Cash limit for small businesses. Calculation of the cash balance limit Cash balance limit in the cash register

Organizations working with cash this year must have a cash register. Its presence implies the need to draw up an order for the cash limit for 2017. We will consider the features of this document and the required details in the article.

Having a cash register requires filling out a cash book. It is this that allows you to track the movement of money from the cash register. Responsibilities for making entries lie either with the head of the enterprise or with the cashier (accountant). The cash book has a line to indicate the balance at the end of each business day. Their values ​​should not exceed the established limit.

If the organization generates surpluses, they must be sent for collection or to a servicing financial institution. Otherwise, the regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 373-P dated November 12, 2011 will be violated. This will result in penalties.

To ensure that the organization does not have surpluses, the cashier must monitor cash receipts, and the head of the enterprise must draw up an order for the cash limit for 2017 in a timely manner. The sample will help you enter all the necessary details correctly.

These categories were allowed not to use limits since June 1, 2014. If an organization does not know whether it belongs to the SMP, then the criteria can be found in Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007. For example, if the number of employees does not exceed 100 people, then such an organization will be considered a small business entity.

In case of loss of SMP status, the organization is obliged to immediately calculate the cash limit and issue an order.

Features of drawing up an order

Before drawing up an order, the organization must choose a suitable calculation formula for itself. If a company accepts payment for goods and services in cash, then the calculation must be made based on the volume of receipts, otherwise - on the amount of payments made minus wages and benefits.

  • full name of the organization;
  • number and name of the order;
  • date of compilation;
  • city ​​of compilation;
  • period of validity (this can be not only a year, but also a quarter, a month, you don’t have to specify a time frame at all, but then the document will be valid until a new order is adopted or the current one is cancelled);
  • the size of the established limit (indicated in rubles);
  • the period between the delivery or receipt (depending on the payment method) of cash is indicated in working days.

Such a document is signed by the head of the organization. It is important to specify who will control the execution of the order. Here you can specify the chief accountant, for example. If the manager monitors the execution himself, then a note must be made that he reserves responsibility and control over the implementation of the order.

Order to cancel the limit

If an enterprise has become small or was such, but at its own discretion uses the cash limit, then at any time it can stop using it. But to do this, it is necessary to issue an order to cancel the use of the previous order on limits (its details are indicated). It is imperative to specify the basis for cancellation - assignment to SMP or individual entrepreneur.

The company calculates the balance of the cash limit for 2017. The filling example will help you quickly make the calculation. All money above the cash balance limit you set for 2017 must be kept in bank accounts.

Remaining cash limit for 2017

The procedure for calculating the limit is established by the Appendix to the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions by legal entities and the simplified procedure for conducting cash transactions by individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.”

How to agree on the balance of the cash limit with the bank

There is no need to agree on the limit amount with the bank. It is enough to issue an internal administrative document, for example an order (clause 2 of Directive No. 3210-U).

An example of calculating the balance of the cash register limit for 2017 based on the volume of cash receipts

where L is the cash balance limit in the cash register;

V is the volume of cash receipts;

P - billing period, which should be no more than 92 working days;

N is the period of time between the days of depositing cash into the bank, which should not exceed seven working days, and in the absence of a bank in the locality, fourteen working days.

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Example. Calculation of the balance of the cash register limit for 2017 based on the volume of receipts.

The amount of cash revenue of the company, which operates seven days a week, amounted to 2 million rubles for the period from 10/01/16 to 10/15/16. Cash proceeds are collected once every 3 days.

The limit will be = 2,000,000 rubles. / 15 days * 3 days = 400,000 rub.

How to control the cash balance limit

Some goods are more convenient and faster to buy in cash. There is no escape from issuing cash on account even during business trips. But in practice, employees do not always honestly account for the funds received. The editors of the Russian Tax Courier magazine have compiled and will encourage not very responsible employees to “fly” to the accounting department with expense reports. It can be found in the article "".

A sample calculation of the balance of the cash register limit for 2017 based on the volume of cash disbursement

The following formula is used for calculation:

where L is the cash register limit,

R - the volume of all funds issued, with the exception of salaries and social payments for the billing period,

P - billing period, which should be no more than 92 days,

N - the number of days between receipts of cash at the bank by check, except for funds intended for payment of salaries and social benefits, which should not exceed seven working days, and in the absence of a bank in the locality - fourteen working days.

Example. Calculation of the balance of the cash register limit for 2017 based on the volume of cash issued.

The company has a six-day work week (day off is Sunday). The amount of cash issued by the organization for the period from 10/01/16 to 10/03/16 was 90,000 rubles. 10/02/16 – salary was issued in the amount of 50,000 rubles. The number of business days between check cash withdrawals is 7.

The limit will be = (90,000 rubles – 50,000 rubles) / 3 days * 7 days = 93,333.3 rubles.

If the organization has separate divisions. Limit of cash that can be kept in the cash register , including for separate divisions, is determined by the head of the organization. Exceeding the limit funds must be handed over to the bank. To indicate the limit, issue the following order.

Any domestic enterprise in the process of implementing its trading activities must resort to the use of cash. This application finds its place in the payment of wages, settlements with accountants and contractors.

Cash balance limit for 2017

No economic concept will ever exist forever. It became possible to hand over excess balance only with the introduction of financial responsibility. An amount that exceeds the limit will result in an unpleasant surprise for enterprises in the amount of up to 50,000 rubles. The Bank of Russia announced changes to some approved provisions regarding work with cash transactions. From June 1, 2014, the company’s cash desk will be able to hold circulating money without restrictions on size and timing.

Cash limit calculation

It is worth considering that each organization has the right to independently determine the scale of the amount of funds in the cash register. When approving a certain limit level, a company is obliged to pay attention to the type of its activity. In addition, the company is obliged to take into account the total cash flow in the cash register. In this case, the calculation takes into account both the volume of received and issued funds. This rule is taken into account in paragraph 2 of the Order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Organizations that have separate divisions in their composition, cash goes to the head structure of the company and creates a total cash register.

There are two methods for calculating the limit, which are presented in Regulation No. 3210-U.

Regulation No. 3210-U specifies two options for establishing a cash limit. One option is determined from the amount of funds received, and the second - from the amount of issued working capital.

Option #1

    Calculation of the cash register limit for 2017, based on the amount of funds received, is calculated using the formula:
  • L = V / P x N, where L is the cash balance limit;
  • V - the amount of money credited;
  • P - estimated time interval
  • N is the time interval between the days of cash delivery to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

As stated in paragraph 2 of the resolution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, if an organization was registered not long ago and does not have a single volume of cash from the cash desk, then in this case it is necessary to take into account the estimated volumes of cash disbursement.

Calculation of the cash limit for 2017, based on the amount of funds issued, is carried out using the formula:

Option No. 2

  • L = R / P x N, where L is the cash limit,
  • R - the amount of funds issued, excluding wages and social payments for the estimated period of time,
  • P - estimated time, which must be no more than 92 days,
  • N - Number of days

Funds used for payroll and other payments are not taken into account when calculating the cash limit in 2017.

“Balance limit” = “amount of money disbursed for the billing period” / “Settlement period from 1 to 92 days” * Number of days from the date of withdrawal of money from the bank”

Formation of limits

A company that uses cash in its work determines the limit of money in the cash register by means of issuing an administrative document. In practice, this document is an order from the company manager to determine the cash limit. The regulations of the Central Bank and other instructions do not contain special requirements for the order on the cash limit. Each enterprise has the right to establish its own form of writing such an order, and also has the right to recalculate the established limits. If the data used in the calculation has changed, then the limit need not be recalculated.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has provided each company with fairly wide and convenient opportunities in terms of choosing the optimal cash limit, but when calculating the organization’s cash balance, the declared limit must be calculated strictly in ruble currency.

The cash limit for small businesses in 2017 can be calculated in two ways. We have provided a detailed sample order with a calculation attached, with which you can set a cash balance limit. Download a blank form and a sample order for setting and canceling a limit to save time and fill out documents without errors.

Who has the right not to set a cash limit for small businesses in 2017

The company does not have the right to keep any amount of cash in the cash register, only within the limit. The maximum amount of cash is calculated and established according to the rules prescribed in the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions by legal entities and the simplified procedure for conducting cash transactions by individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.” The company must hand over everything that has accumulated in the cash register in excess of the limit to the bank.

Exceptions are individual entrepreneurs and small businesses. They may not install cash limit for small businesses in 2017. And then any amount of cash without restrictions will be stored in the cash register. To opt out of restrictions, please register an order that you will work without a maximum amount. If you previously approved the limit, then sign an order to cancel the limit according to our sample.

How to set a cash limit for 2017

If you still decide to limit the amount of cash in the cash register, set cash balance limit for 2017 for small businesses. The calculation rules for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses are the same as for large legal entities.

Regulation No. 3210-U offers two options for determining the cash limit. The first option is calculated from the volume of cash receipts, and the second - from the volume of cash disbursement. It is better to reflect the established cash limit in 2017 and the chosen payment option in a local act and approve it by order of the manager.

Now let’s look at what each of the calculation options is.

A sample order for establishing a cash limit in 2017 with a calculation attached, based on the volume of cash receipts.

Order No. 401

1. Set a limit on the balance of funds that can be kept at the enterprise’s cash desk equal to 225,000 rubles

2. Set the time period between the days of depositing cash received for services rendered into the bank equal to 5 working days.

3. Responsibility and control over the execution of this order rests with the chief accountant.

Calculation of the cash limit for 2017, based on the volume of cash receipts

Calculation of the cash limit for 2017 for small enterprises, based on the volume of cash receipts, is carried out using the formula: L = V / P x N, where:

  • L is the cash balance limit;
  • V is the volume of cash receipts;
  • P - billing period
  • N is the period of time between the days of depositing cash into the bank, which should not exceed seven working days, and in the absence of a bank in the locality, fourteen working days.

Please note that the organization has the right to choose the billing period for determining the cash limit in 2017, but not less than one day and no more than 92 days.

Sample calculation of the cash limit for 2017, based on the volume of cash receipts

Let’s assume that the Limma trading company’s average revenue per working day was 45,000 rubles. Cash proceeds are collected once every 5 days, according to the order of the manager.

Thus, cash limit calculation for 2017 as follows:

  • L=V/P x N
  • 225000 =45000/1*5

If necessary, the resulting amount can be rounded up or down.

Let us now examine the second option, when calculating the cash limit small businesses done based on the volume of funds disbursed.

Sample order for establishing a cash limit in 2017 with a calculation attached, based on the volume of cash disbursement

Limited Liability Company "Limma"

Order No. 401

on establishing a limit on the cash balance in the cash register for 2017

I order: for the period from 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017:

  1. Set a limit on the balance of funds that can be kept at the enterprise’s cash desk equal to 69,000 rubles
  2. Set the time period between receipts of funds from a bank account by check equal to 6 business days.
  3. Responsibility and control over the execution of this order rests with the chief accountant.

The calculation of the cash limit is given in the appendix to the order.

General Director of Limma LLC ________________________________________ Yu.V. Semenov

Calculation of the cash register limit for 2017, based on the volume of cash disbursement

Calculation of the cash register limit for 2017, based on the volume of funds issued, is carried out using the formula:

L = R / P x N, where:

  • L is the cash limit,
  • R - the volume of all funds issued, with the exception of salaries and social payments for the billing period,
  • P - billing period, which should be no more than 92 days,
  • N is the number of days between receipts of cash at the bank, which should not exceed seven working days, and in the absence of a bank in the locality, fourteen working days.

Attention! Small businesses do not take into account funds for paying salaries and other payments to employees when calculating the cash limit in 2017.

Sample calculation of the cash limit for 2017, based on the volume of cash disbursed

The Limma company works six days a week - Sunday is a day off, so its billing period for the 4th quarter of 2016 will be 78.

The turnover on loan 50 of the “Cassa” account at Limma LLC amounted to:

  • in October - 200,000 rubles.
  • in November - 203,000 rubles.
  • in December - 500,000 rubles.

Total for the 4th quarter: 903,000 rubles.

The number of working days between cash withdrawals by check is 6 (according to the order of the general director).

Thus, the calculation of the cash limit for small businesses is as follows:

  • L=R/P x N
  • 903000/78*6=69461,54

The manager considered it necessary to round the amount received to 69,000 rubles, and reflected it in the order.

If the organization has separate divisions. The limit of cash that can be kept in the cash register, including for separate divisions, is determined by the head of the organization.

Exceeding the limit funds must be handed over to the bank; for violating the cash handling procedures, the company faces a fine.

Each reporting period, the accounting department or the head of the enterprise himself must determine how much cash can be kept in the cash register. This obligation is provided for by the regulation of the Central Bank of Russia No. 373-P dated October 12, 2011. The cash balance limit for 2018 should be calculated not only by legal entities, but also by private entrepreneurs.

Many organizations prefer to use non-cash payments. But some of them have to accept or issue cash. For example, employees may receive wages or benefits in person. The list of situations allowing the use of cash is not limited by law. But the availability of money obliges the company to calculate the cash limit for 2018.

All legal entities must have a cash register if they use cash. But the amount of funds in the cash register is limited to the maximum permissible value. Each company will have its own. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not provide general values ​​in its regulations, but it gives several formulas with the help of which the cash limit for 2018 should be established.

The presence of a cash register obliges the organization to fill out a cash book. Data is transferred to it from cash documents signed by the following persons:

  • the head of the enterprise, if he independently conducts operations;
  • cashier and accountant, if they have relevant responsibilities.

The cash book allows you to track the movement of cash in it (receipt, expense). You need to check the data in this document daily, and then indicate the balance amounts. The amount of remaining funds should not exceed the cash limit for 2018 established by the manager’s order.

Otherwise, the perpetrators will bear administrative responsibility. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the following penalties for this offense:

In order not to break the law, the enterprise must know how to calculate the cash limit for 2018.

Formulas used in calculations

The above-mentioned regulation of the Central Bank provides several formulas for calculation. But each of them should be used only in specific cases.

With the receipt of money

If an organization not only issues, but also receives cash, then when calculating it is obliged to take into account the amount of receipts. How to calculate the cash limit for 2018 in this case? Using the following formula:

Limit = (<сумма всех поступлений за выбранный период> / <количество дней в расчетном периоде>) * <число дней между сдачами наличных в отделение банка>

The period taken cannot be more than 92 days (3 months is the maximum period), and you cannot deposit cash at the bank less than once a week. A sample calculation of the cash limit for 2017 will help you understand the calculation procedure.

Example. The organization received 850,000 rubles in cash in January 2018 (17 working days). At the same time, cash delivery in the company occurs once every 5 days. Hence the limit will be equal to: (850,000/17)*5 = 250,000 rubles.

No cash receipt

If the enterprise does not receive cash, but only uses it, then the cash register limit for 2018 should be calculated using the previously given formula, only instead of the sum of all receipts, you need to substitute the total amount of money issued for this period, excluding wages and social benefits. Let's look at an example for clarity.

Example. In January 2018 (17 days), the company paid 1,450,000 rubles from the cash register, of which 600,000 rubles were spent on wages (remember that on payment days the limit may not be observed). The organization's clients use only cashless payments to pay for goods. Funds are received at the cash desk once every 6 days from the bank by check. How to set a cash limit in 2017 in this case? The calculations will be as follows: ((1,450,000 – 600,000)/17)*6 = 300,000 rubles.

The formulas for calculating the limit are simple and clear; the calculations should not raise questions for the accountant if the cash book is maintained correctly.