Where is Mikhail Yurievich Baydakov now? Mikhail Baidakov was appointed President of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center of National Glory

President of the research and production enterprise "Fitek" (Moscow); born April 29, 1959; graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, engineer-mathematician; married, has two children; hobbies: philately.

View value Baydakov, Mikhail Yurievich in other dictionaries

Abramov Eduard Yurievich- (? - ?). Social Democrat. Worker. Low education. Member of the RSDLP since 1913. At the end of 1921 he lived in Bryansk province, worked at the Bryansk Locomotive Plant. Local security officers.......
Political dictionary

Averin Mikhail Mikhailovich- (approx. 1884 - ?). Social Democrat. Worker. Low education. Member of the RSDLP since 1917. At the end of 1921 he lived in Ivanovo-Voznesensk province. and worked as a printer. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Avruskin [ovruskin] Mikhail (hosha-shaya) Yakovlevich.— (1897 - 1938). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP with pre-revolutionary experience. Arrested on March 12, 1924 (according to other sources in July 1924) in Simferopol, on July 18, 1924 sentenced to 3 years in a concentration camp.........
Political dictionary

Agursky Mikhail (melik) Samuilovich— (1933-1991) – cybernetics scientist, historian, political scientist and literary critic. Born in Moscow, the son of an American communist who came to the USSR and was repressed in 1937. Writer,......
Political dictionary

Aksenov Mikhail Pavlovich- (? - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1917. At the end of 1921 he lived in Irkutsk province. Local security officers characterized him as an “active” party worker. Further fate is unknown.
Political dictionary

Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich- (November 3, 1857, Tver province, – September 25, 1918, Ekaterinodar). Born into the family of a long-term service soldier. He graduated from the Tver gymnasium, then the Moscow cadet school........
Political dictionary

Aleshinkin Mikhail Andreevich- (approx. 1894 - ?). Member of the PLSR since 1917. Artist. Secondary education. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Tsaritsyn province and worked in political education. Local security officers characterized him as “passive”.......
Political dictionary

Andreichenko Mikhail Grigorievich- (? - ?). Anarchist. Participant in the revolutions of 1905-07, February and October 1917. In the early 1920s. lived in Krasnodar. Arrested in December 1922. In December 1923 sentenced to 3 years in prison........
Political dictionary

Aram Mikhail- (? - ?). Anarchist. At the beginning of 1919, a member of the militant organization of “no-motive” anarchists, D. Bondarenko, participated in the expropriation of the Office of the Southern Railways (Kharkov, March......
Political dictionary

Astangov [real name Ruzhnikov] Mikhail Fedorovich— (October 21, 1900, Warsaw - April 20, 1965, Moscow). Anarcho-mystic. Artist of the Moscow Theater named after. Evg. Vakhtangov. In 1927-30, a knight of the anarcho-mystical “Order of Light”, regularly participated in its........
Political dictionary

Astafiev Mikhail Ivanovich- (approx. 1894 - ?). Social Democrat. Worker. Low education. Member of the RSDLP since 1908. At the end of 1921 he lived in Ufa province, worked as an assistant driver. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Atlas Mikhail (menachem) Yankelevich— (?, metro station Krasnoye, Podolsk province - ?). Member of the Zionist Socialist Party. In November 1926 he was kept in Taganskaya prison (Moscow), then in exile in Novosibirsk. In 1928 - May.......
Political dictionary

Bagdatyan Mikhail Sergeevich— (1874 - ?). Social Democrat. Arrested on February 8, 1921 by order of the Moscow Revolutionary Tribunal, and soon released. Arrested again on April 8, 1921 in Moscow, accused of treason against Soviet power........
Political dictionary

Badin Mikhail- (? - ?). Anarchist. Student. Exiled to the Urals for 3 years, in exile by the end of 1930. Further fate is unknown.
NIPC "Memorial".
Political dictionary

Bakunin Mikhail— (1814 – 1876) – theorist and practitioner of Russian anarchism. Bakunin's ideas can be considered among the ideological harbingers of National Bolshevism. Considered it necessary to immediately......
Political dictionary

Bakunin Mikhail Alexandrovich— - revolutionary, one of the founders of Russian populism and theorists of anarchism. For his active participation in the revolution of 1848-1849, B. was twice (by the courts of Saxony and Austria).......
Political dictionary

Bakunin Mikhail Alexandrovich (1814-1876)— - revolutionary, one of the founders of Russian populism and theoreticians of international anarchism. For active participation in the revolution of 1848-1849. he was twice (courts........
Political dictionary

Bakhram Mikhail Zelmanovich- (? - ?). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP since 1914. At the end of 1921 he lived in Smolensk province, worked in the Gubprodkom. He was characterized by local security officers as “a member of the committee, influential” and........
Political dictionary

Begichev Mikhail Alekseevich- (approx. 1866 - ?). Member of the AKP since 1905, then left Socialist-Revolutionary. From the workers (“proletarian”). “Inferior” education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Tsaritsyn province. Further fate is unknown.
Political dictionary

Belopolsky Mikhail (Moses) Efraimovich- (1906, Boyarka of the Kyiv district of the same province - 8.1939, Kalinin). Member of "Dror" since 1924. Arrested in Kyiv in September 1927. Sentenced to 3 years of exile. He served his sentence in the village. Vikulovo. In 1930, received......
Political dictionary

Belyaev Mikhail Alekseevich- (February 23, 1863, St. Petersburg, - 1918). General's son. He graduated from high school, artillery school, and in 1893 from the General Staff Academy (first class). Participated in the Russo-Japanese War;........
Political dictionary

Berdichevsky Mikhail Ilyich— (1880 - ?). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP since 1899. Before 1917, he was in prison in 1906, 1908, 1909, 1912, 1913, in exile in the Narym region (escaped), in Turukhansk (served 4 years), in Arkhangelsk province. (departed 2........
Political dictionary

Bernatsky Mikhail Vladimirovich- (1876 - at the end of the Second World War, Paris). He graduated from Kyiv University and attended lectures in Berlin. Professor of political economy, publicist. Gave lectures in St. Petersburg........
Political dictionary

Bogov Mikhail Vasilievich- (approx. 1887 - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1917. Employee. Low education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Yekaterinburg province, worked in the Administration of the Railway Office.........
Political dictionary

Bogoslavsky Mikhail Alekseevich- (? - ?). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP. In 1917-18, a member of the Tomsk organization of the RSDLP. At the end of 1921 he lived in Irkutsk province and was a student. Local security officers characterized him as “energetic,........
Political dictionary

Bondovsky Mikhail Ivanovich- (approx. 1881 - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1917. Railway worker. Education "technical". At the end of 1921 he worked at the Ufa station depot. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Bonch-bruevich Mikhail Dmitrievich- (1888 - 1940) - Bolshevik, an associate of Lenin, actively involved Russian sectarians - Khlysty, Skoptsy, Molokans, Doukhobors, etc. - in the revolutionary movement. Developed the first........
Political dictionary

Borsuzhd Mikhail Yakovlevich- (? - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP. Employee. Secondary education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Vitebsk province, worked as an inspector of R.K. [?]. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Bochkovsky [Bechkovsky-Podolsky] Mikhail Vulfovich- (1899, Ovruch - ?). Zionist socialist. In 1924 he was arrested in Yekaterinoslav. On December 12, 1924 he was sentenced to 3 years of exile. He served his sentence in the village of Nesterovo (Tomsk province). In 1925 sentenced to 3........
Political dictionary

Brown [brun, Rakitin-brown] Mikhail Yakovlevich- (1889, Elizavetgrad - ?). Anarchist. Son of a merchant. Student at Novorossiysk University (Odessa). In the anarchist movement since 1905, he worked in Odessa and Elizavetgrad, carried out........
Political dictionary

"President of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center of National Glory, Mikhail Baidakov, spoke about the upcoming socially significant initiatives of these organizations.

Mikhail Yuryevich, please tell us about the new campaign of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, within the framework of which more than 100 children arrived in Russia from Syria on vacation.

The arrival of Syrian children on holiday in Russia has been prepared for months. The idea arose from the chairman of the board of trustees of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, Vladimir Ivanovich Yakunin, quite a long time ago, and as soon as it became possible, we set about implementing this project.

We can rightfully say that the Syrian land is one of the regions where Christianity was born. The most ancient Christian communities arose here and the apostles preached. The modern conflict, as we know, has resulted in large-scale and brutal persecution on religious grounds.

The delegation that arrived in Russia included pupils from Christian orphanages in Damascus, the Valley of Christians and the orphanage at the St. Thekla Monastery in Maaloula.

- Are there only Christians in the Syrian delegation?

Not only. There are also Muslims. Many of the children are children of Syrian army soldiers who died during the war, which has been going on for several years. We wanted to provide them with all possible assistance in overcoming the tragedy that befell them.

- Is this not the first such event for the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation?

Ten years ago, the Foundation organized a holiday in Russia for children from Kosovo and Metohija, where at that time the situation was very tense. 540 Serbian guys came to our country.

This action caused a great public outcry both in Russia and in Serbia, whose citizens were once again convinced that Russia was and remains a fraternal and friendly people.

We hope that years after returning to Serbia, the children retain their love for our country and will pass on this love to their children and grandchildren. This is necessary for our two peoples.

- What is the program for the Syrian children to stay in Russia?

The guys will be in Russia from July 28 to August 11. A varied cultural program will be organized for them. They will be able to relax in our middle zone. Do not forget that it is very hot in Syria now: in the sun it reaches 50 degrees Celsius. We hope that the Syrian children will find a common language with their Russian peers. We will try to organize an educational program so that our guests can become more deeply acquainted with the history and culture of Russia.

- Who acted as partners of the action on the part of Russia and Syria?

The initiative of our public organization would not have been implemented without the approval and support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

On the Russian side, our long-time friend and ally, State Duma deputy Sergei Gavrilov, made a great contribution to the implementation of this project.

Many people were sincerely involved in the implementation of this project, understanding its humanitarian and peacekeeping orientation.

The Center for National Glory and the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, as part of the all-Russian program “The Sanctity of Motherhood,” will hold an international forum “Large families and the future of humanity” in Moscow on September 10-11. Why did you decide to devote the forum specifically to the topic of large families?

Of course, we believe that a large family is the future and hope of all humanity. But the question must be posed even more broadly.

Today the world is at a dangerous point. In fact, you and I must give an answer to ourselves, our family and friends, our children and grandchildren, to what extent we can compromise in matters of faith, culture, traditions and customs of peoples.

Modern Western philosophy and culture invite us to rethink the basic concepts on which our civilization has been built for thousands of years.

On the initiative of Vladimir Ivanovich Yakunin, leading scientific figures, representatives of different religions and cultures, government officials from many countries of the world, businessmen, and public figures will gather in Moscow in September.

I don’t want to use military terminology, but, unfortunately, we are at the forefront of a war that is being waged against traditional values.

In the modern world (especially in some Western countries), real policies are being built against the family. A striking example is the equalization of rights of same-sex “marriages” with the traditional family. There is an erosion at the level of understanding what a family is, what its significance is for raising children, for the reproduction of society as such. Therefore, it is necessary to consolidate forces in support of traditional family values ​​at the international level.

It is important for us to understand and really feel who is our ally in upholding the traditional idea of ​​family and family values. There are millions of such people in different countries of the world. Our most active partners will gather in Moscow.

It cannot be said that in the context of the de facto war being waged against our country, our American partners were actually prohibited from participating in our international forum. They are law-abiding citizens and cannot break the law, even if they consider it unfair. They express their support and readiness for further joint actions to us in every possible way.

- What is the program of the event?

The forum will take place over two days. On the first day, a plenary session and a festival of large families will be held at the State Kremlin Palace. In the evening, a gala concert will take place on the Cathedral Square of the Kremlin, in the spiritual and political center of our country.

On the second day, the work of the main sections will take place in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the traditional manner. An international scientific conference “Large families and the future of humanity” will be held, as well as round tables “Pro-family legislation and family policy”, “Interreligious discussion about the family”, “New life: the joy of motherhood and the gift of God”, “Youth initiatives in support of the traditional family ", "Family and Education", "Pro-family economics, business and family-friendly labor practices", "Experience of maternity protection centers" and "Family in the world of information".

The Forum will end with a plenary session and the adoption of a final resolution.

- Can we expect specific initiatives, including in the field of legislation, as a result of the forum?

We will share our experience with our foreign partners, discuss current legislative initiatives, and consider the necessary areas for further work. The forum will be attended by heads of specialized committees of the State Duma and the Federation Council, representatives of ministries and departments not only federal, but also regional. But still, the focus of the forum participants will be the strategy of the activities of international pro-family forces. We are talking about creating a kind of pro-family coalition.

It should be noted that many foreign participants perceive Russia as the main defender of traditional values ​​throughout the world. Our partners expect decisive action from the leadership of our country and from Russian public organizations to uphold traditional family values ​​and prevent the widespread introduction of moral relativism and nihilism into the consciousness of young people.

Another National Honor Center conference is planned for the fall. It will take place in Serbia and will be dedicated to the beginning of the First World War. Please tell us about its agenda and participants.

The significance of the First World War for all subsequent world history cannot be overestimated. No wonder contemporaries called it the Great War.

During its course and as a result, the four largest empires in continental Europe ceased to exist. The Second World War - the largest armed conflict in human history - broke out on the ground that was left behind by the Great War. In fact, it became an event that predetermined the transition from the traditional world order to modernity, the modern era. Unfortunately, obvious historical parallels emerge between the events preceding the start of the Great War, when local contradictions in one of the regions led to a large-scale confrontation between major powers, and the current situation in the world. One of the most important tasks of the conference is to turn to understanding the past and prevent the possible development of scenarios of armed conflict in the future.

The discussions at the conference will focus on various aspects of the Great War: historical, political science, worldview. Participants in this meeting will be politicians, scientists and public figures not only from Europe (countries directly involved in the war), but also from the Middle East, India, and China.

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President of the research and production enterprise "Fitek" (Moscow); born April 29, 1959; graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, engineer-mathematician; married, has two children; hobbies: philately.

The fact that the conference is being initiated by the Center of National Glory, a Russian public organization, is of particular significance. The First World War was the main catalyst for the processes that led to the February and October revolutions and subsequent tragic events. For our country it also marks a historical watershed. In Soviet times, an objective study of the First World War was impossible for ideological reasons. Actually, this event was erased from the historical chronicle. By inertia, this situation continued even after the Soviet system became a thing of the past. Now, in the centenary year of the outbreak of the war, the time has come to begin reviving the memory of this historical event, which cost Russia enormous effort and significant human losses.

Meanings in other dictionaries

Baygushev, Alexander Innokentievich

(b. 3.09.1933) Born. in Moscow in a working-class family. Graduated from Philology. Faculty of Moscow State University (1956), Screenwriting Faculty of VGIK (1960). He was a member of the CPSU (since 1966). Worked in the newspapers: "Moskovsky Komsomolets" (1960), "Soviet Culture" (1960-63); in the APN (1963-68), in the magazine "Theater, Life" (1972-74), he was deputy. Ch. gas editor "Voice of the Motherland" (1975-77), deputy. Ch. editor of the Sovremennik publishing house...

Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan; born on August 16, 1943 in the village of Brish, Beloretsk region of the BASSR; graduated from the Ivanovo Energy Institute, electrical engineer; 1960-1962 - student of technical school No. 6; 1962 - electrician of the electrical shop of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works; 1962-1965 - service in the SA; 1965-1970 - student at the Institute of Economics; 1970-1979 - master, beginning. distribution network services...

Baydzhiev, Mar Tashimovich

Translator, writer, editor, screenwriter; born on March 23, 1935 in Jalal-Abad, Kirghiz SSR. Graduated from the Russian department of the Faculty of Philology of the Kyrgyz University (1960), Higher Screenwriting Courses in Moscow (1964). Editor of the chronicle, senior editor for feature films at the Kirgizfilm studio (1961-1962), deputy head of the Arts Department, editor-in-chief of the re...

Chairman of the Board of Millennium Bank (CJSC); born April 29, 1959 in Moscow; education: 1976-1982 - Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, majoring in mathematical engineering; advanced training: 1995, 1996 - Academy for Financial Executives, College of Business, The Ohio State University, USA; internship abroad: 1995 - Center for Education and Professional Training of the Ohio State University College of Education, USA under the Russian-American invited student program (1 month); 1982-1988 - engineer, junior researcher, head of the sector of the Scientific and Production Association "Vzlyot" of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry; 1988-1990 - Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Scientific Center for Educational Software at the Moscow City Committee for Public Education; 1990-1993 - Director of the Small State Research and Production Enterprise "New Technologies of Education" of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR (organization on the instructions of the Ministry of Enterprise and management of the current activities of the enterprise); in 1992 - member of the Board of KB "Fili"; 1993-1998 - manager of the Moscow branch of Tomskpromstroybank, organizer of the branch, manager of the branch; in 1996-1997 was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Commercial Bank for the Development of Humanitarian Programs "RAU-Bank"; 1998-2002 - Head of Department - Member of the Supervisory Board (controlling stake of 87.4% of the bank's shares), First Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Supervisory Board, Chairman of the Board (since October 1999) of the Commercial Bank for the Development of Humanitarian Programs "RAU-Bank" ( now - OJSC CB RGP "InterRUS - Bank"); since 2002, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, he has been, on a voluntary basis, the treasurer of the Patriarch's Compound - the Church of St. Nicholas "near the village of Afineevo" (Moscow region); 2002-2003 - Chairman of the Board of CB Industrial Credit Bank (organizing the work of the bank and managing its current activities); August-November 2003 - Vice-President of the Center for National Glory of Russia (managing financial, economic and legal activities); from November 2003 - Chairman of the Board of Millennium Bank (CJSC), organizing the work of the bank and managing its current activities; from November 2003 to the present, he is the Vice-President (on a voluntary basis) of the Foundation of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called and the Center for National Glory of Russia, in charge of financial issues, an honorary member of the Foundation; since September 2004 - Vice-President - Chairman of the Committee for Cooperation in the Field of Financial and Credit Policy and the Banking Sector of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; since March 2006 - Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways; since May 2006 - member of the working group on the corporatization of the Ural Carriage Works; since July 2006 - General Director of the Permanent Forum "West-East, North-South: Integration and Development"; has a number of scientific papers in the field of modeling the control of complex dynamic systems; is the author of the idea of ​​​​creating a management company to increase the efficiency and transparency of the financial flows of subsidiaries and affiliates of large monopoly companies and increase their overall capitalization (to implement this idea, he is working to transform Millennium Bank into a new type of bank, namely, into a project management tool); heads the directorate of the Permanent Forum “West-East, North-South: Integration and Development” as part of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, where he actively promotes new Russian economic, financial and management standards that are an adequate response to the challenges of globalization; awarded the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, III degree, medals G.K. Zhukov and “300 years of the Russian Navy”, the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of Sergius of Radonezh, the Badge of the Order of the International Academy of Social Sciences “Ivan Kalita”; hobbies: philately - collection of stamps of the Russian Empire, books; in the past - water tourism (candidate for master of sports of the USSR); married, three children. Publications: - A small bank is not about size. This is a way of management. (Banking in Moscow, N12(96), December 2002) - West - East: integration and development Interview with the magazine "Banking in Moscow" (N12 2005) - Integration: The East is meeting the West. Interview with the newspaper "News of Two Capitals" (July 2006) - Challenges of geoeconomics: not only take into account but also give answers. (Banking in Moscow, N8, August 2006) - A “non-commercial” project can be strategically interesting. (Banking in Moscow, N12 (144), December 2006)http://ybobra.ru

On February 5, Friday, the Central Bank revoked the license of Millennium Bank. This bank was associated with the family and entourage of the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, as well as with his political projects.

On Friday, the name of the state-owned company Russian Railways did not leave the news headlines. Investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs searched the TASS news agency and office PR company "Mikhailov and partners": As a source close to the presidential administration said, the searches were related to checks against Russian Railways (the head of TASS and ex-shareholder of Mikhailov and Partners Sergei Mikhailov, as well as a number of his colleagues, previously worked there). At the same time, oppositionist Alexei Navalny said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had begun an investigation into his statement about financial abuses at Russian Railways. Behind this news, the message from the Central Bank about the revocation of the license of a small Moscow company went almost unnoticed. Bank "Millennium". This news, however, speaks more about the situation inside Russian Railways than the previous ones.

What's happened

On Friday, the Bank of Russia revoked the license for banking operations of Millennium Bank, which served part of the financial flows of Russian Railways under the ex-head of the state monopoly Vladimir Yakunin.

The reason for the withdrawal, as stated in the Central Bank's statement, was a significant violation of the capital adequacy standards - this figure was less than 2% - and the inability to satisfy the demands of creditors. “Given the unsatisfactory quality of assets, Millennium Bank inadequately assessed the accepted credit risks. A proper assessment of credit risk required by the supervisor revealed a loss of capital for the bank. In addition, due to the loss of liquidity, the credit institution did not fulfill its obligations to creditors in a timely manner. The managers and owners of the credit institution did not take effective measures to normalize its activities,” the Central Bank notes.

The first reports of problems at Millennium appeared in mid-January, when customers complained about delays in making payments. On February 1, the bank was disconnected from the banking electronic urgent payments system.

How is Millennium connected to Russian Railways?

In the mid-2000s, Millennium began actively collaborating with railway monopoly. The sole owner of the bank until 2008 was the Statos company, among whose owners were the chairman of the board of Millennium Mikhail Baidakov and his wife Irina, who held the position of head of the legal department of the bank (own 15% of the shares of Statos), Alexander Melnik and his wife owned (and own) 13.58%, the bank’s investment director and general director of the film company “Andreevsky Flag” Sergei Berg (6.38% ), as well as Yuri Cherepanov, who, together with two vice-presidents of Russian Railways Oleg Toni and Oleg Atkov, was (and is) a co-founder of the Society for Friendship with Austria.

During 2004–2008, the size of Millennium's assets increased fourfold, to 2.54 billion rubles. In 2008, 67.4% of its shares from Statos were acquired by Bamtonnelstroy, a company of the SK Most group, a major contractor of Russian Railways.

General Director of IC Most, Viktor Friesen, when asked why Bamtonnelstroy acquired a stake in Millennium, said: “Not my question” - and refused further comments. “The company was asked to come to this bank by structures of Russian Railways; probably only a few people in the management know why. We always just had a package listed, but we did not participate in the life of the bank in any way, we were just a nominal holder,” said a source close to the management of Most.

In 2009, in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper, Vladimir Yakunin characterized Millennium as follows: “Since it is a small bank, unlike large ones, it chases money, and good ideas are born to it. For example, transportation on credit from reliable partners was his idea; the proposal was developed two years ago” (meaning that one of Millennium’s activities was lending to freight carriers and other counterparties of Russian Railways).

In 2011, Millennium won a tender to install ATMs and payment terminals at 330 train stations in Russia. Prior to this, only Transcreditbank ATMs were installed at Russian Railways facilities, which were controlled by Russian Railways until 2012 (in 2012, Transcreditbank was sold to the VTB group and became part of VTB24 Bank).

Finally, subsidiaries of the railway monopoly kept free funds on deposits in Millennium. In particular, in November 2013, the bank won a tender to place a deposit of JSC Federal Passenger Company in 2013–2016 in the amount of no more than 25 billion rubles, offering a rate of 4.5% per annum.

By 2013, when Bamtonnelstroy ceded 35.1% of the bank’s shares to three subsidiaries of Russian Railways for 300 million rubles, Millennium was in a much more attractive financial condition than it is now. According to the Interfax rating, the size of its assets in 2013 was 11.29 billion rubles, the capital was equal to 765 million rubles. Subsequently, the capital increased to 1.1 billion rubles, but the volume of assets steadily decreased and by the end of 2015 reached 7.836 billion rubles.

At the time of the revocation of the license, the main owners of Millennium were three subsidiaries of Russian Railways (OJSC BET, OJSC ZhTK and OJSC TD Russian Railways), which controlled 35.1% of the bank, Bamtonnelstroy (35.08%), OJSC "Russian Railways - Development of Stations" (12.86%; also a subsidiary of Russian Railways) and the company "Statos" (16.96%), controlled by the bank's management headed by Chairman of the Board Baidakov.

In addition to the management of the bank, Baydakov also heads Foundation of the Holy and All-Valuable Apostle Andrew the First-Called, and at the same time is the vice-president of the Center for National Glory and co-founder of the scientific center “Dialogue of Civilizations”.

After leaving the post of head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin headed the “Dialogue of Civilizations” scientific center. Yakunin is also the chairman of the board of trustees of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center of National Glory. Another co-founder of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation is another shareholder of Statos, and therefore of Millennium Bank - Alexander Melnik.

The board of trustees of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation at various times included the head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov, the former head of the Federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN) Victor Cherkesov, St. Petersburg Governor Georgy Poltavchenko, ex-head of the Presidential Administration Vladimir Kozhin and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko. One of the goals of the foundation on the organization’s website is called “bringing Orthodox shrines to the Russian Orthodox Church.” In particular, the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation organizes the annual delivery of the Holy Fire from Jerusalem for Easter. In 2011, the foundation brought the belt of the Virgin Mary to Russia from Athos, and in 2013 it organized the delivery from there of one of the revered Orthodox shrines - the cross on which the Apostle Andrew the First-Called was crucified.

On Friday, February 5, after a request, a message appeared on the website of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation that Baidakov resigned as president of the foundation in December. However, these changes are not recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In addition, for several years now Millennium Bank has been a partner of the Russian Cup and the World Acrobatic Rock and Roll Championship, according to the bank’s presentation materials. It is known that the head of the Innopraktika foundation, Katerina Tikhonova, is passionate about acrobatic rock and roll, who, according to Reuters and Bloomberg, daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin .

What does Vladimir Yakunin’s entourage and family have to do with it?

The board of directors of Millennium is headed by Oleg Toni, vice-president of Russian Railways in charge of construction. In the 2000s, Vladimir Yakunin’s wife, Natalya, was a member of the bank’s board of directors. Mikhail Baidakov, in addition to being a shareholder of the bank, worked as a freelance adviser to the president of Russian Railways (in this he himself
Yakunin admitted in an interview with Vedomosti).

What Really Happened

Millennium served part of the financial flows of Russian Railways, and in return financed the social activities and hobbies of Vladimir Ivanovich (Yakunin). One of the first actions of the new Russian Railways team was to exclude Millennium from the financial system of Russian Railways,” explains a source close to the management of Russian Railways about the collapse of the bank.

A Russian Railways representative declined to comment. It was not possible to contact Baydakov. The bank itself, with its license revoked, asked to call back on Monday. The mobile phone of Andrei Galitin, a representative of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, did not answer. A representative of Vladimir Yakunin said that he knew nothing about the bank's problems. Answering a question about the Ministry of Internal Affairs' inspection of the activities of the former head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, following a complaint from Alexei Navalny, he said the following: “We do not comment on the actions of the investigative authorities. But it is noteworthy that this initiative of the FBK (Aleksey Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation) arose after Yakunin announced a new social scientific project that is designed to serve the cause of resolving conflicts in the world.” After his resignation from Russian Railways, Yakunin actually announced the creation in 2016 of a new expert center for the study of world conflicts, the work of which, according to the retiree, “will have something in common” with the same “Dialogue of Civilizations”, the founder of which was the head of Millennium, Mikhail Baidakov.

in a larger size

Ivan Golunov

Alexandra Galaktionova

Russian Railways' PR backfired on Mikhailov

Searches are underway at TASS. They are related to the previous place of work of one of the employees, an agency representative said. Media reports that searches were also carried out in the company " Mikhailov and partners", founded by the director of TASS.

?Two searches

First about searches in TASS reported the Yekaterinburg publication Znak.com. Investigative actions are taking place in the agency’s department of strategic initiatives, the publication reported.

A representative of the TASS corporate communications department, Ilya Novikov, confirmed that a search was carried out in the agency’s building.

“The investigative actions are related to one of our employees, or more precisely, to his previous place of work. They have nothing to do with the activities of TASS,” Novikov said.

Novikov refused to confirm or deny that we could be talking about TASS General Director Sergei Mikhailov. This version was voiced in the first edition of the Znak.com message, but later this message was edited and the mention of Mikhailov disappeared.

Later, the RNS agency reported searches at the Mikhailov and Partners communications agency, which Mikhailov founded.

“Investigative actions have been carried out since the morning; the phones of the employees who were in the office by that time were taken,” one of the sources told RNS. Investigative actions concern one of the clients, the second source clarified. The searches are taking place at the M&P office on Leningradsky Prospekt, in the Monarch business center, RNS clarifies.

The acting head of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Marina Molokova, stated that the investigative actions at TASS were carried out by the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in relation to one of the ordinary employees and have nothing to do with the work of the agency.

According to an interlocutor close to Mikhailov and Partners, we could be talking about an ordinary employee of the strategic planning department who moved to TASS from the agency about a year and a half ago.

The Vedomosti newspaper, citing a source in TASS, reports that searches also took place in the office of Deputy Financial Director Yulia Stepanova, who previously worked at TASS.

Mysterious reasons

Searches at TASS and the Mikhailov and Partners advertising agency may be related to an investigation into inflated expenses for PR campaigns of JSC Russian Railways, writes Rosbalt, citing “a source familiar with the situation.” Mikhailov previously served as head of the corporate communications department of Russian Railways.

A source close to the presidential administration also stated that the searches are related to checks against Russian Railways. However, he added that these checks do not relate to the work of Sergei Mikhailov, but to former employees of the Mikhailov and Partners agency, now working at TASS.

A representative of Russian Railways said that he knew nothing about the searches and their connection with Russian Railways contracts.

A source close to the Mikhailov and Partners agency denies that the searches at the agency are related to checks against Russian Railways - according to him, Mikhailov and Partners never had contracts with this structure. RBC's interlocutor explained that the searches were connected with one of the agency's old clients, with whom Mikhailov and Partners has not worked for two years. He declined to name this client.

RBC's interlocutor in law enforcement agencies, in turn, claims that the searches at TASS and the Mikhailov and Partners agency are in no way connected with the pre-investigation check at Russian Railways, which is being carried out based on statements from the Anti-Corruption Foundation of Alexei Navalny. According to an RBC source, the investigation into the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin is being carried out by the Transport Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District, but it does not have enough influence and authority to initiate a search in the building of one of the country’s main news agencies.

FBK lawyer Ivan Zhdanov previously confirmed that the Department of Transport is conducting an investigation into Yakunin.

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was unable to comment on the searches at the Mikhailov and Partners agency and did not rule out that the investigative actions were carried out by another department.

In December 2014, RBC wrote that the main owner "Laisa" company, which received a 15-year contract to sell all advertising for Russian Railways, was Vitaly Krivenko, a longtime associate of TASS General Director Mikhailov, who worked as Deputy Head of Corporate Communications of Russian Railways.

In 2004, Mikhailov left the agency he created, becoming first an adviser to the president of Russian Railways, and then the head of the corporate communications department. In the same year, Krivenko came to Russian Railways to become Mikhailov’s deputy. In 2012, by order of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Mikhailov was appointed general director of TASS.