The director of the Department of Compulsory Collection Klyukin is like that. "Creditexpress finance": do you need to pay them and what kind of organization is it? Why should all financial arrears be resolved through court?

The bank Ukrsots Bank Ukraine operated in Crimea. After the transition of Crimea to Russia, this bank closed. I never took credit from this bank. Threatening letters began to arrive. In the last letter it was written that I am a fraudster and am hiding. Explain how you can hide in your own country? After checking the phone number, I found out that this is the number of a warehouse for tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, which is located in the Moscow region. Director of CreditExpress Finance Klyukin A.S. died 4 years ago, and the letter bears his signature. How is this possible? The most interesting thing is to list the unknown loan: 840 dollars, 978 euros, 756 francs and 643 rubles. All this money must be transferred to commerzbank ag frankfurt am main. I've never seen such a joke.


I also received a letter: it is planned to file a claim and a sample statement of claim, and such nonsense is written there and the signatures are also A.S. Klyukin.

Same nonsense. Two letters arrived. The same Klyukin. The last letter of claim with the planned filing of a claim in court. The details of Sberbank are allegedly registered - they demand almost 40 thousand rubles. Apparently just another scammer.

The difficult economic situation and unforeseen expenses force many Russians to take out loans. The organization providing the loan can be either a bank or specialized financial institutions created for this purpose. But borrowed money must be repaid on time. A collection company comes to help creditors. Among the many companies engaged in similar activities, one can single out Kreditexpress Finance. Do you need to pay them and what is this organization like? You can read below.

Collectors: who are they?

For the majority of the population of our country, collectors are associated with bandits who walk around with wooden bats and “knock out” a monetary debt from the borrower. This may be partially true when it comes to “black” organizations:

  • Damage to property. Paint stains on the debtor's car, the front door was set on fire and the windows of the apartment were broken.
  • Psychological impact. Constant telephone calls with threats not only to the borrower, but also to his relatives and even work colleagues.
  • Physical contact. Beating or raping a debtor.

The above actions are prohibited and criminally punishable. Having evidence of such an impact on himself, a citizen, no matter how much he owes, must know that the law is on his side, and the offenders will be punished.

Organizations operating legally, the so-called “white” collectors, act differently. Having lawyers, economists and psychologists on their staff, they use only aesthetic methods to encourage the borrower to repay his debt.

Creditexpress: who are they?

The CreditExpress company is part of CREDITEXPRESS International, one of the largest debt collection corporations in Eastern Europe. The activities of Creditexpress can be characterized by the following administrative penalties:

  • Early stage (overdue from 1 to 30 days). The company is trying to resolve the problem amicably. The borrower is offered several options for repaying the debt, everything is resolved peacefully and the parties part ways on good terms.
  • Long-standing debts (overdue from 1 to 6 months). The debtor is motivated through telephone calls and notifications by mail.
  • Bad debts. If the creditor considers the debtor to be a “hopeless” option, Creditexpress is happy to purchase such debts. The value of the loan portfolio ranges from 15% to 50% of the total debt.

The company itself positions itself with the following theses:

  • Experience. CREDITEXPRESS has been on the European market for more than ten years.
  • Strategy. Operating in more than 14 countries, the company is well versed in the peculiarities of a particular region and uses the best strategy for debt repayment.
  • Ethics. Creditexpress respects both its clients and debtors. Respect and high ethical standards are the company's main priority.

Creditexpress finance: visit notification

Citizens with a long overdue period receive a notice of visit, in which Creditexpress threatens to appear at the borrower’s home. Allegedly, a certain “Department of Compulsory Collection” will inspect the debtor’s property, which can be sold with subsequent repayment of the loan. Let's consider three points that will dispel the officiality of this document:

  1. None Department of Compulsory Collection No. This is just one of the methods of intimidating the client.
  2. Only bailiffs can enter the home of any citizen, and only after an appropriate court decision.
  3. Only government officials, but not collection firms, can collect debt (confiscation of property).

We can draw an unambiguous conclusion: the notice of visit from Kreditexpress Finance is nothing more than psychological attack on the debtor.

Collectors came home: what to do?

The appearance of debt collectors in front of your door indicates that during telephone conversations you gave in “slack” and did not show that you are legally literate. But what happened, happened. All you have to do is follow these tips:

  • Calm. No court decision has been made? Then you have the right not only not to open the door, but also not to talk to them.
  • Law. The absence of a law that regulates the actions of debt collectors allows you to call the police if strangers start breaking down the door.
  • Communication. If the collectors behave politely, advise them to recover the amount they need through the court.

The most important advice is never do not hand over money to collectors. No receipts for repayment of debt will have legal force. If the amount is small and you want to pay the debt, you should use a bank transfer.

Why should all financial arrears be resolved through court?

Three reasons why you should not communicate with debt collectors directly:

  1. Overpayment. In addition to the real amount, collectors will impose all sorts of fines on the debt. The court will force you to repay only the loan, and this, you see, is financially more profitable.
  2. Guarantees. Have you paid the collectors? What is the probability that in a month another company will not appear with similar claims?
  3. Art. 196 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. When communicating with collectors, this article is the main argument. If representatives of Kreditexpress Finance found out that you know about such a concept as original statute of limitations (is 3 years from the date of the last payment) , they will instantly switch to other clients and leave you alone.

Financial problems can arise for each of us. Having taken out a loan, you need to repay it to the borrower as quickly as possible. Otherwise, your obligations will need to be repaid not by the bank, but by the collector. One of the largest and oldest players in this sector is Creditexpress Finance. Do they need to be paid? Definitely No!

It is necessary to demand from the collector documents that would certify the fact of the transfer of their debt to the bank to this particular organization, and, if everything is legal, advise them to go to court. This way, you will get rid of the collector’s “interest markup” and return only what you actually owe to the creditor.

Video: Conversation with a creditexpress collector

In this video, there is a constructive dialogue between a borrower and a representative of the Crediexpress Finance organization on how to answer correctly so as not to pay them:

The approaching New Year brings not only postcards with congratulations, but also “chain letters” from all sorts of shady companies with “offers that you simply cannot refuse.”
It would seem that what could unite the Spanish conquistador of the 16th century and our city on the Neva, but nevertheless there was a lot in common...

In 1499, the Spanish navigator Alonso de Ojeda, following in the footsteps of Columbus to the shores of the West Indies, left a group of sailors hopelessly sick with scurvy on one of the islands. Returning a few months later, to his surprise, the Spaniard found the sailors left completely healthy: the sailors were saved by vitamin C, contained in huge quantities in local plants. Therefore, the surprised Ojeda named the island Curaçao (from the Spanish word “cura” - healing), which was later transformed into “Curaçao”, thanks to Portuguese cartographers. Subsequently, the island changed owners several times, eventually becoming a self-governing state with significant autonomy (status aparte) within the Kingdom of the Netherlands on October 10, 2010.

One of the main types of business thriving on the island is the offshore business. Within the scope of this article, we will not consider various tax evasion schemes and other illegal topics. For now, we are only interested in one legal entity registered on this island, namely “Creditexpress”, which has repeatedly changed its signs by adding both individual letters and whole words to the main name. Currently, our heroes wear a sign - LLC "Creditexpress Finance" TIN 7707790885.

And so, the letter is a standard paper envelope, white, measuring 16 by 23 centimeters. The envelope has a typographical drawing of a red deer with snowflakes on it, the return address is indicated - PO Box 109377, and there is also an attention-grabbing inscription in red - “there is a discount for you inside!” and of course, Happy New Year (tears of tenderness ran down my unshaven cheeks).
The envelope contains two sheets of paper:

1). Letter of guarantee for cancellation of part of the debt. According to the letter, the recipient is guaranteed, subject to payment of half the amount of the existing debt by December 25, 2015, forgiveness of the second half. It is even confirmed by reference to the legality of the grounds for debt forgiveness by agreement of the parties and the assurance that neither Russian Standard Bank CJSC (hello to the Great Russian Tariko...), DDM Invest Agg (blah, who is this?) and Creditexpress Finance LLC will have to the recipient of the claims. Everything is certified by the seal of our friends and the signature of a certain Director of the Department of Compulsory Collection (gray hair is already adding to my temples) A.S. Klyukin. What is characteristic is that the seal and signature are not “alive”, but if you remember your police youth and look at them with the “armed eye”, you can find that they were made on an inkjet printer. Who Klyukin is and what his powers are is not known.

No power of attorney or job description is attached. The telephone numbers indicated in the letter - 8 8007753727 and 84959339657 - could not connect with him (I am saddened). But, let's continue studying the “letter”. On the reverse side, the Federal Law “On Personal Data” is copiously quoted, and references to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are provided. Everything is done in small, pale font. It doesn't read well. No respect for the people...

2). New Year's offer. Christmas wreaths and garland are painted on top. Then a reference is made to a loan agreement with a long-expired statute of limitations. And then follows an appeal to conscience and a referral to certain numerous Debtors (no names or surnames, do they have a club of anonymous debtors in Curacao?), who every day contact the office with a request to cancel part of the debt (oil painting - Klyukin in the clothes of a planter with a monocle in an eye and a pith helmet stands under a palm tree, next to a pair of overseers with whips, and in front are thousands of debtors dressed in rags, kneeling and raising their hands to the sky, begging to meet them).

Further in the “letter”, as always, there is a reference to bailiffs, and a couple of unclear pictures with a proposal to choose your own picture of the future - a certain tattered room, even without wallpaper and a picture of a happy American family sitting on the stairs, which is giving gifts to a boy of 11 - 12 years old 9 ( owner of the company as a child?).
On the back there is information about the debt and how to repay it.
It would seem that the offer is profitable, but let’s figure out in the second part what kind of organization “Creditexpress” is...

On January 1, 2017, the long-awaited, so-called anti-collection federal law No. 230 of 07/06/2016, signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, came into force. Its provisions speak of strict restrictions on the activities of collection agencies in Russia. Thus, the main part of the law talks about the creation of an additional department in the state register of the Federal Bailiff Service for the mandatory registration of collection services for further activities. Additional provisions of Federal Law No. 230 regulate the activities of all agencies registered in the FSSP register (this is also done to protect the interests of such a state organization as).

Among the restrictions most expected by borrowers, we noticed the following:

  • The collector no longer has the right to disturb the debtor more than once a day or more than twice a week;
  • The collector does not have the right to meet with the debtor more than once a week;
  • Calls to the debtor at night are prohibited (from 22:00 to 8:00);
  • Calls from unknown/hidden numbers, etc. are prohibited.

As we can see, in theory, things in this financial area should improve for debt holders. However, it is too early to give a definite answer to the question of how this law will work in practice.

In return, we will try to provide you with all the significant information about one of the most famous collection agencies in the Russian Federation, which will allow you to make the right decision: to trust the Creditexpress Finance company or not.

Department of Compulsory Collection LLC Creditexpress Finance

Kreditexpress Finance, as one of the largest enforcement departments in the Russian Federation, decided not to abandon its previous activities and officially registered in the FSSP register. If you still doubt that the bank has begun to comply with the law, then you can independently check whether it has state registration on the official website of the bailiffs. You just need to enter the following information in the search bar: “LLC Creditexpress Finance INN 7707790885 KPP 770701001.” As a result, you will receive comprehensive information about the activities of the collection agency Creditexpress Finance.

The list of services provided by Creditexpress Finance includes:

  • Collection of debt of an individual at the early and late stages of its development;
  • Collection of corporate debt from a legal entity;
  • Judicial penalties;
  • Monitoring and analysis of debt activity;
  • Debt redemption.

The collection agency Creditexpress Finance cooperates with a large number of banks, so it is worth keeping in mind that if any problems arise with the law, it, as a legal entity, will lose much more than you, as an individual, are capable of losing. Moreover, as per the latest news reports, the collector has started acquiring complete cess packages from other agencies. This means that Creditexpress Finance plans to stay in the Russian debt market for a long time, which in itself means careful conduct of future business.

Official website of Creditexpress Finance

You can also visit the collector’s official website in order to find out detailed information about him, which will allow you to protect yourself from him if the collector violates your rights and freedoms. Having found out the location of the Creditexpress Finance office in your city, you can take a number of preventive measures to punish any collector.

The site may also be useful to you if you want to get to know even better who you are collaborating with. To do this, you can read their news feed, read the Kreditexpress Finance documentation, or even contact them and directly ask them the question you are interested in.

Reviews Creditexpress Finance

Before the signing of the above-mentioned federal law by Vladimir Putin, reviews of all collection agencies on the Internet were completely negative, regardless of the actual quality of work with clients. Therefore, finding an adequate review on the Internet about such a company was quite problematic. And since the activities of private commercial organizations to collect debts were initially illegal, it was almost impossible to even monitor the work methods of such companies. After all, when illegal activities were discovered, the violating company was immediately closed by government services, and in the absence of evidence, there was really nothing to track.

But since January 1, the situation has changed dramatically. The first reviews of cooperation with collectors under new, “human” conditions are gradually appearing. Among them, it is noted that Creditexpress Finance LLC no longer sends a notice of visit after visiting the debtor with a backdated date, but calls and plans the time and place of the meeting, depending on the convenience of the client. Internet users immediately noticed that companies officially registered in the State Register began to comply with the law and treat debtors noticeably better. After all, this is now in their interests, since the existence of the collector’s business has now begun to depend on this. For gross violations of the rights and freedoms of debtors, the registration of an enterprise can now be taken away, thereby depriving it of the right to carry out its activities.

Creditexpress Finance do they need to pay?

As we have already found out, now all collection agencies that have undergone official state registration are under the control of the relevant government agencies. This means that their activities are monitored. Since the Federal Law, which entered into force on January 1, will only be improved in the future, and the collection agency Creditexpress Finance is subject to the already existing federal law, you can safely hope that not a single unlawful action of the organization will go unpunished. However, it is worth keeping in mind that no one is immune from the human factor when collaborating even with the most reliable company.