When is the best time to take a vacation in the year? When is the best time to go on vacation?

Paid leave must be provided to employees, including remote workers, annually. The right to use vacation for the first year of work arises for the employee after six months of his continuous work in this company. Vacation for the second and subsequent years of work can be granted at any time of the working year in accordance with the vacation schedule.

A vacation can seem beneficial from different points of view:

  • by the number of vacation days, when fewer days are taken, but the vacation is longer;
  • on payment.

In the first case, when you need to take as many rest days as possible, you can use January holidays and May weekends. In addition, you can take vacation, for example, for five calendar days (Monday to Friday). In this case, you will have nine days of rest (including four days off).

As for winning money, the most significant benefit can be when vacation is taken on weekends, since they are included in the number of calendar days of vacation and are paid. In other cases, there may also be a gain in money, and it depends on whether the vacation period includes non-working holidays or not, and how many days the employee worked in the month of going on vacation.

Payment per month when an employee goes on vacation usually consists of two parts:

  • salary for hours worked;
  • vacation pay.

Wages for hours worked are determined by dividing the salary by the number of working days in a month and multiplying the result by the number of days worked.

The fewest working days are in January, February and May. Therefore, each working day in these months costs more than in other months. The cheapest working day is in months where there are no holidays and at the same time there are 31 calendar days.

For example, an employee’s salary is 10,000 rubles. If there are 23 working days in August, then each working day will cost 434.78 rubles. If there are 18 working days in January, then each working day will cost 555.56 rubles.

Vacation pay is calculated based not on working days, but on calendar days. Average daily earnings when calculating vacation pay are determined based on the average monthly number of days in a month. This is 29.3 days, which is significantly more than the number of working days in a month (the maximum number is 23).

This means that vacation pay in any month for the same salary will be the same. But the salary is higher, the more working days are worked in a month.

Nevertheless, in terms of money, it is most profitable to take a vacation in a month with fewer weekends and holidays and a maximum number of working days.

Let's look at examples of why it is not profitable to take a vacation in a month that has many weekends and holidays.

Please note that the number of weekends and working days is not constant and may change annually.

So, in 2018 in May there are 11 weekends and holidays and 20 working days. Non-working holidays are not taken into account when calculating vacation pay, but the duration of vacation will be increased by the number of days of holidays that coincide with it.

Let's look at examples of calculating payments to an employee who takes a vacation that falls on both holidays of the month.


The employee decided to take 14 days leave from May 1st. His monthly salary is 60,000 rubles. The billing period has been fully worked out. Earnings for the billing period from May 1 of the previous year to April 30 of the current year amounted to 720,000 rubles. (RUB 60,000 × 12 months).

Average daily earnings are 2047.78 rubles. (RUB 720,000: 12 months: 29.3 days).

The vacation period includes 2 holiday non-working days - May 1 and May 9, so the employee needs to pay not 14, but 12 calendar days of vacation.

Vacation pay will amount to RUB 24,573.36. (RUB 2,047.78 × 12 days).

Due to the holidays, the employee’s vacation will be extended by two days, and he will return to work on May 17.

Let's calculate the salary for the remaining 11 working days of the month. It will be 33,000 rubles. (RUB 60,000: 20 working days × 11 days).

In total, for May 2017, the employee will be credited 57,573.36 rubles. (RUB 24,573.36 + RUB 33,000).

Now let’s calculate payments to an employee who takes a vacation in May, but the vacation period does not coincide with the holidays.

You must pay for all 14 calendar days of vacation.

The salary for the 10 days worked in May will be 30,000 rubles. (60,000 rubles: 20 working days × 10 days).

In total, in May the employee will be credited 58,668.92 rubles. (RUB 28,668.92 + RUB 30,000).

If the vacation coincides with the May holidays, the employee will receive less than in the case when the May holidays do not fall on the vacation, despite the greater number of days worked.

Now consider an example where an employee goes on vacation in July.


The employee worked the entire month of May and goes on vacation in July from July 17 for 14 calendar days. Let's use the conditions of the previous example and calculate the amount of payments.

Vacation pay will be 28,668.92 rubles. (RUB 2,047.78 × 14 days).

In July, the total number of working days was 21, of which the employee worked 11 days. The salary for July will be 31,428.57 rubles. (RUB 60,000: 21 working days × 11 days).

In total, for July 2017, the employee will be credited with 60,097.49 rubles. (RUB 28,668.92 + RUB 31,428.57).

As a result, the employee’s total earnings in July turned out to be higher than his monthly salary.

So, it is better to schedule vacations for months with a large number of working days. It is more profitable to work months in which there are non-working holidays.

Any official employee is entitled to annual basic paid leave. Some people prefer to take it in the summer, some take a vacation in the winter, and some even take money instead of a vacation. When you are planning a vacation, it is important not only to focus on the price of tickets, but also to consider what month your vacation falls on. After all, it depends on how much money you get!

Don't take vacation in May and January

Rule one: in months in which there are many non-working holidays, the amount of vacation pay will be less. On the contrary, if there are many working days in a month, then more money will be credited. Why is this happening? The fact is that if there are many holidays in a month, then the “cost of a working day” increases. According to the Labor Code, non-working holidays are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation and are not paid, but they increase the duration of rest.

Thus, the most unfavorable months for vacation are May and January - there are many holidays and few working days. And the best time to rent is in July and August - no holidays, so the budget won’t suffer at all.

Don't split up your vacation if you want to get good vacation pay.

The second rule is that you should not divide your vacation into parts. Everyone knows that the vacation of an ordinary Russian employee is 28 calendar days. According to the Labor Code, one of its parts must be at least 14 calendar days. As for the remaining 14, the law does not regulate how they can and cannot be divided. Those who like to rest longer know how to organize this: by taking (with the employer’s consent) a vacation from Monday to Friday (for 5 working days), the employee actually rests the whole week and thereby “saves” himself 2 days of vacation. By repeating this again (again, if the company does not object), the employee again saves 2 days of rest - thus being able to rest for almost a week more! However, many employers do not like these tricks, so they include weekends as vacation.

In addition, this trick also has a minus - not everyone knows that weekends adjacent to vacation are not paid. If you take vacation from Monday to Sunday, then you will receive vacation pay for the weekend too. The difference can be significant.

Don't go on vacation before the award

Thirdly, it is important to understand that the amount of vacation pay depends on your income over the past year. Thus, holiday pay will be higher if you received bonuses. An employee’s sick leave naturally reduces his income, and therefore his vacation pay.

Vacation pay is calculated as follows: the accrued salary for 12 months (this includes salary and bonus) is divided by 12, the result is divided by another 29.3 (this is the average monthly number of calendar days). We get the average earnings for 1 day. Now we multiply it by the number of vacation days (calendar, of course). So you can roughly estimate how much you will receive.

Just don’t forget that when calculating average earnings, only working days are taken into account, and if during the last 12 months you went on vacation or were on sick leave, then all the so-called vacation and sick leave money will not be included in the calculation of the average salary for 12 months. And the result in this case will be divided in accounting not by 29.3 days, but by the average number of days that will remain without sick leave and vacation. In general, if you are promised a bonus, then it is better to go on vacation after receiving it - then the amount of your vacation pay will be greater.

We calculate which month in 2019 will be the most profitable for vacation.

– We were told to fill out a preliminary vacation schedule for 2019. Colleagues were calculating something based on the amount of vacation pay, but opinions were divided. Tell me, is there a difference in which month to go on vacation? It is the financial side of the issue that interests me.

The amount is based on the average earnings received per year. However, the month in which you plan your vacation is of great importance.

The most unfavorable months for vacation from a financial point of view are those in which there are many days off, that is, January and May. In 2019, there were only 17 working days in January, and 18 in May.

According to the Labor Code (), the number of non-working days does not affect wages: you will still receive the full salary. However, the number of working days in a month affects the average cost of a working day, and therefore the amount of vacation pay.

Example. Let's say you earn 25 thousand rubles a month. The cost of one working day in January will therefore be

25000 / 17 = 1470.6 rubles.

If you decide to extend the New Year holidays and take a week’s vacation in January, then you also need to calculate the cost of one vacation day:

25000 / 29.3 (average monthly number of days per year) = 853 rubles.

853 x 7 = 5971 rub.- this is how much vacation pay you should receive for the additional vacation in January.

Now let’s calculate the total payments in January. Minus the vacation, you will have 10 working days for which you must receive 1470.6 x 10 = 14706 rubles. Add to this amount 5971 rubles of vacation pay: it turns out 20677 rubles. That is, when you go on vacation in January, you lose significantly financially.

For comparison, let’s take August 2019, which has 22 working days.

25000 / 22 = 1136 rubles.- the cost of one working day in August. The cost of one vacation day remains the same - 853 rubles, respectively, and for the week of August vacation you will also receive 5971 rubles. We multiply the remaining working days (there are 15 of them) by the average cost:

15 x 1136 = 17040 rub.

Add to this vacation pay: 17040 + 5971 = 23011 rub.- you will receive this amount when you go on vacation in August.

Another question concerns whether it is worth including weekends in your vacation (we are not talking about holidays). For example, if you are going away for a week, you can indicate on your application the days from either Monday to Friday or Monday to Sunday.

On the one hand, by not including a weekend on vacation, you “save” a couple more days to “take off” later. On the other hand, the financial aspect must also be considered. The thing is that vacation pay is calculated on calendar days (). That is, if you take vacation from Monday to Friday, then vacation pay will be accrued to you for these five days. But if you indicate seven days of vacation in your application, then you will be given money for all seven days. And the salary in a normal working week would be calculated in five days.

Example. Let's say you take a vacation in April, which has 22 working days. With a salary of 25 thousand rubles, the cost of one working day will be

25000 / 22 = 1136 rubles.

If you take a five-day vacation, you will have 17 working days left for which you must receive 17 x 1136 = 19312 rubles. Add to this 5 x 853 = 4265 rub. vacation pay, and for April your total amount will be equal to 23577 rubles.

If you include weekends in your vacation, you will get 7 x 853 = 5971 rub. vacation pay and 25283 rub. for the whole of April.

However, please note that if you take a vacation for two weeks and want to “split” it into two applications - from Monday to Friday and from Monday to Friday, thus “saving” four days, then it is better to first discuss this option with the employer - he must agree to such tricks.

The situation will be different if your vacation falls on a holiday weekend: unlike a regular weekend, they are excluded from the calculation of vacation pay, so it is better not to include them in the vacation application.

Briefly about the main thing:

1. The most unfavorable months for vacation from a financial point of view are January and May: they have many holidays, which directly affects the cost of a working day.

2. By including Saturday and Sunday in your weekly vacation, you will win about 10% of the amount of vacation pay: they are calculated by calendar days.

3. If you are taking a two-week holiday, you can “split” it into two applications, but it is best to discuss this option with your employer first.

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In 2020, the New Year holidays will last eight days, from January 1 to January 8. The law does not prohibit employees from extending their vacation by taking annual paid leave immediately after national holidays. However, it is worth remembering that in this case the employee will lose a significant part of his monthly income. AiF.ru calculated how much money a Russian will lose if he decides to take a vacation immediately after the New Year holidays, and also found out when it is more profitable to go on vacation in 2020.

When is an employee entitled to go on vacation?

According to Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the right to leave for the first year of work arises for an employee after six months of continuous work with a given employer. Paid leave can be granted earlier, but this requires the consent of the employer.

Vacation for the second and subsequent years of work is provided in accordance with the vacation schedule. This document is approved by the employer no later than two weeks before the start of the new calendar year. The employee must be notified by signature of the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks before it begins.

If a citizen works for an individual or individual entrepreneur, the procedure for granting annual paid leave is determined by agreement with the employee.

Thus, an employee can go on vacation immediately after the New Year holidays or at any other time of the year if his plans suit the employer. The law allows some categories of employees to notify their superiors and go on vacation at any convenient time. For example, these are men whose wives are on maternity leave.

Why can vacation compensation be less than salary?

Annual paid holidays are provided with preservation of average earnings. The procedure for calculating this indicator is specified in Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The average daily earnings for vacation pay are calculated by dividing the salary for the 12 months preceding the vacation by 12 and by 29.3 (the average monthly number of calendar days). The amount received will be equal to compensation for one day of vacation. However, it should be remembered that non-working holidays are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation and are not paid.

Employees working under an employment contract receive the same salary regardless of how many days there are in the month. However, the fewer working days in a month, the higher the cost of each of them. It is for this reason that it is unprofitable to take a vacation in January.

For example, an employee with a salary of 30,000 rubles per month plans to take annual paid leave from January 9 to January 22. In total, taking into account the holidays, he will rest for 22 days, but his monthly income will be reduced by more than 3 thousand rubles.

Let’s make a calculation: let’s say this employee earned 360,000 rubles in a year. Next, we find out his average daily earnings to calculate vacation pay. To do this, divide the total earnings for the billing period by 12 and 29.3. It turns out that the average daily earnings for calculating vacation is 1,024 rubles, and the total compensation for 14 days of rest is 14,336 rubles. It is worth considering that the final amount of vacation pay may be affected by various conditions, including the presence of business trips, time off and previous vacations.

This employee will receive a salary for January based on the number of days actually worked. The cost of one working day in January for this employee will be 1,765 rubles (30,000 / 17 working days in January). He will only work for 7 days. It turns out that his salary for January will be 12,355 rubles, and his total income, including vacation pay, will be 26,691 rubles. It does not matter when the vacation occurs in January: immediately after the holidays or at the end of the month.

When is the best time to take a vacation?

It is most profitable to go on vacation in the months with the fewest holidays. In 2020, these are April, July, September, October and December. According to the production calendar, the largest number of working days will be in July and December.

There are other ways to avoid reducing your income due to vacation. One of them is to take a vacation so that it necessarily includes days off. This will allow you to receive money for Saturday and Sunday that is not taken into account in your salary. Therefore, holidays from Monday to Friday are less profitable.

From April 1, 2020 in Russia the sizes will be increased state and social pensions.

Below we tell who will be affected by indexation and what will be the increase in percentages and rubles?.

Who will be affected by the pension increase from April 1, 2020:
* recipients of social old-age pensions.
* recipients of disability pensions.
* recipients of survivor's pensions.
* military personnel (and their families) who served under conscription.
* WWII participants.
* residents of besieged Leningrad.
* citizens who suffered as a result of man-made or radiation disasters.
* citizens who have become disabled due to military trauma.
* families of deceased military personnel (in case of loss of a breadwinner).
* children whose both parents are unknown.
* other recipients of state pensions.

Every year in mid-March, a Government Decree is issued, which prescribes the size of the next April indexation of social pensions.

The draft Resolution establishing an increase in pensions from April 1, 2020 was posted on the federal portal of draft regulations on February 19, 2020.

The amount of the increase (otherwise known as the indexation percentage) is determined by how much the pensioner’s subsistence level (abbreviated PMP) has increased over the past year. In 2018, the PMP in the Russian Federation was 8,483 rubles, and in 2019 - 9,002 rubles. As a result, the cost of living of a pensioner per year increased by 6.1%. And the social pension should increase by the same percentage from April 1, 2020.

As for how much it is in rubles, the explanatory note to the Project states that the “April increase” will affect “almost 4 million” Russian pensioners, and budget expenses will increase per month by 2.41 billion rubles. Based on this, we divide the indicated additional costs. budget expenditures on the number of recipients and we see that on average, the size of the social pension will increase by 602.5 rubles from April 1, 2020.

That is, how much will the pension increase?from April 1, 2020, what will be the increase in rubles:
*An increase of 6.1%.
* Average increase = 602 rub. 50 kopecks

How to calculate the new amount of social/state pension from April 1, 2020 and the amount of the increase:

The exact size of “your” increase can be calculated by multiplying the existing value of the received social/state pensions by 0.061.

And to determine the new pension amount, the existing amount must be multiply by 1.061.