How to lease land from the state in the city to set up a pavilion or stall. How to build a trade pavilion with your own hands How to quickly build a pavilion from a profile yourself

You are an aspiring entrepreneur. You have already studied the situation on the retail market, got acquainted with all its nuances, recalculated your capital, calculated the payback of the future enterprise and finally decided for yourself that you will start your activity with a small MAF, or rather with a trade pavilion. After all, its area is small and renting a space for it will not be a serious expense. Speaking of spending. Your plans are Napoleonic, but money is tight, and you have to save on literally everything for the sake of working capital. Well, in addition to monetary resources, there are also human resources - your hands are golden. So, maybe build a store with your own hands?..

What are trade pavilions and kiosks?

These small architectural forms (SAFs) are designed for installation on busy streets, where there are large flows of people, or in any other place. This is their advantage over regular stores. As a rule, they are made from sandwich panels - a building material that is precisely used for the manufacture of prefabricated structures with a metal frame. The panels are mounted using self-tapping screws - this type of installation saves time and money.

Such MAFs come ready-made from the Metal-Plus workshop in the form of a frame-panel structure. Their installation does not require a solid foundation; a strip or screw foundation will suffice.

MAFs are suitable for a variety of types of trade and services: food, food, clothing, mobile communications, consumer goods, flowers, literature, souvenirs, various workshops, hairdressers, pawnshops, cafes, etc. and so on. Their cost is low, so a novice businessman can save good money for turnover at the start. And over time, from such kiosks you can even create a commercial network, mobile, focused on market changes - this is another advantage they have over stores.

Custom kiosk

In addition to the serial design, you can order the production of a kiosk according to your own sketch, having agreed it with the contractor. True, an exclusive will require much more time than the standard 2-3 weeks, and it will cost a little more. But, if you are committed to a promising network with your own brand, which should be recognizable; which will be different from competitors, and, therefore, bring more profit, then the costs of exclusivity are completely justified. After all, customers are attracted not only by the quality of the product or service, but also by the originality of the establishment, be it a store or something smaller. If you don’t have design inclinations, look for interesting solutions on the Internet and come up with something of your own based on them.

How to organize the construction of a trade pavilion

To do this, it is important to develop an action plan.

Construction stages:

  • searching for a suitable site;
  • project development;
  • laying the foundation;
  • installation of metal structures, frame and roof;
  • external and internal finishing works;
  • connection of communications (electricity, water supply, alarm, etc.).

In order to save space and time in the apiary, simplify preparation for winter, increase productivity and generally simplify the maintenance of honey plants, every beekeeper will need a bee pavilion. In such a structure, a dozen bee families can live simultaneously, separated from one another by wooden sheets. Many beekeepers wonder how to make such a pavilion with their own hands? More on this later in the article.

A mobile bee pavilion is a mobile room for bees, which can vary in size and design. For example, for pollination in difficult conditions of movement or in small areas, the best option would be to arrange small single-axis mobile hives for 12–17 bee colonies. For pollination over large areas, on the contrary, it is more advisable to have a building that can accommodate 30 families of bees or more. A mobile pavilion can be built, taking into account transportation on skids or wheels (see photo).

With this mode, the apiary becomes mobile - it can be transported a large number of times throughout the season. This is done in order to make fuller use of honey-bearing vegetation and completely free yourself from the work of unloading and loading hives. The movable pavilion has a more comfortable mode for little workers, and also makes it easier to protect the apiary. In such structures, hives can be maintained year-round, so there is no need to build winter huts.

Caring for bees in such a mobile structure is not very different from the usual keeping in single hives. However, you need to get used to working with limited space and keep the number of jobs to a minimum. During the season it is necessary to produce:

  • sanitary and hygienic treatment, spring inspection, checking the supply of food;
  • installation of magazine extensions or installation of a second body;
  • form layering and select brood;
  • select honey and select varieties for wintering.

The video “Beekeeping in Pavilions” shows in detail how bees are kept in a mobile hive.

To begin building a mobile pavilion with your own hands, you need to prepare a well-designed drawing (for example, as in the photo below), which will meet the basic conditions:

  • required dimensions for trailer or van;
  • equipment with household and work compartments;
  • the presence and necessity of folding platforms and ladders;
  • availability of ventilation;
  • possibility of heating a mobile pavilion;
  • lighting of the working passage between the change house and the hives;
  • the presence of a luggage compartment where you can store the necessary equipment.

The number of sections must be adjusted to the size of the mobile structure. However, experienced beekeepers do not recommend making more than 20 sections, due to the fact that the bees will interfere with each other.

It is not easy to make a pavilion for bees with your own hands, since this requires knowing how to use metal cutting equipment, fastening and tightening tools. What you will need:

  • welding tools;
  • jack;
  • levels;
  • project drawing;
  • cargo trailer, preferably not heavy (preferably ZIL, IF);
  • wooden bars;
  • metal for the frame of the bee pavilion;
  • fiberboard sheets;
  • boards (can also be replaced with disassembled pallets);
  • roofing felt;
  • nails, screws, paints, door and window hinges.

  1. We make a sketch of the drawing of the future trailer. The pavilion should be built in such a way that the roof does not touch the beekeeper's head, not higher. The width must be at least 80 cm. This is done so that a standard 4-frame honey extractor fits freely between the hives. The length of the bee pavilion depends on the location of the hives and their number.
  2. We level the trailer using a level and a jack, since after construction is completed it may turn out that the pavilion is crooked.
  3. We remove the floor, if it is wooden, and the sides.
  4. We lower the floor in the passage between the hives, if the design of the trailer allows, in order to reduce the height of the pavilion (see photo).

  • Then you need to weld the metal frame. To do this, first cut out the corners, the length of which should be the same, and weld the doorway (see photo of the frame).

  • We screw the bars to the frame and fill them with boards. The cheapest and easiest way would be to nail unsanded boards: just secure them tightly next to each other on the bars.

  • We cover the pavilion with solid fiberboard sheets over the boards.
  • We put roofing felt on the roof.
  • We make doors and hatches.
  • There remains a gap around the entire perimeter of the floor for the landing verandas. We place the hive tightly to the frame.
  • We nail bars of the same width as the frame elements that protrude into the structure, on top of the gap left. Then we move the hive close to these bars.
  • We make hatches in the ceiling to match the size of the nomadic mesh from a sixteen-frame hive.
  • We weld the steps to the trailer drawbar for convenience.
  • Video “Hive for a mobile apiary”

    After watching this video, you will see how easy it is to make a hive for your mobile apiary.

    Beekeeping in pavilions: all the details of the process

    Natural and comfortable house for bees - hive deck

    We make bee trailers for apiaries

    Need some advice?

    The problem is not how to make a pavilion for bees. The problem is the paperwork for the pavilion, I mean the mobile one. There are so many obstacles when it comes to registration that you won’t even want honey. Well, the last obstacle is the local traffic police. What’s interesting is that everyone acts strictly according to the law.

    I would advise making a pavilion based on modern technologies, i.e. using three-layer sandwich panels. On the outside, such a panel consists of a metal profile made of 0.5 mm steel sheet, then filled with polystyrene foam or polyurethane. The inner layer is made of a flat steel sheet or the same metal profile with a ridge height of 8 mm. If someone is confused by the metal from the inside of the pavilion, you can use either cellular polycarbonate or a plastic panel or OSB panel (this is a little heavier). With this design, no spacers, heavy steel or wooden beams for the frame are needed.

    Having a loading platform, such a structure from ready-made panels can be assembled in 1 day. If you assemble and glue from semi-finished products, it will take a little more time. But the design will be rigid, durable and light.

    • Expenses and income for laying hens
    • Meat chicken diet
    • Diet of productive geese
    • Diet of breeding turkeys
    • Guinea fowl diet
    • Quail diet
    • Diet of pheasants for meat
    • Income from the sale of eggs
    • Baby rabbit
    • Farrowing sow
    • Sheep lambing
    • Calving cow
    • Foaling mare
    • Lambing of a goat

  • To build a pavilion, it is necessary to rent a plot of land from the city for construction. The main steps will be choosing a location, a pavilion and submitting an application to the relevant state or municipal authority.

    1. First step to construction or installationpavilion - choice of location. Trade will flourish only in “busy” places, so you should approach your choice carefully. After you have roughly looked at the land for the pavilion, you will need to decide what kind of pavilion you want to build. This will depend on what and when you will trade; the choice of pavilions is huge. For temporary, summer trade, pavilions made of lightweight structures are very suitable, which do not belong to real estate, since they do not have a strong connection with the ground. For other types of trade, a pavilion with a foundation that will not be cold is more suitable. Such a pavilion is real estate. By law, rights to real estate are subject to state registration with the Rosreestr authorities.

    2. In order to rent a plot of land for constructionpavilion, you will need to submit an application to the authorized state or municipal body for the selection of a land plot and preliminary approval of the location of the facility -pavilion . The authorized body carries out all the necessary procedures for selecting a site and informing interested parties about the upcoming construction of yourpavilion. A decision is made on preliminary approval of the locationpavilion, cadastral work is carried out, the plot is registered in the cadastral register. After this, the authority decides to provide the site for construction, and a lease agreement is concluded, which must be registered with the Rosreestr authorities.

    3. The next step is obtaining a building permitpavilion . However, it is only necessary if the pavilion can be considered a capital construction project. The Town Planning Code gives a rather vague definition of such objects (a capital construction object is a building, structure, structure with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and the like). However, most pavilions can still be classified as capital construction projects based on these characteristics. To obtain a construction permit, you must submit an application to the authorized body, attaching to it:

    1. documents of title to the land plot - lease agreement, etc.
    2. design documentation for the pavilion.
    3. urban planning plan of the land plot on which the pavilion is located.
    4. conclusion of the state examination of the design documentation for the pavilion.
    In different cases, other documents may be required.
    Only after completing all these steps will it be possible to begin construction itself. pavilion.

    Question from Evgeniy:

    Hello Nikolay. I want to put up a big stall in the city. Two in one. With two separate entrances. One type of office accepts orders, signs contracts with employees, etc. The second one is for trading. So here's the question. What documents are needed? And how much money will it take to obtain all the permits to lease land from the state? The pavilion is already owned. Thank you in advance!

    Answer from lawyer Shmidt Yana Leonidovna:

    Hello, Evgeniy!

    Setting up a trade pavilion and renting land from the state is not an easy task. I will say right away that you need to be patient.

    To begin with, you must at least be or.

    I also note that opening requirements may vary depending on the region. For clarification, please contact department of land or property relations of a city or district administration in which you live. I cannot describe to you in detail the entire process of obtaining the necessary documents, since I repeat, depending on the region, the requirements and package of documents will differ.

    Don't be lazy! You will have to go to the administration many more times. Therefore, before collecting documents, it is better to clarify all the necessary information directly with the administration itself, in accordance with your regional requirements.

    Next, we will consider the general requirements for the necessary documents at the initial stage opening a trade pavilion for purposes not related to construction. Because many citizens ask the question exactly where to start, where to turn, what to ask.

    Step-by-step action plan

    The first thing you need to do is find out whose ownership the land is: municipal or state. To do this, contact Department of Property Relations of the City Administration. Addresses and operating hours can be found on their website or in 2GIS.

    Municipally owned

    If the site is in municipal property, then the next stage is handling application addressed to the head of the district (or locality). Please write in your application:

    • purpose of lease ( for example: for running a business selling flowers);
    • estimated rental area;
    • location of the land plot ( For example: at the intersection of Pushkin Street and Mayakovsky Street);
    • requested right to land plot (rent of a land plot in municipal ownership).

    The statement will look something like this:

    « Please provide me with a lease of a plot of land, which is municipally owned by the city administration xxx, for business purposes in the sale of flowers and related products. The total area of ​​the land plot is 35 sq. m. The land plot is located at the intersection of Pushkin Street and Mayakovsky Street. I am attaching a plan for the location of the land plot".

    Attached to the application :

    • Outlet layout plan. In this regard, you need to clarify with the administration the question of in what form to provide a plan for the location of the retail outlet. Most likely they will require facility location diagram (M 1:500), made on plan-cartographic material. This scheme is provided in 3 copies. The same administration will tell you where it is more convenient and faster to order and receive this scheme. If you have not clarified this issue, you can independently contact any design organization that has a license to carry out this activity.
    • 3 copies of panoramic photographs from the location of the pavilion.

    An approximate form of the above documents is presented in the figures:

    In addition, the following documents are attached to the application:

    • For individual entrepreneurs: a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur.
    • For legal entities: a copy of the document on the appointment of the head of the legal entity; a copy of the certificate of state registration of the legal entity.

    The application you submitted, with the above package of documents, is considered by the administration within a month.

    After a month, the administration issues a diagram of the location of the land plot on the cadastral plan or cadastral map in the corresponding territory.

    After receiving cadastral passport, the administration accepts within 2 weeks decision to provide land for rent. After that, they send you a decision with a cadastral passport.

    From the date of this decision, within a week you must conclude land lease agreement.

    State owned

    If the plot is state-owned, then to obtain it for rent it is necessary to follow a slightly different procedure. This issue will no longer be dealt with by the Department of Property Relations, but Main Department of Land Resources of your region. Check the location of this office in your region and check with them for all the necessary information.

    The first thing you need to prepare is statement. It will be in the same shape.

    • application (please check with the department for the application form and sample, but for an example you can see sample for individual entrepreneur And sample for LLC);
    • copy of constituent documents ( for legal entities) in 1 copy;
    • copy of passport, TIN;
    • Certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur ( for individuals) in 1 copy.

    After this, information about the demand for this land plot is published in the local newspaper (this is not a tender yet!). Within a month, if your application is the only one, the department will send an application to the Department of Property Relations and the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning to form a land plot.

    • the administration issues a diagram of the location of the land plot on the cadastral plan;
    • you carry out cadastral work at your own expense;
    • receive a cadastral passport;
    • enter into a lease agreement.

    If your application is not the only one, then a tender is announced for the right to obtain this land plot for rent.

    That's all. In general, local administrations allocate time to consult citizens (entrepreneurs) on this issue, so be sure to contact them and they will tell you everything.

    In fact, everything may turn out to be simpler than described in the article. It all depends on the city and on whose property the site on which you want to put the pavilion is owned. Therefore, we physically cannot consider all possible cases. Start by going to the administration, and then everything will be known.

    Of course, it is easier to rent land for a pavilion from a private owner, but if this is not possible, then you must go through all the above steps. And I repeat once again that application forms and action plans may vary depending on the city!