US population. Number, national composition, location by territory

The USA is one of the largest states in the world (fourth in territory and third in population). According to 2010 data, 309,469,203 people live here. The population of the United States, or Americans, is a mixture of a wide variety of ethnic and racial elements. Representatives of a wide variety of nations live here, almost all world religions are practiced, and all the most common languages ​​are used.

US Populationis a relatively young ethnic entity. However, it developed through a rather long and difficult process - everyday, cultural, ethnic and other interactions, as well as through the mixing of descendants of representatives of all races (Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasian).

Population in the USA and his story

As a state, the United States was formed by European settlers, most of whom were residents of England (English, Irish and Scots). However, the indigenous inhabitants of the territory of modern America are the Indians who lived here long before the arrival of Europeans. At the time the British arrived on the continent, about 400 tribes (about 3 million people) lived here, speaking 200 languages.

European colonies first appeared in the United States in the 16th-17th centuries. In addition to immigrants from Great Britain, Swedes, French and representatives of other nations came here. Thus, since the colonial period, the population in the United States has been quite diverse.

In XV II - XVII Over centuries, slavery of blacks developed here, who were brought from various regions and countries of Africa. In the 19th century, Europeans began to arrive in large numbers again in the United States. With each city their influx increased. Germans, Irish, immigrants from Italy, the Russian Empire, Japan and China came here. In addition, despite the ban, a process of assimilation, or mixing, took place between blacks and “whites”.

In the 20th century, when entry into the United States for Europeans was somewhat limited, an influx of residents from Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico and other countries of North and South America began. Despite the strict conditions for entry and stay in the United States, to this day residents from around the world continue to emigrate to the States. During all this time there were periodic wars with the Indians. Eventually, they were defeated and moved to Indian reservations (by that time there were only about 200,000 left), which still exist today.

As for the population of the United States, even with the most careful calculations and censuses, it is impossible to name the exact number of residents, since it is always about 5 million people that cannot be counted, since they move around the country looking for work. The number of visitors to the country annually is about 500,000 people.

US Population: Current Status

So, the population of the United States is more than 300 million people. Among them, about 80% of the population is white, 12% are African Americans, and just over 5% are other nations (Indians, Eskimos, Asians, etc.).

The population density in the country averages 29 people/km2. If you do not take into account Alaska, which is sparsely populated, the density will be 34 people/km2. Today, the USA is one of the most urbanized countries in the world. 77% of the US population lives in cities. At the same time, cities and suburbs occupy only 6% of the country's territory. A city in the United States is considered a settlement with a population of more than 2.5 thousand inhabitants.

The ethnic diversity of the population in the United States determines, in a certain respect, the fact that many different religions are practiced in the States. However, it is a secular country. Since the first immigrants were Protestants, this religion influenced the history and economic development of the country. Currently, the number of Protestants in the United States is 51%. There are slightly fewer Catholics in the United States - 23%. 4% of the country's population are atheists, 1.7% are Jews, and even fewer are Buddhists, representatives of Islam and other Christian religions.

As for the language, the most common is, of course, English, but it is not the official state language throughout the country, but only in 28 states. There are about 700,000 Russian-speaking residents among the US population. Among the most common languages ​​are (in addition to English) Spanish, Chinese, French and some others.

Life expectancy in the United States averages 78 years (75 years for men and 81 years for women). The birth rate in the United States is markedly declining compared to the last century. This largely determines the increase in the marriageable age and the decrease in the number of children in the family.

The population in the United States is quite mobile. Many Americans change their place of residence every year. Moreover, every fifth American changes not only his home, but his city, region or state.

US Population(Americans) is the result of a mixture of various racial and ethnic elements.

The first inhabitants of the present territory were Indians. By the time of European colonization, up to 400 Indian tribes with a total number of about 2-3 million people who spoke 200 languages ​​were settled in the United States.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, European colonies began to form on Indian lands. Among the natives, the majority of residents were English and Scots (by the end of the 18th century they made up 80% of the population). The rest of the white population was represented mainly by the Dutch, French, etc. Thus, the population of the United States, since the colonial period, was distinguished by great diversity, which later intensified (mixed marriages were concluded not only between Europeans, but also with Indians).

Slavery of blacks in the North American colonies developed gradually and took legal form in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Black slaves came from different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, but in the States they were forced to switch to English. Already at the beginning of the 19th century there were few black speakers of African languages ​​in the United States, and after the Civil War and the abolition of slavery they essentially disappeared completely.

Such were the ethnic conditions in which the American nation emerged during the Revolutionary War. However, in terms of ethnic composition, only the core of the American nation was formed during that period, which later underwent strong changes. For several decades, this composition has remained almost unchanged. But then the flow of immigrants from Europe resumed and grew every decade.

The immigration movement became truly massive since the late 40s of the 19th century. Over the next 15 years, about 4 million people arrived in the United States. In Europe, this period was marked by economic and social; in the USA it is marked by the completion of the industrial revolution and the brewing of the Civil War. On the eve of this war, the number of immigrants reached 13-14% of the American population, and this share did not increase further, although the absolute influx increased greatly. The ethnic composition of the population also changed during this period: more than 65% of the new arrivals were Irish and Germans, and significantly fewer came from England proper.

Despite the prohibitions in America, there was a physical mixing of “blacks” and whites. In the mid-19th century, there were 3.2 million slaves and 435 thousand free blacks in the United States. Among free blacks, most of whom were born in the United States and lived in cities, in close contact with the white population, the process of cultural and social assimilation had by this time gone relatively far.

The Civil War consolidated not only the American state, but also the American nation in the ethnic composition in which it had developed by that time.

The rapid industrialization of the country after the war was accompanied by a large increase in immigration, thanks to which the “American pace” of economic development became possible. But at the end of the 19th century, the ethnic composition of emigrants changed again. Now it began to be dominated by people from the Southern and - mainly from the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires. In the same decades, there was an albeit small influx of emigrants from - mainly from and. They settled mainly in the Pacific states, mainly in California.

In the period from 1890 to 1910, constitutions and laws were adopted in the southern states that deprived blacks of any rights. The ban on blacks living in the same neighborhoods as whites spread to the North, leading to the emergence of black ghettos there: Harlem in New York, the South Side in Chicago, etc. Almost 70% of states have banned interracial marriage.

During all the years of colonization, wars were fought with the Indians. By the end of the 19th century, most Indian tribes were defeated and moved to reservations. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were only about 200 thousand Indians in the United States.

And the flow of immigrants to the states continued to increase. In the first decade of the 20th century, about 9 million people arrived in the country. The black population of the United States at that time numbered more than 10 million people (the entire population of the country was 92 million people). Already in 1910, 25% of blacks lived in cities in the United States. During the years of World War I, 500 thousand blacks moved from the southern regions to the North. During World War II and the post-war period (1940-1970), 4.2 million blacks moved from the South to the North and West, and in addition 2 million from rural areas to cities in the South itself.

A sharp reduction in overseas immigration, due to immigration laws adopted in the United States in the 20s, caused an increased influx of population from American countries (Puerto Rico) from where entry was not limited.

Since the passage of this law, entry into the United States has been severely restricted. However, from the 20s to the 60s of the 20th century, about 20 million immigrants arrived in the country.

In 1965, the United States passed a new immigration law. According to it, preferential entry rights are given to scientists, skilled workers in rare specialties, and relatives of American citizens. Immigration quotas have been established for different groups of countries. On average, up to 500 thousand people come to the country per year.

The current racial composition of the US population is as follows:

  • 83% are white,
  • 12% are African Americans,
  • 5% - others (immigrants from Asian countries and American Indians, Aleuts and). Separately, the indigenous population of the United States is 0.6%.

It is impossible to say more precisely, since even the concept of “Negro” or, more correctly, “African-American” in the USA is very conditional. In a number of states, anyone who has at least 1/8, and in some states even 1/32 or 1/64, “Negro blood” is considered a Negro. The category “mulatto” has completely disappeared from American statistics.

The size of the US population as a whole can also only be approximated. According to many American experts, 5-6 million people constantly moving around the country in search of work are not taken into account.

Before we begin to consider demographic indicators, it is worth noting that Americans themselves are extremely little interested in them. They are much more passionate about the portrait of the “average American.” Almost everything is known about the average American in America. What he prefers to do and where he wants to live. How much does he sleep, eat, etc.

Each year, the Census Bureau releases a booklet called Statistical Summary of the United States. According to them, the average American worker is 36 years old, the average farmer is 50 years old. Americans sleep little, 22% of adults sleep less than 6 times a day, about 24% of Americans do not eat breakfast, but the average American consumes more than 40 kg of fresh fruit per year (mainly bananas and apples). The average American drives their car 16,000 km/year, and more than half of single-family homes have more than 2 bathrooms.

The basis of the life views of US citizens (the so-called “American Dream”) is to achieve material success in life. Income level in the register of “American values” is in 1st place. According to 85% of Americans, money is the main symbol of success in the United States. The typical income of a “prosperous” family of 4 ranges from 23 to 50 thousand dollars a year.

As already noted, the current population of the United States is about 276 million people. The first census in the United States was conducted in 1790, and the population was then 3.9 million people. Subsequently, the population of the United States grew rapidly. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, the population growth rate of the United States was much higher than that of all European countries. However, a gradual decline in these rates was observed, which became especially pronounced after 1960. If earlier this decrease was relative, and the absolute population growth increased (for example, from 1800 to 1850 it grew by 18 million people, in 1850-1900 by 53 million, in 1900-1950 by 75 million people), then in subsequent years, absolute growth began to decline. In the 50-60s of the 20th century it was about 3 million/year, and in 1970-1990 – less than 2 million/year. It should be noted that the decline in growth affected all groups of the population - urban and rural, white and black, people with higher education and the illiterate - and spread to all regions of the country.

It is clear that the rate of population growth depends on 3 factors - fertility, mortality and net (balance of migration).

Migration has already been mentioned - between 1820 and 2000, about 70 million people entered the United States.

As for population indicators, the following should be noted. The initial period of the US existence was characterized by very high birth and death rates. Throughout the 19th century, birth and death rates declined. This reduction occurred especially rapidly in the first half of the 20th century. In 1933, at the height of the economic crisis, it fell to 18 ppm (in 1900 – 32 ppm). After the Second World War, it increased to 25-26 ppm, but since the 60s of the 20th century it began to fall again. In 1970–1980 it was 16 ppm, in 1980–1990 – 15.8 ppm, in 2000 – 14.2 ppm.

Mortality, as in others, by the 40s of the 20th century fell to 9-10 ppm and stabilized at this level (in 2000 - 8.7 ppm). And if in the 50s of the 20th century the ratio of fertility and mortality still ensured a relatively high natural population growth (1.5% per year), now this figure is less than 0.55% per year.

The low birth rate is largely due to the decrease in the number of children in the family. If previously in the United States families with more than 3 children prevailed, now the proportion of families with 2 children has sharply increased (the average family composition decreased from 3.3 people in 1960 to 2.6 people in 2000).

It affects the birth rate and increases the marriageable age (23.5 years for women and 26 years for men).

In addition, the increase, combined with a decrease in the number of children, leads to an increase in the proportion of elderly people (over 65 years of age, more than 10% of the total population), which leads to a further decrease in the birth rate and a reduction in the working-age population.

With the decrease in the influx of immigrants, among whom, especially in the past, men predominated, the gender composition of the population has also changed significantly. Now there are 96 men for every 100 women. This is also due to the fact that women live longer than men (in 2000, the average life expectancy for men was 74.2 years, for women - 79.9 years).

The ratio of sexes, as well as age groups, varies noticeably by region. In the West, where the flow of domestic migrants has long been directed, men noticeably predominate, while in the North, especially in large cities, women predominate. The proportion of older people is noticeably higher than the national average in resort areas, especially in Florida, where there are cities and towns almost entirely populated by retired people.

The average US population density is 30.1 people/km/sq. This is significantly lower than in all Western European countries.

The geographic distribution pattern is largely related to the history of the development of the United States, as well as the presence of favorable conditions for life and economic activity. The highest density is in the areas of initial colonization in the northeast of the country (e and Priozerny region), where it is on average close to 100 people/km/sq., and in the most populated states (Rhode Island, New Jersey, Connecticut) reaches 250-350 people/km/sq.

In general, in the main territory of the United States, population density decreases with distance from the Atlantic coast, reaching a minimum in the Mountain States (an average of 5.6 people / km / sq., and in Wyoming - 1.3 people / km / sq.) and rises again on the coast (on average 35 people/km/sq., including in California – 50 people/km/sq.).

The United States is characterized by very high population mobility. Every year, one in five Americans changes their place of residence, with almost 1/3 of migrants moving to another state or region.
To obtain a more accurate picture of the distribution of the US population, it is also necessary to take into account the extent and nature of urbanization and the distribution of urban populations.

Cities and their suburbs occupy only 6% of the US territory, but more than 74% of Americans (including approximately 83% of African Americans) are concentrated in them.

From what was a predominantly rural country at the beginning of the 20th century, the United States quickly became an urban country, so that average population densities by state now poorly reflect the real distribution of the population. In terms of urbanization, the United States occupies one of the leading places in the world (although% of the urban population is calculated on the basis of the officially adopted definition of a city in the United States). A city in the USA is any populated area with a population of over 2.5 thousand.

The highest percentage of the urban population is in California - 91% and the Mid-Atlantic states - over 80%, the lowest in the agricultural states of the Central (40-45%). The southern states are rapidly urbanizing, although the share of the urban population and the number of large cities here are still smaller than in the Northeast and Lakeside region.

The bulk of the urban population is concentrated in large cities. The share of large urban population (that is, the population of large cities with suburban areas) is an even better indicator of urbanization than the % of urban population. The national average is approximately 70%, but varies sharply by region.

In total, there are about 300 agglomerations in the United States, each of which includes a central city with a population of more than 50 thousand people (sometimes several cities) and its suburbs.

Half of the total urban population of the United States lives in 3 megalopolises: Boswash (40 agglomerations, 45 million people, 800 km - length of the main axis), Chipitts (35 agglomerations, 35 million people, 900 km - length of the main axis), Sansan (San- Diego - San Francisco, 15 agglomerations, 18 million people, 800 km - length of the main axis).

It is significant that the population of most central cities of agglomerations has been decreasing in recent years, while the population of suburban areas has been growing. In addition, there has been a tendency to move not only from central cities, but also from nearby suburbs to small towns and rural areas, where more and more city dwellers are settling.

The population in the United States is more than 317 million people (population density - 29 people per 1 km2).
By national composition, the US population is represented by:

  • white (63%);
  • Hispanics (16.7%);
  • African Americans (12.3%);
  • Asians (4.8%);
  • other nationalities (3.2%).

According to statistics, 80% of Americans come from European countries (Italy, Great Britain, Germany), and 12% are African Americans and Latin Americans.
Since the number of indigenous people of the United States, represented by Indians, Eskimos and Aleuts, was constantly declining due to the fact that they were exterminated and forced out of the territories conquered by European colonialists, and they also died from various diseases, today only 1.6% of the indigenous population lives in the United States .
The peoples inhabiting the United States profess various religions: 51% - Protestantism, 23% - Catholicism, 4% - atheism, 1.7% - Judaism. In addition, among the population you can find Buddhists, Islamists and adherents of other religions.
The official language is English, but in everyday situations (on the street, at work, at home) people speak more than 300 languages ​​(Russian, Chinese, Spanish, French, German).
Major US cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston, San Francisco.


The average life expectancy for men is 75 years, and for women - 84 years.
Residents of the United States most often suffer from diabetes, lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases (and men are 2 times more likely than women). Life expectancy is also affected by the abuse of bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
American society suffers greatly from overweight and obesity - more than 34% of the population suffers from this disease, including 35% of children.
The good news is that Americans trust official medicine. Thus, thanks to the anti-tobacco law adopted in the country, only 19% of the adult population smokes (10 years ago 25% smoked).

American traditions and customs

Americans love to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends at home: they decorate the house with flowers, put the traditional roast turkey, apples, oranges, nuts, and grapes on the table.
If you are going to America, keep in mind that:
- Americans have a negative attitude towards casual acquaintances and interlocutors;
- In the USA they do not give up their seat on public transport, do not take off their shoes when entering a room, do not give gifts when they come to visit someone else’s house;
- Smoking in restaurants and unauthorized places faces fines, and drunk driving is a criminal offense;
- Attempts to let a woman pass ahead or help her get dressed are regarded as sexual harassment;
- You should refrain from making racist jokes.
The United States is an attractive country for immigration because the country represents different ethnic groups and peoples who have brought with them interesting customs and culture.

Size and national composition of the population

North America is a continent of indigenous Indians who inhabited the United States before European colonization. The total number of Indian tribes, and there were about $400 of them, was $2$-$3$ million people. They settled throughout the entire continent. During the colonization of the mainland in the 17th century, Europeans numbered approximately 250 thousand people, who settled in two settlements - Jamestown and Plymouth. By the middle of the next century, the number of colonists had already increased to $1.5 million people. In $1790, according to the first census, there were already $3.9 million people living here.

In $1990, $249 million lived in the United States, and according to the official US population clock, as of January 1, 2016, $323.3 million people lived in the country. After China and India, the United States is in third place in terms of population. The main colonizers of American territory were the British - the British, the Irish, and the Scots. In addition to them, there were representatives of other nationalities - Swedes, Dutch, French, Germans, etc. The indigenous inhabitants were exterminated or settled on reservations, so by the beginning of the 20th century their number had decreased to $200 thousand people.

Note 1

The modern American nation is a young multi-ethnic entity. It developed in the process of long-term cultural, economic, social and everyday interaction. There was mixing and assimilation of descendants of people of different ethnic origins. All three main races of humanity are represented in the US population - Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid.

The majority of US residents are white Americans, immigrants from British Isles. The main percentage of which live in the states of Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, West Virginia, Iowa, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota, North Dakota.

Self-identified German Americans, according to the census, make up $17.1% of the population or $50 million people. These immigrants from Germany or Alsace form the largest group, comprising $1/3$ of the German diaspora in the world.

Latin Americans, who are of European descent, also belong to white Americans.

The racial and ethnic minority in the country are African Americans from West and Central Africa. These are the descendants of enslaved blacks. It must be said that immigrants from Africa, the Caribbean, Central and South America can identify themselves with this term.

The approximate racial composition of the US population is as follows:

  1. White population from different regions – $75$%;
  2. African-Americans – $12.5%;
  3. Asian Americans – $4.5%;
  4. Natives, including Alaskans – $0.8%;
  5. Mixed and transitional races – $7.5%;
  6. Residents of Hawaii – $0.2$%.

Population distribution across the country

The distribution of the American population is related to the geography of cities, the number of which is growing rapidly. For example, in the middle of the last century there were $170$ of urban agglomerations in the country, and at the end of the $80s there were already about $300$. Interestingly, in the country of millionaire cities there is only $8$. Millionaires include New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Dallas, San Diego. And there are 35 agglomerations with millionaires. This means that America is a country of urban agglomerations and the bulk of the population, about 80%, lives in cities. Since the $50s, the country has seen the emergence of large urban formations called megalopolises.

Currently, there are three largest megalopolises in the country:

  1. Northeastern, stretching from Boston to Washington - “Boswash”;
  2. Priozerny – located between Chicago and Pittsburgh – “Chipits”;
  3. Californian – located between San Francisco and San Diego – “San-san”.

As for the rural population, they prefer to live on separately located farms. The conditions and life of rural residents are not much different from city residents. In the southeast of the country, rural settlements are more compact and numerous. The population is unevenly distributed throughout the country, and its average density is $23$ people. per sq km Without taking into account remote Alaska, the density increases to $30$ per person. per sq km American population density is about $10$ times lower than European density. In the world density ranking, the United States ranks $18, ahead of Brazil and Russia in this regard. The northeastern regions of the country are the most densely populated, where the population density reaches $100$ people. per sq km Mountain and agricultural areas have lower density - from $2$-$11$ people. per sq km Alaska has the lowest population density.

The general picture of population density can be presented as follows:

  1. In the Atlantic Coast states, population density maximum;
  2. Minimum density is typical for mountainous states;
  3. In the Pacific Coast states, density is again increases.

Internal migrations

The American nation is very mobile, and this is manifested in the fact that every $5 American annually changes his place of residence, moving from one state to another. Resettlers are moving in all directions, although there has been a tendency to move to the West over a long period of time. California was especially attractive, so its population increased by $21.2 million people and its share in the country's population increased from $3 to $10%. The western direction of migration coincided with the movement of the population from the southern states to the North of the United States. This direction of migration was associated with the outflow of the black population from rural districts of the South to large northern cities. The southern states have had a negative migration balance for many decades, with the exception of Florida, which has a favorable climate. The decline in population growth in the $70s also noticeably changed the trend of internal migration - the flow of immigrants to California decreased sharply, and movement from the northern to the southern states increased. If in the $50s the population of the northern and southern states had a ratio of $55$:$45$, then in 1990 this ratio changed to $45$:$55$. The population of three states is growing fastest: California, Texas, and Florida.

The reasons for such migration flows are:

  1. The shift of productive forces to the South and West of the country, which is associated with the development of the electronic and aerospace industries;
  2. Migration of pensioners. People of retirement age are attracted to the South by better natural and climatic conditions, land and housing prices, and lower living costs.

Statistics show that the cities of Las Vegas, Houston, Austin, Phoenix, Denver, Orlando, and Atlanta turned out to be attractive for migrants. A number of these cities are turning into “cities of pensioners.”

Migration flows of representatives of different racial-ethnic and age groups also differ. Statistics show that the most mobile population is the non-Hispanic white population. Compared to other racial-ethnic groups, they tend to move to other regions. Hispanic and black populations tend to migrate short distances. The mobile migration group also includes the white population of pensioners. The Northeast of the United States experienced the greatest loss from internal migration.

Differences in migration flows also exist among representatives age groups. For example, young people aged from $20 to $29 years most often leave the northern regions of the country. The reason for age migration, in this case, is a decrease in economic opportunities.

Note 2

According to experts' forecasts, negative migration rates will be typical for the Northeast and Midwest until 2025. The main migration flow will be in a southern direction. Florida and Texas will receive the largest number of migrants.

If we talk about external migrations, $1 million people move to the United States for permanent residence every year. The bulk of migrants come from Latin America, East and Southeast Asia. Among the Latin American countries, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Cuba stand out. Many illegal immigrants are arriving in the country.

National composition of the US population. Racial composition. African Americans, Germans in the USA

Racial composition according to the 2010 US Census, table.

Racial compositionQuantityPercent
Americans308 745 538 100,00%
White Americans 223 553 265 72,40%
African Americans38 929 319 12,60%
Asian Americans 14 674 252 4,80%
Native Americans or Alaska Natives 2 932 248 0,90%
Native Hawaiians or other Oceanians 540 013 0,20%
Some other races 19 107 368 6,20%
Two or more races9 009 073 2,90%

The American nation is a relatively young multi-ethnic entity, formed in the process of long-term cultural, economic, social and everyday interaction, as well as mixing with each other and assimilation of descendants of people of different ethnic origins, representing all three main races of humanity - Mongoloid, Caucasian and Negroid.

Rank Origin Quantity Percentage of total population
- Great Britain (1801-1922)
All people from the former United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
66 224 627 23,30%
1 German 42 841 569 15,20%
2 Irish 30 524 799 10,80%
3 African 24 903 412 8,80%
4 English 24 509 692 8,70%
5 American 20 188 305 7,20%
6 Mexican 18 382 291 6,50%
7 Italian 15 638 348 5,60%
8 Polish 8 977 235 3,20%
9 French 8 309 666 3,00%
10 Indigenous peoples of the United States 7 876 568 2,80%
11 Scottish 4 890 581 1,70%
12 Dutch 4 541 770 1,60%
13 Norwegian 4 477 725 1,60%
14 Scots-Irish 4 319 232 1,50%
15 Chinese 4 010 114 1,40%

White Americans(White American)

Make up the majority of US residents. Originating from Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

72.4% White Americans in 2010- the smallest percentage of whites in history. The highest was in 1930 and 1940 and was 89.8%. T Also, the number of Hispanic and Latino Americans in 2010 was50,477,594 people or 16.4% of the US population.

US states with the highest percentage of white Americans, as of 2007: Vermont 96.2%, Maine 95.5%, New Hampshire 95.0%, West Virginia 94.3%, Iowa 92.9%, Idaho 92.1%, Wyoming 91.6%, Minnesota 90.94%, North Dakota 90.9%.

US states with the highest percentage of non-Hispanic whites , as of 2007: Vermont 95.4%, Maine 94.8%, West Virginia 93.7%, New Hampshire 93.4%, Iowa 90.9%, North Dakota 90.2%.

Americans of German descent (Germans in the USA, German American)
Self-identified German Americans make up 17.1% of the US population according to the 2000 US Census.

German Americans are Americans who are of German or Alsace origin. Number of about 50 million people(50,764,352 people or 17.1% of the US population (2009)) making them the largest e the largest group ahead of Irish Americans, African Americans and English Americans. They include 1/3 of the German diaspora in the world.

However, Anglo-Americans and British-Americans are still considered the largest ethnic group due to the fact that in the 2000 census, many English and British Americans self-identified under the new category of "Americans", considering themselves "native" because their families had lived in the United States for a long time or were of mixed European ancestry.

African-Americans in the USA (African-American)
African-Americans are an ethnic group of citizens or residents of the United States with full or partial origins in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa. According to US agencies, this group includes people who identify as African-American, as well as people who emigrated from the Caribbean and sub-Saharan Africa.

African Americans make up the second largest racial and ethnic minority group in the United States. Most African Americans are of West and Central African descent. Wikipedia sources: , , .