Registration of an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy. How to use a compulsory health insurance policy? Is it possible to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy without registration?

Several years ago, compulsory health insurance policies of a new type began to be issued in the Russian Federation. Now, instead of paper, you can get a mobile and convenient plastic card. You will find out what an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy looks like and what it is further.

Appearance of the new compulsory medical insurance policy

The electronic compulsory medical insurance policy (EPOMS) has the form of a plastic card. It is the same size as a bank card. It is compact and easily fits in a wallet along with other cards and business cards.

On the front side of the card you can see:

  • in the upper part – the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, the name of the document “Compulsory Health Insurance Policy”, the logo of the compulsory medical insurance system;
  • in the middle - a microchip for reading data from the electronic compulsory medical insurance policy about the insured person, the insurer, and the features of the insurance program;
  • Below is an individual 16-digit insurance code.

To the right of the chip is an imprint of the insurance organization with its name, the name of the branch, and its contact information.


The reverse side of the document looks like this:

  • in the upper part - contact phone number of the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (TFIF), signature of the insured, blue POMI badge
  • in the middle there is a holographic sign confirming the authenticity of the document;
  • below – full name and photograph of the owner, serial number (under it), validity period of the document, gender of the insured person, date of birth.


Advantages and disadvantages of EPOMS

Each innovation has its pros and cons. An electronic compulsory health insurance policy began to be issued in order to improve the health insurance system. Its owners are faced with the advantages and disadvantages of this document.


  1. Convenience and compactness. Thanks to its small size, EPOMS easily fits into a wallet. This is how a paper policy differs from a plastic one.
  2. Strength and wear resistance. The plastic does not tear, and the data on it is not erased - the information can always be easily read.
  3. Replacing a paper compulsory medical insurance with an electronic one is absolutely free.
  4. Only the insured can use the compulsory medical insurance policy in public hospitals and clinics. The card is protected from fraudsters by a pin code, chip, and photo of the owner.
  5. Thanks to EPOMS, the insured person can make an appointment with a doctor through his personal account on the Internet portal of public services or through a terminal.


  1. Not all clinics are equipped with the necessary equipment and software to work with scanners or chip readers.
  2. Not all insurers issue EPOMS.
  3. When changing personal data, you cannot simply rewrite it onto the chip - you will have to change the card itself.

Where can I get a plastic health insurance card?

Health insurance holders often put off replacing paper media with EPOMS until later, as they fear that this procedure may take a long time. In fact, getting a plastic policy is not problematic. How to get EPOMS?

You can request a replacement:

  • to your insurer. You can find out which company has your insurance at your medical facility. Usually this is a local clinic. You can get acquainted with the list of points where insurance is replaced on the website of your insurance organization or regional TFOMS;
  • in any insurance organization. If you want to change your insurer, you can view the list of insurance companies on the website of the regional TFOMS, and you can also check the EPOMS there;
  • on the government services website. To do this, you need to register on this resource, go to the section “What is a compulsory medical insurance policy and how to get it” and fill out an application. However, this option is currently being finalized, so issuing an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy through government services is temporarily not possible. You can order EPOMS online only in some regions of the country, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg;
  • through MFC. You can get a card at any branch of the MFC by handing over a package of necessary papers to the operator and filling out an application;
  • to the employer. Officially employed citizens can notify the human resources department at their enterprise of their desire to receive an electronic policy. Large organizations themselves send the paperwork to the insurer, but you will have to receive the EPOMS in person.

The list of insurers that provide medical insurance includes large and reliable organizations, such as SOGAZ-Med, RESO-Med, Rosgosstrakh-Medicine, Ingosstrakh-M.

Step-by-step instructions for receiving

To replace an old-style contract with a new plastic card, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Find out the contacts of your insurer or choose a new organization and call the main office in advance to find out which branches are issuing plastic cards;
  2. Come to the insurer's office;
  3. Write an application, provide documents for consideration and receive a temporary certificate of insurance;
  4. Come get new insurance. Usually its production takes no more than 10 days. By law, the card must be issued no later than 30 days after submitting the application.

A PIN code and a pack code are issued along with the card. What are they needed for? A PIN code is required to confirm that the information is entered with the user’s knowledge, and a pack code is needed to unlock the card in the event of an incorrect PIN code entered three times. Activation of EPOMS occurs upon first use.

Required documents

To obtain an EPOMS, you need to collect the following papers:

  • civil passport or birth certificate of the insured person;
  • application for replacement;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • old insurance contract (optional).

If the card is issued for a minor, he must be accompanied by a parent with his passport or a legal representative with a passport and a power of attorney, which is dictated by the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance. For children under 14 years old, having a SNILS is not a requirement.

Do I need to change the old contract to a new one?

It is advisable to replace health insurance contracts received before 2011 with new documents, but this is not a mandatory condition. Insurance is considered valid until its term has expired - this is stated in Art. 51 clause 2 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation”. Consequently, health workers do not have the right to refuse to provide medical care upon seeing an old-style document, since it is valid.

Sooner or later, the document will need to be replaced, because previously health insurance was issued with an expiration date. Thus, it is advisable to make a replacement as early as possible, because using the electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, you can make an appointment with a doctor remotely, and besides, it is unlimited.


An electronic health insurance card is an extremely convenient and useful thing. Thanks to it, you can forget about queues at clinics by making an appointment online. In February 2017, the issuance of plastic cards was suspended, but on May 1 of the same year it was resumed - now every citizen can replace their old paper health insurance contract with a compact electronic compulsory medical insurance policy with a Russian-made micron chip.

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Compulsory medical insurance policy - a document certifying the right to receive free medical care under the compulsory health insurance program throughout Russia. Compulsory health insurance (CHI) is part of the state social insurance system, providing the opportunity to receive free medical and pharmaceutical care. A client who has a compulsory medical insurance policy applies to a medical organization participating in the compulsory medical insurance system and receives the necessary treatment. For the assistance provided, the medical organization issues an invoice, which is paid by the insurance company.

To pay bills, money goes to the insurance company from compulsory medical insurance funds., which, in turn, are financed from the federal and regional budgets, income from the placement of available funds and other sources. Including insurance contributions that your employer makes monthly. Each visit to the doctor, each prescribed examination is paid by the insurance company at the rates established within the program.

All citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a compulsory medical insurance policy
, foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the federal law on refugees. Military personnel and persons equal to them in the organization of medical care are excluded from the compulsory medical insurance program. We will try to provide answers to the most common but still relevant questions related to compulsory medical insurance.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy

To apply for a policy you must contact an insurance company operating in the field of health insurance with an application to select (change) an insurance company. This application can be filled out either on the insurance company’s website or in the office. To submit an application, you will also need a set of documents depending on which group of people you belong to. Information about the required set of documents can be found on the website of the selected insurance company or on the website of the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund. The application can be submitted either independently or through your representative, but in this case you will need a power of attorney for the representative and notarized documents.

Taking out a policy for a newborn child required after receiving a birth certificate. Until the certificate is received, the child is served by the insurance company of the mother or other legal representative. The validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy is unlimited. During the validity period of the policy, if the last name, first name, patronymic, or place of residence change, the insured is obliged to notify the insurance company within one month from the day these changes occurred in order to reissue the policy. In case of moving to a region where there is no representation of the current insurance company, the insured must choose any other one represented in this region.

When submitting an application to select (change) an insurance company, an employee of the company issues a temporary certificate, which provides the same rights as the policy. Within 30 days, the insurance company must prepare the policy and notify the client. If this does not happen, the client has the right to file a complaint with the territorial compulsory health insurance fund, since penalties are imposed for insurance companies for violating the terms of production of policies.

Do foreign citizens need a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Get a compulsory medical insurance policy may foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the federal law on refugees. The policy is issued for a limited period. To obtain a policy, a foreign citizen must document his status and provide the insurance company with the appropriate document: a residence permit, a refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of an application for refugee recognition, a passport of a foreign citizen or another identification document with a mark on a temporary residence permit . Foreign citizens who arrived in Russia on the basis of a visa or in a manner that does not require a visa, and who received a migration card but do not have a temporary residence permit, cannot receive a compulsory medical insurance policy. They can receive medical care (other than emergency care) only on a paid basis by concluding an agreement with a medical organization on the provision of paid medical services or by taking out a voluntary health insurance policy (VHI).

Moreover, from January 1, 2015, for foreign citizens planning to obtain a patent for the right to perform labor activities, the conclusion of a VHI policy is mandatory. Foreign citizens who are not insured under the compulsory medical insurance and voluntary medical insurance programs are provided with medical care only in an emergency.

How to choose a medical insurance organization

Every citizen can independently choose an insurance company. A citizen can make his choice no more than once a year by submitting an appropriate application to the selected medical insurance organization before November 1 of the current year.

The main function of an insurance company is ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of the insured. As part of these responsibilities, the insurance company carries out registration, renewal, issuance of a policy, informing insured persons about the types, quality and conditions of providing them with medical care, and monitoring the provision of medical care. Therefore, you should seriously think about choosing an insurance company.

The first thing you should focus on is the list of insurance companies operating in your region. Information on them can be found on the website of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund. In some regions there is only one medical insurance organization and there may be no choice. But in most regions there are several companies that intensely compete with each other for the right to serve as many clients as possible. As a next step, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of medical insurance organizations posted on the website of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

The main indicators characterizing the quality of work of an insurance company: the number of insured, the provision of delivery points, expert specialists, accessibility to obtaining information for the insured, the presence of justified complaints. By going to the websites of companies with the best indicators, study the completeness and relevance of the information, the possibility of receiving round-the-clock advice from specialists both by phone and via the Internet, the number and availability of offices. The list of mandatory services provided is the same for all companies, but the quality of service may vary greatly.

What is included in the compulsory medical insurance program

The Basic Program of Compulsory Health Insurance is annually approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. This document contains the types and volumes of medical care provided free of charge throughout the country.

Based on the basic program, a territorial insurance program has been developed in each subject of the Russian Federation, which contains a wider list of medical care provided, financed by the subject of the Federation. When a client seeks medical care in a region other than the region where the policy was issued, assistance is provided to the extent provided for by the Basic Program.

The list of types, forms and conditions for providing assistance within the territorial program can be found on the websites of territorial compulsory health insurance funds, directly at the medical organization and at the insurance company. For the average consumer, this information will not be particularly informative, since the description of the program does not contain a clear list of services provided. To find out about the availability of services in the territorial program, if such a question arises, and also to avoid the imposition of paid services by a medical organization, the easiest way for the insured is to contact his insurance company. She must provide initial consultation and, if necessary, conduct an examination of the quality of medical care.

Charging fees for medical care included in the compulsory medical insurance program is one of the most common violations. Treatment prescribed by a doctor, and not recommended, should be provided free of charge if it is included in the compulsory medical insurance program. If the medical organization does not have the necessary doctor or equipment, the insured should not be sent to a paid clinic, but given a referral to carry out the necessary free procedures to another medical organization operating under the compulsory medical insurance program. If you paid for treatment at a medical organization operating under the compulsory medical insurance program, but found out that it should be provided free of charge, you must save all receipts and file a complaint with the insurance company. The insurer is obliged to organize an inspection and, if a violation is detected on the part of the medical organization, return your money and impose a fine on the organization.

The policy contains unchangeable information in the chip, and there is also changeable information, this is the insurance company, the code of the subject of the Russian Federation, the date of insurance. If the user wants to change the insurance company, he will have to provide the PIN. I store the envelope with documents in the same way as documents with pins and pins from social cards, from sim cards, from bank cards. Pros: compact size, wear resistance, dirt resistance, does not require confirmation by another document (passport). There are no cons for me. the moderator chose this answer as the best to comment A bar code is required to make an appointment with a doctor using the terminal, and this way you can show the policy itself, where there is its number and all information about the owner. Very comfortably. I don’t use a terminal, I make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet, where you just need to enter your policy number, in our city it’s like that, at least. The chip contains immutable information and information that can be changed.

Plastic card of the compulsory medical insurance policy how to use?

What if the disease is associated with some local characteristics? For example, a Muscovite traveling in Transbaikalia was bitten by a tick. Medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy (including tick removal) is required at any emergency room. If a bite-related disease develops, it should also be treated free of charge - at the expense of compulsory medical insurance funds.


This also applies to other similar situations, regardless of where the sick person is located. Is it possible to get sick leave if you get sick while traveling? A person has the right to receive sick leave in any region of the country. It all depends on medical indications that indicate that he is incapacitated.

If you cannot go to the clinic, call a doctor at home. Medical care at home must also be provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Insurance with a chip: how to change paper compulsory medical insurance policies to electronic ones

Since May 2011, in Russia, in accordance with the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation,” compulsory medical insurance policies of a single type are issued. At the same time, Federal Law No. 326-FZ provides that compulsory medical insurance policies issued to insured persons before the entry into force of this Federal Law are valid until they are replaced by compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard. The law does not establish any expiration date for previously issued compulsory medical insurance policies.
At the same time, paragraph 2 of Article 16 of Federal Law No. 326-FZ obliges the insured person to submit to the medical insurance organization personally or through his representative an application for choosing a medical insurance organization in accordance with the rules of compulsory medical insurance.

Reflections under a banana tree

Where to go in Moscow Interested in an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy? Where can I get it if a person is in Moscow? The exact addresses of insurance companies can be found on the interactive map of the city. But if we talk about specific organizations, the following companies offer to submit a standard application:

  • "SogazMed"
  • "UralSib".
  • MSC "Medstrakh"
  • "RESO-Med"
  • "Consent-M".
  • "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine".
  • "Ingosstrakh-M".
  • VTB Medical Insurance.

Now it’s clear how to get an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow and other cities. Everything is not as difficult as it seems. The most difficult choice is deciding with the insurance company.

Compulsory medical insurance, electronic policy: where to get it, documents and benefits

During the validity period of the policy, if the last name, first name, patronymic, or place of residence change, the insured is obliged to notify the insurance company within one month from the day these changes occurred in order to reissue the policy. In case of moving to a region where there is no representation of the current insurance company, the insured must choose any other one represented in this region. When submitting an application to select (change) an insurance company, an employee of the company issues a temporary certificate, which provides the same rights as the policy.

Within 30 days, the insurance company must prepare the policy and notify the client. If this does not happen, the client has the right to file a complaint with the territorial compulsory health insurance fund, since penalties are imposed for insurance companies for violating the terms of production of policies.

What is an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy?


It contains the same information as on the paper version of the document. Only plastic has its advantages. Customer opinions Which ones exactly? What do visitors think about receiving an electronic policy? How good is this interpretation? There is no clear answer here. After all, everyone has their own view on certain objects. This is something to pay attention to.

The population says that compactness has become an unsurpassed convenience of electronic policies. In size, such a “document” does not exceed ordinary bank plastic. This means you can always carry the policy with you. Very comfortably! Also, numerous reviews indicate that among the advantages that the electronic policy gave to the compulsory medical insurance system is the fact that the “document” does not wear out.

A plastic card is much more difficult to damage than a paper card. This means that damage to the policy is practically impossible.

How to use the compulsory medical insurance policy?

I don’t know why, since I calmly made an appointment using the number through the website, and by phone I calmly transferred appointments with the doctor. I think the problem was that in the database of the clinic to which I was assigned, I was still listed under a different last name and therefore there were discrepancies in the brains of the terminal. After numerous attempts to read the bar code at different terminals and with different nursing assistants, I was sent to the information room - where my last name was corrected.

After correcting the last name, the barcode from the plastic card began to be read. I believe that at the moment November 2016 it is inconvenient to use EPOMS. I hope that in the near future medical institutions will be equipped with normal reading devices for electronic compulsory health insurance policies, but for now there are more questions than answers.

The idea is good, but the implementation lags behind, and there is almost no information, they do not know or are outdated.

How to use the compulsory medical insurance policy correctly

Does it matter if a person gets sick while in a place where he does not have permanent registration? You can get treatment for free anywhere in the country, the main thing is not to forget to take a compulsory health insurance policy when traveling. But this applies to medical care under the basic compulsory medical insurance program, which is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and is absolutely the same in all regions of Russia. That is, any acute condition or exacerbation of a chronic disease, toothache, bruises, poisoning, allergies or sunstroke - all these are reasons to seek free help from a clinic or hospital operating in the compulsory medical insurance system.
If your condition worsens, you also have the right to free ambulance and emergency outpatient care. Moreover, when providing emergency medical care in cases that threaten a person’s life, presentation of a compulsory medical insurance policy is not required.


A plastic compulsory medical insurance policy is an official document giving the right to receive free medical care throughout the Russian Federation. Compulsory health insurance is the basis of the reform of the healthcare system, which involves increasing the level of service to citizens in clinics and hospitals and strengthening the health of Russians in general.

Electronic compulsory medical insurance policy

A plastic policy is one of the types of documents valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Gives the right to free medical care on a par with paper media and a universal electronic card.

Health insurance services are provided by commercial companies that have received appropriate authority from the state. The essence of the service is to fully cover the costs incurred in the event of an insured event that meets the terms of the signed contract.

Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy electronic Card

In appearance, the compulsory medical insurance policy resembles a standard bank policy. The dimensions of the document are exactly the same. The front side is designed as a three-color background, where a chip is placed, a unique document number and the name of the insurance organization are printed. On the back of the card is a photograph of the owner, his full name, as well as the validity period of the document.

Children's electronic policies are issued without photographs. Modern plastic documents have no expiration dates.

Electronic compulsory medical insurance policy where to get

Plastic medical policies are issued in branches of insurance companies that have received permission from the state to conduct relevant activities. Paper documents are issued by all insurance companies throughout the country, while plastic documents are issued on special equipment, which is not available in all cities of our country. It is recommended to find out the addresses and telephone numbers of insurance companies that cooperate with clinics or hospitals closest to you at the place where you receive medical services.

How to get an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy

To receive an electronic or paper policy, you must present the following documents to the insurance company:

  1. A completed and signed application.
  2. Birth certificate and passport (if the child is already 14 years old).
  3. Parents' passports, if the policy is obtained for a minor child.
  4. SNILS, if available.

Foreign citizens present the following documents:

  1. Passport of your state.
  2. A residence permit or passport with a note indicating the right to stay in Russia.
  3. SNILS, if available.

Electronic compulsory health insurance policy

After submitting the application, a temporary document is issued, which is valid for 30 days. Along with the compulsory medical insurance policy, the insured person is given a visual reminder, which tells how to use the document and what medical services are provided free of charge. Relatively recently, employers were involved in issuing insurance policies. Today this responsibility has fallen on the shoulders of the ordinary citizen. And the “place of work” field, typical for older versions of the document, was completely excluded.

How to use an electronic policy

The compulsory medical insurance policy is valid in all regions of the Russian Federation, so it is recommended to always take the document with you like a passport and driver’s license. Thus, the insured person has the opportunity to receive high-quality and completely free medical care in any subject of the Russian Federation. Of course, in emergency situations, emergency assistance is provided even in the absence of a document. Be sure to remember, or better yet, write down the insurance policy number, which will definitely come in handy when visiting a medical institution without a document, as well as in case of damage or loss.

Advice from If you have a medical policy, any refusal to provide services is unlawful. In such situations, it is recommended to immediately notify the insurance company, law enforcement agencies and contact the management of the clinic or hospital. The capabilities of a plastic compulsory medical insurance policy are comparable to those of a paper document, the receipt of which is allowed only in some branches of the compulsory medical insurance and not in all cities. A paper document is issued everywhere, but regardless of the material from which the policy is made, the insured person receives the same rights to free medical care.

Electronic insurance is a step forward in the world of technology. Humanity does not stand still. Electronic insurance resembles a plastic card. It is small and convenient. And most importantly, always at hand. The plastic card contains information that concerns the owner of the policy. The card contains the surname, first name and patronymic of the owner. His place of birth, date of birth. And, of course, an individual number.

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You can get it from your health insurance company. Most Russian cities do not issue it. At the medical institution you can find out the number where you can get information about issuing a plastic card.

To obtain a card, the following documents are required:

  1. Identity passport.
  2. A statement that the citizen wants to issue a plastic card.
  3. If done for a minor child, then you need a passport or birth certificate.
  4. Under 18 years of age, a parent's passport is required.

Exchange the policy for a new one. In what case is this done:

  1. Changes in last name, first name, patronymic.
  2. If you suddenly find an error.
  3. If the old one was lost or torn.

Do you need an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy?

An insurance policy, or rather an electronic card, is very convenient. It does not take up much space and can fit into the simplest wallet. At any moment, when you go to a medical facility, the card will always be nearby.

But, in fact, you can get by with paper. Electronic version, more designed for convenience. According to their data, they are similar. Both in paper and card versions. The details of the owner of the document are indicated.

Advantages and disadvantages

A plastic policy in the form of a card is an innovation. But there are still reasons to wonder whether it is necessary. Like every new product, there are disadvantages and advantages.

Disadvantages of such a policy:

  1. Not every branch can get it.
  2. When moving to another place of residence. You will have to give away your plastic card. And in return they will issue the same old paper policy. The chip carries certain information. And this information, unfortunately, cannot be changed.


  1. Convenient, small, compact.
  2. Doesn't tear.
  3. Always with you.

Unfortunately, this type of card policy has many more disadvantages. Therefore, each person must decide for himself. Whether he is needed or not.

Step-by-step instructions for receiving

A plastic card can be obtained by:

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation.
  2. Citizens who have lived here for a long time. This applies to foreign citizens.
  3. Stateless persons.

To get a plastic version, i.e. a card. You must contact one of the CHI branches. But not every branch can issue this card. Therefore, it is best to find out the phone number from a medical institution. Call and find out exactly where you can apply for it.

To apply for compulsory health insurance electronically:

  1. To write an application. In which to indicate that the citizen wishes to take out a plastic version of compulsory health insurance.
  2. A passport that proves your identity.
  3. Passport if the application is for a child under 14 years of age.
  4. Parents' passport if the child is under 18 years old.
  5. If available, you can provide SNILS.
  6. Other documents that may be required when registering an electronic policy.

How to use the new electronic policy

What is an electronic card with a chip:

  1. It contains individual data.
  2. Personal photo of the owner.

With the help of these facts, no stranger will be able to use this document.

If citizens often, then it is necessary in this case to always take an insurance document with you. This gives the right to medical care. If there is no insurance policy, then the only thing a person has the right to is first aid. If a person often forgets to take his compulsory medical insurance document with him. In this case, it is best to try to remember your individual number. This may be useful in the future.

Every person should know that a medical institution does not have the right to refuse assistance to a sick or injured person, with or without a policy. With the presence of an electronic card, the range of services increases.