Submitting a declaration through government services. How to apply for a tax deduction through government services Electronically submit a 3rd personal income tax return

How to file a tax return through State Services and not waste precious time?

A tax return is a document in which taxpayers, as individuals, give an account of their finances: income, expenses, taxes paid and benefits provided.

Not so long ago, filing a declaration took place only in person, but today everyone can use the special State Services portal.

Advantages of the method

To submit a declaration, a citizen must come with the collected documents to the tax office at the place of registration, or he can also use the State Services service.

There are several ways:

  1. Using: strictly speaking, this is not sending via the Internet, since after filling out the document you need to print it out and take it in person.
  2. By going to the Federal Tax Service website, which belongs to the payer’s region: for this you need to register, pass verification and receive an electronic signature.
  3. Through the State Services website: this method is suitable for those who are already using the site or are about to start.

It is important to know: You will still have to come to the tax office in person and put a “live” signature when the documents are verified.

The advantages of this method include:

  1. Filling out documents at any convenient time.
  2. Error tracking: Some items and tax calculations are filled in automatically.
  3. All data is completely protected from falling into the wrong hands.
  4. Having registered once, the payer gets the opportunity to use the portal for various needs: pay fines, submit applications for registration or divorce, to receive documents.

How to use government services

To access the site, you need to register there in advance and receive an individual login and password.

To do this, you will need to fill out an application, writing down your passport data and TIN number, then wait several weeks (usually 2-4 weeks) until the data is verified. After this, the payer will receive an individual login and password and will be able to use all the services of the portal.

The submission procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. You need to download the “Taxpayer” program - the latest version can be found on the Federal Tax Service website - and fill it out. The form contains mandatory items, you just need to carefully enter the data. The program will calculate the tax itself; the code of the tax authority where the documents will be sent can be found on the Federal Tax Service website in the section “Determination of Federal Tax Service Details”.
  2. Save the completed declaration to your computer.
  3. On State Services you need to select the “Submission of a tax return” section and create an application there to send documents.
  4. Upload the document to the portal and write down the application number.

The declaration has been sent for processing. You can track its “movement” through your personal account on the portal. When it is verified, all that remains is to print out the document, take the application number and drive up to the Federal Tax Service department to sign.

At the same time, you no longer have to stand in line: there is a separate window for those who have submitted documents online.

Good to know: Verification of the declaration takes some time, and therefore it must be submitted several days before the deadline to avoid fines.

Submitting documents through the State Services portal is a simple and easy opportunity to save time and effort. If the declaration is filled out incorrectly, this will be notified in advance so that the payer has time to correct it and send it again without having to visit the tax authority several times.

How to submit a declaration through the State Services website, see the following video:

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Every adult citizen pays 13% of his salary as income tax. However, in some cases, part of the tax is returned to the citizen. To receive a tax deduction, you must submit an application, which results in a redistribution of funds. This can be done through the State Services portal. Content

  • 1 Instructions
  • 2 Main types of tax deduction
  • 3 How to make an appointment with the Federal Tax Service?
  1. Catalog of services;
  2. Taxes and finance;
  3. Acceptance of tax returns;
  4. Electronic service – provision of a declaration in form 3-NDFL.

You can submit a declaration in several ways, which are listed on the page with the required electronic service.

How to submit 3-personal income tax electronically through the government services portal

Filling out a declaration online on the State Services portal involves saving a draft, which allows you to stop filling it out at any time and return to it later; the system also allows you not to enter data each time, but to take the necessary blanks from previous reports. Tax declaration form 3-NDFL in 2017 This year, the form of the 3-NDFL declaration has changed slightly, in particular, the barcode on all sheets has changed. Its volume remains the same, only 19 pages. For individuals, the taxpayer’s personal data (full name, contact information, registration and actual residence address) is first entered, and the amount of taxes that must be paid to the budget must also be indicated.

Section 2 of the tax return In the second section, you need to calculate the tax base and provide tax amounts broken down by different sources of income.

Is it possible to submit a 3-NDFL declaration through government services?

The service there will not only allow you to enter the necessary data, but will also check it in real time and point out errors and omissions when filling it out. Main types of tax deductions In the block with the choice of tax deductions, the following options will be presented:

  1. Standard. This benefit is provided to disabled people, military personnel, and adult citizens under 24 years of age who are studying as a full-time hospital student.
    The deduction is also issued by parents of minor children under 18 years of age.
  2. Social. A social tax deduction can be provided if a citizen can confirm expenses for his own education, as well as the education of close relatives; charity; for their own treatment or treatment of close relatives, including payment not only for medical care, but also for medications.

How to submit a 3-NDFL declaration through government services?

The electronic option is selected by default, so you don’t need to change anything. Just click “Get service” and proceed to filling out the declaration. Note! The tax deduction declaration is completed for the calendar year.
Therefore, the choice “Fill out a new declaration” can be made no more than once a year. However, it is not necessary to complete the entire application at once. Some of the data can be “save” as a draft, and when the time comes for the final submission of the report, select “Continue filling out”. A form opens for the user to fill out a report.
Here you need to specify:

  • Date of birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • Passport data (series, number, date of issue, by whom);
  • Residence address. Please note that it is not necessary to indicate your residence address in this field. Temporary registration address or place of stay is also suitable);
  • Income information.

How to apply for a tax deduction through government services

Submitting a declaration 3 personal income tax


Deadlines for filing a tax report There is a general rule according to which a declaration of form 3-NDFL should be submitted before 30.04, which follows the reporting year. This rule also applies to submitting a report through State Services for the following categories of citizens:

  • for individuals who have received profit from tax agents as a result of business activities, for leasing property, from the sale of real estate, securities and shares in capital. They must also submit a report when receiving property as a gift;
  • heirs of copyrights receiving royalties for them;
  • foreigners who work in the Russian Federation on the basis of a patent;
  • private entrepreneurs and individuals with private practice.

For private entrepreneurs who have ceased their activities, the deadline for filing a declaration is the first 5 days of the month following the one in which it was deregistered.

How to fill out 3-personal income tax to receive deductions on the government services portal

To receive a wider range of services, you must complete the procedure of confirming your personal data. To do this, you must fill in your SNILS and identity document information in your profile. This information is checked by government agencies, and based on the results of the check, a notification is sent by e-mail.

After a positive check result, you can use certain types of services (for example, find out your tax debt). And those who have passed the identity verification procedure will have access to all services offered by the portal. Thus, a 3-NDFL declaration can be submitted through government services only if the identity is confirmed.

Is it possible and how to fill out the 3rd personal income tax declaration online?

With the development of the technological capabilities of the tax service, since 2014, alternative options for processing the income declaration form for individuals have been provided. Regulatory regulation Regulatory regulation of new methods of filing Form 3-NDFL is associated with the adoption of Federal Law No. 347-FZ. This regulatory legal act amended Article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regarding the official introduction of the electronic resource “Taxpayer’s Personal Account”.

Until this time, the electronic service of the Federal Tax Service for individuals operated in test mode on the territory of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In addition, the legislative acts did not contain a description of the procedure for filling out and submitting the 3-NDFL form in this way.

Apply for a tax deduction through government services in 2018

Can I do this without a signature? Answer: Unfortunately, without certification of the tax return with an Enhanced Non-Qualified Electronic Signature, the document cannot be sent to the tax office, and therefore you will have to take care of obtaining UNEP, or use another method of submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service.

  1. Can I simply fill out the 3-NDFL declaration on the government services website without sending it?

Answer: No, you cannot use such a service on the government services website, but there is a resource on the website of the Federal Tax Service ( ( /), allowing you to generate a personal income tax return (3-NDFL). Rate the quality of the article.
The Federal Tax Service has a number of pros and cons that can affect citizens' decision-making. The undoubted advantages of the electronic version of submitting the declaration document include:

  • citizens do not have to waste time on a personal visit to the Federal Tax Service inspection, which is accompanied by the loss of precious time;
  • filling out and sending the 3-NDFL form electronically is possible at home or at the place of work, which allows you to take advantage of the recommendations of experienced lawyers or explanations from higher tax authorities in a calm environment;
  • Since a verified account of the official government services portal is used to send the 3-NDFL form, citizens can simultaneously use other types of requests to various authorities.

The key disadvantage of this option is the lack of assistance from Federal Tax Service employees.

Step-by-step filling out 3 personal income taxes for government services

This article will tell you how to submit 3-NDFL through the State Services website without leaving your home, as well as what methods you can use to fill out the declaration. In addition, instructions will be provided to help individuals easily navigate the software designed to prepare this document. Table of contents

  • How to submit a document electronically
  • Procedure for filing a declaration
  • What other options are there for sending the form?
    • The procedure for working in the program for submitting 3-NDFL

How to submit a document electronically Since in 2017 the Internet occupies a huge place in the life of almost every individual, in addition to the manual method of filling out a declaration, there is now an electronic method of sending.

Example of filling out 3 personal income taxes for public services

Tax base = 1,200,000 – 95,000 – 1,105,000 = 0 rub. Tax = 0 rub. The tax withheld by the employer (RUB 156,000) is refundable from the budget. And with just a minimum of effort on your part and 15 minutes of wasted time.


Filling out a declaration: step 5 When filling out a declaration with the amount of tax to be refunded from the budget, the government services website offers to immediately create an application for a tax refund, switching the user to the website. The “download” button allows you to print the declaration (to take the declaration to the inspectorate in person or send by mail). The “Export” button generates a declaration in xml format.

The declaration in this format can be loaded into other software. To send the declaration to the tax authority, you need to click the “Generate file for sending” button. We send the declaration and wait for the money to be credited to the card.

The money must be credited after a desk audit of the declaration.

Any individual who has gone through the identity verification procedure using any of the proposed methods can submit a 3-NDFL declaration through State Services. The service allows you not only to report your income, but also to apply for a tax refund.

IMPORTANT!You can report income through the government services website only for 2014 and 2015. However, having a confirmed account in government services, an individual can submit 3-NDFL declarations through the taxpayer’s personal account for later periods. See details.

How can I submit a 3-NDFL declaration via the Internet?

The Tax Code provides for several ways to submit any tax reporting. According to the standards prescribed in Art. 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, you can submit a declaration:

  • in person by visiting your territorial inspection;
  • by sending by mail with a description of the attachment;
  • by issuing a power of attorney for your representative;
  • using telecommunication channels.

Submitting a 3-NDFL report via the Internet seems to be the most convenient option. It allows you not only to submit a report with maximum time savings, but also to monitor the desk audit process in real time, promptly send additional documents upon request, as well as pay tax online, carry out offsets for various taxes and penalties, and submit an application for a tax refund.

One of the resources that allows you to report personal income tax on the Internet is the government services portal. As a general rule, through public services declaration 3-NDFL must be submitted, as in the case of delivery by any other method, before April 30 of the year following the reporting year (before May 2, 2017). But before you appreciate all the benefits of remote interaction with tax authorities, you must go through the registration and identity verification procedure.

What is a government services website and how to use it

The government services portal appeared at the end of 2009 as part of a program to automate all management processes in the Russian Federation and transition to electronic document management. At first, the site offered only reference information, but quite quickly it became possible to receive almost any service offered by government agencies via the Internet: from making an appointment with a doctor to submitting documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

To register on the government services website, you must enter your full name, email or mobile phone number. By clicking on the registration button, the user will be taken to a page for generating a password. After this simple procedure, reference and information services will become available on the portal.

To receive a wider range of services, you must complete the procedure of confirming your personal data. To do this, you must fill in your SNILS and identity document information in your profile. This information is checked by government agencies, and based on the results of the check, a notification is sent by e-mail. After a positive check result, you can use certain types of services (for example, find out your tax debt).

And those who have passed the identity verification procedure will have access to all services offered by the portal. So, Declaration 3-NDFL through government services can only be submitted if identity is confirmed. In order to complete this procedure, you must do one of the following:

  • contact one of the service centers, a current list of which can be found on the government services website;
  • receive a confirmation code by mail, when collecting it you must show your identification document to a post office employee;
  • use an enhanced qualified signature, which can be obtained from one of the accredited certification centers.

IMPORTANT! When deciding to submit a 3-NDFL declaration through the portal, you should not delay the registration deadlines. Verification of personal data takes some time, and it is possible that you will not be able to gain full access before the reporting deadline. But if you contact the Service Center from the very beginning to register on the site, you can get full access immediately, without waiting for your SNILS or passport data to be verified.

How to submit a 3-NDFL declaration on the government services website

Filing a 3-NDFL declaration through government services available in the following variants:

  • generating and sending a report online;
  • sending a declaration completed in a separate program via the website;
  • registration with the tax office for personal submission of the 3-NDFL declaration.

Filing a declaration using the first two methods requires signing the report with an enhanced non-qualified signature, which can be generated directly on the website. Such a signature, according to clause 3 of Art. 5 of the law dated 04/06/2011 No. 63-FZ, allows:

  • determine the details of the person who signed the document;
  • detect if changes were made to the document after it was signed.

Both options allow you to attach scans of all supporting documents in electronic format.

You can fill out the declaration online either again or by copying data from previously submitted 3-NDFL reports. You can also save your draft at any time so you can return to it later.

To fill out the 3-NDFL declaration using third-party resources, the government services website recommends using the “Legal Taxpayer” program, which can be downloaded from the tax office website. But it is permissible to use any other software that can ensure data upload in an acceptable format. The transport container file must comply with the requirements of the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated November 9, 2010 No. ММВ-7-6/535@.

After completing the online declaration filing procedure, you will receive a message from the tax office about file registration. The notification will serve as confirmation of the filing of 3-NDFL.

IMPORTANT! The receipt for acceptance of the declaration through the website should be printed and stored in order to avoid disputes with the tax authorities in the event of a failure in the electronic system.

A message about the completion of the desk audit of the declaration will be sent to your personal account on the government services website, as well as to the email specified in your profile. After completing the check, you can submit an application for a tax refund in the same way - through the government services website, if the declaration was submitted in order to claim the rights to a tax deduction.


Sending a 3-NDFL declaration through the government services portal is one of the most convenient ways to submit reports. But in order to be able to always interact with tax authorities at a distance, you need to go through the identity verification procedure once, and then create an electronic digital signature that will allow you to certify declarations, letters, applications and other documents addressed to the tax office.

The principle of operation of the tax inspectorate in the Russian Federation is structured in such a way as to qualitatively monitor and control all mandatory collections from individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs in favor of the state. Thus, every real estate and movable property registered by citizens is under the control of the Federal Tax Service, most cash registers today have the function of online dispatch communication with the inspectorate, and tax reporting declarations are carefully checked for the accuracy of the information provided for subsequent taxation.

Taxes on personal income

The majority of the population of our country, throughout their working career, had official income, which was accrued by the employer in accordance with the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in terms of base salaries, one-time bonuses as indicators of employee performance, bonuses for long service, based on the results of the quarter, year, etc. Here also included valuable gifts for some events and vacation payments.

Payment of taxes

Considering the not entirely stable economic situation in the country, many of its residents create savings in commercial banks in the form of deposits, and the riskiest citizens invest money in various income funds or securities with a variable value on the stock and commodity exchanges. In all cases, these savings and investments are made not only to preserve funds, but also to receive dividends.

Also, many citizens own property in the form of real estate, registered in the state register, or cars registered with the traffic police. And some of them successfully sold them to third parties under contracts of the form established by the state for completing purchase and sale transactions.

In addition, there are people in our country who were lucky enough to become heirs to substantial fortunes or to win in some kind of gambling or sweepstakes, receiving a sudden substantial profit.

All listed incomes that occur in the life of every capable citizen of the country must be subject to mandatory penalties in favor of the treasury of the Russian Federation in order to allow the normal functioning of the state.

What is the 3-NDFL declaration

All listed taxable incomes of the population must be taken into account when citizens report for them to the tax service inspectorate. A special form has been created specifically for this procedure - the 3-NDFL declaration. This document is submitted to the Federal Tax Service by April 30 of the current year, which immediately follows the reporting one.

Filling out the 3-NDFL declaration online on the Federal Tax Service website

Before submitting the declaration, it must be properly completed in accordance with the sample and step-by-step instructions provided by the inspection on the official website. In most cases, only income from labor activity is relevant for a citizen, since other income options are quite rare, and if they happen, then no more than 2-3 times in a lifetime. Therefore, many citizens have never thought about what this declaration looks like and what the rules for its preparation are, since all the paperwork is done for them by the employer’s accounting department employees. In such cases, the company assumes the functions of acting as a tax agent for an individual and independently, in a centralized manner, withdraws the required 13% from all accruals of its employee.

However, if suddenly a citizen decides to become self-employed, or one of the cases of one-time income, which are described above, occurs in his life, then he will still have to face the problem of filling out a declaration. The same situation awaits a citizen of the Russian Federation if he receives official income and regularly pays taxes, but at some stage he decided to purchase a residential property or take out a mortgage from a bank for these purposes.

Our authorities have decided to subsidize such transactions in the form of organizing property tax deductions from personal income tax, which obliges the citizen to provide the same 3-personal income tax declaration for reporting and calculating the amounts due to him.

Methods for filling out 3-NDFL

The 3-NDFL declaration can be filled out in several ways accessible to the population, each of which is completely legitimate and must be reviewed by the inspectorate if there are no errors or omissions. These methods are given below:

  • Handwritten with a ballpoint pen. First, you need to download the declaration form in Excel format, which can be quickly done using the link. In this case, the file in Excel format must be printed out, followed by filling in the empty fields, using the already completed sample. Filling out must be done in legible block letters; blots and corrections are not allowed.
  • On the PC, all fields are filled in directly in the downloaded file using the Excel program, after which the document is printed, signed by the applicant and submitted to the Federal Tax Service.
  • How to send 3-NDFL through the taxpayer’s personal account? Using the interactive form on the official websites of “Gosuslug” or submit the 3rd personal income tax declaration online through the website of the tax inspectorate, which duplicate each other and have the same algorithms for preparing the declaration. This function is available on both sites only after completing the registration procedure and receiving a login and password and confirming them during a personal visit to the support centers.

It must be said that the latter method seems to be the most convenient, and it has already been appreciated by millions of citizens of the Russian Federation, since when filling out the site automatically indicates errors, most personal data have already been entered in advance during registration, and the declaration is submitted for consideration by clicking the “Submit” button .

Status of verification of the 3-NDFL declaration

How to fill out the 3-NDFL declaration online

  • To fill out 3 personal income taxes online for free, you first need to log into your personal account on the website using a unique combination of login and password.
  • In the window that opens, you need to select the section “Taxes on personal income and insurance premiums”, after which the link “Declaration in Form 3-NDFL” will appear in the new menu, which you also need to click on.
  • Next, the user should download to his computer a special program for filling out online, which allows, after drawing up the document, to form it in the form required for reporting, affix it with the electronic signature of the applicant and send it to the tax authorities.
  • There, in the dialog box, before sending the completed form, you can use the “Attach accompanying documents” function, a set of which in any case will be needed for a desk audit, since inspectors will never approve any entry in the declaration without proof that this income or transaction to the extent stated, took place in reality.
  • In the very first dialog box, you need to enter information about the taxpayer and the inspection office to which he is assigned. All information provided must be fully correlated with the applicant’s passport data and the registration form on the website. After completing the form, click the “Next” button.
  • In the next window, the applicant is asked to select whether he is a taxpayer or his representative.
  • What follows is a form for indicating all forms of official profit, each of which must follow its own code, and all income is listed for each month throughout the entire reporting period. Naturally, all entered data must be confirmed by a certificate attached to the document in form 2-NDFL. Profit can be accrued not only as wages, but also in the form of the above methods.
  • If necessary, the following window is presented for declaring the deduction due to the taxpayer in the event that over the past period a situation has arisen in which it is due in the form of purchasing an apartment or paying for forced treatment or education of children.
  • The next page obliges the applicant to enter truthful information about the purchased property or information about the mortgage loan in the form of the contract amount, as well as payments of parts of the principal debt and interest accrued for this period.
  • After entering the data, the declaration is ready for export and further sending for verification and making a decision on assessing tax or receiving a tax deduction from the Federal Tax Service. Before exporting, it is mandatory to mark the electronic signature.

When filling out a document on the State Services website, the declaration form is absolutely the same and it is also sent through the server of the Federal Tax Service website, so there is no preference in the choice. Through the indicated sites, the 3-NDFL declaration is filled out online for free.

Deadlines for filing the 3-NDFL declaration and responsibility for non-compliance with them

When and how to submit 3-NDFL through the taxpayer’s personal account? Each taxpayer is required to meet the stated filing deadlines, otherwise he will face penalties. Thus, the completed declaration must be submitted to the tax authority before April 30 of the current year for the previous year.

In this case, the tax deduction can be submitted for the last 3 years at a time. So, if a person wants to receive this deduction for mortgage interest in 2018 and has not previously declared his rights, he can safely enter into the declaration all the bank charges issued to him in 2015, 2016 and 2017. However, the compensation amounts cannot be greater than the taxes paid on the citizen’s income for this period, since the state must have formed a base from which they can write off from the budget, and it must be formed only by the taxpayer himself. Therefore, it is extremely important to have as much as possible, or better yet 100% official income.

According to the law, a desk audit of a declaration can last up to 90 days, therefore, in order to have time to pay the tax on a declaration that has already been processed before July 15, the taxpayer should submit it much earlier, already in February of this year. Delay in payment of tax entails its increase due to penalties imposed in the form of penalties in the amount of 1/300 of the total amount of the resulting debt.

Tax deduction calculation

When checking the accrual, tax authorities may encounter problems of any kind, ranging from difficulty reading the declaration to a discrepancy between the data presented in 3-NDFL and the accompanying document, or even some income not indicated by the applicant. All shortcomings entail refusal of further consideration and return of the document for revision with appropriate notification to the applicant.

If a refund is issued, the taxpayer is obliged to submit a declaration with the adjustment code after the corrections as soon as possible, and to attach an explanatory note with a list of the adjustments made to the document form itself.

If a citizen applies for a deduction, he must, in any case, wait until the end of the check and the decision, after which the tax authorities are given another 30 days to transfer the money to the applicant’s account.

Filling out the 3-NDFL declaration online seems to be the easiest way to create it for the taxpayer, and for the inspector this form is the easiest to check. The global transition to electronic documents, which is taking place in our country, is very promising, as it saves people from unnecessary labor costs and wasting time. Submitting a 3-NDFL declaration online through the tax website is technologically advanced, fast and efficient.

But, despite the simplicity of the technology for creating an Internet document, no one has canceled the official tax subtleties, therefore, without a sample or professional skills, drawing up such a document will be quite a difficult job, and anyone who is doing this for the first time should contact specialized lawyers. Also on the Internet there are always many companies that offer to fill out a tax return online by professionals on a contractual basis, but, of course, this will have some price.

Like many government services, tax deductions can be issued through the Unified State Services Portal. This is very convenient, because you can fill out an application and send it through the user’s Personal Account, which is recognized as the official tool for filing declarations with the Federal Tax Service. This article will tell you how to do it correctly.

What is a tax deduction?

A tax deduction is understood as the amount by which the amount of income tax (NDFL) is reduced. The personal income tax rate is 13% of an individual’s income. But in some cases it is a refund of a certain portion of the income tax already paid. There are several types of deductions recorded in the Tax Code:

  • standard: assigned to certain categories of individuals (disabled persons, employees of certain organizations, veterans);
  • social: is a tax deduction for training, treatment, etc., allows you to compensate up to 13% of the amount spent through State Services;
  • property: issued when purchasing a living space, paying off a mortgage (refund is 13% of the interest rate on the mortgage);
  • professional: assigned to individual entrepreneurs, citizens working under a civil contract, inventors, scientists, etc.

To receive the service, the following conditions must be met:

  • its recipient must be a citizen of Russia or have a residence permit and be a tax resident;
  • the applicant must be officially employed and income tax must be deducted from his salary;
  • when receiving a refund for real estate, it must be located in Russia;
  • When applying for a refund for real estate, it should not be purchased from close relatives, or at the expense of the tenant.

Using the State Services portal

Since 2015, users of the State Service can submit reports to the Federal Tax Service directly through the portal. All information will be transferred directly to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Moreover, this service can be used not only by residents of large cities and regional centers, but also by people living in small towns remote from the capital. The opportunity to receive a tax deduction electronically through will be appreciated by those who cannot contact the department in person, for example, people who often leave the city or have a busy work schedule.

It should be noted that submitting documents for a tax deduction through State Services will be easier than applying to the Federal Tax Service in person.

Filling out an online application

A user who decides to apply for a tax deduction through State Services will need to scan documents and fill out an application. All documents can be submitted online:

  • The applicant fills out an application for a tax deduction from an individual. persons (the form is available on the State Services website);
  • all basic data is transferred from the 2-NDFL certificate (on income for the past year), it must be in digital form (scanned file);
  • The applicant must have all documents submitted as an attachment in digital format.

In addition, the applicant will need a document that can be used to confirm the identity of the recipient of services. If the application is submitted by an individual, it is enough to have an unqualified electronic signature. It is issued free of charge for a period of 1 year.

So, to submit an online application for a service, you need to:

  • go to the e-government portal;
  • log in;
  • in the “Taxes and Finance” section, click on “Acceptance of declarations”;
  • select the service “Providing Form 3-NDFL”.

In the service information card that opens, you can see the procedure for receiving it:

  • first of all, the user selects the option to generate a declaration online;
  • Next, you need to choose the option of filling out a new declaration or continue entering data into an already created form, if the user has already started this procedure;
  • After this, the application is strengthened with an electronic signature and sent to the tax office.

Note: the “Declaration” program is available on the Federal Tax Service page, which allows you to generate a document in the form of 3-NDFL and 4-NDFL automatically. As the user adds data, the program checks its correctness, preventing errors.

The “Declaration” program is located in the “Software” section. The button to go to the section can be found at the bottom of the main page.

How to make an appointment with the Federal Tax Service?

In addition to submitting an online application, a user of the Electronic Government portal can register with the tax office through State Services for a tax deduction. To do this, on the information page of the service, you need to select the “Make an appointment with the department” option, and then click on the “Make an appointment” button.

By submitting an electronic online application on the government services portal, the user can track its status in the Personal Account.

The State Services website is a convenient tool that allows you to submit declarations to the inspectorate without leaving your home. The second way to fill out an application via the Internet is to use the Russian Federal Tax Service page. To gain access to its functionality, you need to create a personal account and, by visiting the Federal Tax Service office, receive an access password.