Which banks work with maternity capital? Where can I get one and which banks give a mortgage against maternity capital: Rosselkhozbank, Primsotsbank and others Which bank can I get a mortgage against maternity capital?

The list of banks working with maternity capital is quite extensive. Today, many financial institutions even welcome its use when lending, since the presence of a cash subsidy guarantees the availability of a certain reserve of funds. Which banks are ready to issue mortgages with the participation of Matkapital in 2020 and what conditions do they offer their clients?

Advantages of using maternal capital for a mortgage

It is no secret that improving housing conditions is the most popular area for spending maternity capital. Moreover, Russians often do not have a sufficient amount of money even if they use a subsidy. That's why they turn to banks for borrowed funds. This format allows you to get several advantages at once:

  1. the money can be spent up to 3 years using borrowed funds (if you buy it yourself, you will have to wait until the child turns 3 years old);
  2. you don’t have to look for money for a down payment;
  3. you don’t need to waste time collecting the entire required amount; you can buy a home right away, paying off the borrowed money gradually.

Actually, the use of maternity capital itself is also positive, because the amount of debt owed by borrowers is significantly reduced, thereby reducing the amount of overpayment on the loan.

Use Cases

A family certificate is a means of financial support for families with children. The state is trying to help such people. It is not surprising that many banks want to participate in this. There are several options for using maternity capital for a mortgage:

  • use maternity capital as a down payment (not all banks have this mortgage format, which is largely due to the fact that the procedure for transferring funds from the Pension Fund can take several months);
  • use maternity capital to pay off existing debt (this scheme can be used in almost any bank in the form of partial or full early repayment of the mortgage).

In fact, the use of maternity capital after registration of a mortgage is possible at any bank. Indeed, in this case, you do not need to obtain permission from a financial institution. It is enough to provide all the necessary documents to the Pension Fund and wait for the funds to be transferred to the bank.

If the money is used as a down payment, the procedure itself will be slightly different. First, you will need to obtain from the bank a certificate of consent to issue a loan under such conditions. Only after this can you go to the Pension Fund. No one will simply believe the word of the certificate owner.

Wanting to use maternity capital when applying for a mortgage, certificate holders often wonder if there are any restrictions regarding the purposes of mortgage lending. Naturally, it can be applied exclusively to residential real estate. As for the type of housing itself, there are several options:

  1. ready housing;
  2. apartment under construction;
  3. for the construction of a house (but there are restrictions regarding the expenditure of maternity capital).

The breadth of possibilities depends not only on the restrictions of federal legislation, but also on the conditions of the bank in which the client wants to apply for a mortgage loan. For example, some financial institutions offer to use maternity capital only when purchasing an apartment in a new building.

Having decided to purchase an apartment or other residential property with a mortgage together with funds from a family certificate, a person begins to choose a bank. The difficulty lies in finding financial institutions that provide this service and finding the most attractive mortgage lending conditions.

If families will use maternity capital as a down payment, then you can contact one of the following banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • DeltaCredit Bank;
  • UniCredit Bank;
  • Primsotsbank;
  • Nomos Bank.

Specialists from the listed financial institutions not only help in obtaining a mortgage, but also explain information regarding the nuances of using maternity capital when lending. All of them undergo appropriate training.

Mortgage + maternity capital in Sberbank

Sberbank, being the largest bank in the country, offers its clients a large number of programs. There is also the opportunity to use maternity capital issued by the state. Moreover, a separate option is provided for this. There are several options for using maternity capital. It can be aimed at obtaining the following types of mortgages:

  1. apartment in a new building;
  2. apartment on the secondary market;
  3. purchase of country real estate;
  4. home construction;
  5. refinancing an existing mortgage.

For such citizens, there is also the possibility of obtaining a mortgage with state support at 6% using maternity capital. In this way, a family can use two subsidies at the same time, significantly reducing its financial costs.

Interest rates on such mortgages start at 7.4% per annum and depend on the purpose of financing. It is most profitable today to buy an apartment in a new building from a developer accredited by Sberbank.

Loan terms here vary from 1 to 30 years. However, the most profitable would be to obtain a mortgage for up to 7 and 12 years, respectively.

The Bank provides for the possibility of reducing base rates on loans. The conditions look like this:

  • if you have a salary card - 0.5%;
  • when taking out personal insurance - 1.0%;
  • for electronic registration of a concluded transaction - 0.1%.

Additionally, a family can receive benefits from the bank if it has the status of a young family. They consist of an additional reduction in interest rates and the use of a housing certificate issued by the state.


There are quite a few nuances to using maternity capital for a mortgage. It is equally important to find a bank that offers the most favorable terms for such lending.

A lawyer is ready to answer your questions.

Each family that is eligible to receive assistance from the state will have to choose the best option for a financial institution. The information in this article is intended to make it easier to some extent. First of all, it is worth listing the banks that work with maternity capital.

This list includes:

  1. Bank of Moscow;
  2. DeltaCredit;
  3. Unicredit;
  4. Bank opening".

Criteria for banks with maternity capital

DeltaCredit Bank- the smallest down payment is 5%. As part of the “Lending taking into account maternal (family) capital” program, you can take out a mortgage loan to purchase a home. State aid is directed to partial early repayment of the loan.

The loan size, taking into account family capital, should not exceed the maximum possible loan amount provided by the bank.

Bank "Unicredit"- maternity capital can be used as part of your own funds when receiving a loan to purchase housing on the secondary market in accordance with the “Loan for the purchase of an apartment or cottage” program. A certificate for maternity capital allows you to increase the amount of the loan issued by the amount of maternity capital, provided that state assistance will be used to repay the loan after registering ownership of the collateral.

Sberbank back in 2012, I worked exclusively with secondary housing. Since 2013, there is the right to connect new buildings. In addition, maternity capital can be used as a down payment for the purchase of an apartment, and not just to repay existing loans.

  1. The owner of the certificate for the right to receive maternity capital is required to present the certificate itself;
  2. The housing that is planned to be purchased must be registered in the common shared ownership of all members of the borrower's family (spouse and all children).

Bank of Moscow- the “Mortgage + Maternity Capital” program is in effect. Maternity capital can be used to purchase finished or under construction housing

VTB 24- maternity capital in it can be used to fully cover the down payment on the mortgage or to reduce the amount of the contribution, or to partially repay the mortgage debt.

The following conditions are required:

  1. An applicant who is a citizen of the Russian Federation must have a certificate of entitlement to maternity capital;
  2. The loan is provided in rubles;
  3. The loan is allocated for the purchase of housing under construction or secondary housing.

Bank opening"- The interest rate on the loan depends on the loan term and the size of the entrance fee. The Maternity Capital program in this bank is a pledge of loans, partially repaid by maternity capital and issued at a rate of up to 11.75% per annum.

How can I get maternity capital?

Before contacting banks where a mortgage is issued against maternity capital, you must obtain the appropriate certificate for the provision of this type of government assistance. The organization that issues it is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The mother and child for whom the capital is registered must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory package of documents:

  1. Passport of the child's mother;
  2. Child's birth certificate;
  3. Availability of registration or residence permit in the area in which the PF (Pension Fund) is located, i.e. form No. 9;
  4. Application for a certificate written in the prescribed form;
  5. Certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

The Pension Fund will make copies of all submitted documents and review the application within a month. If copies are sent (for example, by mail), they must be certified by a notary.

In the case of adoption, an adoption decree is required.

All originals remain with the owner; the Pension Fund only needs copies.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

  1. Improving living conditions, for which you can contact banks that provide loans against maternity capital;

Brief description of banks working with maternity capital

  1. Bank of Moscow. One of the five largest banks in the Russian Federation. Provides financial services to legal entities and individuals.
  2. The main shareholder of the Bank is VTB Group (95.52%). Particular importance is attached to innovative and high-tech products and services.
  3. DeltaCredit Bank is the first specialized mortgage commercial bank in the Russian Federation. DeltaCredit's main task is to assist in solving housing problems.

The bank offers:

  • Mortgage loans for a period from 7 to 25 years in rubles and dollars;
  • Free consideration of the initial application - up to 3 days;
  • Prompt execution of the transaction - from 5 days;
  • Special offers.

DeltaCredit provides mortgage loans in its own representative offices and in a network of partner banks.

  1. UniCredit Bank- commercial Bank , carrying out financial transactions in Russia since 1989. It is the largest bank in the Russian Federation with foreign participation and is in 8th place in the top 100.
  2. Sberbank of Russia- one of the largest and oldest banks in the Russian Federation and CIS countries. Founded in 1841. A wide range of services: deposits, various loans, issuing bank cards, money transfers, bank insurance and brokerage services.
  3. VTB bank– this is VTB Bank itself, its subsidiaries, credit and financial organizations. Carrying out banking operations, securities market services, insurance services or other financial services. VTB-24 Bank is part of the international financial group VTB and serves individuals, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.
  4. Bank opening" is a universal commercial bank that offers a line of traditional banking products, investment, pension and insurance services to individuals, small and medium-sized businesses and large corporate clients.
  5. Benefit amount in 2017 amounted to 453,026 thousand rubles.

News regarding the issuance of maternity capital

YearAmount of Maternity CapitalDifference from previous yearMK growth percentage
2007 250000 - -
2008 276250 +26250 10.5
2009 312152 +35902 12.99
2010 343378 +31226 10.00
2011 365698 +22320 6.5
2012 387640 +21942 6.0
2013 408960 +21360 5.5
  • An apartment purchased for family capital must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Housing is registered in the common shared ownership of all family members.
  • State aid can be used to pay the down payment when receiving a loan and to repay the principal debt and interest on loans that were provided before January 1, 2011.
  • Since 2011, it is not necessary to wait until a child reaches 3 years of age to contact banks that work with maternity capital and use government assistance to eliminate loan debt.
  • Among the many Russian banks, only a small part has developed a program and issues loans against maternity capital. Before turning to them for support to improve your living conditions, carefully read the list of institutions that will officially, without deception or exorbitant offers, give you funds as a mortgage.

    Banks providing loans against maternity capital:

    The specialists of these banks have undergone special training in order to clearly understand the intricacies of mortgage lending and provide consultations to clients at the highest level.

    Bank of Moscow

    The Bank of Moscow offers two areas of mortgage use of maternity capital - “Ready housing” and “Housing under construction”.

    You can find out more about what the Bank of Moscow has to offer on the about page.


    Sberbank today has extensive experience working with mortgages. It provides lending for almost all home improvement programs.

    You can find out more about the capabilities of Sberbank clients on the about page.

    UniCredit Bank

    UniCredit Bank has developed two programs that allow you to attract maternity capital funds for the purchase of housing - “Loan for the purchase of an apartment” and “Loan for the purchase of a cottage.”

    DeltaCredit Bank

    Especially for families who plan to get a mortgage with a certificate for maternity capital, DeltaCredit Bank has developed the “Lending taking into account maternity capital” program.

    VTB 24

    VTB 24 Bank issues a loan amount derived from your income and maternity capital. By receiving funds from the certificate, you partially repay your mortgage debt.

    You can find out more about the capabilities of VTB Bank clients on the about page.


    Nomos Bank has developed two areas for attracting family capital and a mortgage loan to improve living conditions.

    You can learn more about the conditions provided by Nomos-Bank on the about page.


    Primsotsbank has developed a mortgage lending program taking into account the possibility of using maternity capital, and provides the opportunity to purchase an apartment, as well as payment under a share participation agreement in construction in those construction projects that are accredited by the bank.

    A mortgage for maternity capital in Moscow is one of the key opportunities for parents of two or more children to acquire their own living space. It is not surprising, because when applying for a mortgage, maternity capital as a down payment can significantly reduce the size of the loan and save on interest payments to the bank.

    A loan for maternity capital for the purchase of housing in Moscow provides for:

    • registration of a targeted mortgage loan with the deduction of a payment equal to the family capital from the amount of debt;
    • pledge of living space to a banking institution until the debt is fully repaid;
    • final registration of ownership of housing after the removal of collateral from an apartment or house (implemented after the borrower’s final settlement with the bank for payment of the loan amount, interest, commissions and other payments).

    How to get a mortgage for maternity capital in Moscow?

    According to the law, the owner or owner of maternity capital has the right to use funds to purchase ready-made housing or to use money for its construction. If a family decides to get a mortgage loan in Moscow, the money is transferred to the lender by bank transfer. At the same time, according to the conditions for using family capital, in 2020 the money can be used for:

    • payment of the first payment under the loan agreement;
    • making a contribution towards the debt on a loan for the purchase of living space.

    The terms of use of maternity capital prohibit using money to pay off penalties, commissions and fines under the loan agreement. It is important to remember that family capital can be used exclusively for a targeted loan. The actual intended purpose of the funds is recorded in the relevant documents. At the same time, it does not matter when the borrower took out the mortgage - before the right to maternal capital arose or after that.

    It should be noted that Moscow banks, including VTB, Sberbank of Russia, DeltaCredit, Rosselkhozbank and many others, provide their clients with the opportunity to repay mortgages with maternity capital in Moscow, developing special loan offers for this. Such Moscow lending programs have attractive interest rates. You can calculate all the main parameters of a mortgage loan for capital using the online calculator presented on the website.

    The federal law of the Russian Federation regulating the receipt and expenditure of maternity capital allows the use of these funds to improve housing conditions by obtaining a mortgage or repaying the one that was issued before receiving the certificate. It would seem that there is a great chance to solve the housing problem. However, there are certain nuances regarding banking structures. More details about this in this article.

    Banks and maternity capital

    The following information may surprise you. But, nevertheless, it is an indisputable fact. Not every financial institution is ready to accept maternity capital as a down payment or a way to pay off debt. Why? This question is difficult to answer.

    Each bank sets its own requirements and conditions that must be met when obtaining a consumer or mortgage loan for a home. And, of course, no one will explain the reason for this or that condition.

    However, in fairness, it should be noted that the list of banks that work with maternity capital may change from year to year. Some financial institutions refuse maternity capital, while others, on the contrary, allow its use when applying for a home mortgage.

    If at the time of receiving a capital certificate you already have a mortgage, then you should find out whether it is possible to pay it off at the selected bank using this type of government assistance. If possible, great. If not, there is nothing you can do about it.

    Of course, it is possible to transfer the loan to another bank, but this is very troublesome. Therefore, we will not consider it in detail.

    But if you are just planning to take out a mortgage and receive and use maternity capital later, then you should carefully study the issue, at least by reading the article to the end.

    The banks that agree to work with maternity capital include the following:

    • DeltaCredit;
    • UniCredit;
    • Sberbank;
    • Bank of Moscow;
    • VTB 24;
    • Nomos;
    • Primsotsbank;
    • Gazprombank;
    • Rosselkhozbank;
    • Uralsib.

    The list could be continued. But we will limit ourselves to these ten due to the fact that they are either the most famous or offer very favorable conditions. We will not touch upon the issue of fame. It is unlikely that it will play a key role in choosing a bank. But as for the conditions, we will tell you in more detail here. True, if you describe each of the named banks, reading the article will be long and tedious. Moreover, these conditions tend to change.

    Therefore, we will talk in detail about only three financial institutions whose branches are definitely open in a city like Moscow.

    Mortgage programs for maternity capital

    So, we found out which banks work with maternity capital. Now we will tell you in detail what such large financial institutions offer as:

    • Sberbank;
    • VTB 24;
    • Bank of Moscow.

    Sberbank. Provides loans for the purchase of real estate, both primary and secondary markets. The conditions for obtaining a mortgage using maternity capital are exactly the same as without it. Among the main ones are:

    • availability of a certificate;
    • at least 10% of the total value of the property as a down payment;
    • having enough total income to make payments.

    The offer is valid only for people who have reached the age of 21 and have at least 1 year of work experience. The bank provides six months to transfer the first payment (if it is made using maternity capital).

    VTB 24. Using maternity capital, in this bank you can both pay off your mortgage and apply for it using assistance as a down payment. The bank is ready to cooperate subject to the purchase of housing on the primary or secondary market, as well as in the case of construction of a private house. The conditions for obtaining a housing loan are as follows:

    • the down payment is at least 10%;
    • the loan amount must be at least 900,000 rubles;
    • the term of obtaining the loan should not exceed 50 years;
    • The interest rate starts at 11%.

    The requirements for age, length of service, and income are similar to those at Sberbank. You will also need to present a certificate confirming your right to receive a certificate.

    Bank of Moscow. The conditions for obtaining a mortgage from this bank are almost identical to those stated above. There are only minor differences. The entire maternity capital must be transferred as a down payment. The minimum loan amount is half a million rubles. As for age, length of service, income, real estate markets - everything is the same.

    However, before bringing maternity capital to the bank (figuratively speaking), we recommend that you study in detail the conditions of all financial institutions that are ready to issue a mortgage using maternity capital.