E works. How an e-meter works, for dummies

All last week, public attention was focused on the BTC-E exchange - even the upcoming hard fork of Bitcoin did not occupy the minds of users as much as the intrigues and investigations around the large Russian-language exchange, which suddenly went offline. We suggest recalling all the events related to BTC-E and guessing what awaits the exchange and its users now.

What happened to the BTC-E.com exchange?

The cryptocurrency trading platform called BTC-E began its work back in 2011 and until current events was the largest Russian-language exchange in the world. At one time, the exchange was among the TOP in terms of daily turnover of funds, and although the golden times for BTC-E are in the past and the platform has lost its position, it cannot be denied that the exchange was popular and in demand.

All the hype, which is more similar to the plot of an American blockbuster than to real events, began on July 25, when users lost access to the site. In general, exchanges often carry out technical work and other frauds, so going offline initially did not seem strange. When it dragged on for several hours, and then for a day, many traders began to have well-founded worries, which only intensified after sensational statements in the press.

On July 26, it became known that a certain Alexander Vinnik, a native of Russia, was detained in Greece, who was peacefully resting in the most expensive hotel in Chalkidia and did not even suspect that he had been under surveillance for several months. As it turned out, the Greek authorities had nothing against the wealthy tourist, but acted at the request of their American colleagues. But on the part of the United States, Vinnik has very impressive claims - a citizen of the Russian Federation is accused of laundering $4 billion in bitcoins.

It would seem, what does this have to do with an arrested comrade with billions for BTC-E? The connection is very direct - it was through the exchange gateways that these large sums were laundered, and in parallel with this, a version appeared that Alexander Vinnik was one of the leaders of BTC-E. The news is stunning - what is true and what is fiction is extremely difficult to establish, but the further course of events looks like a real theater of the absurd.

Developments: who is Vinnik and did he run BTC-E.nz?

Despite the exchange management's promise to return to normal operations very soon, access to the site has not been restored. Vinnik’s arrest was followed by new accusations: the owner of BTC-E was allegedly guilty of stealing funds from the main crypto scam Mt.Gox, and BTC-E itself was accused of the fact that 95% of the withdrawals of stolen funds during cyber attacks do not take place without its participation. On this positive note, the American authorities announced the seizure of the exchange's domain, and the situation worsened even more, after which the exchange announced that technical work would last another 5-10 days.

As for the person of Alexander Vinnik himself, there is information that he is indeed the co-manager of BTC-E. In particular, this was stated by the administrator of the qugla.com service, who had a business relationship with the exchange. But the most interesting thing is that representatives of the exchange commented on the situation on the main crypto forum Bitcointalk and stated that they don’t even know Vinnik, especially since he is not a leader.

Answer from representatives of the BTC-E exchange: news for today

For quite a long time, representatives of the trading platform themselves did not comment on what was happening and did not clarify it, but when the situation escalated to the limit, messages from them began to appear on Twitter and on Bitcoin forums. According to the BTC-E exchange itself, already on July 25, FSB officers appeared in the data center and arrested the servers. The party is silent about what the exchange representatives are being presented with and what they should expect; they only say that if the situation cannot be stabilized by the end of August, then the payment of compensation to the victims will begin.

The main thing that the representatives said is that part of the exchange’s funds was confiscated by the feds and at the moment it is being established what remains available in the BTC-E accounts. Whether the exchange administration is telling the truth or not, on July 29, a large withdrawal of $95 million occurred from an Ethereum wallet belonging to the site. It is unknown who made this transfer and to whom the money went.

Law enforcement version: what happened to BTC-E

Greek law enforcement officers confirmed that Alexander Vinnik is related to the cryptocurrency exchange. As for their American colleagues, they even involved the entire federal apparatus in order to punish the criminals as they deserved. The US Department of Justice states that Vinnik was part of a group that was involved in money laundering, and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Administration issued fines to both the prisoner and the exchange in the amount of $110 million and $12 million, respectively. In addition, the exchange is accused of all mortal sins: from facilitating ransomware to discussing with platform participants directly in the chat how best to launder money.

What awaits BTC-E.com: will the exchange return to work?

The likelihood that the exchange will return from offline and begin its previous work or will pay someone something as compensation is negligible. American law enforcement officers are bringing too serious charges against her, and several cases are being incriminated at once. It will be extremely difficult for the project organizers to get out of such a mess; it is more logical to simply collect the remaining money and hide, because with a high probability the BTC-E admins will suffer the same fate as Vinnik.

Many fear that the closure of the exchange will affect the cryptocurrency market and lead to a collapse in rates. Most likely, such a scenario should not be expected. Firstly, the exchange is not the main giant and, in comparison with the hottest trading platforms, its turnover is quite modest. Secondly, you shouldn’t expect an expected outflow of investments from cryptocurrencies - the exchange’s problems with the law are not a cyber attack or a scam in the literal sense of the word - no one was deceived and, in fact, not robbed, so you shouldn’t think that traders will leave trading, and investors investments, and will go do other things. Thus, one should not expect a collapse in the cryptocurrency world; if any impact is exerted, it will be very insignificant.

Nevertheless, of course, we wish the exchange a speedy recovery and return, and users full compensation for losses, but whether this will be is a big question, the answer to which time will tell.

August 2, 2017

I am often asked by students studying the e-meter in a solo course or in auditor courses:

“How does the e-meter work anyway? I just can’t understand how...”

And then there are some confusions, each with their own.

To be honest, it was also difficult for me to understand how the e-meter works from the educational materials available to me, and it was only during the process of creating a wireless iMeter that I was finally able to figure it out.

Therefore, I bring to your attention a couple of pictures that, in my opinion, more or less simply, clearly and conceptually describe the model of the e-meter.

The PT (or Tone Knob) is simply the numbers printed on the Tone Knob, such as 2.0 on the Tone Knob (2.0 RT), 3.0 on the Tone Knob (3.0 RT), and so on.

The Tone Knob itself is a variable resistance that changes as it is rotated, and these PT numbers indicate the amount of resistance the Tone Knob receives when turned through a certain angle.

The figure shows how the Tone Handle, like a weight on a scale, compensates for the changing resistance of the preclear.

The exact difference between the resistance of the preclear and the resistance of the Tone Handle is indicated by the needle on the e-meter scale.

If the needle is in SET, then the pc's resistance is exactly equal to the resistance of the Tone Handle.

If the resistance of the PC is slightly greater, then the arrow deviates to the left, if less, then to the right.

This allows you to monitor rapid changes in PC resistance.

As soon as this difference in resistance exceeds the size of the scale, the needle rests on the edge of the scale, and the Tone Knob must be adjusted so that the difference in resistance returns to the scale.

The following figure looks at this from a slightly different angle.

As indicated in the figure, one can imagine the pc's resistance being measured and displayed by the e-meter anywhere on the resistance range.

And the Tone Handle merely moves the Pointer Display Window (the E-Meter Scale marked SET) across this resistance range to where the pc's resistance now lies so that the auditor can see the pc needle oscillating.

You can also imagine that the sensitivity setting determines the width of this display window; with small oscillations of the arrow, it reduces the window, and thus, relative to the window, the oscillations increase and are displayed on the full scale for better observation.

And with large fluctuations, it seems to expand the display window so that the arrow’s fluctuations do not go beyond its boundaries.

A few words about RT units

The resistance values ​​of the Tone Handle indicated on it - RT - have become good units of measurement for the preclear's resistance for auditing purposes.

Usually resistance is measured in Ohms and kiloOhms (kOhms), but in auditing this is not convenient, because Human resistance does not change uniformly over its entire range.

With a low resistance of the preclear, the changes in resistance (in the readings) will be small - Ohms or tens of Ohms, and with a large resistance of the preclear - the readings will be hundreds and thousands of Ohms.

Therefore, in order to unify these different sized readings, the preclear’s resistance is calculated not in Ohms, but in conventional RT units.

The RT scale evens out all uneven readings in Ohms at low and high resistances.

One RT at each resistance range contains a different number of Ohms: between 2 and 3 RT - only 7.5 kOhm, between 5 and 6 RT - 134 kOhm, and between 6 and 6.5 RT - hundreds of thousands and millions of Ohms.

Very often, when I start working with people who are not quite “in the know” (that is, people who have little information about Auditing) they have the same questions about the operation of the e-meter.
They are interested in the use of the e-meter in auditing.


Typically after the first session the questions are:
How does this thing work?!
How is this possible?!
It’s just that, often, in the very first session, people work through very deep material, and this is accompanied by strong emotions and sensations.

The immersion in emerging incidents surprises people greatly. And this despite the fact that the person is in full awareness during the session.
In other words, the person had never experienced anything like this before. And I just asked him to sit down, close his eyes and just sit for a while.

Naturally, the first thought people have is that this effect was caused by some kind of influence from the device. I’ll say right away - The e-meter does NOT have any effect on humans!


So, what is this device? How does an e-meter work? And why is it needed in Auditing?

An E-meter is an electronic device. It passes a weak current of about 1.5 volts through the human body. This current is very weak and the person holding the electrodes does not feel it at all.
To confirm the weakness of the current, I can say that several AA batteries, with daily use of the device, last for about 6-12 months (exact data can be found in the comparative table of characteristics and parameters of e-meters).

The state of a person's mind has a profound effect on the body. For example, it changes the resistance of the body. The E-meter measures the smallest changes in body resistance.


The E-meter tells the auditor the charged areas of the client's mind.
At first, the necessary material may be so subtle and elusive that the person himself is not able to track it. But, as soon as the auditor points it out to the client, something grandiose and highly charged falls into the person’s field of attention (typical examples of such a situation are described in my articles “ Real Stories of Auditing Applications »).
That is, the auditor clearly sees what material can and should be worked with right now, and what material is better left for later. In addition, the e-meter allows you to monitor how intensively the work is going on.

Working with an e-meter allows you to complete the session more carefully, as environmentally friendly as possible and, at the same time, intensively. Actually, such work causes great surprise and delight in a new person.
Although, in essence, it is the person himself and only he who works with his mind. The auditor only gives short but clear hints on what the client should direct his attention to.

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10 points out of 10, personal comparison with Moscow SC and MOR No. 1 .
The technology is purely individual, simple and accessible to everyone. The speed of case progress is enormous .
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