New conditions for compulsory motor insurance insurance. Electronic insurance policy

In 2018, new amendments to the terms and conditions of car insurance come into force. Some of them begin to operate in January, others - throughout the year. For example, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance changes depending on the driver’s length of service, new means of protection against fraudsters are introduced, the “cooling period” and the amount of payments under the Euro Protocol are increased, and taxi drivers who hide their place of work will no longer be paid compensation for road accidents.

  • What is this new protection against fraudsters?

    On January 1, 2018, a new form of MTPL policy was introduced: it was supplemented with a QR code. According to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA), this will help distinguish legal policies from counterfeits. In addition, it will be possible to easily determine whether the accident participant’s policy is valid, even without the participation of the traffic police.

    In addition, using the QR code, you can go to the PCA website and find out all the information about the policy (insurance company, number and date of issue of the document, its validity period, as well as the names of the policyholder and owner, make and model of the car and other data). At the same time, the previously valid policy form can be used by insurers until July 1, 2018.

  • Why did they increase the “cooling period”?

    The “cooling off period” is the time during which you can “painlessly” cancel your insurance and get your money back. From January 1, 2018, this period increased from 5 to 14 days. This is done for the convenience of citizens: if, along with your auto insurance, they also imposed life or apartment insurance on you, then you have two weeks to come to your senses and refuse it.

  • What about taxi drivers?

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation allowed insurers not to pay money to taxi drivers for car repairs. However, we are talking only about those drivers who, when concluding the contract, did not indicate that they were using the car for commercial purposes.

    OSAGO for taxi drivers is much more expensive than for other car owners, and tariffs for them are calculated according to different schemes. This is due to the fact that taxi drivers move around the city much more than other drivers, and therefore their risk of getting into an accident is much higher. That is why, if it is proven that at the time of the accident you were using your car as a taxi, you will have to pay for repairs out of your own pocket or demand compensation directly from the person responsible for the accident.

  • Have payments under the European Protocol increased significantly?

    From June 1, 2018, the amount of maximum compensation when registering an accident under the European Protocol will be doubled: from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Let us remind you that in order to receive a payment several conditions must be met:

      there were no injuries in the accident;

      only two cars were damaged;

      both participants have a valid MTPL policy;

      the culprit of the accident has been identified, and this fact is accepted by both parties. If there are disagreements, it will not be possible to do without the traffic police.

  • How will car prices change?

    Changes in the cost of the insurance policy began to take effect at the beginning of 2018. Its price depends on the driver’s age and experience:

      for drivers 22 - 24 years old with a driving experience of 5 - 6 years, the price of the policy has increased by 55%;

      for drivers 25 - 29 years old with a driving experience of 5 - 6 years, the policy has increased in price by 31%;

      for drivers 25 - 29 years old with a driving experience of 7 - 9 years, the price of the policy has increased by 22%;

      For drivers over 49 years old with 14 years of driving experience or more, a 34% discount applies.

    In addition, the cost of insurance now strongly depends on the number of fines: the more violations a driver has, the higher his coefficient and, accordingly, the price of the policy.

  • Is this all or will there be some other changes?

    In January 2018, a bill was introduced to the State Duma, according to which the fine for driving without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy would be increased by more than 6 times: from 800 to 5,000 rubles.

    Also now, driving a car with an invalid policy will result in a fine of 500 rubles. The same amount is provided for driving by a driver who is not included in the MTPL. For all these cases, it is proposed to establish a single fine of 5,000 rubles.

    However, it is too early to say whether this bill will be adopted. In addition, Russian legislation allows amendments to the terms and conditions of insurance to be made no more than once a calendar year.

  • There is no escape from purchasing an insurance policy for vehicle owners. Therefore, it is worthwhile to find out in advance the latest changes in compulsory motor liability insurance, your obligations, rights and emerging opportunities.


    The MTPL policy is a mandatory document for all vehicle owners. Guarantees protection in the event of a traffic accident. Protects the rights of the injured party. Compensation for damage is made by the insurance company.

    Vehicles of the following categories are not subject to general compulsory insurance:

    • tractors;
    • private trailers;
    • cars with an internal combustion engine volume not exceeding 50 m3;
    • cars with foreign registration;
    • self-propelled vehicles;
    • cars with international insurance;
    • car at speeds up to 20 km/h;
    • motor vehicles;
    • military vehicles;
    • SUVs.

    Regulatory rationale

    The regulatory act regulating the relationship between the insurance company and the client is Federal Law No. 40-FZ dated April 25, 2002. The law contains the procedure, rights and obligations of both parties.

    Last news

    Every citizen who owns a vehicle is required to enter into an agreement with an insurance company and purchase a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Since 2019, improvements and changes have been gradually introduced into the insurance law. Since 2019, a new version of the regulatory act has become available for review. Innovations are gradually gaining momentum.

    The first changes took effect on 07/04/16. The next changes should be expected in September of this year. These will be followed by those that will come into force from January 2019. Government authorities are striving to reach the European level in insurance. The latest news is designed to improve the quality and level of customer service. To this end, reforms are being carried out.

    Major changes in insurance rules:

    1. In the event of an accident, there is no need to call an inspector to the scene of the accident if the amount of damage is not more than 50,000 rub.. To obtain insurance compensation, a European protocol with a description of the scheme of what happened and the damage is sufficient.
    2. The insurance agent does not have the right to refuse to obtain a policy for a client from an unprofitable region. If this does happen, insurers will be punished 50,000 rub..
    3. Insurance payment can be made in two forms: repair of the damaged vehicle, monetary compensation.
    4. When disputing the amount of payment, the driver is required to submit his claim to the insurance company twice. This is how pre-trial consideration of the dispute occurs.
    5. It is possible to receive compensation for losses incurred under DSAGO and CASCO insurance if you have a valid OSAGO certificate.
    6. The bank is not an institution controlled by the insurer. RSA received the right to place the free amount of the fund.
    7. The revocation of the license of an insurance company from the RSA is carried out in accordance with the established rules.
    8. The minimum and maximum tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance have been determined. Insurance agents provide services within the “tariff corridor”.
    9. Tracked vehicles are not subject to insurance.
    10. Canceled the issuance of a trailer policy under a specific agreement.
    11. A corresponding mark is placed on tractor insurance policies for an additional fee.
    12. One day is allocated for entering information into the AIS RSA on drawn up and signed contracts.
    13. The KMB indicator is important when drawing up a contract. Information on each owner is posted on the AIS RSA.
    14. There is liability for illegal use of insurance forms.
    15. Stolen documents are not subject to payment.
    16. Expert technicians undergo state certification.

    Additional rules:

    • insurance agents independently regulate tariffs and discounts;
    • A unified methodology has been adopted for assessing the harm caused.


    If the victim did not wish to provide the remains of the property for inspection by independent experts at the agreed date, he does not have the right to independently organize a new expert assessment. The insurer receives a legal basis for returning the application without insurance payment. The agent does not have the right to compensate for the cost of damage based on the results of another expert analysis organized by the victim.

    New deadlines for assessing damaged property can only be established after the policyholder re-applies with the relevant documents.

    The specified date serves as the starting point for compensation for losses, reasoned refusal, and sending the car for repairs. This innovation protects the interests of insurers. Clients lose the opportunity to deceive companies in order to receive insurance payments. Previously, some could resort to the help of familiar experts and, using an inaccurate estimate, extract payments.

    Disagreements may arise between the insurer and the victim. The reason is often the improper performance of its duties by the latter party.

    The client has the right to submit appropriate claims to the company expressing disagreement with the amount of damage compensation provided. In this case, documentary support of the claim will be required to substantiate the claims of the victim. Within ten working days, the insurer is obliged to consider the received application. Next, the client’s request is satisfied or a reasoned refusal is sent. Previously, this period was five working days.

    Changes in compulsory motor liability insurance from July 1, 2019

    Important changes affected the execution of an agreement for receiving insurance compensation.

    • To obtain an MTPL policy, the owner of the vehicle must submit the following list of documents:
    • diagnostic card for the completed technical inspection of the car;
    • power of attorney, if not the owner;
    • identification;
    • inspection certificate;
    • driver's license;

    technical passport for the car.

    • Situations that do not require a technical inspection to obtain insurance:
    • the car is transported to the place of technical inspection;
    • The car is delivered for registration.

    The price of the policy is different each time. Its calculation is made using a special formula. The coefficients used influence the final insurance amount.

    After signing the contract, the insurance agent issues:

    • a policy containing the seal of the organization, the personal signature of the responsible person;
    • a check confirming payment for the document;
    • insurance rules;
    • form for reporting the fact of an accident (in two copies).

    During the year, the motorist must remember to take insurance with him. If the documentation is checked by a traffic inspector, if the driver does not have insurance, he will be issued a fine.

    Previously, after purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance, a technical inspection coupon was supposed to have legal force for another six months. In the new edition of Federal Law No. 40-FZ dated April 25, 2002, this requirement is absent.

    The policy can also be issued on the last day of validity of the maintenance coupon. When a refusal to enter into an agreement for compulsory insurance of a vehicle is received, the owner has the right to demand a written message about this from the insurance company employees. Such a certificate is a sufficient basis for filing a corresponding claim in court, as follows from the changes made to compulsory motor liability insurance from July 1, 2019.

    Regional coefficients and tariffs

    The Government of the Russian Federation has made changes to insurance tariffs and coefficients. In some places there was an increase in regional indicators, in other places there was a decrease. The highest rates apply in the Ulyanovsk region, Voronezh region, Mordovia, and Kamchatka Territory. Minimum values from 20 to 40% used in Dagestan, Magadan region, Jewish Autonomous Region.

    The cost of an MTPL policy differs depending on the area in which the document is valid. In relation to a motorcycle, tractor, passenger car listed on the balance sheet of a legal entity, the applicable rate is 42, 25, 22%, respectively. There was an increase in the tariff to 41% for a vehicle with a carrying capacity of more than 16 tons.

    Policy renewal

    The opportunity to remotely apply for an extension of compulsory motor third party liability insurance has become available. The system is available to individuals who have previously entered into an agreement with an insurance company. Those who purchase a document for the first time will be able to use the service only from the end of this year. Changes are being introduced gradually for different categories of vehicle owners due to the complexity of the program. This allows you to anticipate and avoid many of the difficulties of launching a product.

    The process of renewing the policy via the Internet:

    • An agreement is concluded with the insurance company to purchase an insurance document. Information about the driver is entered into a single federal database, to which each agent has access.
    • The owner is issued an MTPL policy.
    • Upon expiration of the insurance period, the individual logs in to the insurer’s portal. Enters the required information. Makes payment for the service using one of the available options.
    • The updated document is sent to the specified email of the car owner.

    Insurance agents have the right to independently decide how many MTPL policies to sell via the Internet.

    Inspection of a car damaged in an accident

    The services of an independent examination are resorted to if disagreements arise between the insurer and the victim regarding the list and nature of harm caused in a road accident. As soon as the victim provides the damaged property with accompanying documents, its assessment is organized within five days. The results of the independent examination are brought to the attention of the client.

    If a European protocol was drawn up after the accident, representatives of the insurance company do not have the right to demand the provision of additional documents.

    To pay compensation, the specified act is required. The amount of payment is calculated not according to the limits of the European protocol, but taking into account the previously agreed insurance conditions. In the Leningrad region, St. Petersburg, Moscow and the region, compensation can reach 400,000 rubles. Other territorial districts will reach this level in 2019.

    If payment is late, the insurance agent is obliged to pay 0.05–50%. The amount of sanctions cannot be equal to or exceed the insured amount. Losses are reimbursed only by the insurance company with which the agreement is concluded.

    Presentation of an electronic MTPL policy

    To carry out traffic safety control on the roads, traffic police officers have the right to require drivers to present the appropriate document (only the form number is checked). The car owner is required to promptly provide insurance for verification. If the contract was renewed via the Internet, the information must be printed and presented upon request by the police inspector.

    New policies

    The new forms differ in color from the old samples. Since the green forms became excellent at forgery, the document became pink. Since July 2019, insurers are required to issue only new policies. Existing green insurance policies should not be changed.

    New forms have modern protection, which increases their cost by 10–15%.

    Buyers should not feel the difference in price. Insurance companies will cover the costs. Within three months, the simultaneous implementation of both forms of the insurance document will take place. This will allow you to switch to working with new documentation at the lowest possible cost.

    Changes in compulsory motor liability insurance from September 1, 2019

    From September 1, 2019, the validity period of tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance will change. The minimum is one year. The cost of the policy will change no more than once a year. Recent changes to OSAGO open up new opportunities for car enthusiasts. Innovations bring public insurance to a global level of service. The quality of services provided is improving.

    Unlike the notorious CASCO insurance, insurance of the MTPL type is mandatory. This measure is of a social nature: its task is to insure not a private vehicle, but its civil liability. In this article we will focus on changes to the 2018 OSAGO rules - every car owner should know about them.

    What changes are included in the new MTPL rules 2018?

    Compulsory civil liability insurance is regulated by Russian legislation: the federal law on compulsory motor liability insurance is in force, the latest edition of which came into force in 2018. It would be useful to recall that this insurance system, which is mandatory for every car owner, does not aim to insure the vehicle like a comprehensive insurance policy. OSAGO is aimed at civil liability insurance. Thanks to him you:

    • you will save your money by becoming the perpetrators of DTV.
    • You will be able to compensate for damage caused to someone else’s property, life or health.
    • within the framework of the procedure established by law, receive the required compensation if you are a victim.

    Without taking out MTPL insurance, you will face a ban on driving a vehicle, you will not be able to register it with the traffic police, you will be forced to compensate the damage to victims in the event of an accident on your own, and you will have to constantly pay. The first law on compulsory motor liability insurance was adopted back in 2002. Since then it has changed several times. The new edition of the 2018 law turned out to be rich in changes and additions that affected the MTPL policies themselves, compensation rules, limits under the European protocol, etc.

    Rules for registration of compulsory motor liability insurance 2018

    The main question of interest to those who are just planning to take out MTPL, as well as those wishing to renew the insurance contract: has the cost of MTPL changed? The answer is clear - no. The cost of insurance still consists of the base tariff (rate) and an individual coefficient. The same rates apply in the new year as in the past. The cost of insurance for a specific car owner may change only due to new vehicle data, registered drivers or the presence/absence of an accident in the history.

    MTPL policies have undergone changes. Since the beginning of the year, insurance companies have the right to issue exclusively new forms. Their main innovation was the appearance of a 2 square meter QR code. see, which allows you to instantly check the authenticity of the policy and obtain basic information about the car owner. By scanning the QR code in a special application on your mobile device, you will go to the official website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. This can be useful when registering an accident under the terms of the European protocol, because you will be sure that the document in front of you is not a fake and you can safely make a deal with another driver.

    New rules for payment of compulsory motor liability insurance

    An important innovation concerns the bonus-malus coefficient (hereinafter - BMC). The new forms indicate the class at the beginning of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy, as well as a table for each of their registered drivers. This means that now, knowing the rules for calculating the cost of insurance (accident-free class, coefficients for the region and some other parameters), you can independently determine the price of the insurance premium. This increases transparency and eliminates a number of hassles. For example, the likelihood that due to inconsistency in the work of insurance companies you will lose a discount.

    The payment rules have undergone significant modifications. From now on, compulsory motor liability insurance covers only part of the damage; the victim has the right to demand compensation for the rest directly from the culprit of the accident. The decision to make this change was made by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which considered that if compulsory motor liability insurance does not fully cover the amount of actual damage caused by the culprit, the victim has the right to recover the difference based on his constitutional right. This was facilitated by a new method for calculating compensation, which takes into account the wear and tear of spare parts for a car - it, along with the latest changes, was made to the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance. This restriction, however, does not apply to MTPL payments for repairs - in the case of non-monetary compensation, the insurance rules remain the same.

    The Central Bank, together with insurers and the Ministry of Finance, held a closed meeting, during which a decision was made to liberalize compulsory motor insurance rates. The new MTPL in 2018 will become significantly more expensive for most car owners, although Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vladimir Chistyukhin said that the release of tariffs to “free float” will occur gradually.

    We suggest discussing the following questions:

    The basic tariff and coefficients for calculating the cost of a compulsory motor insurance policy are regulated by the Central Bank. Insurance companies have long been asking for a review of tariffs, since the current conditions are unprofitable for them. According to calculations, over the past year losses amounted to more than 4 billion rubles. Insurers are pushing to raise rates or lower prices. In the latter case, they promise to improve the quality of services provided.

    The Central Bank nevertheless succumbed to the persuasion of the insurers. The basic tariff, which currently varies from 3.4 to 4.1 thousand, may be increased several times. It is planned to change the coefficients of age and experience of drivers. According to the developed project, drivers can expect the following price changes:

    1. For drivers aged 22-24 years who have 5-6 years of driving experience, the price of the policy will increase by 55%.
    2. For drivers aged 25 to 29 years with the same driving experience, insurance will become more expensive by 31%, and if driving experience is 7-9 years, then the price increase will be 22%.
    3. For older drivers (from 49 years old) with extensive driving experience (from 14 years) a discount of up to 34% will be provided (there is no such thing now).

    The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in 2018 will also depend on the region and the so-called dangerous driving, that is, the number of accidents in which the driver gets involved.

    Chistyukhin noted that the increase in tariffs will occur no earlier than the first half of 2018, since changes to the rules and conditions of insurance are allowed by law only once a year. In addition, the official noted that the price increase will be gradual, but experts note that soon the cost of compulsory motor insurance will catch up with voluntary insurance.

    New form of MTPL policy

    According to the adopted changes to the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance, which will come into force on January 1, 2018, the compulsory insurance policy form will have a QR code measuring 20x20 mm. It will provide additional protection against counterfeits, which are often used by scammers. The presence of a QR code will allow you to quickly check the originality of the policy. Additional security will be used for both printed forms and electronic versions.

    The innovation will allow you to check the authenticity of the policy via the Internet anywhere. Both the traffic police officer and the car owner can do this. For example, now a traffic police officer can only check the availability of an insurance policy. According to officials, the presence of a QR code will simplify the registration of road accidents under the European protocol, when owners have to independently verify the authenticity of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

    Let us remind you that in 2016 it was decided to use improved protection of OSAGO forms. The use of watermarks, a complex color background and metal thread was supposed to reduce the number of counterfeits, but in practice it turned out that fraudsters were able to adapt to the new forms much faster and learn how to counterfeit them.

    Officials expect that the mandatory introduction of a QR code will ensure reliable protection of forms, but experts do not share this opinion. Many experts report that scammers can learn to draw their own QR codes, which will lead to a fake PCA website, where you can see all the information about the policy.

    What other changes will affect MTPL in 2018?

    Despite the fact that the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance according to the regional coefficient in some areas may rise to 35 thousand rubles, there is also good news for car owners. And here are the main ones:

    1. The Central Bank plans to simplify the procedure for direct compensation of losses.
    2. Participants in all accidents will be able to count on compensation for damages, regardless of the number of cars.
    3. The amount of compensation under the European protocol will be increased to 100 thousand rubles.

    The Central Bank has decided to simplify the procedure for compensation for losses incurred as a result of an accident. Drivers can count on compensation when two or more cars were involved in an accident.

    Now all victims will be able to contact their insurance company. Insurers are unhappy with this decision as it could significantly increase their losses.

    Good news also includes the fact that the amount according to the European protocol will be increased to 100 thousand rubles. Now the maximum amount does not exceed 50 thousand rubles. Registration under the European protocol takes place without traffic police officers, provided there are no victims. All damage received must be recorded using the technical means provided for in the document. Both drivers can count on compensation, regardless of which one is at fault for the accident.

    To reduce the number of cases of fraud, electronic policies will not be valid from the date of purchase, but after 72 hours.

    This way, unscrupulous drivers will not be able to take out a policy and receive compensation for it after an accident has already occurred. After all, issuing compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet takes only a few minutes, and scammers often take advantage of this.

    As for the price of the new MTPL policy, it will remain approximately the same as in 2017; no significant changes are expected.

    For more information about upcoming changes and the format of payments under the policy, watch the video: