Medvedev's new decree on maternity capital. Maternity capital: new rules in the new year

GORKI, June 4. /TASS/. Maternity capital can now be used for on-lending, regardless of when such a need arose. The corresponding resolution was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, which was announced at a meeting with deputy prime ministers.

The Prime Minister recalled that now maternity capital funds can be used to refinance previously issued loans for the construction and purchase of housing, but only if these financial obligations arose before the birth of the second child or subsequent children.

“This is not very convenient; people need more freedom to manage their money,” says the head of the Cabinet. Medvedev said that he signed a government decree that “gives the right to spend maternity capital funds on refinancing, including mortgage loans, regardless of when such a need arose, before and after the birth of the second child and subsequent children.”

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova drew attention to the fact that “recently in the Russian Federation there has been a tendency to reduce mortgage rates, and quite a large number of families who have maternity capital have expressed a desire to use it to refinance loans.” “They did not have such an opportunity, but the signed resolution provides such an opportunity,” she noted. According to Golikova, 1.9 million families could potentially take advantage of the new opportunity.

“Over the entire period [of maternity capital], out of the total number of families who decided to use maternity capital, 5.3 million families allocated these funds to housing,” the Deputy Prime Minister said. According to her, of this amount, 3.4 million families sent money to repay loans, which amounted to 1.3 trillion rubles, another 1.9 million families sent maternity capital funds to purchase housing, which amounted to 0.7 trillion rubles.

“Since the start of this program (January 1, 2007), 8 million 550 thousand families have received maternity capital, 5.1 million families have already fully used the funds,” Golikova said. According to its data, as of May 1, 2018, 537.3 thousand families spent 31.4 billion rubles on their children’s education.

“Now, taking into account the new demographic package, taking into account the fact that families are given the opportunity to receive cash payments for their second, third and subsequent children, as of May 30, 8,817 applications have been submitted to receive funds from maternity capital for these purposes, 5 thousand each. 940 payments have already been made,” the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized. She believes that expanding the possibilities of using maternal capital will have a positive effect not only on demographics, but also on the social status of families.

“The adopted decision eliminates the legal uncertainty regarding the use of maternity capital to improve housing conditions and expands the opportunities for citizens to use these funds in this way,” says the reference to the resolution.

Deputy Government Chairman for Social Policy Tatyana Golikova noted that the innovation will affect about 1.9 million families.

“We make this conclusion based on the fact that over the entire period of time, out of the total number of families that received or decided to use maternity capital, 5.3 million [families] allocated maternity capital funds for housing. At the same time, 3.4 million families used maternal family capital to repay loans. In money terms, this is 1.3 trillion rubles, and about 1.9 million families have allocated (maternity capital) to purchase housing. This is another 0.7 trillion rubles,” she said.

First Deputy Chairman of the Commission for the Support of Family, Motherhood and Childhood of the Public Chamber of Russia, Yulia Zimova, in a conversation with RBC, said that she considers the opportunity to spend maternity capital to repay loans taken out at any time as a “good measure.” "It's not bad. It’s just that, in my opinion, I would like this money to be more or less targeted. It would be better if these were loans related to housing, transport, or anything that will be used for the child. But, one way or another, this is a good measure,” she noted.

The maternity capital payment program has been implemented since January 2007. The state provides financial support to families at the birth or adoption of a second, third and subsequent child. In 2017, the amount of maternity capital was set at 453,026 rubles. According to Golikova, over 11 years, 8.55 million families have used the state assistance program, of which 5.1 million families have already fully used the funds allocated to them.

From January 1, 2018, Russian families will receive cash benefits for the birth of their first child. Those families whose average per capita income is no more than one and a half times the subsistence level of the working population in the region can count on such benefits.

These changes will eliminate situations where families entitled to additional measures of state support were denied the use of maternal capital to repay loans issued to these families even before they received the right to capital. Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia, reported this to RBC.

“Apparently, there were frequent precedents of refusals on this basis,” the ombudsman noted, adding that the office had not received such appeals. “Most likely, such situations arose due to an incorrect interpretation by the Pension Fund authorities of paragraph “c” of the Rules for the disposal of maternity capital funds for improving housing conditions in the previous edition, which contained the wording “for previously issued credits (loans),” Kuznetsova explained.

Since January 1 of this year, innovations have appeared in the use of maternal (family) capital. What exactly can you spend it on now - in the material

According to the decree of President Vladimir Putin, a number of regulations have been adopted that amend the legislation on maternity capital. Firstly, the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children” has been extended until December 31, 2021. This means that the right to issue a state certificate for maternal (family) capital will be acquired by a family in which a second or subsequent children will be born or adopted by December 31, 2021 inclusive. This is relevant if the family has not previously exercised the right to receive it.

The owner of the certificate will be able to receive a certificate and manage maternity capital funds at any time after the right to additional measures of state support arises.

The amount of maternal (family) capital has not changed since the new year and amounts to 453,026 rubles.

You can dispose of “capital” funds in full or in parts in the following areas:

Improving living conditions;

Obtaining education for the child (children);

Formation of funded pensions for women;

Purchase of goods and services intended for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society;

Receiving a monthly payment in accordance with the Federal Law “On Monthly Payments to Families with Children.”

Application after three years

In most cases, it is possible to submit an application for disposal after 3 years have passed from the date of birth of the child who gave the right to the certificate. For example, to pay for paid educational services (not preschool). An agreement for the provision of paid educational services must be concluded between the certificate holder and the organization that teaches. The Pension Fund, in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, accepts a copy of the agreement certified by the organization that trains. Copies certified by a notary are not accepted by the MFC, since this is not provided for by law in this case.

You can pay for the education of any of your children using the certificate.

“At the same time, the age of the child for whose education funds or part of the MSC funds may be allocated as of the start date of education should not exceed 25 years,” she explained Deputy Head of the Social Payments Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Ulyanovsk Region Tatyana Asafova. - An educational organization must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation and have a license to conduct educational activities, regardless of the presence (absence) of accreditation of the educational programs under which training is taking place.

It has become possible to use maternity capital to pay for the supervision and care of children carried out by individual entrepreneurs who implement educational programs for preschool education and have a license to conduct educational activities.

Application up to three years

You can submit an application for disposal of maternity capital funds at any time, without waiting for the child to be 3 years old, in the following areas:

To pay the down payment and (or) repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans or borrowings for the purchase (construction) of residential premises, including mortgage loans, provided to citizens under a credit agreement (loan agreement) concluded with an organization, including a credit organization;

For the purchase of goods and services intended for social adaptation and integration into society of disabled children;

To pay for paid educational services for the implementation of educational programs for preschool education, to pay for other expenses related to obtaining preschool education (here, supervision and care of kindergartens);

- Maternity capital can be directed to any child, both the first and second; for the native and for the adopted child. For example, the second child will be born on January 20, 2018, and the first was born in 2016, maternity capital funds can be directed to the maintenance and care of a child born in 2016 immediately after issuing a certificate,” Tatyana Asafova clarified.

In the manner and under the conditions provided for by Federal Law No. 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 “On monthly payments to families with children.”

The last direction is new. Let's look at it in more detail.

Monthly payments for the second child
They are provided for families in which a second child was born or adopted starting January 1, 2018. Important: the child - natural or adopted - must be born exactly on January 1, 2018.

Conditions for receiving these payments:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation of the mother and child born from 01/01/2018.

Permanent residence in Russia (registration in a passport or other identity documents).

The average per capita income of a family member does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population established in the region for the 2nd quarter of 2017:

15,543 rubles (10,362 rubles x 1.5) - for one family member.

46,629 rubles - for 3 family members (mother and two children).

62,172 rubles - for 4 family members (mother, father and two children).

The payment is 9,818 rubles - the cost of living in the region for children for the 2nd quarter of 2017. This monthly payment amount is established from the date of birth of the child, if Ulyanovsk residents applied for payment within 6 months from the date of birth of the child. After 6 months from the date of application, the payment is set for a year, but not more than up to 1.5 years.


The second child was born on August 15, 2018. An application for establishing a monthly payment with a full package of documents was submitted on September 20, 2018. We will take the family income for the period from 09/01/2017 to 08/31/2018 (12 calendar months before the application).

To determine the right, the cost of living of the working-age population in the subject for the 2nd quarter of 2017 is taken into account.

The payment in the amount of the subsistence minimum for children in the region for the 2nd quarter of 2017 is set for a year, i.e. from the date of birth, since the application is submitted within 6 months from the date of birth - from 08/15/2018 to 08/16/2019.

The next time you must submit a new application with a complete set of documents on August 16, 2019. You must provide income for the period from August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019.

To determine the right, the cost of living of the working-age population in the subject is also taken into account, but now for the 2nd quarter of 2018.

The payment in the amount of the subsistence minimum for children in the region for the 2nd quarter of 2018 is set for up to 1.5 years, i.e. from 08/16/2019 to 02/16/2020.

After the year has passed, but before the baby turns 1.5 years old, you need to submit a new application and documents, including income. Automatically, with an increase in the cost of living in the subject, the payment is not recalculated or extended. There is also no need to update earnings, for example, every quarter. This is not provided by law.

Prepared by Ekaterina Rossoshanskaya

  • 2 Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news for 2 children. Legal amount. Latest news for today, 01/30/2019, (06:22 Moscow time)
    • 2.1 Maternity capital 2018: what you can spend it on
  • 3 Indexation of maternity capital in 2018 (latest news)
  • 4 What can you spend your maternity capital on in 2018?
  • 5 Will maternity capital be extended after December 31, 2018?
  • 6 Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news for 2 children

In 2019, maternity capital certificates will be issued in the amount of 453,026 rubles. The last time maternity capital was indexed was in 2015, since then its size has remained unchanged. Next time, the amount of the certificate will increase on January 1, 2020 - to 470,241 rubles (this value follows from the explanatory note to the bill on the budget of the Pension Fund for 2019 and the period 2020-2021). Capital funds can be spent in the same areas, as in 2018: improvement of living conditions; payment for education of any child in the family (regardless of the order of birth or adoption); formation of a mother’s pension; social adaptation of disabled children (receiving compensation for paid goods and services); monthly payments when a second child appears child. Although the amount of maternity capital (MC) will not increase, and the list of permitted areas of spending will not expand, some changes will be made to the program in 2019. Recipients of maternal capital will be able to legally use it for the construction of a “country” house (although this concept will be abolished at the legislative level). Also, the decision to issue a personalized MK certificate will be made not 1 month in advance, but 15 days in advance.

Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news for 2 children. Legal amount. Latest news for today, 01/30/2019, (06:22 Moscow time)

Maternity capital 2018, one-time payment of 25,000 as of today, 01/30/2019 Maternity capital 2018: what can be spent on today, 01/30/2019 Maternity capital for the first child in 2018: amount as of today, 01/30/2019 Maternity capital for the purchase of a car: has the law been adopted or not as of today, 01/30/2019 The amount of maternity capital has remained unchanged over the past few years. The same amount of 453,026 rubles in maternity capital will be paid in 2018. Indexation of funds under the certificate was suspended in 2015, and its resumption is now planned by the Government no earlier than the beginning of 2020. Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news for 2 children. The latest news indicates that the Pension Fund budget for 2018 - 2020. There are no plans to increase costs to finance the program. From this we can conclude that there will be no additional payment of 250 thousand to maternity capital in 2018 for 2 children born before the age of 35, which has been talked about so much in recent months - this news is fake and does not correspond to reality. The greatest urgency regarding 2018 year had only one issue - the end of the MSK program, scheduled for December 31, 2018. However, in November 2017, Vladimir Putin ordered the extension of maternity capital until 2021 inclusive, and in December 2018 the corresponding law No. 432-FZ was adopted. The law will come into force effective from January 1, 2018. So the question of whether maternity capital will be extended after 2018 is no longer an issue. Dmitry Medvedev called the president's proposal to extend the program a long-awaited decision, since families with children are counting on this money. Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news for 2 children. Law.

Maternity capital 2018: what you can spend it on

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  • How much will pensions increase in 2019 for non-working pensioners?
  • Pension increase of 1,000 rubles per month for all pensioners from January 1, 2019
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Indexation of maternity capital in 2018 (latest news)

Initially, the maternity capital program, in force since 2007, provided for the indexation of the amount provided taking into account inflation annually from January 1. This provision was in effect until 2016, when, due to the unstable economic situation in the country, the government decided to suspend the provisions on the indexation of various social payments and salaries of officials, which is reflected in Art. 4.1 and 4.3 of Law No. 68-FZ of April 6, 2015. In addition, according to Art. 12 of Law No. 444-FZ of December 19, 2016, which comes into force on January 1, 2018, the amount of maternity capital will remain unchanged at least until 01/01/2020. Thus, there is no talk of any indexation of the amount of maternity capital in 2018 at present there is no need to say. Another confirmation of this came on June 29, 2017 at a government meeting, when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced the indexation of the size of maternity capital no earlier than January 1, 2020. The federal budget for the next 3 years is balanced taking into account the fact that maternity capital will not be indexed during this period. The amount of maternity capital in 2018 Let us consider the change in the amount of maternity capital by year for the entire duration of the program and compare it with official inflation data for the corresponding years published on the Rosstat website (see table). The amount of maternity capital in 2018 for the second child: latest information (table)

Year Amount of maternity capital, rub. Indexation, % Inflation for the last year, %
2007 250000 11,9
2008 276250 10,5 13,3
2009 312163 13 8,8
2010 343379 10 8,8
2011 365698 6,5 6,1
2012 387640 6 6,6
2013 408961 5,5 6,5
2014 429409 5 11,4
2015 453026 5,5 12,9
2016 453026 5,4
2017 453026 3.2 (forecast)
2018 453026

As you can see from this table, the certificate size has remained unchanged since 2015. Currently, the exact amount of maternity capital is 453,026 rubles. The same amount will be paid to families with children in 2018. As for the indexation carried out in previous years, until 2014 it approximately corresponded to the inflation rate for the previous year (and in 2010 it even significantly exceeded it). However, starting from 2014, the annual increase in maternity capital began to sharply lag behind the rate of inflation in the country, and since 2016, the size of the certificate was completely frozen. The overall increase in state subsidies over the entire period of the program was just over 81% (with total inflation from 2007 to 2018 amounting to 147%). However, since maternity capital is spent mainly on the purchase of housing, the drop in the purchasing power of the certificate over these years was not so much noticeable. Moreover, in 2015-2016. in most regions of the country there was a significant decrease in housing prices, which had a positive effect on the possibility of using the certificate even without indexation. Now the cost of housing is going up again (including due to the significantly increased demand for mortgage loans in 2017). Therefore, due to the abolition of indexation of the amount of maternity capital, it makes sense for certificate holders to take advantage of government assistance in the foreseeable future (the sooner the better) in order to prevent its further depreciation. The economic situation in the country is still conducive to a favorable solution to one of the most popular areas of using maternal capital - improving housing conditions.

What can you spend your maternity capital on in 2018?

According to Art. 7 of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, there are four main areas for using maternity capital:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • children receiving education;
  • increasing the mother's funded pension;
  • purchasing goods and services for disabled children for the purpose of their social adaptation and integration into society (a relatively new direction, introduced in 2016).

To this list of areas for disposing of the certificate in 2018 will also be added the opportunity to receive monthly payments from maternity capital for the second child born on January 1, 2018 for families in which the average per capita income per month is less than 1.5 times the subsistence minimum. As before, use state funds certificate in 2018 is possible after the child turns three years old and is entitled to this type of subsidy. But there are exceptions to this rule, namely:

  • directing funds to pay principal or interest on loans (borrowings) for the purchase or construction of housing;
  • for the purchase of goods and services for children with disabilities (this fact is reflected in paragraph 6.1 of Article 7 of Law No. 256-FZ).

Starting from 2018, according to the new law No. 432-FZ, maternity capital funds can be spent on preschool education from birth, without waiting for the child to turn three years old. It is worth noting that the most popular area for using maternity capital today is improving housing conditions (92% of applications ). As of mid-2017, over the entire period of the program, 4.7 million Russian families have already purchased housing using a state certificate.

Will maternity capital be extended after December 31, 2018?

On November 28, 2017, Vladimir Putin, speaking at a meeting in the Kremlin on demographic policy issues, announced the long-awaited decision to extend the maternity capital program for another 3 years - that is, until December 31, 2021. And in December 2017, the corresponding law No. 432-FZ was adopted. This decision was justified by the fact that the program has been in effect for 11 years and Russians expect to receive this money in the future. And since the program has shown its effectiveness and has proven itself well in solving the tasks assigned to it, there is no point in closing it, especially since Russian demography has again entered a phase of decline since 2016 (the birth rate is falling, natural population growth has stopped). Previously discussed in the government the question of a possible extension of the provision of state assistance to families with two children for five years until 2023. This proposal was made by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. However, this proposal was not supported, since due to the unstable economic situation it is now difficult to plan government programs for such a long period (the federal budget, for example, is now planned only for a 3-year period). Despite the fact that recently in various media Information has appeared about a decrease by a quarter in the first half of 2017 in the number of applications from Russians for certificates; it is unfair to talk about a decrease in interest in the program. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation believes that the natural decrease in the number of applications from citizens to obtain certificates is associated with several factors:

  • an objective decrease in the birth rate in the country according to Rosstat data;
  • In 2016, there was a great stir around a one-time payment from maternity capital, for which it was necessary to have a certificate in hand, and therefore many families who were postponing its registration at that time did so to receive 25 thousand rubles in hand (i.e. data on the number of certificates issued for 2016 may be overestimated and comparing them directly with 2017 is not entirely correct).

To find an optimal solution to the issue of extending maternity capital after 2018, the Government, from July 25, 2017 to September 10, 2017, conducted a survey as part of an Internet project on the page of the official website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia in order to identify the necessary measures on the part of the state that According to Russians, they could encourage families to increase the number of children. It is possible that the decision to extend the maternity capital program until the end of 2021 was made by the country’s leadership, including taking into account the opinion of the Russians themselves based on the results of this survey.

Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news for 2 children In 2018, maternity capital for 2 children will undergo several significant changes, but the very essence of the program will remain unchanged. New opportunities for program participants will include:

  • receiving money in cash in an “updated format” of monthly payments (though only to needy families on newly issued certificates and only for the second child born from January 1, 2018, until he reaches 1.5 years old);
  • also obtaining the right to use a certificate up to 3 years of age to pay for childcare services in kindergarten.

All this is evidenced by the latest news regarding the further operation of the state MSK program:

  • On June 1, 2017, the Ministry of Labor proposed extending the state program under current conditions until 2023. The Government is also discussing a number of measures aimed at encouraging women who give birth to their first child before the age of 25 and the second before the age of 30. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development oppose the extension of maternity capital after 2018 and propose issuing certificates only to needy families in regions with low birth rates.
  • On June 29, 2017, Speaker of the Federation Council V. Matvienko noted that together with her colleagues the issue of issuing part of the maternity capital funds in hand is being studied, but it is necessary to carefully work out the corresponding mechanism. However, a month earlier, regarding one-time payments from maternity capital, the head of the Ministry of Labor M. Topilin stated that their provision in 2017 is not planned and funds are not provided for this in the budget.
  • On June 29, 2017, Prime Minister D. Medvedev confirmed at a Government meeting that there are no plans to return to the issue of discussing the indexation of the amount of maternity capital until January 1, 2020.
  • On September 6, 2017, M. Topilin reported at the Eastern Economic Forum that there is no agreement yet on the extension of the maternity capital program with the economic bloc in the government.
  • On September 12, 2017, another proposal from deputies, submitted for discussion on March 17 of this year, on the possibility of purchasing a car with maternity capital funds, was rejected. This proposal received a negative opinion from the Government.
  • On November 28, 2017, Vladimir Putin, at a meeting in the Kremlin, announced the decision to extend maternity capital after 2018 for at least another 3 years. Therefore, the program completion date has now been moved to December 31, 2021. In addition, from 2018 there will be two new options for using the certificate:
    • monthly cash payments from maternity capital in the amount of one subsistence minimum to needy families for the second child born after January 1, 2018, until he reaches 1.5 years of age;
    • the ability to use the certificate, without waiting for 3 years, to support children in preschool educational organizations (child care and supervision in kindergartens).

On December 28, 2017, Vladimir Putin signed the relevant laws: No. 418-FZ on monthly payments and No. 432-FZ on the extension of maternity capital, which will come into force on January 1, 2018. 250 thousand to maternity capital in 2018 Recently online The topic of additional payments to maternity capital in 2018 is quite often discussed on the Internet. Moreover, even the details of this measure are revealed regarding the amount of the surcharge and who is entitled to it. The amount indicated in the discussions is announced at 250 thousand rubles. It is also reported that this money was promised by the Government as an additional payment to maternity capital for women who gave birth to a second or subsequent child before the age of 35. It is immediately worth noting that such statements about an additional payment of 250 thousand to maternity capital in 2018 are nothing more than “ duck,” the meaning of which is completely lost upon closer examination. This issue is not being considered by the Government and is only the subject of rumors. Moreover, this measure contradicts the goals of the maternity capital program, since in no way can it stimulate the birth rate in Russia. After all, in fact, we are talking about a second child for women of this age (35 years), when the decision to give birth or not will be made by them without any additional payments. If we really talk about active measures to increase the birth rate, then it would be worth paying attention to women who decide to give birth to their first child before the age of 25 or a second child before the age of 30. This problem really exists, since at the moment very few of the 1990s generation are entering childbearing age. And it is this issue that is now being really carefully considered by the Government. In particular, in November 2017, Vladimir Putin announced the introduction, from January 2018, of a new monthly benefit for the birth of the first child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, which is a fundamentally new approach to social support for families with children (previously, such payments were provided only at the birth of a third child, that is, social protection measures were mainly aimed at large families).