Pavel globe forecast for the year. Globa prediction for Russia

The modern world, in which the threats of militarized conflicts, political clashes, economic crises and environmental disasters are becoming more and more apparent, makes our lives more unstable every year, causing the world's population great concern for their future, the lives and health of their children and grandchildren. This state of affairs explains the fact that people have a strong desire to look behind the curtain of the coming 2020.

Anything is suitable - from the study of economic and social analytics to the predictions of astrologers and psychics. Particularly interesting are the opinions of those who have gained authority with the incredible accuracy of their predictions. Let's take a look at the forecasts for 2020, which belong to both visionaries who have passed away (including Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Matrona and Vanga), and modern authorities in the field of clairvoyance and astrology - Vera Lion, Vlad Ross, Alexander Zaraev, Pavel Globe and others.

Prophecies from the “Centuries” of Nostradamus

The quatrain poems recorded by Nostradamus in the Centuries contain many prophecies. It’s only a pity that Nostradamus, like many other clairvoyants, did not take into account one thing: researchers are unlikely to be well versed in the medieval geographical names and events that he understood.

Quatrain decipherers say: according to their assumptions, in 2020 the population of Europe, namely the French, Hungarians, Czechs, Italians and Swiss, may face an environmental disaster that will lead to incredible destruction, loss of life and the need to migrate to other regions. In addition, some verses of Nostradamus warn about the birth of a certain deformed child, which will be a sign before the war in the East.

Vanga's prophecies

There are practically no prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant that relate directly to our days. In addition, as in the case of Matrona, the figurativeness of the seer’s words does not allow for an unambiguous interpretation of the predicted events and phenomena. The only one of Vanga’s prophecies that has not yet come true concerns the fact that the world could plunge into a global war, as a result of which the population of several states will die.

The countries of the Eastern European region will be able to achieve prosperity after the coming of a certain Sagittarius, who will unite the people, bringing them revival and stability. Wang also saw the increasing rise of China, which would become a world leader, displacing America and the European Community from the first positions in politics and economics. The latter will gradually lose their attractiveness for their inhabitants - they will take flight, trying to get to other lands.

Predictions of Matrona of Moscow

The predictions that Matrona managed to make before her death still excite the minds of interpreters. According to eyewitness accounts, in the last days of her life the clairvoyant was overcome by incredible sadness caused by a premonition of a terrible catastrophe. The exact date when the misfortunes predicted by the prophetess may occur is not known for certain, but some believe that it could be 2020. The metaphorical nature of Matrona’s words also makes it impossible to unambiguously inform the world about a potential tragedy.

Interpreters believe that Matrona predicted the fall of meteorites to the world. However, most researchers are inclined to believe that this will be a collision with a meteorite or an environmental problem of incredible proportions. Matrona believed that the main reason for all the misfortunes in people’s lives was the weakening of faith, so humanity will be punished by the fact that one day it will fall to the ground, thus meeting the coming of the Apocalypse. The death of the majority of the Earth's population can be prevented only if the world is again ruled by spirituality and good deeds, and not by the thirst for profit and material wealth.

Wolf Messing's predictions

Unfortunately, the clairvoyant did not document his predictions. Most of the existing recorded prophecies and predictions of Wolf Messing have simply sunk into oblivion, making it difficult to restore the chronology and accuracy of the words spoken many years ago. But some data regarding 2020 is still preserved.

According to the predictions of the famous seer, in the coming 2020 the world will be hit by serious cataclysms caused by political disagreements between the most powerful powers on our planet. This will lead to a number of revolutions in some countries, and perhaps even to changes in government regimes in particular and power in general. Messing predicts that after a series of conflicts and disagreements, there will be some calm in the world, during which new superpowers and major forces will be identified. They are the ones who will set the vector in the coming decades.

Vera Lyon's forecasts

The clairvoyant prophesies to the world a picture that can safely be called bleak. Everything will begin with large-scale floods, storms and previously unknown diseases. According to the prophecy for 2020, an epidemic may break out in the world, which will lead to the death of a huge number of people. Lyon warns America and the European Union about the intensification of terrorists and sectarians, for whom unknown killer animals will come. The population of Europe and the USA will leave en masse for other countries, as the troubles will not end there.

Natural disasters will lead to the fact that Great Britain will sink under water, Germany will suffer from snowstorms, war will break out in Greece, and the Vatican will be completely wiped off the face of the earth due to devastating earthquakes. The latter will lead to the fall of the Catholic faith. As a result of all these events, the Russian Federation will become the world leader, which will create a NATO-type bloc, uniting around itself most of the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, as well as some states of the Middle East.

Prophecies for the World by Edgar Cayce

The American mentalist rarely reported specific dates for the occurrence of a particular event, so it is not possible to say that his forecasts relate specifically to 2020. In general, if we talk about predictions for the 21st century, Cayce warned his descendants about the danger of natural disasters, not excluding the possibility that the territories of the United States, Latin America, Northern Europe, Greenland and Japan could go underwater.

A catastrophic increase in average annual temperatures will be expressed not only in climate change, but also in the need to reform the world order: the struggle for survival will require individual countries to consolidate efforts and pool resources. It is possible that not only the Earth’s climate will change, but also human DNA, which will result in the emergence of a super-race called “Fifth Root” Casey. She will play a special role in the fate of humanity.

Astrological calculations of the Globa family

The heavenly bodies allowed Pavel and Tamara Globa to make many predictions for 2020. Among them, it is worth noting positive predictions for Russia, which is about to experience incredible economic prosperity. The only thing that can prevent the onset of general prosperity is a terrible and bloody conflict that will take away both resources and lives. Pavel Globa supports his predictions with excerpts that, according to him, belong to the pen of the clairvoyant Vasily Nemchin.

A medieval soothsayer predicted that a certain “Great Potter” would come to power in Russia, who would not only lead the country to the highest level of development, but also create a union of all post-Soviet states around it. But Europe and America will have a hard time - internal imbalances will intensify in the United States, terrorists will become more active, protests and demonstrations will arise more and more often. Europe will cease to be a single integration union, breaking up into several new unions.

Astrological forecast of Vlad Ross

This expert in the field of astrology says that active world confrontation will soon give way to a phase characterized by relative calm. The Russian Federation is expecting a change in the political regime, which will be due to the characteristics of the Saros eclipse. Such a development of events as a coup d'état cannot be ruled out. Vlad Ross warns Russians about the risk of active confrontations on religious and social grounds.

There is a high probability of exacerbation of interethnic hatred, which will result in the secession of the countries of the Caucasus region, and maybe even the Turkic peoples, from the Russian Federation. In the meantime, the United States and the Middle Kingdom will embark on the path of technological struggle, because it is technology and innovation that will become the force capable of granting power over the world. Ukraine will gradually emerge from the protracted crisis, retaining the Eastern regions, but never returning Crimea.

Astro forecast by Alexander Zaraev

The astrologer says that in 2020 all world conflicts will intensify, and the secret will finally become apparent. For the Russian Federation and the residents of Ukraine, he promises a gradual improvement in living conditions and stabilization of the economy, but with regard to the Western world, his words can hardly be called optimistic - for the EU, he foreshadows the deepening of disintegration processes that contribute to changing the geographical boundaries of the union.

In addition, there is a possibility that the EU map will soon be replaced by a new one, with several small associations in the Western and Central parts of the continent. Well, the United States, according to the astrologer, may be drawn into a new conflict with the Islamic world and will experience a surge in terrorism.

Calculations by Svetlana Dragan

The astrologer says that in 2020 one should not expect peace and quiet - the political crisis will take on a global scale, and in many states power will change to a totalitarian military dictatorship. The world will continue to be ruled by rich people who will try to initiate incredibly large-scale construction projects. The result could be a catastrophe - the Earth, unable to withstand the bullying, will respond with a strong earthquake.

We can hope for changes for the better no earlier than 2020, when some alien civilizations will arrive to help the Earth’s population. Now the world must experience catharsis in order to be reborn on new spiritual principles. In two years, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will give humanity a new leader, bringing with him the teaching of mutual values, peace and harmony. Major technological breakthroughs are possible on the basis of shared prosperity.

Will there be an apocalypse in 2020?

Neither the forecasts of scientists nor the predictions of psychics indicate that the end of the world is possible in 2020. Nevertheless, humanity expects many quite unpleasant phenomena that may prompt such an idea. Thus, severe floods are likely in America and East Asia, which will lead to the death of many people and large-scale destruction. Predictors also talk about fires and volcanic eruptions, which will cause not only human casualties, but also a change in people’s values.

In addition, according to mediums, people will become increasingly dependent on virtual reality and robots, which will lead to negative changes in human consciousness.

The issue of the veracity of predictions is quite controversial. Skeptics believe that it is impossible to predict the future, and the coincidence of the words of mediums with events that happen in the world is accidental. But there are also many who believe the predictions, and they emphasize that there are many phenomena that science cannot explain, including the ability to predict the future. Whether to believe prophecies and astrological forecasts or not - everyone decides for himself. But, you see, it is useful to learn more about upcoming events in order to always be prepared for any changes.

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Predictions are not uncommon in our lives. Moreover, various kinds of forecasts occupy a fairly impressive part of it. For most people, it is extremely important to know what awaits them tomorrow, next week or next year.

That's how human nature works. We tend to predict, to think ahead. Therefore, it is not surprising that, from time to time, we turn to great predictors. The words of prophets, astrologers and psychics who have gained fame not only in their own country, but also far beyond its borders, are incredibly valuable.

Among the huge flow of information from a variety of clairvoyants, Pavel Globa’s forecasts stand out. That the coming year? What will 2018 be like in the Year of the Yellow Dog? Let's find out.

A little about the predictor

Pavel Pavlovich Globa can safely be called the most famous “stargazer”, because Globa makes his forecasts for a particular country based on the position of the celestial bodies. “Reading” the stars is not so easy; such talent could not be born in an ordinary person. Indeed, Pavel Globa has very interesting roots.

If you believe historical sources, Globa’s ancestors include healers, psychics and sorcerers. Pavel Globa himself was born into the family of an artist and a healer. In addition, Globa’s maternal grandfather was also an astrologer and doctor. My grandmother practiced Zoroastrianism.

Today's successful 63-year-old astrologer has a rather interesting life path behind him. Globa did not always know his purpose; he searched for his place in the sun for a long time, until he finally decided to devote himself entirely to the majestic and mysterious science of astrology.

Forecast for 2018 for Russia

Controversial. The coming year certainly cannot be called easy. No, everything is not so sad - there will be good times, but there will also be difficulties. The country's position on the world stage will achieve some stabilization, and this will happen due to the strengthening of relations between Eurasian states.

According to Pavel Pavlovich, by the end of 2018, the Eurasian Union, in addition to Russia itself, will include Gagauzia, Transnistria and four other friendly parties. The economy of our state will get stronger and rise from its knees. Basically, economic growth will be driven by rising energy prices.

Ultimately, Russia will be able to strengthen its position sufficiently to become a worthy opponent of the North Atlantic Alliance.

What does Globa predict for the United States in 2018?

America in 2018, following the predictions of Pavel Globa, will not expect anything good. The United States must prepare for some unsettling changes that will begin to materialize starting next year. Among the difficulties that will befall America is the loss of its leading position on the world stage.

The processes currently taking place in the United States will lead to destabilization of the economy, as a result of which a wave of discontent and outbreaks of rallies will sweep across the entire territory of this part of the world. The revolutionary mood will be acutely felt among the American people.

The “New World” will tremble from complete decline on all counts. The “Great Depression,” as experts call this state of affairs in the country, is already beginning to gain momentum. After Barack Obama left the presidency of the United States, an oppressive feeling of dissatisfaction with politics, domestic and foreign, began to grow among ordinary Americans.

According to Globa, all these factors will lead to mass unrest. Since the government of the United States of America will devote all its forces to stabilizing the situation, the United States will lose its leadership position on the world stage.

Globa's predictions for Europe for 2018

For European countries, the coming year will not be the most pleasant either. The main bone of contention between the states of the European Union will be political differences. One side will never be able to reconcile with the other.

Some countries will lean towards one solution, while others will go into unspoken opposition. There is a big risk, Pavel Globa believes, that as a result of these events, the UK will completely sever all relations with the EU, leaving membership in this international association.

The great astrologer also predicts a total budget deficit for Italy and Portugal, which will ultimately lead to a forced measure - the declaration of bankruptcy of these two states. By the end of 2018, the first signs of a split between EU countries will become all too obvious.

However, these are not all the difficulties that await Europe in the near future: Globa predicted a fall in the euro in 2018.

What awaits Ukraine in 2018?

Not optimistic. Everyone knows about the rather protracted conflict in eastern Ukraine. As a result, the exchange rate of the Ukrainian currency will begin to fall rapidly. Globa also talks about the mortgage crisis, which is expected to be preceded by a construction boom. As a result, discontent will spread among the country's citizens, which will only grow month by month.

Demonstrations, rallies and other gatherings and gatherings are a frequent occurrence in Ukraine in 2018. By spring, tensions within the country may reach their peak. According to Pavel Globa, there is a high probability of a new revolution, but this time a significant advantage will be on the side advocating the restoration of ties with Russia.

The regions of Ukraine that have declared themselves Novorossiya, according to Globa’s forecast, will join the Eurasian Union by the end of 2018. But, most likely, as the astrologer himself states, this will happen at the beginning of 2019.

In any case, Globa believes that a split in Ukraine cannot be avoided. Part of the Ukrainian lands will become part of Russia. The intensity of passions will subside slightly after the creation of a new political association - the Eastern European Orthodox bloc. According to Pavel Globa, the bloc will include Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

Natural disasters in 2018

Mother Earth is deeply “offended” by humanity and will give us what we deserve. Throughout 2018, strange natural phenomena will occur in different parts of the world, absolutely not typical for a particular area or time of year.

The UK, Italy and the Balkans will literally be flooded with water - these countries will experience frequent heavy rains, as a result of which large cities will disappear under the thickness of the seething elements. Landslides and destruction will overtake the inhabitants of Europe. In Russia in the summer of 2018, the threat of large-scale forest fires is increasing.

The new year is just around the corner, which will bring changes that the majority of Russian residents are waiting for. The most long-awaited predictions for Russia for 2018 will turn out to be true, since the previous prophecies of these people have come true.
Global disasters and maneuvers of politicians, the economic situation of the country, social policy, and unexpected innovations. People will change their attitude towards oracles and become more careful.
The world is destined for a turning point in 2018, and only one thing can help us quickly achieve prosperity - morality and honesty.
The predictions of clairvoyants, astrologers, psychics, and the predictions of saints are suspiciously similar and speak of one thing - changes are coming in everyday life and more. So what awaits Russia in 2018?

The astrological forecast for 2018 for Russia is very multifaceted. We will enter the year of the yellow Dog, which will show its teeth, subject to deception. It means that processes and relationships that are built on lies and profit will be in decline.
The economy and ecology will begin to rise after some shake-up, ensured by a careless attitude towards natural resources, humanity will begin to listen more attentively to natural processes. A person’s desire for harmony with nature will improve the lives of many. One thing remains in question - what awaits the world in a new role, how will the international community react to the changes in Russia?

Family, loyalty, integrity and spirituality - these components of society will become more important.

Business can take on completely different shapes, and those who take humanity, honesty and sincerity as a basis will be able to achieve significant heights.
Politicians will decide to take a course towards unification and strengthening relations with the countries of the former Union.
Astrologers' predictions for 2018 are full of hopes for the emergence of a new peacemaker in the country - a person who will create or open the way to reconciliation between warring states.

Pavel Globa sees the end of the crisis and the beginning of dawn

Already at the end of this year, like a modern stargazer, a period of stability will begin, which may be mistaken for stagnation. In fact, this moment will be the starting point for the ascent.
The predictions for 2018 for Russia are literally extraordinary, but they contain many similar positions. No natural disasters should be expected, and global climate change should not be feared. The average weather for Russia will remain normal.
The astrologer, like some interpreters of visions, hints that the North and Siberia will make their own adjustments, and from there a new movement will begin, bringing a breath of fresh air to the stagnant one. The West, as a measure, will cease to exist, and people will begin to pay attention to the origins.
Science and art will develop in conjunction with spirituality. Pavel Globa sees a new person who will significantly turn the course of history and direct it in a different direction.

Nostradamus' hint at progress and changes in values

Starting from 2016, according to the records of Nostradamus, Russia is entering a phase of revival, and the 18th year of this journey is a turning point when you need to get rid of ballast and move forward with the baggage of experience.

People will become the most valuable material, spiritually rich people will take their rightful places. Education and family will become privileged topics for development.

There are no obstacles to the development of science without compromising morality, and this is the path the country will choose. Spirituality, mutual affection, a return to brotherly relations, a reverent attitude towards nature - all this will become fundamental from mid-2018 in the country.
Are we really facing a serious natural disaster that will force us to change our attitude towards the environment? Predictions for 2018 make you think about the quality of life.
Neighboring states may change their attitude towards Russia's policies and reconsider their views. This will avert the risk of war and the threat of long-term strained relations.

Vanga spoke about the time when values ​​will be revived

This time will come in the coming year, and the values ​​that were erased by the 1917 revolution will begin to be revived in the country. About Russia.

Family and integrity, respect for the history of one’s ancestors, church, love - these concepts will be at the forefront.

The predictions of clairvoyants, who predict the fate of the world as ambiguously as this blind prophetess, can be viewed from different angles, and not come to one opinion. But she clearly says that the chaos that began with the illness of the strong beast, under which she had the Union, “will end with the emaciation of the beast, and that beast will become fat in the year of the dog.”

Matrona of Moscow called for a return to faith

The predictions of saints such as Matrona are incomprehensible to us only because they did not know what to call the event or place they saw. If you pay close attention to the little things that Matrona described, then the events described by her take place in our time. Description of the number of refugees - brothers who returned home, the strengthening of the country due to the increase in peoples.

Matrona calls not to lose your roots, not to lose your culture and foundation, so as not to lose the essence of life. Love and spirituality are what will save you from diseases that doctors cannot study for a long time. The family and the church will preserve the most important thing for which they died during her time, even after her death.

The predictions of seers quite often focus on morality and ethics, and here the biblical covenants are the basis. Living in love for one's neighbor will put everything in its place; a selfless, pure-in-thought idea will bring good. The vision of change is very similar to the words from the elders for 2018 -2020. Many Orthodox and Muslim prophets call this period of time long-awaited for the Russian land, where God will return.

Edgar Cayce on the financial well-being and integrity of Russia

The clairvoyant left enough notes and predictions about Russia, including for “years of slow restoration and regaining integrity.”
Predictions for Russians for 2018 from Casey make us believe in a coming recovery. He saw the strengthening of relations with the East, and saw the initial degree of degradation of the country in the era of collapse. The beginning of the path to the title of the strongest power has already been passed. What lies ahead is the breaking of stereotypes, some throwback to the past, and the development of a new level of relations with the world.
About Russia, Casey's predictions are always full of details, and this time, one can see in them the instability of agriculture and the weak development of small businesses.

Wolf Messing predicted Russia's superpower status

Difficult relations with the East will result in cooperation and prosperity. Diplomatic relations with the United States will become tense. The country will return to its roots and find a new leader. Advances in science will launch new machines into the air, and doctors will learn to exchange useful information
The people will change their attitude towards the confrontation and stand under one banner. The difficulty ends for those who valued physical labor, as it will be appreciated. In 2018, the predictions will begin to come true, just as his previous predictions came true.

Psychics of our time foretell a difficult year

Psychic predictions for 2018 are full of contradictions, and most of them do not bring the best forecasts for the country.
Popular discontent, according to them, will increase significantly, and the state will begin to weaken from such a mood among Russians. This is not the most correct political step that can weaken the country.
History will open from a new side, and the one who was the enemy will become a symbol of a bygone time. This can be applied to the figure of Stalin, who has already begun to be identified with honesty, restraint, and purposefulness. The country needs a strong and cool step. The predictions of the saints are somewhat more humane.

Fatima Khadueva

The psychic explains the reason for the difficulty of the year by the end of the payment for royal blood. People had to be punished, and they did. Those who realized the mistake will never take up arms again, and the world will begin to change in relation to Russia in 2018.
Politicians and doctors will not be able to take office if they do not have the proper level of competence, and the clergy will take a step towards the people. Everyone will see the predictions of the prophets and will begin to take them more seriously.

Julia Wang

Predictions about the chaos the country is entering in 2018. Julia delivers with confidence in her sources. It says that the people will stand up to defend their rights, foundations, and principles if they do not coincide with the view of the government. What awaits us in 2018, and what the price of peace within the state will be, depends largely on ourselves, on the ability to build a dialogue.
Siberia, which modern visionaries talk a lot about, can become a strong center for the emergence of new values ​​that are more similar to the old ones, or a return to them. A completely new time will begin in Russia.

Malakhat Nazarova

Having predicted the political situation from 2015 to the present day, she continues to surprise people with accurate data. Malakhat told what awaits Russia in 2018, and her new predictions are full of optimism.
Predictions for Russia for 2018 can be considered a start to prosperity and development. The country will gather around itself a close-knit ring of states and form a new Union. This will be the beginning of a new era, where the United States and Japan will give up their positions in soybeans.
Conflicts with these countries will be the main destabilizing factors, but they will be the reason for a new step - unification with the East.

Alexander Litvin

The latest events that are shaking the sister countries will soon appear in a different light, and the culprit in this discord will be identified. The war will fade away in 2018, and predictions about peace and joint development of the Slavic countries are quite accurate and clear.
Russia, according to Litvin, can only be judged by the end of 2019, when the external economy really gets stronger.
Clairvoyant predictions very often concern some kind of man-made disaster, but Litvin argues that this is not true, and the most that can shake up the country is a new idea of ​​ecological settlements. Over the past few years, this idea has been popular, and in 2018 it will reach its peak, when even a small investment in this business will bring incredible profits.

Alexander Sheps

The medium undertakes to tell in detail what awaits the world next year, and his statements regarding the further influx of migrants to Europe and Russia may turn out to be unfounded. Unemployment, low wages in Russia, popular discontent and outbreaks of uprisings in some places - predictions for 2018 from Alexander.
The country will begin to rise no earlier than in five years, but for now it will develop in the field of sports, science, and raise its moral potential. What awaits Russia in 2018 can be guessed based on the current time, and some aspects are historically cyclical, says Sheps. The war in 2018 will end in many countries, or will take on slightly different shapes.

It is difficult to imagine our contemporaries without the predictions of Pavel Globa. It is his horoscopes based on zodiac signs that are in great demand and popularity. Pavel Globa’s prediction for 2018 for Russia also caused considerable resonance. It is not surprising that the astrologer did not ignore this topic. This is where we begin the story about the future of the fatherland.

Globa about the future of Russia

Firstly, it should be noted that the astrologer takes a fairly large time period to consider. His predictions cover the period from 2015 to the beginning of 2020. Not every astrologer will dare to look so far. Meanwhile, the past 2015-16 years allow us to conclude that many of the things noted by Globa were correct; in particular, at one time he predicted with amazing accuracy the revolutionary events in Ukraine that occurred at the turn of 2013-14. Globa’s predictions for 2018 for Ukraine are very unfavorable. But, let's return to the fate of our native state.

Economic trends

Pavel Globa gives a very ambiguous assessment of the economic situation of our country. In general, successful contracts in the oil sector will give rise to positive trends, at the same time, the confrontation with NATO will become a kind of “brake”, thereby the emerging economic growth will be unstable and periodically give way to shallow crisis phenomena.
Globa's prediction for Russia in the coming years is very beneficial. Against the backdrop of the general global crisis, the fall of the European and American currencies, the position of the economy of our native fatherland will significantly strengthen.

Foreign policy trends

In foreign policy, the Russian state expects a new union created under its auspices. In many ways, similar assumptions about the development of foreign policy are expressed by other psychics and futurologists. The new union will include republican states that were previously part of Russia. Thus, Globa’s predictions confirm our country’s desire to restore its borders within its former territorial boundaries.
The weakening of American positions in the international arena will create the preconditions for the rise of Russia. In many ways, the reasons for America's weakening lie in internal problems. In particular, in the future the population will be dissatisfied with the internal political course of the established government. It is noteworthy that the coming to power of a person from business, in the person of Trump, will create the preconditions for a rapprochement between the American state and the Russian state. Moreover, for both powers, such a decision will be, more than ever, timely and correct in many respects.
The attitude towards our country on the part of European countries will change significantly. The economic confrontation will gradually lose its meaning. By the way, for Russia, the current status quo is in many respects very beneficial. Thus, first of all, it contributed to the rise of domestic production and a decrease in imported goods on the all-Russian market. This can also be seen as positive aspects for social well-being.

Pavel Globa speaks about Ukraine in a somewhat negative way; 2018 will not be the best for this state. Tired of uncertainty, the people will curl their opinions. Against the backdrop of such popular trends, many territories of Ukraine, having gained independence, will join the union of Eurasian states. The central regions of the country expect numerous social unrest, which will smoothly flow into revolution. Its results will be the arrival of pro-Russian authorities and rulers, which will not only stop the revolutionary wave, but will also become the basis for further rapprochement with Russia. One can even assume that Ukraine will lose its sovereignty and will once again become part of Russian territory.

Social trends

Russia's social development will keep pace with economic development. Despite the emerging economic growth, the people will still face a number of difficulties. Social sentiment in the country will not be stable. Tightening of legislation will destabilize the situation. In many ways, this will contribute to the creation of a pre-revolutionary situation and the prerequisites for it. According to Globa, it is unlikely that open clashes between the population and the authorities will be avoided. In addition, the futurologist predicts victims after such open opposition. In his forecasts, the astrologer also points out possible threats and risks from terrorist organizations. Large cities, as well as villages located in close proximity, are under the threat of terrorist attacks. The citizens of the country will suffer a lot from natural disasters, the wave of which has already swept through European countries and the American continent. In Russia, the threat of fires will increase, the bulk of which will occur in Siberian territories and forest lands. A number of seers connect the fires in Siberian territories with the fact that the earth itself cleanses them with fire before Western Siberia takes on a new mission. It is destined to become the stronghold of a new civilization that will arise on the planet after a global man-made disaster. But Globa’s video forecast for 2018 does not talk about this, mentioning only numerous forest fires. According to data for last year, forests in Siberia burned much more often, and the areas engulfed in fire increased significantly, which cannot but confirm the words of the famous astrologer.
The economic blockade by European states largely became the basis for the development of domestic resources and production. Thanks to this, the number of jobs has increased significantly, and many blue-collar professions that were not in demand in rural areas have once again found their application. In the future, it is this moment that will be able to smooth out the sharp corners of social dissatisfaction.

Development of technical thought

The cyclical nature of the historical development of the world again opens a new cycle of development of scientific thought in Russia. Globa’s 2018 prophecy places great hopes on the development of medical science and pharmaceuticals; perhaps, it is in Russia that a drug will be invented that will stop the existence of cancer as an incurable disease. It is noteworthy that this is exactly what modern medicine is working on, creating and testing new drugs against cancer. This is also confirmed by the fact that management decisions in the medical field indicate that they are trying to reduce the degree of dependence on the imported pharmaceutical industry.

Confrontations and the threat of another global conflict are an impetus for the creation of new types of weapons. In 2018, Russia will achieve considerable success in the field of conquering outer space. In this regard, Pavel Globa’s forecast about what will happen in 2018 is very meager, but it allows us to draw certain conclusions. Thus, emphasizing the exceptional role of Russia as a state of a new type, which will stand at the head of a new civilization after numerous disastrous man-made disasters in the vastness of the planet, exploration of galactic space and attempts to contact other civilizations inhabiting the galaxy will be conducted.

The unstable economic and political situation in the country increasingly inclines citizens to believe the predictions of clairvoyants rather than the news on TV. Especially if the information comes from the lips of an authoritative “stargazer”. In 2018, Pavel Globa speaks about Russia in a positive way, instilling in everyone faith in a bright future.

Pavel Pavlovich proudly bears the title of Honored Astrologer of Russia. He bases his forecasts about the fate of individuals and states as a whole on the location of the heavenly bodies. Finding the necessary information in the endless sky strewn with thousands of stars is extremely difficult. It is logical that such talent would not be born in an ordinary person.

The family tree of the Globa family consists of psychics, healers and creative individuals. Pavel's parents were an artist and a healer, his maternal grandfather practiced astrology and healing, and his grandmother practiced Zoroastrianism.

The life path of the 64-year-old predictor is full of ups and downs. In 1992, the Pavel Globa Astrological Center was founded. Just 6 years later, the specialist broadcasts his forecasts throughout Russia on the TNT channel in the “Global News” program. Today the figure goes on air on the Retro FM radio station.

Over the years of astrological practice, 80% of the predictions of the current rector of the Astrological Institute have come true. He indicated the date of the beginning of the global economic crisis, foresaw an armed conflict in the eastern part of Ukraine, the rise of Barack Obama and his resignation as head of the American state.

There are many unfulfilled prophecies in his practice. Thus, the development of dictatorship in Russia did not occur in 1991. A few years later, Pavel Pavlovich mentioned that his homeland would become the spiritual center of all humanity, which has not been observed to this day.

Russia in 2018

Globa’s predictions about Russia for 2018 are much more optimistic compared to the unfavorable years of 2016 and 2017. The seer says that Russians will still face problems in the form of a growing budget deficit and unemployment. At the same time, the trend towards economic and political improvement will be clear.

Pavel foresees the arrival of a new leader who will change the life of every citizen of the country. One candidate will be in the lead in the election race, but the voting results will amaze even convinced skeptics.

The astrologer speaks of a high probability of NATO collapse. The Russians will benefit from this development of events. The population of the country will only benefit from the cessation of the activities of the North Atlantic Alliance, which poses a real threat to the integrity and independence of the Russian Federation. In less than a couple of years, the largest state in the world will become physically and spiritually invincible. Through joint efforts, it will help overcome the economic crisis in many countries and lay the foundation for the formation of a new alliance of powers.

According to Globa, in 2018 Gagauzia, Transnistria and 4 other countries will want to enter into an alliance with Russia.

Economic growth will not be rapid. A massive impetus for its development will be a rise in prices for energy resources. High grain yields will contribute to lower prices for a number of food products. The government is initiating a review of the pension reform and the amount of assistance to vulnerable segments of the population.

People who are working on innovations in finance today could make revolutionary discoveries in the coming years. Achievements of this magnitude will allow them to join the ranks of dollar millionaires by 2020.

Disasters in Russia in 2018

Nature will be restless. Exhaust gases and an increase in the production of synthetic products, the decay period of which amounts to hundreds of thousands of years, are gradually leading to climate change.

Thus, Pavel Globa in 2018 foretells a record warm summer for residents of the northernmost territories of Russia. Conversely, winter for southerners will be one of the harshest in the last 70-90 years. Earthquakes will become more frequent in mountainous areas. Even moderate tremors will cause significant damage to the local population.

In spring and summer, the central part of the Russian Federation will be flooded with rain. In August-September, prolonged drought will lead to large-scale forest fires.

Russia's neighbors: Ukraine, Europe

A protracted conflict in eastern Ukraine will weaken the value of the national currency. There will also be a mortgage crisis, which is now preceded by a construction boom. Discontent among the population will increase. By mid-spring, rallies, demonstrations and mass gatherings will develop into a new revolution. Elections for a new president will be held ahead of schedule. The top of the ruling party will be more loyal to Russia. Mutual sanctions will gradually be lifted, and import and export relations will resume.

For Europe, the coming year does not promise anything positive. Political disagreements will alienate and pit heads of state of the European Union against each other. There is a risk that Great Britain will permanently leave its membership in the international association. Italy's total budget deficit will lead to a forced union with France and Spain. The countries form the Southern European Coalition among themselves. Like most well-known forecasters, Pavel Globa speaks of a sharp drop in the euro level in 2018. This will significantly weaken Europe's position on the world stage.

Horoscope from Globa for 2018 for all zodiac signs

According to the eastern calendar, 2018 is the year of the Yellow Dog. According to the astrologer, it will be most successful for the following zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Aries, as a characteristic representative of the element of fire, is foreshadowed by the successful implementation of planned plans and the fulfillment of desires that occupied thoughts in the recent past. By the middle of the year, the likelihood of single representatives of the sign finding true love increases.

To make a sharp leap in the career ladder, Taurus will have to apply all his inherent persistence. Good immunity will protect you from diseases during the first 9 months; closer to winter, it is recommended to drink a complex of vitamins.

The horoscope for 2018 from Globa for Capricorns encourages them to implement their own business project, which has been ripening in their minds for years. Success will not come immediately, but the amount of profit received will allow you to provide yourself with decent pension savings.

Aquarians, people with a steely disposition, will be able to resolve a long-term conflict with a loved one. This will give you hope of meeting the woman/man of your dreams.

Gemini, Leo and Pisces will have to make a lot of effort to achieve their goal. One should be wary of an enemy temporarily pretending to be a friend. In 2018, you will have a child or conceive one.

Virgos, Cancers, Scorpios and Sagittarius are on the threshold of a new life stage. Feel free to take a step towards a bright future!

Look video with predictions for 2020 from Pavel Globa: