Basic course on IFRS. Overview of IFRS training programs

2019-12-14 43

Where to take IFRS courses in Moscow?

If you decide to study IFRS and are looking for suitable courses to study, then start by testing your level of knowledge. Take the “Do you know IFRS” test for free and receive objective data on your preparation and useful recommendations. Its results will greatly help you in choosing the appropriate training program.

In 2016, there was a large surge in demand for financial specialists who are proficient in preparing financial statements under IFRS. At the same time, the level of wages has also increased sharply. Today, an accountant who knows international standards and knows how to apply them in the process of preparing financial statements earns 40-60% more than his colleague working according to RAS. And if his transformation skills are confirmed by a prestigious international qualification in accordance with IFRS, then the salary can exceed 100,000 rubles per month.

It is no secret that large companies whose securities are traded on the stock market, as well as organizations engaged in insurance and credit activities, are required to submit reports in accordance with IFRS. The trend is that by 2017 these changes in the accounting and reporting system will be applicable to all medium and small businesses in Russia. Consequently, today, knowledge of IFRS is a strong competitive advantage, which tomorrow will become the main requirement when hiring.

According to the results of a study conducted among accountants and financial specialists in Moscow, only 3% of respondents are familiar with international standards. 10% periodically encounter IFRS in their work, but for now they apply them under the strict supervision of more competent colleagues. But 17% of accountants reported that they do not know IFRS at all and do not intend to study them in the near future. But the majority of survey participants (70%) are not yet able to keep records according to IFRS, but are seriously aiming to acquire these skills in 2017. In their opinion, the best training can be provided by professional organizations and training centers that produce internationally certified specialists.

"IFRS. Basis" is an online course that will allow you to acquire a strong knowledge base on international financial reporting standards and learn how to effectively apply it in practice. After passing it, you will be able to receive an international British IPFM diploma.

Duration of the program: access is open up to 90 days (60 academic hours).

Take the 1st module of the “IFRS.Basis” course for free to evaluate the training format and make sure that it suits you in all respects.

“ACCA DipIFR (rus)” is a practical course for specialists familiar with the theoretical basis of IFRS and aimed at obtaining the ACCA DipIFR (rus) diploma. The program includes both the study of the theoretical aspects of IFRS and intensive practice of the tasks of the upcoming exam. Course teachers are IFRS specialists, holders of ACCA DipIFR (rus) diplomas and a full ACCA Qualification certificate.

Training format: distance learning (webinars + electronic handouts + personal support from a tutor + testing + independent work + final online exam).

Duration of the program: access is open up to 120 days (80 academic hours).

Get free access to the 1st module of this course to understand the training system and become familiar with its program!

RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation. Graduate School of Finance and Management

Course: “IFRS. Preparation and presentation of corporate financial statements.”

Training format: full-time/modular system (2 times a month on Saturdays).

Duration of the program: 6 months.

Cost: 80,000 rubles.

Education Center "ELKOD"

Course: “IFRS under the IPBR program (Theory + Practicum)”

Duration of the program: 160 ac. hours.

Cost: 32,000 rub.

Training Center "Specialist" at MSTU. N.E. Bauman.

Course 1: “International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Basic Course.”

Training format: full-time (2-3 times a week/weekdays from 18.00 to 21.45).

Duration of the program: 40 ac. hours.

Cost: from 20,990 rub.

Course 2: “Preparation for the ACCA exam to obtain a diploma in IFRS DipIFR (rus).”

Training format: full-time.

Duration of the program: 48 ac. hours.

Cost: from 29,990 rub.

Educational and Methodological Center "Accounting and Auditing" National Research University Higher School of Economics

Course: “Practice of application of international financial reporting standards”

Training format: full-time.

Duration of the program: 114 ac. hours.

Cost: 40,500 rub.

Institute for Professional Retraining of Specialists National Research University Higher School of Economics

Course: “Advanced level. International Financial Reporting Standards".

Training format: distance learning.

Duration of training: 2.5 months.

Cost: 19,000 rub.

HOCK Training

Course 1: “Basic course in IFRS.”

Training format: full-time.

Duration of the program: 24 ac. hours.

Cost: 19,900 rub.

Many Russian companies have already switched, are actively switching, or are seriously thinking about switching to IFRS, so the demand for specialists who can work in this area is incredibly high today. In this regard, it is extremely important for accountants and financiers to determine how to implement international standards in practice at a particular company, in what format to obtain high-quality knowledge and skills in working with IFRS, how to choose the “right” provider, and how to combine training with a busy daily schedule. .

When accountants are faced with the problem of choice: “where to study IFRS?”, and information about training centers, training courses, teachers and training formats comes from different directions, the main thing here is not to get confused and choose what will be the most useful, convenient and accessible.

Today, technology is developing at breakneck speed, taking the training and advanced training of accountants to a whole new level: now every financial specialist can receive additional professional education without interrupting their family and main job, without the need to travel to a training center! Distance learning is a necessity dictated by the rhythm of life today! This format of education is actively gaining momentum, expanding the boundaries of its capabilities and today is the most effective and convenient way to qualitatively improve the skills of busy specialists.

Let's figure out what modern distance learning providers offer, and who can you trust with your professional destiny, time and money?

Due to the widespread interest in Russia in obtaining such international qualifications as ACCA DipIFR (rus), IPFM, CIMA, CIA, etc., many companies and training centers have actively begun recruiting for online training and preparation for passing exams. But, unfortunately, the vast majority of them are new to the distance learning market and have minimal experience in online teaching practice.

What criteria should you consider when choosing an online IFRS training provider?

1. Tuition cost.

It is no secret that a comprehensive study of IFRS “from scratch to pro” is not cheap. At the same time, every specialist wants to remain 100% confident in the effectiveness of training, as well as in the fact that his money will not be thrown away!

According to experts, accountants, auditors and financial specialists should focus not so much on the low cost of IFRS training programs, but on the consistency of the company's reputation with the quality of services offered, the professionalism of teachers and a systematic approach to online learning. In addition, providers, who are today leaders in the IFRS distance learning market, are developing flexible systems of discounts and promotional offers, which allows students to save money without compromising the quality of training.

In the IFRS online training market, the greatest demand is for courses aimed at preparing for the ACCA DipIFR(rus) exam. Below is a comparative overview of the prices of leading companies that specialize in this area.

Preparation programs for the ACCA DipIFR(rus) exam.

The educational center Format Duration of training Cost, rub)
HOCK Training Remote preparation for the exam (electronic materials, an archive of questions and answers on tasks, a detailed interactive plan for preparing for the exam, intermediate tests, checking work, a trial exam) ___ from 12 000
Financial Academy "Active" LMS, including: webinars, video lectures, electronic library, notes, problem books and solution books, workbook, intermediate testing, trial exam, individual tutor support 80 hours from 29 400
Ernst&Young (EY) Webinar series (23) 69 academics hours from 31 000
PwC Webinar series + electronic materials 30 hours 28 320
StarTrainings Recordings of video lectures, electronic materials, 4 intermediate tests, trial exam) 65 academics hours
I FRS PROFESSIONAL Webinar series from 72 academic. hours ( from 26 750)

2. Experience in the IFRS training market.

If you approach the choice of a provider who works in a remote training format with the utmost seriousness, then you need to take into account his experience specifically in this field.

Remember! If a training center has for a long time and very successfully specialized in full-time training of accountants and financial specialists, this does not guarantee that advanced training in an online format will be organized by it with maximum effectiveness and will be focused on the individual needs of students. And by choosing new providers, you run the serious risk of becoming a “test” listener in methodological experiments, which can also lead to zero results.

3. Professionalism of tutors.

“Not every expert teacher in full-time training will be a professional in distance training... A university lecturer-theorist will lose to a practical tutor in the fight for a job with a reputable online training provider!”

Despite the huge number of specialists offering online learning of IFRS, there are not so many truly experienced and reputable tutors whom you can trust with your professional development.

It is a very common practice that a seemingly expert specialist who has worked for a long time as a teacher at a university or full-time training center, having switched to a remote work format, becomes lost and, apart from boring theory, cannot tell anything useful and interesting. But it is very important that classes with tutors are full of real practice with maximum use of the technical tools of the webinar service. It is this approach that will be the key to effective preparation for passing IFRS exams.

To effectively study international standards in a distance format, choose only those providers who are ready to offer you highly qualified teaching practitioners to help you. For example, recognized experts, representatives of auditing companies, leading specialists in the field of IFRS, who are holders of international diplomas ACCA DipIFR (rus), IPFM, CAP/CIPA, CIA and others.

To evaluate the tutor’s professionalism and the style of his work in online learning, listen to his free webinars and read about his professional achievements in the specialty being taught.

4. Methodological approaches to teaching.

It is very important that the online training program in IFRS is built on the principle of “from simple to complex”, and not just by the names of international standards. This approach will allow even the most inexperienced beginner to master practical skills in reporting according to international standards.

When choosing an online training provider, pay special attention to ensuring that IFRS training courses are divided into separate modules and involve continuous monitoring of the mastery of the material. It would be great if at the end of each module intermediate tests or independent work are offered, only after successful completion of which you will have access to the new module. This is a good incentive to study the material!

All classes must be accompanied by practical examples and tasks to reinforce the completed sections of the course, solved under the mentorship of a tutor. It is also very important to independently solve a large number of problems in order to gain valuable timed work skills, conduct an objective analysis of typical mistakes made by diploma applicants during tests, as well as study the technique of distributing time and effort in the exam.

Feedback from the tutor is no less important. After all, distance learning is not only about working on your own, but also about active communication with teachers and fellow students. You should have the opportunity to ask any questions you are interested in and receive full-fledged consultations, for example, via Skype or email.

5. Duration of online training.

Before choosing a provider and starting training, you need to correctly assess your level of training in the field of IFRS. If you already have some knowledge, you can choose several practical intensive online courses without theory and “water”. If there is 0 knowledge, then the duration of training should be at least 3 months. It’s great if the training center offers several levels of step-by-step training - “from beginner to pro.”

If we talk about preparing for qualifying exams in IFRS “from scratch,” then the total number of hours should be at least 120. Today in the distance learning market you can find many offers from different providers that offer courses lasting 80-90 academic hours. However, even in 100 hours it is impossible to master IFRS from “0” so as to pass the difficult ACCA DipIFR (rus) exam the first time.

We recommend that you compare the duration of online training for the chosen course in several companies. Courses that are too short or unreasonably long should raise your doubts. Give preference to the “golden mean”.

You can compare the duration of IFRS training at market leading training centers in the tables of paragraph 1.

6. Access to free materials (webinars, trial modules, promotional versions).

It’s great if the training center provides the opportunity to view archived recordings of training webinars for free and use additional literature to gain more in-depth knowledge than is required within the program. Typically, these materials are available on the official websites of online training providers. Before deciding to choose this or that course, do not be lazy to take advantage of these “freebies” - perhaps you will change your decision. If there is nothing freely available, or the materials do not provide any value, then the IFRS courses themselves may be ineffective.

7. Reviews and successes of graduates.

If the provider is confident in the quality of its product, then it will not only introduce you to reviews posted on the official website, but will also provide real contacts of students who have previously undergone training. When you check the reliability of reviews of IFRS courses, do not forget to ask how things are now for graduates who studied a year ago. If a person does not even remember that he took these courses, or works on a freelance exchange, then, most likely, training in IFRS was ineffective.

8. Reputation in the IFRS online training market.

The provider's specialization in distance learning IFRS and many years of practical experience in this particular area is what concentrates the efforts of the training center on developing effective and efficient online courses in IFRS and improving the methodology of distance learning in this area, including preparing students for the exam to receive the ACCA DipIFR diploma (rus).

9. Preparation for passing qualifying exams.

High-quality IFRS training is also confirmed by the availability of online mock exams based on real exams from previous years. Some educational and methodological centers include additional webinars in the training program dedicated to the intricacies and secrets of passing exams.

And further! Having the status of an official ACCA center for preparing for the ACCA DipIFR exam is a 100% guarantee of the serious approach and professionalism of the training center in the field of IFRS training!

Now let's talk about what formats are offered by modern distance learning providers in IFRS, and which training centers you can trust with your professional destiny, time and money.

Recordings of video and audio lectures (off-line lectures).

Advantages: the ability to listen/view material in any convenient place and at any convenient time, as well as return to the most complex issues of the topic an unlimited number of times.

Disadvantage: complete lack of control over the acquired knowledge, third-party support and “live” contact with the lecturer: the listener is forced to independently deal with a huge flow of information, which is given to him mainly in theoretical form.

Training centers: " Knowledge», "Inflexio".

Skype consultations.

This is more of an intermediate support for advanced training and an auxiliary tool for gaining knowledge in IFRS, but not the main training format.

Advantages: the ability to communicate with the lecturer online.

Disadvantages: lack of control over the process of studying materials, independent search and selection of educational materials.

Training centers: in most cases, Skype consultations are advisory in nature and are conducted by lecturers who do not have a teaching license.

Web conferences on IFRS.

Advantages: the presenter, on the other side of the screen, conducts a short seminar online, explaining key issues on a specific topic and showing the audience visual materials from his PC (presentations, documents, tables, etc.).

Disadvantages: Students act as passive spectators and cannot ask questions of the trainer, and travel to conference venues requires time and additional costs.

Training centers: Mikheeva Elena— independent business coach, consultant-teacher on IFRS and preparation programs for ACCA DipIFR (rus).

Electronic and printed materials.

Students receive notes, problem books, books, lecture recordings, presentations and other educational materials by mail, email or freely available on the provider’s website.

Advantages: the ability to listen/view materials at any convenient time and return to the most difficult issues of the topic.

Disadvantages: there is no control over the speed and intermediate results of training - exclusively independent work, without the support of a tutor. All information is provided in theory: no practice, no testing, no consultations.

Training centers: " Askeri, Deloitte», "HOCK Training".

Broadcast of open classes.

Advantages: the ability to remotely monitor lectures, conferences or seminars that take place in classrooms in real time.

Disadvantages: this training format is not suitable for those who are just starting out on the path to studying IFRS, since the classes presuppose that students have certain knowledge and skills. Participants only have the opportunity to observe the progress of the event; there is no opportunity to ask questions to the trainer.

Training centers: " IFRS PROFESSIONAL»,

Webinars (on-line seminars).

Lectures, trainings, master classes and presentations conducted by the lecturer in real time through a specialized interactive Internet platform.

Advantages: clarity of presentation of material (visualization of information through slides and videos), ability to exchange files and documents, “live” » dialogue with the host in text chat.

Disadvantage: it is strictly tied to a specific time for the webinar, which is only suitable for short-hour training programs on IFRS.

Training centers: " PWC", "Ernst&Young".

Webinars are an excellent option for quickly learning highly specialized accounting topics, legislative changes and current news. But for long-term, many-hour preparation for obtaining financial qualifications ACCA DipIFR (rus), CIMA, CIA, CPA, the knowledge gained at online seminars will not be enough.

Distance learning systems (DLS).

This format advantageously combines all the most innovative achievements in the field of online advanced training: electronic libraries and educational materials, active participation in webinars, individual tutor support at all stages of training, independent work, solving practical problems, intermediate control of knowledge through testing, online delivery -exams, etc.

Advantages: students independently plan the schedule and intensity of training, gain access to electronic materials and video lessons, consult with personal mentors, participate in forum communications and receive timely interactive service support. Continuous monitoring of the learning process and competent support will not allow the student to relax and will ensure a positive effect from learning!

Training centers: Financial Academy "Active" "HOCK Training".

There are providers on the Russian market for distance learning for accountants who can guarantee the quality of their services, confirmed by many years of experience, thousands of satisfied graduates and high percentages of passing IFRS exams. Choosing just the “right” provider will allow you to become a worthy holder of international diplomas and take a confident step towards a brilliant financial career!

At the present stage of development of the accounting profession in Russia, the issue of improving the qualifications of the accounting and auditing community is very acute. This is due to the Ministry of Finance's plans to apply International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as the reporting framework for certain types of companies. First of all, this transition affected the Russian banking system, which, thanks to the order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, switched to international standards from 01/01/2004. Since 1992, Russian accountants have become accustomed to sudden changes in legislation, sometimes “retroactively.” Do not borrow from Russian accountants the ability to retrain. However, in IFRS they will have to learn not only the rules, but also the principles of reporting, and, most importantly, the application of their professional opinion in real practice.
S.V. Moderov, head of the department of financial reporting according to international standards, Institute of Entrepreneurship Problems, director of DipIFR

As before, I am confident that the Russian accountant will successfully master the new standards (IFRS). The question now is the quality and sources of education and advanced training. Based on experience in the field of IFRS in Russia, not only studying IFRS and passing certain exams, but also constant professional development is becoming especially relevant. Moreover, now this should not be a simple formality, as in some cases of advanced training (40 hours per year for a Russian audit certificate), but be a targeted program for conveying to the specialist changes in IFRS, of which there have been a large number recently.

According to the results of a 2005 study by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Problems, the main groups of IFRS students in Russia are:

  • employees of audit firms;
  • accountants, chief accountants, financial directors and financial managers of Russian and international enterprises;
  • management accounting specialists;
  • strategic leaders.
Criteria for selecting training programs The criteria for selecting training programs are:
  • price,
  • duration and
  • international recognition, as well as
  • quality of training.
Like Russian accounting standards, IFRS are based on accounting. The main differences are some IFRS requirements, which include the vision of an enterprise or group of enterprises as a single system, the priority of economic content over the legal form of documents, the use of an authoritative “professional” judgment of an accountant and the principle of conservatism. Advanced training courses should train such qualities in Russian specialists.

Naturally, in addition to this, training courses should provide the specific requirements of each of the 48 IFRS standards and each of the 38 Regulations of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee. The curriculum developer must adhere to the educational standards laid down by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), which in turn is guided by the UNESCO educational standards. In addition to IFRS, the auditor of financial statements prepared in accordance with international standards must be guided by the International Standards on Auditing (ISA).

Thus, IFRS training is quite specific. The professionalism of certain educational institutions, in particular, is determined by their compliance with the above minimum requirements for their educational programs.


The minimum IFRS course costs $400 per person, the minimum internationally recognized diploma costs $1,700 plus VAT. A training program tailored to the client using the example of his own company - from $15,000.

Where and what to study?

There are several ways to master IFRS. The most common are turning to specialized training centers, self-education, advanced training in State educational institutions, etc. There is a catastrophic lack of IFRS training programs in Russia, but even among those that are present, some are of dubious quality.

Several options are possible - training in Russian or English, international courses and certification, or Russian, short-term or long-term courses.

The Russian market presents original programs of theorists and practitioners in the field of international standards. Some of these programs are a kind of know-how and are very valuable, since you will not find such information anywhere except from their authors. However, the teaching opportunities of such authors are usually limited and, therefore, mass training cannot be expected from such programs. A very interesting way is self-education, that is, the use of specialized literature, the Internet and various training courses in preparation. This method of education is the cheapest, but ineffective.

The most widespread training programs for IFRS specialists in Russia are those brought from abroad. Among them are qualifications such as CPA, CAP/CIPA, ACCA, DipIFR ACCA and IFA/IAB.

CPA (Certified Public Accountant) This qualification is awarded by passing 4 exams in English at one of the US examination centers. The primary emphasis of this qualification is on United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) rather than IFRS. Training in CPA programs is rarely offered by Russian training centers due to the fact that not everyone can afford to take exams in the USA, and also due to the significant cost of the program (can reach up to $5 thousand). The qualification is mandatory for work in the USA and is awarded by the equivalent of the domestic Institute of Professional Accountants. In the USA, as in Europe, the profession of “accountant” includes an accountant, a financier, and an auditor.

CAP/CIPA (Certified Accounting Practitioner/Certified International Professional Accountant) The International Certification of Professional Accountants program was created for the markets of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Moldova. The qualification has limited international recognition, as it is known only in the above-mentioned countries. Several exams in Russian will allow you to plunge into translated sources of American financial literature.

The qualification was developed under the leadership of USAID - the American Agency for International Development; funding for the program by this agency has currently been discontinued.

ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) This qualification is probably the most recognized and well-known in the world. Consists of 14 exams in English, which cover all areas of a professional accountant's activity - from taxes to IFRS and auditing. Currently, the originator of the qualification, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), has both the largest number of students and the largest number of fully qualified ACCA members of any professional body in the world. The association has existed for 100 years, has 320 thousand students in the world and, unlike other associations, has long ago adopted an aggressive policy of spreading to both developed and developing countries of the world. At the same time, she managed to in no way disqualify her name, but, on the contrary, gained fame and recognition.

The cost of training and exams is from 4 to 15 thousand $. Training is provided by several centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

DipIFR ACCA - Diploma in International Financial Reporting ACCA This is a superstructure over professional international or national accounting qualifications, intended for the development of IFRS exclusively. Among the most important benefits of the DipIFR ACCA (Diploma in International Financial Reporting from the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants of Great Britain) are:

  • international recognition;
  • Russian or English languages ​​of instruction and examination;
  • high professionalism and global approach to IFRS at the level of chief accountants and financial directors.
The cost of training in the centers of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia ranges from $1,700 to $2,950.

Since this program is probably the most widespread among Russian-speaking accountants in Russia, it is worth dwelling on it in more detail.

Formally, the exam corresponds to all papers on the preparation and presentation of financial statements under IFRS from the English-language ACCA professional course. If we add to this the education received by the Russian auditor, and also take into account the presence of an auditor certificate according to Russian standards, the receipt of which requires the mastery of ISA (International Standards of Auditing), then it can be argued that the combination of DipIFR + higher economic education + auditor certificate allows us to consider the specialist’s qualifications international.

The exam takes place 3 times a year at the same time in Moscow, St. Petersburg and several other cities in Russia and neighboring countries. The cost of the exam with books is $350, and if also with preparation at an ACCA-authorized training center - then $1,700.

Teaching the program in Russian began in 2004. The educational market responded with numerous courses on this program. In the future, a national certification system according to IFRS will be created. A change in the law “On Auditing Activities” is just around the corner, according to which auditors will be required to confirm their right to express an audit opinion by retaking the audit certificate. This will happen in 2009. Auditors will have to complete the missing subjects in the field of insurance audit, banking audit, audit of stock exchanges and extra-budgetary funds, and confirm their knowledge (or obtain it) in the field of international financial reporting standards.

If a specialist already receives an internationally recognized diploma in IFRS, then it will not be difficult for him to obtain a national qualification (for example, a Russian certificate of IFRS auditor). It is possible that the qualification requirements for the national qualification will coincide with the requirements imposed by ACCA when passing the DipIFR exam.

IFA/IAB (Institute of Financial Accountants/International Association of Book-Keepers) The qualification has limited international recognition. It is significant that in Western Europe, holders of qualifications do not have the right to sign financial documents, because even from the name it follows that this is the “International Association of Accountants”. However, it is useful to acquire primary, basic knowledge on Western models of accounting and reporting when studying under this program, especially since many colleagues in practice noted that the DipIFR ACCA program would be good professional growth for them after the IFRS Fundamentals program, namely IAB/IFA.

Cost - up to $1500.

At this stage of development of the IFRS education market, we can recommend high-quality, universally recognized certification and training programs, at least well-proven in the West. Yes, passing Western exams is more difficult, and not everyone succeeds, even after passing several attempts. However, the result after successfully passing the exam can exceed expectations both in terms of salary growth, which is of particular interest to employees, and in the growth of qualifications and opportunities to apply knowledge in business, which is of particular interest to employers.

The cost of a specialist with an internationally recognized diploma can increase by 1.5 - 2 times compared to his salary before receiving an international qualification.

After completing any IFRS program, it is necessary to develop further in order to keep up with competitors, as well as to comply with legal requirements. Annual mandatory advanced training in international practice is called CPD (Continuous Professional Development), which literally means “Continuous Professional Development”. It is obvious that Russian accountants, auditors and financial managers are no strangers to continuous professional development, as over the past decade they have been forced to constantly adapt to changing legislation.


How much will the transition to IFRS cost for an ordinary company and for a large enterprise?

For an ordinary company, the transition to IFRS will consist of the following components:

  • training of 2 IFRS employees (2 x $1700) = $3400 (this is the cost of training under the international program Diploma in International Financial Reporting DipIFR ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants of Great Britain)), plus lost working time for about 20 working days;
  • consultant costs - $7,000 per year;
  • updates or modifications of software products (about $5,000 - $10,000).
Total about $20,500.

For a large enterprise:

  • staff training - 5 people for $1,700 (this is the cost of training under the international program Diploma in International Financial Reporting DipIFR ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants of Great Britain)), plus lost working time for about 20 working days for each employee;
  • costs for a consultant to set up financial accounting in accordance with IFRS - $35,000 in the first year;
  • updates, modifications or replacement of software products (from $25,000 to $1,000,000 - for comprehensive corporate ERP-level systems, for the largest holding companies);
  • costs for an annual audit of financial statements according to IFRS, which is 1.5 times more expensive than a Russian audit - on average $15,000 per year. Total about $83,000 in the first year.

IFRS training courses are intended for those students who already have some knowledge in the field of accounting. This is due to the fact that IFRS courses are quite specific, and only those who have some knowledge in this area can understand what will be discussed during the lectures.

There are various training programs such as: express course, basic, in-depth, preparation for DipIFR exams and others. They all have different training durations and costs. In this article, you can choose the necessary course for yourself depending on your needs and preferences.

Basic express course on IFRS. Course duration is 60 academic hours (including 10 hours of independent work.

Audience: The course is aimed at accountants, chief accountants, financial managers who want to start studying IFRS in order to improve their professional level.

Purpose of the course:

  1. Obtain theoretical knowledge on the basis of practical examples, problems about international financial reporting standards (study the goals, principles of preparing financial statements under IFRS, elements of financial statements, the procedure for recognizing assets and liabilities).
  2. Learn to navigate international financial reporting standards, understand and systematize the differences between IFRS and RAS.
  3. Obtain sufficient basic knowledge for further study and application of IFRS, preparation for DIPIFR exams.

Form of study:

  • daytime;
  • evening.

After successfully passing the exam, students receive a standard certificate from the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

NOCHU DPO "Capital Institute of Economics and Finance" (CAO)

The course program is designed in such a way that all students not only become familiar with theoretical information, in particular, with the methods of transforming reporting into IFRS, but also have the opportunity to consider each of these methods in practice, as part of practical and independent studies.

This teaching method contributes to a more successful consolidation of the information received, and, consequently, a more effective learning result.

Course duration: 48 ac/h.


  1. Introduction. Regulation of financial reporting at the international level.
  2. International financial reporting standards: History of the creation of international standards. Subject of regulation and scope of application. Objectives and structure of the IASB. Composition and hierarchy.
  3. Principles for the preparation and presentation of financial statements: Purposes and users of financial statements. Basic principles for preparing financial statements. Elements of financial statements. Recognition of elements of financial statements. Evaluating elements of financial statements. Concepts of capital.
  4. Presentation of financial statements: Composition of financial statements. Disclosures and classifications of individual reporting components. Accounting policies, changes in estimates, errors. Discontinued operations. Events after the reporting date. Interim financial reporting. Segment reporting. Information about related parties.
  5. Recognition, measurement and reflection in financial statements of certain non-financial assets: Definition and recognition criteria for fixed assets. Intangible assets. Impairment of assets.
  6. Concepts of recoverable amount, fair value less costs to sell, and value in use: Borrowing costs. Investment property. Long-term assets held for sale. Agricultural assets. Inventories.
  7. Employee Benefits: Scope. Employee benefits concept. Accounting and reporting for pension programs.
  8. Share-based payments: Recognition, measurement and reporting of financial results. Scope of IFRS 18 and definition of revenue. Reflection of construction contracts in reporting. Earnings per share. Reflection of income taxes in reporting. Deferred income tax.
  9. Reflection of financial assets and liabilities in reporting: Financial instruments. Reserves. Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets.
  10. Exchange Rates: The impact of changes in currency exchange rates. Consolidated and individual reporting.
    Business combination. Goodwill arising upon purchase - definition, reporting, reduction in the value of goodwill.
  11. Preparation of financial statements in IFRS format.
  12. Types of transformational adjustments. Transformation of individual reporting forms.

After completing the IFRS training and successfully passing the test, you will be issued a certificate confirming the fact of training, and you will also be awarded the qualification “accountant with knowledge of the basics of IFRS.”

Training and consulting center "Panorama" (CAO)

IFRS for beginners:

The financial accounting course is intended for those who wish to study International Financial Reporting Standards, but do not have sufficient experience in domestic accounting and reporting, for example, financial managers and economists.

Purpose of the course: formation of a basic understanding of the principles and procedures for preparing financial statements.

IFRS courses for international certifications:

The course allows you to quickly learn the basic requirements of key IFRSs and their differences from RAS. The course is accompanied by practical examples and express tests on each topic.

Course duration – 12 academic hours (3 evening classes or 2 full days on weekdays or weekends).

Basic IFRS and GAAP course:

The course is based on IAS, IFRS standards, in comparison with US GAAP standards and in comparison with the Russian accounting system - RAS. The course covers: issues of accounting according to IFRS and GAAP, standards requirements for individual elements of financial statements and methods for drawing up mandatory reporting forms using various examples.

Practical problems and exercises are solved in all sections of the course. Classes are taught by experienced practicing teachers with international qualifications in IFRS and/or GAAP. This course is focused both on applying the acquired knowledge in practice and in preparing for exams for professional qualifications in IFRS.

Course duration – 48 academic hours of classes in the classroom + 32 hours of independent work on exercises outside the classroom

IFRS rate in banks:

All IFRS standards are covered in terms of their actual application in the banking industry.

During the training process, the greatest attention is paid to the following key topics: accounting policies under IFRS, accounting for asset impairment, features of reflecting financial leases, accounting and disclosure of information about financial instruments (including the calculation of expected credit losses in accordance with IFRS 9), calculation and accrual of provisions for possible losses loans, calculation of earnings per share, formation of all bank reporting indicators according to IFRS.

The course of transformation of Russian enterprise reporting according to IFRS:

A practical course in which, using a large numerical example, you will master the methodology and gain practical skill in transforming Russian corporate reporting into reporting that complies with IFRS in rubles and foreign currency, taking into account new changes in IFRS standards.

Duration of the seminar – 24 academic hours of face-to-face classes in the classroom + 12 hours of independent practical work on performing exercises.

The classes are taught by a teacher with international qualifications in IFRS and experience in transforming Russian reporting for large enterprises.

IFRS course for the oil and gas industry:

IFRS training on industry specific accounting standards for oil and gas producing companies: accounting for oil and gas reserves, classification of costs and methods of accounting for field development costs, accounting for depletion and depreciation of oil and gas assets, reflection in the accounting of costs for decommissioning and abandonment of wells, impairment of oil and gas assets assets, disclosure in statements and notes.

Course on parallel accounting according to Russian and IFRS standards:

A practical course in computer software systems, which is a continuation of international accounting courses, designed to master modern automated means of transition from Russian reporting to IFRS, using the methods of “parallel accounting” and “translation of operations”.

MSUTU Training Center (CAO)

As part of the course, you will learn how to translate domestic reporting into foreign ones according to the system accepted in the international community in compliance with all international accounting and reporting standards (IFRS-IAS).

Learn to read international reporting with the ability to analyze it, you will be able to determine the optimal balance sheet policy of your company and evaluate the differences in accounting for income and expenses and, accordingly, influence the increase in the profit of your company.

Classes in the IFRS course have a practical orientation - highly professional teachers will help you learn how to independently maintain full-fledged accounting in accordance with IFRS.

The duration of the course is 40 academic hours.


Studying IFRS at the Moscow Higher School of Economics is a guarantee of successfully passing the exam for international qualifications, such as ICFM, ACCA DipIFR (DipIFR).

Purpose of the course:

  • studying the basics of financial accounting of income, expenses, assets, liabilities, capital according to IFRS;
  • familiarization with the general principles of preparing financial statements under IFRS;
  • mastering the practical mechanism for transforming financial reporting items into the IFRS format.

IFRS courses are a balanced combination of theory and practical exercises. During the lesson, students will be offered self-tests and practical tasks to consolidate theoretical knowledge.

Course audience:

  • accountants of enterprises oriented to the international market;
  • financial managers and analysts;
  • auditors, economists, etc.

During the courses you will learn the difference between International Financial Reporting Standards and national standards. IFRS courses are a great way to improve your skills. After training you will receive a corresponding certificate.

Studying programs:

  1. Basic course on IFRS.
  2. IFRS workshop.
  3. IFRS for insurance organizations.


International Financial Reporting Standards (60 hours):

The course is aimed at accountants who plan to study international standards and gain practical skills in accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS.

IFRS training includes real examples of reporting by Russian organizations in accordance with international standards, practical tasks on transforming reporting forms from Russian standards to IFRS, and the basics of financial reporting consolidation.

DipIFR (Rus). Standard course:

The course consists of seminars and practical exercises.

During the classes you will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in applying IFRS, learn how to solve exam problems and prepare as effectively as possible for successfully passing the exam.

You will receive a set of study materials for self-study between classes, and you will also take a written rehearsal exam with your work assessed and comments from the teacher.

The course includes:

  • 100 ak. hours of face-to-face classes;
  • lectures and practical classes;
  • educational materials;
  • intermediate testing;
  • trial exam and analysis of results;
  • administrative support when registering for the exam.

International Financial Reporting Standards (40 hours):

The course is aimed at accountants and auditors who plan to study international standards and gain practical skills in accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS.

IFRS training includes real examples of reporting by Russian organizations in accordance with international standards, practical tasks on transforming reporting forms from Russian standards to IFRS.

The difference between the course and the closely related “International Financial Reporting Standards (60 academic hours)” is the active use of online learning technologies, as well as the reduction of the program due, first of all, to complex issues of reporting consolidation.

IFRS and RAS: comparison and opportunities for convergence of accounting (20 hours):

The course is intended for chief accountants seeking to prepare their organization for the introduction of international financial reporting standards into Russian accounting practice, or to facilitate the transition to IFRS accounting in the future.

The course examines the main similarities and differences between RAS and IFRS and decisions on accounting policies that make reporting data as close as possible to these standards.

The course will also be of interest to accountants and auditors who are aimed at understanding how the structure and indicators of financial reporting will change during the transformation to IFRS standards.

Transformation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS (20 hours):

The course is designed to develop existing knowledge in the field of IFRS and acquire practical skills in transforming reporting into IFRS.

The course is based on a synthesis of theoretical training and practical training conducted on a PC. Students fill out transformation tables, solve problems and consider examples from real reporting of Russian corporations.

Consolidation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS (20 hours):

The course is designed to develop existing knowledge in the field of IFRS and acquire practical skills in reporting consolidation.

The course is based on a synthesis of theoretical training and practical training conducted on a PC. During practical classes, students fill out consolidation tables, solve problems and consider examples from real reporting of Russian corporations.

IFRS: financial instruments and equity transactions (20 hours):

The course is designed to develop the student's existing knowledge in the field of IFRS and deepen it in such a specific area as accounting for financial instruments, as well as in complex issues of accounting for share capital.

IFRS: deferred income tax (20 hours):

The course will give students a complete understanding of the functions, principles and techniques of calculating deferred income taxes - both in Russian accounting and in IFRS. The program is full of examples and exercises. The problems of “linking” the requirements of PBU 18/02 and IAS 12 are considered in the course of solving the end-to-end problem.

New in International Financial Reporting Standards (20 hours):

The constantly updated course syllabus examines both current and planned changes to IFRS, taking into account the possibility of early adoption. The course is designed to develop the student’s existing knowledge in the field of IFRS and their updating.

Training Center "Specialist" at MSTU. N.E. Bauman (Central Administrative District, Northern Administrative District)

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) basic course:

The course is intended for specialists involved in the preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS, managers and employees of accounting and financial and economic services, internal auditors, controllers and treasury employees who want to keep up with the times and be aware of the latest changes in IFRS, as well as financial and bank credit specialists analyzing IFRS statements.

  • navigate international financial reporting standards;
  • understand the principles of IFRS;
  • demonstrate practical skills in identifying the main differences in reporting prepared in accordance with IFRS and RAS;
  • read financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS;
  • generate adjustment entries for VNA (OS and NZS, IS, intangible assets) for the management company and branches;
  • generate adjusting entries for all assets and liabilities of the company in order to transform RAS reporting into IFRS format;
  • process information on a group of companies to evaluate real estate and interact with the appraiser;
  • interact with group companies to reconcile intra-group turnover;
  • distribute real estate assets on fixed assets and IP among the Group companies according to the information provided as part of information requests;
  • analyze interpretations of financial statements according to RAS to transform financial statements according to IFRS;
  • participate in the consolidation of IFRS statements for the company in terms of preparing notes to the statements.

Course duration: 40 ac. h.

Master class Consolidation of financial statements under IFRS:

The course is designed for students who have already completed the Basic IFRS course and have all the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of IFRS; it is assumed that the course was completed not too long ago (up to a year) so that the theoretical data does not become outdated.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • Identify the main differences between individual and consolidated reporting;
  • Carry out the main types of consolidation adjustments;

Course duration: 16 ak. h.

Master class Transformation of financial statements according to IFRS:

The course is intended for students who have already completed the Basic IFRS course and have all the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of IFRS; it is assumed that the course was completed not too long ago (up to a year) so that the theoretical data is not outdated.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • Identify the main differences between RAS and IFRS;
  • Carry out the main types of transformational adjustments;
  • Prepare the information necessary for the disclosures in the notes.

Course duration: 16 ak. h.

Preparation for the ACCA exam to obtain a diploma in IFRS DipIFR (Rus):

During the course you will be able to prepare for passing the IFRS DipIFR certification exam. You will receive additional practice in solving tasks to successfully pass the exam, and discuss problematic issues with an experienced teacher. The program allows you to prepare for the exam in a short time.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • apply a technique that allows you to successfully pass the exam;
  • successfully solve all main types of exam problems;
  • focus on those points that can bring the maximum number of points in the exam.

Course duration: 48 ak. h.

Management accounting based on IFRS:

The course is designed for those professionals who already have basic knowledge of IFRS and who plan to put it into practice in management accounting.

During the course, you will become familiar with the advantages of building a management accounting system based on IFRS principles, and learn how to account for changes in value over time - one of the strengths of management reporting based on IFRS.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to: Use IFRS in management accounting.

Course duration: 16 ak. h.

Higher School of Finance and Management RANEPA (ZAO)

Form of study: modular (without interruption from work).

Duration of the program: 4 months.

A student of the IFRS program learns:

  • prepare consolidated and segment financial statements of the company;
  • present consolidated financial statements in IFRS format;
  • transform the company's Russian reporting into compliance with international standards;
  • draw up a balance sheet report of the company’s financial condition, including taking into account mergers, acquisitions, and acquisitions;
  • forecast cash flows;
  • carry out financial accounting in a group of companies;
  • analyze the monetarity of revenue, costs and profits.

Program features:

  1. Special author's program and textbooks of the leading teacher of VShFM Mikhail Ivanovich Litvinenko.
  2. International certification (British Institute of Chartered Financial Managers).
  3. The most comprehensive and longest IFRS course.
  4. Trainings, workshops, cases on transformation and consolidation of financial statements.
  5. Convenient training format (on Saturdays).

TC "FinExpertiza" (SAO)

Level of training of students:

  1. Average.
  2. Advanced.

Program Block 1:

  • Classification of financial instruments.
  • The main types of financial instruments in the issuance and investment activities of corporations.
  • Financial assets and liabilities. Classification and subsequent evaluation.
  • Cash flow characteristics test.
  • Test for the business model used.

Block 2:

  • Valuation of financial instruments and impairment procedures.
  • Commencement and derecognition of financial instruments.
  • Fair value and amortized cost concepts.
  • Practice of stock valuation.
  • Valuation and reflection of bonds, bills.
  • Reflection of credit instruments.
  • Expected credit loss model.

Block 3:

  • Stock, commodity and currency risks. Strategic goals for the use of derivative financial instruments in the operating, financial and investment activities of corporations.
  • Main types of derivative financial instruments. General issues of hedging risks using derivative financial instruments.
  • Hedging of production results.
  • Peculiarities of recognition and evaluation of derivative financial instruments.
  • Peculiarities of recognition and valuation of repo.
  • Embedded derivatives.

Block 4:

  • Hedge accounting.
  • Hedging instruments and hedged items.
  • Fair value, cash flow and net investment hedges.

Block 5:

  • Transition to the application of IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments”.
  • Transitional provisions regarding classification and assessment.
  • Transitional provisions regarding hedge accounting.
  • Early use.


  1. Consider the new standard IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.
  2. To enable specialists to prepare in a timely manner for the practical application of the new standard.


Deepening theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of recognition and measurement of financial instruments, as well as practical skills in preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS 9 in terms of:

  1. Classification and subsequent revaluation of financial assets.
  2. Classification and subsequent revaluation of financial liabilities.
  3. Fundamentals of accounting for derivative financial instruments.
  4. Hedge accounting.
  5. Reflections of price and currency differences of financial instruments.

Financial University (SVAO)

International Financial Reporting Standards (Full Course):

The course consists of lectures, seminars, a large amount of practical exercises, self-study, carried out with the help of a carefully compiled manual.

As a result, students will acquire deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the application of IFRS, and will also be able to simultaneously prepare for passing exams for Diplomas in International Financial Reporting Standards: DipIFR (ACCA) and DipIFRS (IFA).

Course program: 128 hours.

Upon successful completion of the training, the student becomes a member of the IFA and receives an international qualification corresponding to the level passed.

International Financial Reporting Standards (Practical course):

The training program is intended for specialists who have completed the course “International Financial Reporting Standards”.

The course is dedicated to the practical development of IFRS, allowing you to develop confident problem-solving skills in preparation for passing the DipIFR (ACCA) exam.

Course program: 32 hours.

As part of the preparation and conduct of the International competition organized by the company PROFESSIONAL ARENA in collaboration with the Russian College of Auditors, with the support of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, OPORA RUSSIA, IFA, IAB, we invite you and your colleagues to take part in the educational project IFRS School.


IFRS training takes place offline. Complete the REGISTRATION PROCEDURE to connect to the Complete IFRS School video course “IFRS for Beginners”*.

*Connections are carried out by site administrators on a monthly basis.

The main goal of the IFRS School is - popularization of IFRS, the opportunity for students to receive free information on IFRS, improving the educational status of specialists, preparing infrastructure for the widespread use of IFRS, helping to accelerate the implementation of international financial reporting standards into the practice of Russian enterprises.

The process of IFRSization in Russia is gaining momentum, and along with it, interest in the topic of international standards from the professional community is growing. Currently, the majority of domestic accountants and auditors still have a very vague understanding of IFRS and do not have experience in preparing financial statements in accordance with international standards. But, as they say, “Forewarned is forearmed.” The IFRS School helps everyone, completely free of charge, to equip themselves with the knowledge necessary for their work. By becoming a participant in the IFRS School, each specialist learns to apply IFRS in practice and avoid making the mistakes that many financiers encounter when switching to IFRS.

Classes are taught by well-known practitioners who have received professional recognition in the field of IFRS, professional

The training program at the IFRS SCHOOL includes theoretical and practical classes.

Upon completion of training, students of the IFRS School:

1) will receive basic knowledge in the field of IFRS;

2) will acquire initial skills in preparing financial statements and master techniques for recording transactions, facts and events of economic activity in accordance with IFRS;

4) will be able to become participants in the preparation program for the DipIFR exam (Diploma in IFRS), organized by the Competition Partners.

Form of training: WEBINAR



1.Don't be careless and don't put off studying IFRS for too long!

Even if your company does not currently prepare financial statements under IFRS, this does not mean that the implementation of IFRS will not happen in the near future. If Russian legislation takes a course towards IFRS, then soon the vast majority of companies will begin to prepare their statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. In addition, do not forget that there is always the opportunity to change your job to a higher status and higher paying one.

2.Develop practical skills in preparing financial statements according to IFRS!

To make it easier for you to apply international standards in practice, it is advisable to study IFRS in their continuous comparison with the principles and requirements of Russian accounting standards (RAS). Of course, the most effective way to gain practical experience in preparing financial statements under IFRS is the experience you gain in the process of implementing standards in the company you work for. But if this method is not available to you, you can always gain basic skills in applying IFRS in practice within the walls of the free IFRS SCHOOL IFRS Professional.


Methodological material and presentations by IFRS SCHOOL speakers are available atwebsite of the free publication on IFRS "IFRS Professional Bulletin". Complete the registration procedure on the magazine’s website and get access to the materials of the IFRS School!

The most interesting classes of the IFRS SCHOOL project

Lesson "Accounting for fixed assets according to IFRS"

There are probably no companies that do not have fixed assets (hereinafter referred to as fixed assets). Therefore, the topic of asset accounting is relevant for all companies that prepare their reporting according to international standards. But accounting for fixed assets under IFRS is not as simple as it seems. This is one of the accounting items where professional judgment is used very widely. We will try to consider all the main aspects of asset accounting under IFRS, so that you can more confidently form your professional judgment and be able to defend it before auditors.

The following issues are considered:

Recognition of fixed assets and assessment upon recognition.

Subsequent costs.

Evaluation after recognition.



Termination of recognition.


Mikhail Vladimirovich Gomelko, chief accountant, Azerbaijan Investment Company OJSC, member of the IFRS PROFESSIONAL Expert Council

Lesson "Accounting for employee benefits according to IFRS"

What standards govern the reporting of settlements with employees?

Basic definitions

What is regulated by standard 19

Short-term benefits: types, recognition and measurement, appropriate disclosures

Pension plans - types of pension plans

Defined Contribution Pension Plans

Defined benefit plans

Actuarial present value and how often it should be calculated

Pension Plan Disclosure

Other long-term benefits

Severance benefits

Disclosure of transactions with related parties

Examples of reflection and disclosure


Lesson "Reflection of discounting operations in the cash flow statement"

1. Discounting - concept and application.

2. Discounting loans (example)

3. Discounting when reflecting leasing (example)

4. The structure of the ODDS and the technique of filling it (briefly)

5. Reflection of discounting operations in the cash flow statement.


Klimova Galina Vladimirovna
Certified practicing auditor (unified auditor certificate), leading IFRS auditor of an auditing and consulting group of companies, certified ACCA-DipIFR specialist, more than 15 years of auditing and teaching experience

Lesson “Transformation of reporting into IFRS format”

Methods for preparing financial statements according to international standards. Transformation as a way of preparing financial statements: advantages and disadvantages. Stages of financial reporting transformation and study of the methodological foundations of the transformation process: process sequence, working documentation, choice of accounting policies, control system, error minimization. Similarities and differences between the principles of IFRS and RAS

Teacher:Drugov Marat Gennadievich,auditor, specialist in IFRS and US GAAP, General Director of Audit Company LLC

Lesson “IFRS Fundamentals”

1. Introduction to IFRS

2. IFRS Board

3. IFRS hierarchy

4. Conceptual framework of financial reporting

5. Structure and content of financial statements

Teacher: Anikin Pavel Alekseevich,Head of the Audit Department for International Standards of JSC RUFAUDIT

Lesson "IFRS 9 Financial Instruments: New Accounting Rules"

On 24 July 2014, the IASB published a new standard, IFRS 9, replacing IAS 39. This standard must be applied when preparing financial statements for annual periods beginning on 01 January 2018.

New rules for the recognition of financial assets and financial liabilities;

New rules for the valuation of financial instruments;

New rules for recognizing impairment of financial assets;

New rules for accounting for hedging transactions.

Teacher: Nizkov Alexander Ivanovich, Head of IFRS Department at Sminex Ltd, Best IFRS Methodologist IFRS Professional 2014


Svetlana Titova, Certified teacher on the subject of IFRS and RAS, ACCA diploma (DipIFR), certified auditor, experience in audits and consulting in Russian companies. Participated in the TACIS IFRS teaching program with funding from the European Union


New revenue standard IFRS 15

Determining control and significant activities: practice in applying IFRS 10

Disclosure of information under IFRS 7, IFRS 13 and IAS 33, etc.


Kolesnikova Nina Arkadyevna

Lesson “Introduction of IFRS and formation of accounting policies”

Composition of IFRS.

Conceptual basis of IFRS.

Composition and structure of financial statements according to IFRS


Kolesnikova Nina Arkadyevna
General Director of LLC "AKG "Potential-audit"
Winner of the award "Best IFRS Methodologist IFRS Professional 2013"

Lesson “IFRS 15: new revenue recognition procedure”

1. Reasons for the emergence of a new standard on revenue recognition (IFRS 15).

2. Scope of IFRS 15.

3. Procedure for recognizing revenue.

3.1. Identification of the contract(s) with the client;

3.2. Identification of performance obligations in a contract;

3.3. Determining the transaction price;

3.4. Distribution (allocation) of the transaction price in the context of obligations to perform the contract;

3.5. Revenue recognition when the entity fulfills its obligations under the contract


Nizkov Alexander Ivanovich
Head of IFRS Department Sminex Ltd

Lesson “IFRS 1: first application”

Which reporting is considered first?

Composition of the first set of financial statements under IFRS

Features of the application of accounting policies and the use of estimates during the transition to IFRS

Exceptions from retrospective application of IFRS

Features of preparing disclosures for the first set of reports


Karaseva Larisa Andreevna
Head of IFRS Department of ACIG Group of Companies

Lesson “Introduction to IFRS”

Composition of IFRS.

Conceptual basis of IFRS.

Key principles of financial reporting and qualitative characteristics of useful financial information.

Definition of elements of financial statements, criteria for their recognition and assessment.

Accounting policies: rules of formation and disclosure requirements.

Composition and structure of financial statements according to IFRS.

Lesson “Methodological aspects of preparing financial statements under IFRS”

Methods for preparing financial statements according to international standards. Transformation as a way of preparing financial statements: advantages and disadvantages. Stages of financial reporting transformation and study of the methodological foundations of the transformation process: process sequence, working documentation, choice of accounting policies, control system, error minimization. Similarities and differences between the principles of IFRS and RAS.

Lesson “IAS (36) Impairment of Assets”

Scope of IAS 36. Determination of indicators of impairment of an asset and frequency of impairment testing. Recognition and measurement of impairment losses. Reversal of previously accrued impairment loss. Estimating the recoverable amount of an asset using a discounted cash flow model. The concept of a cash-generating unit - identification problems. Presentation of impairment information in financial statements

Lesson “IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets”

The concept of current liability and contingent liability. The concept of reserve. Recognition criteria, initial and subsequent assessment of reserves. Presentation of information on reserves, contingent liabilities and contingent assets in reporting. Requirements for disclosure of information in reporting on reserves, contingent liabilities and contingent assets.

Lesson “Introduction to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The main differences between IFRS and RAS. Basics of preparation and presentation of financial statements under IFRS"

Consequences of the adoption of IFRS in Russia: analysis of the Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 208-FZ “On Consolidated Financial Statements”, Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 2011 No. 160n.

IFRS as a document system. Key principles of IFRS. Differences between IFRS and RAS.

Lesson “Reporting”

Composition of reporting, deadlines and procedure for submission, report formats, submission requirements. Elements of financial statements (assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses): concept, recognition and measurement.

Formation of accounting policies: selection and application of accounting policies, changes in accounting policies, correction of errors.

Lesson “Non-current non-financial assets”

Inventories: initial recognition, subsequent valuation, methods of writing off inventories to cost.

Fixed assets: classification of fixed assets, formation of initial cost; subsequent assessment, repair and modernization, revaluation and impairment, disposal of fixed assets

Lesson “Main activity”, “Settlement obligations”

Revenue: structure, problems of revenue recognition and valuation; revenue from the sale of products and goods; proceeds from the sale of works and services; interest, royalties and dividends.

Construction contracts. Industry specifics: consolidation and division of construction contracts.

Contingent assets, contingent liabilities and estimated liabilities: types, recognition and measurement of estimated liabilities.

Lesson "Regulatory regulation of IFRS in Russia. Recent changes to RAS as part of convergence with IFRS"

Comparison of IFRS and RAS requirements and determination of the possibility of convergence of accounting policies in relation to items:

Revenue and accounts receivable (IAS 18, IAS 32, IAS 39, PBU 9/99)

Non-current assets: fixed assets according to IFRS and RAS (IFRS (IAS) 16, PBU 6/01) and investment property, intangible assets (IFRS (IAS) 38, PBU 14/2007)

Impairment of assets (IFRS (IAS 36))

Inventories and their impairment (IFRS (IAS) 2, PBU 5/01)

Lesson “Organization of the process of preparing financial statements according to IFRS”

Methods for preparing financial statements according to international standards

Transformation as a way of preparing financial statements: advantages and disadvantages

Stages of financial reporting transformation

Similarities and differences between the principles of IFRS and RAS.

Lesson “Preparation of consolidated statements”

Theoretical aspects of consolidation (key concepts, stages of preparation of consolidated statements, techniques for consolidating financial statements, main errors in preparing consolidated statements).

Practical case.

Lesson “Discounted value in IFRS: theory and practice” (for beginners)

1. Concept and scope of application of discounted value in IFRS

2. Practical situations when calculation of discounted value is required and possible methods for its calculation:

2.1. leasing contracts.

2.2. loans and credits (including commodity loans).

Lesson “Deferred taxes: RAS and IFRS” (for advanced students)

1. Principles for calculating deferred taxes in RAS. Requirements of IFRS (IAS) 12 “Income Taxes”

2. Practice of calculating deferred taxes under IFRS:

2.1. principles for calculating deferred taxes;

2.2. analysis of practical mini-cases aimed at determining the tax base of assets and liabilities, income tax expenses in accordance with IFRS and preparing disclosures for deferred tax financial statements.