Why didn't the transport tax arrive? What to do if the car tax does not arrive? Legal consequences of non-payment

If your car tax does not arrive, it is important to act without delay - find out the reason for the current situation and pay off your debts as soon as possible. Passive behavior leads to fines and penalties. At the same time, the car owner’s debt to the Federal Tax Service will increase. What are the reasons for delays in sending the receipt? What should car owners do in such a situation? What awaits the owner for violating payment terms? We will consider these and other aspects below.

Why the tax on the vehicle does not arrive - reasons

Many car owners believe that the tax service cannot make a mistake. This is a misconception. There are many reasons why a car owner may not receive a receipt. These include:

  • Delays in the work of the Russian Post. Citizens of Russia know from their own experience that they should not trust this organization. Parcels and letters from neighboring cities can take an extremely long time to arrive or even get lost along the way. What can we say about situations when the shipment needs to travel long distances. If you suspect that the notification was lost due to the Russian Post, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service and clarify whether the letter was sent to a specific address or not.
  • Availability of benefits. Some citizens can avoid paying tax (if they are in a special category of beneficiaries). But such a right does not appear automatically. To register, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service, fill out an application and submit the necessary papers. If the information is confirmed, the tax office no longer sends notifications to the car owner.
  • Information online. If the owner of the vehicle has registered on the Federal Tax Service website and received personal login information, tax information will only be sent to his personal account. No one will send them by mail or other means. This means that the taxpayer must control the receipt of the receipt through the Federal Tax Service.
  • A traffic police officer made a mistake. After registering the car, traffic police officers send information about the vehicle to the Federal Tax Service. If a car was purchased in 2016, but the receipt never arrived in 2017, there can be only one explanation - no one knows about the car. To avoid problems, you need to personally bring papers to the Federal Tax Service before the end of the year confirming your ownership of the vehicle.
  • Change of address. Another situation is when a person moves to another place of residence. Many people forget to update their place of registration in the vehicle documentation with the traffic police, and the Federal Tax Service continues to send notifications to the previous address.
  • Recalculation. Another situation is problems with calculating a new transport tax or identifying errors in existing figures. As a result, there are delays in sending the receipt for payment.

Please note that the fact of transferring such payments is strictly controlled by law. Neglect of tax payment requirements is punishable to the fullest extent, including forced collection of the debt. The question is what to do if the transport tax has not arrived.

If the documents for tax payment have not arrived before November 1 (according to the law, this is the deadline), there is a high probability that there will be no receipt. This means that you need to take measures yourself to avoid problems.

Generally speaking, the car owner has two options:

  1. Go to the Federal Tax Service and receive a new notification. There you can write an application and take a new receipt, after which you can make payment at the nearest bank branch.
  2. Make a check for payment yourself, and then pay the tax.

It is important to understand that the lack of notification does not always mean that money need not be transferred. Above, we noted when the transport tax arrives in 2020 (until November 1). Already from December 1, a penalty will be charged.

Let's look at step-by-step instructions on what a car owner should do if a notification has not been received:

  • We go to the Russian Post and check the availability of registered letters to a specific address. This check takes up to 3-5 minutes.
  • If there is no letter, we make sure that the notification has been sent by the Federal Tax Service, for which we contact the tax service or come to the branch in person. All shipments are marked in special papers, so the necessary information must be provided upon first request.

If the Federal Tax Service sent a letter, but it never arrived, you can get a duplicate with the help of an official representative or on the tax service website.

In the case where the tax was not assessed for another reason, for example, due to lack of information from the traffic police or another body, it is required to submit a written application to register the property.

The said application has a standard form and is filled out by the owner in person, online or with the assistance of a representative. To obtain the form, you need to contact the tax office or download the document on the Internet.

The application shall indicate the following information:

  1. Personal data of the tax payer (TIN code, full name, place of registration, information from the passport, telephone number).
  2. Information about the registered vehicle (make, details, type, model, VIN, registration date, etc.).

Copies of documents confirming the availability of rights to the car are attached to the application. Once the information is verified, the tax is assessed to the owner, and then payment is made. In this case, the final payment deadline can be postponed to a later period.

To avoid delays in payment of transport tax, it is better to keep the situation under control with the help of special services. To do this, you can go to the Tax website, go to your personal account and carry out the required checks. Such actions are relevant if a person has previously registered as a tax payer, and Federal Tax Service employees have given a password to enter their personal account. If such information is not available, you must register and obtain the specified data. If the check shows the presence of debts, this indicates possible problems and even legal proceedings.

To check whether a claim has been filed by the Federal Tax Service, you can go to the FSSP resource, provide personal information and look at the information in the database. If there is nothing on specific data, you don’t have to worry - the application has not yet been submitted to the judicial authority. But there is no need to relax. If you have a debt, it must be repaid as quickly as possible.

What are the consequences of delays?

Previously, after receiving a notification, car owners could not pay transport tax, but after making amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, owners must transfer the amounts indicated in the receipt within the time limits specified by law. Therefore, in the absence of notification, it is important to take the necessary steps to obtain a receipt.

Delay in transferring payment is punishable by a fine of 20% of the amount of the debt (up to a thousand rubles). At the same time, the imposition of penalties is not a reason for deferring payment. In addition to the sanctions mentioned, there is another punishment option - the accrual of penalties. It is 1/300 of the refinancing rate at the time the debt was formed. When a debt arises, a notification is sent to the vehicle owner, which includes the amount of the fine, penalty and debt. The period within which payment must be made is also indicated. If the money is not transferred within the agreed period, the case goes to court.

It would seem that it is simply impossible for tax authorities not to send their tax payment notices to the country’s budget. But such situations do happen, and they happen for a number of reasons.

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And, nevertheless, law-abiding citizens who are car owners are most concerned about questions about who will be answerable to the law if the notification has not arrived and how a citizen should act when he has not received information about the amount of the mandatory tax payment for a long time. your own transport.

After all, a notification of such a payment is sent by mail in the form of a registered letter and issued to the car owner against signature.

Possible reasons

By law, every vehicle owner is required to pay transport tax no later than the deadlines specified by the new rules in the legislation.

It looks like this: you bought a car in May 2020, but in 2020, until October 1, you still did not receive any notice of payment of transport tax on the car you bought.

Your actions should be as follows - you submit information about your automobile ownership to the district tax service at your place of registration no later than December 31, 2020.

Moreover, it doesn’t even matter how many months you owned the car in 2020, if you have already sold it, you will still have to pay for the time you owned it.

If you always live by the rules and don’t like to break them, then you can also listen to the recommendations of experts about whether you have already managed to pay something, as well as how much you owe to the state budget.

To do this, you can go to your personal account on the nalog website and check your transport tax debts, if, of course, you were registered in the database as a taxpayer and a tax inspector gave you a password to access your personal account.

If not, then one way or another, you will have to go to the tax office for a password to authorize on the taxpayers’ website.

If you haven’t paid for a very long time, then, to make sure that you haven’t been sued, go to the FSSP website (Federal Bailiff Service), entering your personal data, you can see in the database whether there is information on you or not.

If the entry “nothing was found for your request” is displayed, then rest assured, they have not yet had time to sue you. However, this does not mean that you should immediately forget about the transport tax.

This just gives you some more grace period when you can still pay the tax.

In addition to the established deadlines for submitting information about the ownership of a car, it is useful for a citizen to know a simple algorithm of actions in case, suddenly, a notification from the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service) never arrived in his mail.

The steps he should take as a law-abiding citizen are as follows:

  • write a written message on the standard form according to KND 1153006, which you get from the tax service. In this message, you indicate that you are the owner of the car and indicate its parameters.
  • in the second part of such a form you already indicate directly the details of your car and the fact that it is currently in your ownership:

  • Attach to this message a copy of the registration certificate in your name with the traffic police of a specific vehicle.
  • if you own several cars, then you should file a declaration for each car separately.

This type of message is sent only once. If after this you still do not receive notification of payment of the required amount of transport tax, then you will have every right not to do anything.

After all, you, for your part, as a law-abiding taxpayer, did not evade payment, and therefore further responsibility will already lie with the tax authorities.

But you still have to pay so that you are not burdened with any public debt. In addition to a written paper message, you are also given the opportunity to do the same thing, only on the Federal Tax Service website.

You fill out all the required fields of the form, and also attach copies of the document confirming your ownership.

Is it possible not to pay transport tax?

Previously, even before the changes in car registration on October 15, 2013, it was possible not to pay the transport tax if you did not receive a notification about payment of such a road tax in your mailbox on time.

Moreover, especially legislative acts would not even call you to take any steps in such a situation.

However, today, lack of notification is no longer a basis for non-payment of tax, and you will need to take a number of actions that are prescribed by the rules at the legislative level.

If you have done everything that was required of you, but the notification never arrived, then you independently go to your personal account on the Nalog website, print out a receipt and go pay to the bank.

Possible consequences of non-payment

When a taxpayer evades paying mandatory contributions to the budget, this always entails negative consequences. The same is true in the case of transport tax - failure to pay it is fraught with a fine of 20% of the total amount owed.

The percentage of the fine is taken only for the entire expired period of debt, and therefore if the statute of limitations has not yet passed - 3 years - you will be forced to pay the fine.

It can be taken from your salary through a statement of claim from the tax inspectorate, which will initiate a case against you, and the bailiffs will pester you in every possible way so that you pay the required amounts.

The established one suggests that, in principle, the tax services of car owners are not particularly in a hurry and give enough time to collect funds to contribute the road tax to the regional budget of the country.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia announced that it will start mass mailing of 2017 notifications on property taxes for 2016. At the same time, in practice, a situation where tax notices have not arrived is not at all uncommon. We'll tell you what you can do.

What to follow

When a tax notice does not arrive, the payer’s procedure in this situation, unfortunately, is not clearly prescribed by law. There are no special regulations in this regard either.

However, first of all, you need to wait until October 18, 2017 - this is the last day when the inspection, by law, has the right to send a summary notice for payment:

  • land tax;
  • transport tax;
  • property tax for individuals;
  • Personal income tax, which the tax agent was previously unable to withhold.

The summary notification form itself, which has been in effect since April 1, 2017 and approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 7, 2016 No. ММВ-7-11/477, also does not answer the question of what to do if a tax notification has not been received.


Now directly about what to do if tax notices have not arrived. Choose the options that are most convenient for your case.

  • at the place of residence;
  • according to the location of the property.

This can be done by first making an appointment using the service of the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia “Online registration for an appointment with the inspection”.

  • Use other services of the Federal Tax Service of Russia website www.nalog.ru:
    • personal account of the payer - an individual;
    • “Contact the Federal Tax Service of Russia.”
  • Notify any (!) Federal Tax Service about the availability of real estate and/or transport (clause 2.1 of Article 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The form of such a message was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated November 26, 2014 No. ММВ-7-11/598.

  • This option applies to those payers who...

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    Road tax is an annual payment obligatory for all vehicle owners. Its value depends on engine power, region of registration, availability of benefits for the car owner, as well as on some other parameters. Most often, envelopes with amounts accrued for the previous year appear in mailboxes in the second half of the current year. When the transport tax arrives, the car owner must pay it before December 1st. If you have not received a notice from the tax service, this is not a reason to assume that you will not have to pay anything.

    When the notification is sent

    Legal entities must calculate the amount of the fee and enter this data into the declaration themselves. and the distribution of notifications to the addresses of individual payers is carried out by the territorial department of the tax service. So, ordinary Russians do not need to calculate how much they need to pay, but they do, of course, need to know when the vehicle tax for the previous year is due.

    Typically, the first “swallows” from the fiscal department begin to appear at the end of summer-August and should arrive no later than November 1. The envelope contains not only a notification, but also a receipt for payment, which already contains the payment amount and the payer’s information. The taxpayer’s task is to review the charges and make the payment at the nearest bank branch. If all the necessary details are known, then payment can be made through online banking.

    Why the notification might not have arrived

    If you regularly pay the duty on a receipt, then, of course, you are concerned about the question, why don’t they send the transport tax for last year?

    In fact, there can be quite a lot of reasons. Statistics show that the most common are the following:

    • The delay may be caused by the need to recalculate the accrued amount due to errors and inaccuracies identified by the tax service.
    • Sometimes the reason why your car tax for the previous year does not arrive at your address may be your own forgetfulness. Check if you forgot to inform the fiscal authorities that you own a vehicle. Maybe you changed your place of residence and not? Then payments will go to the previous address.
    • If your vehicle is a vehicle, then notifications will be sent to its name and address.
    • Another, most common, reason why the transport tax on a car for the past year still does not arrive is the very unhurried work of Russian Post. The letter may be lying around in some post office, but by law it will be considered delivered 6 days after sending.
    • If you still haven’t received your transport tax for the past year by November 1, and all reasonable deadlines have already passed, it’s time to take matters into your own hands.

    What to do

    As already mentioned, if the taxpayer does not receive notifications from the Federal Tax Service, this does not at all cancel the obligation to pay the required duty. What to do if the transport tax for last year does not arrive?

    First, contact the office of the tax service department and check there whether they sent you a notice and whether there is an error in the mailing address. Upon application, you may be given a receipt again or informed of the exact amount of the toll.

    Now you know that you must pay, and you have an idea what to do if you don’t receive the transport tax for your car or. This will protect you from liability and the accrual of penalties and fines.

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    How to calculate transport tax: Video