How to write an application for refund of insurance on a paid loan: sample. Reviews about the insurance company "Blagosostoyey General Insurance JSC sk blagostoyanie" refusal of insurance

  • Application for early repayment of insurance (original);
  • Insurance contract (all details must be indicated, including the client’s financial details);
  • A copy of all pages of the insured passport;
  • Receipts for payment of insurance and insurance contract (copies).
  • Original or copy with the bank's stamp of the loan agreement;
  • All receipts for payment of insurance premiums and loan payments;
  • Certificate of repayment of debt to the bank;
  • An extract from the personal account on the movement of funds on the loan;
  • Loan payment schedules.

JSC sk welfare os insurance waiver form

You can find the name of the insurance company in your policy. A little advice: send a copy of the application by fax (if you do not have access to a fax machine, contact a Home Credit bank branch) - this will significantly speed up the return of money for personal loan insurance. How to return insurance for a loan at Renaissance Bank? Renaissance Bank cooperates with the companies CJSC SK BLAGOSOSTOYANIE, which may be reflected in the agreement as CJSC SK Aviva and MetLife.

Directive of the Central Bank that came into force on March 1... 02/08/16 Is it necessary to simultaneously submit an application, and which one, to the bank that issued the loan. (1 answer) I have sent an application to terminate the credit insurance contract of the insurance company. Is it necessary to submit an application at the same time, and which one, to the bank... 01/05/16 Application for early termination of an insurance contract (1 answer) How to correctly fill out an application for early termination of a life insurance contract. 12/21/15 In what form should I be given an answer and at what time should compensation be paid? (3 answers) I submitted an application for termination of the life insurance contract with Rossgostrakh Life on October 28, 2015 and still have not received any response from them. In what... 07/03/15 Hello. How to write an application to an insurance company to terminate a life insurance contract on a loan.

Waiver of insurance after receiving a loan with

  • The date of notification is the date of sending your letter to the legal address of the insurance company (regardless of the fact that the letter can only be delivered there after a certain time).
  • When notifying an insurance company remotely, use only the services of official postal companies (Russian Post, other courier services) and always keep documents confirming the fact that the letter was sent, preferably with a description of the attachment.
  • Upon personal notification to the insurance company, i.e. when contacting their office, ask them to register your appeal accordingly (ask for a copy of the application submitted to them with an “incoming” mark - date, signature of the person who accepted the application).

Having written an application to cancel a concluded insurance contract and seemingly taking advantage of the “cooling off period,” many citizens are denied their claims. To protect your rights, in most cases, you had to go to the courts - which often did not side with the borrower.

Refund of loan insurance: instructions

The bank may provide in the insurance contract different loan rates in the case of insurance and without it. Formally, the bank does not violate anything, and it cannot be convicted of imposing an additional service on you. Insurance will not be an imposed service, since the client had the choice to take a loan with insurance at a lower interest rate or without insurance at a higher interest rate. We discussed this situation in detail in the article “Refusal of loan insurance new rules”.

Here is a review from a client of the Renaissance Life company about his successful refusal of a life insurance contract imposed at a car dealership when obtaining a car loan. The client sent a package of documents to the company’s email address, and also took the documents to the insurance office for backup (and did the right thing. If there were any problems with payments, and the application was sent only by email, then the court would be extremely it's hard to prove you're right).

Refund of loan insurance in 2020

Previously, if a person signed an application for insurance when applying for a loan, there was practically no reversal. After contacting a bank or insurance company, citizens received a categorical refusal: the application for insurance was signed personally by the borrower, no one held him at gunpoint, the action was voluntary. The issue could only be resolved through court, but you still need to prove that the service was imposed on you. But some banks still provided the opportunity to hassle-free return of money for insurance within a certain number of days. But this is more the exception than the rule.

At the beginning of the summer, a law allowing the return of insurance came into force. For many borrowers, this issue is really relevant, so I decided to break down the return process and talk about the new law, which makes it easier to return money for an unnecessary service.

How to get money back for loan insurance

To do this, you must write a statement that you want to refuse the service (it would be useful to indicate the real reason - coercion by a bank employee). The return application must be sent to the head office address: Russia, 115093, Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, 7, floor 4, Sberbank Insurance LLC. You can make sure that they have received the letter by calling the toll-free number 8-800-555-555-7.

Let's start with the wording of the question itself - how to take out loan insurance. You must understand that it is not the loan that is insured, but the person who took the loan. Insurance is an additional service purchased on credit. Moreover, the service is provided not by a bank, but by an insurance company, so you need to demand reimbursement for the loan insurance from it. Let's show with examples.

How to return insurance on an OTP Bank loan

Unfortunately, most Russians now have loans. Moreover, for quite large sums and not just one at a time. In addition to paying sometimes exorbitant interest rates, many banks also charge money for borrower insurance. Not every person knows that such insurance is optional and you can refuse this overpayment.

OTP's partner insurance company is SK Blagosostoyanie CJSC. In the documents it may be registered as “Aviva” or “MetLife”. Here, termination of the contract corresponds to clause 9.2, by agreement of the parties (for Aviva). 10 days before termination of the contract, you must send an application to the company's head office at: Moscow, index 127055, BC "Brigantina Hall", Novolesnaya street, building 2. If the contract specifies the MetaLife company, the application should refer to clause 10.1.5, by agreement of the parties. The letter should be sent to: Moscow, index 127015, Butyrskaya street, building 76, building 1. Clause 10.1.2, at the request of the policyholder, does not provide for the return of loan insurance.

Insurance company Blagosostoyanie

Ekaterina opened a five-year program through the official website of the insurance company Blagosostoyanie. In other words, funds can be returned without loss only after a five-year period. According to the agent, profitability will be in the range of 4-8 percent. After three years, it turned out that, at best, you can count on the return of your own funds. At the same time, we must not forget about inflation. At the same time, Ekaterina speaks positively about the company, since for her family the priority is protection, not profit.

In 2013, a rating of insurance organizations in the Russian Federation was compiled. Blagosostoyaya confidently took 36th place in terms of fees, which became possible thanks to collected insurance premiums of over 3.4 billion rubles. During that year, insurance payments were made in excess of 651 million rubles. The insurance company Blagosostoyanie took the highest position in the field of pension insurance; according to the results of the last quarter of 2013, it was able to rise to 6th position. In total, during that year the insurance company Blagosostoyanie concluded over 759 thousand agreements, of which 9,100 insurance cases were settled, and in approximately one and a half thousand cases it was decided to refuse payments.

Renault Sandero Stepway Wolverine › Logbook › How we returned the imposed insurance on a car loan for 54,000 rubles

She asked me to calculate the loan for 3, 4 and 5 years in order to choose the maximum payment/overpayment ratio. In Renault there was (and maybe still is) a promotional loan at 4.9%, but only for 3 years. The payment, of course, turned out to be large, but there was no need to independently renew CASCO insurance for the 4th and 5th years (I was told that they would only apply for three years, and then they would do it themselves) and the overpayment was significantly less.

Applying for a car loan took place in two stages: on one day I sent an application for approval (I wanted to know in advance that they would say no, so that if anything happened, I would look for other purchase options), and after 10 days they came to issue a trade-in, documents for the loan and pick up Wolverine. The service in the salon was at the highest level, as if they were buying a Lexus, so I relaxed and trusted the loan specialist.

Sk welfare how to return insurance

I ask you to return part of the insurance premium for the unexpired insurance period in the manner prescribed by clause 34 of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 263 of 05/07/2003 and Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, within the time limits established by law. Claim to the insurance company for comprehensive insurance (sample) “In accordance with Article 309 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the fulfillment of obligations must be carried out properly in strict accordance with the terms of the obligation and the requirements of legislative acts" "Articles 961, 963, 964 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contain an exhaustive list of grounds for exempting the insurer from paying the insurance premium. My insured event is not included in this list, therefore, such a refusal is illegal.” First of all, you need to conduct an independent examination to assess the damage caused. As a result of the accident, the vehicle was damaged. April 0, 2012

When receiving a loan from a bank, the borrower is immediately faced with a “voluntary-compulsory” offer take out insurance against a number of accidents.

For mortgage and car loans, insurance of the purchased property is mandatory.

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What does the law say about consumer loans? And how to return the funds paid to the bank as insurance after repaying the loan? Let's figure it out. Sample application for the return of loan insurance will be presented below.

Responsibility of the bank

Is the bank obligated to return the insurance? on a loan?

Let's turn to the country's main financial regulator for information on this issue: the Central Bank.

In the section “Financial Literacy” the following is said about consumer lending:

  1. Information about compulsory insurance of risks - death, loss of health and disability, loss of work - must be included by the bank in the loan agreement and explained in detail to the borrower before signing it.
  2. If the law does not provide for the mandatory conclusion of an insurance contract, the creditor is obliged offer the borrower an alternative option issuing loans at a higher interest rate.

When applying for a non-targeted loan, insurance is offered both optional (life, health, job loss, etc.) and comprehensive. The latter, naturally, are more expensive.

The bank acts as an intermediary between the client and the insurance company, charging additional commissions. And this is actually violating the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

It was guided by this law that in December 2015 the Central Bank made a decision according to which the borrower has the right to a return of funds paid to the insurance company upon termination of the contract with the bank.

Right to refuse

Consumer has the right to refuse from the agreement imposed by the bank:

  • if no more than 5 days have passed since its conclusion (and return the entire amount in full);
  • during the loan repayment, but the amount to be paid will decrease.

These conditions do not apply to those who insured a car (CASCO) or a property with a mortgage (damage, loss, damage, theft, etc.).

These two types of insurance, as already mentioned, are required by law.

Which laws should I refer to?

Let us turn to the legislation, which clearly states rights and obligations of the borrower regarding loan insurance and repayment:

  • Federal Law 4015 is a general act regulating the insurance procedure in Russia;
  • No. 343 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation speaks of the need for compulsory collateral insurance for car loans;
  • No. 31 of the Federal Law regulates the procedure for insurance when obtaining a mortgage;
  • No. 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - from it you can find out information about the procedure for issuing and mandatory conditions for providing consumer loans.

The relationship between the bank and the borrower is also regulated consumer protection law.

It is he who provides the right to refuse additional services from the lender that are imposed on you against your will, and it is to him that you can appeal if the insurance premiums have not been returned.

Under what conditions is a refund provided?

Upon completion of the loan repayment, is the insurance refund required?

Upon full fulfillment of his obligations to the lender, the borrower has the right to contact a bank or insurance company to return the funds paid.

It is possible to get your insurance back while the agreement continues credit insurance.

If up to 30 days have passed since payment for the policy, you can count on a refund in full. If the period was from 1 month to six months, you will be refunded the amount not exceeding 50% from the funds you paid.

If more than six months have passed since the purchase of the policy, you will have to return the money through the court, and often with the help of experienced lawyers.

Do I need to terminate the contract?

It is possible to return money paid to insurers only in one case - with the company. As long as it continues to operate, the client has the right to demand a refund, and it will be easier for him to return them. When the contract is canceled - return the money pre-trial procedure will no longer work.

What should you pay attention to in the contract (with the bank or with the insurance company)? Before writing a request for a refund to the bank or insurers, you should carefully study the contract. The danger to the insured person is:

  1. Points that directly indicate the impossibility of a refund.
  2. A clause according to which the borrower, if he voluntarily refuses the services of the insurance company, is deprived of the right to a refund of the amount paid for insurance premiums.

If one of them is present, then before contacting creditors with a claim it's worth visiting a lawyer, specializing in the recovery of insurance premiums, for advice.

Application form (download)

So, you haven’t found anything bad for yourself in the contract and the “Insurance Rules,” it’s time to write a claim to the bank for a refund. In addition to the claim, you will need collect and submit a number of documents to the department:

  • loan agreement;
  • insurance contract and policy;
  • checks confirming the fact of payment of the loan;
  • a document confirming full repayment of the loan;
  • passport.

How to correctly write an application to Sberbank, for example?

The document must contain details of the creditor organization(can be found in the agreement or on the official website), your data, information about the loan agreement concluded between the parties.

A clause indicating that you are acting in accordance with the law on “Protection of Consumer Rights” is also required. You must indicate the exact amount, paid by you for the insurance policy, details of the account to which you want to receive funds.

The creditor must consider the application within ten days from the moment of its receipt, and provide a response. If you have received an unreasonable refusal to pay, the next step should be.

We suggest downloading claims to the bank for a refund.

Contact Rospotrebnadzor

The response from the bank must be received in writing, after which, in case of refusal, the borrower has the right to contact Rospotrebnadzor to resolve this issue.

A complaint is made against the actions of the creditor(insurer), which is sent in writing or submitted in person during a visit to the organization.

Be sure to attach copies of documents to the complaint, including - a copy of the bank's refusal. The response will also have to be provided in writing within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of your application.

If a positive decision is made, Rospotrebnadzor will send a resolution to the bank to eliminate the identified offenses against the borrower.

In case of refusal from Rospotrebnadzor you should go to court.

How to proceed through the court?

The negative aspect of this refund method is that it requires bear the costs of conducting the claim proceedings, but sometimes you simply cannot do without contacting the legislative authorities.

If the bank, the insurance company, and Rospotrebnadzor refuse to return the funds, the borrower must file a claim with the creditor in the arbitration court.

In this case, the borrower must again refer to the consumer protection law. Recently, the courts have sided with the plaintiff. in this matter, especially if the insurance was classically imposed - that is, the bank informed the client that without signing the insurance contract, funds would not be issued.

Loan agreements still contain a clause of direct consent to join the insurance program.

In this case, the borrower is simply deprived of the physical ability to check the clause on refusal of insurance services. If there is this clause in the contract a positive decision on the claim is guaranteed.

Free sample statement of claim to court.

Limitation periods

As in any judicial practice, there is a concept of limitation in cases of repayment of loan insurance.

The borrower can file a lawsuit demanding the return of funds paid to the bank for insurance within three years from the date of its conclusion.

If the loan was taken out for a longer period, or is still being paid, but the deadlines have already been missed - it is necessary to submit an application in advance on the restoration of missed limitation periods.

If you are not confident in your abilities, you should find a competent lawyer who will help you be guaranteed to win your case and cover the costs.

An example from judicial practice

The plaintiff filed a claim in court for the protection of consumer rights: in 2013, he purchased a car on credit, and in addition to it - life and health insurance imposed by the bank.

The validity period of the insurance contract was 5 years. In 2014 the car was stolen, and the client received a CASCO payment (against theft) to pay off obligations to the bank. The loan was repaid ahead of schedule, while the additional insurance agreement remained in force.

Having contacted the defendant (IC "Renaissance Life"), the plaintiff filed an application for termination of a credit insurance contract and return to him the paid part of the insurance premiums.

Having received a refusal on the basis that the contract contained a clause according to which, upon its early termination, the amount of contributions to the client do not return.

Court sentenced: find the plaintiff's rights violated, satisfy the demands, collect compensation in the amount of 200 thousand rubles from the defendant (insurance company).

As you can see, you can get your loan insurance back - even if you have to go to court to do this, it’s worth it, especially if the premium amount is quite impressive. Now you know what laws you should rely on to protect your rights and get your money back.

You can learn about the insurance service in the loan agreement and whether you can refuse it from the video:

Updated 09/21/2017.

Taking out a loan without insurance is a very difficult task. Although our insurance is voluntary in most cases, bank employees quite often tell clients that the bank simply will not give a loan without an insurance policy.

Ordinary employees should not be blamed for this; they are just following the instructions and orders of their credit institutions. They have a sales plan, for failure to fulfill which they are deprived of bonuses, reprimanded, etc.

In this article we will look at in what cases you can take out a loan with the registration of imposed voluntary insurance, and then return the money for this same insurance, taking advantage of the cooling-off period.

I previously wrote about this opportunity in an article; today we are faced with the task of creating a step-by-step guide: “How to get money back for credit insurance.”

Refund of loan insurance: instructions
1 Waiver of insurance during the cooling-off period. Reading the new law.

First of all, you need to know your rights.

UPD: 09/21/2017
There is another pleasant exception to the issue of refusing collective insurance, VTB Bank. Clients of this bank have successful experience of returning money when refusing collective insurance, and this right is not specified in the contract, but in fact.

● Make sure that the interest rate on the loan will not increase if you cancel the insurance.

The bank may provide in the insurance contract different loan rates in the case of insurance and without it. Formally, the bank does not violate anything, and it cannot be convicted of imposing an additional service on you. Insurance will not be an imposed service, since the client had the choice to take a loan with insurance at a lower interest rate or without insurance at a higher interest rate. We discussed this situation in detail in the article.

Quite often, insurance contracts do not mention that the interest rate on the loan will increase without insurance.

3 Application for refusal of insurance. Sample.

You must submit an application to cancel the insurance contract within 5 working days ( UPD: 09/21/2017 From January 1, 2018, the cooling period increases to 14 calendar days). An application for waiver of insurance can be submitted in two ways:

● take it directly to the office of the insurance company (namely, the insurance company, not the bank). It is important that your copy contains a note that the application was accepted on such and such a date, so that you have evidence that you were on time.

● send an application to the insurance company by registered mail with a list of attachments. Moreover, it is the date the letter was sent that is important, not the date it was received. So don’t worry that you will miss the 5-day deadline due to the slowness of the Russian Post.

A sample application for refusal of insurance can be requested directly from the insurance company. There are no special requirements or standards for the appearance of such a statement. The main thing is that your personal data, the number of the insurance contract that you want to terminate, and the account details where the insurance company should return the insurance premium are indicated there. An approximate text can be found from the company Sberbank Insurance , "Alpha Insurance" or, for example, the company "Renaissance Life" .

This is what an application for refusal of insurance from the Sberbank Insurance company looks like:

Some companies require that the original insurance contract or any additional documents be attached to the application. For example, "VTB Insurance" requires, along with the application for refusal of insurance, to provide an insurance contract and a document confirming payment of the insurance premium:

However, if you do not provide the original documents (more precisely, I do not even recommend sending the original documents, since the insurance company may “accidentally” lose them, and they will be useful in court if the company refuses to voluntarily return the money), then the insurance company will still not have reasons to refuse to return your insurance, the main thing is an application for refusal of insurance.

4 Successful experience in returning money for insurance. Reviews.

You might think that in order to return insurance you need to have some special knowledge, that only professional lawyers can do this.

This is not so, below are reviews from ordinary clients, just like you and me, who were able to refuse the imposed insurance and return the money.

Here is a review from a client of the Renaissance Life company about his successful refusal of a life insurance contract imposed at a car dealership when obtaining a car loan. The client sent a package of documents to the company’s email address, and also took the documents to the insurance office for backup (and did the right thing. If there were any problems with payments, and the application was sent only by email, then the court would be extremely it's hard to prove you're right).

When taking out a cash loan, an OTP Bank client was forced to take out an insurance policy from the Blagosostoyanie insurance company. He sent an application for refusal of insurance to the insurance company by registered mail with a list of the attachments. Copies of the passport and insurance policy were attached to the application. The letter arrived for almost a month, but after it finally arrived, Blagosostoyanie Insurance Company returned the money for the insurance:

Here is a review from a VTB Insurance client who was forced to insure financial risks when taking out a loan. The application for refusal was submitted at the central office of the insurance company, but the client was advised to contact the bank directly. After threatening to send a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and write a pre-trial claim, the VTB Insurance company returned the money for insurance:

The company did not pay another client of VTB Insurance for insurance within the specified period, despite the fact that the client promptly submitted an application for termination of the insurance contract to the company’s office.

The client did not put up with the injustice and sent a pre-trial claim asking for the money back. Otherwise, he threatened to write a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as go to court with additional demands for damages, compensation for moral damages, legal expenses, and a fine. As a result, the VTB Insurance company returned the money for insurance in full:

And someone had no problems at all with refusing insurance from this company:

Here is a review from an Ingosstrakh client about a successful refund of money upon cancellation of a property insurance contract. The application was submitted in person to the office. True, the company still delayed the deadlines:

The Sberbank Insurance client managed to get her money back after refusing a collective insurance agreement, although the application was submitted later than 14 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement. The fact is that such a right is spelled out in the insurance contract itself (I have not seen such concessions from other insurance companies). They didn’t want to accept the application for refusal; the client had to threaten to write a complaint:

This review inspired another client of the Sberbank Insurance company, who also managed to get her money back for canceling a collective insurance contract:

Here is a review from a client of the Renaissance Life company, who sent an application to cancel the life insurance contract imposed when receiving a car loan by Russian Post, and personally delivered an additional copy to the company’s office. The company’s employees, in her words, behaved frankly rudely when they tried to submit an application for refusal of insurance, but as a result, she still returned the money for insurance:

The client of IC "Rosgosstrakh" sent an application to cancel the insurance contract by registered mail with a list of attachments, enclosing a copy of the contract and a copy of the document confirming payment of the insurance premium. The insurance money was returned to the client:

Please note that the client of Rosgosstrakh, who returned the money for insurance, attached to the application exactly copies, and not the originals of the contract and payment, although the insurance company states on its website, that she supposedly needs the originals: “Accumulative and investment life insurance: Reading the contract”). When trying to refuse the product at the bank office, the client was asked to deal with the Alfa Insurance insurance company on his own. He sent a refusal application by Russian Post and, as a result, received his money back:

It is possible to refuse insurance and return money to clients of the insurance company "VSK":

A client of the Alfa Insurance company managed to cancel her insurance and get her money back without any problems or delays:

Here is the experience of successfully refusing a property insurance policy from IC Zetta Insurance, imposed upon obtaining a consumer loan from OTP Bank. The deadlines, however, were missed. Please also note that this company's insurance contract contains a clause that in case of termination of the contract they will retain 80% of the insurance premium. This point contradicts the Central Bank Directive, which we discussed above. However, the company does not remove it from the contract, although it does not retain 80%, supposedly of its own free will:

Here is another review about the company “Zetta Insurance”, where the client was initially returned only 20% of the cost of insurance. But after filing a complaint, he was paid the full cost of the insurance, without deducting the “load”:


Always read any contract carefully.

Use the right to refuse insurance during the cooling-off period (from January 1, 2018, the cooling-off period is 14 calendar days). It is quite possible to get your money back for the imposed insurance. True, sometimes you may need to write a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, send a pre-trial claim to the insurance company, or at least threaten this on a hotline or at the company’s office.

Make sure that you are the policyholder and not the Bank, i.e. They didn’t give you a contract to join the group insurance program. Also make sure that the loan rate does not depend on the availability of insurance.

Emerging nuances When planning the return of loan insurance, you need to first clarify some points:

  • whether the contract is individual or collective;
  • return conditions established by the insurer;
  • what is said about the return of insurance in the contract itself.

If the insurance contract is concluded individually with an insurance company, then the application for refusal must be submitted within two weeks after signing the contract. When a group insurance program is in place, the withdrawal deadline is set by the bank. The application must be submitted directly to the insurer.

Documents and statements

In the event of an insured event “permanent total disability as a result of an accident,” the insurance payment is made in a lump sum in the amount of 100% of the insured amount for this risk. In this case, unless otherwise provided in the insurance certificate, the amounts already paid by the Insurer for previously occurring insured events are deducted from the payment amount, if such cases resulted in the onset of permanent total disability of the insured person.

The coverage provided for in this section 2 of the terms and conditions does not apply to insuring children. 2.4. The insurer will not be liable under this coverage for disability caused by disease of any kind.A3.

Disability as a result of an Accident3.1.

Accident and illness insurance in the offices of partner banks

But as practice has shown, bankers, in pursuit of revenue, are not afraid of any fines, in call centers they beautifully answer you that insurance is not necessary and you can refuse it, but in bank branches they refuse to issue money without concluding an insurance contract . But since 06/01/2016 the situation has changed dramatically! Recommendations for citizens applying for a loan from banks It is no secret that the borrower’s consent to life insurance and disability insurance significantly increases the chances of a positive response from the credit institution.
Therefore, when submitting an application to the bank and even when receiving a loan at one of the bank branches, you need to agree to the imposed insurance! And only after you receive a loan from the bank and leave with the desired amount of money, you can contact the bank again and write an application for waiver of insurance.

JSC sk welfare os official website application for insurance refund

Payment table: Disability as a result of an accident Disability group Amount of insurance payment (% of the insured amount) I (first) disability group 100 II (second) disability group 75 III (third) disability group 50 Compulsory medical insurance policy Compulsory medical insurance (OMS)- this is a type of social insurance that provides free provision to the insured person... Compulsory health insurance policy Compulsory health insurance (OMS) is a type of social insurance that provides free provision to the insured person...
Insurance program “Capital Management+” Conditions of the Insurance Contract developed by LLC IC “RGS-Life” (extract from the “General Rules of Life, Health and Disability Insurance”...

How to write an application for refund of loan insurance

  • Application for insurance payment Sample to fill out
  • Application for life insurance payment Sample to fill out
  • Questionnaire of the Legal Representative
  • Application for refusal of insurance payment
  • Applications for amendments
  • Application for amendments to the insurance contract
  • Application for amendments to the terms of the agreement under the Investor program
  • Application for changes to personal data
  • Questionnaire to fill out when increasing the premium and insurance amounts, changing the policyholder
  • Application for refusal of periodic write-off
  • Application for reinstatement of the insurance contract
  • Tax deduction You can find detailed information about what a tax deduction is and how to apply for it in the section Tax deductions for life insurance.

May your wishes come true!

Dear client! In this section you will find the necessary application forms. Select the section and application you are interested in. You can send a completed and personally signed application to the company:

  • by Russian post to the address: Russia, 115114,

    Moscow, Derbenevskaya embankment 7, building 22, floor 4, room 13, room 11;

  • through your financial advisor;
  • upon a personal visit to the company’s central office at the address: Moscow, Derbenevskaya embankment, 7, building 22, Novospassky business center.

The procedure for action in the event of an insured event and application forms are posted in the Insured Event section.

Application forms

How to write an application for refund of loan insurance? We invite you to take advantage of a free consultation with our specialist by filling out the form below: Leave a request for a free document analysis: Name: Phone By leaving a request, you agree to the processing of personal data By the way, the previous version of the bill also prohibited insurance companies and banks from “imposing” additional services insurance when concluding any contracts. There was even a fine for legal entities in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

up to 500,000 rub. for an unreasonable refusal to conclude a contract, or to impose additional services when concluding various types of agreements, including financial ones, which is a “loan agreement”. Application forms Directions of the Central Bank of Russia.


Thus, Renaissance Credit Bank cooperates with the insurance company SK Blagosostoyanie CJSC. Read also: How to insure a person’s life How to fill out the form First of all, you need to download and print the form to fill out an application for refund of loan insurance. In the “to” line, you must indicate the full name of the insurance company. Even if you took out a loan from Sberbank, which cooperates with the Sberbank Insurance company, it is important to understand that these are different organizations and in this case you cannot limit yourself to just the word “Sberbank”.

The application must be written in two copies. You keep one copy for yourself, and submit the second to the insurance company. The application that you keep for yourself must first be taken to the bank. But you need to clarify that the cooling-off period only applies to individual voluntary insurance contracts.

The insurance and assistance program is provided by JSC "SK Welfare OS"

Will the insurance be returned after the loan is repaid? It is important to remember that such insurance is not the responsibility of the borrower and the agreement is concluded voluntarily. The bank does not have the right to refuse to issue a loan if insurance is refused. If the bank forced you to conclude an insurance contract, you have every right to terminate it. Article 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation The basis in this case is the bank’s violation of the law and the conclusion of the contract not on a voluntary basis.

Termination of the contract must be executed within 3 years after conclusion. How to return insurance on a TP bank loan Since insurance risks disappear after the loan agreement is closed, termination of the insurance agreement is regulated by Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (paragraph 1, paragraph 2).

` However, the decision on the refund and the refunded amount depends on the content of the contract.

  • It is necessary (preferably) to attach to the application: copy(s) of the insurance contract(s) (policy/policies); a copy of the document confirming payment of the insurance premium (payment order).
  • It is also necessary (preferably) to attach a copy of your passport - the main spread + registration spreads.
  • The application must be filled out, printed, signed and sent to the insurance company within 5 days from the date of signing the loan agreement.
  • The address for sending the application can be clarified in the insurance policy or by calling the insurance company’s hotline.

Attention - for each insurance company there must be a separate application that is sent to the office of the insurance company in person (if there are offices in the city) or by registered mail with notification and an inventory with the comment “Application for termination of the insurance contract and return of the insurance premium - XX pages.”

  • In the text of the statement itself you describe the situation. Here you need to write down the number of the loan agreement, indicate the date of its signing, and the expiration date.
  • The text indicates the amount that was paid for the insurance policy.
  • Below are the reasons why you want a refund for your policy.
  • But as practice has shown, bankers, in pursuit of revenue, are not afraid of any fines, in call centers they beautifully answer you that insurance is not necessary and you can refuse it, but in bank branches they refuse to issue money without concluding an insurance contract . But since 06/01/2016 the situation has changed dramatically! Recommendations for citizens applying for a loan from banks It is no secret that the borrower’s consent to life insurance and disability insurance significantly increases the chances of a positive response from the credit institution. Therefore, when submitting an application to the bank and even when receiving a loan at one of the bank branches, you need to agree to the imposed insurance! And only after you receive a loan from the bank and leave with the desired amount of money, you can contact the bank again and write an application for waiver of insurance.

    Accident and illness insurance in the offices of partner banks

    Instructions from the Central Bank of Russia. Other measures are also applied aimed at preventing cancellation of the concluded insurance contract: complex and not always lawful procedures are established, requirements for the documents provided, requirements for the content and form of the application for refusal of insurance, etc.

    It is quite difficult to understand all these subtleties, largely for this reason, citizens do not use their legal rights and leave “everything as it is,” i.e.

    continue to pay the loan along with huge insurance. If you want us to prepare for you the necessary documents for the return of insurance, with detailed instructions and explanations.

    Leave a request to cancel insurance on our website.

    The cost of our services is 10% of the amount of the refunded insurance, but not more than 3,000 rubles.

    JSC sk welfare os official website application for insurance refund


    Thus, Renaissance Credit Bank cooperates with the insurance company SK Blagosostoyanie CJSC. Read also: How to insure a person’s life How to fill out the form First of all, you need to download and print the form to fill out an application for refund of loan insurance.


    In the “to” line, you must indicate the full name of the insurance company. Even if you took out a loan from Sberbank, which cooperates with the Sberbank Insurance company, it is important to understand that these are different organizations and in this case you cannot limit yourself to just the word “Sberbank”.

    The application must be written in two copies. You keep one copy for yourself, and submit the second to the insurance company. The application that you keep for yourself must first be taken to the bank. But you need to clarify that the cooling-off period only applies to individual voluntary insurance contracts.

    Reviews about the insurance company "welfare"

    N 3854-U “On minimum (standard) requirements for the conditions and procedure for the implementation of certain types of voluntary insurance” (as amended and supplemented on June 1, 2016, August 21, 2017)” does not provide for the possibility of the Insurer establishing additional requirements for the list of applications (documents) to the Insured’s written application for cancellation of the voluntary insurance contract.” When filling out an application for a refund of loan insurance, you must provide the following information:

    • In the “header” indicate the name of the insurance company, for example “In SK AlfaStrakhovanie” (the name of the insurance company is indicated in the insurance policy).
    • Indicate that you are the Policyholder under the Insurance Contract(s), provide your details: full name, telephone number and address.

    May your wishes come true!

    Emerging nuances When planning the return of loan insurance, you need to first clarify some points:

    • whether the contract is individual or collective;
    • return conditions established by the insurer;
    • what is said about the return of insurance in the contract itself.

    If the insurance contract is concluded individually with an insurance company, then the application for refusal must be submitted within two weeks after signing the contract.
    When a group insurance program is in place, the withdrawal deadline is set by the bank.

    The application must be submitted directly to the insurer.

    Sample application for refund of loan insurance

    Reviews about the insurance company “welfare” If the loan is refused, the client will either not be given a loan at all, or the interest rate will be significantly increased (sometimes the total amount of payments will exceed the possible payments on the loan along with insurance).
    Moreover, both options for the bank’s action are absolutely legal. This type of insurance covers those cases that may deprive the payer of his ability to work. May your wishes come true! This can protect the bank from:

    • sudden death of the borrower;
    • loss of the ability to repay the loan (loss of ability to work as a result of injury or illness);
    • loss of permanent income (job) by the borrower.

    If the specified circumstances occur, the bank will receive an insurance payment to repay the loan.

    Return of loan insurance to otp bank

    How to write an application for refund of loan insurance? We invite you to take advantage of a free consultation with our specialist by filling out the form below: Leave a request for a free document analysis: Name: Phone By leaving a request, you agree to the processing of personal data By the way, the previous version of the bill also prohibited insurance companies and banks from “imposing” additional services insurance when concluding any contracts.
    There was even a fine for legal entities in the amount of 100,000 rubles.
    up to 500,000 rub. for an unreasonable refusal to conclude a contract, or to impose additional services when concluding various types of agreements, including financial ones, which is a “loan agreement”. Application forms Directions of the Central Bank of Russia.

    How to write an application for refund of insurance on a paid loan: sample

    The long-awaited bill has come into force, allowing citizens to “painlessly” refuse additional insurance payments imposed by banks, such as “life and disability insurance.”

    According to the bill, which by the way was developed by the Central Bank at the end of 2015, citizens can refuse any insurance; all that needs to be done is to write an application for termination of the insurance contract within 5 working days (*from January 2018, 14 calendar days days) from the date of conclusion of the contract. The insurance company will be obliged to return the entire amount withheld from you. However, as it turned out in practice, not everything is so clear and easy to solve. Many banks and insurance companies, in order to circumvent this instruction, are looking for various kinds of loopholes - these are collective insurance contracts, insurance for traveling abroad, etc.

    Although many insurance companies and banks refuse to accept applications “out of form,” which, in our opinion, is unlawful and is usually always permitted when you ask the insurance company to justify in writing its reluctance to accept the submitted application.

    In such cases, we recommend that you additionally pay attention to the unreasonableness of requesting any additional documents and establishing “your own forms” of applications for refusal of insurance. Write something like this: “I draw your attention to the fact that “Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated November 20, 2015.

    Welfare insurance return claim

    A refund is possible if the insurance premium was paid once immediately after drawing up the loan agreement.

    An application for the return of insurance is completed by the borrower, accompanied by a copy of the passport, an insurance agreement and a loan agreement.

    The details of the agreement are data on the loan and insurance agreement, the date of conclusion, personal data of the borrower and the bank, and the bank account to which the insured amount must be returned. It is worth recalling that an insurance company rarely pays the total amount under an insurance contract on its own, so in order to get your own funds back, you must take the initiative and submit an appropriate application.
    The response will also have to be provided in writing within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of your application. If a positive decision is made, Rospotrebnadzor will send a resolution to the bank to eliminate the identified offenses against the borrower.

    If Rospotrebnadzor refuses, you should go to court.

    How to make an addition to a statement of claim to the court if it has already been filed? Find out the answer right now.

    How to proceed through the court? The negative aspect of this method of refunding funds is the need to bear the costs of conducting legal proceedings, but sometimes it is simply impossible to do without contacting the legislative authorities.

    If the bank, the insurance company, and Rospotrebnadzor refuse to return the funds, the borrower must file a claim with the creditor in the arbitration court.
    Which laws should I refer to? Let us turn to the legislation, which clearly states the rights and obligations of the borrower regarding loan insurance and their repayment:

    • Federal Law 4015 is a general act regulating the insurance procedure in Russia;
    • No. 343 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation speaks of the need for compulsory collateral insurance for car loans;
    • No. 31 of the Federal Law regulates the procedure for insurance when obtaining a mortgage;
    • No. 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - from it you can find out information about the procedure for issuing and mandatory conditions for providing consumer loans.

    Also, the relationship between the bank and the borrower is regulated by the law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.

    It is he who provides the right to refuse additional services from the lender that are imposed on you against your will, and it is to him that you can appeal if the insurance premiums have not been returned.