Economic development at the beginning of the 21st century. Russia at the beginning of the 21st century Economic development

Stepanova Tatyana Evgenevna, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Research, Samara Institute of the Russian State Trade and Economic University, Russia

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The search for a new scientific paradigm for the structure of the world, which requires the globalization of knowledge and scientific achievements, has become a prerequisite for the emergence of the next phase of human development associated with the emergence of information and communication technologies that make it possible to improve the processes of knowledge generation and use it as the main resource for economic development. The beginning of the formation of this phase can be considered to be the middle of the 20th century, when the first computer was invented.

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The search for a new scientific paradigm for the structure of the world, which requires the globalization of knowledge and scientific achievements, has become a prerequisite for the emergence of the next phase of human development associated with the emergence of information and communication technologies that make it possible to improve the processes of knowledge generation and use it as the main resource for economic development. The beginning of the formation of this phase can be considered the middle20th century, when the first computer was invented.

The active formation of a new economy has been taking place over the past twenty years with the advent of global information networks, means of communication and the Internet. The strategic development of the national economy of various countries, including Russia, is, first of all, inextricably linked with the formation of new economic relations. This problem can be solved only on the basis of a deep theoretical understanding of the content of the new phase of economic development of society.

Currently, there are several theories of the development of modern society:

- the concept of post-industrial society;

- theory of information economics;

- the concept of a knowledge-based economy;

- theory of global network society.

The common features of these concepts are:

Firstly, they focus on the new qualities of modern society;

Secondly, each of the concepts reveals these qualities from its own position;

Based on their commonality, we can conclude that they are all interconnected and represent different directions in the formation of the new economy paradigm. It follows that when analyzing the modern economy, one should proceed not from dividing it into separate components according to the priority of production factors, resources, individual sectors or areas of activity, but from the integration of these components into a single whole, which will adequately reflect the diversity of ongoing transformations. In other words, it is necessary to determine on what new principles the modern economy is developing and, in accordance with them, determine its new content. These principles include:

selection of business entities relies on knowledge based on this or that information obtained online;

importance of knowledge(as a special resource that does not disappear in consumption, has increasing value and profitability, as well as rarity and uniqueness, moreover, it is not an interchangeable resource);

formation of dynamically developing new sectors of the economy– the knowledge sector, the information sector, which have a direct impact on the national economy as a whole;

direction of acquired and accumulated knowledge to humanize society;

development of network methods of organization economic activities of subjects.

Today we are talking about the formation and development of human potential (capital), which comes to the fore in ensuring socio-economic progress in the 21st century. According to the World Bank, in 192 countries, human capital accounts for an average of 64% of total wealth, physical capital - 16%, and natural capital - 20%. In Russia, this proportion is, respectively, 14%, 14% and 72%. In Germany, Sweden, and Japan, the share of human capital reaches 80% of national wealth.

Large-scale and visible labor in all forms of its existence and forms of manifestation comes to the fore, which presupposes a fundamentally new theoretical justification for the modern paradigm of socio-economic development. Let us define the essence of the modern economy as follows.

In the course of the development of social production, knowledge in various forms turns into a systemic and continuous phenomenon, the generic feature of which is a fixed monopoly on rental factors, and the economy, in the total volume of income of which intellectual rent begins to play a decisive role, turns into an economy based on knowledge.

An inexperienced reader will be surprised by this strange phrase at first glance, because at all times and epochs, human activity was impossible without knowledge, and its transfer from one generation to another was always considered a necessary and noble matter. Humanity, as far as possible, tried to preserve the accumulated knowledge and increase it, to give subsequent generations an invisible weapon that would allow them to create unique masterpieces in art, win victories in military battles, become a leader in business, and make great discoveries in various branches of science.

However, the entire course of socio-economic development indicates that, despite the importance of knowledge as a universal human resource, it has never before had such a priority and could not so comprehensively and fully shine with all its facets and qualities as an economic resource, a factor of production, an asset and a benefit. All these manifestations of knowledge are characterized by one common feature - knowledge is unique in its essence and has limitlessness in its reproduction.

Today, not a single business entity can carry out its activities without generating and constantly updating its existing body of knowledge, and therefore continuous education, carried out in various modern ways - remotely, interactively, virtually, is firmly included in practice.

The processes of valorization and reconfiguration of knowledge are objective and natural. Individuals with highly qualified knowledge in demand in various markets become recipients of a new type of income - intellectual rent.

Many advanced companies, including Russian ones, create and carefully protect corporate knowledge from potential intrusion by counterparties, which, when used skillfully, provides undeniable competitive advantages.

Countries that have managed to organically integrate innovative resources and knowledge into the economic model of their development achieve significant success in the world market and become leaders in the export of educational services that generate considerable income.

All this requires a revision of the directions of government regulation, optimization of self-regulation and the actions of other institutions of the knowledge-based economy. As P. Drucker rightly noted: “Results appear outside of a person - in society, the economy or in the development of knowledge itself... Knowledge in its new understanding means real full power, a means of achieving social and economic results.”

In the second half of the twentieth century, which chronologically signifies the entry of developed countries into post-industrial society, the very role of knowledge changed, which was expressed in the application of knowledge to the processes of production, dissemination and use of knowledge itself. The result of this was the growth of the information, virtual and knowledge sectors, the service sector, the development of resource-saving technologies, and changes in management structures and methods.

In the modern economy there are real processes of development of high technologies and growth of information production industries, which indicates its qualitative degeneration:

- knowledge becomes the most essential resource of production;

- production is becoming increasingly independent from labor;

- the role of the primary sector is played by the high technology industry.

In the structure of social wealth, the share of its non-economic component (education, health, ecology, nation) is increasing.

Increasing the “quality” of an individual becomes equivalent to the process of accumulating social wealth. Therefore, increasing the productivity of knowledge workers becomes one of the main tasks of the knowledge economy. At the same time, the process of forming a knowledge-based economy is not without internal contradictions.

One of these contradictions is due to the fact that, without exhausting the potential of existing traditional resources, subjects of the national economy cannot move on to the priority use of knowledge as a resource, since this requires a high level of development of technology, technology and human capital. A knowledge-based economy is a natural and objectively determined phase (stage) of the development of society that is higher than the industrial one. And it is not possible to move to this stage without the proper economic, mechanical and technological base.

From this we can conclude that countries with a low level of economic development and, accordingly, an undeveloped knowledge sector are not able to transition to a knowledge-based economy and cannot place such a factor as knowledge at the forefront of their economic growth.

Another contradiction of economic growth is associated with the discrepancy between the level of development of labor resources and the organization of society and the nature of the economy that has formed in the modern world. First of all, this is expressed in a huge shortage of qualified specialists in the global labor market. Active migration processes, characteristic of many countries, unfortunately, do not solve it. This problem is global in nature, and it is inherent in different fields of activity - business, science, education, etc.

Another contradiction is associated with the concentration in developed countries of most of the intellectual and technological potential of humanity. They concentrate the main trade turnover and close investment flows from developing countries to developed regions of the planet. This leads to polarization of countries according to the level of development of human capital, according to its share in the country’s social wealth, and their differentiation according to the priorities of economic development.

At all times, the international situation has had a significant impact on the development of the economy of any country. In the coming century, at least in its first decades, this influence will be determined mainly by the following features.

Multipolarity. Already in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century, the framework of a multipolar world began to take shape, which in the near future will strengthen and become more perfect. The era of dominance by superpowers, and today only the United States belongs to them, will finally end. Indeed, America has always set up a system favorable to itself (including economics, finance, human rights, etc.) as the world standard and imposed it on other countries. However, the time when it introduced its rules into organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO and even the UN and, thanks to this, actually ruled the rest of the world, is irrevocably passing.

The poles of the new structure of the world will, apparently, be the United States, the European Union, China, Russia and Japan, and they will play a leading role in resolving international issues at least until the middle of the new century. Achieving a balance between the poles, and therefore prosperity in the world, is possible due to their mutual coordination. The key points are peaceful coexistence, interdependence, mutual benefit and mutual benefit. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of friction and disagreement.

Strengthening the role of the economy. Its place in international relations will become more prominent. There will be an intertwining of economics and politics, which will find expression in attempts to achieve political goals through the use of economic levers, as well as in the desire for even greater economic efficiency through the use of political tactics. Ultimately, however, each pole will defend its own strategic interests.

In these conditions, mutual trust in the international arena must be built on the basis of mutual benefit and mutual benefit in economics and trade. Without this, it will be difficult to continue political relations. If there is no trust in politics, then it is not easy to develop trade and economic ties. That's why in the 21st century. The normalization of external trade, economic and political relations is so important.

This is especially true within the pair of the United States, the largest debtor state (external debt is approximately 1 trillion dollars), and Japan, the world's largest creditor state (foreign capital is also approximately 1 trillion dollars). In the coming years, we can expect a long and bitter confrontation between the American and Japanese models of economics, trade and financial policy. The struggle for strategic economic interests between TNCs of America, Japan and Europe and the regional political contradictions or military conflicts initiated by them - all this fully confirmed that economics and finance are inseparable in international relations.

Globalization. Thanks to the international division of labor and scientific and technological progress, economic and financial globalization is continuously deepening and developing. But this process is also fraught with negative consequences. Of course, the financial market as a phenomenon will exist in the next century. However, the huge free capital (daily turnover is over 2 trillion dollars), being an important part of it, serves only to stimulate the “pursuit of income” and has nothing to do with trade and ordinary investment. This will inevitably serve as a factor of instability of the entire economic system, a catalyst for large and small financial shocks or crises.

By the mid-80s, the rapid development of TNCs led to changes in the world economic system and international trade: the market economy achieved unprecedented successes, and the scope of its functioning expanded. The WTO has raised the degree of internationalization of trade, investment and services to a qualitatively new level. The new stage of the scientific and technological revolution, which is based on information technology, has increased the efficiency of market transformations and accelerated globalization. Thanks to the advent of fiber optic networks, communications took a sharp leap and “electronic commerce” emerged. Its efficiency is a force that cannot be stopped, so “e-commerce” will reach new heights.

Whether we like it or not, the processes of globalization deeply penetrate the life of all countries. It seems that in the coming years, despite the establishment of a number of restrictive laws, they will only intensify. An important role in this will be played by TNCs, which in this situation, due to flexible integration mechanisms, serve as additional bridges between national economies. In general, economic globalization stimulates the development of society, but at the same time leads to injustice and inequality.

Currency bipolarity. With the introduction of the euro (January 1, 1999), two poles emerged in the international monetary system. The euro has become the second most valuable world currency after the dollar. In terms of the level of real strength (purchasing power), the degree of linkage with foreign economic activity and trade, and promotion in the financial market, these monetary units are very close. Therefore, they will play equally important roles and will have a huge impact on the development of the entire world economy. Indeed, the countries where the euro is in circulation are ahead of the United States in terms of their share in world trade. Moreover, they have an active balance, not a passive one, as was the case for a long time in America. Some experts predict that in the next 10 years Europe will catch up with America in terms of technological development.

However, financial unification does not at all mean unification in the economy, much less political unity in everything. In particular, among the countries that have adopted the euro, there are still some unresolved problems. Moreover, one of the leading EU states - Great Britain - has not yet joined them. In general, the contradictions between Europe, America and Japan in the areas of finance, economics and trade cannot disappear without a trace. Therefore, in most Western transnational economic organizations there will be a situation of mutual confrontation between these three forces.

Of course, the global financial system is deeply entrenched and difficult to change. And yet it seems that in the 21st century. The international monetary system will be restructured and old laws will be replaced by new ones. All this will affect the structure and composition of foreign exchange reserves, the allocation of funds in foreign trade and the amount of investment.

Further internationalization of trade. The formation of the WTO was largely due to the interests of transnational companies. Another reason is the need to push internationalization in the areas of trade, investment and services to a whole new level. Currently, the WTO system of regulations and laws is being developed very quickly. Their number is large; they meet the economic and trade interests of all countries included in this structure.

Ecology. In the 21st century The exports of many other countries will face various restrictions contained in international treaties, which will complicate the conditions for the functioning of the economy. This is largely due to the fact that it is necessary not only to satisfy the needs of the era, but also to think about not harming future generations and giving humanity the opportunity for further development. Hence the increased attention to ecology and rational use of natural resources.

The environmental situation places increasingly stringent demands on production and trade, making measures for its protection mandatory. For example, when an international treaty on the protection of the ozone layer of the atmosphere was approved, developed countries agreed to stop relevant production and reduce the shelf life of many materials, completing all necessary measures in 1994-1996. The completion of most restrictive programs is scheduled for 2010. They will affect the production of various types of foam materials, solvents, cleaning products and other products.

The living conditions and development of humanity have become the subject of special attention and a problem that everyone is trying to solve in the new century. In the future, environmentally friendly food and industrial products, environmentally friendly production and equipment and other issues will become the main content of international cooperation in economics, trade and technology exchange. If now environmentally friendly products occupy 8% of world trade, then in the near future their share should reach 100%. Therefore, development plans and environmental plans provide a great opportunity for global trade to come to fruition.

The geostrategic position of Russia in the period after the collapse of the USSR allowed and encouraged the country's leadership to further develop the state by reviving its power and achieving the goal of becoming one of the leading powers of the multipolar world, confidently overcoming the opposition of traditional and newly emerged competitors and gaining reliable and numerous allies. How successful was Russia in solving the pressing problems of the first decade?

In one of his pre-election articles, Vladimir Putin writes: “Russia today, in terms of the main parameters of economic and social development, has emerged from a deep recession... we have reached and overcome the indicators of the standard of living of the most prosperous years of the USSR” (Putin V.V. “Russia is concentrating – challenges, which we must answer").

Results of the first decade

This cheerful conclusion, on the one hand, is pleasant, but on the other, it means that more than 20 years of our history have actually been lost. Over these decades, the rest of the world has moved far ahead, and we are glad that we managed to return to the level from which the decline began. What is more here – joy or sadness? What do statistics and other authorities say about this? Let's look at tables 1 and 2.

Table 1

As we can see, the available opportunities were not implemented in the best way. The indicators that characterize the main wealth are especially depressing - the population’s savings and quality of life, GDP growth is insignificant and the raw materials structure of the economy is still archaic, which slows down its development and ability to counteract the growing threats to the security of the country and each of its citizens.

table 2

Of course, the losses of the last decade of the last century were too heavy, associated with the dishonest privatization of public property and the mediocre conversion of military production, which caused great harm in all spheres of society. But there was no proper activity and creativity, especially on the part of those in whose hands the country’s fragmented wealth ended up. They reacted sluggishly to the call of the Russian President to double GDP within ten years, preferring not to invest in the real economy, but to export their income abroad. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance was skeptical about this call, projecting lower GDP growth rates and diligently transferring colossal revenues from commodity exports to the Stabilization Fund and the funds that replaced it. Real GDP growth often exceeded forecasts. By the end of the period, it slowed down, which was facilitated, firstly, by the withdrawal of very significant amounts from the economy into the “safety cushion” stored abroad, and secondly, by the global economic crisis.

“We need technology. It is short-sighted to hope that oil and gas will pull us through,” said Mikhail Eskindarov, rector of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. “And money that doesn’t work doesn’t do any good.” In 2008, state budget expenditures amounted to 7.57 trillion rubles, while 7.6 trillion rubles lay idle in the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund. If they had worked in the domestic economy, in its real sectors, then the doubling of GDP proposed by the president would have been achieved earlier, and investing in the real economy instead of a “safety cushion” would have doubled it a second time. But neither a second doubling nor reindustrialization occurred, and the crisis hit our economy much deeper than the economies of the United States and Europe.

Note that the situation has not changed: when discussing the state budget for 2013 in the State Duma, opposition parties noted the desire of the Ministry of Finance to underestimate real incomes, artificially show a deficit, and direct the additional funds received from oil and gas exports to the Reserve Fund, and not for investments and social needs , national defense and national security.

Define an economic model

Ten years ago, when assessing the geopolitical position of the country, general indicators of the economic, military and military-economic power of Russia and the largest countries of the world were given. Their analysis showed that the Russian Federation is superior only in terms of economic potential to Germany, France, England, Japan, and in terms of the size of its territory, it is also superior to China and the United States. However, the degree of realization of the economic potential of our state turned out to be significantly lower than those of these countries, therefore, according to general indicators of economic power, Russia was weaker than the states shown in the table. The internal system indicators of the military-economic security of our country were also disappointing, and the systems for providing structures for military counteraction to threats to national security, due to the extremely limited economic capabilities of the state, are inadequate to the military-economic needs of the forces resisting real and potential military threats.

Nevertheless, at that time we believed that the Russian Federation had, although reduced, still colossal economic potential. The revival of its power and return to one of the most developed and powerful powers in the world was possible, but only with full consideration of the main lessons of history - the consolidation of society around basic social values ​​and the tasks of countering the internal and external threats that our state faced. It is especially necessary to emphasize the urgency of this task today, since threats to national security have increased significantly, and there have been no noticeable shifts in the balance of forces in favor of Russia.

Now Russia is focusing on adequately responding to the foreseeable challenges facing the whole world: a systemic crisis, a tectonic process of global transformation - the transition to a new cultural, economic, technological, geopolitical era. While we were trying to leave socialism and become “like everyone else,” these “everyone” came more and more thoroughly to the conviction that capitalism had exhausted itself. It is impossible to list all the obstacles and tasks; let us name those that have already been clearly identified.

In general, it is necessary to “complete the creation in Russia of such a political system, such a structure of social guarantees and protection of citizens, such an economic model, which together will form a single, living, constantly developing and at the same time sustainable and stable, healthy state organism” (V.V. Putin "Russia is concentrating - the challenges we must respond to"). Such an organism guarantees the sovereignty of Russia and the prosperity of its citizens. Vladimir Putin also mentions words about justice, dignity, truth and trust. What exactly is “such” an organism?

Let us touch on some aspects of concretizing only one of the named problems - the economic model.

Firstly, we need to get off the raw materials needle and switch to innovative development of industry, agriculture and other sectors of the real economy. Without this, it is useless to talk about solving problems of the economy and other spheres of life. And the main difficulty here is that in the economy that we are building, you cannot dictate. Other methods are needed. The private sector must be interested, and government officials must be selected who are politically and economically literate, professionally competent, creative and disciplined.

Secondly, it is necessary to destroy and eliminate the possibility of merging business with officials, to completely overcome corruption (since it is recognized as high treason), but at the same time not pushing the state out of the economy under the pretext of its alleged inefficiency, but expelling ignoramuses from the state apparatus, replacing them with honest ones , economically literate people, only then will the economy become smart and efficient. This requires a lot of creative work by lawyers and legislators in the field of improving commercial law and colossal organizational work.

Thirdly, like air, it is necessary to achieve social unity in the country. It cannot be achieved without changing the decile coefficient several times, which is 1:15 in Russia as a whole, and in Moscow 1:50, while in European countries it is 1:7. Such a gap already threatens a senseless and merciless rebellion. Social unity cannot be achieved either without a progressive scale of taxation, without a substantial compensation contribution from dealers in dishonest privatization and renationalization of that part of the property, the nature of which, as experience has shown, requires its withdrawal from private hands, as well as without the liquidation of offshore companies. A lot of withdrawals and innovations are required, but all this requires strong political will, and not vigorous election appeals and promises.

Thinking about the desired economic model, especially in terms of the defense industry, I suddenly came across the newly adopted federal law “On the Foundation for Advanced Research.” We read: “The fund has the right to carry out income-generating activities only insofar as it serves the purpose for which it was created and corresponds to this purpose.” We also read: “Federal government bodies do not have the right to interfere in the activities of the fund and its officials.” I think that this law would be very suitable for the entire economy; it is aimed at neutralizing the main defect of a market economy, which focuses its subjects not on the functional effect (result), but on profit. On the other hand, we see a desire to eliminate bureaucratic obstacles created by the often incompetent actions of government agencies.

I am convinced that in an extremely contradictory socially oriented market economy it is very important not to imitate either capitalist competition or planned socialism, but to see and observe in everything the measure that determines the transition of phenomena to a new quality, even to their opposite.

Look ahead 30–50 years

On the issue of restructuring and modernization of the economy, we often oversimplify the understanding of the relationship between the economy and national security, including national defense, repeating the wise statements of authorities of the distant past that finance is the artery of war, that war requires three things - money, money and money again. But since then, when this was said, major changes have occurred in the economy and military affairs.

The military development of the twentieth century showed that with the industrialization of the economy, money is very difficult to transform into military power, and that issues of the structure of the economy, advance economic mobilization and conversion in the processes of mutual transitions of economic and military power as elements of a system of power acquire a decisive role. The Soviet Union clearly demonstrated these processes on the eve of the Great Patriotic War and during the period of conversion of military production in the 90s. Chains of objective functional and temporary relationships between economic sectors predetermine these processes, and colossal success and shameful defeat, the opportunity to “cut corners” and fail the next SAP depend on understanding and taking into account these connections in military-economic policy.

Ignoring these relationships during the years of conversion of military production made inevitable the rapid and profound collapse of not only the defense industry, but also the entire Russian economy in the 90s. This is also the reason for the extremely weak, unstable process of economic revival in the first decade of the 21st century. This is the mystery of the failures of Russia's neoliberal military-economic policy.

Military power in modern conditions presupposes such weapons and military equipment, the production of which is possible only if the structure of the real economy contains the most modern branches of production that use high technology. We are in a hurry to worry about the problems of a post-industrial economy, but in fact we have slipped into a pre-industrial economy, having lost mechanical engineering, the electronics industry, high technology and highly qualified scientific personnel. The connection between other structures ensuring national security and the economy and its structure is similar. This connection cannot be lost sight of when talking about “smart” defense and protection from new threats, about the need to look 30–50 years ahead, allocating 23 trillion rubles for programs for the development of the Armed Forces and the modernization of the defense industry, but putting up with the dominance of a raw material orientation economic policy and the outflow of brains and capital abroad.

What are the indicators related to national defense and national security in the past decade and in the future? The data in Table 3 shed light on this question.

Table 3

As we can see, spending on national defense in the first decade of this century did not rise above 2.84 percent in GDP and 18.63 percent in state budget expenditures and tended to decrease, and spending on national security was 2.41 and 11.1 percent, respectively. . The indicators of the first years of the new decade do not indicate their growth.

Financial speculation is the trading of financial assets with the aim of making a profit as a result of taking market risk. This has become one of the main forms of financial activity, along with investing, hedging, insurance, etc. Since both investment and speculation achieve financial growth, there is some kind of clouding of thinking and degeneration of financial policy.

What is underfunding of the defense industry? This may be a necessary measure, a consequence of extremely limited resources. But this may also be a method used by corrupt officials to enrich themselves under the guise of servicing defense spending. In such a situation, military financiers have to take out loans from private banks at exorbitant interest rates. The state pays for them, enriching oligarchs and corrupt officials. How it was necessary to fight financial fraud in the field of underfunding of defense expenditures in the 90s of the last century is convincingly shown in the monograph of the former head of the Main FEU of the Moscow Region, Colonel General V.V. Vorobyov (Vorobyov V.V. “Financial and economic support of defense security of Russia: problems and solutions". St. Petersburg, 2003).

This is especially important to understand in the context of the country's transition to a socially oriented market economy with pluralism of forms of ownership. Since it is happening, it is necessary to gain knowledge and ability to work in market conditions without losing the colossal opportunities for the systematic regulation of economic processes. Almost an entire decade of the existence of the defense industry in conditions of underfunding and fragmentation in the interests of the privatization of its enterprises, the loss of much of what was necessary to ensure its adequacy to threats and reliable competitiveness, also determined the failure of the first three state armament programs in the past decade. This forces us to rethink our attitude towards financial and economic technologies, understand their enormous destructive and creative power, and skillfully use it for creation.

We are talking about the role and place of the military-financial component in the system of determining factors and how to prevent its separation from military, economic and military-economic policies, how to ensure the fulfillment of their functional purpose. The main thing is to achieve the adequacy of military-financial and military-economic interests, to exclude the exaggerated influence of narrow departmental and private interests. It is necessary to ensure a combination of functional goals and economic interests in the system of contracts of subjects of military-economic relations, developing rules of the game in economic law that are acceptable to the parties, and creating a coercion mechanism acceptable to them in the form of economic sanctions, norms of legal liability, introducing new forms of economic relations, institutional innovations, modern market technologies.

One of the most effective means and paths to the goal is the creation, and in fact the revival of large integrated structures in the defense industry, destroyed by privatization and conversion of military production.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Russian Federation Russia is the largest country in the world. In terms of international status, it is a great power. Russia plays a huge role in international relations. Russia is a multinational country. Russia is a Eurasian power. Russia is a country with a rich history and culture.

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Population of Russia Russia ranks 9th in the world in terms of population. Since 1992, Russia's population has been declining. But the demographic hole of the 1990s has been successfully passed. Since 2010, the birth rate began to exceed the death rate. The largest nation in terms of numbers is the Russian people. Population census: 2015 - 146 million people.

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Economy of Russia The economy of Russia is the fifth largest economy in the world (according to 2014 data) in terms of GDP. In 2014, the share of the Russian economy in the world economy was 3.3%. Russia is one of the leading countries in the world. Russia has a high-tech economy. Russia is one of the five leading countries in the world. Russia is a developed country. Comparison of the Russian economy and the economies of the leading countries of the world in 2014 (GDP volume):

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Russian economy 1989 1997 2014 1. USA 1. USA 1. China 2. USSR 2. Japan 2. USA 3. Japan 3. China 3. India 4. Germany 4. Germany 4. Japan 5. China 18. Russia 5. Russia The economy of the USSR from 1938 to 1991 ranked 2nd in the world after the USA. Before the collapse of the USSR in 1990, many records and highest economic indicators were set. In the 1990s, after the Russian economy was transferred to a liberal track, Russian industry began to rapidly collapse. This process reached its peak in 1998, when the industrial production index dropped to 48% of its 1991 peak value. In the 2000s, measures taken to protect and develop domestic industry led to its rapid growth: by 2008, the industry had recovered most of the losses, production volume had grown to 85% of Soviet levels. From 2008 to 2013, Russian industry grew by another 4%, to a level of 89% of 1991.

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Industry of Russia Industry of Russia is represented by many industries and enterprises. Russia is one of the main industrial powers in the world. Despite the fact that in the 1990s there was a serious decline in production, since 2000, Russian industry has shown strong growth. Russia is one of the few countries in the world capable of producing industrial goods of almost any type.

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Structure of Russian industry Rosstat divides all Russian industry into 3 categories: 24% - Mining. 65% - Manufacturing industries. 11% - Production/distribution of electricity, gas and water.

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Industry of Russia In 2013, the share of industry in Russia's GDP was 29%, and 19% of the total number of workers was employed in industry. In 2014, two important events for our industry occurred at once: the exchange of sanctions and a strong depreciation of the ruble against world currencies. Another round of import substitution has begun, and at the same time the Russian economy is being decoupled from dollar loans.

Slide 9

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Industry of Russia The most developed industries in Russia are the production and processing of hydrocarbons, metallurgy, chemical production, mechanical engineering, production of various types of transport and food production. Every year hundreds of new factories are built in Russia. For example, in 2013, 450 new factories were commissioned in Russia. In 2014, 237 factories were commissioned in Russia, which is 1 facility every 1.5 days.

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High-tech products from Russia These products are produced by a wide range of Russian industries. In some industries, Russian products are the leading and most high-tech in the world. High-tech products of the Russian Federation: 1. Defense industry 2. Microelectronics 3. Nuclear industry 4. Medical equipment 5. Space industry 6. Robotics 7. Aviation industry 8. Engine building 9. Automotive industry 10. IT sector

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Mechanical engineering in Russia Russia ranks 11th in the world in terms of the number of motor vehicles produced. Car production in Russia increased from 1.2 million cars per year in 2000 to 2.2 million cars in 2012. The largest automakers in Russia are AvtoVAZ (passenger cars), GAZ (small trucks and vans), KAMAZ (large trucks and dump trucks), LiAZ (buses).

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Russian mechanical engineering Rostselmash is one of the leaders in the global agricultural engineering industry. It accounts for 65% of the Russian agricultural machinery market and 17% of the global market for this equipment. The largest Russian railway engineering enterprises: Tver Carriage Works, Uralvagonzavod, Carriage Manufacturing Company of Mordovia, Vagonmash, Kaliningrad Carriage Works, Torzhok Carriage Plant.

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Shipbuilding in Russia The largest centers of Russian shipbuilding are St. Petersburg, Severodvinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and the Kaliningrad region. There are 168 shipbuilding enterprises in Russia, 86 of them are state-owned. The world's largest submarine and icebreaker were designed and built in Russian shipyards. In Russia, a new ship is laid down every day.

Slide 14

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Russian aviation industry Most aircraft manufacturing enterprises in Russia are united into the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). In 2014, UAC delivered 161 aircraft. In 2014, Russia was ahead of the United States in the production of combat aircraft (more than 100 units were manufactured). In 2015, Russia produced more than 300 helicopters, reaching the level of the Soviet era in terms of this indicator.

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Russian space industry The Russian space industry is one of the most powerful in the world. Russia is a leader in manned space exploration and launches into orbit. Russia carries out more than 40% of all space launches in the world, and the Russian global navigation system GLONASS is one of two global navigation systems in the world, along with the American GPS. Another important event was the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome and the launch of the first rockets. Russia has 3 cosmodromes.

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Defense industry of Russia Enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex (military-industrial complex) constitute the second largest complex of defense production in the world, providing its products to the Russian army (the second most powerful in the world) and creating a solid basis for the security of Russia, as well as allowing the country to consistently occupy second place for arms exports in the world (27% of the world arms market in 2014).

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Defense industry of Russia The Russian military-industrial complex is one of the most important and most high-tech sectors of Russian industry. Russia is the world technological leader in this industry. Since ancient times, important inventions in the field of weapons have been made in Russia.

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Russian nuclear industry The Russian nuclear industry is the strongest in the world. Rosatom ranks first in the world in terms of the number of simultaneously constructed nuclear power plants and is the absolute leader in the uranium conversion and enrichment market. Russia possesses all known nuclear technologies, and Russia alone possesses some technologies.

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Robotics in Russia In 2014, Russia supplied its robotic simulators for surgical operations to the largest medical university in Japan. The Unicum artificial intelligence system, developed in Russia, was successfully tested in 2015. The created complex endows machines with intellectual capabilities, which implies the complete exclusion of human intervention. Now they will be able to independently solve peaceful and combat tasks, distributing roles within the group.

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Microelectronics in Russia Microelectronics in Russia has extensive experience in creating microcircuits, microprocessors, computers and other devices. One of the largest microelectronics manufacturers in Russia is the Mikron company. In 2014, the eight-core modern microprocessor Elbrus-8S was launched in Russia. As of 2015, the Russian Research Institute of Molecular Electronics is among the top 5 leading microelectronic enterprises in Europe.

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Oil industry of Russia In terms of oil reserves, Russia ranks 7th in the world. The oil industry is developing in many regions of the Russian Federation. New oil fields are being discovered. Russia supplies oil to many countries of the world (without oil, industry in these countries will stop). Russia exports enough oil to seriously influence world events.

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Russian gas industry Russia ranks 1st in the world in terms of production and proven gas reserves and provides about 20% of its global production. The gas industry provides more than 50% of domestic energy consumption, about 15% of foreign exchange earnings from Russian exports and about 5% of tax revenues into the Russian budget system. Gazprom is the world's largest gas producing company.

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Metallurgy of Russia In 2009, Russia ranked 4th in the world in steel production, 3rd in the world in the production of steel pipes, and 3rd in the world in exports of metal products (rolled steel exports in 2007 amounted to about 27. 6 million tons). Russia ranks 2nd in the world in aluminum production (after China), and 1st in its exports; in the production and export of nickel - 1st place in the world; in production (shipments) of rolled titanium - 2nd place.

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Housing construction in Russia Before the collapse of the USSR in 1987, a record was set for the number of new housing commissions. In 2014, Russia for the first time exceeded the volume of housing commissioned in the RSFSR (81 million square meters). Now in Russia more housing is built per year than in the RSFSR in its best years. In addition to apartments, a large number of private houses (dachas, cottages) are being built in Russia, of which much less were built in the USSR.

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Housing construction in Russia The pace of housing commissioning is growing every year. The housing itself is also changing, it is becoming more comfortable. In 2014, more than 1 million apartments were commissioned in Russia. Russia has one of the world's highest proportions of people living in their own homes, a result of privatization in the 1990s and 2000s.

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Agriculture in Russia Agriculture in Russia is one of the most actively and successfully developing sectors of the Russian economy. Contrary to popular myths, agriculture in the country is not only extremely profitable and profitable, but also almost completely ensures Russia’s food security, and also allows for the export of significant volumes of agricultural products abroad.

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Agriculture in Russia Russia contains 10% of all arable land in the world. More than 4/5 of arable land in Russia falls on the Central Volga region, the Northern Caucasus, the Urals and Western Siberia. Russia ranks first in the world in the production of rye, oats, barley, sugar beets, sunflowers, and buckwheat. In 2014, a record grain harvest since 1990 was collected - more than 110 million tons.

The geostrategic position of Russia in the period after the collapse of the USSR allowed and encouraged the country's leadership to further develop the state by reviving its power and achieving the goal of becoming one of the leading powers of the multipolar world, confidently overcoming the opposition of traditional and newly emerged competitors and gaining reliable and numerous allies. How successful was Russia in solving the pressing problems of the first decade?

In one of his pre-election articles, Vladimir Putin writes: “Russia today, in terms of the main parameters of economic and social development, has emerged from a deep recession... we have reached and overcome the indicators of the standard of living of the most prosperous years of the USSR” (Putin V.V. “Russia is concentrating – challenges, which we must answer").

Results of the first decade

This cheerful conclusion, on the one hand, is pleasant, but on the other hand, it means that more than 20 years of our history are actually lost. Over these decades, the rest of the world has moved far ahead, and we are glad that we managed to return to the level from which the decline began. What is more here – joy or sadness? What do statistics and other authorities say about this? Let's look at tables 1 and 2.

Table 1

As we can see, the available opportunities were not implemented in the best way. The indicators that characterize the main wealth are especially depressing - the population’s savings and quality of life, GDP growth is insignificant and the raw materials structure of the economy is still archaic, which slows down its development and ability to counteract the growing threats to the security of the country and each of its citizens.

table 2

Of course, the losses of the last decade of the last century were too heavy, associated with the dishonest privatization of public property and the mediocre conversion of military production, which caused great harm in all spheres of society. But there was no proper activity and creativity, especially on the part of those in whose hands the country’s fragmented wealth ended up. They reacted sluggishly to the call of the Russian President to double GDP within ten years, preferring not to invest in the real economy, but to export their income abroad. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance was skeptical about this call, projecting lower GDP growth rates and diligently transferring colossal revenues from commodity exports to the Stabilization Fund and the funds that replaced it. Real GDP growth often exceeded forecasts. By the end of the period, it slowed down, which was facilitated, firstly, by the withdrawal of very significant amounts from the economy into the “safety cushion” stored abroad, and secondly, by the global economic crisis.

“We need technology. It is short-sighted to hope that oil and gas will pull us through,” said Mikhail Eskindarov, rector of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. “And money that doesn’t work doesn’t do any good.” In 2008, state budget expenditures amounted to 7.57 trillion rubles, while 7.6 trillion rubles lay idle in the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund. If they had worked in the domestic economy, in its real sectors, then the doubling of GDP proposed by the president would have been achieved earlier, and investing in the real economy instead of a “safety cushion” would have doubled it a second time. But neither a second doubling nor reindustrialization occurred, and the crisis hit our economy much deeper than the economies of the United States and Europe.

Note that the situation has not changed: when discussing the state budget for 2013 in the State Duma, opposition parties noted the desire of the Ministry of Finance to underestimate real incomes, artificially show a deficit, and direct the additional funds received from oil and gas exports to the Reserve Fund, and not for investments and social needs , national defense and national security.

Define an economic model

Ten years ago, when assessing the geopolitical position of the country, general indicators of the economic, military and military-economic power of Russia and the largest countries of the world were given. Their analysis showed that the Russian Federation is superior only in terms of economic potential to Germany, France, England, Japan, and in terms of the size of its territory, it is also superior to China and the United States. However, the degree of realization of the economic potential of our state turned out to be significantly lower than those of these countries, therefore, according to general indicators of economic power, Russia was weaker than the states shown in the table. The internal system indicators of the military-economic security of our country were also disappointing, and the systems for providing structures for military counteraction to threats to national security, due to the extremely limited economic capabilities of the state, are inadequate to the military-economic needs of the forces resisting real and potential military threats.

Nevertheless, at that time we believed that the Russian Federation had, although reduced, still colossal economic potential. The revival of its power and return to one of the most developed and powerful powers in the world was possible, but only with full consideration of the main lessons of history - the consolidation of society around basic social values ​​and the tasks of countering the internal and external threats that our state faced. It is especially necessary to emphasize the urgency of this task today, since threats to national security have increased significantly, and there have been no noticeable shifts in the balance of forces in favor of Russia.

Now Russia is focusing on adequately responding to the foreseeable challenges facing the whole world: a systemic crisis, a tectonic process of global transformation - the transition to a new cultural, economic, technological, geopolitical era. While we were trying to leave socialism and become “like everyone else,” these “everyone” came more and more thoroughly to the conviction that capitalism had exhausted itself. It is impossible to list all the obstacles and tasks; let us name those that have already been clearly identified.

In general, it is necessary to “complete the creation in Russia of such a political system, such a structure of social guarantees and protection of citizens, such an economic model, which together will form a single, living, constantly developing and at the same time sustainable and stable, healthy state organism” (V.V. Putin "Russia is concentrating - the challenges we must respond to"). Such an organism guarantees the sovereignty of Russia and the prosperity of its citizens. Vladimir Putin also mentions words about justice, dignity, truth and trust. What exactly is “such” an organism?

Let us touch on some aspects of concretizing only one of the named problems - the economic model.

Firstly, we need to get off the raw materials needle and switch to innovative development of industry, agriculture and other sectors of the real economy. Without this, it is useless to talk about solving problems of the economy and other spheres of life. And the main difficulty here is that in the economy that we are building, you cannot dictate. Other methods are needed. The private sector must be interested, and government officials must be selected who are politically and economically literate, professionally competent, creative and disciplined.

Secondly, it is necessary to destroy and eliminate the possibility of merging business with officials, to completely overcome corruption (since it is recognized as high treason), but at the same time not pushing the state out of the economy under the pretext of its alleged inefficiency, but expelling ignoramuses from the state apparatus, replacing them with honest ones , economically literate people, only then will the economy become smart and efficient. This requires a lot of creative work by lawyers and legislators in the field of improving commercial law and colossal organizational work.

Thirdly, like air, it is necessary to achieve social unity in the country. It cannot be achieved without changing the decile coefficient several times, which is 1:15 in Russia as a whole, and in Moscow 1:50, while in European countries it is 1:7. Such a gap already threatens a senseless and merciless rebellion. Social unity cannot be achieved either without a progressive scale of taxation, without a substantial compensation contribution from dealers in dishonest privatization and renationalization of that part of the property, the nature of which, as experience has shown, requires its withdrawal from private hands, as well as without the liquidation of offshore companies. A lot of withdrawals and innovations are required, but all this requires strong political will, and not vigorous election appeals and promises.

Thinking about the desired economic model, especially in terms of the defense industry, I suddenly came across the newly adopted federal law “On the Foundation for Advanced Research.” We read: “The fund has the right to carry out income-generating activities only insofar as it serves the purpose for which it was created and corresponds to this purpose.” We also read: “Federal government bodies do not have the right to interfere in the activities of the fund and its officials.” I think that this law would be very suitable for the entire economy; it is aimed at neutralizing the main defect of a market economy, which focuses its subjects not on the functional effect (result), but on profit. On the other hand, we see a desire to eliminate bureaucratic obstacles created by the often incompetent actions of government agencies.

I am convinced that in an extremely contradictory socially oriented market economy it is very important not to imitate either capitalist competition or planned socialism, but to see and observe in everything the measure that determines the transition of phenomena to a new quality, even to their opposite.

Look ahead 30–50 years

On the issue of restructuring and modernization of the economy, we often oversimplify the understanding of the relationship between the economy and national security, including national defense, repeating the wise statements of authorities of the distant past that finance is the artery of war, that war requires three things - money, money and money again. But since then, when this was said, major changes have occurred in the economy and military affairs.

The military development of the twentieth century showed that with the industrialization of the economy, money is very difficult to transform into military power, and that issues of the structure of the economy, advance economic mobilization and conversion in the processes of mutual transitions of economic and military power as elements of a system of power acquire a decisive role. The Soviet Union clearly demonstrated these processes on the eve of the Great Patriotic War and during the period of conversion of military production in the 90s. Chains of objective functional and temporary relationships between economic sectors predetermine these processes, and colossal success and shameful defeat, the opportunity to “cut corners” and fail the next SAP depend on understanding and taking into account these connections in military-economic policy.

Ignoring these relationships during the years of conversion of military production made inevitable the rapid and profound collapse of not only the defense industry, but also the entire Russian economy in the 90s. This is also the reason for the extremely weak, unstable process of economic revival in the first decade of the 21st century. This is the mystery of the failures of Russia's neoliberal military-economic policy.

Military power in modern conditions presupposes such weapons and military equipment, the production of which is possible only if the structure of the real economy contains the most modern branches of production that use high technology. We are in a hurry to worry about the problems of a post-industrial economy, but in fact we have slipped into a pre-industrial economy, having lost mechanical engineering, the electronics industry, high technology and highly qualified scientific personnel. The connection between other structures ensuring national security and the economy and its structure is similar. This connection cannot be lost sight of when talking about “smart” defense and protection from new threats, about the need to look 30–50 years ahead, allocating 23 trillion rubles for programs for the development of the Armed Forces and the modernization of the defense industry, but putting up with the dominance of a raw material orientation economic policy and the outflow of brains and capital abroad.

What are the indicators related to national defense and national security in the past decade and in the future? The data in Table 3 shed light on this question.

Table 3

As we can see, spending on national defense in the first decade of this century did not rise above 2.84 percent in GDP and 18.63 percent in state budget expenditures and tended to decrease, and spending on national security was 2.41 and 11.1 percent, respectively. . The indicators of the first years of the new decade do not indicate their growth.

Financial speculation is the trading of financial assets with the aim of making a profit as a result of taking market risk. This has become one of the main forms of financial activity, along with investing, hedging, insurance, etc. Since both investment and speculation achieve financial growth, there is some kind of clouding of thinking and degeneration of financial policy.

What is underfunding of the defense industry? This may be a necessary measure, a consequence of extremely limited resources. But this may also be a method used by corrupt officials to enrich themselves under the guise of servicing defense spending. In such a situation, military financiers have to take out loans from private banks at exorbitant interest rates. The state pays for them, enriching oligarchs and corrupt officials. How it was necessary to fight financial fraud in the field of underfunding of defense expenditures in the 90s of the last century is convincingly shown in the monograph of the former head of the Main FEU of the Moscow Region, Colonel General V.V. Vorobyov (Vorobyov V.V. “Financial and economic support of defense security of Russia: problems and solutions". St. Petersburg, 2003).

This is especially important to understand in the context of the country's transition to a socially oriented market economy with pluralism of forms of ownership. Since it is happening, it is necessary to gain knowledge and ability to work in market conditions without losing the colossal opportunities for the systematic regulation of economic processes. Almost an entire decade of the existence of the defense industry in conditions of underfunding and fragmentation in the interests of the privatization of its enterprises, the loss of much of what was necessary to ensure its adequacy to threats and reliable competitiveness, also determined the failure of the first three state armament programs in the past decade. This forces us to rethink our attitude towards financial and economic technologies, understand their enormous destructive and creative power, and skillfully use it for creation.

We are talking about the role and place of the military-financial component in the system of determining factors and how to prevent its separation from military, economic and military-economic policies, how to ensure the fulfillment of their functional purpose. The main thing is to achieve the adequacy of military-financial and military-economic interests, to exclude the exaggerated influence of narrow departmental and private interests. It is necessary to ensure a combination of functional goals and economic interests in the system of contracts of subjects of military-economic relations, developing rules of the game in economic law that are acceptable to the parties, and creating a coercion mechanism acceptable to them in the form of economic sanctions, norms of legal liability, introducing new forms of economic relations, institutional innovations, modern market technologies.

One of the most effective means and paths to the goal is the creation, and in fact the revival of large integrated structures in the defense industry, destroyed by privatization and conversion of military production.