Loan calculator all banks in Belarus. Loan calculator online

There are many banks represented in the modern lending market. You can get a loan for any purchase: from household appliances to an apartment. One of the main indicators in a loan agreement is the interest rate. The amount of overpayment on borrowed funds depends on it. The lower the interest rate, the smaller the overpayment amount will be. But how to calculate interest on a loan? We will tell you in this article what formula the bank uses and how to profitably use the loan agreement.

What is a loan?

There are usually two main actors involved in a loan agreement. This is the bank and the client. The client signs an agreement, from which it follows that the borrower asks him to finance under certain conditions.

Each loan agreement is drawn up on the terms of payment, repayment and urgency. Payment means that the banking organization issues money to the borrower at a certain percentage, from which the bank earns money.

Repayment means that the client must repay the entire loan amount, including interest on the actual use of the loan funds. Urgency includes certain payment deadlines, which are not recommended to be violated, as penalties will follow.

You can draw up an agreement for goods, an apartment, or just take cash. In this regard, there are three main directions:

  1. Car loans.
  2. Mortgage.
  3. Customer credit.

You can also distinguish between targeted and non-targeted loans, but all these are just general designations. The most important thing in lending is the loan rate, on the basis of which interest is calculated.

In order to be well versed in bank offers on loan agreements, it is important to be able to calculate interest on a loan yourself. This will allow you to estimate the total cost of lending and find the best offers. In order to understand how to calculate a loan yourself, you need to understand some banking terminology.

Loan debt

This is one of the main concepts. Also, loan debt is often called the body of the loan or the amount of the principal debt. This is the part of the funds with which the bank finances the client. It is worth considering that the amount of the principal debt may include additional services, such as insurance and SMS information.

Interest on the loan will depend on the amount of loan debt. Since the annual interest rate on the loan is calculated exactly on the amount of the principal debt.

Let's look at an example. Let’s say you took out a loan for 15,000 rubles, in addition to this, a life and health insurance service for 2,000 rubles and SMS information for 800 rubles. The total loan amount will be 17,800 rubles. This is the amount on which the bank will charge interest.

But as monthly payments are made, the loan principal will decrease, and interest will be charged on a smaller amount of the principal debt.

Interest rate

Loan interest is a fixed amount, depending on the loan amount, that the bank offers to the client for servicing the loan agreement. The amount of interest varies depending on the type of loan.

For mortgage contracts, the rate varies from 10 to 15%, which is significantly lower than for consumer loans (about 20 -40%). This is explained by the fact that the loan amount in a mortgage is much higher than, for example, in lending for household appliances.

The monthly payment is the amount that the client agrees to pay on a monthly basis. It consists of the amount of principal and interest under the loan agreement. Such a payment may be annuity, i.e., the same throughout the entire loan, with the exception of the very last payment.

Or differentiated, in which a fixed amount of loan debt is established, but the payment itself decreases as the loan is repaid.

Having familiarized ourselves with the basic terminology, we can now understand how to carry out loan calculations ourselves. All banks use a single formula for calculating interest on loans. It looks like this:

Proc. = Basic debt * Proc. becoming * Fact. days / days year where:

  • Proc.– interest on loans for the current billing period or current month;
  • Basic duty– balance of the principal amount;
  • Proc. becoming
  • Fact. days– the actual number of days of using the loan or days in the current month;
  • Day year– the total number of days in a year.
  1. Funding amount: 18,200.
  2. Insurance: 1,000.
  3. SMS notification: 800.
  4. Interest rate: 20%.
  5. Monthly payment: 3,000.
  6. Date of execution of the contract: May 1.

Based on the parameters, the total loan (principal amount) will be 20,000 rubles (18,200 + 1,000 + 800). Interest begins to be calculated on it in the first month. We substitute the values ​​into the formula and calculate the percentages for May:

Proc. = 20,000 * 20% * 31 / 365 = 339 rubles 73 kopecks. This is the amount of interest that will be included in the monthly payment for May. And the payment itself will need to be made before June 1. Let's build a repayment schedule table:

As can be seen from the table, the monthly payment includes interest for May, which is calculated from the original loan debt. At the same time, the loan body decreased. Calculating the value is quite simple: 20,000 – 2,660.27 = 17,339.73. Now the interest rate on loans and borrowings will be charged on a smaller amount of loan debt. We continue to calculate the annual interest on the loan:

Proc. = 17,339.73 * 20% * 30 / 365 = 285 rubles 04 kopecks. The amount of interest that will be included in the monthly payment for June. We pay, accordingly, until July 1. We will extend our payment schedule.

The loan body continues to decrease: 17,339.73 – 2,714.96 = 14,624.77. What pattern can you notice? Every month, the monthly payment includes more and more of the principal amount and less and less interest. Thus, loan agreements are structured so that in the first months the bank will receive the greatest profit.

And closer to the end of the loan term, the amount of overpayment included in the monthly payment will be insignificant. And the borrower, in order to save as much money as possible, needs to repay the entire debt as quickly as possible. This is just an example of how the loan is calculated. It is not necessary to calculate everything yourself; banks offer services in the form that will build a similar payment schedule in a matter of seconds.

How to save on a loan?

In this case, the service will be a loan, so additional conditions, such as insurance or SMS messages, are optional, with the exception of property insurance for a mortgage or collateral insurance for a car loan. Therefore, without including additional services, you can reduce the loan amount.

If you need a detailed calculation with exact dates, a variable rate and the ability to make early payments, use the advanced loan calculator.

Online loan application

You can apply for a loan online on the website of almost any bank. The convenience for the client is obvious here - filling out an application on the website without visiting the office saves your time. This is also beneficial for banks, as it saves employees time. The bank can collect all the necessary information about a potential borrower and make a decision on loan approval without the client visiting the office. Documents and certificates can be provided electronically. A personal visit will only be necessary to provide original documents and sign the contract.

Calculate your loan yourself

The loan calculator with early repayment is designed for independent online calculation of loan parameters, such as the amount of the monthly payment and the total overpayment on the loan based on the amount desired by the borrower and the loan term, as well as the interest rate. After completing the calculation, you will receive a detailed payment schedule containing details of each monthly payment, namely: the total payment amount, how much of this amount goes towards paying off interest and how much towards repaying principal, and the remaining principal balance.

Using an online calculator to calculate a loan is very convenient. You can carry out any calculations without resorting to the help of specialists.

Interest rate

The interest rate is the cost of the loan offered by the bank. Each bank has its own lending programs for the population and offers different interest rates. Even within the same bank, the interest rate can vary greatly under different conditions. It may depend on factors such as the age of the borrower, his credit history, the purpose of the loan, the loan amount, and the presence of guarantors. It happens that banks provide their regular customers (for example, debit card holders or people who have already used a loan) more favorable lending conditions than customers “from the street”. You can find out the current interest rates of banks on the websites of these banks.

Monthly payment type

Another parameter that influences the calculation result is the type of payment. An annuity is a payment in which the amount of the monthly payment remains unchanged throughout the entire loan term. Differentiated is a type of payment in which the amount of the monthly payment decreases towards the end of the loan term. This happens due to the fact that the share of the principal debt remains unchanged, and the share of interest decreases every month, as the total amount of debt decreases. The most common type of payment is the annuity.

The loan calculator is convenient to use to compare results for different initial values, thus choosing the optimal loan terms for yourself. The ability to save the results will further simplify this process.

A loan calculator will help you avoid finding yourself in a difficult situation due to late payments. You can preliminarily estimate all expenses and calculate the monthly payment and overpayment, and, using our service, quickly calculate the loan.

It must indicate the interest rate, amount, repayment period of the principal debt and payment scheme (annuity or differentiated). The results that appear will show the monthly payment amount, including all charges. A convenient payment calendar allows you to calculate how much you will need to pay monthly.

Using the calculator, you can immediately estimate the amount of payments in advance. The information in it is approximate and the exact payment schedule will be provided by the bank manager for the selected offer.

To get the most profitable loan amount or money on your card, contact the financial institution you are interested in. Employees of financial institutions, taking into account your wishes and capabilities, will try to select the appropriate size of a consumer loan and monthly payments.

Loan calculator

What affects the benefits of a loan? Its amount, term and interest rate you expect. These are the parameters that the online calculator takes into account. With it, you can not only prepare to receive a loan from a bank, but also select other products that suit your requirements. You don’t have to use complex formulas: this way you will eliminate the possibility of error and receive accurate information to assess the possible financial burden.

Our calculator takes into account such an important parameter as the payment scheme. It affects your monthly payment and affects the total overpayment on your loan. An annuity scheme (in equal shares), as a rule, carries less financial burden on the borrower per month, but at the same time results in a larger overpayment. In addition, repaying the loan ahead of schedule with such a payment scheme is pointless, since interest is mainly paid at the very beginning of the period. As a rule, differentiated payments decrease towards the end of the service period and at the same time reduce the total loan amount, but can put pressure on the client in the first months of payments. In addition, having issued a loan with such a calculation scheme, it makes sense to repay the debt to the bank ahead of schedule.

By the way, about early repayment. The online loan calculator also takes this parameter into account. Many borrowers, when taking out a loan, try to repay it in advance. This can be done in two ways - by shortening the payment period or reducing the amount of debt. To take this parameter into account in your calculations, click on “Early repayment” under the main fields. Select the option that suits you and enter the amount you plan to contribute and the term. If you plan to make several contributions for early repayment, indicate them as well.

The result of the calculations will be a chart with general information: the total payment amount, divided into the principal part of the debt (the one you received from the bank), accrued interest and the amount of the monthly payment. Download the payment schedule to check it with your bank or use it as a reference in future searches.

Loan selection

The online loan calculator from will not only calculate the benefits of the proposed loan for you, but will also select suitable offers from Russian banks operating in your region.

The database of our portal stores information about offers from banks with branches throughout Russia. The system automatically selects programs whose conditions match the data you entered.

Each card indicates interest rates, probable amounts (minimum and maximum thresholds), as well as the main benefits of the loan for the borrower. On one page you can familiarize yourself with the conditions of several banks. You no longer need to contact the financial institution’s office directly or search for information on different websites. All the data you need to make your choice will be right before your eyes.

Dig deeper by calculating the benefits based on what each individual bank offers. To do this, click on the “Detailed calculation” button. The service will apply the rates and terms for the program, and with an approximate payment schedule you can understand whether it is worth applying for this particular loan. Many organizations offer their services online, so you can proceed to filling out an application directly from the page of our portal by clicking on the appropriate button.

Thus, the loan calculator from is an opportunity to select and take out a loan from one of the Russian banks in the shortest possible time. To do this, you don’t have to travel to the branches of different organizations or wait in queues - you just need an Internet connection and a few minutes of your day.

The loan calculator calculates monthly payments, interest on the loan, payments for commissions and insurance. A payment schedule is drawn up indicating the amounts of payments taken into account. The loan calculator can calculate payments using the annuity or differentiated method. The results on the right display the amount of the monthly payment, overpayment of interest, overpayment taking into account commissions, and the total cost of the loan.

Pay special attention to the Effective Interest Rate, which, taking into account additional fees and insurance, may be significantly higher than that offered in the loan agreement.

Loan calculator settings

Calculation method
It is possible to calculate the loan and payments, both by the Loan Amount and by the Purchase Cost and the down payment. When calculating a loan based on the Purchase Cost, the loan amount is first calculated, and no interest or fees are charged on the down payment.

Selecting a loan currency
The loan calculator can calculate a loan online in one of 3 currencies: rubles, dollars or euros.

Credit term
By default, the loan term must be entered in months. You can enter the term in years, but you must change the loan term type.

Interest rate
Traditionally, interest rates are calculated on a percentage/year basis. By changing the settings of the loan calculator, you can calculate payments based on the monthly interest rate.

Payment type
Typically, banks use the annuity method for calculating loan payments (equal monthly payments) to calculate the loan. However, the second option is also possible - differentiated payments (accrual of interest on the balance). Using the drop-down menu, select the type of payment calculation you need. For more detailed information about the types and methods of calculation, see the sections annuity calculator or differentiated payment calculator.

Additional settings

Commission upon issue
One of the conditions for issuing a loan by many banks is the payment of a Commission when issuing or for issuing a loan. A loan calculator can factor such a fee into the total cost of the loan and, if necessary, break the fee into monthly payments.

Monthly commission
Taken into account in the total cost of the loan and in monthly payments

Credit insurance is an additional monthly fee option. As a rule, banks do not take insurance into account in the monthly payment schedule and charge a similar commission based on an additional agreement. However, the total cost of the loan received may increase significantly. The online loan calculator takes into account the monthly insurance in the total cost of the loan and in the amount of the monthly payment.

Last installment
One of the loan options is a loan with a final payment. When calculating such a loan, the monthly payment is lower due to a reduction in payments on the principal debt. However, interest on the last installment is also accrued and taken into account in monthly payments.

date of issue
By default, the current date is used, but you can choose any convenient one. The function is convenient when working with a payment schedule.

First payment date
Initially, the current date is used; for the convenience of working with the payment schedule, select the required one.

The loan calculator calculates monthly payments, interest on the loan, payments for commissions and insurance. A payment schedule is drawn up indicating the amounts of payments taken into account. The loan calculator can calculate payments using the annuity or differentiated method. The results on the right display the amount of the monthly payment, overpayment of interest, overpayment taking into account commissions, and the total cost of the loan.

Pay special attention to the Effective Interest Rate, which, taking into account additional fees and insurance, may be significantly higher than that offered in the loan agreement.

Loan calculator settings

Calculation method
It is possible to calculate the loan and payments, both by the Loan Amount and by the Purchase Cost and the down payment. When calculating a loan based on the Purchase Cost, the loan amount is first calculated, and no interest or fees are charged on the down payment.

Selecting a loan currency
The loan calculator can calculate a loan online in one of 3 currencies: rubles, dollars or euros.

Credit term
By default, the loan term must be entered in months. You can enter the term in years, but you must change the loan term type.

Interest rate
Traditionally, interest rates are calculated on a percentage/year basis. By changing the settings of the loan calculator, you can calculate payments based on the monthly interest rate.

Payment type
Typically, banks use the annuity method for calculating loan payments (equal monthly payments) to calculate the loan. However, the second option is also possible - differentiated payments (accrual of interest on the balance). Using the drop-down menu, select the type of payment calculation you need. For more detailed information about the types and methods of calculation, see the sections annuity calculator or differentiated payment calculator.

Additional settings

Commission upon issue
One of the conditions for issuing a loan by many banks is the payment of a Commission when issuing or for issuing a loan. A loan calculator can factor such a fee into the total cost of the loan and, if necessary, break the fee into monthly payments.

Monthly commission
Taken into account in the total cost of the loan and in monthly payments

Credit insurance is an additional monthly fee option. As a rule, banks do not take insurance into account in the monthly payment schedule and charge a similar commission based on an additional agreement. However, the total cost of the loan received may increase significantly. The online loan calculator takes into account the monthly insurance in the total cost of the loan and in the amount of the monthly payment.

Last installment
One of the loan options is a loan with a final payment. When calculating such a loan, the monthly payment is lower due to a reduction in payments on the principal debt. However, interest on the last installment is also accrued and taken into account in monthly payments.

date of issue
By default, the current date is used, but you can choose any convenient one. The function is convenient when working with a payment schedule.

First payment date
Initially, the current date is used; for the convenience of working with the payment schedule, select the required one.