What is a cvv code on a bank card. Codes CVV2, CVC2 - what they are and where they are

E-commerce lives on non-cash payments, which are carried out through various payment systems,Vvolume including through bank cards. Special codes have been developed to safely conduct such transactions online. In the case of MasterCard cards, this is CVC2, Visa - CVV2 code.

What is cvc2 cvv2 code on a Visa card

The special code CVV2 is used to establish the validity of VISA plastic bank cards. It is called a three-digit security code for transactions without directly using the card, that is, for CNP transactions (when the owner of the plastic card makes a payment remotely online).

Indicating the correct secret code is proof that the card holder is using the card. This prevents fraudulent actions by fraudsters. The seller who accepted the order, in addition to checking the CVV2 verification code, also verifies the number and expiration date of the bank card.

Without entering a security code, you will not be able to transfer banknotes from card to card, or from card to e-wallet. The CVV2 code is three-digit and cannot be changed to another. When withdrawing money from an ATM or paying for purchases at the checkout, the CVV code is checked, and for electronic transactions, CVV2 works.

Visa card: cvc2 cvv2 code - where is it located?

All types of VISA bank cards, except virtual ones, are equipped with a security code. To find out where the cvv2 code is located on the card, you need to look for it on the back side. A three-digit combination of numbers is stamped at the end of the strip created for the owner's signature. The card number or its last 4 digits can also be indicated in full. For example, if the combination of numbers is 4000001 234565386 233, then cvc2 cvv2 security code is 233, if 4456 554, then 554.

How to pay for purchases using the cvv2 number on a Visa card

  1. Open the website page where payments are made.
  2. Enter the required details into the payment form.
  3. Specify cvv2 code.

There should be no confusion if the field for entering the cvc2 cvv2 4dbc code appears in other variations:

  • identification code
  • security code, etc.

4. Wait for a response.

If the code is entered correctly, the transaction will be approved, provided that there are sufficient funds in the account for payment, the card’s expiration date is current, etc. Payment will not be processed if the code or other details are entered incorrectly.

If there is no cvv2 security code on your Visa card

In some cases, the special security code is not detected on the cards. These are low-end cards and are not intended for online use. Virtual plastics are also not marked with codes. Information on how to find out the cvv2 code of a virtual card is provided by the support service of the issuing bank. Usually the cvv2 number comes by email or SMS when you open the card.

Why do you need to protect cvc2 cvv2 4dbc

Such confidential information should only be known to the bank card holder. Any person with “plastic” details can pay for purchases and services in the online service.

  1. The security mechanism of the cvv2 code on the Visa card will not work on a phishing (fake) site. Therefore, it is worth carefully checking the URL of the online resource. The address bar of a legitimate website turns green. Make online payments or other transactions only on a website with a secure HTTPS protocol.
  2. Try to ensure that information about your card (not only the pin, but also the cvv2 code, where it is located) does not become available to strangers.
  3. You should not keep a significant amount of money on your card. It is advisable to set a limit. The remaining funds can be placed in a specially opened account on demand. It will not be available through a bank card.
  4. It is safer to make purchases on the websites of large online stores. Or use the services of proven payment systems. For example, transfer money to an electronic wallet in YandexMoney or WebMoney. Then just pay for your purchases.
  5. For online purchases, it is best to get a specially designed card, on which you can put the required amount of money if necessary.

Verification codes on bank cards - what are they for? The article discusses where CVV2/CVC2 are located on the card and the types of verification numbers. CVC2/CVV2 code - what it gives when making transactions, and how to use them.

CVV2/CVC2 – what is it?

CVV2, CVC2, 4dbc – code or so-called special sets of numbers for verifying the authenticity of a bank card. Used in so-called CNP operations. Card Not Present - literally translated from English as “there is no card at the moment.” For example, this applies to online payments that require entering only card details (its physical presence is not required).

How the abbreviations CVV2 and CVC2 stand for

CVV2 code – what is it? Card Verification Value 2 – translated from English as “card check number”. It is a verification for the Visa payment system. CVC2 (Card Validation Code 2 – “card confirmation code”) is used in MasterСard.

In both cases there is the number “2” - CVV2, CVC2. The bank card also has primary CVV/CVC codes, which are needed when physically using “plastic”.

CVC2/CVV2 – where it is on the map

Typically on the reverse side. The signature line indicates CVC2/CVV2, where the last 4 digits of the card number are printed. Next to it, three verification numbers are indicated through a “space”. Attention! This code has nothing to do with the card number, these are separate verification numbers.

A code, for example CVV2, may be indicated on the front side of the card (for American Express). Four numbers, printed in small print, are located above the card number.

Virtual cards: CVV2 on a card where it is impossible to physically see the code, provides for receiving it via SMS or phone.

  1. On the website where you pay for a service/purchase a product online, fill in the card details fields on the website.
  2. Enter CVV2 there, where the required line is located. Correctly fill out the input field, where CVV2 can also be indicated as “CVC2”, “security number”, “security code”, etc.
  3. Get the result (approval or refusal). If the payment does not go through, the CVV2/CVC2 (code on the card) was entered incorrectly. There may be other reasons:
  • there is not enough money in the account;
  • the card is not intended for virtual purchases.

Do you know what cvv cvc is on a bank card? Don't know yet? What, you have a plastic card, but you still don’t know why you need it and why scammers need this code? The answer is below.

Hi all!
The earth is spinning, but life does not stand still, now even a pensioner has a bank card!
Meanwhile, you can use it to pay for purchases or services not only in real, but also virtual, on the other side of the screen stores, that is, on the Internet.
Meanwhile, it is now impossible to carry out a single operation on the Internet without a cvc2 or cvv2 number.
Nowadays, when making any purchase on the Internet, you are required to enter this.
For a person doing this for the first time, it is not at all clear what the hell the English letters are, what is cvv on a bank account?! Where to look for them?

I remember the first time I was asked for this abbreviation about 7 years ago.
I probably spent half an hour looking for it; it was difficult to find information on this topic back then, especially since it only began to appear then).

By the way, not only the person who doesn’t know is looking for them, but also the person who knows, scammers are also looking for them).
Next, I’ll tell you what the cvv code on a plastic card is, where to find it, what it’s for, and what to do with it.

What is cvv cvc on a bank card, how to find this code?

In general, these 3 English letters indicate the security number.

What are they?
3 digits.

Where are they located on the payment counter?
On the reverse side (back side).
There is a black stripe, followed by a white one, on it in the corner on the left.
See the picture below.

What is the fundamental difference between cvc and cvv?
cvv - this designation is indicated on the visa (card for use in the territory of the country of Russia).
cvc - designation of MasterCard (plastic card of international format).

What are they needed for?
This is an additional means of protecting your work from being used by scammers.
If you noticed, not all bank cards have these numbers; older cards do not have such protection.

PIN code and cvv cvc are the same thing or not?
No, these are completely different numbers, although both are made to protect your money.

Is it worth making purchases online using a bank card?

Guys, it's definitely worth it!
It's the 21st century, for those who don't know.
Nowadays, many people make purchases on the Internet, and if we say things from China on AliExpress, many have been buying for several years now (it’s 2-3 times cheaper to order from there than to buy them from us), then beds and cabinets are a relatively new phenomenon.
Do you know why they order?
Yes, all because it’s cheaper!
And that’s not all, have you heard about pizza delivery?)
How can you order a whole table of food from an online store?
And this is a new trend, and I’ll tell you, it’s not uncommon.
Why do you think they order?)
But because it’s cheaper, isn’t it?) lazy people?!
No guys, not lazy.
It's just more convenient.
With such a frantic pace of life, sometimes you just don’t have time to go to a friend’s birthday party or go to the store for groceries.
I think I have convinced you of the need for online shopping.
Or not?)
Next, let's talk about scammers and safe use of money online.

How not to lose money when paying with a card on the Internet

First of all, keep in mind that there are even more scammers online than on the street!
Therefore, it is very important to be careful when handling your personal data online.
I’ll say right away that cvv and cvc provide you with additional protection.
Now, with any purchase, on any website on the Internet, these numbers will be required.
If you enter these codes incorrectly several times, you will not be able to complete the purchase.
The system will block the card for a while.

In addition, as you can see, these numbers completely merge with the bank number, unlike the convex number.
This was done on purpose so that this number could not be detected.

In addition, it happens that this code is overwritten, so I strongly recommend that you remember it!
This is not a PIN code that can be restored; this data will only be restored when the card is reissued.
Yes, under no circumstances disclose these 3 numbers to anyone, well, I think this is what you yourself should understand).

Precautions to take online when dealing with plastic.

  • Do not under any circumstances respond to letters with sweepstakes or promotions where you are asked to enter your passport details, telephone number, or card number.
  • Before ordering something, read reviews about the store you are going to order from.
  • Do not conduct monetary transactions from someone else's computer
  • Do not link your password, phone number, work number to social networks, be it VKontakte, Odnoklassniki.
    Very often such pages are hacked by hackers.

Now you know what a cvv code is, what it is needed for and how to work safely on the network.
And I am calm for you.

A bank card is a high-tech product. With its help, it has long been possible not only to withdraw cash or pay for purchases in supermarkets, but also to make payments online, including booking airline tickets, hotels, and paying for purchases in online stores.

To carry out expense transactions on the Internet, a minimum of information is required:

  • card number,
  • the name of its owner,
  • card expiry date,
  • as well as a security code CVV2 or CVC2, which acts as a card identifier.

It is the latter, or rather, the role of the CVV2/CVC2 code in implementation that will be discussed below.

What is the CVV2/CVC2 code on the card and where is it located?

The Card Verification Value 2 (CVV2) identifier is used to designate Visa card passwords.

Other payment systems call it differently: for MasterCard it is CVC2 (Card Validation Code 2), for American Express it is CID (Card Identification). However, this does not change the general meaning. So:

  • CVV2 (Card Verification Value 2) – code on the Visa card,
  • CVC2 (Card Validation Code 2) – code for the MasterCard card,
  • CID (Card Identification) – code for American Express.

Where is the CVC2/CVV2 code?

The secret code CVC2 (CVV2) consists of three numbers, which is located on the back of the bank card, or, more precisely, on the right side of the paper strip next to the holder’s signature.

The code itself is needed only so that the online seller of services or goods can identify the buyer’s bank card for payment. But to confirm an expense transaction, you will need a different set of numbers - the same one-time password that will be sent to the phone of the plastic bank card holder in the form of an SMS message.

What is the difference between a CVV2/CVC2 code and a card PIN code?

What is important:

The three-digit code CVV2/CVC2/CID should never be confused with the PIN code of a bank card.

A PIN code must be entered, for example, to carry out transactions at an ATM, when paying for purchases in a supermarket or in another regular store (NOT online).

There is no point in remembering the card PIN code on the Internet at all, because it is simply not needed to make purchases on the Internet. And if some website or supposedly bank employee still asks you to indicate it, you should know that these are scammers and it is strongly not recommended to contact them.

In general, you should only deal with trusted stores on the Internet. Preferably, those that use special security protocols for online payments, which require the destruction of all entered information immediately after payment is made. Yes, if you frequently access the resource’s services, you will have to enter card data (not excluding the CVV2/CVC2/CID code) again each time. But the bank card itself will be safe in this case. And isn't that the main thing?

Is it possible to make an online payment without a security code?

Without a PIN code, you cannot make a debit transaction through an ATM or terminal, and there are service providers on the Internet where you can make payments without mentioning the CVV2/CVC2/CID code.

If there is no CVV2/CVC2/CID code on the card, this may mean that the card is NOT intended for paying for online purchases. In this case, you need to contact the bank and either change the card or order one specifically designed for paying for purchases on the Internet.

In any case, a security code for paying for services on the Internet is required almost everywhere. An exception is, for example, “native” for the card. Here, you do not need to enter additional information to carry out expense transactions. All you need to do is enter the password from the SMS and the bank will instantly confirm the transaction.

What’s bad: any of the remote access banking systems does not cover even a quarter of the online market. This means that you will have to enter into transactions with companies and stores that are not partners of the issuing bank that issued the card, each time relying solely on your own peril and risk.

Although such risks can be reduced to a minimum. How? Well, for example, by issuing and attaching a virtual card with a limited limit to the main account. This product is ideal for making online payments. After all, even if fraudsters manage to compromise information about a virtual card, the main bank card will be safe.

What conclusion do we draw from all this? Yes, the simplest one.

About security when paying online

Even though a special bank card identifier is not a mandatory attribute for using the card, it is still necessary to make fast and secure payments for services on the Internet.

The main thing is not to forget to follow basic security measures that will help protect the money on the card from attacks by third parties:

  • Don’t throw the card anywhere.
  • Do not tell your PIN code to anyone or enter it anywhere.
  • In case of loss, block the card itself immediately.
  • And yes, it would also be a good idea to take advantage of advice on obtaining a virtual card for online payments.

To withdraw cash from a card, pay for purchases in “real” stores, or pay for various services through an ATM, a PIN code is used in the form of a four-digit code known only to you. How do you pay for purchases with a card in online stores? How do we allow a certain amount to be withdrawn from our card account to pay for a product or service, and most importantly, how reliable and safe is it?

To pay with a card on the Internet, other technologies are used and the PIN code of a bank card has nothing to do with them. Therefore, if you are asked to provide a PIN code for payment, then it is better to leave such a site. However, modern payment methods from a card already exclude this possibility, since other technologies are used that provide for receiving one-time passwords in the form of SMS, but more on that below.

A bank card has several levels of protection (secrecy), the main one of which is its 16-digit card number. If you are required to enter a PIN code at an ATM, then when paying online, this code is replaced by unique card details: last and first name of the cardholder, card number, expiration date and, of course, card code CVV2/CVC2. That is why you cannot show your card to strangers, since all the card details are located on the front side, and the CVV2 or CVC2 code is indicated on the back of the card. These are the last three digits, on the right side of the strip where you signed. Exactly the last three digits, because the previous four digits are the “end” of your card number. Look at the card number and compare.

CVV2 or CVC2 is used for online payment

Modern methods of protection

Today, the most advanced way to protect a card from data theft is to use “3-D Secure” technology. Very briefly, the meaning of these technologies can be explained as follows. The money transfer operation is carried out without the participation of the seller. When you make a purchase, the bank directly transfers funds from your card to the bank that holds the seller's account. Maximum safety of your payment details is ensured, and other risks are significantly reduced. Another innovation of this type of protection is that the code (password) is constantly updated and sent to you in the form of SMS with each purchase. Agree, it is much safer.
Please note that modern payment methods on the Internet involve the use of 3 D-Secure technology. The CVV2/CVC2 code has not been cancelled, but it is much safer to pay from a card using this technology.
Despite the emergence of new safe technologies, the simplest and most reliable method is, as always, brilliantly simple. It's called a virtual bank card. In addition to the main, “real-life” card, you open a virtual card at the bank. It also has (like the main card) all payment details and is used only for online payments. Before paying for a product or service, you transfer the required amount to a virtual card “linked” to the main card and make the payment. After this, the card balance will remain “zero” and will only be replenished before the next purchase. There is no money, there is nothing to steal. As a last resort, you can set a limit for withdrawing money during the day. For control, you can connect SMS notifications about any operations performed on the virtual card.