Federal anti-collection companies. Anti-collection services

How to open an anti-collection agency: cost calculation + list of required employees + 3 ideas to increase profits.

Capital investments: 513,000 rubles.
Agency payback period: 6-9 months.

What does an anti-collection agency do? There are several areas of such activity, but the main task of each is to help debtors. Employees of such firms are ready to deal with the pressure that debt collectors put on their clients.

Before drawing up a business plan, you need to determine whether this type of service will be in demand in your region.

1. We assess the demand for anti-collection services

This area of ​​legal advice is quite relevant. Especially considering the law adopted in 2014, according to which collection activities in Russia received the status of a completely legal and legitimate business.

Despite the fact that many of the methods of influencing debtors are prohibited by law, this does not in any way prevent pressure on them as intensely as before.

Factors that lead to the popularization of anti-collection agency services include:

  • unstable state of the economy,
  • unfavorable lending conditions,
  • currency instability,
  • low level of income of Russians.

The majority of the population of the Russian Federation has - this is a fact. It is also obvious that not everyone has a real opportunity to pay them fairly, and some do not even have the resources to do so.

Based on the graph, we can come to the conclusion that anti-collection agencies will be relevant until the country’s economy reaches a more stable state. Yes, banks issue loans only to solvent citizens and carefully check this fact.

But the reality is that no one is immune from job cuts or currency fluctuations. So today you prove your ability to repay the loan, and tomorrow you struggle to make ends meet.

2. What types of services can anti-collection agencies offer?

No. 1. Let's sit down at the negotiating table

The main service that anti-collection consultations can offer is negotiations between the bank (or other institution where money is issued at interest) and the debtor.

Why main? Yes, because the person himself voluntarily agrees to all the conditions that the bank offers him, signs the agreement and goes through all the stages of receiving money. Therefore, we can only begin to solve the problem with peaceful negotiations.

The advantage of turning to anti-collection service agencies is that the “attacks” that the bank makes on a person are significantly reduced.

Many will think that this service will not lead to any changes. But if you've ever found yourself under this kind of pressure, you understand how important it is to find help.

All “verbal” help can be divided into 2 categories, depending on the type of anti-collection agency:

    There is such a thing as civilized anti-collection agency. The lawyer, in this case, acts as a negotiator. He tries to negotiate with the bank or debt collectors on more realistic terms so that the client can repay the loan.

    Naturally, this option is suitable only for those who are really ready to repay the loan (circumstances simply do not allow it to be done on time).

    When looking for help, people tend to trust those who have already been in their situation, but have successfully resolved it or come to a compromise. This is exactly the kind of assistance that is provided in the so-called spontaneous agencies: they give you advice based on real experience in dealing with similar situations.

    Spontaneous anti-collectionism should not be underestimated, since it is always useful to study precedents and emphasize something for the current situation.

No. 2. Lawyers join the fight

There is another option for agencies to provide support to “victims” of debt collectors - assistance in preparing the necessary documents to declare the debtor bankrupt. This frees him from paying off the debt - officially the person no longer has any valuables that can be taken away from him.

Another option for legal assistance is to carefully study the contract for at least some loopholes that will help change (soften) the terms of debt repayment.

Experienced lawyers know that banks often (maybe even constantly) impose their conditions like:

  1. In order to take out a loan, you must purchase an insurance policy, which is also calculated along with the total amount.
  2. For each repayment and late payment, a certain commission is charged. As a result, the total payment amount significantly exceeds that which was calculated when the loan was issued.

Despite the fact that all such points were specified in the loan agreement, these actions are not legal. After all, the client agrees to such conditions only because without them the bank would refuse to issue a loan. This is called the hard sell of an insurance product.

No. 3. Psychological comfort

In addition to the service options listed above, the anti-collection agency minimizes the psychological impact of debt collectors on a person.

It does this using legal methods:

  • redirection of incoming calls from collection offices to another line;
  • a correctly drawn up application to law enforcement agencies so that the pressure on the debtor and his closest friends and relatives stops;
  • recommendations to the client on how to behave correctly, what measures can be taken and what not;
  • the agency conducting legal proceedings with the bank (if necessary), drawing up documentation, lawsuits, etc.

3. Advertising and markets for anti-collection agency services

The anti-collection business has its own specifics: most of those who want to use help do not have large funds to pay for it. However, do not think that they are not willing to pay to get the legal support they need from a professional.

Also, among the clients of anti-collection agencies there are not only people who do not have the ability to repay their debt.

People often seek help for the following reasons:

  • disagreement with the conditions put forward by the bank;
  • the interest rate on the loan is unfairly high;
  • the client was not informed of all the nuances of the transaction at the time of issuing the loan, etc.

It is important for an anti-collection firm to take into account such a concept as the target audience. Before launching a business, it is necessary to conduct a study of market competition in your region, as well as the size of the potential target audience.

The principle is simple: the more collection offices there are in a certain area, the more they need an anti-collection agency.

On the graph you can see the number of collection agencies for 2014 in different regions of the Russian Federation. You understand that over the past years their number has only grown.

Internet advertising for anti-collection business– this is one of the most effective methods of attracting new clients to the agency. To advertise that will work, it is important to hire professionals to design your website. We also need specialists who will competently place banners on the Internet.

Another way to attract a small share of customers is advertising in public transport. Despite the fact that this method of promotion has generally lost its popularity, in this case it will also be effective.

4. How to officially register and open an agency providing anti-collection services?

The official registration of an anti-collection agency is essentially identical to the opening of a legal consultation.

It is recommended to open an individual entrepreneur, since in this case the entrepreneur pays only a single tax, which depends on the parameters of the business (premises, number of employees), and not a percentage of income. That is, for the businessman himself this is a more convenient option.

Moreover, in order to register an anti-collection company (be it an individual entrepreneur or LLC), it is not necessary to have a legal education and you do not need to obtain a license to operate.

Attention! You can advise people without being a lawyer. But without the “crust” it will not be possible to represent the client’s interests in court.

5. What employees should be on the agency’s staff?

There is no extreme need to hire a psychologist on staff at an agency, even part-time. Only a few of those who ask for help will need his services. However, this will give them confidence that they have come to the professionals. This can also be a competitive advantage over other anti-collection agencies.

In the future, the staff can be expanded depending on the demand for the agency’s services. For example, for a small town this amount may be enough.

6. Capital costs and monthly expenses for opening an anti-collection agency

The main expense items are office maintenance and wages. It is not practical to purchase office space, so the rental price will be taken into account.

Capital costs for opening an anti-collection agency
Total:365,000 rubles
Expenditures Cost (in rub.)
Registration and registration of individual entrepreneurs5 000
Office furniture60 000
Office equipment150 000
Advertising (Internet + in transport)100 000
Repair work (if necessary)50 000

In total, to open an anti-collection agency you need have at least 513,000 rubles. In the absence of such funds, it is better among entrepreneurs than to take a loan from a bank - for obvious reasons.

Costs can be reduced through partnership agreements. For example, you can offer barter services to companies that provide mobile and Internet communications.

It is also worth renting an office for an anti-collection agency, in which there is no need to make repairs, because you don’t need the author’s interior design.

7. 3 ideas on how to increase the profits of an anti-collection company

To offer clients a full range of legal services, a business format is required that differs from a conventional anti-collection agency + obtaining licenses and permits for various types of activities. Therefore, it is worth starting from what is available.

What else can an agency providing anti-collection services do?

  1. Legal assistance in collecting debts from individuals, subject to the availability of certified receipts. This implies competent preparation of claims or statements to law enforcement agencies.
  2. Consultation in case of failure of one of the parties to fulfill the terms of the lease agreement. The court includes negotiations between the parties + drawing up claims and statements.
  3. Appealing court decisions on the collection of property as collateral for a loan.

All these ideas are not new, however, they are ways to increase the profitability of the agency.

8. Conclusion on how to open an anti-collection agency to provide services to the public? Is it worth doing?

The profitability of an anti-collection agency as a business is difficult to determine. For the most part, its level depends on the demand for services and how well you provide them + on the width of the spectrum.

In any case, the agency should break even in less than a year, according to average statistics. Otherwise, you should think about changing your strategy or direction of activity.

How does an anti-collection agency work?

Client protection work is carried out in three stages:

Taking into account the above, before how to open an anti-collection agency, it is important to study the level of competition, demand and other features of the region. Then it’s a matter of small things – to serve clients efficiently and work to expand the range of services.

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The growth in consumer lending inevitably entails an increase in overdue debt. Delays are often accompanied by unpleasant communication with debt collectors. Considering the fact that they often operate on the edge of the law, it is not surprising that their antipodes, anti-collectors, also appear on the market. In a dispute between a bank and a collection agency with a borrower, they act on the side of the borrower and provide him with comprehensive legal support.

The key task of anti-collectors is to reduce the volume of debt, as well as its optimization. Of course, you shouldn’t count on anti-collectors to help you avoid paying your debts at all.

The demand for such services is steadily growing, which is due to the low level of legal culture of Russians. Most borrowers have no idea about their real rights and how to properly interact with the bank.

It is worth noting that anti-collectors are a purely Russian practice. In the West, their analogues, the so-called financial budsmen, are part of the structures of banks and provide customer protection.

Functions of anti-collectors

The activities of anti-collectors, like collectors, are not prescribed by law, but are not prohibited either. The first ones base their work on Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Reduction of penalties”.

There are two main types of anti-collectors on the market: companies providing legal services, for them the interaction between the borrower and the bank is not their core area; as well as those who specialize specifically in debt settlement. The anti-collector market cannot exist without the participation of fraudulent organizations that can offer illegal methods of avoiding debts.

Anti-collectors should be contacted if collectors use illegal methods - such as direct pressure, interference in a person’s personal life. You can also use their services to negotiate with the bank on restructuring. Anti-collectors can mitigate the consequences of a thoughtless guarantee or avoid the loss of collateral.

Their other function is to represent the interests of the borrower in court and help in building an effective defense. A lawyer can challenge extortionate fines in court and write them off, and, if necessary, get the court decision overturned. After all, late payment is often accompanied by significant fines on loans that exceed the amount of the original debt many times over. In many cases, such actions of banks are illegal and can be challenged and reduced with the help of anti-collectors.

If the court has recognized the need to confiscate the borrower’s property to repay the debt, the anti-collector can protect the borrower’s rights before the bailiffs, as well as ensure the safety of the debtor’s property.

Finally, anti-collectors can provide one-time oral or written consultations, as well as prepare the necessary documents (for example, letters to the Central Bank, the Prosecutor's Office, Rospotrebnadzor).

Despite the fact that anti-collectors perform good functions, their activities are by no means charitable. The cost of a one-time consultation starts from 500 rubles, analysis of a loan agreement - from 1.5 thousand rubles. When representing the borrower's interests in court, the price depends on the amount of the debt - the larger it is, the higher the remuneration. Sometimes monthly payment for services is provided - on average about 3.5 thousand per month. It is worth considering that turning to anti-collectors may lose its meaning altogether if its reward is higher than the debt.

Disadvantages of anti-collection agencies

When contacting an anti-collector, a borrower cannot ignore a number of points:

  • additional costs for a borrower who already has debts; representation of an anti-collection lawyer can reach up to 40% of the amount seized from the bank; Sometimes the services of a competent general lawyer can be cheaper.
  • In most cases, collectors do not work with small amounts of debt - up to 30 thousand rubles;
  • there is a possibility of running into incompetent lawyers, in which case you can waste your money and not reduce your debt to the bank;
  • there is a risk of receiving illegal recommendations, and all responsibility will lie with the borrower; therefore, such recommendations must be accepted exclusively in writing, so that there is an opportunity to challenge the actions of the anti-collector.

It is worth considering that in some cases the Consumer Rights Protection Society can help the borrower free of charge. For example, if a client is forced to overpay on a loan by establishing hidden fees. The financial ombudsman can also provide protection to the borrower. In particular, it considers complaints if the bank refuses to restructure the loan debt or illegally charges interest on the loan. Financial ombudsman services are free.

If you have a debt, collectors are calling and you don’t know how to independently and competently resolve this issue, anti-collection services may be the best choice. But how to make the right choice, because today there are more than enough offers?

How to choose the right anti-collection agency?

  • Availability of clear specialization.
    For many law firms, anti-collection activities are auxiliary, which cannot always guarantee a competent solution to the problem with the loan agreement due to the lack of necessary experience.
  • Anti-collection agency status.
    Little things can tell the story. For example, our agency is registered in the manner prescribed by law, is a member of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and agency lawyers act as experts, including on television. Do not hesitate to ask questions about the company’s activities, because choosing the right anti-collection agency is not an easy task.For example, how does a company confirm its “long-term” presence on the market? Just words? Some claim that they have been on the market for almost decades, although anti-collection services arose in response not to the chaos of collection agencies and this happened no more than five years ago. Our first court decision to protect a borrower was dated 2011. We rightfully claim that we were the first to be formed in St. Petersburg as a borrower protection firm.
  • What are they promising you?
    If you are promised to instantly reduce your debt by several times, that the debt will disappear and you won’t have to pay at all, be prudent and be critical of such promises. Miracles do not happen; debt does not disappear at the behest of a magic wand. You need to seriously work on this, including protecting your interests in court. Do not believe empty communications that are not based on anything. Don't fall for scammers.
  • What are you paying for?
    Look at what agreement they are offering you to sign? Do you pay for legal services or are they just “information” or some other services?

    Know that in this case you get a pig in a poke. What you will end up with is unknown, and you won’t be able to prove anything. We always enter into an agreement for the provision of legal services and clearly state what specific actions we will take.
    At the moment, most problems with banks and debt collectors are resolved in court. Thus, the primary service required by the borrower is not only writing a claim or response, but also directly defending the client at the court hearing. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the decision will be made in your favor. Please note whether legal protection is included in the services provided to you by the anti-collection agency under the contract and what the cost of representation at meetings is.
  • Anti-collector experience.
    Be sure to find out from the anti-collection agency examples of successfully resolved debt problems of Clients.

Anti-collection services do not imply resistance to the law in an attempt to avoid payments on a previously taken loan. Lawyers do not violate the law, they only ensure its correct implementation, thus protecting the interests of the client and preventing attempts to illegally influence him and his loved ones in order to collect the debt as quickly as possible.

Anti-collection services allow

  • solve the problem of payments with minimal losses;
  • obtain information about your rights;
  • avoid initiation of legal proceedings against you;
  • avoid paying for incorrectly accrued fines and penalties.

List of anti-collection services provided

  • conducting a free initial consultation;
  • assessment of prospects for litigation;
  • full analysis of the loan agreement;
  • conducting negotiations with bank representatives;
  • appealing illegal actions to obtain or distribute information that constitutes a credit history;
  • preparation of documents for litigation;
  • cancellation of the fee for maintaining a loan account;
  • representing your interests in court;
  • full support and conduct of the case in court;
  • cancellation of the fee for issuing a loan;
  • reimbursement of funds for the imposed insurance service;
  • invalidation of the guarantee agreement;
  • reduction of amounts for penalties and penalties;
  • recalculation of debt;
  • preparation of letters and applications to Roskomnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, the Prosecutor's Office, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • protection of property from possible seizure;
  • preparing a statement of claim to the court for the recovery of funds that the bank withheld from you illegally when issuing a loan;
  • support of enforcement proceedings.

Required documents

  • contract;
  • calculation of the amount collected and penalties;
  • a document confirming payment of the state duty when going to court.

Service cost

The cost of services in each case is calculated individually. The total amount consists of such features of the case as complexity and duration.

How to contact us

You can order this type of service in any way convenient for you:

To get a consultation

Do you have a question? Need specialist advice? You can get a free consultation on your problem! To do this, fill out the form below and our specialists will tell you what to do in your situation. In addition, by filling out this form, you will receive 10% discount for our services!

Sometimes, when applying for a loan, a person does not calculate his capabilities, and then, in order to avoid problems, he needs a good anti-collector. It is not always possible to repay the cost of the loan for various personal reasons, which in most cases the borrower cannot influence. Of course, the bank will not understand the circumstances and will do its best to seek payment of the debt. Moreover, the bailiffs may not do this entirely legally, sometimes even leading to physical violence.

How to protect yourself from creditors and solve your credit problem?

To do this, the debtor resorts to the services of an anti-collector. His job is to resolve the loan problem as quickly and painlessly as possible. If you are blacklisted by the bank due to being late or not paying the amount in full, the anti-collector is looking for an individual solution to the situation.

Why is it better to hire an anti-collector than to deal with it yourself?

Often claims from the creditor have no legal basis. They are easy to challenge or stop altogether, but only for those who are well versed in the matter. By contacting a lawyer, you can avoid the actions of debt collectors in a civilized and safe manner, preserving your health and nerves.

You can find the services of professional debt collector defenders in Moscow on YouDo. Our site offers assistance only from trusted lawyers who are looking for a strategically correct way to solve your problem. The anti-collector will deal with your issues with the threat of bankruptcy and confiscation of property, and will provide support throughout the entire period of the case.

Workers from Yudu understand that it is necessary to protect the debtor not by physical methods, but only legally from a legal point of view.

What exactly do Moscow anti-collectors offer from the YouDo website?

  • Consultation and professional attitude to each situation.

Due to different circumstances, the solutions are different. Taking this into account, our lawyers are looking for the path that your problem needs and will get it off the ground.

  • Analysis of all documents related to the case.

These can be loan agreements, as well as mortgage, collateral, property and so on. To better understand the case, the lawyer thoroughly studies all the papers, which provides more information and facilitates the process.

  • Negotiations resolving financial difficulties.

The lawyer arranges a meeting with the bailiff in order to reduce the cost of the loan or change the timing of its repayment.

  • Reducing financial penalties.

YouDo providers are trying to cancel or reduce the price of fines and various penalties imposed on the borrower for late payment or debt.

  • Representation of interests in court.

If the case goes to court, our specialist is ready to protect the client’s financial interests, challenge the contract and look for the best option for paying off the debt.

  • Drawing up an application for appeal.

Our lawyer will create an application directed against collection agencies. With its help, you can achieve both a reduction in the price of credit debt and a stop to claims from the company.

What determines the cost of the services of a debt collector?

It is difficult to say how much a lawyer’s help in this case will cost without first familiarizing yourself with all the details. Debtors in most cases cross out the option of using a lawyer, thinking that they will not be able to pay for anti-collection services. Naturally, an independent solution to this issue is rarely successful. In fact, it won't cost much to get a lawyer to help you with your financial services problems. How much it costs to hire a lawyer is calculated mainly based on the complexity of the case.

With any type of legal assistance, the difficulty of the process has a big impact on the price. The tariff also takes into account the amount of debt. But even in the most complicated case, a lawyer will cost you much cheaper and safer than taking independent actions against various exacting services.

Is it really worth contacting a lawyer?

Only lawyers who have received good education and practice in working with collection agencies can effectively defend the debtor. Credit companies act based on the borrower's ignorance. This worsens the situation and increases the loan amount, making repayment impossible. But you can avoid all this with the help of lawyers from the YouDo website. They will help you in the legal process, protect you from bankruptcy and provide competent advice on all aspects. Their responsibilities also include smoothing corners with credit institutions: delaying the payment deadline, creating more convenient contract terms and generally regulating relations with the company.

What are the advantages of anti-collection services?

  • By contacting lawyers from the YouDo website, the borrower will not need to independently talk with security services and bailiffs - this will be done by a person who is much more knowledgeable about the intricacies of negotiations, that is, an anti-collector.
  • A good specialist with extensive experience will choose the right strategy and direction of dialogue so that the company agrees to more favorable conditions for the debtor;
  • The defender can achieve a reduction in the price of services and delay the payment of the debt amount. This is quite difficult for the client to do.
  • Our lawyers will draw up all the necessary papers (claims against organizations, statements, certificates, etc.), think through all the details and draw up a new contract on more favorable terms.
  • Even if the court has already ordered the implementation of the collateral in the form of property and urgent repayment, the defense attorney has the right to challenge this.
  • Support at all stages and provision of immediate advice if the client has questions.
  • When a banking company agrees to a new gradual payment schedule, very often our specialist is able to waive penalties and interest.
  • Thanks to extensive practice, Yudu lawyers are already focused on resolving issues with creditor organizations. They know the most effective and correct ways to solve the problem and will offer you several reasonable options.

Why is it worth hiring lawyers on YouDo?

If you become a debtor to some company and are blacklisted, then you need the help of a competent lawyer immediately. Our website can provide it. We only accept applications from lawyers with extensive legal practice, extensive knowledge in court cases and an individual approach to each borrower. The main thing is that you don’t have to worry about how much their services will be priced: the performers understand the difficult financial situation of their clients and set fairly reasonable prices.

Strengths of Yudu employees:

  • professionalism and great experience, increasing the chance of successful resolution of the process;
  • highly competent;
  • extensive practice in solving debt problems;
  • diplomacy in negotiations;
  • high performance and efficiency.

With the help of a lawyer from the YouDo website, you will free yourself from the pressure of creditors, stop fearing for your health and property, finally breathe deeply and open up new opportunities for a spacious life. An anti-collector in Moscow will help you forget about creditors forever.