Capital-labor ratio. Calculation formula

For the effective operation of an enterprise, it is important to control the level of income and expenses. This is possible when calculating capital investments made to develop the production cycle.

Expenses for the purchase of equipment are paramount. They form the basis of production means.

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When making calculations, the capital intensity ratio must be taken into account. It is necessary to assess the rational use of funds that are basic in the production cycle.

The essence of the concept

Capital intensity is a value that is calculated based on the cost of production assets when converting them into the ruble equivalent of finished products. The capital intensity ratio can be calculated using a special formula. The cost of fixed assets (Co) must be divided by the volume of products produced during the activity (P).

The value changes when the company's process optimization decreases or increases. The more efficiently equipment and fixed assets are used, the greater the amount of output that can be obtained. Then the capital intensity indicator may decrease.

As the coefficient increases, it decreases. As a result, the enterprise receives greater profits and economic efficiency of the production process. At the same time, the funds invested in production will be repaid in full.

To calculate capital intensity, the basic formula given above is used. But it has some disadvantages. Among them is the lack of accounting for the depreciation of production assets, which leads to the constancy of their prices. Also, when calculating, all manufactured products are taken into account. However, some part cannot be sold.

According to this formula, it is possible to evaluate the production and technological process, reflecting its dynamics. To assess the production efficiency and payback of goods, you need to use another formula: Fe = ½(Co1+Co2)/Pr. In it, the value of Co1 is taken to be the cost of means for production at the beginning of the billing period, and Co2 - at the end date. Ave. is a value reflecting the quantity of goods sold.

Data for the calculation can be taken from documents reflecting production, price and sales of products for a specific period. It is also important to calculate the restoration amount. It will be needed to increase production output. In this case, you need to focus on the formula Fe = Ss.g./Pg.

In it under Ss.g. refers to the cost of means of production obtained on the basis of average annual calculations. Pg reflects the quantity of products that should be produced within 12 months according to the plan. Each indicator is prescribed in the business plan of the enterprise.

When determining the cost of equipment involved in the technological process, the full value is taken. those on the balance sheet are not taken into account.

Dependence on industries

The capital intensity ratio is required to optimize production processes and evaluate the efficiency of the enterprise. Normative meaning also helps to analyze all industries as a whole. According to such data, the ratio of production assets to gross product is calculated.

Among the types of capital intensity, direct and full are distinguished. When calculating the direct indicator, the degree to which results are obtained by the funds that were involved in the production process when creating products is assessed.

If it is necessary to estimate the total capital intensity, then those funds that were used indirectly in the creation of products are also taken into account. Capital ratio is an important indicator. But it is still considered auxiliary, since paramount importance is given to capital productivity.

Formulas of the main components

When using fixed assets, three important indicators are determined:

  • recoil;
  • capacity;
  • armament.

Capital intensity is based on the number of production assets used to produce products. The size is determined in relation to one ruble of the cost of the product.

Capital productivity shows the amount of output obtained from each ruble invested in fixed assets. On its basis, economic efficiency is determined.

Capital intensity and capital productivity are reciprocal quantities. With efficient and improved use of production means, increased output and reduced capacity are produced.

To calculate capital productivity, the allocation of working machines and equipment that make up the active part of the funds is made. To compare the growth rate and the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to take into account the value of the basics of industrial production per 1 ruble and the cost of equipment for the same amount.

The second indicator is ahead of the first if the share of the active part of fixed assets increases.


Capital productivity shows the use of the enterprise's fixed capital in economic and industry assessment. To calculate it, it is important to know the amount of output and the cost of production assets.

The capital productivity indicator determines the volume of production per unit of fixed assets. Based on this indicator, production efficiency is determined. The expression of quantity can be in kind or in money. The calculation is made in general for all funds, as well as for part.

The value is determined at various economic levels:

Fo Capital productivity.
VP Product release.
Soph Cost of fixed assets.

Fixed assets are calculated from the ratio of the average annual cost of capital. But in some cases it is important to take the cost of these funds for the initial and final billing period. Then the funds are added up and divided by 2.


Capital-labor ratio is an indicator that reflects the efficiency of using a company's production assets. It shows that employees have the means to carry out production.

Among them are:

  • tools;
  • machines;
  • equipment;
  • transport;
  • buildings;
  • buildings, etc.

The balance sheet must be used for the calculation.

Changes in the capital-labor ratio are observed when personnel leave or equipment fails. Then the residual value of the funds is taken.

How to calculate the capital ratio

To analyze the efficiency of using funds and the company's activities, certain values ​​can be calculated. The main one is capital intensity. To carry out the calculation, you need to know the balance sheet of the enterprise’s accounting department, taken for a specific period of time. A report showing profits and losses during the period under study is also important.

To calculate, you need to follow a certain sequence:

  1. You need to determine the cost of fixed assets that have an average annual expression. To do this, you need to add up the cost at the beginning and end of the period, recorded in line 120 of the balance sheet. The result obtained is divided by 2. When planning capital intensity, data from the business plan and program are used.
  2. Next, the cost of products that were produced over 12 months is calculated. You need to focus on the annual profit and loss report of the enterprise. When planning, you need to refer to the business plan or program.
  3. Capital intensity is calculated using the formula Fe=Co/B, where the first value is the average annual cost of fixed assets, and B is the cost of products produced over 12 months. The resulting value will be the capital intensity of the enterprise.
  4. If you need to calculate the capital intensity according to the plan, you need to refer to the business plan. You can also use planned and actual indicators for the past period. An analysis is made based on the data.

Balance overview

The calculation is made on the basis of reporting data on financial indicators and the balance sheet. Income is reflected in the first document, and fixed capital in the second.

The capital intensity will be equal to COR = page 1150 BB (the value of fixed assets by BB)/page. 2110 OFR (reported income).

When calculating the capital intensity of products, you can rely on another formula: COR = page 1150 BB/page. 2200 OFR, where the last value is the company’s profit when selling products based on the financial result.

Condition and usage analysis

Product output can increase and decrease when certain indicators change.

These include:

  • availability and use of labor (industrial and production means);
  • the company's provision of material resources and their use;
  • labor resources used and available.

The analysis must take these factors into account. In this case, the assumption is made that they had equal conditions and acted according to the stipulated plan.

An increase in production volumes occurs with an increase in the amount of fixed assets.

Analysis of fixed assets is carried out on the basis of:

  • annual balance sheet report;
  • inventory cards;
  • invoices for internal movement;
  • acts of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets for repair, reconstruction, modernization.

The analysis begins with a study of fixed assets. The relationship between different groups and the total cost is calculated. It is important to increase the UV of active equipment.

  • updates;
  • disposals;
  • growth.

After this, the age of the equipment is determined to determine the nature of the technical condition. Fixed assets are calculated based on depreciation and serviceability coefficients. When comparing indicators for a certain period, one can note the trend of their change.

After this, mechanized, automated, complex automated levels are determined based on the total cost of specific types.

Changes in service indicators are carried out in accordance with the level of mechanization and automation of labor. The number of workers using a specific type of equipment in relation to the total number of employees is taken into account.

Among the indicators of equipment use, there are several types:

After a complete analysis of the work, a generalization is carried out. On its basis, production reserves for fixed assets are determined.

Among them are:

  • introduction of equipment that was not previously installed;
  • increasing the number of equipment operation changes;
  • refusal of equipment downtime outside the plan and within the shift;
  • reduction of time losses during equipment operation;
  • preparation of organizational and technical measures that will reduce the time spent on equipment operation when producing one unit of product.

Capital intensity must be studied to improve enterprise productivity. To develop measures, it is calculated together with capital productivity and capital-labor ratio.


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There are many different indicators by which to assess the detail of enterprises, financial condition and efficiency of management of human and other resources. An important area is economic analysis, which is responsible for determining the level of efficiency of use and involvement of fixed assets in the production process.

In order to characterize these processes, three indicators are used: capital intensity, capital productivity, capital-labor ratio. The formula for calculating the last indicator is given below. Let's take a closer look at the capital-labor ratio.

Concept and meaning of the indicator

Capital-labor ratio is an indicator that helps determine the degree to which all employees are provided with fixed assets of the enterprise.

It has a direct impact on the value of such indicators as capital productivity and capital intensity, with which it is often confused.

To prevent this from happening, let’s look at what these indicators mean.

Not to be confused with capital productivity and capital intensity

Capital productivity is the ratio of the cost of manufactured products to the enterprise's fixed assets, which are calculated as an annual average. Thanks to this indicator, it is possible to express how effectively all fixed assets are involved in the production process.

Capital intensity is an indicator that is calculated to determine the required number of production assets to produce a unit or a certain amount of products.

Capital-labor ratio. Calculation formula

Those people who believe that the capital-labor ratio of fixed assets differs from the capital-labor ratio are wrong. This is a misconception.

The capital-labor ratio (the calculation formula for which requires data on fixed assets and the number of employees) is the same indicator as the capital-labor ratio. In the textbooks there is no difference between these concepts, and the formulas by which they can be determined are completely identical.

The capital-labor ratio is determined by the formula:

  • Fv = SSOF: SSCH, where

    Fv - capital-labor ratio;
    SSOF - average cost of fixed assets during an annual period of time;
    SSN is the average number of employees per year.

And workers are needed to determine the capital-labor ratio. The calculation formula clearly shows this. We'll look at how to calculate them further.

Average annual cost of fixed assets

This is a special indicator that reflects the average total cost of fixed assets of an enterprise. It is used in calculations related to the efficiency of using the company's fixed assets.

  • SSOF = OSn + OSv x Ch1: 12 - OSvyb x Ch2: 12, where

    OSn - total cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the period;
    OSv - the cost of those fixed assets that were put into operation during the period;
    OSvyb - the cost of fixed assets that were retired during the period;
    N1 - the number of months in which the newly introduced fixed assets were operated;
    Ch2 - the number of months in which the retired fixed assets were not used in production.

Average number of employees

This is one of the indicators that you need to know in order to calculate the capital-labor ratio. The formula for calculating the number is quite simple if you correctly understand the very definition of the indicator.

The average number of employees is an enterprise indicator that reflects the average of the enterprise for a certain period. It can be calculated for a month, a quarter, or a year.

  • SSCh = SCh - Rb - Ruch, where

    SP - average number of employees for a certain period;
    Republic of Belarus - employees who are on leave to care for a child, pregnancy, or childbirth;
    Ruch - employees who are on leave without pay while studying or enrolling in educational institutions, if such leave is required by law.

Analysis of the capital-labor ratio

The most important thing is not to do. You already know what capital-to-labor ratio is. You also know the calculation formula. All this does not mean that you will be able to correctly interpret the value of the indicator.

Even just knowing the dynamics is not enough. The analysis should be carried out only in parallel with calculations. For example, when the capital-labor ratio increases faster than it indicates that they are being used irrationally.

This situation may also indicate an increase in management personnel, which is not forced, since it is not confirmed by a corresponding increase in fixed assets.

Now you know what capital-labor ratio is (the formula for calculation is given above in the article), and you also understand how to analyze the values ​​of this indicator.

Do not forget that this indicator is only part of the economic analysis that is necessary to understand the state of affairs of a particular company. Consequently, knowing only the value of the capital-labor ratio will not help to draw correct conclusions about the economic activities of any organization.

Such analyzes are carried out by professional economists, working mainly in audit companies. Western corporations, which employ experienced specialists from all over the world, can afford the same pleasure.


The economic efficiency of using fixed assets is manifested in an increase in the volume of services provided, profits, and savings in labor costs. Intensive use of fixed assets will allow increasing the quality indicators of the enterprise without additional capital costs.

To analyze the efficiency of using fixed assets, the following indicators are used:

· capital productivity;

· capital intensity;

· capital profitability;

· capital-labor ratio.

The most important indicator of the efficiency of using fixed production assets is capital productivity (CR).

Capital productivity (CR) is a general indicator of the efficiency of using the enterprise's fixed assets. It is calculated as the ratio of the volume of products sold to the average annual cost of fixed assets:

where B is revenue from product sales, thousand rubles;

OF sg – average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

The average annual value of fixed assets (F sg) on ​​the balance sheet is calculated as follows:

OF sg = (OFn + OFk)*0.5, (2.16)

where OF n, OF k – the cost of fixed assets at the beginning and end of the year,

The increase in capital productivity indicates the intensive development of the enterprise through the introduction of improved equipment and new forms of labor organization, rational use of fixed assets. The capital productivity indicator can also be calculated in physical terms. For hotels, this indicator may be the number of bed days provided.

Example. Assess the level of efficiency in the use of fixed assets according to the data in Table. 2.1.


the capital productivity indicator in the base period will be:

the capital productivity indicator in the reporting period will be:

The change in capital productivity will be:

∆FO = 0.1639 – 0.1619 = 0.002;

The growth rate of capital productivity will be:

Thus, capital productivity for the analyzed period increased slightly – by 1.24%. For each ruble of fixed assets, there was an average of 0.002 kopecks more in sales revenue.

An important analytical indicator is capital intensity of production (FE) – the inverse value of capital productivity shows the share of the cost of fixed assets attributable to each ruble of products sold:

A decrease in capital intensity over time characterizes the saving of labor embodied in fixed assets involved in the production process.

Example. Assess the change in capital intensity according to balance sheet data (Table 2.1).


the capital intensity indicator in the base period will be:

the capital intensity indicator in the reporting period will be:

The change in capital intensity will be:

FE =6,1 – 6,17 = -0,07;

The growth rate of capital intensity will be:

Thus, capital intensity during the analyzed period decreased by 0.97%, i.e. for every ruble of revenue there was an average of 0.6 kopecks less than the cost of fixed assets.

The value of capital intensity is influenced by factors such as work shifts and the duration of the reporting period. The more shifts per day and the longer the reporting period, the lower the capital intensity of fixed assets.

The indicator of capital intensity of products is used to assess the need for fixed assets when forecasting the rate of product growth and changing the level of use of fixed assets. The formula is used for calculation

OF = V*FE. (2.18)

Example. The organization plans to increase production and sales of products by 15%, and reduce the capital intensity of products by 5%. Determine the need for fixed assets (Table 2.1).


The planned level of revenue will be:

In pl = 800 * 1.15 = 920 thousand rubles.

The planned level of capital intensity is

FE pl = 6.1*0.95 = 5.79.

The predicted value of fixed assets will be:

OS pr = V pl * FE pl = 920 * 5.79 = 5327 thousand rubles .

The need for fixed assets will be: 5327 – 4880 = 447 thousand rubles.

Capital-labor ratio (FW)– the ratio of the average annual cost of fixed assets (Fixed assets) to the number of employees at the enterprise (N):

The capital-labor ratio shows the share of the cost of fixed assets for each worker. The growth of the indicator indicates an increase in the level of labor equipment with fixed assets.

Example. Based on the balance sheet data (Table 2.1), calculate the level of labor equipment.


The value of the capital-labor ratio in the base period will be:

The value of the capital-labor ratio in the reporting period will be:

According to calculations, each employee received an average of 35 thousand rubles in the base period, and 36.1 thousand rubles in the reporting period.

The change in capital-labor ratio will be:

∆FV = 36.1 – 35 =1.1 thousand rubles.

The growth rate will be:

Thus, the level of labor equipment with fixed assets during the reporting period increased by 3.14%.

The most general indicator of the efficiency of use of fixed assets is capital return, which characterizes the amount of profit per 1 rub. average annual value of fixed assets

The results used are: profit from sales of products, balance sheet profit, net profit. An increase in profitability indicators indicates an increase in the level of efficiency in the use of fixed assets in the process of operation.

Example. Based on the balance sheet data (Table 2.1), calculate the level of profitability of the enterprise's fixed assets.


The level of profitability in the base period will be:

The level of profitability in the reporting period will be:

The change in profitability will be:

∆R= 5,9 – 5,35 = 0,55%.

Thus, the profitability of fixed assets during the reporting period increased by 0.55%. For every 1 rub. of funds invested in fixed assets, sales accounted for an average of 0.55 kopecks more, which characterizes an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise.

To assess the efficiency of using fixed assets in hotels and catering establishments, natural indicators are used. These include bed space in a hotel and the number of seats in shopping malls.

To maintain the level of efficiency in the use of fixed assets, it is necessary:

· regularly analyze performance indicators;

· identify factors influencing the efficiency of use of fixed assets;

· determine reserves for increasing the efficiency of fixed assets.

The use of fixed assets is effective if the relative increase in the performance indicator (revenue, profit, physical volume of production) exceeds the relative increase in the value of fixed production assets for the analyzed period.

The level of capital productivity is influenced by factors such as: revenue from sales of products, cost of fixed assets, unit price of products, technical condition of fixed assets, level of technology, etc.

An assessment of the influence of the main factors - revenue from product sales and the cost of fixed production assets - on changes in the level of capital productivity is carried out in the following sequence.

1) the value of capital productivity for two consecutive periods is determined;

2) the change in capital productivity (ΔFO) is determined;

3) the impact of changes in revenue on changes in capital productivity is assessed;

4) the impact of changes in the value of fixed assets on changes in capital productivity is assessed;

Example. Assess the impact of changes in revenue from product sales and the cost of fixed assets on the increase in capital productivity. The initial data are given in table. 2.1.


1) determine the value of the capital productivity indicator in the base period:

2) determine the value of the capital productivity indicator in the reporting period:

3) calculate the change in capital productivity:

FO = 0,1639 – 0,1619 = 0,002;

4) calculate the rate of growth of capital productivity:

Capital productivity for the reporting year increased by 1.24%;

5) calculate the impact of changes in revenue from product sales on changes in capital productivity ∆FO(V):

We get that an increase in revenue by 120 thousand rubles. led to an increase in capital productivity by 2.85%.

4) calculate the impact of changes in the average annual value of fixed assets on changes in capital productivity ∆FO(OF):

We find that the increase in the cost of fixed assets by 680 thousand rubles. led to a decrease in capital productivity by 2.65%.

In general, under the influence of both factors, capital productivity increased by 0.2% due to an increase in product sales revenue.

Security questions

1. What are the tasks of the usage analysis information source

fixed assets?

2. Name the components of the enterprise’s property.

3. What is the significance and role of intangible assets in the capitalization of an enterprise?

4. What indicators characterize the technical condition of the main

7. What indicators characterize the effectiveness of use

fixed assets?

8. What problems are solved using the analysis of fixed assets?

9. List the factors influencing the value of capital productivity.

10. What is meant by the production capacity of an enterprise?

11. Describe the factor model of capital productivity of fixed assets.

12. List the indicators characterizing the efficiency of use of fixed assets.

The efficiency of using fixed assets is characterized by the capital productivity indicator, calculated as the ratio of the volume of production for the year (at the enterprise level) to the average annual total cost. At the industry level, output or gross value added is used as an indicator of production, and at the level of the economy as a whole, value is used.

Capital productivity This is the volume of output divided by the average amount of industrial production fixed assets at original cost.

Rational use of fixed production assets is necessary to increase the production of social product and.

Increasing the level of use of fixed assets allows you to increase the size of production output without additional capital investments and in a shorter time. Accelerates, reduces the cost of reproduction of new funds and reduces.

The economic effect of increasing the level of use of fixed assets is an increase in social labor productivity.

Capital productivity shows how much output (or profit) an organization receives from each ruble of its fixed assets.

Let us determine by the method of absolute differences the influence on the volume of production of two factors associated with fixed assets:

  • quantitative (extensive) factor - the amount of fixed assets;
  • qualitative (intensive) factor - capital productivity.

Table No. 1.

The increase in production output compared to the previous year was influenced by the following factors:

  1. an increase in the amount of fixed assets could increase production output by +6174 x 1.01 = +6235.7 thousand rubles.
  2. a decrease in capital productivity reduced output by the amount of (-0.18) x 27985 = - 5037.3 thousand rubles. The total influence of two factors (balance of factors) is: +6235.7 - 5037.3 = +1198 thousand rubles.

Capital intensity

Capital intensity is the reciprocal of capital productivity. It characterizes how many fixed production assets account for 1 ruble of manufactured products.

Capital intensity is the average amount of industrial production fixed assets at original cost divided by the volume of output.

Reducing capital intensity means saving labor.

The value of capital productivity shows how much production is received from each ruble invested in fixed assets, and serves to determine the economic efficiency of using existing fixed assets.

Capital intensity value shows how much money needs to be spent on fixed assets to obtain the required volume of output.

Thus - capital intensity shows, how many fixed assets account for each ruble of output. If the use of fixed assets improves, then capital productivity should increase and capital intensity should decrease.

When calculating capital productivity, working machines and equipment (the active part of fixed assets) are separated from fixed assets. A comparison of growth rates and percentages of fulfillment of the capital productivity plan per 1 ruble of the cost of fixed industrial production assets and per 1 ruble of the cost of working machinery and equipment shows the impact of changes in the structure of fixed assets on the efficiency of their use. The second indicator in these conditions should be ahead of the first (if the share of the active part of fixed assets increases).

Capital-labor ratio

The capital-labor ratio has a huge impact on the values ​​of capital productivity and capital intensity.

The capital-labor ratio is used to characterize the degree to which workers are equipped with labor.

Capital-to-capital ratio and capital productivity are interconnected through the indicator labor productivity(Labor productivity = Product output / ).

Thus, capital productivity = labor productivity / capital-labor ratio.

To improve production efficiency, it is important to ensure faster growth in production compared to the growth of fixed production assets.

Using the problem, we will consider the method of calculating capital intensity, capital-labor ratio and capital productivity.


Base period Reporting period
Company Production volume Average cost of PF Production volume Average cost of PF
1 18 15 36 24
2 140 35 158,4 36


  • Dynamic coefficient of the concern's average capital productivity;
  • The absolute impact on the change in average capital productivity of changes in capital productivity at each enterprise and changes in the capital structure.


Impact of changes in capital productivity of changes in fixed assets

Analysis of the condition and use of fixed assets

The volume of production depends on many factors, which can be grouped into three main groups:

  • factors related to the availability, use, i.e. main industrial and production funds (funds);
  • factors related to security () and their use;
  • factors related to availability, movement and use.

The analysis should examine and measure the influence of these factors on . At the same time, the influence of each group of factors (resources) is determined ceteris paribus, i.e., it is assumed that factors belonging to other groups acted as intended.

Let's consider the first group of factors (resources) influencing the volume of output. All other things being equal, the greater the amount of fixed assets and the better their use, the greater the volume of production.

Main sources of information for analysis of fixed assets are: f. No. 5 of the annual report “Appendix to the Balance Sheet”, inventory cards for accounting of fixed assets, acts of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets, invoices for the internal movement of fixed assets, acts of acceptance and transfer of repaired, reconstructed, modernized fixed assets,

Fixed assets (assets) are means of labor used to manufacture products or to service the production process.

The analysis should begin by studying structure of fixed assets, i.e. the ratio of various groups of fixed assets in the total amount of their value.

Necessary so that in the structure of fixed assets the specific gravity of their active part increased, i.e. working machines and equipment that directly affect objects of labor, i.e. for materials. At the same time, the return on the use of fixed assets increases.

Then you should check how fixed assets are updated and calculate the following indicators:

  • fixed assets
  • fixed assets

These coefficients should be calculated over several periods and the dynamics of renewal, disposal and growth of fixed assets should be monitored.

Then you need to study age composition of equipment, which is very important for characterizing the technical condition of fixed assets. For this purpose, equipment is grouped by service life.

This grouping shows the share of new equipment, the return on use of which is the highest, the share of equipment with average service life, as well as the percentage of obsolete labor tools.

Comparison of these indicators over several years shows trends in their changes (it should be borne in mind that renewal and disposal rates are calculated for a given period, and wear and tear rates are calculated at the beginning and end of the period).

Technological level of equipment

It is necessary to study the technological level of the equipment.

For this purpose, equipment is divided into the following groups:

  1. manually operated equipment;
  2. partially mechanized simple equipment;
  3. fully mechanized simple equipment;
  4. partially automated equipment;
  5. fully automated equipment;
  6. automated and programmable equipment;
  7. flexible, automated and programmable equipment.

In the process of analysis, the technological level of equipment is expressed by the following indicators:

Level of mechanization machinery and equipment is the total cost of equipment of types 2 - 7 divided by the total cost of equipment of types 1 - 7.

Automation level machinery and equipment is the total cost of equipment of types 4 - 7 divided by the total cost of equipment of types 1 - 7.

Level of complex automation machinery and equipment is the total cost of equipment of types 5 - 7 divided by the total cost of equipment of types 1 - 7.

Indicators of maintenance of machines and equipment

Level of labor mechanization is the number of workers servicing mechanized equipment divided by the total number of production workers.

Labor automation level This is the number of workers servicing automated equipment divided by the total number of production workers.

Analysis of the use of fixed assets

Having analyzed the state of fixed assets, we move on to analyzing their use. The most common indicators of the use of fixed assets are: capital productivity, capital intensity and capital-labor ratio (see the beginning of the article).

Equipment usage indicators

After studying the general indicators of the use of fixed assets, it is necessary to consider the use of equipment as the most active part of fixed assets, on which production output mainly depends.

Extensive use equipment can also be characterized by the coefficient of extensive equipment use.

Extensive equipment utilization rate— this is the actual number of machine-hours worked by the equipment divided by the basic (planned) number of machine-hours worked by the equipment.

K ex= Actual operating time of the equipment, hour / Standard operating time of the equipment, hour

Having considered the extensive use of equipment, let’s move on to studying its intensive use, i.e. usage but performance. It is analyzed by comparing actual indicators of product removal per machine-hour (machine-hour) with planned indicators, with indicators of previous periods, as well as with indicators of other related enterprises for groups of similar equipment

Equipment use performance can be characterized by the coefficient of intensive use of equipment.

Equipment intensive utilization rate- this is the actual average output per one worked machine-hour divided by the basic (planned) average output per one worked machine-hour.

Integral use of equipment, i.e. simultaneously in time and productivity, expressed coefficient of integral equipment utilization, which is defined as the product of the coefficients of extensive and intensive use of equipment.

At the conclusion of the analysis, it is necessary to summarize the reserves for increasing production output associated with fixed assets.

Such reserves can be:
  • commissioning of uninstalled equipment;
  • increasing equipment shifts;
  • eliminating the causes of above-planned whole-shift and intra-shift equipment downtime;
  • reduction of planned losses of equipment operating time;
  • implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at reducing the operating time of equipment to produce a unit of product.

Efficiency is one of the main phenomena in assessing the performance of any organization, regardless of its form of ownership. The fact is that even the most efficient enterprise needs analytics; therefore, at the end of the year, the dynamics and comparison of the company’s activities are assessed. Qualitative economic analysis provides a comprehensive assessment of the results of labor over a certain time and indicates in which direction production should be developed. Capital intensity, together with capital productivity and profitability indicators makes it possible to most fully see how things actually are at the enterprise.

Capital intensity shows the dynamics of the rotation of fixed assets, evaluates the performance efficiency and predicts further development paths.

The essence of the concept

Capital intensity- this is a financial coefficient that reflects the entire amount required for investment in production fixed assets for the subsequent production of products per monetary unit. To explain it in simple terms, capital intensity allows you to understand how many rubles you need to contribute to fixed assets to get one ruble of profit. As a rule, fixed assets include: buildings, buildings, machinery, transport equipment, production equipment - in a word, everything that ensures the company's production process. In addition to planned analyses, capital intensity allows for differentiation of types or industries of business according to possible objects of investment in non-current assets.

The first calculation of this indicator took place in 1966 when the balance sheet of fixed assets of the national economy was compiled. During the calculation process, it was found that for each taken sector of the national economy and for a different type of product produced, the capital intensity indicator is specific. For this reason, it is appropriate to compare and contrast this indicator for similar goods produced in similar areas.

For those who still do not understand what capital intensity is, let us repeat. The indicator makes it possible to find out to what extent it is necessary to saturate the company with capital investment in order to obtain an increase in the production of products for a given amount. Its use is observed in capital-intensive industries, where production volumes are not at all related to the intellectual component. This usually occurs during timber harvesting, oil production, construction, etc.

Coefficient value

The capital intensity of production depends on the efficiency of production. That is, if the factory operates in a single shift mode and switches to another, then the use of fixed assets will increase significantly, and the capital intensity level will fall. So, if the capital intensity ratio falls, this means that through the rational use of equipment it was possible to increase production. As you can see, a serious economic breakthrough in the factory, in general, can be achieved by optimizing production and clearing bottlenecks in some production departments.

The disadvantage of this coefficient is that it does not take into account the cost of the goods produced. There is nothing to be surprised about here, because in the USSR industry was more focused on increasing the volume of production, then quality faded into the background, and the costs of all this increased. The capital intensity indicator is suitable only for evaluation analysis and is constantly compared with other assessments of the efficiency of production departments. And all because at the enterprise some part of the production products is always not sold, but remains in the warehouse. The rest of the products are sold only at prices that differ from the expected ones, which means that the calculated value is always only expected, but not actual.

If the indicator progresses with the introduction of resource-saving equipment models, this does not mean that while saving resources, production efficiency will decrease. This suggests that an increase in the capital intensity of products may become economically worthwhile when it is aimed at saving resources, fuel, and labor, due to which losses from a decrease in capital productivity will be compensated.

Formula for calculating capital intensity

How to find out the coefficient

Many entrepreneurs often have a question: how to calculate capital intensity? To set this indicator there is a formula: Fe = SFO: ORP, where SFO is the average price of fixed assets for the annual plan, OVP is the size of the goods produced. The indicator must be calculated taking into account the money that has come and gone. Sfo = Snfo + (Svfo m): 12 - (Slfo n): 12, where SNF is the price of assets at the beginning of the year; SFO – asset price during the year of operation; Slfo – the price of departed or eliminated funds; m – the number of full months of use of newly attracted fixed assets; n - the number of full months when the issued capital money was not used.

Due to the fact that the shares of investment of fixed assets during farming are different. We established three formulas for subtracting the concept:

  1. The main deduction formula applies to the concept of the total capital intensity of an enterprise for any period of time Fe = Co/P. This formula is used to calculate how much it is necessary to saturate the production process with fixed assets in relation to solving the issue of producing a given amount of goods. She has flaws. Damage to equipment is not taken into account, so the price component of the funds is always unchanged. All released goods are taken into account, and upon sale there is always a balance of goods.
  2. A third-party formula used to assess production efficiency in terms of payback, because the size of fixed assets in a factory is not constant and it is necessary to determine the capital intensity of creating the actual volume of goods with the most approximate accuracy. Fe = 1⁄2(Co1+Co2)/Pr, where Fe is capital intensity; Co1 - the size of the cost of production money at the beginning of the accounting year; Co2 - the size of the cost of production assets at the end of the billing period; Pr - the amount of goods sold.
  3. To deduct funds spent on equipment restoration, another additional formula is used. Fe = Ss.g./Pg, where Ss.g. - average annual cost of production assets; Pg - the size of the planned production of goods for the year; Fe - capital intensity. This the capital intensity formula is almost no different from the previous one, but it makes it possible to obtain a more accurate final value of the indicator. The data for calculation is taken from the business plan of the enterprise.

It is worth considering that everywhere only the price of technological equipment directly involved in the production of goods (fixed production assets) is taken into account.