What the general plan looks like in the drawing. General plan of the site

Any design and construction begins with the allocation of land. Its purpose and form, and sometimes even the possibility of supplying utilities, give rise to an idea of ​​future buildings, be it a cottage community or an industrial area, and sometimes not even an idea, but an idea in which direction the investor should move. This is enough for the specialists of our design organization, and sometimes we even help ourselves decide what exactly will be embodied in concrete and glass in a specific area. Designing master plans is one of the main and favorite activities of the Unicum design company. Residential buildings or industrial enterprises, large-scale projects or a small country house - we will help you develop not only a draft master plan, a Site Planning Organization Scheme, landscaping or landscape design, but also an investment project for future development. We often work with investors and developers and do a detailed study on technical and economic indicators, construction efficiency, preparation for GPZU, AGR booklets and simply very beautiful visualizations of the “bird” for promising development.

Even for small areas and small buildings, everything must be thought out. Balance of the territory, location relative to cardinal directions and illumination, supply of communications and such possibly unaccounted for features as terrain (for example, significant elevation changes or water bodies), nearby buildings (huge multi-storey complex and industrial buildings), presence/absence of utilities, their power and much more. Any inaccuracy in construction - and the customer faces at least additional costs during construction, and at maximum - serious difficulties during commissioning, or even complete abandonment of the project, which turned out to be impracticable.

We think it is absolutely clear why a general plan is necessary for serious construction. And now about what the master plan is and how it is developed in the Unicum design bureau.

The master plan consists of a textual part and drawings made on a geobasis (topographic survey) - this is done by surveyors (for example, MosGorGeoTrest) - giving a complete picture of the location of the designed or reconstructed building, the surrounding area, landscaping, utility networks and transport communications. Development of a general plan is a rather complex process, it requires the collection of information, its analysis, calculations, execution of project documents in accordance with the urban planning code, RNGP norms, one must remember about insolation, sanitary protection zones and other important construction conditions. Without a carefully, and most importantly correctly, developed master plan, it is impossible to obtain approvals and carry out construction.

Fortunately, there are specially trained people for such work, namely employees of the Unicum design organization. We know how to do this efficiently and quickly, because we have developed master plans for different types of buildings and territories dozens of times.

For example, when designing a cottage community, we take into account all the wishes of the customer and create a project that is not only attractive, but also economically profitable. The complex project includes, in addition to residential buildings, shops, kindergartens and schools, a sports complex, entertainment facilities and playgrounds - not just an image, but a world we have created, inhabited and beautiful. When calculating the cost of designing a village, we take into account reduction factors for repetition and volume, so such a project is not overly expensive. After the concept is developed, the preparation and approval of the SPOZU begins, houses and transport schemes are designed, a utility plan is drawn up, and design and survey work begins. Depending on the wishes of the customer, the design of the village may include landscape design, lighting and landscaping projects.

We carry out the design of a master plan for buildings, landscaping, and planning of territories of villages, complexes, and districts. We also carry out external and on-site engineering projects, sections of SPOZU and Stroygenplan, if necessary, PIC (construction organization project). We also develop landscape design projects, which, if desired, also include unique small forms, lighting and landscaping. We carry out dendroplanes and planting plans.

You can familiarize yourself with some projects on our website. We will also be happy to tell you everything in more detail over the phone or at a meeting with you.

Here is our presentation on integrated design in PDF

We have carried out projects for many complex developments:

  • Reconstruction and renovation of four territories of former factories in Moscow 4-20 hectares
  • Industrial and warehouse complex near Tula 16Ga
  • Cottage village Rukhlevo 6Ga
  • Cottage community in New Riga 5 hectares
  • Elite small village in Barvikha 3Ga
  • Detailed design and architectural supervision of the elite cottage village Parkville 30 Ha
  • Integrated development of the Molokovo microdistrict 60,000 sq. m. 15Ha
  • Integrated development of a microdistrict in Nalchik 70,000 sq. m. 5Ha
  • Renovation of the territory and complex of the PIP ski base of Bitsevsky Park. 6Ha
  • The territory of a bath complex with a hotel and restaurant in St. Petersburg. 2Ha
  • Several multifunctional complexes. 1-10Ha
  • Several mini-villages of townhouses and low-rise apartment buildings. 1-2 Ha
  • Territorial planning of several bases, boarding houses, country complexes. 2-6Ha
  • Townhouse village Kaluzhskoe shosse. 2Ha
  • A small cottage community in Ivanteevka. 2 Ha
· Urban zoning ·

Types of urban developments

General plan (master plan, state plan) in a general sense - a project document on the basis of which planning, development, reconstruction and other types of urban development of territories are carried out. The main part of the master plan (also called the master plan itself) is a scale image obtained by graphically superimposing a drawing of the designed object onto a topographical, engineering-topographical or photographic plan of the territory. In this case, the design object can be either a plot of land with a separate architectural structure located on it, or the territory of an entire city or municipal district.

General plan of the settlement

Any master plan contains an analytical block and a project proposal block. Each of them, in turn, includes graphic materials presented in the form of maps (diagrams) and a text part. Among the mandatory schemes as part of the general plan, the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation provides for:

  • diagram of electricity, heat, gas and water supply facilities for the population within the city boundaries;
  • diagram of public roads, bridges and other transport engineering structures within the boundaries of populated areas;
  • a diagram of the use of the territory of the municipality showing the boundaries of lands of various categories, and other information about the use of the corresponding territory;
  • diagram of the boundaries of territories of cultural heritage sites;
  • diagram of the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of territories;
  • diagram of the boundaries of territories exposed to the risk of natural and man-made emergencies;
  • diagram of the boundaries of zones of negative impact of capital construction projects of local importance in the case of the location of such objects;
  • a diagram of the planned boundaries of functional zones showing the parameters of the planned development of such zones;
  • diagrams showing the zones of the planned location of capital construction projects of local importance;
  • maps (schemes) of the planned boundaries of territories, planning documentation for which is subject to development as a matter of priority;
  • diagram of existing and planned boundaries of industrial, energy, transport, communications lands.

Master plans of cities and settlements in different countries vary in name, composition, functions and legal status. Reconstruction, development and development of the territories of a number of large cities is being carried out without any single document of planning and zoning of the territory. In Russia, as in many Western countries, the general plan as a legal document is advisory in nature, that is, it is not. At the level of a city or settlement, this role is played by land use and development rules, including an urban zoning map and urban planning regulations. As the country transitions to a market economy, there is a gradual reduction in the validity period and a decrease in the town-regulating role of the general plan in favor of documents of a lower level - planning and surveying projects.

General plans of Russian cities

Master plan (section of working documentation)

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    See what a “Master Plan” is in other dictionaries: General plan of the entire construction as a whole or of a separate construction project (G. p. of the entire railway line, G. p. of track development and location of buildings and station devices within the territory of a separate station, etc.). G.P. gives about this... ...

    Technical railway dictionary General plan - (English general plan) in the Russian Federation, urban planning documentation on urban planning for the development of territories of urban and rural settlements. G.p. is developed in accordance with the duly approved urban planning... ...

    Encyclopedia of Law Geological encyclopedia

    - (planning and development project) of a CITY, TOWN, RURAL SETTLEMENT, a document defining the main directions of land use for industrial, residential and other construction, improvement and placement of recreational facilities... ... Ecological dictionary

    A city, another settlement, a territory under the jurisdiction of a local government body, urban planning design documentation, which is the main legal document that determines living conditions, direction and... in the interests of the population. Construction dictionary

    A document defining the main directions of land use for industrial, residential and other construction, improvement and placement of recreational facilities for the population. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    general plan- - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN master plan ... Technical Translator's Guide

    general plan- 3.13 master plan: Documentation of the planning of major engineering work and operations prepared prior to any major enterprise integration or other systems engineering project. Note General plan... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    general plan- builds. a type of urban planning documentation that regulates urban planning activities in cities and other settlements, determining the conditions for the safety of living of the population, ensuring the necessary sanitary, hygienic and environmental... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

Owning a home is the dream of every person, especially a man who has already given birth to a son and planted a tree. And if buying a ready-made structure simplifies the task, then construction will be more difficult. And it’s not just about erecting the structure with your own hands, the costs of earthworks and other construction processes. Relevant documents and the master plan of the land plot play an important role.

All this is prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation, which state that capital construction, installation of utility systems and other work can be started if the appropriate documents are available. The list of them is large, however, the main plan is considered to be the general plan of the territory. To draw up, you need to take into account all the features of the terrain, allocate places for construction in accordance with fire safety standards. What is a master plan? What role does he play? How to arrange it to build a house? Let's find out.

Concept of master plan of a building

According to one reference book, a site master plan is a project document indicating the planning, development, reconstruction and other types of work on a land plot. This is a kind of plan in which everything is written down to the smallest detail. The master plan is based on a drawing on a selected scale, where a plan of the future object is superimposed on the plan of the selected territory (topographic, photographic or engineering topographic). The design object is not only a separate building. This could be an entire city or municipal district.

To clearly understand what a master plan for a land plot is, look at its example.

It must indicate the chosen scale, features of the territory, as well as the complex of future construction. But the question arises, what is it for? Why spend so much time creating it? There are two compelling reasons for the need for a plan:

  1. This is a legal requirement of the state. It turns out that without a completed document, which has been agreed upon with the relevant authorities, construction cannot begin. Only then can the owner count on erecting a building on the territory and connecting utilities to it. There is an opinion that if I am the owner of the territory, then I can do whatever I want with it. This opinion is wrong. It is not for nothing that the state has formed self-government bodies and architectural supervision that monitor the correct installation of utilities and the preparation of a master plan. Why? So that the design and communication systems are not dangerous for nearby residents. Let's take just one example. It is important that the master plan complies with fire safety regulations. According to the standards, the road on the territory must be located at a distance from the walls of the future house, which is at least 5 m. At the same time, the width of the road is at least 3.5 m. In order for special equipment to be able to move freely along the roadway on the site, all these requirements must be taken into account.
  2. Having a master plan for the development of the site in hand will simplify the construction process itself. This formed project serves as a guide. With its help, you can correctly identify buildings and other elements on the site. This is a residential building, outbuildings, a playground, a vegetable garden, a flower bed, a swimming pool, a recreation area, etc. And even if the landowner wants to order a standard project, the features of the territory must not be overlooked.

It turns out that without developing a master plan for the site, no one will allow you to carry out construction. And it doesn’t matter that you are the legal owner of the territory. The law applies to everyone. Therefore, before you start building your own home, you need to make sure you have a general plan. You can do it yourself, however, it is better to entrust the work to specialists who will do it quickly, efficiently and correctly. In any case, you need to know how to draw up a master plan for the territory.

The principle of drawing up a master plan for a site

The general plan is a list of documents, the main of which is the drawing or plan itself. Like other documents, there are some requirements for it; it has features and nuances in its development and execution. They must be taken into account in order for the relevant authorities to approve the plan.

List of documents for preparation

To begin the process of preparing a draft master plan, you need to have a list of documents. What are they? Below is the list:

  • cadastral plan. Thanks to it, you can have a complete picture of the land plot that is being designed. The cadastral plan has the dimensions and boundaries of the site;
  • a diagram reflecting the connection of the building to the general utility system (water supply, gas supply, electricity, sewerage system);
  • a detailed diagram showing the location of neighboring buildings, roadways and other complexes present in the adjacent territory;
  • a detailed description of the buildings that will be built on the selected territory (house, agricultural buildings, etc.).

Additional points when developing a master plan

The main task is to make the general plan ideal, so that they don’t find fault with it and don’t ask unnecessary questions. For everything to really be like this, you need to take into account some control zones when drawing up. In particular, we are talking about the system of engineering communications. You don’t need to be an expert to understand that in the place where communications pass, it is impossible to build a residential building, as well as other small buildings, such as a garage, shed and toilet. Even planting tall plants is not allowed.

Note! We are used to placing buildings on the territory the way we want.

But, the law implies maintaining a distance in the general plan of the site between structures, which complies with all fire safety standards. In addition, if the area is flooded by seasonal rains, then the plan must contain a drainage system. Thanks to it, the site and all its buildings will not be flooded; the water will go through the system to the central sewer or a place of your choice.

Another nuance related to the characteristics of the territory. When drawing up a master plan, it is important to take into account the location of buildings taking into account geodata. For example, the selected plot of land is not flat, but has large differences. In this case, a residential building must be built on a hill. Why? In this case, the likelihood of flooding is reduced to zero. All precipitation will flow into the pit without affecting the structure. Some still choose to build in the lowlands. Then you will need to take all measures to ensure that the building does not flood.

Experts recommend placing the house on a slight slope, parallel to the horizontal surface. If a building is being erected on a slope with a steepness of 1:2 or more, then the subgrade must be strengthened and made stable. For this purpose, retaining walls and other similar structural elements are used.

As mentioned above, there are standards for the location of buildings depending on the roadway. It can be located at a distance of 5 m from the border of a plot of land passing along the street. And if there is a neighboring plot nearby, then the distance is 3 m or more. Taking into account all these rules, nuances and advice, you can draw up a competent master plan for the development of a land plot.

Structure of the site master plan and sample

In the photo below you can see an example of a master plan for the site. It is being developed for the development of the site. This is a kind of drawing that is made on a scale of 1:500. The plan contains the location of building structures, landscape features, vegetation on the territory, pedestrian paths, entrances to the territory and a lot of other details. The more detailed the plan, the better.

In addition, many other documents are attached to the drawings, here is a list of them:

Developing a master plan for a land plot is a responsible matter. It is unlikely that anyone without proper education will be able to do this work. Therefore, it is better to find an experienced architect or an entire organization that will make all the drawings and documents correctly. It is clear that you will have to pay a lot, however, you will have permission for official construction from the authorities.

Who to contact and what is the approximate cost of developing a master plan

Now there are a lot of organizations that will be happy to provide you with their services for creating a master plan. You can ask your friends, maybe they know a good company that does its job well. When such a company is found, all that remains is to submit an application. You can discuss all the details and wishes with the master.

There is no specific fixed price for creation. It depends on the area of ​​the site. The cost is calculated per 1 m2. On average, the price for developing 1 m2 is 1,500 rubles. But the price may fluctuate. Here is an example of prices for drawing up a general plan from a certain company:

  1. From 500 m2 - price 1500 rub./m2.
  2. From 1500 m2 - price 1000 rub./m2.
  3. From 3000 m2 - price 700 rub./m2.
  4. From 5000 m2 - price 400 rub./m2.
  5. From 10,000 m 2 - price 300 rub./m 2.
  6. More than 20,000 m2 - price 150 rubles/m2.

There is a pattern: the larger the plot, the cheaper the cost per square meter. It turns out that if you need to develop a master plan for a site with an area of ​​11 acres (1100 m2), then you will have to pay 1.65 million rubles for all the work. A lot of? Yes, but these are the prices. The company undertakes to complete the task within a certain period of time.

When the plan is ready, you need to contact the appropriate structure and wait for approval for construction.

Let's sum it up

Although you will have to pay a lot for drawing up a master plan for the site, this is a mandatory procedure required by law. If you ignore the appeal to the urban planning department, then the construction itself and the finished structure will be illegal. Therefore, if you want to start construction, you cannot do without it.

Almost every “earthly resident” dreams of acquiring his own plot of land and turning it into his own quiet, paradise. To do this, it is necessary to purchase a plot, develop a project and draw up a master plan for the plot, taking into account the area, uneven terrain and other features of the area.

Concept, features and subtleties of planning

The master plan is a project document with the use of which the development, planning and development of land areas is carried out.

The main component of the master plan is a scale drawing made by superimposing the designed development on the topographic plan of the land plot. A prerequisite for drawing up the above document is the presence of an analytical part and a design block. All these documents must include:

  1. Schemes of the location of your site within a city, town, village. As a rule, this is a situational analysis.
  2. Schemes of communications of engineering systems (electricity, gas, heat, water supply).
  3. Schemes of the boundaries of adjacent territories for various purposes and operating conditions.
  4. Schemes of the boundaries of areas at risk of negative impacts (natural, man-made, industrial).
  5. Schemes of engineering structures, bridges, entrances, sidewalks and highways.
  6. An explanatory note that tells about all the technical and economic indicators associated with the development and improvement of the territory of your site.

The development of a master plan is carried out by specialist architects, who necessarily perform a detailed analysis of the territory with the subsequent drawing up of a balance, which shows the ratio of the percentage of use of the area for the location of various objects and zones. This work is quite voluminous, expensive and complex.

The main objective of the master plan is to comply with all current regulations (land, environmental, architectural, legal) and fire safety requirements. This is not the entire list of requirements for this documentation and aimed at ensuring the safety of your site and adjacent areas. A correctly drawn up document is approved by the relevant government agencies.

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Nuances of compilation and list of necessary documentation

To develop this documentation, the following documents must be submitted to the design company:

  1. Topographical survey carried out on a scale of 1:500. The survey shows the terrain, the location of roads, land boundaries, utilities and trees. The validity of this document is no more than 3 years. The date of issue, the seal of the organization and the name of the person who issued the document are indicated directly on the topographic survey. The procedure for obtaining it can be found in the local land committee and the architecture department.
  2. A cadastral plan is necessary to indicate the boundaries of your land plot.
  3. Preferences for the location of the house, outbuildings, plantings and utilities.

In order for the gene plan to be drawn up correctly and not arouse a degree of suspicion and doubt, the following nuances must be taken into account when drawing it up:

  1. All distances from your permanent buildings (house, garage, barn, toilet) to buildings on neighboring plots are regulated by fire safety standards, and not by any personal preferences. Therefore, whoever first agrees on the general plan in the architectural department will be right. Your neighbor will no longer be able to place his buildings in close proximity to your buildings. This would be a direct violation of fire safety regulations between buildings.
  2. Provide for the construction of a drainage system to drain and prevent flooding of the area perimeter during periods of heavy rain and snowfall. Don’t forget about viewpoints that will provide a good overview of local attractions.
  3. It is important to take into account and direct all the unevenness of the terrain to your advantage. Place the house on a hill with the smallest slope (less than 1:2). With a greater slope, it is necessary to provide retaining embankments and walls. They will provide greater stability to the top layer of soil.

Finally, I would like to conclude that everyone is free to dispose of their own land plot as they please. But to prevent the occurrence of possible negative consequences and problems, it is necessary to make a general plan of the land area.

Documents are a very important thing in our life. Just as a passport is necessary for every person, so different types of plans are prepared for all plots of land. It is this documentation that contains all the data on the area, shape and features of the territory.

If almost anyone can draw a landscape plan, using their own system of signs to indicate the desired buildings and plantings, then more formal types of diagrams should be carried out by knowledgeable people from the relevant authorities.

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You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Let's take a closer look at the types of plans that each site should have:

  1. Cadastral site plan

A cadastral plot plan is an official collection of documents that confirm a person’s ownership of a certain plot of land. It contains general data on the plot, to which a registration number is assigned, indicating the location, area, neighboring plots and the purpose of the cadastre. Also, the cadastral plan of the territory must include a diagram of the land plot, a description of its boundaries and the boundaries of its parts, the contours of the entire plot and its components are described. An example of this plan is shown in the photo.

  1. Urban planning plan of the land plot

The urban planning plan of the territory is the most important document without which it is impossible to obtain permission to construct and put the site into operation. The urban planning plan of the land plot itself contains a drawing of the territory, all urban planning data and permission to use the territory. In addition, the urban planning plan of a land plot necessarily contains data on the presence of permanent buildings and all kinds of communications. Considers the urban planning plan of the land plot and various options for dividing the plot. Most often, the urban development plan of a land plot is used to create further projects and documents, to implement the design scheme of development boundaries and to ensure that the authorities give the go-ahead to start construction. An example of this plan can be seen in the photo.

  1. Site plan

A boundary plan of a land plot is created using the cadastral plan as a basis, and is used to clarify the boundaries of the plot itself relative to neighboring ones. An example of this plan is shown in the photo.

  1. Situational site plan

The situational plan of the land plot reflects the specific location of the plot with reference to the road junction, communications and nearby structures. It is used to coordinate the boundaries of a site with local governments, as well as to connect to existing power lines, gas pipelines, water, and for the purchase and sale of land. Below is an example of such a plan.

  1. General plan of the territory

The general plan of the territory is a project document that is used for the development, planning and subsequent development of the territory.

It should contain:

  • layout of the land plot according to the territory of the city or village;
  • layout of utility lines;
  • diagram of the boundaries of the site itself and the neighboring territory;
  • analytical report indicating the technical and economic features of the site.

Drawing up a master plan

Each plot of land must have a master site plan. Without this document, no one will give permission for construction; in addition, these papers are necessary to supply gas, electricity and water to the site and buildings on its territory. The master plan allows you to think in advance about the placement of all buildings, areas of different functional purposes and communications. It is best if this document is developed in parallel with the house in order to plan the building with the maximum level of comfort. The main purpose of this document is to bring the site layout into compliance with land, architectural, environmental, fire, sanitary and legal standards.

When creating a master plan, you can use standard options; an example of them is presented below, but it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the territory. Before construction, it is necessary to coordinate the document with local authorities, who are guided by the general plan of the entire settlement.

It is recommended to draw up a master plan for a summer cottage or a plot with a house on the following points:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to think about which buildings and with what parameters are desirable on the site; it is also important to think about the correctness of their desired location in accordance with current sanitary requirements.
  2. Draw up an approximate plan of a summer cottage on a scale of 1:20,000 or 1:500, depending on the base plan.
  3. Next, you need to think about how best to place the desired buildings on the site. At this stage, it is important to take into account the features of the terrain, the ease of connecting communications and the possibility of locating individual buildings and objects at the required distance from each other. It’s easiest to first decide on the placement of the most important and largest buildings, taking into account the slope of the terrain, and then decide on smaller objects. At the same time, it is recommended to start creating a dendrological plan.
  4. By rearranging objects and changing their shapes, boundaries and sizes, you need to achieve the most ideal state that meets all the wishes of the owner of the site. After agreeing on the location of all buildings and objects, the resulting diagram can be transferred to a drawing, which will become the basis of the master plan.

A sample master plan can be seen in the photo.

The distance between your own capital buildings and neighboring ones is clearly regulated by fire and sanitary standards, and not by personal wishes. Therefore, the owner who first approves the master plan in the architecture department of the local government will be right. If one owner, having agreed on the plan, decided to build a building, then the very next day his neighbor will not be able to count on the possibility of erecting a building adjacent to it. After all, this is a direct violation of fire regulations and is really dangerous in the event of a fire.

In the process of creating a master plan, you need to consider the possibility of creating a drainage system, if the site requires it. Such structures will ensure the dryness of the area, as well as prevent humidity in the premises and flooding of basements during melting snow and prolonged rains. It’s also good to think about viewpoints; if there are places on the site that offer a good view of the surrounding nature, then these advantages should be used to the fullest by placing a house with large windows or a recreation area there.

It is important to consider the features of the site's topography; for example, it is better to place the house at the highest point of the territory, choosing places with a small angle of inclination. If the slope is more than 12 degrees, then during construction it will be necessary to think about the equipment of retaining walls that will prevent the soil from crumbling and sliding. If it is impossible to build a house on a hill, it is necessary to carefully consider protecting the building from flooding using a set of drainage systems.

It is also recommended to place the house according to the horizontal lines, which can be found on topographic maps. It is believed that buildings with basements can be erected on sites with a slope of up to 7 degrees, and without basements - no more than 12. According to current regulations, buildings are prohibited from being erected at a distance of at least 3 meters from the boundaries of the site. It is forbidden to build any buildings or even plant tall trees near communication lines.

A dacha plot plan is an important document, without which the owner cannot prove his ownership or begin construction. There are a number of different types of plans (situational, urban planning, cadastral), among which the most important is the master plan. It is this document that gives a complete picture of the features of the land plot, the surrounding area and nearby utilities. You can complete the master plan yourself, having the skills to work with drawings, diagrams and building fire and sanitary standards, or you can entrust this important mission to professionals. Only after the master plan has been approved by the architectural department of the local government can construction and improvement of the site begin.

Of course, each owner can dispose of his personal land plot at his own discretion, but in order to avoid various unpleasant mistakes and consequences, it is better to carefully think through all wishes and norms in advance and formalize them in the form of an approved master plan.

Based on the priorities of summer residents of a country house, the layout of the site consists of the following zones:

  1. Residential area. In this area there is a house to which a terrace can be built. Also in this area there may be a garage attached to the house. If the family living in the house has a couple of cars, it is better to choose a house design with a built-in garage and a carport.
  2. Relaxation area. The usual location of this zone is behind the house, away from prying eyes. There is an area for a gazebo, barbecue, children's and sports ground. If possible, a small artificial pond is installed. Basically, this zone is arranged between the bathhouse and the house.