How to find an organization's okpo code. All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO)

As a result of registering his activities with the tax authority, each entrepreneur receives registration documents in which, in particular, OKPO is indicated. Who is assigned this abbreviation? What is OKPO? How to recognize him? Let's figure it out.

What is OKPO?

Find out the code on the OKPO portal

Organizations on the OKPO portal ( To receive an information letter from Rosstat, you must fill out an application on the portal, indicating the phone number and full name of the person with whom you can contact. If you know the INN or OGRN of the company, then you can enter them too. Go from the main page using the link “Perform a free search in the OKPO Russia directory” (it is located at the bottom) to the section in which the application form is presented. In addition to receiving information about the code, you can order an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Find out the code on the Unified State Register of Legal Entities portal

Organizations on the Unified State Register of Legal Entities ( To get information about the company, just find the line “Search in the free Unified State Register of Legal Entities” (on the main page) and click “Search”. In the table that appears, you need to print the name of the subject, INN or OGRN; then write the characters suggested by the program (this must be done to confirm that you are really a person and not a robot); then click “Search”. In 60 seconds you will get what you were looking for and the question of how to find out the OKPO number of an organization will lose its relevance.

In conclusion

From all of the above, we conclude: any enterprise, organization, firm or individual entrepreneur can begin its activities only after it has been assigned OKPO. It is by this main code that an organization is entered into the register. And based on it, other codes are assigned.

Important! The company will be fined if the code does not reflect the real industry in which the company operates.

Finding out the OKPO of an organization by OGRN or TIN will not be difficult if you set this goal.

In the state practice of economic administration, all business entities are included in a special classifier - OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations).

The following have their own unique OKPO code:

  • legal entities and their structural divisions;
  • individuals conducting business activity (IP);
  • other organizations.

This code is assigned for the entire period of activity of the economic entity; changing it is possible only if the type of economic activity (main) is changed.

OKPO number – this is the main code among national classifiers.

Its functions:

  • simplifies the accounting of all agents conducting business activities on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • used by government agency statistics;
  • ensures and automates the exchange and processing of information between government departments.

Explanation of OKPO

OKPO is a set of numbers: 10 characters are used to classify individual entrepreneurs; 8 - for other business entities.

The combination of these numbers(except for the last one) – this is the serial number of the organization in the state accounting system, at the end of the OKPO code there is a control number, which is calculated using a special approved calculation method.

OKPO structure includes two sections:

  1. legal entities with their structural divisions and other organizations(eight-digit code);
  2. individual entrepreneurs(have a ten-digit OKPO).

Sections are divided into blocks:

  • identification- these are the same eight or ten digits that business entities indicate as the OKPO code in documents;
  • names– for those included in the first section, this is the full and abbreviated name of the organization in Russian and English (if available) languages; for entrepreneurs (representative of the second section), this block indicates the full name without abbreviations in the nominative case;
  • classification characteristics, including an additional number of all-Russian classifiers:
    • OKOGU indicates which department the organization belongs to, and for entities that do not have higher authorities, the code indicates the position of the group in OKOGU;
    • OKATO 11 digits defining territorial affiliation;
    • OKTMO shows on the territory of which municipality the subject of economic activity is located;
    • OKVED determines in which economic sphere the subject operates;
    • OKFS indicates what form of ownership the business entity represents;
    • OKOPF denotes the organizational and legal form in which the economic entity acts.

OKPO example (data are presented in the table):


Identification (OKPO code) 50235599
Classification characteristics Name Municipal government educational institution "Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 4"
OKOGU 4210007
OKATO 07258501000
OKTMO 07658101001
OKVED 80.21.2
OKOPF 75404

From the table below you can get the following information:

  • the business entity belongs to the first section of the classifier OKPO (its code is eight-digit);
  • organization MKOU“Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 4”;
  • is a Municipal organization(according to OKOGU);
  • belongs to the cities of regional subordination of the Shpakovsky district, located in Mikhailovsk (according to OKATO and OKTMO);
  • economic activity: provision of secondary (complete) general education (according to OKVED);
  • located in the municipal(Russian) property (according to OKFS);
  • municipal government agency(according to OKOPF).

The need for OKPO

The OKPO code is considered to be the main classifier used by statistical institutions. It encrypts objective information about an entity operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.

At the state (macro level), OKPO is a single classifier that is used when exchanging information between government agencies. Information on OKPO is official public information, and anyone can obtain it.

Purpose of OKPO

  • simplifies reporting and statistical accounting;
  • used to collect and process data statistics;
  • unifies the collection and storage of information about business entities;
  • makes it possible to use automated control systems(automated control systems) at the interdepartmental level;
  • promotes the functioning of a single universal information field countries;
  • ensures the unification of economic and statistical information, identifies every economic entity in the country.

OKPO statistics codes

A statistics code is data presented as a set of numbers that are stored in the Statistical Register of Business Entities of Rosstat.

The practical significance of OKPO statistics codes is enormous - they are indicated when performing a number of operations:

  • when opening a bank account organizations;
  • when contacting tax and statistical authorities;
  • when filling out payment forms documents;
  • when performing export operations or import of goods;
  • when changing the location of the business subject;
  • when the structure of the organization changes, its names;
  • in other cases.

Where can I get an organization's OKPO code?

The OKPO code is assigned to a business entity by the state statistics body (Rosstat) from the general reserve of codes, which are allocated by the Register administration department of the territorial committee of state statistics.

Rosstat receives information on the formation, change or liquidation of an economic entity from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

How to find OKPO organizations?

Previously, to obtain statistics codes, it was necessary to personally submit a request to the state statistics authorities, attaching to the document an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) or the Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP). The answer came on paper.

Currently, it is enough to go to the official website of Rosstat and get statistics codes online there.

Rosstat receives information about newly registered business entities from tax authorities centrally, so receiving statistics codes in electronic form may take some time.

If information is urgently needed, the old method of personal contact with the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service at the place of registration of the business entity remains optimal.

When applying, you must present extracts from the Unified State Register (Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Also, do not forget that OKPO codes are indicated on many documents (in particular, financial statements) of business entities. Most often - in the upper right corner of the title (first) page.

How to find OKPO by TIN?

Each business entity is required to register with the Federal Tax Service, and is issued an individual number (the so-called TIN). It is available to both individuals and legal entities. Knowing the TIN, you can find out the statistical codes of a business entity.

The opportunity to find out OKPO by TIN is on the official pages of the Territorial Bodies of the Federal Statistics Service (using the example of the Stavropol Territory):

  • "Search codes" button leads to the page “About the Statregister of Rosstat”;
  • In the menu on the left, select the type of business entity:
    • “Identification by OK TEI codes of an individual entrepreneur”;
    • “Identification by OK TEI codes of a legal entity, branch, representative office.”

When you go to the desired page (depending on whether you need to find out the OKPO of an individual or a legal entity), enter the TIN in the input field, then click the “Find” button, and the system will provide the information you are looking for.

This service is provided electronically free of charge.

Information on the OKVED classifier is not provided by the service. This statistical code can be obtained from other sites on the Internet.

OKPO for an individual entrepreneur

The OKPO code of an individual entrepreneur, as noted earlier, consists of 10 characters.

Example code with decryption:

Individual entrepreneur Ivanov Pavel Olegovich

  1. OKPO — 0193273379
  2. OGRN(registration number of individual entrepreneurs) - 312365109800060
  3. OKATO — 07258501000
  4. OKTMO — 07658101001
  5. OKFS — 16
  6. OKOPF — 50102
  7. OKOGU – 4210015
  8. OKVED — 60.24.2


  • place of registration: Shpakovsky municipal district, Mikhailovsk, Shpakovsky district, Stavropol Territory (according to OKATO and OKTMO);
  • privately owned(according to OKFS);
  • individual entrepreneur(according to OKPF and OKOGU);
  • main occupation: activities of road freight non-specialized transport (according to OKVED).

OKPO form

There is no officially approved uniform form (certificate form) for OKPO. This phrase usually means that it is necessary to provide codes according to the all-Russian classifier (OKPO, OKFS, etc.).

After registration with the Federal Tax Service and transfer of this information to Rosstat (this is done by the Federal Tax Service), the Federal State Statistics Service assigns a number from the all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations to the new business entity.

Information about the registered entity is encoded under the OKPO number.

Based on the block of OKPO classification characteristics, you can find out:

  • what department does the organization report to?(if it is state-owned);
  • which municipality relates;
  • scope of economic activity of the subject management;
  • in what form of ownership the organization acts;
  • what legal form does it represent? enterprise.

This statistics code is of great importance in organizing and regulating the activities of government management structures; it exists to simplify the exchange of information between departments.

A business entity must provide an OKPO code when:

  • performing banking operations(opening an account);
  • contacting government agencies(tax office, Rosstat);
  • issuing payment documents(checks, receipts);
  • carrying out customs operations(export or import of goods);
  • change of information about a business entity(locations, names, structures, etc.).

The code issued during registration does not change throughout the entire period of activity of the business entity and remains unchanged even if the enterprise is reorganized.

It is unique and only after 5 years after the liquidation of a business entity, is it possible to issue its OKPO code to another business entity. Changes may affect only some classification criteria (for example, the OKVED code, subject to a change in the main type of activity of the enterprise).

You can find out the OKPO code:

  • when contacting government officials in person organs;
  • on specialized sites on the Internet;
  • looking at some company documents(for example, financial statements, contracts).

All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO)– state classifier of economic entities of the Russian Federation. The objects of OKPO classification are legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, branches, representative offices, organizations carrying out their activities without forming a legal entity.

The classifier is used to exchange information between various departments, facilitate statistical processing of data on legal entities, and form connections between various classifiers and databases.

Using the code, you can get a lot of useful and necessary information about a particular enterprise. You can also check how legal the company’s activities are, find out who it cooperates with, and get the address and location of a particular company.

Features of the OKPO code

When establishing a legal entity, an OKPO code is issued. Despite the fact that a private entrepreneur does not have constituent documents, he still receives the OKPO classification.

The OKPO code is not always dedicated to a single company or organization, but rather it is allocated to one industry in which this entity is involved. That is why there are very often cases when the OKPO code is the same on different streets, but in similar areas. It is issued during the registration process or upon extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

You can also apply for it during the inspection of other institutions or when submitting documentation to control authorities. The code has in its consisting of 8-10 digits, the first ones are the industry serial number, and the last ones are the controlled numbers.

The presence of this code is necessary for various types of documents that list the data of a business entity. These include the following:

  • Agreements.
  • Additional information.
  • Agreement.
  • Patents, licensed permits.
  • Accounts.
  • Reporting to higher authorities.

If changes occur during the work of an individual entrepreneur (change of type of activity, replacement of documents or reorganization), you need to send the application and documents to static authorities, where the data will be re-registered and then a new OKPO code will be issued. If the type of activity does not change when changing the form, re-registration on the classifier is not necessary at all.

Purposes of use

The purposes of using the classifier are:

  1. Maintaining a list of enterprises in state databases.
  2. Quick decoding of a Russian enterprise.
  3. Information processing and the ability to save credentials.
  4. Creation of an information field where information about business entities is posted.
  5. Quickly obtain data about the enterprise.
  6. Carrying out data circulation without the use of departments.

The main goal of OKPO– with a certain set of numbers, you can read all the data about the enterprise. In the future, all data that is assigned to this enterprise or code can be easily retrieved from the database using OKPO.

Sections and structure of the OKPO classifier

The OKPO classifier is divided into sections:

  • Section I(includes latest data on business entities, branches, representative offices, organizations operating without a legal entity).
  • Section II(includes information about economic entities and individual entrepreneurs).

Each of these sections contains three blocks:

  • object names block;
  • identification block;
  • block of classification characteristics.

First block – Name. It represents the full name of the subject. For the first section, indicate both the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise or organization in Russian. If there is an English name, it is entered as additional information. Speaking about individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the entrepreneur in the nominative case.

In the second identification block contains OKPO code. For enterprises and organizations it consists of 8 digits, and for individual entrepreneurs it consists of 10 digits. The first two digits define 4 types of activities:

  • labor and natural resources;
  • products of labor and production activities;
  • national economy;
  • management and documentation.

The remaining numbers are the immediate serial number of registration. The last digit is the control one. It is calculated according to a special methodology established by the Standardization Rules.

Last block of classification characteristics– includes additional codes of other classifiers, namely:

OKATO– the code of objects according to the administrative-territorial division, it is used to determine where a particular subject is located;

OKFS denotes the form of ownership of an enterprise or organization;

OKOGU represents the code of government bodies, using it you can find out who has jurisdiction over a given government body;

OKOPF contains information regarding the organizational and legal form of the enterprise;

OKVED characterizes the type of economic activity;

OKTMO– accurate data on the territory of municipal significance where the business entity is located. The block contains information about 6 classifiers, other data is not provided.

There cannot be identical codes! The only possible case of coincidence is when the entity was liquidated, and its OKPO code after 5 years can be reassigned to a new business entity. If in doubt, you just need to check the TIN, and everything will fall into place - if it does not match, then we are talking about different organizations.

The OKPO classifier has all the information about a particular industry in which a certain organization operates. OKPO is assigned to different entities if the necessary documents are available.

How to find OKPO by organization?

The body that issues the number is the Federal State Statistics Service or, more simply, the Rosstat Office. It is Rosstat that maintains the classifier and database that records information and statistics about business entities.

You can calculate OKPO for an organization in several ways:

  • On the website, which provides round-the-clock access to the database. Here you can find out all the data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • You can find out the code for your organization by submitting a request to the Rosstat department to receive a code letter. You can clarify the entire list of documents needed to obtain data in order to complete this matter.
  • You can get it with the help of an organization, but to do this you need to have with you an extract from the registry with all the changes.

How to find by TIN?

To find the code by identification number, you need to contact the Rosstat department. You must write an application to accept the order to receive notice. However, a document of this type should be accepted only when you indicate the TIN number, a certificate of state registration of the individual entrepreneur and data from the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

To find out the enterprise code, you can contact the Central Branch of your region, according to your place of residence. After filling out the application, you will be able to receive all the necessary information after 5 days. You can come for an answer yourself or order a letter to your address.

How to find out the code for an individual entrepreneur?

You should contact one of the Rosstat departments, having first filled out a special application requesting an information letter. Depending on the location of the branch where the enterprise was registered, the necessary information can be obtained within 5 days. But such an application will be accepted only if you have passport data, TIN number and individual entrepreneur registration certificate. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will also be provided by the Central Branch of the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence. After submitting your application, you will be able to receive the necessary information within 5 days in person or by mail.

This code can serve as the main identifier for all Rosstat information systems.

Please note that the code is assigned not just to the individual entrepreneur, but to the industry with which he works. That is, individual entrepreneurs conducting one type of activity may have one OKPO. If you see your competitor using the same OKPO number, don't worry.

The OKPO code is issued during the registration process of individual entrepreneurs. It can be found out during the first extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. OKPO for individual entrepreneurs is a set of numbers in which the last number is a control number, and the first indicates the serial number of the industry.

Servers that allow you to find information

Federal Tax Service or Federal Tax Service will allow you to obtain information about what OKPO code your company has.

Website will help you find out all the data on the code online. You can get information about subsidiaries, institutions or individual entrepreneurs. The certificate is provided on the basis of official information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. You can find this or that organization by knowing the full name of the manager and his TIN.

On the website You can also get information about an enterprise or company. You can register on this resource for more convenient work. Here you can get reports on the work of the company and how exactly its activities are carried out.

Website is one of the most popular resources where you can find out information about a particular business. Having the code, you can find out all the data about the company’s completed operations. You can also obtain information on TIN or other special documents.

Searching for an individual entrepreneur or company by TIN is possible only after filling out a specialized form that allows you to perform certain actions. To obtain data, you will need your passport details and full name.

There are several ways to find out, and you have the right to choose the one that suits you best. You should know that you can also obtain OKPO at the legal address of the company. It’s very simple: when a company is registered, the manager indicates not only his personal information, but also the address where he can be found if necessary. If you have any complaints against this person, you can find out the exact address and send your complaint directly to the place of work of the enterprise or company.

The document form of any organization contains the details of OGRN, OKPO, INN/KPP. The article explains what these abbreviations mean and what useful information can be extracted from them.

From the article you will learn:

What are OGRN and OGRNIP in the company details

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains information about all enterprises registered in our country. Information is encoded using the main state registration number (OGRN), and for individual entrepreneurs - OGRNIP. The basis for assigning these numbers was Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 438 of June 19, 2002.

The registration number itself consists of thirteen digits, and OGRNIP - of fifteen. The information encoded in this sequence of numbers is deciphered as follows:

  • the first digit is a sign that this number is assigned to the OGRN.
  • the second two digits are the year of registration;
  • the fourth and fifth digits are the code of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • sixth and seventh - the number of the tax authority that issued the OGRN;
  • numbers eight to twelve - the number of the entry entered into the register during the specified year;
  • the thirteenth digit is the check number;
  • in the OGRNIP number, the last two digits are the control number.


Let's look at an example of decoding OGRN 1177748467898.

The first digit means the entry is assigned to the OGRN.

The second two are 1 and 7, the year of registration, i.e., 2017. The fourth and fifth digits - 77 - are the code of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of the city of Moscow. The following numbers - 48 is the number of the tax authority branch in Moscow. Next are five numbers - 46789 - the entry number in this tax authority for 2017. The last digit 8 is the check number.

What does OKPO mean in the organization details?

Consider the following acronym in details organizations - OKPO. It stands for “all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations.” This classifier consists of 8 digits for organizations and 10 for private entrepreneurs.

The first 7 digits in this number (or 9 for individual entrepreneurs) represent the serial number of the organization or entrepreneur, and the last digit is the control number.

Let's look at what OKPO is in the details.

This classifier is assigned to an organization at the time of registration of constituent documents and depends on the type of activity of the company.

How is OKPO deciphered in company details? The first two digits indicate the field of activity. There are four such areas:

  1. labor or natural resources;
  2. food or industrial activities;
  3. national economy;
  4. management and documentation.

The following numbers in the classifier are a serial number. It is assigned upon company registration. The last digit is the control digit. Its calculation is carried out according to a special methodology of the Standardization Rules.

OKPO function

The main purpose of OKPO is to bring statistical information about all business entities to uniformity to ensure their uniform identification. Other functions of OKPO:

  • unification of all state information resources about business entities;
  • optimization of information exchange between ministries and departments;
  • simplifying the procedure for collecting and analyzing statistical data to improve forecasting of the country's economic development;
  • creation of a unified information space within the Russian Federation;
  • implementation of automated accounting and data processing systems in relevant government agencies.

Is it possible to find out the OKPO of an enterprise?

As a rule, OKPO of an enterprise can be found out from its registration documents. If for any reason access to these documents is limited, the Federal State Statistics Service can provide this data upon direct request. To make a request, you need to have an identification document (passport), Taxpayer Identification Number and business registration certificate. OKPO will be communicated to you by mail or directly in the Service within five working days.

There is an easier way to learn OKPO: it can be found on the Internet. There are a number of official and unofficial resources that contain this information.

One of the official resources is the website of the Federal Tax Service, where you can find OKPO using other details of the organization. Another site is called “OKPO Portal”. It provides direct access to databases of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation,

How to find out OKPO by TIN?

Another option for obtaining data on OKPO is using the TIN. You will be provided with the necessary information from Rosstat or the Federal Tax Service. Data is submitted on the day of application and is obtained from balance sheets or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (for private entrepreneurs) or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entities). At any tax authority, after filling out a special form, you can also receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

How is the TIN/KPP deciphered in the company details?

The unique taxpayer identification number is abbreviated as TIN. It is assigned to both individuals and legal entities. It began to be assigned to legal entities in 1993, to private entrepreneurs in 1997, and to individuals in 1999. Individuals have a TIN consisting of 12 digits, and legal entities - 10.

What is a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in a company's details?

This number contains the following data:

    numbers from the first to the fourth encode the tax authority that assigned the TIN, in accordance with the Directory of Tax Authorities;

    numbers five through ten for individuals or numbers nine for legal entities encode the serial number of the record about a given taxpayer;

    the last digits (for individuals these are the eleventh and twelfth digits, and for legal entities - the tenth) indicate the control number. It is determined according to a special algorithm of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation.


Let's look at an example of decoding TIN 500100732259.

    The numbers 5001 indicate the code of the tax authority that assigned the TIN, in accordance with the Directory of Tax Authorities. In our case, this tax authority is located in Balashikha.

    The numbers 007322 provide information about the record number of a given taxpayer.

    The last digits (59) indicate the check number. It is determined according to a special algorithm of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation.

Let's look at how the checkpoint is deciphered in the company's details.

Explanation of the abbreviation CAT in details means “arrangement reason code”. This means registration with the tax authority. This code consists of 9 characters, each of which contains certain information.

What does checkpoint mean in the company details?

  1. The first four digits provide information about the tax authority that registers the enterprise at the location of the enterprise itself, its separate divisions, real estate and vehicles owned by it.
  2. The next two digits code the specific event that caused the registration. For Russian companies, a range of numbers is reserved from 01 to 50, and for foreign companies from 51 to 99. Sometimes, instead of a digital code, letters of the Latin alphabet from A to Z are used.
  3. The last three digits of the code are a serial number, which is determined by the number of times it has been registered with the tax authority.


Let's look at how to decipher the checkpoint in the details using an example.

Let's take checkpoint 352801001.

    The first four digits code the tax authority. In our example, it is located in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda region.

    The next two digits are the event code that caused the registration. In this case, this is 01 - the company’s location at its location.

    The last three digits - 001 - indicate that registration is being carried out for the first time.

It should be noted that the checkpoints of different organizations may be the same. This can happen if the enterprises are registered with the same tax authority for the same reason and their registration is primary.

Let's sum it up

  1. Information about organizations is encoded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities using the main state registration number (OGRN), and for individual entrepreneurs - OGRNIP.
  2. The main purpose of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is to bring statistical information about all business entities to uniformity in order to ensure their uniform identification.
  3. The TIN denotes the individual taxpayer number, and the KPP is the code for the reason for registering it with the tax authority.

The all-Russian register of business entities - large, medium and small - has been operating in the country since 1994 through Resolution No. 297 of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 1993.

The most important code of this system is OKPO - all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations, which is currently used as the main requisite when filling out reports, concluding contracts and other identification and positioning of business entities.

Actually, without this code, no legal entity can carry out activities in Russia, and on the basis of it all other identifiers and statuses are assigned.

OKPO is not related to taxation and tax accounting and is solely a statistical number that facilitates the generation of information about each business unit in unified registers.

ID for 2020

The code is row of 8 or 10 digits, which is assigned to each new subject by statistical authorities.

Using OKPO you can find out the industry affiliation of a particular organization. Sometimes enterprises operating in the same field of business have partially identical codes, since each type of economic activity has its own strict digital designation.

So, OKPO is assigned:

  • legal entities;
  • organizations operating without forming a legal entity;
  • individual entrepreneurs.

It is the latter that have 10 characters in their code. The identifier is given upon registration of the subject and is indicated in the extract of the registers of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - Unified State Register of Legal Entities and.


As for the structure, OKPO has two sections. The first is intended for organizations both with and without the formation of a legal entity, the second is necessary for individual entrepreneurs.

Each section is divided into blocks:

  • Name;
  • identification;
  • classification.

IN first block the abbreviated and full name of the enterprise is indicated in accordance with civil law. For example, the abbreviated name is LLC KMK, and the full name is Limited Liability Company Kuban Dairy Plant. Individual entrepreneurs indicate their last name, first name and patronymic in the nominative case.

Perhaps the name of the subject in Latin will be added to the “Additional information” column, if necessary.

Second block is a direct digital code. For individual entrepreneurs - 10 characters, for organizations - 8.

The first two characters indicate one of the main accepted industries:

  • resources;
  • products of labor activity;
  • national economy;
  • documentation and management.

Further figures- this is a serial number in the general registration of all entities.

The last sign is calculated in a special way specified in the Methods for calculating the control number from the Standardization Rules 50.1.024-2005.

Third block includes additional assigned classifiers that clarify information and features of the person. These include:

An individual entrepreneur or a representative of an organization with the naked eye will be able to learn a lot about an economic entity only by seeing the codes assigned to it.

The OKPO number remains unchanged throughout the entire period of operation of the organization or entrepreneur, regardless of changes in reorganization, opening of divisions in other regions, etc. Only a change in industry requires entering new data.

Receiving and assigning a code

OKPO is assigned directly to moment of registration of a business entity and is indicated in the very first extract from the Unified Register of Legal Entities or Individual Entrepreneurs, which is issued along with other registration documents.

This whole process takes place in the Federal State Statistics Service, i.e. in the Rosstat Directorate, which is responsible for maintaining, codifying, and accumulating information about business entities.

If you lose your number, you can get it again from the same registration authority, but for a fee.

You can learn more about OKPO from this video.

How to find out the number

There are several ways to find out the OKPO of an organization or individual entrepreneur.


One of the easiest ways to find out OKPO is to use the identification number assigned by the tax service when registering - TIN.

In our time of free access to the network, this method is the most optimal and convenient for users. Ergonomic portal navigation will help you quickly find the required region and go to the territorial resource, which provides information about OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO and OKOGU. Access to them is provided by entering the number or TIN in the appropriate field.

Information for the organization

As already mentioned, this code is the main identifier of a business entity and often indicated on the documentation. So, looking at registration papers, licenses, permits, certificates, you can see this number. It can also often be found on subscription details, seals - at the end of contracts and statements.

For individual entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs, like organizations, receive an OKPO classifier upon registration along with an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The difference between their code is the presence of 10 digits instead of 8.

The most common ways to find out OKPO for individual entrepreneurs are contacting the regional office of Rosstat with a written application, passport, USRIP and TIN certificates. For 5 working days Based on this application, the requested information is provided.

This procedure applies to the Federal Tax Service inspectorates. It is possible to receive an urgent extract - the next day after the application, you only need to pay the state fee.

To obtain information about your own OKPO, no payments are required, while for requests about other persons, fixed fees are established.

It is also possible for individual entrepreneurs to use network services, which were discussed above.

What reports to submit to statistics?

The legislator obligated all business entities to periodically send reports to statistical authorities. This area of ​​document flow is regulated by Law No. 282-FZ of November 29, 2007 and Government Decree No. 620 of August 18, 2008.

Change of legal address

When forming OKPO, the first two characters indicate the type of industry to which the legal entity or individual carrying out entrepreneurial activities belongs.

Therefore, only changes in this section - choosing a different industry, expansion, narrowing - require re-registration of the number. As for changing the address, OKPO remains the same.

Who appropriates

The classifier is first assigned during the process of registering a business entity with the Federal Statistics Service. By collecting the completed documents confirming successful registration, the person receives the first extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which contains a column about OKPO.

The assigned code is linked to the entire period of existence of a person as an entrepreneur. In case of liquidation, the personal OKPO is confiscated. from the register and after 5 years it is again attached to another individual entrepreneur or enterprise.

How to find out OKPO by TIN - in this video instruction.