Pa.

The valve consists of a body (1), a heat-insulated leaf (2), made of galvanized sheet steel, and an electric actuator (5), the output shaft of which is connected by a lever system (4) to the valve leaf. The tightness (smoke-gas tightness) of the valve in the closed position is ensured by a heat-resistant seal located around the perimeter of the support contour of the valve leaf. The electric actuator can have two types of switches: a limit switch - PV (inside the actuator housing) - for electrically limiting the extreme positions of the output shaft; switch block - power supply unit, designed as a separate unit and designed to provide feedback on the position of the output shaft and signal the extreme positions of the output shaft.

The opening or closing of the valve is carried out by applying voltage to the electric actuator, the rotation of the output shaft of which by 1/4 turn ensures, through the lever system (4), the rotation of the flap on the axes (3) and the opening or closing of the valve flow area.

Passage area,

*U" is unofficial. The sign *U means “with changes in force in Ukraine.”

Amendments to the Construction Norms and Rules were developed by KievZNIIEP (candidate of technical sciences V.F. Gershkovich, work leader, candidate of technical sciences A.R. Fert, A.A. Shmedrik), SPI Kharkov Santekhproekt (V.P. Belousov, L.V. Bochkovich), Kievproject (V.Yu. Podgorny), UkrNIIspetsstroy (candidate of technical sciences V.A. Sotchenko). When developing the changes, the comments of leading specialists from Kyiv organizations, Giprograd, Giproselmashch, Kievspetsstroy, NIIST, Promstroyproekt, Solarinzh, UkrNIIinzhproekt, UkrNIIPgrazhdan-selstroy, Energoprom, University of Construction and Architecture (formerly KISI), as well as TsNIIEP engineering equipment ( Moscow).

The changes have been prepared for approval by the Main Directorate for Housing and Civil Construction of the State Committee for Urban Development of Ukraine (L.B. Branovitskaya). Changes are introduced from October 1, 1996.

The text of the Amendments is officially distributed by the publishing house "Ukrarchstroyinform". The official text of the changes in form meets the standard requirements for changing regulatory documents in construction and contains many formulations like “Clause 3.25. After the words “in the premises”, add the words “installed by SNiP II-12-77:” Such a statement makes it difficult to understand the changes being introduced and requires simultaneous using the text of the Amendments and the text of the regulatory document in the form in which it was before the amendments were made.

This unofficial publication was undertaken with the aim of combining all SNiP requirements (old and new) into a single document.

New clauses and sections of SNiP, as well as clauses to which changes have been made, are marked with *.

These building codes must be followed when designing heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the premises of buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as “buildings”).

When designing, you should also comply with the requirements for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of other regulatory documents approved or agreed upon with the State Committee for Urban Development of Ukraine.

These standards do not apply to the design of:

a) heating, ventilation and air conditioning of shelters, structures intended for work with radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation, underground mining facilities and premises in which explosives are produced, stored or used;

b) special heating, cooling and dust removal installations and devices for technological and electrical equipment, pneumatic transport systems and vacuum cleaners:

c) stove heating using gaseous and liquid fuels.

1. General provisions

1.1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning projects should include technical solutions that provide:

a) standardized meteorological conditions and air purity in the serviced area of ​​residential, public, and administrative buildings of enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “administrative buildings”);

b) standardized meteorological conditions and air purity in the working area of ​​production, laboratory and warehouse (hereinafter referred to as “production”) premises in buildings of any purpose;

c) normalized levels of noise and vibration from the operation of equipment and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, except for emergency ventilation systems and smoke protection systems, for which, when operating or testing in accordance with * in the rooms where this equipment is installed, noise of no more than 110 dBA is permissible , and with impulse noise no more than 125 dBA;

d) maintainability of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems;

e) explosion safety of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Projects should include staffing levels to operate HVAC systems.

1.2. In projects for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, residential, public and administrative buildings, existing heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems should be used during the feasibility study if they meet the requirements of these standards.

1.3. Heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts located in rooms with an aggressive environment, as well as intended for removing air from an aggressive environment, should be made of anti-corrosion materials or with protective coatings against corrosion.

1.4. Hot surfaces of heating and ventilation equipment. pipelines and air ducts located in rooms where they create a danger of ignition of gases, vapors, aerosols or dust should be insulated, providing a temperature on the surface of the thermal insulation structure at least 20% lower than their self-ignition temperature, degrees. WITH.

Note. If it is not technically possible to reduce the temperature of the insulation surface to the specified level, heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts should not be placed in the specified rooms.

1.5. Thermal insulation structures should be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.14-88.

1.6*. Heating and ventilation non-standardized equipment, air ducts and thermal insulation structures should be made from materials approved for use by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

2. Design conditions

2.1. Meteorological conditions within acceptable standards should be taken according to mandatory Appendix 1 in the serviced area of ​​residential public and administrative premises and mandatory Appendix 2 at permanent and non-permanent workplaces of industrial premises (except for premises for which meteorological conditions are established by other regulatory documents).

The indoor air temperature should be:

a) for the warm period of the year when designing ventilation in rooms with excess sensible heat (hereinafter referred to as “heat”) - the maximum permissible temperature, and in the absence of excess heat - economically feasible within the permissible temperatures;

b) for the cold period of the year and transitional conditions when designing ventilation to assimilate excess heat - economically feasible within permissible temperatures, and in the absence of excess heat - the minimum permissible temperature according to mandatory appendices 1 and 2; when designing heating - the minimum permissible temperature according to mandatory appendices 1 and 2.

2.2. The air temperature in the working area of ​​production premises with fully automated technological equipment operating without the presence of people (except for duty personnel located in a special room and entering the production room periodically to inspect and adjust the equipment for no more than 2 hours continuously), in the absence of technological requirements for temperature The indoor regime should be:

a) for the warm period of the year in the absence of excess heat - equal to the outside air temperature, and in the presence of excess heat - by 4 degrees. C is higher than the outside air temperature at parameters A, but not lower than 29 degrees. C, if air heating is not required;

b) for the cold period of the year and transitional conditions in the absence of excess heat and the calculated parameters of outside air B (hereinafter referred to as “parameters B”) 10 degrees. C, and in the presence of excess heat, an economically feasible temperature.

In places where repair work is carried out lasting 2 hours or more, it is necessary to continuously reduce the air temperature to 25 degrees. C in I-III and up to 28 degrees. C - in IV building-climatic regions in the warm period of the year (parameters A) and an increase in air temperature to 16 degrees. With mobile air heaters during the cold season (parameters B).

Relative humidity and air velocity in industrial premises with fully automated technological equipment are not standardized in the absence of special requirements.

2.3. Temperatures and air speeds in the workplace when showering with outside air in production premises should be taken as follows:

a) when irradiated with a surface radiant heat flux density of 140 W/sq.m or more according to mandatory Appendix 3;

b) in open technological processes with the release of harmful substances - according to clause 2.1.

2.4. Temperature, relative humidity, movement speed and air purity in livestock, fur and poultry buildings, structures for growing plants, buildings for storing agricultural products should be taken in accordance with the standards of technological and construction design of these buildings.

2.5. During the cold period of the year, in public, administrative, household and industrial premises of heated buildings, when they are not in use, and during non-working hours, the air temperature should be lower than the normalized one, but not lower than 5 degrees. C, ensuring restoration of the normalized temperature before the start of use of the room or the start of work.

2.6. During the warm season, meteorological conditions in the premises are not standardized:

a) residential buildings;

b) public and administrative, household and industrial during periods when they are not in use and during non-working hours.

2.7. The air temperature in the working area of ​​the room during radiant heating or cooling of permanent workplaces should be taken by calculation, providing temperature conditions equivalent to the standardized temperature in the working area, and the surface density of the radiant heat flux in the workplace should not exceed 35 W/sq. m.

The air temperature in the working area of ​​the room during radiant heating or cooling of workplaces can be determined according to the recommended Appendix 4.

Note. Heated or cooled surfaces of process equipment should not be used for radiant heating or cooling of permanent work areas.

2.8*. Meteorological conditions in premises during air conditioning within the limits of optimal standards should be ensured in accordance with mandatory Appendix 5 in the serviced area of ​​public and administrative premises and in accordance with mandatory Appendix 2 for permanent and non-permanent workplaces, except for premises for which meteorological conditions are established by others regulatory documents.

Meteorological conditions within the limits of optimal standards or one of the air parameters included in them may be taken instead of the permissible parameters, if this is economically justified.

2.9. In technological process control rooms, when performing operator work associated with nervous and emotional stress, the following optimal standards must be observed: air temperature 22-24 degrees. C, relative air humidity 40-60% and air speed - according to mandatory Appendix 2. The list of other production premises in which optimal standards must be observed is established by industry documents.

In rest areas for workers in hot shops, with a surface heat flux density at the workplace of 140 W/sq.m or more, the air temperature should be 20 degrees. C in the cold season and 23 degrees. C - warm.

In rooms for heating people, the air temperature should be 25 degrees. C, and when using radiation heating - in accordance with clause 2.7. - 20 degrees. WITH.

2.10. The following should be taken into the supply air stream as it enters the serviced or working area of ​​the room:

a) maximum air speed vx, m/s according to the formula

vx = K vn; (1)

b) maximum temperature tx, degrees. C, when replenishing deficiencies in heat in the room according to the formula

tx = tn + Δt1 (2)

c) minimum temperature tx, degrees. C when assimilating excess heat in the room according to the formula

tx = tn - Δt2 (3)

In formulas (1) - (3):

Vn, tn - respectively normalized air speed, m/s, and normalized air temperature, degrees. C, in the service area or at workplaces in the working area of ​​the premises:

K is the coefficient of transition from the normalized speed of air movement in the room to the maximum speed in the jet, determined according to mandatory Appendix 6;

Δt1, Δt2 - respectively permissible deviation of air temperature, degrees. C, in the stream from the standardized temperature, determined according to the mandatory Appendix 7.

2.11. The concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area at workplaces in industrial premises when calculating ventilation and air conditioning systems should be taken equal to the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in the air of the working area established by the Ministry of Health, as well as by regulatory documents.

2.12. The concentration of harmful substances in the supply air at the exit from air distributors and other supply openings should be calculated taking into account the background concentrations of these substances at the locations of air intake devices, but not more than:

a) 30% of the maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area for industrial and administrative premises;

b) MPC in the air of populated areas - for residential and public premises.

2.13. Meteorological conditions and indoor air purity should be ensured within the limits of the design parameters of outdoor air specified in paragraphs. 2.14 - 2.17, in accordance with mandatory Appendix 8.

The temperature of the floor surface along the axis of the heating element in children's institutions, residential buildings and swimming pools should not exceed 35 o C.

Surface temperature restrictions do not apply to single pipes of heating systems built into the ceiling or floor.

3.17. The surface temperature of low-temperature radiation heating panels of workplaces should not be taken above 60 o C, and of radiation cooling panels - below 2 o C.

3.22. Pipelines, heating systems, internal heat supply of air heaters and water heaters of ventilation, air conditioning, air heating, air showering and air-thermal curtains (hereinafter referred to as “piping systems of heating systems”) should be designed from pipes in accordance with mandatory Appendix 13.

It is allowed to use pipes made of polymer materials for heating elements built into building structures made of non-combustible materials.

3.23. Thermal insulation should be provided for pipelines of heating systems laid in unheated rooms, in places where freezing of the coolant is possible, in artificially cooled rooms, as well as to prevent burns and moisture condensation on them.

For other cases of pipeline laying, thermal insulation should be included in the economic justification.

Additional heat losses by pipelines laid in unheated rooms and heat losses caused by the placement of heating devices near external fences should not exceed 7% of the heat flow of the building heating system (see mandatory appendix 12).

3.24*. Pipelines for various purposes should, as a rule, be laid separately from the heating point or from the general pipeline:

a) for heating systems with local heating devices;
b) for ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems;
c) for air curtains;
d) for other periodically operating systems or installations.

3.25. The speed of movement of the coolant in the pipes of water heating systems should be taken depending on the permissible equivalent sound level in the room:

a) above 40 dBA - no more than 1.5 m/s in public buildings and premises; no more than 2 m/s - in administrative buildings and premises; no more than 3 m/s - in industrial buildings and premises;
b) 40 dBA and below - according to mandatory Appendix 14.

3.26. The speed of steam movement in pipelines should be taken as follows:

a) in low-pressure heating systems (up to 70 kPa at the inlet) with parallel movement of steam and condensate 30 m/s, with counter movement - 20 m/s;
b) in high-pressure heating systems (from 70 to 170 kPa at the inlet) with parallel movement of steam and condensate 80 m/s, with counter movement - 60 m/s.

3.27. The difference in water pressure in the supply and return pipelines for circulating water in the heating system should be determined taking into account the pressure resulting from the difference in water temperatures.

Unaccounted circulation pressure losses in the heating system should be taken equal to 10% of the maximum pressure losses. For heating systems with water temperatures of 105 ° C and above, measures should be taken to prevent water from boiling.

3.28. The pressure difference in the supply and return pipelines at the entrance to the building for the calculation of heating systems in standard projects should be taken as 150 kPa.

When using pumps, water heating systems should be calculated taking into account the pressure developed by the pump.

3.29. The equivalent roughness of the inner surface of steel pipes for heating and internal heat supply systems should be taken as no less than, mm:

for water and steam - 0.2, condensate - 0.5.

When directly connecting internal heat supply systems of industrial buildings to the heating network, at least mm should be taken:

for water and steam - 0.5, condensate - 1.0.

Note. When reconstructing internal heat supply and heating systems using existing pipelines, the equivalent roughness of steel pipes should be taken, mm: for water and steam - 0.5, condensate - 1.0.

3.30. The temperature difference of the coolant in the risers (branches) of water heating systems with local heating devices when calculating systems with variable temperature differences should not differ by more than 25% (but not more than 8 o C) from the calculated temperature difference.

3.31. In single-pipe water heating systems, pressure losses in the risers must be at least 70% of the total pressure losses in the circulation rings, excluding pressure losses in common areas.

In single-pipe systems with a lower supply line and an upper return line, the pressure loss in the risers should be at least 300 Pa per meter of riser height.

In two-pipe vertical and one-pipe horizontal heating systems, the pressure loss in the circulation rings through the upper devices (branches) should be taken to be no less than the natural pressure in them with the calculated parameters of the coolant.

3.32. The discrepancy between the calculated pressure losses in the risers (branches) of steam heating systems should not exceed 15% for steam pipelines and 10% for condensate pipelines.

3.33. The discrepancy between pressure losses in the circulation rings (excluding pressure losses in common areas) should not exceed 5% for passing and 15% for dead-end piping of water heating systems when calculating with constant temperature differences.

3.34. Heating system pipelines should be laid openly; hidden installation must be justified. When laying pipelines hidden, hatches should be provided at the locations of dismountable connections and fittings.

3.35. In areas with a design temperature of minus 40 o C and below (parameters B), laying supply and return pipelines of heating systems in the attics of buildings (except for warm attics) and in ventilated undergrounds is not allowed.

3.36. Laying transit pipelines of heating systems is not allowed through shelter rooms, electrical rooms and pedestrian galleries and tunnels.

In attics it is allowed to install expansion tanks for heating systems with thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials.

3.37. Heating systems should provide devices for emptying them: in buildings with 4 or more floors, in heating systems with bottom wiring in buildings of 2 floors or more, and on staircases, regardless of the number of floors of the building. Shut-off valves with fittings for connecting hoses should be provided on each riser.

Fittings and drainage devices, as a rule, should not be placed in underground channels.

Note. In horizontal heating systems, devices for emptying them should be provided on each floor of a building with any number of floors.

3.38. The risers of steam heating systems, through which the resulting condensate flows down against the movement of steam, should be designed with a height of no more than 6 m.

3.39. The slopes of water, steam and condensate pipelines should be taken at least 0.002, and the slope of steam pipelines against the movement of steam should be at least 0.006.

Water pipelines may be laid without a slope if the speed of water movement in them is 0.25 m/s or more.

3.40. The distance (in clear view) from the surface of pipelines, heating devices and air heaters with a coolant with a temperature above 105 o From the surface of a structure made of flammable materials should be at least 100 mm. At a smaller distance, thermal insulation of the surface of this structure from non-combustible materials should be provided.

3.41. Pipelines at the intersections of ceilings, internal walls and partitions should be laid in sleeves made of non-combustible materials; the edges of the sleeves should be flush with the surfaces of walls, partitions and ceilings, but 30 mm above the surface of the finished floor.

The sealing of gaps and holes in places where pipelines are laid should be provided with non-combustible materials, ensuring the rated fire resistance limit of the fences.

3.42. Laying or crossing heating pipelines in one channel with pipelines of flammable liquids, vapors and gases with a vapor flash point of 170 o C or less or aggressive vapors and gases is not allowed.

3.43. Removal of air from heating systems with water coolant and from condensate pipelines filled with water should be provided at the upper points, with steam coolant - at the lower points of the condensation gravity pipeline.

In water heating systems, as a rule, flow-through air collectors or taps should be provided. Non-flowing air collectors may be installed when the water speed in the pipeline is less than 0.1 m/s.

a) sectional or single panel radiators;
b) sectional or panel radiators, paired or single, for rooms in which there is no emission of dust from flammable materials (hereinafter referred to as “combustible dust”). For premises of category B, in which there is no emission of flammable dust, the use of convectors is allowed;
c) heating devices made of smooth steel pipes.

3.45. Heating appliances in premises of categories A, B; B should be placed at a distance (clear) of at least 100 mm from the surface of the walls. It is not allowed to place heating devices in niches.

3.62. Stove heating may be provided in buildings specified in the mandatory Appendix 15.

The use of stove heating in cities and urban-type settlements is permitted upon justification.

3.63. The calculated heat losses in the premises must be compensated by the average thermal power of heating stoves: with periodic combustion - based on two fireboxes per day, and for long-burning stoves - based on continuous combustion.

Fluctuations in air temperature in rooms with periodic combustion should not exceed 3 o C during the day.

3.64. The maximum surface temperature of stoves (except for cast iron flooring, doors and other stove appliances) should not exceed, °C:

90 - in the premises of preschool and medical institutions;
110 - in other buildings and premises on the furnace area no more than 15% of the total surface area of ​​the furnace;
120 - the same, on the furnace area no more than 5% of the total surface area of ​​the furnace.

In rooms with temporary occupancy, when installing protective screens, it is allowed to use ovens with a surface temperature above 120 o C.

3.65. One stove should be provided for heating no more than three rooms located on the same floor.

3.66. In two-story buildings, it is allowed to provide two-tier stoves with separate fireboxes and chimneys for each floor, and for two-story apartments - with one firebox on the ground floor. The use of wooden beams in the ceiling between the upper and lower tiers of the stove is not allowed.

3.67. In the buildings of secondary schools, preschools, medical institutions, clubs, holiday homes and hotels, stoves should be placed so that the fireboxes are served from utility rooms or corridors with windows with vents and exhaust ventilation with natural impulse.

3.68. In buildings with stove heating the following are not allowed:

a) arrangement of exhaust ventilation with artificial induction, not compensated by inflow with artificial induction;
6) removal of smoke into ventilation ducts and installation of ventilation grilles on smoke ducts.

3.69. Stoves, as a rule, should be placed near internal walls and partitions made of non-combustible materials, providing for their use to accommodate smoke ducts.

Smoke ducts may be placed in external walls made of non-combustible materials, insulated, if necessary, on the outside to prevent moisture condensation from the exhaust gases. In the absence of walls in which smoke ducts can be placed, mounted or root chimneys should be used to remove smoke.

3.70. For each furnace, as a rule, a separate chimney or duct (hereinafter referred to as the “pipe”) should be provided. It is allowed to connect two stoves to one pipe, located in the same apartment on the same floor. When connecting pipes, cuts should be made with a thickness of 0.12 m and a height of at least 1 m from the bottom of the pipe connection.

The Orders of the Red Banner of Labor were DEVELOPED by the design institute Promstroyproekt (candidate of technical sciences B.V. Barkalov), the State design design and research institute Santekhniiproekt of the Gosstroy of Russia (T.I. Sadovskaya) with the participation of the GiproNII Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Dr. technical sciences E.E. Karpis, M.V. Shuvalova), VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (candidate of technical sciences I.I. Ilminsky), MNIITEP (candidate of technical sciences M.M. Grudzinsky), Riga Polytechnic Institute ( Candidate of Technical Sciences A.M. Sizov) and Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute (Candidate of Technical Sciences A.F. Shapoval).

SNiP 2.04.05-91* is a reissue of SNiP 2.04.05-91 with amendment No. 1, approved by Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated January 21, 1994 N 18-3, amendment No. 2 approved by Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated May 15, 1997 N 18-11 and amendment No. 3, approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated October 22, 2002 No. 137.

When using a regulatory document, you should take into account the approved changes to building codes and regulations and state standards published in the journal "Bulletin of Construction Equipment" and the information index "State Standards" of the State Standard of Russia.

These building codes must be observed when designing heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the premises of buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as buildings).

When designing, you should also comply with the requirements for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of other regulatory documents approved and agreed upon with the USSR State Construction Committee (Ministry of Construction of Russia).

A) heating, ventilation and air conditioning of shelters, structures intended for work with radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation; underground mining sites and premises in which explosives are produced, stored or used;

B) special heating, cooling and dust removal installations and devices for technological and electrical equipment, pneumatic transport systems and vacuum cleaners;

A) standardized meteorological conditions and air purity in the serviced area of ​​residential, public, and administrative buildings of enterprises (hereinafter referred to as administrative buildings);

B) standardized meteorological conditions and air purity in the working area of ​​production, laboratory and warehouse (hereinafter referred to as production) premises in buildings of any purpose;

C) normalized levels of noise and vibration from the operation of equipment and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, except for emergency ventilation systems and smoke protection systems, for which during operation or testing in accordance with GOST 12.1.003-83 in the premises where this equipment is installed, it is acceptable noise no more than 110 dBA, and with impulse noise no more than 125 dBA;

1.2. In projects for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, residential, public and administrative buildings, existing heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems should be used during the feasibility study if they meet the requirements of the standards.

1.3. Heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts located in rooms with an aggressive environment, as well as intended for removing air from an aggressive environment, should be made of anti-corrosion materials or with protective coatings against corrosion.

1.4. Hot surfaces of heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts located in rooms where they pose a risk of ignition of gases, vapors, aerosols or dust should be insulated, ensuring that the temperature on the surface of the thermal insulation structure is at least 20% lower than their self-ignition temperature.

Note. If it is not technically possible to reduce the temperature of the insulation surface to the specified level, heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts should not be placed in the specified rooms.

1.6. Heating and ventilation non-standardized equipment, air ducts and thermal insulation structures should be made from materials approved for use in construction.

2.1*. Meteorological conditions within acceptable standards should be taken according to mandatory Appendix 1 in the serviced area of ​​residential, public and administrative premises and according to mandatory Appendix 2 at permanent and non-permanent workplaces of industrial premises (except for premises for which meteorological conditions are established by other regulatory documents).

A) for the warm period of the year when designing ventilation in rooms with excess sensible heat (hereinafter referred to as heat) - the maximum permissible temperature, and in the absence of excess heat - economically feasible within the permissible temperatures;

B) for the cold period of the year and transitional conditions when designing heating and ventilation - economically feasible within the limits of optimal temperatures according to mandatory appendices 2 and 5.

2.2*. The air temperature in the working area of ​​production premises with fully automated technological equipment operating without the presence of people (except for duty personnel located in a special room and entering the production room periodically to inspect and adjust the equipment for no more than 2 hours continuously), in the absence of technological requirements for temperature The indoor regime should be:

A) for the warm period of the year in the absence of excess heat - equal to the outside air temperature, and in the presence of excess heat - 4 °C higher than the outside air temperature at parameters A, but not lower than 29 °C, if air heating is not required;

SNiP 2.04.05-91*



Date of introduction 1992-01-01

The Orders of the Red Banner of Labor were DEVELOPED by the design institute Promstroyproekt (candidate of technical sciences B.V. Barkalov), the State design design and research institute Santekhniiproekt of the Gosstroy of Russia (T.I. Sadovskaya) with the participation of the GiproNII Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Dr. technical sciences E.E. Karpis, M.V. Shuvalova), VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (candidate of technical sciences I.I. Ilminsky), MNIITEP (candidate of technical sciences M.M. Grudzinsky), Riga Polytechnic Institute ( Candidate of Technical Sciences A.M. Sizov) and Tyumen Civil Engineering Institute (Candidate of Technical Sciences A.F. Shapoval).

INTRODUCED by the Promstroyproekt Institute.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Standardization and Technical Standards in Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee (V.A. Glukharev).

APPROVED by the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction and Investment of November 28, 1991.

INSTEAD SNiP 2.04.05-86.

SNiP 2.04.05-91* is a reissue of SNiP 2.04.05-91 with amendment No. 1, approved by Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated January 21, 1994 No. 18-3, and amendment No. 2, approved by Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated May 15, 1997. No. 18-11.

Sections, paragraphs, tables, formulas to which changes have been made are marked in these building codes and regulations with an asterisk.

These building codes must be observed when designing heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the premises of buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as buildings).

When designing, you should also comply with the requirements for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of other regulatory documents approved and agreed upon with the USSR State Construction Committee (Ministry of Construction of Russia).

These standards do not apply to the design of:

a) heating, ventilation and air conditioning of shelters, structures intended for work with radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation; underground mining sites and premises in which explosives are produced, stored or used;

b) special heating, cooling and dust removal installations and devices for technological and electrical equipment, pneumatic transport systems and vacuum cleaners;

c) stove heating using gaseous and liquid fuels.


1.1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning projects should include technical solutions that provide:

a) standardized meteorological conditions and air purity in the serviced area of ​​residential, public, and administrative buildings of enterprises (hereinafter referred to as administrative buildings);

b) standardized meteorological conditions and air purity in the working area of ​​production, laboratory and warehouse (hereinafter referred to as production) premises in buildings of any purpose;

c) standardized levels of noise and vibration from the operation of equipment and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, except for emergency ventilation systems and smoke protection systems, for which noise is permissible during operation or testing in accordance with GOST 12.003-83* in the premises where this equipment is installed no more than 110 dBA, and with impulse noise - no more than 125 dBA;

d) maintainability of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems;

e) explosion and fire safety of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Projects should include staffing levels to operate HVAC systems.

1.2. In projects for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, residential, public and administrative buildings, existing heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems should be used during the feasibility study if they meet the requirements of the standards.

1.3. Heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts located in rooms with an aggressive environment, as well as intended for removing air from an aggressive environment, should be made of anti-corrosion materials or with protective coatings against corrosion.

1.4. Hot surfaces of heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts located in rooms where they pose a risk of ignition of gases, vapors, aerosols or dust should be insulated, ensuring that the temperature on the surface of the thermal insulation structure is at least 20% lower than their self-ignition temperature.

Note. If there is no technical possibility to reduce

insulation surface temperature to the specified level

heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts

should not be placed in these areas.

1.5. Thermal insulation structures should be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.14-88.

1.6. Heating and ventilation non-standardized equipment, air ducts and thermal insulation structures should be made from materials approved for use in construction.


2.1*. Meteorological conditions within acceptable standards should be taken according to mandatory Appendix 1 in the serviced area of ​​residential, public and administrative premises and according to mandatory Appendix 2 at permanent and non-permanent workplaces of industrial premises (except for premises for which meteorological conditions are established by other regulatory documents).

The indoor air temperature should be:

a) for the warm period of the year when designing ventilation in rooms with excess sensible heat (hereinafter referred to as heat) - the maximum permissible temperature, and in the absence of excess heat - economically feasible within the permissible temperatures;

b) for the cold period of the year and transitional conditions when designing heating and ventilation - economically feasible within the limits of optimal temperatures according to mandatory appendices 2 and 5.

The speed of movement and relative air humidity should be taken according to mandatory appendices 1 and 2.

2.2*. The air temperature in the working area of ​​production premises with fully automated technological equipment operating without the presence of people (except for duty personnel located in a special room and entering the production room periodically to inspect and adjust the equipment for no more than 2 hours continuously), in the absence of technological requirements for temperature The indoor regime should be:

a) for the warm period of the year in the absence of excess heat - equal to the outside air temperature, and in the presence of excess heat - 4 ° C higher than the outside air temperature at parameters A, but not lower than 29 ° C, if air heating is not required;

b) for the cold period of the year and transitional conditions in the absence of excess heat and the calculated parameters of external air B (hereinafter referred to as parameters B) - 10°C, and in the presence of excess heat - an economically feasible temperature.

In places where repair work is carried out lasting 2 hours or more (continuously), it is necessary to provide for a decrease in air temperature to 25 ° C in I-III and to 28 ° C in construction-climatic regions IV during the warm period of the year (parameters A) and an increase in air temperature up to 16°C in the cold season (parameters B) with mobile air heaters.

Relative humidity and air velocity in industrial premises with fully automated technological equipment are not standardized in the absence of special requirements.

2.3. Temperatures and air speeds in the workplace when showering with outside air in production premises should be taken as follows:

a) when irradiated with a surface radiant heat flux density of 140 W/sq.m or more according to mandatory Appendix 3;

b) in open technological processes with emissions of harmful substances - according to clause 2.1*.

2.4. Temperature, relative humidity, movement speed and air purity in livestock, fur and poultry buildings, structures for growing plants, buildings for storing agricultural products should be taken in accordance with the standards of technological and construction design of these buildings.

2.5. During the cold period of the year, in public, administrative, household and industrial premises of heated buildings, when they are not in use, and during non-working hours, the air temperature should be taken below the normalized one, but not lower than 5 ° C, ensuring the restoration of the normalized temperature by the start of using the premises or by the beginning of work.

2.6. During the warm season, meteorological conditions in the premises are not standardized:

a) residential buildings;

b) public, administrative and industrial during periods when they are not in use and during non-working hours.

2.7. The air temperature in the working area of ​​the room during radiant heating or cooling of permanent workplaces should be taken by calculation, providing temperature conditions equivalent to the standardized temperature in the working area, and the surface density of the radiant heat flux in the workplace should not exceed 35 W/sq.m.

The air temperature in the working area of ​​premises during radiant heating or cooling of workplaces can be determined according to the recommended Appendix 4.

Note. Heated or cooled process surfaces

equipment should not be used for radiant heating or

cooling permanent jobs.

2.8. Meteorological conditions in premises during air conditioning within the limits of optimal standards should be ensured in accordance with mandatory Appendix 5 in the serviced area of ​​public and administrative premises and in accordance with mandatory Appendix 2 for permanent and non-permanent workplaces, except for premises for which meteorological conditions are established by others regulatory documents.

In areas where the outside air temperature in the warm season is 30°C or more (parameters B), the indoor air temperature should be increased by 0.4°C above that specified in mandatory appendices 2 and 5 for each degree of temperature increase of more than 30°C, increasing at the same time, the speed of air movement is 0.1 m/s for each degree of temperature rise in the working or serviced area of ​​​​the premises. The speed of air movement in the premises under the specified conditions should be no more than 0.5 m/s.

Meteorological conditions within the limits of optimal standards or one of the air parameters included in them may be taken instead of the permissible parameters, if this is economically justified.

2.9. In technological process control rooms, when performing operator work associated with nervous and emotional stress, the following optimal standards must be observed: air temperature 22-24 ° C, relative air humidity 40-60% and air speed - according to mandatory Appendix 2. List other industrial premises in which optimal standards must be observed are established by industry documents.

In rest areas for workers in hot shops with a surface heat flux density at the workplace of 140 W/sq.m or more, the air temperature should be 20°C in the cold season and 23°C in the warm season.

In rooms for heating people, the air temperature should be 25°C, and when using radiation heating in accordance with clause 2.7 - 20°C.

2.10. The following should be taken into the supply air stream as it enters the serviced or working area of ​​the room:

indoors according to the formula

according to the formula

In formulas (1) - (3):

Accordingly, the normalized speed of air movement, m/s, and the normalized

air temperature, °C, in the serviced area or at workplaces in the working

room area;

The coefficient of transition from the normalized speed of air movement in the room to

maximum speed in the jet, determined according to mandatory Appendix 6;

Accordingly, the permissible deviation of the air temperature, °C, in the stream from

standardized, determined according to mandatory Appendix 7.

When placing air distributors within the serviced or working area of ​​a room, the speed of movement and air temperature are not standardized at a distance of 1 m from the air distributor.

2.11*. The concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area at workplaces in industrial premises when calculating ventilation and air conditioning systems should be taken equal to the maximum permissible concentration (MAC) in the air of the working area established by GOST 12.1.005-88, as well as regulatory documents of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia.

2.12. The concentration of harmful substances in the supply air at the exit from air distributors and other supply openings should be calculated taking into account the background concentrations of these substances at the locations of air intake devices, but not more than:

a) 30% of the maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area - for industrial and administrative premises;

b) MPC in the air of populated areas - for residential and public premises.

2.13. Meteorological conditions and indoor air purity should be ensured within the limits of the design parameters of outdoor air specified in paragraphs. 2.14-2.17, in accordance with mandatory Appendix 8.

2.14. Outdoor air parameters for residential, public, administrative and industrial premises should be taken as follows:

parameters A - for third class ventilation, air showering and air conditioning systems for the warm season;

parameters B - for heating, ventilation, air showering and air conditioning systems for the cold season and for first class air conditioning systems for the warm season. For air conditioning systems of the second class, the outside air temperature for the warm period of the year should be 2°C and the specific enthalpy 2 kJ/kg lower than those established for parameters B.

2.15. Outdoor air parameters for agricultural buildings, if they are not established by construction or technological standards, should be taken:

parameters A - for ventilation systems for warm and cold periods of the year; when justifying the cold period of the year, it is allowed to take the air temperature by 2°C and the specific enthalpy by 2 kJ/kg higher than those established for parameters A;

parameters B - for heating systems for the cold season.

2.16. For ventilation and air conditioning systems not used from 13 to 16 hours, the parameters of the outside air for the warm period of the year may be taken below those specified in paragraphs. 2.14 and 2.15.

2.17. Outdoor air parameters for transitional year conditions should be taken for systems:

a) heating and ventilation - temperature 8°C and specific enthalpy 22.5 kJ/kg; for ventilation systems, it is allowed to accept parameters determined within the limits of using unheated outside air for inflow;

b) air conditioning - parameters at which the air conditioner does not consume heat and cold.

2.18. Explosion-proof concentrations of substances in indoor air should be taken at the parameters of outdoor air established for the calculation of ventilation and air conditioning systems.


General provisions

3.1*. Heating should be designed to ensure the design air temperature in the premises, taking into account:

a) heat loss through enclosing structures - in accordance with mandatory Appendix 9;

b) heat consumption for heating the infiltrating outside air - in accordance with mandatory Appendix 10;

c) heat consumption for heating materials, equipment and vehicles;

d) heat flow regularly coming from electrical appliances, lighting, technological equipment, communications, materials, people and other sources; in this case, the heat flow entering the rooms and kitchens of residential buildings should be taken at least 10 W per 1 sq.m of floor.

Heat losses through the internal enclosing structures of premises may be ignored if the temperature difference in these premises is 3°C or less.

3.2. The flow rate of infiltrated air should be determined by taking the wind speed according to parameters B. If the wind speed at parameters B is less than at parameters A, then the heating devices should be checked for parameters A.

Wind speed should be taken according to mandatory Appendix 8.

3.3*. Heating systems (heating devices, coolant, maximum coolant temperature or heat-transfer surfaces) should be taken in accordance with mandatory Appendix 11. Coolant parameters (temperature, pressure) in heating systems with pipes made of heat-resistant polymer materials should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​​specified in the regulatory documentation for their production, but not more than 90°C and 1.0 MPa.

For heating and internal heat supply systems, water should usually be used as a coolant; other coolants may be used during a feasibility study.

For buildings in areas with a design outdoor temperature of minus 40°C and below (parameters B), it is allowed to use water with additives that prevent it from freezing. Explosive and flammable substances, as well as substances of hazard classes 1, 2 and 3 according to GOST 12.1.005-88, should not be used as additives in quantities that may cause emissions in the event of an accident that exceed the NLPR and MPC in the indoor air. When using pipes made of polymeric materials as water additives, surfactants and other substances to which the pipe material is not chemically resistant should not be used.

3.4. Emergency heating should be provided to maintain the air temperature in accordance with clause 2.5, using the main heating systems. Special emergency heating systems can be designed with an economic justification.

In unheated buildings, local heating should be provided to maintain air temperature that meets technological requirements in individual rooms and zones, as well as in temporary workplaces when setting up and repairing equipment.

3.5. Heating with electricity with its direct transformation into heat or with the help of heat pumps can be used during a feasibility study. The supply of electricity should be agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure.

3.6. For heated buildings in areas with a design outdoor temperature of minus 40°C and below (parameters B), heating of the surface of floors located above cold underground areas should be provided; residential premises and premises with permanent residence of people in public, administrative, domestic and industrial buildings or provide thermal protection in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-3-79*.

3.7. Heating of warehouse premises should be designed in accordance with technological requirements, with the restrictions specified in clause 3.57.

3.8. Heating with local heating devices of one or more rooms with an area of ​​5% or less of the total area of ​​the heated rooms of the building, for which the heating requirements differ from the requirements of the main rooms, should, as a rule, be designed in accordance with the requirements for the main rooms, if this does not violate the fire and explosion safety of these premises.

3.9. In rooms of categories A and B, as a rule, air heating should be designed. It is allowed to use other systems (see mandatory Appendix 11), as well as water or steam heating systems with local heating devices, with the exception of rooms in which substances are stored or used that form explosive mixtures upon contact with water or water vapor, or substances that can to spontaneous combustion or explosion when interacting with water.

3.10. Heating of staircases should not be designed for buildings equipped with apartment heating systems, as well as for buildings with any heating systems in areas with a design outdoor temperature for the cold period of the year minus 5 ° C and above (parameters B).

Heating systems

3.11. Heating systems for buildings should be designed to ensure uniform heating of indoor air, hydraulic and thermal stability, explosion and fire safety, and accessibility for cleaning and repair.

3.12*. The building's heat supply system should be designed with automatic heat flow control when the building's estimated heat consumption is 50 kW or more.

3.13. Heating of industrial premises in which there is more than 50 sq.m of floor space per worker should be designed to ensure the design air temperature in accordance with clause 2.1* at permanent workplaces and a lower temperature - not lower than 10°C - at non-permanent workplaces .

3.14. For buildings in areas with a design outdoor temperature in the warm season of 25°C and above (parameters A), it is allowed to use heating systems to cool the premises. In this case, it is not allowed to supercool the air near the floor of the premises (at a distance of more than 1 m from the device) by more than 2°C below the standardized temperature.

The temperature on the surface of devices when using them to cool rooms should be taken at least 1°C above the dew point temperature of the room air.

3.15*. Apartment heating systems in buildings should be designed as two-pipe systems, providing for the installation of regulation, monitoring and metering devices for heat consumption for each apartment.

3.16. The average surface temperature of building structures with built-in heating elements should be taken, °C, not higher than:

for external walls from level

floor up to 1 m........................... 95

the same, from 2.5 m and above...... accept,

as for ceilings

for indoor floors

with permanent residence

people........................ 26

the same, with temporary stay

people and for bypass paths,

indoor swimming benches

swimming pools........................ 31

for ceilings at height

rooms from 2.5 to 2.8 m............ 28

the same, "2.8" 3" ............ 30

" " " 3 " 3,5 " ............ 33

" " " 3,5 " 4 " ............ 36

" " " 4 " 6 " ............ 38

The temperature of the floor surface along the axis of the heating element in children's institutions, residential buildings and swimming pools should not exceed 35°C.

Surface temperature restrictions do not apply to single pipes of heating systems built into the ceiling or floor.

3.17. The surface temperature of low-temperature radiant heating panels of workplaces should not be taken above 60°C, and of radiant cooling panels - below 2°C.

3.18. The surface temperature of high-temperature radiant heating devices should not be taken above 250°C.

3.19. The temperature of the coolant, °C, should be taken at least 20% (taking into account clause 1.4) below the spontaneous ignition temperature of substances in the room.

3.20. Gas heating appliances may be used provided that combustion products are removed directly from the gas burners to the outside in a closed manner.

3.21. Heat flow in a water heating system and coolant flow should be determined in accordance with mandatory Appendix 12.


3.22*. Pipelines for heating systems, heat supply to air heaters and water heaters of ventilation, air conditioning, air showering and air-thermal curtains (hereinafter referred to as pipelines for heating systems) should be designed from steel, copper, brass pipes, heat-resistant pipes made of polymeric materials (including metal-polymeric), permitted for use in construction. Complete with plastic pipes, you should use connecting parts and products corresponding to the type of pipe used.

The characteristics of steel pipes are given in mandatory Appendix 13, and of pipes made of polymer materials in recommended Appendix 25*.

Pipes made of polymer materials used in heating systems together with metal pipes or with instruments and equipment, including in external heat supply systems that have restrictions on the content of dissolved oxygen in the coolant, must have an anti-diffusion layer.

3.23*. Thermal insulation should be provided for pipelines of heating systems laid in unheated rooms, in places where freezing of the coolant is possible, in artificially cooled rooms, as well as to prevent burns and moisture condensation in them.

As thermal insulation, thermal insulation materials with a thermal conductivity of no more than 0.05 W/m °C and a thickness that ensures a surface temperature of no higher than 40°C should be used.

Additional heat losses by pipelines laid in unheated rooms and heat losses caused by the placement of heating devices near external fences should not exceed 7% of the heat flow of the building heating system (see mandatory Appendix 12).

3.24*. Pipelines for various purposes should, as a rule, be laid separately from the heating point or from the general pipeline:

a) for heating systems with local heating devices;

b) for ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems;

c) for air curtains;

d) for other periodically operating systems or installations.

3.25. The speed of movement of the coolant in the pipes of water heating systems should be taken depending on the permissible equivalent sound level in the room:

a) above 40 dBA - no more than 1.5 m/s in public buildings and premises; no more than 2 m/s - in administrative buildings and premises; no more than 3 m/s - in industrial buildings and premises;

b) 40 dBA and below - according to mandatory Appendix 14.

3.26. The speed of steam movement in pipelines should be taken as follows:

a) in low pressure heating systems (up to 70 kPa at the inlet) with parallel movement of steam and condensate - 30 m/s, with counter movement - 20 m/s;

b) in high-pressure heating systems (from 70 to 170 kPa at the inlet) with parallel movement of steam and condensate - 80 m/s, with counter movement - 60 m/s.

3.27. The difference in water pressure in the supply and return pipelines for circulating water in the heating system should be determined taking into account the pressure resulting from the difference in water temperatures.

Unaccounted circulation pressure losses in the heating system should be taken equal to 10% of the maximum pressure losses. For heating systems with water temperatures of 105°C and above, measures should be taken to prevent water from boiling.

3.28. The pressure difference in the supply and return pipelines at the entrance to the building for the calculation of heating systems in standard projects should be taken as 150 kPa.

When using pumps, water heating systems should be calculated taking into account the pressure developed by the pump.

3.29*. The equivalent roughness of the inner surface of steel pipes for heating and internal heat supply systems should be taken as no less than, mm:

for water and steam - 0.2, condensate - 0.5.

When directly connecting internal heat supply systems of industrial buildings to the heating network, at least mm should be taken:

for water and steam - 0.5, condensate - 1.0.

The equivalent roughness of the inner surface of pipes made of polymer materials and copper (brass) pipes should be taken to be at least 0.01 and 0.11 mm, respectively.

Note. When reconstructing internal heat supply systems and

heating using existing pipelines equivalent

the roughness of steel pipes should be taken, mm: for water and

steam - 0.5, condensate - 1.0.

3.30. The temperature difference of the coolant in the risers (branches) of water heating systems with local heating devices when calculating systems with variable temperature differences should not differ by more than 25% (but not more than 8°C) from the calculated temperature difference.

3.31. In single-pipe water heating systems, pressure losses in the risers must be at least 70% of the total pressure losses in the circulation rings, excluding pressure losses in common areas.

In single-pipe systems with a lower supply line and an upper return line, the pressure loss in the risers should be at least 300 Pa per meter of riser height.

In two-pipe vertical and one-pipe horizontal heating systems, the pressure loss in the circulation rings through the upper devices (branches) should be taken to be no less than the natural pressure in them with the calculated parameters of the coolant.

3.32. The discrepancy between the calculated pressure losses in the risers (branches) of steam heating systems should not exceed 15% for steam pipelines and 10% for condensate pipelines.

3.33. The mismatch of pressure losses in the circulation rings (without taking into account pressure losses in common areas) should not exceed 5% for passing and 15% for dead-end piping of water heating systems when calculating with constant temperature differences.

3.34*. The laying of heating pipelines must be hidden: in baseboards, behind screens, in grooves, shafts and channels. Open laying of metal pipelines, as well as plastic ones, is allowed in places where their mechanical and thermal damage and direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation are excluded.

The method of laying pipelines should ensure easy replacement during repairs. Embedding pipes (without casing) into building structures is permitted:

in buildings with a service life of less than 20 years;

with an estimated service life of pipes of 40 years or more.

When laying pipelines hidden, hatches should be provided at the locations of dismountable connections and fittings.

Pipe systems made of polymeric materials must comply with the instructions for the installation of plastic pipes in heating systems of recommended appendix 26*.

3.35. In areas with a design temperature of minus 40°C and below (parameters B), laying supply and return pipelines of heating systems in the attics of buildings (except for warm attics) and in ventilated undergrounds is not allowed.

3.36. Laying transit pipelines of heating systems is not allowed through shelter rooms, electrical rooms and pedestrian galleries and tunnels.

In attics it is allowed to install expansion tanks for heating systems with thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials.

3.37. Heating systems should provide devices for emptying them: in buildings with 4 or more floors, in heating systems with bottom wiring in buildings of 2 floors or more, and on staircases, regardless of the number of floors of the building. Shut-off valves with fittings for connecting hoses should be provided on each riser.

Fittings and drainage devices, as a rule, should not be placed in underground channels.

Note. In horizontal heating systems it is necessary

provide devices for emptying them on each floor of the building

with any number of floors.

3.38. The risers of steam heating systems, through which the resulting condensate flows down against the movement of steam, should be designed with a height of no more than 6 m.

3.39. The slopes of water, steam and condensate pipelines should be taken at least 0.002, and the slope of steam pipelines against the movement of steam should be at least 0.006.

Water pipelines may be laid without a slope if the speed of water movement in them is 0.25 m/s or more.

3.40*. The distance (clear) from the surface of pipelines, heating devices and air heaters with a coolant with a temperature above 105°C to the surface of a structure made of combustible materials should be at least 100 mm. At a smaller distance, thermal insulation of the surface of this structure from non-combustible materials should be provided.

It is not allowed to lay pipes made of polymer materials in rooms of category G, as well as in rooms with sources of thermal radiation with a surface temperature of more than 150°C.

3.41. Pipelines at the intersections of ceilings, internal walls and partitions should be laid in sleeves made of non-combustible materials; the edges of the sleeves should be flush with the surfaces of walls, partitions and ceilings, but 30 mm above the surface of the finished floor.

The sealing of gaps and holes in places where pipelines are laid should be provided with non-combustible materials, ensuring the rated fire resistance limit of the fences.

3.42. Laying or crossing heating pipelines in one channel with pipelines of flammable liquids, vapors and gases with a vapor flash point of 170°C or less or aggressive vapors and gases is not allowed.

3.43. Removal of air from heating systems with water coolant and from condensate pipelines filled with water should be provided at the upper points, with steam coolant - at the lower points of the condensation gravity pipeline.

In water heating systems, as a rule, flow-through air collectors or taps should be provided. Non-flowing air collectors may be installed when the water speed in the pipeline is less than 0.1 m/s.

3.43a*. Pipes, fittings and connections must withstand without destruction or loss of tightness:

test water pressure exceeding the operating pressure in the heating system by 1.5 times, but not less than 0.6 MPa, at a constant water temperature of 95°C;

constant water pressure equal to the operating water pressure in the heating system, but not less than 0.4 MPa, at the design temperature of the coolant, but not lower than 80 ° C, during the 25-year design period of operation.

Hydraulic tests of plastic pipelines must involve increasing the pressure to the required value for at least 30 minutes. The pipeline is considered to have passed the test if the pressure in it drops by no more than 0.06 MPa over the next 30 minutes and if the pressure drops further within 2 hours by no more than 0.02 MPa.

3.43b*. When designing central water heating systems made of plastic pipes, automatic control devices should be provided in order to protect pipelines from exceeding coolant parameters.

Heating devices and fittings

a) sectional or single panel radiators;

b) sectional or panel radiators, paired or single, for rooms in which there is no emission of dust from flammable materials (hereinafter referred to as combustible dust). For premises of category B, in which there is no emission of flammable dust, the use of convectors is allowed;

c) heating devices made of smooth steel pipes.

3.45. Heating appliances in rooms of categories A, B, C should be placed at a distance (clear) of at least 100 mm from the surface of the walls. It is not allowed to place heating devices in niches.

3.46. When calculating heating devices, 90% of the heat flow entering the room from heating pipelines should be taken into account.

3.47. The rated heat flux of the heating device should not be taken less than 5% or 60 W required by calculation.

3.48. Heating appliances should be placed, as a rule, under light openings in places accessible for inspection, repair and cleaning.

The length of the heating device should, as a rule, be at least 75% of the length of the light opening in hospitals, kindergartens, schools, homes for the elderly and disabled.

3.49. Radiant heating devices with a surface temperature above 150°C should be placed in the upper zone of the room.

3.50. Heating appliances in industrial premises with permanent workplaces located at a distance of 2 m or less from the windows, in areas with an estimated outside air temperature during the cold season of minus 15°C and below (parameters B) should be placed under light openings (windows) for protection of workers from cold air currents.

Such heating devices should be expected to compensate for heat losses through external enclosing structures to a height of up to 4 m from the floor or working platform, and, if justified, to a greater height.

3.51. Built-in heating elements are not allowed to be placed in external single-layer or internal walls, as well as in partitions.

It is allowed to provide water heating heating elements embedded in concrete in external multi-layer walls, ceilings and floors.

3.52. The connection of heating devices “on a coupling” may be provided within the same room. Heating appliances in dressing rooms, corridors, restrooms, washrooms, and storage rooms may be connected “on a hitch” to appliances in adjacent rooms.

3.53. Heating devices in small separate rooms for craftsmen, storerooms, quality control departments, etc. in industrial buildings can be connected to transit pipelines using a single-pipe scheme.

3.54. Versatile connections of pipelines should be provided for radiators with more than 20 sections (more than 15 in systems with natural circulation), as well as for radiators connected “on a coupling”, if there are more than two of them.

3.55. Heating appliances in staircases should, as a rule, be placed on the ground floor, and in staircases divided into compartments - in each of the compartments, taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.01.02-85*.

Heating appliances should not be placed in vestibule compartments that have external doors.

Heating devices in the staircase should be connected to separate branches or risers of the heating systems.

3.56. In bathrooms and shower rooms, heated towel rails that are not connected to the hot water supply system should be connected to the heating system in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01-85.

3.57. In rooms for filling and storing cylinders with compressed or liquefied gas, as well as in warehouses of categories A, B, C and storerooms for combustible materials, or in places designated in workshops for storing flammable materials, heating devices should be protected with screens made of non-combustible materials, providing access to them for cleaning.

Screens should be installed at a distance of at least 100 mm (clear) from heating appliances. Convectors with a casing should not be protected with screens.

3.58. Decorative screens (grids) may be provided for heating appliances (except for convectors with casings) in public buildings, taking into account access to heating appliances for cleaning them. The rated heat flow of a heating device when using a screen (grid) should not exceed by more than 10% the rated heat flow of an openly installed heating device.

3.59*. Heating devices should have control valves installed, with the exception of devices in dressing rooms, showers, sanitary facilities, storerooms, as well as in rooms where there is a danger of the coolant freezing (on stairwells, vestibules, etc.).

In residential and public buildings, heating appliances should usually have automatic thermostats installed.

3.60. Control valves for heating devices of single-pipe heating systems should be taken with minimal hydraulic resistance, and for devices of two-pipe systems - with increased resistance.

3.61. Shut-off valves should be provided:

a) to turn off and drain water from individual rings, branches and risers of heating systems;

b) for steam traps and automatically or remotely controlled valves. For other equipment, shut-off valves should be included in the feasibility study;

c) to turn off part or all heating devices in rooms in which heating is used periodically or partially.

Shut-off valves may not be provided on risers in buildings with three or fewer floors.

Stove heating

3.62. Stove heating may be provided in buildings specified in mandatory Appendix 15.

The use of stove heating in cities and urban-type settlements is permitted upon justification.

3.63. The calculated heat losses in the premises must be compensated by the average thermal power of heating stoves: with periodic combustion - based on two fireboxes per day, and for long-burning stoves - based on continuous combustion.

Fluctuations in air temperature in rooms with periodic combustion should not exceed 3°C during the day.

3.64. The maximum surface temperature of stoves (except for cast iron flooring, doors and other stove appliances) should not exceed, °C:

90 - in the premises of preschool and medical institutions;

110 - in other buildings and premises on the furnace area no more than 15% of the total surface area of ​​the furnace;

120 - the same, on the furnace area no more than 5% of the total surface area of ​​the furnace.

In rooms with temporary occupancy, when installing protective screens, it is allowed to use ovens with a surface temperature above 120°C.

3.65. One stove should be provided for heating no more than three rooms located on the same floor.

3.66. In two-story buildings, it is allowed to provide two-tier stoves with separate fireboxes and chimneys for each floor, and for two-story apartments - with one firebox on the ground floor. The use of wooden beams in the ceiling between the upper and lower tiers of the stove is not allowed.

3.67. In the buildings of secondary schools, preschools, medical institutions, clubs, holiday homes and hotels, stoves should be placed so that the fireboxes are served from utility rooms or corridors with windows with vents and exhaust ventilation with natural impulse.

3.68. In buildings with stove heating it is not allowed:

a) arrangement of exhaust ventilation with artificial induction, not compensated by inflow with artificial induction;

b) removal of smoke into ventilation ducts and installation of ventilation grilles on smoke ducts.

3.69. Stoves, as a rule, should be placed near internal walls and partitions made of non-combustible materials, providing for their use to accommodate smoke ducts.

Smoke ducts may be placed in external walls made of non-combustible materials, insulated, if necessary, on the outside to prevent moisture condensation from the exhaust gases. In the absence of walls in which smoke ducts can be placed, mounted or root chimneys should be used to remove smoke.

3.70. For each furnace, as a rule, a separate chimney or duct (hereinafter referred to as the pipe) should be provided. It is allowed to connect two stoves to one pipe, located in the same apartment on the same floor. When connecting pipes, cuts should be made with a thickness of 0.12 m and a height of at least 1 m from the bottom of the pipe connection.

3.71. The cross-section of chimneys (smoke ducts), depending on the thermal power of the furnace, should be taken, mm, not less than:

140x140 - with a furnace thermal power of up to 3.5 kW

140x200 - " " " " from 3.5 " 5.2 "

140x270 - " " " " " 5.2 " 7 "

The cross-sectional area of ​​round smoke ducts must be no less than the area of ​​the indicated rectangular ducts.

3.72. On the smoke channels of stoves operating on wood, it is necessary to install two tight valves in series, and on the channels of stoves burning coal or peat - one valve with a hole in it with a diameter of 15 mm.

3.73. The height of chimneys, counting from the grate to the mouth, should be at least 5 m.

The height of chimneys placed at a distance equal to or greater than the height of a solid structure protruding above the roof should be taken:

not less than 500 mm - above a flat roof;

at least 500 mm - above the roof ridge or parapet when the pipe is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge or parapet;

not lower than the ridge of the roof or parapet - when the chimney is located at a distance of 1.5 to 3 m from the ridge or parapet;

not lower than a line drawn from the ridge downwards at an angle of 10° to the horizon - when the chimney is located from the ridge at a distance of more than 3 m.

Chimneys should be installed above the roof of taller buildings attached to a building with stove heating.

The height of exhaust ventilation ducts located next to chimneys should be taken equal to the height of these pipes.

3.74*. Chimneys should be designed vertically without ledges, made of clay bricks with walls no less than 120 mm thick or of heat-resistant concrete no less than 60 mm thick, with pockets 250 mm deep at their bases with cleaning holes closed by doors.

It is allowed to accept pipe deviations at an angle of up to 30° to the vertical with a distance of no more than 1 m; inclined sections must be smooth, of constant cross-section, with an area not less than the cross-sectional area of ​​the vertical sections.

3.75*. The mouths of brick chimneys to a height of 0.2 m should be protected from precipitation. The installation of umbrellas, deflectors and other attachments on chimneys is not allowed.

3.76. Chimneys on buildings with roofs made of flammable materials should be equipped with spark arresters made of metal mesh with holes no larger than 5x5 mm.

3.77*. The dimensions of the grooves should be taken in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 16. The groove should be 70 mm greater than the thickness of the ceiling (ceiling). The furnace section should not be supported or rigidly connected to the building structure.

The thickness of the walls of chimneys or smoke ducts at the point where they adjoin metal or reinforced concrete beams should be 130 mm.

3.78. Cuttings for stoves and pipes installed in openings of walls and partitions made of flammable materials should be provided for the entire height of the stove or chimney within the premises. In this case, the thickness of the cutting should be no less than the thickness of the specified wall or partition.

3.79. Gaps between ceilings, walls, partitions and divisions should be filled with non-combustible materials.

3.80. Setback - the space between the outer surface of a stove, chimney or smoke duct and a wall, partition or other building structure made of combustible and low-combustible materials should be taken in accordance with mandatory Appendix 16, and for factory-made stoves - according to the manufacturer's documentation.

Furnace setbacks in buildings of children's preschool and medical institutions should be closed with walls and covering made of non-combustible materials.

In the walls covering the setback, openings should be provided above the floor and at the top with gratings with a clear cross-sectional area of ​​at least 150 each. The floor in a closed setback should be made of non-combustible materials and located 70 mm above the floor of the room.

3.81. The distance between the top of the furnace floor, made of three rows of bricks, and the ceiling made of flammable or low-combustible materials, protected by plaster on a steel mesh or a steel sheet on asbestos cardboard 10 mm thick, should be taken as 250 mm for stoves with intermittent firing and 700 mm for stoves long burning, and with an unprotected ceiling, 350 and 1000 mm, respectively. For kilns with an overlap of two rows of bricks, the indicated distances should be increased by 1.5 times.

The distance between the top of a metal stove with a thermally insulated ceiling and a protected ceiling should be 800 mm, and for a stove with a non-insulated ceiling and an unprotected ceiling - 1200 mm.

3.82. The space between the ceiling (roof) of a heat-intensive furnace and the ceiling made of flammable and slow-burning materials may be covered on all sides with brick walls. In this case, the thickness of the furnace ceiling should be increased to four rows of brickwork, and the distance from the ceiling should be taken in accordance with clause 3.81. In the walls of the closed space above the stove, two openings should be provided at different levels with gratings, each having a clear cross-sectional area of ​​at least 150

3.83. The clear distance from the outer surfaces of brick or concrete chimneys to rafters, sheathing and other roofing parts made of flammable and slow-burning materials should be at least 130 mm, from ceramic pipes without insulation - 250 mm, and with thermal insulation with a heat transfer resistance of 0.3 kV .m · °C/W with non-flammable or low-combustible materials - 130 mm.

The space between chimneys and roof structures made of non-combustible and low-combustible materials should be covered with non-combustible roofing materials.

3.84. Building structures should be protected from fire:

a) a floor made of flammable and slow-burning materials under the combustion door - a metal sheet measuring 700x500 mm, placed with its long side along the stove;

b) a wall or partition made of non-combustible materials adjacent at an angle to the front of the furnace - 25 mm thick plaster over a metal mesh or a metal sheet over 8 mm thick asbestos cardboard from the floor to a level 250 mm above the top of the combustion door.

The distance from the combustion door to the opposite wall should be at least 1250 mm.

3.85. The minimum distances from the floor level to the bottom of gas circuits and ash pits should be taken as follows:

a) when the ceiling or floor is constructed from flammable and slow-burning materials, to the bottom of the ash pit - 140 mm, to the bottom of the gas circulation - 210 mm;

b) when constructing a ceiling or floor made of non-combustible materials - at floor level.

3.86. The floor of flammable materials under frame stoves, including those with legs, should be protected from fire by sheet steel on asbestos cardboard 10 mm thick, and the distance from the bottom of the stove to the floor should be at least 100 mm.

3.87. To connect stoves to chimneys, it is allowed to provide pipes with a length of no more than 0.4 m, provided:

a) the distance from the top of the pipe to the ceiling made of flammable materials must be at least 0.5 m if the ceiling is not protected from fire and at least 0.4 m if there is protection;

b) the distance from the bottom of the pipe to the floor made of flammable or slow-burning materials must be at least 0.14 m.

The pipes should be made of non-combustible materials, providing a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours or more.


General provisions

4.1. Ventilation, air heating, air showering and air-thermal curtains should be provided to ensure acceptable meteorological conditions and air purity in the serviced or working area of ​​the premises (at permanent and non-permanent workplaces).

4.2. Air conditioning should be provided to ensure standardized cleanliness and meteorological conditions of the air in the serviced or working area of ​​the room or its individual sections.

Air conditioning should be taken:

first class - to ensure the meteorological conditions required for the technological process, with an economic justification or in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;

second class - to ensure meteorological conditions within the limits of optimal standards or required for technological processes;

air movement speed is allowed to be accepted in the serviced area, at permanent and non-permanent workplaces, within acceptable limits;

third class - to ensure meteorological conditions within acceptable standards, if they cannot be provided by ventilation in the warm season without the use of artificial air cooling, or optimal standards - with an economic justification.

4.3. Ventilation with artificial stimulation should be provided:

a) if meteorological conditions and air purity cannot be ensured by natural ventilation;

b) for rooms and areas without natural ventilation.

It is possible to design mixed ventilation with partial use of natural impulses for the influx or removal of air.

4.4. Ventilation of public and administrative premises in areas with a design outdoor temperature of minus 40°C and below (parameters B) should be designed, as a rule, with artificial stimulation.

4.5. Ventilation with artificial impulse and cooling or without air cooling should be provided for crane cabins in rooms with excess heat of more than 23 W/m3 or when the crane operator is exposed to a heat flux with a surface density of more than 140 W/m2.

If the concentration of harmful substances in the air surrounding the crane operator’s cabin exceeds the maximum permissible concentration, then ventilation should be provided with outside air.

4.6. The airlocks of rooms of categories A and B with the release of gases or vapors, as well as rooms with the release of harmful gases or vapors of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes, should be provided with a supply of outside air.

4.7. Supply and exhaust or artificially forced ventilation should be provided for pits with a depth of 0.5 m or more, as well as for inspection channels that require daily maintenance and are located in rooms of categories A and B or in rooms in which harmful gases, vapors or Aerosols have a specific gravity greater than the specific gravity of air.

4.8. Ceiling fans and fan fans (except for those used for showering workplaces) should, as a rule, be provided in addition to supply ventilation systems to periodically increase the air speed in the warm season above the permissible in accordance with mandatory appendices 1 and 2, but not more than 0, 3 m/s at workplaces or individual areas of premises:

a) public, administrative and industrial buildings located in climatic region IV, as well as, if economically justified, in other climatic regions;

b) at permanent workplaces when exposed to radiant heat flux with a surface density of more than 140 W/sq.m.

4.9. Air showering of permanent workplaces with outside air should be provided for:

a) when irradiated with a radiant heat flux with a surface density of more than 140 W/sq.m;

b) in open technological processes accompanied by the release of harmful substances, and the impossibility of installing shelter or local exhaust ventilation, providing for measures to prevent the spread of harmful emissions to permanent workplaces.

In smelting, foundry, rolling and other hot shops, it is allowed to suffocate workplaces with internal air from the aerated spans of these shops with or without air cooling with water.

4.10. Air heating should be provided for the premises specified in mandatory appendix 11, determining the air flow in accordance with mandatory appendix 17.

The air temperature at the outlet of the air distributors should be calculated taking into account the requirements of clause 2.10, but taken to be at least 20% lower than the auto-ignition temperature, °C, of ​​gases, vapors, aerosols and dust emitted in the room.

4.11. When heating air in supply and recirculation units, the temperature of the coolant (water, steam, etc.) of air heaters and heat-transfer surfaces of electric air heaters, as well as gas-air heaters should be taken in accordance with the category of premises for ventilation equipment or the category or purpose of the room in which the specified units are located, but no higher than 150°C.

4.12. Air purification from dust in artificially driven systems should be designed so that the dust content in the supplied air does not exceed:

a) maximum permissible concentration in the atmospheric air of populated areas - when supplied to the premises of residential and public buildings;

b) 30% of the maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area - when supplied to the premises of industrial and administrative buildings;

c) 30% of the maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area with dust particles no larger than 10 microns in size - when supplied to crane operator cabins, control panels, the breathing zone of workers, as well as during air showering;

d) permissible concentrations according to technical specifications for ventilation equipment.

Clause 4.13 should be deleted.

4.14. Local suction systems should be designed so that the concentration of removed flammable gases, vapors, aerosols and dust in the air does not exceed 50% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation (LCFL) at the temperature of the removed mixture.

4.15. General ventilation and air conditioning systems with automatic control of air flow depending on changes in excess heat, moisture or harmful substances entering the premises should be designed with an economic justification.

4.16. Forced ventilation systems with artificial impulse for industrial premises in which work is carried out for more than 8 hours a day, as a rule, should be combined with air heating.

4.17*. Air heating systems and fresh air ventilation systems combined with air heating should be provided with a backup fan or at least two heating units. If the fan fails, it is allowed to reduce the air temperature in the room below the standard value, but not below 5°C, provided that the supply of outside air is ensured in accordance with mandatory Appendix 19.

4.18. General ventilation systems for industrial and administrative premises (with constant occupancy of people) without natural ventilation should be provided with at least two supply or two exhaust fans each with a flow rate of 50% of the required air exchange.

It is allowed to provide one supply and one exhaust system with backup fans.

For these rooms, connected by opening openings to adjacent rooms of the same explosion and fire hazard category and with the release of similar hazards, it is allowed to design a supply system without a backup fan, and an exhaust system with a backup fan.

4.19. Air conditioning systems designed to provide the required indoor air parameters around the clock and year-round should be provided with at least two air conditioners. If one of the air conditioners fails, it is necessary to ensure at least 50% of the required air exchange and the set temperature during the cold season; if there are technological requirements for the constancy of the specified parameters in the room, the installation of backup air conditioners or fans, pumps should be provided to maintain the required air parameters.

4.20. Local suction systems for hazardous substances of hazard classes 1 and 2 should be provided with one backup fan for each system or for two systems, if when the fan stops, the technological equipment cannot be installed and the concentration of harmful substances in the room exceeds the maximum permissible concentration during the work shift .

A backup fan may not be provided if a reduction in the concentration of harmful substances to the maximum permissible concentration can be achieved by the provided emergency ventilation, automatically turned on in accordance with clause 9.13*, f.

4.21. General exhaust ventilation systems with artificial impulse for premises of categories A and B should be provided with one backup fan (for each system or for several systems) providing the air flow necessary to maintain the concentration of flammable gases, vapors or dust in the premises not exceeding 0. 1 lower concentration limit of flame propagation through gas, steam and dust-air mixtures.

A backup fan should not be provided:

a) if when stopping the general ventilation system, the technological equipment associated with it can be stopped and the release of flammable gases, vapors and dust can be stopped;

b) if the room is provided with emergency ventilation with an air flow rate no less than that required to ensure a concentration of flammable gases, vapors or dust not exceeding 0.1 of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation through gas, steam and dust-air mixtures.

If a backup fan is not installed in accordance with subparagraphs “a” and “b,” then provision should be made for turning on an alarm in accordance with clause 9.14*.

Local suction systems for explosive mixtures should be provided with one backup fan (including for ejector installations) for each system or for two systems, if when the fan stops the process equipment cannot be stopped and the concentration of flammable gases, vapors and dust exceeds 0.1 LEL . A backup fan may not be provided if a reduction in the concentration of flammable substances in the air of the room to 0.1 NLPR can be ensured by the provided emergency ventilation system, which is automatically turned on in accordance with clause 9.13*, f.

4.22*. Exhaust ventilation systems with natural impulse for residential, public and administrative buildings should be calculated on the difference in the specific gravities of external air with a temperature of 5°C and the internal air temperature with design parameters for the cold period of the year.

Natural ventilation systems for industrial premises should be calculated:

a) the difference in the specific gravities of external and internal air according to the calculated parameters of the transition period of the year for all heated premises, and for rooms with excess heat - according to the calculated parameters of the warm period of the year;

b) to the effect of wind at a speed of 1 m/s in the warm season for rooms without excess heat.

4.23*. Air heating systems for industrial premises should be designed taking into account the compensation of heat losses, supplying air under the light openings at permanent workplaces, if heating devices cannot be placed under these openings in accordance with clause 3.50.

4.24. Ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems should be provided separately for each group of rooms located within one fire compartment.

Premises of the same fire and explosion hazard category, not separated by fire barriers, and also having open openings with a total area of ​​more than 1 sq.m to other premises, may be considered as one room.

4.25. Ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems (hereinafter referred to as ventilation) must be common for the following premises:

b) public, administrative and industrial category D (in any combination);

c) production facilities of one of categories A or B, located on no more than three floors;

d) production facilities of one of categories B, D or D;

e) warehouses or storerooms of one of categories A, B or C, located on no more than three floors;

f) categories A, B and C in any combinations and warehouses of categories A, B and C in any combinations with a total area of ​​no more than 1100 sq.m, if the premises are located in a separate one-story building and have doors only directly to the outside;

4.26*. It is allowed to combine ventilation systems of the following groups of premises into one system, connecting to one group of premises premises of another group with a total area of ​​no more than 200 sq.m:

a) residential and administrative or public (taking into account the requirements of relevant regulatory documents) subject to the installation of a fire-retarding valve on the prefabricated air duct of the connected group of premises for other purposes;

c) production categories A, B or C and any production categories, including warehouses and storerooms (or premises for other purposes, except for residential premises and premises with large numbers of people), provided that a fire-retarding valve is installed on the prefabricated air duct of the connected group of premises for other purposes .

4.27. Separate ventilation systems for one room may be designed during a feasibility study.

4.28. Systems for local suction of harmful substances or explosive and fire hazardous mixtures should be designed separately from the general ventilation system, observing the requirements of clause 4.14.

It is allowed to connect local suction of harmful substances to a 24-hour general exhaust ventilation system, equipped with a backup fan, if air purification from them is not required.

Requirements for ventilation systems in laboratory premises are given in mandatory Appendix 18.

4.29. General exhaust ventilation systems for rooms of categories B, D, D, which remove air from a 5-meter zone around equipment containing flammable substances that can form explosive and fire-hazardous mixtures in this zone, should be provided separately from other systems in these rooms.

4.30. Air shower systems for supplying air to workplaces exposed to heat flow should be designed separately from systems for other purposes.

4.31. Systems for round-the-clock and year-round supply of outside air to one airlock or a group of airlocks in rooms of categories A and B should be designed separately from systems for other purposes, providing a backup fan.

Air supply to the airlock of one room or to the airlocks of a group of rooms of category A or B and to the airlock of a room for ventilation equipment of category A or B can be designed from the supply system intended for these premises, or from the system (without recirculation) servicing rooms of categories B, D and D, providing: a backup fan for the required air exchange for airlock vestibules and automatic shutdown of the air flow to rooms of categories A, B, C or D in the event of a fire.

Systems for supplying air to airlock vestibules for other purposes should, as a rule, be provided in common with the systems of the premises protected by these airlock vestibules.

4.32. Systems of local suction from process equipment should be provided separately for substances, the combination of which can form an explosive mixture or create more dangerous and harmful substances. The technological part of the project must indicate the possibility of combining local suction of flammable and harmful substances into common systems.

4.33. The general ventilation system for warehouse premises of categories A, B and C with emissions of flammable gases and vapors should be provided with artificial stimulation. It is permissible to provide such systems with natural impulse if the gases and vapors released are lighter than air and the required air exchange does not exceed two times per hour, providing for the removal of air only from the upper zone. For warehouses of categories A and B with a capacity of more than 10 tons, it is necessary to provide a backup exhaust ventilation system with artificial stimulation for the required air exchange, placing local control of the system at the entrance.

4.34. General exhaust ventilation systems from warehouse premises with the release of harmful gases and vapors should be provided with artificial stimulation. It is permissible to provide such systems with natural induction when releasing harmful gases and vapors of hazard classes 3 and 4, if they are lighter than air, or to provide a backup exhaust ventilation system with artificial induction for the required air exchange, placing local control of the system at the entrance.

4.35. Systems for local suction of flammable substances settling or condensing in air ducts or ventilation equipment should be designed separately for each room or each piece of equipment.

4.36. General exhaust ventilation systems for premises of categories A and B should be provided with artificial induction. It is allowed to provide such systems with natural impulse, provided that the requirements of clause 4.58 are met and operability in calm conditions during the warm period of the year.

4.37. General ventilation systems for premises may be used for ventilation of pits and inspection ditches located in these premises.

Outdoor air intake devices

4.38. Receiving devices, as well as openable windows and openings used for supply ventilation with natural impulse, should be placed in accordance with the requirements of clause 2.12.

4.39. Receiving devices for industrial buildings with specific excess heat from technological processes in the warm season of more than 150 W/cub.m should be provided, taking into account the increase in outside air temperature compared to that established in paragraphs. 2.14-2.16.

4.40. The bottom of the opening for receiving devices should be placed at a height of more than 1 m from the level of stable snow cover, determined according to data from hydrometeorological stations, or by calculation, but not lower than 2 m from the ground level.

In areas of sandstorms and intensive transfer of dust and sand, chambers for settling dust and sand should be provided behind the intake openings and the bottom of the opening should be placed at least 3 m from the ground level.

Protection of receiving devices from contamination by suspended impurities of plant origin should be provided if specified in the design specifications.

4.41. General receiving devices for outdoor air should not be designed for equipment of supply systems that are not allowed to be located in the same room.

Supply air flow

4.42. The flow rate of supply air (external or a mixture of external and recirculated air) should be determined by calculation in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 17 and take the greater of the values ​​necessary to ensure sanitary standards or explosion and fire safety standards.

4.43. The flow rate of outdoor air in the room should be determined by the flow rate of air removed outside by exhaust ventilation systems and technological equipment, taking into account the standardized imbalance, but not less than the flow rate required by mandatory Appendix 19.

4.44. Air flow supplied to airlock vestibules in accordance with paragraphs. 4.6 and 4.31 should be taken on the basis of creating and maintaining an excess pressure of 20 Pa (with the doors closed) in relation to the pressure in the room for which the airlock is intended, taking into account the pressure difference between the rooms separated by the airlock. The air flow rate supplied to the airlock must be at least 250 cubic meters per hour. The air flow supplied to the elevator engine room in buildings of categories A and B should be determined by calculation to create a pressure 20 Pa higher than the pressure of the adjacent part of the elevator shaft. The difference in air pressure in the airlock vestibule (in the elevator engine room) and the adjacent room should not exceed 50 Pa.

4.45. The supply air flow rate in the warm season for rooms with excess heat should be determined, as a rule, providing:

a) direct or indirect evaporative cooling of outside air;

b) additional humidification of air in rooms in which, according to the conditions of work, high air humidity is required.

4.46. Air recirculation should be provided, as a rule, with a variable flow rate depending on changes in air parameters.

4.47. Air recirculation is not allowed:

a) from premises in which the maximum flow of outside air is determined by the mass of emitted harmful substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes;

b) from premises in the air of which there are pathogenic bacteria and fungi in concentrations exceeding the standards established by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, or pronounced unpleasant odors;

c) from premises in which there are harmful substances that sublimate upon contact with the heated surfaces of air heaters, if air purification is not provided in front of the air heater;

e) from 5-meter zones around equipment located in rooms of categories B, D and D, if explosive mixtures of flammable gases, vapors, aerosols with air can form in these zones;

f) from local suction systems of harmful substances and explosive mixtures with air;

g) from airlock vestibules.

Air recirculation is allowed from local suction systems for dust-air mixtures (except for explosive dust-air mixtures) after they have been cleaned of dust.

Note. Requirements for air recirculation from laboratory

premises are given in mandatory Appendix 18.

4.48. Air recirculation is limited:

a) within the boundaries of one apartment, hotel room or house occupied by one family;

b) outside one or more premises in which the same harmful substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes are released, except for the premises given in clause 4.47, a.

Organization of air exchange

4.49. The distribution of supply air and the removal of air from the premises of public, administrative, domestic and industrial buildings should be provided taking into account the mode of use of these premises during the day or year, as well as taking into account the variable input of heat, moisture and harmful substances.

4.50. Supply air should, as a rule, be supplied directly to rooms with constant occupancy.

4.51. Part of the supply air intended for public and administrative premises may be supplied to corridors or adjacent rooms in an amount not exceeding 50% of the air flow intended to serve the premises.

4.52. For premises of categories A and B, as well as for industrial premises in which harmful substances or pronounced unpleasant odors are emitted, a negative imbalance should be provided, except for “clean” premises in which it is necessary to maintain excess air pressure.

For air-conditioned rooms, a positive imbalance should be provided if there are no emissions of harmful and explosive gases, vapors and aerosols or pronounced unpleasant odors.

The air flow to ensure imbalance in the absence of a vestibule-gateway is determined based on the creation of a pressure difference of at least 10 Pa relative to the pressure in the protected room (with the doors closed), but not less than 100 cubic meters per hour for each door of the protected room. If there is an airlock vestibule, the air flow to ensure imbalance is assumed to be equal to the flow rate supplied to the airlock vestibule.

4.53. In public, administrative and industrial buildings equipped with artificially forced systems, during the cold period of the year it is necessary, as a rule, to ensure a balance between the flow of supply and exhaust air.

In industrial buildings during the cold period of the year, during a feasibility study, a negative imbalance in the volume of no more than one air exchange per hour in rooms with a height of 6 m or less is allowed and at the rate of 6 cubic meters per hour per 1 sq.m of floor in rooms with a height of more than 6 m.

In public and administrative buildings (except for buildings with humid and wet conditions) in areas with a design outdoor temperature of minus 40°C and below (parameters B) during the cold season, a positive imbalance in the volume of a single air exchange per 1 hour in the premises should be ensured with a height of 6 m or less and no more than 6 cubic meters per hour per 1 sq.m of floor in rooms with a height of more than 6 m.

4.54. The supply air should be directed so that the air does not flow through areas with more pollution into areas with less pollution and does not interfere with the operation of local suction.

4.55. In production premises, supply air should be supplied to the work area from air distributors:

a) horizontal jets released within or above the working area, including during vortex ventilation;

b) inclined (downward) jets released at a height of 2 m or more from the floor;

c) vertical jets released at a height of 4 m or more from the floor.

In case of slight excess heat, supply air into production premises can be supplied from air distributors located in the upper zone in jets: vertical, directed from top to bottom, horizontal or inclined (down).

4.56. In rooms with significant moisture releases and a heat-humidity ratio of 4000 kJ/kg or less, as a rule, part of the supply air should be supplied to moisture condensation zones on the building envelope.

In rooms with dust emissions, supply air should, as a rule, be supplied with jets directed from top to bottom from air distributors located in the upper zone.

In rooms for various purposes, in which there is no dust emission, supply air can be supplied in jets directed from bottom to top from air heaters located in the serviced or working area.

In residential, public and administrative buildings, supply air should be supplied, as a rule, from air distributors located in the upper zone.

4.57. Supply air should be supplied to permanent workplaces if they are located near sources of harmful emissions where local suction cannot be installed.

4.58. Ventilation systems should remove air from premises from areas where the air is most polluted or has the highest temperature or enthalpy. When dust and aerosols are released, air removal by general ventilation systems should be provided from the lower zone.

Polluted air should not be directed through the breathing zone of people in places of their permanent residence.

Recirculation air receiving devices should be placed, as a rule, in the working or service area of ​​the room.

In industrial premises with emissions of harmful or flammable gases or vapors, contaminated air should be removed from the upper zone at least once per 1 hour, and in rooms with a height of more than 6 m - at least 6 cubic meters per hour per 1 square meter of room.

4.59. Reception openings for air removal by general exhaust ventilation systems from the upper zone of the room should be placed:

a) under the ceiling or covering, but not lower than 2 m from the floor to the bottom of the holes to remove excess heat, moisture and harmful gases;

b) not lower than 0.4 m from the plane of the ceiling or coating to the top of the holes when removing explosive mixtures of gases, vapors and aerosols (except for a mixture of hydrogen with air);

c) not lower than 0.1 m from the plane of the ceiling or coating to the top of the openings in rooms with a height of 4 m or less, or not lower than 0.025 of the height of the room (but not more than 0.4 m) in rooms with a height of more than 4 m when removing a mixture of hydrogen with air .

4.60. Reception openings for air removal by general ventilation systems from the lower zone should be placed at a level of up to 0.3 m from the floor to the bottom of the openings.

The air flow through the lower suction units located within the working area should be taken into account as the removal of air from this area.