Presentation of the formation of the domestic regional economy. Theoretical foundations of regional economics and management

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    Main objectives of the course

    Study fundamental knowledge on theoretical issues of regional management; Get acquainted with the state of the economy of Russian regions, with the main problems and ways to solve them; Develop skills in a systematic, integrated approach to solving regional management problems.

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    Basic Concepts

    Management Region Territorial organization Regional management Typology of regions Differentiation of regions Regional development

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    Butov V.I., Ignatov V.G., Ketova N.V. Fundamentals of regional economics. - M., 2000. Regional economics/Tyaglov S.G., Chernysh E.A., Molchanova N.P. and others / Edited by prof. N.G. Kuznetsova and prof. Tyaglova S.G. – Rostov n/d., 2001. Regional economics: Textbook/Ed. M.V. Stepanova. – M., 2002. Regional economics: Textbook / Ed. IN AND. Vidyapina, M.V. Stepanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2005. – 686 p. Regional development: experience of Russia and the European Union. Ed. A.G. Granberg. – M., 2001. 2003. Regional studies / Ed. T.G. Morozova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 567 p. Standard of living of the population of the Tomsk region. 2005 – Tomsk, 2006. – 120 p. Economic and regional geography of Russia / Ed. A.P. Khrushchev. – M.: Bustard, 2002. – 672 p. Turgel I.D. Regional economics and management: Course of lectures. – M.: RUDN, 2003. – 403 p. Regional economics and management: Textbook / A.A. Voronina, L.N. Lisovtseva, B.G. Preobrazhensky, N.I. Rogacheva and others - Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2004. - p. 7-8 Management of regional economics / G.V. Gutman, A.A. Miroyedov, S.V. Fedin; Ed. G.V. Gutman. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. – 176 p.

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    Information resources on the Internet:

    regional information and analytical sites; Rosstat website - website of the International Center for Socio-Economic Research Leontief Center website of the Institute of Regional Policy - website of the Center for Fiscal Policy - http://www website of the Ministry of Regional Development - website of the World Bank -

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    1. Subject and object of regional economics.2. Methods of regional economics.3. Stages of regional economic research

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    Subject and object of regional economics

    Regional economics is a science that studies the problems and patterns of functioning and development of the country's economy, which is considered as a system of interacting regions, free economic zones, large economic regions, individual territorial production complexes, as well as large industrial and urban agglomerations.

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    Stages of science development

    There are three stages in the development of the theoretical foundations of regional economics: The emergence of theories and their genesis within the framework of Western science; Development in the USSR; bringing together regional studies of the West and the East; Modern directions of development of regional economics as a single world science.

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    “region” is a word of Latin origin (from the root regio) in translation meaning country, region, region. A region is a specific territory that differs from other territories in a number of ways and has a certain integrity and interconnectedness of its constituent elements.

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    Economic zoning

    When economically zoning in the Russian Federation, 12 economic regions (ER) are distinguished: Central Central Black Earth East Siberian Far Eastern Northern North Caucasian Northwestern Volga Region Ural Volga-Vyatka West Siberian Baltic russian/russia_map.htm

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    Approaches to addressing problems of regional functioning

    World economic approach Geopolitical approach Territorial-reproductive approach Geographical Reproduction process

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    Methods of regional economics

    System analysis Method of systematization Balance method Normative method Method of economic-geographical research Cartographic method Method of economic-mathematical modeling Methods of multivariate statistical analysis Methods of sociological research Methods of comparing regional living standards of the population and forecasting the development of regional social infrastructure

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    Stages of regional economic research

    in Russia in the 20s of the 20th century, R&D is associated with territorial development and industrialization, the beginning of the 60s of the 20th century, issues of development and location of industrial production, industries throughout the country after the collapse of the USSR, adaptation of the regional economy, its methodological base to market relations

    Slide 14

    Questions for independent work:

    The concept of spatial development, factors reflecting the influence of space. Objectives of regional management Distribution of productive forces - patterns, principles and factors.

View all slides

Lecture 1. Subject, tasks and methods of regional science Lecture 1. Subject, tasks and methods of regional science Plan The meaning and place of regional studies in the Soviet period Modern definition of the subject of science, its tasks Interdisciplinary connections and methods of regional studies

Subject of regional economics Regional economics is a field of scientific knowledge about the location of productive forces, economic zoning of the country's territory, socio-economic development of individual regions and economic relations between them

The tasks of regional economics are the study of patterns, principles and factors of production location and territorial organization of the economy, the development of methods for their analysis and assessment; searching for ways to optimize the socio-economic development of the country's regions and manage the regional economy; justification for the economic zoning of the country; identifying features and trends in the formation and functioning of regional markets; justification of the economic mechanism of regional policy; justification of the most effective forms of territorial organization of the economy; identification and analysis of economic ties between regions; study of the content and forms of foreign economic activity of regions, etc.

Methods of regional studies Comparative-geographical Economic-statistical Systematization (grouping, classification, typology) Balance sheet System analysis Modeling Economic assessment Zoning Cartographic

Test questions for lecture 1 Test questions for lecture 1 What scientific disciplines carry out a comprehensive study of the regions of the country? During the period of the existence of a planned economy, how were regional features of the distribution of productive forces taken into account? How were the subject and objects of study of regional economics determined? What is TPK? Why was this form of economic organization considered effective? What is the modern definition of the subject of regional economics? What is meant by the concept of “region”? What are quasi-state regions and quasi-corporation regions? What scientific and practical problems does regional economics solve? What scientific methods are used in regional studies?

Lecture 2. Regularities, principles and factors, basic theories of production location and regional development Plan The most important economic categories of regional science and their relationship Theories of production location and spatial organization of the market Development of regional studies in Russia

The patterns of location and territorial organization of the economy are an inextricable link between the location of productive forces and the development of regions (economic regions, constituent entities of the Russian Federation); rational, most efficient location of production, optimization of the territorial structure of the economy in economic regions and constituent entities of the Russian Federation; comprehensive and proportional development of the economy of economic regions in combination with their rational market specialization; rational territorial division of labor between regions and within their territories; equalizing the levels of economic and social development of regions.

Principles of location of productive forces: bringing production closer to sources of raw materials, fuel, energy and areas of consumption of finished products; priority development and integrated use of the most effective types of natural resources; efficient distribution of productive forces throughout the country; improving the environmental situation, taking effective measures for nature protection and rational use of natural resources; using the economic benefits of the interregional and international division of labor, restoring and developing economic ties with countries near and far abroad; targeted government support for regions and industries located in the Far North and equivalent areas; assistance from the state to small and medium-sized businesses that can lead regions out of crisis.

Factors of production location and regional development Factors of location are a set of spatially unequal conditions and resources, their properties (assessed by industry technical and economic indicators), the correct use of which ensures the best results in the placement of production facilities, development of regional economies and population resettlement. Placement factors include: economic-geographical location, raw materials, fuel, electricity, water, labor, transport, natural conditions, consumer, opportunities to use progressive forms of production organization (specialization, cooperation, combination and others), scientific, military-strategic, environmental .

Introduction to Regional Economics
Territorial organization of regional economy
Regional economic management
State regulation of territorial development
Economic potential of the region
Analysis and assessment of investment attractiveness and
competitiveness of the region.
Regional problems of environmental management.
Labor market and social policy of regions

R.E.Morozova. Regional economy. Textbook. M.: Unity, 2013.526 p.
Regional economy. Fundamentals of theory and research methods.
Glushkova. 2011.- 272 p.
Fundamentals of regional economics. A.V. Andreev,
L.M. Borisova, E.V. Pluchevskaya Study guide. M.: KnoRus,
2014.- 336 p.
Regional economy. Main course: Textbook / REA named after. G.V.
Plekhanov; Ed. V.I.Vidyapina, M.V.Stepanova.-M.:INFRA-M,
2011. Journal “Regional Economics: Theory and Practice”
Official website of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation –
Official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation –
Official website of the Federal State Statistics Service
The official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is

Scale for assessing students' knowledge in the discipline "Regional Economics"

Type of work
works for
Score in points for
one job
Auditory lessons
Practical lessons
Testing on main topics
Independent work, bonus points
Finding information on a task
Preparing an article for publication
Participation in conferences, grants
Total for the semester
60 or more points
less than 60 points
"not accepted"
possible estimate in
45 (36)
40 (24)

Classics of science "Regional Economics"

Classics of science

Federal districts of the Russian Federation (9)

Economic regions of the Russian Federation (12)

Subjects of the Russian Federation (85)

Directions of regional economics


Rational form of economic regions (according to Lesch's theory)

“... the core of economic science will be
be built
microeconomics and regional
Granberg A.G. - Russian economist, academician
RAS, Chairman of the Research Council
productive forces

RE subject

Study of spatial
problems of economic development
identification of pathways and mechanisms
their decisions.

Methods of regional economics
Methods of sociological

Subsystems of norms and standards used in the Russian Federation

environmental standards

- this is a large territory
countries with more/less homogeneous
development of productive forces.

Criteria for determining the region:

Urban planning


administrative boundaries of the subject
characterized by
specialization and controllability -
the presence of political and administrative
governing bodies.

Approaches to defining the category “region”

World economic
"Group of Seven"
Germany, Italy,
Canada, USA, France
and Japan
Geopolitical EU,
CIS, etc.
Territorially reproductive

Principles of regional formation

National integrity

Theory of regional development

Regional science

Economics of space

Spatial economics

Regional economics is a geographical scientific direction in economics that studies the spatial aspects of the development of the national economy and its industries in order to improve the management of factors for the location of productive forces and territorial development, as well as the economy of individual regions, their economic relations with each other within the country and with foreign countries.

Subject - laws, factors and features, as well as methods for forming the economy of individual regions and their systems, including productive forces, intra- and interregional economic relations, for developing regional policy and regulating the economy.

The object of study of the regional economy is the territorial aspects of the country's socio-economic system, the functioning of the territorial subsystems of the national economy, their individual elements and the interaction between them, as well as the mechanisms for managing the socio-economic development of the regions.

Goals of regional economics and management

1) formulation and development of theoretical and applied problems of the functioning and development of territorial economic complexes;

2) study of economic processes occurring at various levels of the hierarchy the national economic complex of the country, the interaction between them;

3) the study of economic and partly social and political factors that determine the conditions

formation and development of productive forces and production relations at the regional level;

4) studying the problems of location of productive forces in the territorial aspect;

5) studying the problems of managing economic systems at the regional level.


Stabilization of the socio-economic situation in regions with extreme natural conditions and predominantly raw materials specialization, creation of conditions for the revival of small peoples, primarily in the Far North and equivalent areas, mountainous areas;

Continuation of the formation of territorial production complexes and industrial hubs in the northern and eastern regions, mainly through centralized investments and with priority development of production for the integrated use of extracted raw materials, compliance with strict environmental standards;

stimulating the development of export and import-substituting industries in areas that have the most favorable conditions for this, the formation of free economic zones, as well as technopolises as regional centers for introducing the achievements of domestic and world science, accelerating economic and social progress;

development of interregional and regional infrastructure systems (transport, communications, computer science), ensuring and stimulating regional structural changes and the efficiency of the regional economy;

overcoming differences in the level and quality of life of the population of individual republics and regions.

Relationship with other academic disciplines







Economic and mathematical methods and models


More economical


Forecasting the development of the national economy

Modeling State national e

market regulation of national relations



economic Economic laws and categories, management methods

(political economy,

micro- and macroeconomics)

Economical geography

General patterns, proportions and connections of territorial

division of labor, distribution of resource potential across the country

and sectors of the national economy


economics Scientific foundations of management



special mechanism, state regulation of the market, principles and


methods for developing macro- and microeconomic forecasts,

balance sheets, standards, target programs


economics Directions of scientific and technical


raw materials,


energy, production


industry, economics

(socialization) of production, location factors, technical

agriculture, etc.)

economic indicators, etc.

Principles of formation and distribution of funds in

sectoral and territorial context

Labor Economics

Directions and methods of using labor resources

Economic statistics

System and methods for calculating statistical indicators

Economic cybernetics Methods of economic and mathematical modeling

The concept of region

V. Leontiev “Region is an administrative-territorial unit of the state, distinguished by functional characteristics (set of industries).

B. Alaev, the district “is a localized territory that has unity, interconnectedness of its constituent elements, integrity, and this integrity is an objective condition and a natural result of the development of this territory”

N.N. Nekrasov, “a region is understood as a large territory of the country with more or less homogeneous natural conditions and a characteristic direction for the development of productive forces based on a combination of a complex of natural resources with the corresponding existing and future material and technical base, production and social infrastructure. The main criterion for identifying a region – the commonality of national economic tasks – is based on the totality of natural resources used or planned for exploitation, the historically established structure of economic activity or the planned structure of economic development.”

A.I. Dobrynin, “a region should be understood as “a territorially specialized part of the national economy of a country, characterized by the unity and integrity of the reproduction process.”

A.S. Marshalov and A.S. Novoselov“the region is not only a subsystem of the country’s socio-economic complex, but also a relatively independent part of it with a complete cycle

P. James and J. Martin “Usually the word “region” is understood as an integral part of a territory, characterized by some homogeneity in its core, but not having clear boundaries. Moreover, the word is often used to designate large areas that form the main divisions of continents.

Harvard University Professor Grael: “We can define the state. It has an organization, boundaries and a name. It has a recorded history. But what is a region? Of course, this is not a political or administrative unit. We can only say that this is a territory distinguished by sufficiently characteristic features to separate it from its neighbors.”

University of Chicago, Professor W. Jones: “A region is an area within which there is homogeneity in one or more respects”;

North Carolina, Professor Woofter: “A region is an area within which a combination of natural and economic factors has created a uniform economic and social structure”;

University of Minnesota, Professor R. Hartshorne: “A region is a continuous area within which there is some degree of homogeneity in the overall (natural and cultural) landscape.”

Chicago R. Platt "district" is "an area divided on the basis of the general uniformity of the character of the land and the general uniformity of its use."

Based on the judgments received, the Zoning Committee proposed the following interpretation: “A district in general should be understood as a territory characterized by homogeneity in one or more respects (aspects).”

Criteria for forming the concept of “region”

geographical (location, size of territory and population);

production-functional(specificity of the prevailing types of activities);

urban planning (nature of development of production facilities, housing and services);

sociological (norms of communication, behavior).

The region should be considered simultaneously as an element of the territorial organization of the national economy, and as an element of the settlement system, and as an element of the social organization of society - the place of all spheres of human life support and activity.

A region is a territory within the administrative boundaries of a subject of the Federation, characterized by: complexity, integrity, specialization and controllability, i.e. the presence of political and administrative governing bodies.


Administrative and economic unit (territory): district, region, territory, republic, district, subject of the Federation

Economic-geographical education - part of the country’s territory with homogeneous natural conditions and a specific direction for the development of productive forces(Northwest, Ural - heavy engineering, South - food industry)

Group of neighboring states with common historical traditions and interconnected economies

countries (regions) must export products of intensive use of surplus (relatively non-deficient) factors of production and import products of intensive use of factors that are scarce for them;

in international (interregional) trade, under appropriate conditions, there is a tendency to equalize “factor prices”;

The export and import of goods can be replaced by the movement of factors of production.

Underdeveloped or developing countries (regions) with a strong capital shortage and excess labor must specialize in the production and export of labor-intensive products. Developed countries (regions), which have accumulated large amounts of functioning capital (including scientific and technical capital), should strive to export capital-intensive products. Countries (regions) with large areas of agricultural land and relatively low population density are interested in expanding the export of agricultural products.

Formation of regional science – U.

Isard (1956)

Criticizes all classical and neoclassical economic theories. Puts the theory of production location into a more general economic form. He derives the following law: profit-maximizing firms will be located in such a way that the marginal rates of substitution of transport costs for the delivery of goods from two different points (regions) are equal to the inverse of the ratio of their transport tariffs.

Adapts methods of macroeconomics for studying regions and interregional connections, develops models of spatial equilibrium, location games, formation of an industrial complex, studies conflicts in regional systems and achieves scientific advances in many other areas.

Provides 13 definitions of regional economics, and also offers a systematic approach to space.

Development of the national school

regional economic research

The great Russian scientists M.V. showed interest in the territorial economic and state structure. Lomonosov, A.N. Radishchev, K.I. Arsenyev, D.I. Mendeleev, D.I. Richter, N.G. Chernyshevsky and many others. In the 19th - early 20th centuries, regional studies in Russia concentrated mainly on the study of natural productive forces, socio-economic geography, natural and economic zoning, regional statistics, and problems of regional markets.

Regional economic research in the USSR developed under strong state influence; since the late 1920s they were strictly focused on the tasks of planned management.

Regional studies were subject to the requirements of a centralized administrative-command economic system; in a country with extreme regional diversity, such a system created numerous difficulties for the harmonious socio-economic development of the regions, which affected the position of regional studies. The completeness of these studies was also hampered by a long-term underestimation of market relations in economic theory and practice, and hypertrophied attention to production to the detriment of the social sphere and the environment.

The dominant influence of Marxist ideology is abstraction from external relations; underestimation of the role of trade, natural resources, and intangible services in wealth creation; distribution relations in maintaining social stability.

Economic science in the USSR for many decades developed practically in isolation from the science of the West. This is also typical for regional economic research1. The rapprochement began only in the late 1950s.

Main directions of research in the USSR

patterns, principles and factors of distribution of productive forces;

economic zoning;

methods of planning and regulation of territorial and regional development.

Domestic scientists paid much attention to the issues of location of productive forces

Theory of economic

The goal is the “correct” division of the country into zoning large economic areas of formation (from 10 to 20), which

will contribute to their comprehensive development of regional (through internal cooperation), complexes will strengthen them

specialization in the country's economy. General economic zoning will be able to compensate for the shortcomings of the conservative administrative-territorial division of the country and in the future will make it possible to move to public administration in large economic regions1.

Since the 1920s. commissions of leading scientists developed schemes for the economic zoning of the country, which were used in the GOELRO plan and five-year plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR. The modern grid of 11 economic regions has been maintained, with minor changes, since the early 1960s.

The first scientific attempt at economic zoning of Russia was made K.I. Arsenyev (1818). He proposed dividing the country into ten “spaces” by uniting neighboring provinces.

Theoretical justifications for economic zoning and the associated formation of regional economic complexes have received the greatest development in the works N.N. Kolosovsky, the main provisions of the concept were:

1. The entire territory of the country is divided into economic regions, formed according to production characteristics and representing in their totality a complete system of regional combinations of productive forces.

2. Each economic region is a comprehensively developed economically territory that combines natural resources, production apparatus, population with its labor skills, transport communications and other material assets in the most advantageous manner in the form production-territorial combination (PTC).

3. The main economic task of the functioning of each PTS is to fulfill planned tasks of Union significance, taking into account the geographical location of the area, transport conditions, the profitability of exploiting raw materials, energy, labor, as well as solving defense problems.

4. The fulfillment of the main economic task leads to the specialization of each economic region in those sectors of production that can be developed most fully and profitably in it, including all the necessary industrial, energy and transport links. Exchange between regions is limited to strictly necessary quantities of products.

5. Scientific and technical policies are individualized by economic region. To achieve the highest efficiency, combined technological processes are encouraged when processing raw materials, obtaining energy, using labor and equipment, leading to the creation of regional production plants and production-territorial complexes.

6. For each economic region, three categories of production are established - regional significance (products are consumed within the economic region), inter-district significance (for a group of economic regions); of all-Union significance - and the most profitable sales zones.

7. The development of each region is carried out in such a way as to promote the material and cultural development of all nationalities of the country.

Key concept in theory

economic zoning N.N. Kolosovsky had a concept

energy production cycle - the entire set of production processes unfolding in an economic region based on a combination of a given type of energy and raw materials from primary forms - extraction and refining of raw materials to the production of all types of finished products that can be obtained locally, based on the requirements for bringing production closer to sources of raw materials and the requirements for integrated use all components of raw materials and energy resources of this type.

N.N. Kolosovsky identified eight consistently repeating sets of production processes, which are the basis for identifying large economic regions and economic subdistricts:

1) pyrometallurgical cycle of ferrous metals;

2) pyro-metallurgical cycle of non-ferrous metals; 3) petroenergy-chemical cycle;

4) hydropower cycle;

5) a set of cycles of the processing industry;

6) forest-energy cycle; 7) industrial-agrarian cycle; 8) irrigation and drainage cycle.