Income tax analysis. Analysis as a stage of audit of income tax calculations

A continuation of the analysis of the tax burden is the analysis of income tax calculations. Reflection in reporting in accordance with PBU 18/02 of such indicators as deferred tax assets and liabilities, permanent tax assets and liabilities expands the possibilities for analyzing income tax calculations, in particular, makes it possible to understand why, if there is insignificant accounting profit, an organization is forced make significant income tax payments.

Net profit taking into account the requirements of PBU 18/02, it is calculated as follows (formula 4.32):

Pch = Pd + SHE - IT - Np - Pp, (4.32)

Where: front- profit (loss) before tax, rub.;

SHE- deferred tax assets, rub.;

IT- deferred tax liabilities, rub.;

Np- current income tax, rub.;

pp- payments from net profit.

In the process of analysis need to pay attention for the following circumstances:

¾ non-application by the organization of PBU 18/02 - this is justified if the organization is a small enterprise (non-application of accounting regulations must be recorded in the accounting policy);

¾ equality of taxable profit (tax profit) and profit before tax (accounting profit ). Given the many factors that influence these rates, such a coincidence is unlikely;

¾ no costs not taken into account when taxing profits, which almost every organization should have;

¾ the excess of accounting profit before tax over taxable profit.

Current income tax calculated using formula 4.33:

Np = Well+ PNO - PNA + SHE - IT, (4.33)

Where: Well- conditional income tax, rub.;

PNO- permanent tax liability, rub.;

PNA- permanent tax asset, rub.

Taking into account the formulas for net profit and current income tax, you can form the following analytical formula, which allows you to evaluate influence of factors on the organization’s net profit (formula 4.34):

Pch = Pd - PNO + PNA - N y - Pp. (4.34)

In accordance with this formula, permanent tax assets have a positive impact on net profit, and permanent tax liabilities, conditional tax and other payments made from net profit have a negative impact.

Taxable income calculated using formula 4.35:

Mon - Pd + Rp+ - Rp- + Rvv - Rvn, (4.35)

Where: Rp+- constant difference (positive), rub.;

Rp- -- constant difference (negative), rub.;

Rvv- temporary deductible difference, rub.;

Rvn- temporary taxable difference, rub.

In the process of carrying out the analysis, it is necessary to evaluate the deviations of accounting profit before tax from taxable profit (for the organization it is beneficial for the excess of accounting profit over taxable profit); these deviations are due to the presence of permanent and temporary differences.

Ongoing tax obligations increase the current income tax of the reporting period relative to the conditional tax and, in particular, are formed due to the following factors:

¾ adjustment (increase) of tax revenues in accordance with the provisions of Art. 40 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, accounting income is lower than tax income, since transaction prices for tax purposes increase in accordance with market prices;

¾ the excess of actual expenses taken into account when forming accounting profits over expenses, accepted for tax purposes, for which restrictions on expenses are provided (costs of compensation for the use of personal transport, entertainment expenses, expenses for certain types of advertising, business trip expenses, interest on debt obligations, etc.);

¾ presence of expenses not recognized for tax purposes . These, in particular, include social expenses: certain types of remuneration and bonuses to employees, payment of travel vouchers for employees, material assistance and other expenses.

Permanent tax assets reduce the current income tax of the reporting period relative to the conditional tax and, in particular, are formed due to the following factors:

¾ the presence of income that is not taken into account for tax purposes, for example, income in the form of property received free of charge, if the authorized (share) capital (fund) of the receiving party consists of more than 50% of the contribution (share) of the transferring organization, interest received from the budget for late tax refund;

¾ the presence of expenses that are not recognized for accounting purposes, but recognized for tax purposes (such expenses arise, for example, when depreciation of fixed assets, which affects the value of fixed assets in accounting and does not affect the value of fixed assets in tax accounting, the markdown leads, therefore, to the fact that accounting depreciation will be less than tax and this difference will be constant, etc.)

Deferred tax assets increase the current profit tax of the reporting period relative to the conditional tax, but lead to a decrease in the profit tax payable in subsequent periods. Deferred tax assets, in particular, are formed due to the following factors:

¾ prepayment for products sold under the cash method for profit tax purposes;

¾ excess of depreciation amounts accrued for accounting purposes over depreciation amounts , accrued for the purpose of determining the taxable base for income tax;

¾ carry forward losses - the taxpayer has the right to carry forward a loss to the future within ten years following the tax period in which this loss was received; he also has the right to transfer to the current tax period the amount of loss received in the previous tax period;

-losses from the sale of depreciable property - if the residual value of depreciable property, taking into account the costs associated with its sale, exceeds the proceeds from its sale, the difference between these values ​​is recognized as a taxpayer’s loss taken into account for tax purposes; the resulting loss is included in the taxpayer's other expenses in equal shares over a period defined as the difference between the useful life of this property and the actual period of its operation until the moment of sale;

¾ losses from operations on assignment of claims (after the payment deadline) - the negative difference between the income from the sale of the right to claim the debt and the cost of the goods (work, services) sold is recognized as a loss under the transaction of assignment of the right to claim, which is included in the other expenses of the taxpayer;

¾ losses from the activities of service industries and farms - the taxpayer has the right to transfer the loss for a period not exceeding ten years, and use only the profit received in carrying out the specified types of activities to repay it;

¾ excessive payment of income tax to the budget;

¾ presence of accounts payable for purchased goods (work, services) when using the cash method of determining income and expenses for tax purposes;

Deferred tax liabilities reduce the current income tax of the reporting period relative to the conditional tax, but lead to an increase in income tax payable in subsequent periods. Deferred tax liabilities are certainly beneficial to the organization, since they contribute to the growth of financial results, in particular net profit. This conclusion is true even taking into account the fact that temporary taxable differences lead to an increase in tax payments in subsequent periods, since “time is money” and the opportunity to obtain a “deferment” on tax payments is beneficial to the organization. Deferred tax liabilities are formed due to the following factors:

¾ recognition of revenue from sales of products (goods, works, services) and interest income for taxation on the cash basis;

¾ excess depreciation amounts, accrued for the purpose of determining the taxable base for income tax over the amounts of depreciation accrued for accounting purposes;

¾ availability of deferred expenses , which in tax accounting are immediately written off as financial results;

¾ write-off of indirect expenses immediately on financial results in tax accounting;

¾ deferment or installment plan for the payment of income tax;

¾ others.

Business activity analysis

The purpose of business activity analysis is to assess the quality of management by the criterion of the speed of conversion of the organization's assets into cash. The rate at which assets are converted into cash characterize not only the efficiency of the organization, but also its liquidity, solvency and creditworthiness, since the faster the business processes in the organization proceed, the fewer problems it has with servicing obligations and the higher the creditworthiness.

The analysis of business activity is presented by turnover ratios, turnover period indicators and consolidation ratios; when calculating turnover indicators, indicators of the value of assets and revenue (expenses) are compared, while the values ​​of assets should be taken in the average annual assessment, however, in order to analyze the dynamics of turnover indicators (especially when analyzing reporting for one year), you can use the values ​​of assets at the beginning of the year and end of the year (comparing them respectively with revenue (expenses) for the previous and reporting year). Asset turnover ratios show how quickly assets are converted into money, turnover period characterizes the duration of one turnover of assets, and consolidation factor reflects the amount of assets required to receive 1 ruble of revenue.

The analysis of factors influencing the business activity of an organization deserves special attention. They can be grouped as follows:

¾ asset structure: the greater the share of non-current assets, the lower the asset turnover indicators;

¾ presence of non-performing assets: the more there are, the lower the asset turnover;

¾ raw materials procurement scheme : the larger the size of the imported consignments, the greater the size of the corresponding inventories and the lower their turnover;

¾ production process duration: the longer the process, the lower the turnover of work-in-process inventories;

¾ product competitiveness: the higher the competitiveness, the higher the inventory turnover of finished products;

¾ The solvency of buyers and the terms of supply of products affect the duration of the receivables turnover: The higher the solvency of buyers, the better the receivables turnover indicators.

Calculation of turnover indicators is carried out using the following formulas.

Current assets turnover ratio determined by formula 4.36:

Kota = B / OAsp, (4.36)

Where: IN- revenue from the sale of goods, rub.;

OASR- average annual value of current assets, rub.

Inventory turnover ratio determined by formula 4.37:

Kz = S / (4.37)

Where: WITH- cost of goods sold, rub.;– average annual cost of inventories, rub.

The accounts receivable turnover ratio is determined by formula 4.38:

Kdz = V / DZsr, (4.38)

Where: DZsr- average annual accounts receivable, rub.

Inventory turnover period determined by formula 4.39:

Tzap = 365 / Kz. (4.39)

Receivables turnover period (collection period) determined by formula 4.40:

Tdz = 365 / Kdz. (4.40)

Inventory consolidation ratio determined by formula 4.41:

Z. = Zap.av / V. (4.41)

Receivables consolidation ratio determined by formula 4.42:

Zdz = DZsr / V. (4.42)

4.8 Analysis of return on equity using the Du Pont method

The Du Pont methodology allows you to give a comprehensive assessment of the main factors influencing the return on equity of an organization, namely: return on sales, business activity and the equity multiplier. Therefore, it seems appropriate to complete the analysis of financial results with a study of this complex model, having first considered the indicators of business activity used in the Du Pont model.

The Du Pont model is one of the most well-known models of factor analysis of an organization's return on equity; it allows one to determine the main reason for changes in return on equity. It should be noted that the method of increasing profitability due to the three listed factors depends on the specifics of the organization’s activities. In particular, due to margins, an organization that produces high-quality products for a segment characterized by fairly high incomes and low price elasticity of demand can increase profitability; At the same time, it is obvious that the share of fixed costs should be quite low, since high margins are usually accompanied by low production and sales volumes. In addition, since high margins are always an incentive for competitors to enter the market, the management of the organization must be confident that the market is sufficiently protected from potential manufacturers. If the direction for increasing return on equity is asset turnover, then the market segment served should be characterized by high price elasticity of demand and low incomes of potential buyers, i.e. in this case we are talking about a mass market, and, therefore, production capacity must be sufficient to meet demand. It is possible to increase the return on equity due to the multiplier, that is, by increasing liabilities, only if, firstly, the profitability of the organization’s assets significantly exceeds the cost of attracted liabilities and, secondly, in the structure of its assets non-current assets have a small share , which allows the organization to have a significant share of non-permanent sources in the structure of funding sources.

Model "Du Pont" can be represented by formula 4.43:

Rsk = VA / SK * V / VA * Pch / V 100%. (4.43)

In accordance with this multiplicative model, return on equity is the product of the factors already mentioned: equity multiplier, asset turnover, net margin.

accounting automation consultant, certified 1C-Specialist,
author of the courses “Income Tax, PBU 18 in 1C in Practice”,
“Production accounting in 1C-UPP for managers.”

Working with the report “Analysis of the state of tax accounting for income tax”

In all 1C configurations that have accounting and tax accounting blocks (1C-Accounting, 1C-Complex Automation, 1C-UPP), there is a report “Analysis of the state of tax accounting for income tax”.

The report is intended to check the turnover of income and expenses taken into account when calculating the tax base for income tax, according to accounting and tax accounting data, taking into account temporary and permanent differences.

The report is not intended:

To analyze data on income and expenses related to activities subject to UTII, with the exception of those expenses that are assigned to activities subject to UTII as a result of distribution based on income received.

To analyze income not taken into account when determining the tax base.

The analysis is carried out by comparing accounting data, tax accounting and accounting for permanent and temporary differences. Data comparison is based on equality in rpm corresponding accounts by type of accounting:

BU = NU ± PR ± VR

(I use the “±” sign to emphasize that the accounting and accounting amounts must be positive with the exception of reversal operations, and the amount of differences can have both a “+” and “-“ sign).

1c Report Analysis of income tax

Using the structure of the tax base, you can go to the accounting section of interest. The transition from one scheme to another is made by double-clicking the mouse on the block with the indicators of interest.

If you select the “Tax” section, the “Calculation of income tax” diagram opens.

In the diagram, the analysis is carried out by comparing the amount of income tax according to tax accounting data (income tax return) and according to accounting data, taking into account the recognition and write-off of permanent and deferred tax assets and liabilities ().

If the amount of income tax according to accounting data coincides with the amount of income tax according to tax accounting data, then tax accounting is regarded as correct. The exception is when there is an accounting loss during the audited period.

In this case, in the diagram, the blocks “Income tax according to NU data” and “Income tax according to accounting data, taking into account adjustments” are circled green frame.

Each block of the scheme has a name and 4 amounts, according to the types of accounting - BU, NU, VR and PR

By selecting a block in the diagram for decoding (for example, Income), a more detailed diagram for the selected block opens

If there is no detailed diagram for the block, then a report is opened on the summary transactions (turnovers) that formed the indicators of the block.

Below is an example of decoding the “Revenue from ordinary activities” block.

By setting the “Expand by documents” flag, the report expands to the primary documents that generated the indicators.

Any document included in the report can be opened by double-clicking on the selected line.

Thus, by sequentially moving from block to block and deciphering the indicators, you can reach the primary documents,

If the indicators of any block do not satisfy equality

BU = NU + PR + VR, then such a block is surrounded by a red frame, which indicates the presence of an error.

By double-clicking on such a block, we get a breakdown by revolutions. By setting the “Expand by documents” and “Show only errors” flags, we detail the decoding to the documents that generated the discrepancies.

After eliminating all errors and repeating routine operations, the report should not contain blocks highlighted with a red frame:

P.S. There are situations when the income tax calculation is correct, but the blocks are still highlighted with a red frame.

And there are also situations when the calculation is not correct, and there are no blocks highlighted in red.

These features of the report were explained in video appendix to the seminar “Income tax return in 1C - without errors and on time”, which was held in December.

P.S. The absence of discrepancies in the verified equality BU = NU + BP + PR indicates the first formal check for correctness. The correctness of the reflection of income and expenses for accounting and tax accounting is determined by the correct execution of primary documents and the selection of appropriate expense items.

Analysis of corporate income tax using the example of Stroymagnat LLC

Let's consider the mechanism for collecting corporate income tax using the example of Stroymagnat LLC.

Profit that is subject to taxation is calculated based on 4 components:

income from sales;

expenses that reduce the amount of income from the sale;

non-operating income;

non-operating expenses.

Profit is calculated by finding the amount of income and expenses for all criteria of economic activity (responsible for sales and non-sales activities of the organization), cumulatively from the beginning of the year.

When identifying income, tax amounts submitted in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation by the taxpayer are excluded. Currently, these taxes include VAT, excise taxes and other mandatory payments.

Identification of income occurs on the basis of primary and other documents proving the income received by the taxpayer, and tax accounting documents.

When determining the tax base, many incomes received in the form of targeted financing and targeted revenues, in settlements with founders, as a result of the implementation of government programs, as well as funds and property that, upon receipt, do not become the property of the organization forever, are not taken into account.

Proceeds from the sale of goods in the form of own production and previously purchased, as well as proceeds from the sale of property rights are income from sales. Sales proceeds are calculated based on all receipts agreed upon with payments for goods sold and property rights.

Non-operating income is income not related to the sale of goods, work, services, determined in accordance with Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation [Art. 250 Tax Code of the Russian Federation]

When calculating profits, the purpose of taxation is the correct determination of the cost of production. It is at this stage that mistakes are most often made by financial and accounting services of organizations. It is very important to track such errors, since an inflated level of cost reduces the income tax base. Not all actual costs are included in the cost. There are types of expenses that can only be made from the profit remaining at the organization's disposal after taxes. Other costs are included in the cost, but not completely, but only within the approved standards. An example of such expenses are travel expenses, entertainment expenses, etc.

The cost of production includes:

costs directly related to the production of products (works, services), determined by production technology;

costs associated with the use of natural raw materials, land, wood, water, etc.;

costs of preparation and development of production;

cumulative costs associated with improving technology and production organization, and improving product quality;

costs of carrying out experimental work, inventive and rationalization activities;

production process maintenance costs;

current costs associated with the operation of natural resources: wastewater treatment plants, filters, wastewater treatment costs, etc.;

costs associated with production management;

costs associated with training and retraining of personnel;

costs of transporting workers to and from work in areas where there is no public transport;

contributions to special sectoral and intersectoral extra-budgetary funds;

costs for the reproduction of fixed production assets, included in the cost of production in the form of depreciation charges for complete restoration;

taxes, fees, payments and other mandatory deductions made in accordance with the procedure established by law;

depreciation of intangible assets;

payment for the services of credit institutions for issuing wages to employees and carrying out factoring operations.

Let's look at the formation of income in Stroymagnat LLC for 2013-2015 in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - Income received by Stroymagnat LLC for 2013-2015. (rub.)

From table 2.1 it is clear that the organization achieved considerable results in 2015, which proves an increase in revenue by 16.5% compared to 2014 and by 9.4% compared to 2013. This increase in income means an increase in revenue from sales of goods of own production and non-operating income.

If we compare the results of 2014 with 2013, we can see that there was a decline in income by 11.6%, in particular due to a decrease in revenue from the sale of manufactured products due to a decrease in demand for manufactured goods, as well as revenue from the sale of fixed assets.

Let's consider the expenses of Stroymagnat LLC associated with the production and sale of products. To begin with, it is worth identifying what applies to these expenses.

Expenses are recognized as justified and documented expenses incurred (incurred) by the taxpayer.[ Art. 265 Tax Code of the Russian Federation]

The organization’s expenses, depending on their type, as well as the conditions for implementation and areas of activity of enterprises, are divided into 2 groups:

costs associated with production and sales, which include:

expenses associated with the production, storage and delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services, acquisition and sale of goods (work, services, property rights);

expenses for maintenance and operation, repair and maintenance of fixed assets and other property, as well as for maintaining them in good condition;

expenses for the development of natural resources;

research and development expenses;

expenses for compulsory and voluntary insurance;

Non-operating expenses. [Accounting Regulations "Expenses of the Organization" PBU 10/99]

In the event that some costs are assigned simultaneously to several groups of expenses, the taxpayer can independently determine which group he will assign these expenses to.

In addition, costs associated with production and sales are divided into:

indirect.[ Art. 318 Tax Code of the Russian Federation]

Direct costs include:

material costs (costs of purchasing raw materials and materials, as well as components);

expenses for remuneration of personnel involved in the process of production of goods (works, services);

the amount of unified social tax accrued for the remuneration of production personnel;

depreciation of fixed assets that are used in the production of goods (works, services). [Art. 318 Tax Code of the Russian Federation]

All other expenses (except non-operating) for tax purposes are classified as indirect. Direct and indirect expenses are divided if the taxpayer determines income and expenses using the accrual method. [ Art. 318 Tax Code of the Russian Federation]

The amount of indirect costs for production and sales incurred in the reporting period is fully included in the expenses of the current reporting period.

The amount of direct expenses incurred in the reporting period also applies to the expenses of the current reporting period, with the exception of the amounts of direct expenses distributed to the balances of work in progress, finished products in the warehouse and products shipped but not sold in the reporting period.

Let's take a closer look at the formation of direct costs.

Material costs include:

fuel, water and energy of all types spent on technological purposes and heating of buildings, costs for generation, transformation and transmission of energy;

works and services of a production nature, both purchased externally and carried out independently;

expenses for testing and quality control of products (works, services), maintenance and operation of fixed assets, and other similar purposes;

expenses for tools, fixtures, inventory, devices, laboratory equipment, workwear and other property that is not depreciable;

expenses associated with the maintenance and operation of fixed assets and other environmental property.

For the purposes of calculating income tax, labor costs include:

any accruals to employees in cash and in kind;

incentives and bonuses;

compensation accruals related to work hours or working conditions;

bonuses and one-time incentive accruals;

expenses related to the maintenance of employees, which are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, labor contracts and collective agreements.

Table 2.2 - Expenses incurred by Stroymagnat LLC for 2013-2015.

After analyzing Table 2.2, a number of conclusions can be drawn. It can be seen that the organization’s expenses are declining over the period of time under review. In 2014, there was a significant decrease in the amount of expenses by 19% compared to the same period in 2013, and in 2015, an increase in expenses was established by 11% compared to 2014. However, expenses in 2015 are significantly lower than expenses in 2013 by 9% or 849,825 rubles. This reduction in expenses in 2014 is the result of a decrease in depreciation amounts, a reduction in some expenses, as well as the use of cheaper raw materials.

The increase in the amount of expenses in 2015 was caused by an increase in non-operating expenses, as well as an increase in other expenses of the organization. Costs associated with production and sales (direct costs), as can be seen from the data in Table. 2.2, are the most significant and the largest share in their total share is made up of material costs.

The tax base is calculated using formula 2.1:

N.b = D-R(2.1)

where Nb is the tax base;

D - income received by the enterprise;

R - expenses received by the enterprise.

The amount of corporate income tax is calculated - this is the tax base multiplied by the tax rate for income tax. It is calculated using formula 2.2:

Amount of income tax = N.bChNs(2.2)

where Nb is the tax base;

NS - tax rate.

Table 2.3 - Calculation of the amount of income tax payable by Stroymagnat LLC to the budget for 2013-2015.

Calculations for 2013:

N.b = 10,622,520 rubles - 9,129,790 rubles = 1,492,730 rubles

Amount of income tax = 1,492,730 H 20% = 298,564 rubles

Calculations for 2014:

N.b = 9,408,581 rubles - 7,397,230 rubles = 2,011,351 rubles

Amount of income tax = 2,011,351 H 20% = 402,270 rubles

Calculations for 2015:

N.b = 11,268,320 rubles - 8,279,965 rubles = 2,988,355 rubles

Amount of income tax = 1,492,730 CH 20% = 597,671 rubles

Conclusion: From the data in Table 2.3 it is clear that in the analyzed period there was an increase in profit by 46%, and, accordingly, the amount of income tax payable to the budget of the Russian Federation by 46% in 2015 compared to 2013. Comparing 2014. since 2013, it can be seen that profits have increased by 26%.

If we compare the results of 2015 with 2014, we can see that there was an increase in profit by 33% due to a uniform increase in income and expenses. Along with the increase in the amount of profit, there was an increase in the amount of income tax by 33%, this was influenced by the increase in taxable profit.

Combining accounting with tax accounting when taxing profits. The procedure for preparing a tax return for income tax. Reflection of income tax amounts in the accounting records of Consult Geo Group LLC, the use of information technologies.

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Table 3 - Main performance indicators of Consult Geo Group LLC for 2012

Table 4 - Dynamics of sales revenue by reporting periods

Table 5 - Cost structure of Consult Geo Group LLC in 2012

According to the financial statements (Appendix 4), compared to the previous year, the performance efficiency of Consult Geo Group LLC in 2012 is not high enough.

Against the backdrop of the ongoing financial crisis and other external factors, Consult Geo Group LLC was faced with a major problem - insufficient working capital, which arose for the following reasons:

decreasing demand for preparation of documents on IRD;

late receipt of payments from suppliers.

For the above reasons, Consult Geo Group LLC was forced to revise its development strategy in 2012 in the following areas:

a decrease in sales volumes by 30-40 percent and, as a consequence, a reduction in the number of personnel by 10 people compared to 2011;

reduction of general business expenses.

The main source of information when analyzing financial condition is financial statements. It is convenient to study the structure and dynamics of the financial condition of an organization for the reporting period using data from the financial results report, balance sheet and its annexes in the form of an explanatory note (Appendix 4).

Table 6 - Results of activities of Consult Geo Group LLC

for 2011-2012



Revenue, thousand rubles

24174 acquisition and delivery of equipment - 6 reflected that

Gross profit, thousand rubles.

Average annual cost of fixed assets

funds, thousand rubles

Average number of employees, people.

Profit before tax

Current income tax, thousand rubles.

Net profit, thousand rubles.

Profitability, %

(Profit / Revenue * 100%)

retained earnings

From the results obtained it is clear that this organization in the analyzed period reduced the scale of its activities by almost half.

The organization's revenue in 2012 compared to 2011 decreased by 7986 thousand rubles. and the deviation amounted to 32.8 percent of the 2011 revenue, which resulted in a decrease in sales profit.

The entire share of the balance sheet profit is taken up by profit from the sale of goods, which by the end of the year amounted to 100 percent. The decrease in the organization's revenue in the analyzed period could have occurred due to a decrease in the volume of products sold and a change in its assortment.

The cost of sales increased, which led to a decrease in the level of gross profit to the amount of revenue in 2012 relative to 2011, the deviation is 96 thousand rubles or 57.1 percent.

However, in this period the organization acquired new fixed assets, i.e. has modernized its production, which will further affect the improvement of the quality of work performed, reduction of their cost and, as a result, expansion of its activities in this market. The cost of fixed assets at the end of 2012 amounted to 22,325 thousand rubles, the increase compared to 2011 was 15.8 percent.

The decrease in the organization's profit also led to a corresponding decrease in the profit remaining at the disposal of the organization, i.e. net profit by 14 thousand rubles. or 23.3 percent.

At the same time, we observed in the reporting period an increase in retained earnings by 46 thousand rubles, the total amount of retained earnings in 2012 was 754 thousand rubles. The increase in the organization's capital occurs mainly due to retained earnings. As a result of an increase in the amount of retained earnings, an increase in the organization’s capital is reflected, which allows Consult Geo Group LLC to maintain an acceptable level of financial independence. At the same time, the presence of retained earnings can be considered as a source of replenishing the organization’s working capital and reducing the level of short-term accounts payable.

2.2 Income tax in the organization’s tax accounting system

In order to generate complete and reliable information about the tax base, to control the correctness, completeness and timeliness of calculation and payment of taxes to the budget, Consult Geo Group LLC maintains tax records, which is also intended to provide information to internal and external users.

The tax accounting system is organized by the taxpayer independently, based on the principle of consistency in the application of tax accounting norms and rules, that is, it is applied sequentially from one tax period to another.

At Consult Geo Group LLC, tax accounting and income tax calculations are carried out by the chief accountant.

The procedure for maintaining tax accounting in an organization is established in the accounting policy for tax purposes, approved by the relevant order of the head. The accounting policies of Consult Geo Group LLC are presented in Appendix 5.

Tax accounting in an organization, in parallel with accounting, is carried out automatically using the 1C: Accounting 7.7 program based on primary accounting data. All business transactions are reflected in tax accounts, which are used to create tax registers and fill out tax returns, and are filled out automatically in 1C. An example of analytical registers used in Consult Geo Group LLC is given in Appendix 6.

For the purpose of determining the tax base for income tax, tax accounting in a given organization is maintained by the chief accountant in the 1C program.

At Consult Geo Group LLC, income tax benefits are not applied, due to the fact that this tax is fully taxable.

To account for income and expenses for the purpose of calculating income tax, the accrual method is used in accordance with Art. 271 - 272 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Under the accrual method, income is reflected in the reporting (tax) period in which it was generated, regardless of the actual receipt of funds. Expenses accepted for tax purposes are recognized as such in the reporting (tax) period to which they relate, regardless of the time of actual payment of funds and (or) other form of payment.

Expenses are recognized as justified, documented and economically justified costs associated with the production of work (provision of services) and the sale of goods. Grouping of expenses is carried out in accordance with Art. 253 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The accounting policy of the organization reflects that income and expenses from sales are recorded in accounting accounts using analytical features that group income and expenses for ordinary activities depending on the degree of recognition for profit tax purposes.

Non-operating income and expenses are accounted for in accounting accounts using analytical features that group other income and expenses depending on the degree of recognition for profit tax purposes. The cost of purchased goods sold is estimated using the FIFO method.

Depreciation for all fixed assets is calculated using the straight-line method. Depreciation on depreciable property is calculated using the straight-line method in the manner established in accordance with Art. 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The tax period for income tax is a calendar year. In this case, the reporting periods are the first quarter, six months and nine months of the calendar year. Reporting periods for calculating monthly advance payments: one month, two months, three months and so on until the end of the calendar year

In accordance with the established accounting policies, the organization calculates and pays monthly advance payments in equal installments in the amount of 1/3 of the actually paid quarterly advance payment for the quarter preceding the quarter in which the monthly advance payments are made.

Profit subject to taxation is determined on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year. If a loss is incurred in the reporting period, the tax base in this period is recognized as zero.

At the end of each reporting period, the chief accountant submits an income tax return, which reflects data on income received and expenses incurred, sources of income and the calculated amount of tax and other data related to the calculation and payment of tax.

2.3 Formation of taxable profit of Consult Geo Group LLC

Analysis of the formation, distribution and use of profit is carried out in several stages:

profit is analyzed by composition and dynamics;

analyzes the formation of net profit and the impact of taxes on profits;

An assessment is made of the efficiency of profit distribution among funds.

The analysis begins with an assessment of the dynamics of profit indicators for the reporting period. At the same time, the main financial indicators for the previous and reporting periods are compared, deviations from the basic values ​​of the indicators are calculated and it is found out which indicators had the greatest impact on profit.

For tax authorities and organizations, taxable profit is of great interest, since the amount of income tax, and, accordingly, the amount of net income depends on it. To calculate income tax, taxable profit is determined.

When calculating taxable profit, gross profit is reduced by the amount of contributions to the reserve fund and other funds created in accordance with the law by organizations for which the creation of such funds is provided.

The amount of net profit is also influenced by income taxed at special rates different from income tax and deducted from gross profit when calculating taxable profit.

Separately from the general tax base, the tax base is determined for the following types of transactions: for transactions with securities; on operations with financial instruments of futures transactions; on income from equity participation (dividends); on income in the form of interest on state and municipal securities.

To determine taxable profit, you need to make a calculation. Taxable profit (tax base for income tax) in general is equal to:

NB = Dreal + Dv/r - Rreal + Rv/r, (1)

where NB is the tax base for income tax, rub.;

Dreal - income from sales, rub.;

Дв/р - non-operating income, rub.;

Rreal - sales expenses, rub.;

Rv/r - non-operating expenses, rub.

Taxable profit is calculated based on four components:

income from the sale of goods, products, works, services;

expenses that reduce the amount of income from the sale of goods, products, works, services;

non-operating income;

non-operating expenses.

When determining the tax base, profit subject to taxation is determined on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period.

1 We classify income by accounting groups.

2 Grouping expenses.

3 Determine profit from sales:

Preal = Dreal - Rreal (2)

4 Determine non-operating profit:

Pv/r= Dv/r - Rv/r (3)

5 Let’s determine the profit received by the organization:

Porg = Preal + Pv/r (4)

2.4 Analysis of the procedure for calculating and paying income tax amounts of Consult Geo Group LLC to budgets of different levels

Taxpayers for corporate income tax calculate the tax base based on the results of each reporting period (first quarter, half-year and nine months of the calendar year) and tax period (calendar year) based on tax accounting data. The tax base is calculated for the purpose of filling out a tax return for corporate income tax. At the same time, the organization must provide a set of tax accounting registers that reflect the organization’s income and expenses, and the procedure for generating accounting objects must also be determined.

Based on the data from the financial results report and the annual income tax return for 2012 of the organization Consult Geo Group LLC, we will determine the procedure for generating taxable profit.

To calculate taxable profit, table No. 7 has been compiled, which shows the data of the financial results report for 2011 and 2012.

Table 7 - Calculation of taxable profit of Consult Geo Group LLC


Deviation, thousand rubles

Revenue, thousand rubles

Cost of sales, thousand rubles.

Gross profit, thousand rubles.

Profit (loss) from sales, thousand rubles.

Other expenses, thousand rubles.

Profit (loss) before tax, thousand rubles.

Increase (+), decrease (?) in the amount of profit as a result of its adjustment for taxation needs in accordance with the established procedure

Income tax benefits

Taxable profit, thousand rubles.

The financial result was revealed: profit before tax in 2011 was 75 thousand rubles, and in 2012 - 57 thousand rubles, the amount of profit decreased by 18 thousand rubles. We also observe a decrease in profit from sales of products (goods, works) in 2012 by 96 thousand rubles. The data in Table 7 shows that the amount of taxable profit of the organization decreased by 18 thousand rubles.

Changes in the amount of taxable profit may be influenced by factors that form the amount of profit from ordinary activities. In this case, it can be assumed that an increase in product costs and a decrease in sales volumes contributed to a reduction in the amount of taxable profit.

After generating taxable profit, the organization pays taxes to the state budget, and the remaining part of the profit remains at the disposal of the organization.

Next, we will consider the mechanism for collecting income tax of the limited liability company “Consult Geo Group” and calculate the organization’s income tax for 2011 and 2012. To do this, we will summarize the data taken from the financial statements and income tax return of Consult Geo Group LLC for each reporting and tax period of 2011 and 2012, presented in tables 8,9,10.

The gradual formation of profit subject to taxation can be represented as follows:

We classify income by accounting groups:

Income from sales (Dreal)

Non-operating income (Dv/r)

Unaccounted income (days/hour)

Table 8 - Revenues from sales

Amount, rub.

1 Calculate sales income for each reporting and tax period using the formula:

Dreal = Dreal (5)

a) for 2011

Real I quarter = 4,017,809 rubles.

Dreal I half of the year = 4017809 + 11445078 = 15462887 rubles.

Dreal 9 months = 4017809 + 11445078 + 4802769 = 20265656 rub.

Dreal year = 4017809 +11445078 + 4802769 + 4076173 = 24341829 rub.

b) for 2012

Real I quarter = 5128322 rub.

Dreal I half of the year = 5128322 +2410899 = 7539221 rub.

Dreal 9 months = 5128322 + 2410899 +2248283 = 9787504 rub.

Dreal year = 5128322 + 2410899 +2248283 + 6568301 = 16355805 rub.

We will calculate non-operating income for each reporting and

taxable period:

D in/r = D in/r (6)

For 2011 and 2012 Consult Geo Group LLC did not receive non-operating income. Throughout its activities, the organization received income only from the sale of goods (work, services).

3 Grouping expenses:

Sales expenses (Rreal)

Non-operating expenses (Rv/r)

Unaccounted expenses (Rn/uch)

Table 9 - Costs associated with production and sales

Amount, rub.

4 Let’s calculate the costs associated with production and sales for each reporting and tax period:

Rreal = Rreal (7)

a) for 2011

Rreal Q1 = 3,960,804 rubles.

Rreal I half of the year = 3960804 +11409476 = 15370280 rub.

Rreal 9 months = 3960804 + 11409476 + 4769221 = 20139501 rub.

Rreal year = 3960804 + 11409476 + 4769221 + 4034226 = 24173727 rub.

b) for 2012

Rreal Q1 = RUB 5,110,586.

Rreal I half of the year = 5110586 +2389492 = 7500078 rub.

Rreal 9 months = 5110586 + 2389492 + 2236785 = 9736863 rub.

Rreal year = 5110586 + 2389492 + 2236785 +6546783 = 16283646 rub.

Table 10 - Non-operating expenses

a) for 2011

Rv/r I quarter = 50263 rub.

Rv/r I half of the year = 50263 +17151 = 67414 rubles.

Rv/r 9 months = 50263 +17151 + 14623 = 82037 rub.

Rv/r year = 50263 +17151 + 14623 + 10927 = 92964 rub.

b) for 2012

Rv/r I quarter = 5012 rub.

Rv/r I half of the year = 5012 + 4337 = 9349 rubles.

Rv/r 9 months = 5012 + 4337 + 4506 = 13855 rub.

Rv/r year = 5012 + 4337 + 4506 + 913 = 14768 rub.

6 Let us determine the financial result from the sale using formula (2):

a) for 2011

Preal I quarter = 4017809 - 3960804 = 57005 rub.

Preal I half of the year = 15462887 - 15370280 = 92607 rubles.

Preal 9 months = 20265656 - 20139501 = 126155 rub.

Preal year = 24341829 - 24173727 = 168102 rub.

b) for 2012

Preal I quarter = 5128322 - 5110586 = 17736 rubles.

Preal I half of the year = 7539221 - 7500078 = 39143 rubles.

Preal 9 months = 9787504 - 9736863 = 50641 rub.

Preal year = 16355805 - 16283646 = 72159 rub.

7 Let us determine the financial result for non-operating operations using formula (3):

a) for 2011

Pv/r I quarter = 0 - 50263 = ?50263 rub.

Pv/r I half of the year = 0 - 67414 =?67414 rub.

Pv/r 9 months = 0 - 82037 = ?82037 rub.

Pv/r year = 0 - 92964 = ?92964 rub.

b) for 2012

Pv/r I quarter = 0 - 5012 = ?5012 rub.

Pv/r I half of the year = 0 - 9349 = ?9349 rub.

Pv/r 9 months = 0 - 13855 = ?13855 rub.

Pv/r year = 0 - 14768 = ?14768 rub.

8 Let us calculate the financial result of the organization for each reporting and tax period using formula (4):

a) for 2011

Porg I quarter = 57005 + (-50263) = 6742 rubles.

Porg I half of the year = 92607 + (?67414) = 25193 rubles.

Porg 9 months = 126155 + (?82037) = 44118 rub.

Porg year = 168102 + (?92964) = 75138 rub.

b) for 2012

Porg I quarter = 17736 + (?5012) = 12724 rub.

Porg I half of the year = 39143 + (?9349) = 29794 rubles.

Porg 9 months = 50641 + (?13855) = 36786 rub.

Porg year = 72159 + (?14768) = 57391 rub.

9 We will calculate the organization’s profit tax at the end of each reporting and tax period:

where NB = Porg,

NP - amount of income tax, rub.;

SNP - income tax rate,%.

The organization Consult Geo Group LLC does not apply income tax benefits and does not receive profit from activities that are taxed at different income tax rates. Calculates the amount of income tax at the basic rate of 20 percent, while distributing 2 percent to the federal budget and 18 percent to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

a) for 2011

NP I quarter = = 1349 rub.

NP I half of the year = = 5039 rub.

NP 9 months = = 8824 rub.

NP year == 15028 rub.

b) for 2012

NP I quarter = = 2545 rub.

NP I half of the year = = 5959 rub.

NP 9 months = = 7357 rub.

NP year = = 11,478 rub.

10 Let us determine the amount of income tax to be transferred to the budget after the end of the tax period:

where NPbudzh is the amount of income tax payable to the budget, rubles;

NPuplach.previously - the amount of income tax paid in advance

payments in the tax (reporting) period, rub.

a) for 2011

NPbudzh = 15028 - 12607 = 2421 rub.

b) for 2012

NPbudzh = 11478 -7357 = 4121 rub.

11 Let’s distribute the amount of income tax received to the Federal and Regional budgets:

where NPFB is the amount of income tax payable to the Federal Budget, rubles;

NPRB - the amount of income tax payable to the Regional

Budget, rub.;

SNPFS - rate of income tax subject to credit to the Federal Budget,%;

SNPRB - rate of income tax subject to credit to the Regional budget,%;

a) for 2011

To the Federal Budget

NPFB I quarter = = 135 rub.

NPFB I half of the year = = 504 rub.

NPFB 9 months = = 882 rub.

NPFB year = = 1503 rub.

To the Regional budget

NPRBI quarter = = 1214 rub.

NPRBI half year = = 4535 rub.

NPRB 9 months = = 7941 rub.

NPRB year = = 13525 rub.

b) for 2012

To the Federal Budget

NPFBI quarter = = 254 rub.

NPFB I half of the year = = 595 rub.

NPFB 9 months = = 736 rub.

NPFB year = = 1148 rub.

To the Regional budget

NPRB I quarter == 2290 rub.

NPRB I half of the year = = 5352 rub.

NPRB 9 months = = 7941 rub.

NPRB year = = 10330 rub.

12 Let us calculate the level of production profitability (Rpr) at the end of the reporting year using the formula:

Rpr = 100% (13)

a) for 2011

Rpr = 100% = 0.7%

b) for 2012

Rpr = 100% = 0.4%

Based on the data obtained, we will compile an analytical table 11 and calculate the dynamics of indicators as the ratio of the reporting period of 2012 to the previous period of 2011, expressed as a percentage.

Table 11 - Analysis of the organization's profit

The name of indicators

Dynamics of indicators, %

1 Organizational income, rub.

2 Organizational expenses, rub.

3 Balance sheet profit, rub.

4 Profit from sales, rub.

5 Non-operating profit, rub.

6 Level of production profitability, %

As can be seen from Table 11, the organization has negative dynamics of all indicators - following the decrease in the organization’s income in 2012, there followed a decrease in sales profit, balance sheet, and profitability.

The organization's total income in 2012 amounted to 16,355,805 rubles, while in the previous year 2011 the value of this indicator was 2,434,1829 rubles, we are observing a decrease of 32.81 percent.

Due to a decrease in sales volume in 2012, balance sheet profit decreased by 23.6 percent.

In the reporting period, there was a decrease in the amount of loss from non-operating activities from RUB 92,964. up to 14768 rub. This means that this organization pays all its attention to activities related to the sale of goods (works, services). In general, sales profit by 2012 decreased by 95,943 thousand rubles. or by 57.1 percent.

The value of profitability of production activities of 0.4 indicates that for every ruble spent by Consult Geo Group LLC on production and sales, 4 kopecks of profit were received. The obtained values ​​should prompt the organization’s management to take decisive measures to improve the efficiency of business activities and increase the investment attractiveness of the organization.

Despite the deterioration of the organization's performance compared to the previous year, it remains financially stable, as it has consistently generated profits throughout its activities.

2.5 The procedure for preparing a tax return for income tax

Payers of corporate income tax, regardless of whether they have an obligation to pay tax and (or) advance payments for tax, the specifics of calculation and payment of tax, are required to submit at the end of each reporting and tax period to the tax authorities at the place of their location and the location of each separate division tax returns.

The declaration contains general (mandatory) and special (optional) sheets. Mandatory sheets are filled out by all taxpayers without exception, the remaining sheets are filled out only if there are corresponding turnovers.

The following are required to be included in the declaration:

Title page;

Appendix No. 2 “Expenses associated with production and sales, non-operating expenses and losses equated to non-operating expenses” to Sheet 02.

Other sheets and sections are included in the declaration and submitted to the tax authority only if the taxpayer has income, expenses, losses, or funds to be reflected in the specified subsections, sheets and appendices, carries out transactions with securities, is a tax agent, or in his the composition includes separate units.

The declaration is drawn up on a cumulative basis from the beginning of the year. All values ​​of the Declaration’s cost indicators are indicated in full rubles. Indicator values ​​less than 50 kopecks are discarded, and 50 kopecks or more are rounded to the full ruble.

Declarations based on the results of the tax period are submitted by taxpayers no later than March 28 of the year following the expired tax period.

In the declaration of Consult Geo Group LLC for the tax period (Appendix 7), the following sections and sheets are filled out:

Title page;

Subsection 1.1 of Section 1 “The amount of tax payable to the budget, according to the taxpayer”;

Sheet 02 “Calculation of corporate income tax”;

Appendix No. 1 “Income from sales and non-operating income” to Sheet 02;

Appendix No. 2 “Expenses associated with production and sales, non-operating expenses and losses equated to non-operating expenses” to Sheet 02;

Appendix No. 5 to Sheet 02 “Calculation of the distribution of advance payments and corporate income tax to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation by an organization that has separate divisions.”

Section 1. Organizations that include separate divisions that submit a declaration at the place of registration of the parent organization, in subsections 1.1 and 1.2, payments to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are indicated without taking into account the payments of the separate divisions included in it. Accordingly, in declarations submitted at the location of a separate division, these amounts will be indicated for this specific division.

Subsection 1.1 of Section 1 reflects the amounts of advance payments and taxes payable to budgets based on the results of the reporting or tax period.

The indicator of line 040 is determined by subtracting lines 220 and 250 of Sheet 02 from line 190, but only if the indicator of line 190 is greater than the sum of lines 220 and 250. If the indicator of line 190 is less than the sum of lines 220 and 250, the difference is indicated in line 050.

Line 070 is formed by subtracting lines 230 and 260 from line 200 (Sheet 02) if the indicator of line 200 is greater than the sum of lines 230 and 260. If it is less, the difference is indicated in line 080.

Sheet 02 “Calculation of corporate income tax” - when filling out the sheet, first of all you need to fill in the attribute “Taxpayer Attribute” with the value corresponding to the type of organization.

The amount on line 040 “Total sales income” from Appendix No. 1 to Sheet 02 is transferred to the indicator on line 010 “Income from sales”.

The amount on line 100 “Non-operating income - total” from Appendix No. 1 to Sheet 02 is transferred to the indicator on line 020 “Non-operating income”.

The data from line 130 of Appendix No. 2 to Sheet 02 is transferred to the indicator for line 030 “Expenses that reduce the amount of income from sales.”

The sum of the values ​​of lines 200 and 300 of Appendix No. 2 to Sheet 02 is transferred to the indicator for line 040 “Non-operating expenses”.

After filling out Sheet 02 up to line 100 inclusive, you must proceed to filling out other sheets of the declaration in accordance with the recommended filling procedure. After filling out the remaining sheets of the declaration, you must return to filling out Sheet 02.

When filling out the Declaration for an organization that has separate divisions, it is necessary to indicate the tax rate to the federal budget on line 150, according to which the corresponding tax amount will be calculated.

Taxpayers with separate divisions calculate income tax to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation according to a separate calculation in Appendix No. 5 to Sheet 02 in the context of separate divisions or groups of separate divisions located on the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The amount of tax to the regional budget on line 200 will be calculated by adding data on the amounts of calculated income tax to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from lines 070 of Appendix No. 5 to Sheet 02 for each separate division, for an organization without separate divisions included in it, or for a group of separate divisions divisions located on the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.

In the declaration for the tax period, lines 290 - 310 do not need to be filled out.

Appendix No. 1 to Sheet 02 is always submitted by the organization as part of the declaration for the tax period (year). When filling out the Application, first of all you should check the completion of the “Taxpayer Identification” detail.

The value from line 040 “Total sales income” of Appendix No. 1 to Sheet 02 is transferred to line 010 of Sheet 02.

The value from line 100 “Non-operating income - total” of Appendix No. 1 to Sheet 02 is transferred to line 020 of Sheet 02. The calculation of the total indicator on line 130 is performed automatically in accordance with the formula indicated on the form. The value from line 130 of Appendix No. 2 to Sheet 02 is transferred to line 030 of Sheet 02.

The sum of the values ​​of lines 200 “Non-operating expenses - total” and 300 “Losses equated to non-operating expenses - total” of Appendix No. 2 to Sheet 02 is transferred to line 040 of Sheet 02.

Appendix No. 5 to Sheet 02 is filled out separately for an organization without separate divisions and for each separate division, including those liquidated in the current tax period, or a group of separate divisions located on the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Number of insertion of the corresponding code:

1 - for a separate division;

2 - for an organization without separate divisions included in it;

3 - for a separate division closed during the current tax period;

4 - for a group of separate units located on the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.

The “Taxpayer Identification” detail is filled in by selecting a code from the list.

Line 030 “Tax base for the entire organization” is filled in based on the data in line 120 of Sheet 02 of the declaration.

If the declaration is drawn up on behalf of an organization, the amount of accrued advance payments and the amount of tax to be paid or reduced will be transferred from the corresponding lines of all copies of the Appendix with the same taxpayer attribute to Sheet 02.

When drawing up a declaration on behalf of a separate division, Sheet 02 is not included in the declaration, therefore the amount of tax to be paid or reduced will be transferred from Appendix No. 5 directly to section 1.1 of the declaration.

At Consult Geo Group LLC, after the tax period, the income tax return is submitted electronically via the Internet. In this case, the tax authority transmits a receipt for acceptance of the tax return in electronic form and puts a mark on acceptance and the date of its receipt (Appendix 7).

When transmitting a tax return via telecommunication channels, the day of its submission is considered the date of its dispatch.

2.6 Reflection in the accounting records of Consult Geo Group LLC of the amounts of income tax accrued and paid

To summarize information about settlements with budgets for taxes and fees paid by an organization, account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” is intended in the chart of accounts. In this case, account 68 is credited for the amount of tax due on tax returns for contributions to budgets, in correspondence with account 99 “Profits and losses”, and the debit of account 68 reflects the amounts actually transferred to the budget. You need to reflect the tax in two stages: first calculate the tax on accounting profits, then make the final adjustment.

Accounting for income tax calculations using PBU 18/02 is maintained on the following accounts:

account 68, subaccount “Calculations for income tax”;

account 99, subaccount “Accounting for contingent income tax expenses”;

account 99, subaccount “Accounting for conditional income for income tax”;

account 99, subaccount “Permanent tax liability”;

account 09, subaccount “Deferred tax asset”;

account 77, subaccount “Deferred tax liability”.

The accounting policy of Consult Geo Group LLC does not provide for accounting for income tax calculations in such accounts.

Thus, since in accounting the accrual of income tax is carried out based on the results of reporting periods, then, accordingly, the organization, based on the tax return data, calculates the amounts subject to accrual in accounting and reflects the accrual of tax for the first quarter, first half of the year, nine months on the debit of account 99 “Profits and losses” in correspondence with the credit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”. Payment of advance payments for income tax is reflected in the generally established manner - by the debit of account 68 in correspondence with the credit of account 51 “Current accounts”. The amount of income tax calculated for the tax period is not reflected separately in accounting.

The entries for recording income tax amounts in accounting are clearly shown in Table 12.

Table 12 - Journal of business transactions

Source documents

Profit tax accrued (based on accounting profit)

Income tax returns,

accounting certificate

Deferred tax asset reflected

The deferred tax asset is reduced (fully repaid).

The deferred tax asset is written off in an amount by which taxable profit will not be reduced.

Tax registers, accounting certificates

Deferred tax liability is reflected.

Tax registers, accounting information.

Source documents

The deferred tax liability is written off in an amount by which the taxable profit of the reporting and subsequent periods will not be increased.

Tax registers, accounting certificates

Advance income tax payments have been made.

Bank account statement

Income tax paid

Payment order, bank account statement

At Consult Geo Group LLC, at the end of the year, tax accrual will be reflected in the following entries:

Dt 99 Kt 68.4.2 - 11478 rub. - Profit tax accrued;

Dt 68.4.1 Kt 51 - 11478 rub. - Funds were transferred from the current account to pay off the income tax debt to the budget.

2.7 Features of the use of information technologies for accounting for income tax calculations

profit tax accounting

The development of information technology has a direct impact on the economic aspects of society, including the entire accounting and tax accounting system.

The use of information technology in accounting significantly increases its efficiency, since control over the preparation of calculations, inventories and obligations over any period of time can be ensured through the compilation of reference registers and an operational monitoring system. Modern information technologies solve the problem of complete automation of obtaining accounting registers, which are carriers of various information.

Currently, all organizations conduct automated accounting and tax accounting using various software that allows them to fully disclose all aspects of accounting. The most common are programs from 1C.

The 1C software system provides ample opportunities for maintaining automated accounting at enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of their type of activity and form of ownership, with varying levels of accounting complexity. It also allows you to organize effective accounting, personnel, operational trade, warehouse and production accounting, payroll, and tax accounting.

At Consult Geo Group LLC, accounting is carried out automatically by using the specialized accounting program “1C: Accounting 7.7”, which allows you to register and save data, generate a variety of specialized reports, prepare indicators for financial statements, and conduct parallel tax accounting using analytical tax registers.

The program "1C: Accounting 7.7" is a universal mass-use program for automating accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting. This is a ready-made solution for accounting in organizations engaged in any type of commercial activity.

To implement the possibility of maintaining tax accounting in an organization, a number of documents and reports are included. With their help, information for tax accounting is entered and accumulated in the information base, and can also be processed and printed in the form of tax registers. Registers are formed as reports on tax accounting documents, tax accounts implemented in the form of auxiliary off-balance sheet accounts, and accounting accounts. Tax accounting registers allow you to analyze tax accounting data from individual business transactions to tax return lines.

As part of the configuration of the program "1C: Accounting 7.7." A corporate income tax return is supplied. An important feature of the income tax return is the ability to fill it out both manually and automatically.

When registering business transactions for tax accounting, the program uses accounting data. At the same time, it is possible to reflect specific tax accounting transactions that are not recorded in accounting, for example, the transfer to the next reporting (tax) periods of expenses accounted for in a special manner.

The formation of analytical tax accounting registers automates the process of generating income tax returns.

Stages of step-by-step generation of an income tax return: Income > Non-operating income > Expenses > Non-operating expenses > Performing routine operations for tax accounting > Analysis of the state of tax accounting > Closing the month for tax accounting > Formation of an income tax return.

In this case, the organization can use the methodology for supporting PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations”.

In accordance with the principles of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations”, it is necessary to take into account the differences between the amount of income tax calculated according to accounting and the amount of income tax calculated according to tax accounting. To meet the requirements of PBU 18/02, the program automatically maintains special auxiliary accounting for permanent and temporary differences in the valuation of assets and liabilities.

Currently, many organizations using the program “1C: Accounting 7.7.” switch to the program “1C: Accounting 8.0.”

2.8 Main directions for optimizing profit taxation in Consult Geo Group LLC

Profit reflects the results of all types of activity of the enterprise - production, non-production and financial. This means that profit margins reflect all aspects of the enterprise’s activities.

The main sources of reserves for increasing the amount of profit in Consult Geo Group LLC: increasing the volume of sales of goods, reducing their cost, improving the quality of commercial products, selling them on more profitable markets, which can be examined in detail in Figure 3.

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Figure 3 - Main directions for searching for reserves for increase

profit from the sale of goods of Consult Geo Group LLC

Based on the results of the analysis, it was revealed that the following factors influenced the decrease in the financial results of Consult Geo Group LLC in 2012:

decrease in sales volumes;

change in the structure of goods sold;

reduction in the price of goods sold.

To optimize income tax, it is proposed to create reserves at the enterprise. Not a single tax inspector will be able to question this method of optimizing income tax. With their help, you can legally postpone the payment of income tax to a later date or reduce its amount evenly throughout the year due to expenses that have not yet arisen.

According to the financial statements of 2012, the company Consult Geo Group LLC has accounts receivable of 6,851 thousand rubles. The presence of accounts receivable indicates the possible rather low payment discipline of buyers. With the help of a reserve for doubtful debts, an organization can protect itself from late paying buyers (customers).

In other words, by creating a reserve for doubtful debts, the organization optimizes income tax payments.

The amount of the reserve for doubtful debts is determined based on the results of the inventory of receivables carried out on the last day of the reporting (tax) period and is calculated as follows:

for doubtful debts with a maturity period of more than 90 days - the amount of the created reserve includes the full amount of debt identified on the basis of the inventory;

for doubtful debts with a period of occurrence from 45 to 90 days (inclusive) - the amount of the reserve includes 50 percent of the amount identified on the basis of the debt inventory;

doubtful debts with a maturity period of up to 45 days do not increase the amount of the created reserve.

At the same time, the amount of the created reserve for doubtful debts cannot exceed 10 percent of the revenue of the reporting (tax) period, determined in accordance with Art. 249 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Let's calculate the impact of this event on the financial condition of the organization.

LLC "Consult Geo Group" shipped IP Berdyugin V.V. goods April 14, 2012. Products shipped for 2100 thousand rubles. (including VAT - 190.9 320.3 thousand rubles). According to the terms of the contract, the goods must be paid for within a month from the date of shipment (until May 14, 2012). However, within the specified period, funds were not received from the buyer to the company’s current account.

For tax purposes, Consult Geo Group LLC uses the accrual method. It is assumed that the organization’s accounting policy stipulates the creation of a reserve for doubtful debts (both in accounting and tax accounting). The reserve is formed in accordance with the provisions of Art. 266 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

On the last day of the quarter, June 30, 2012, Consult Geo Group LLC conducted an inventory of accounts receivable. As a result, doubtful receivables of individual entrepreneur V.V. Berdyugin were identified. in the amount of 2,100 thousand rubles, its repayment period expired on May 14, 2012 (47 days before the end of the second quarter).

Accounts receivable IP Berdyugin V.V. falls into the second group. Therefore, 50 percent of this amount can be included in the reserve for doubtful debts in the second quarter. The amount of the reserve is 1050 thousand rubles.

For the first half of the year, the revenue of Consult Geo Group LLC amounted to 25,300 thousand rubles. (excluding VAT) 10 percent of this amount is 2,530 thousand rubles. Consequently, the amount of the reserve can be fully included in tax accounting in non-operating expenses in the second quarter.

The calculation of the amount of savings on income tax is given in Table 13.

Table 13 - Calculation of the amount of savings on income tax

The organization on September 30 includes in non-operating expenses the amount of 2,530 rubles, which reduces the amount of income tax by 506 thousand rubles. By reducing the amount of income tax, the organization increases net profit, which is one of the main indicators of the financial condition of the organization.

We can conclude that it is most profitable to create a reserve for doubtful debts for organizations with which customers do not pay on time, since by using such a reserve, an organization can avoid significant losses in any one reporting period. An organization, without waiting for the statute of limitations to expire, can write off overdue receivables as expenses.

The accounting policy of the organization for 2012 of Consult Geo Group LLC establishes that the organization pays monthly advance payments in equal installments in the amount of 1/3 of the actually paid quarterly advance payment for the quarter preceding the quarter in which the monthly advance payments are made. An alternative to the above option is to transfer monthly payments, which are calculated based on the actual profit received. In this case, the taxpayer pays what he actually received without overpayment.

To switch to this method, it is enough to submit a corresponding application to the tax office before December 31; the Tax Code does not put forward any more restrictions (neither in the amount of revenue, nor in the form of business, nor in the type of activity).

Since Consult Geo Group LLC uses the 1C: Accounting 7.7 system to maintain accounting and tax records, switching to the use of the 1C: Accounting 8 program will allow for more efficient and correct accounting. Also in order to automate the process of bringing together accounting and tax accounting for income tax "1C: Accounting 8".

For the purposes of tax accounting, “1C: Accounting 8” provides a special tax chart of accounts. Tax accounting is carried out simultaneously with accounting. This simplifies the development of tax accounting and allows you to compare accounting and tax accounting data to meet the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Calculations for income tax.”

The most important advantages of Accounting 8 over Accounting 7.7:

1) keeping records of the activities of several organizations in one information base;

2) tax accounting on a separate chart of accounts;

3) different tax schemes in one program;

4) advanced options for customizing standard operations;

5) modern user-friendly interface.

The result of tax optimization should be an increase in the real opportunities of an economic entity for further development and increasing the efficiency of its activities.


As a result of the study, the main provisions of taxation of an organization's profit were studied, the procedure and methods for calculating profit tax were studied, an analysis of profit taxation was considered using the example of an organization, and ways to optimize the profit tax were proposed.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, defines the purpose and objectives, indicates the subject and object of the thesis, and reflects the novelty and practical significance of the results of the thesis.

In conclusion, we summarize the results of the study and formulate conclusions and proposals.

The purpose of the thesis was to study the profit taxation system using the example of the commercial organization Consult Geo Group LLC, to study the procedure for calculating and paying income tax amounts and to identify the main directions for optimizing profit taxation in this organization.

To achieve this goal, a number of tasks posed in the introduction were solved. As a result of completing the thesis, solving these problems allows us to draw the following main conclusions.

During the study, the first task was to consider the methodological and legal aspects of tax accounting for income tax calculations.

Income tax is indispensable in the modern financial system, being the largest source of budget revenue. It covers not only different categories of taxpayers, but also establishes its own taxation characteristics for each of them.

The central place in the system of regulatory regulation of income tax is occupied by Chapter 25, Part II of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which directly establishes the procedure for calculating and paying this tax.

When considering the general rules for calculating income tax, the concept of such elements as tax payers, the procedure for calculating it, rates, the procedure and terms of payment, and the procedure for calculating the tax base should be disclosed. These elements were described in detail in the work.

In modern conditions, an organization chooses one of two methods to maintain its tax accounting: the accrual method or the cash method, in which taxpayers can determine taxable profit. Combining accounting with tax accounting when taxing profits is possible only if tax accounting is carried out using the accrual method. The work examined in detail the maintenance of tax accounting for income tax, and also provided an algorithm for accounting for income tax in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 and Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The practical significance of the thesis research is reflected in the analysis of the taxation of profits of Consult Geo Group LLC, where the process of forming the taxable profit of the organization, the procedure for calculating tax and its place in the tax accounting system of the organization are studied.

But first, a general organizational and economic characteristic of the analyzed organization was given.

Consult Geo Group LLC is an organization carrying out its commercial activities in the service sector. The organization operates in Rostov-on-Don. It occupies a stable position in the market, has an established circle of customers and has been profitable for a number of years.

The organization independently plans its activities and determines development prospects based on the demand for the products it produces. Currently, the main activities of the company are: appraisal activities, wholesale trade, preparation of initial permitting documentation. The organization was created for the purpose of making a profit through entrepreneurial activities.

When studying the formation of taxable profit in the analyzed organization, its phased formation was presented.

For tax authorities and organizations, taxable profit is of great interest, since the amount of income tax, and, accordingly, the amount of net income depends on it.

In the course of studying the procedure for calculating and paying income tax amounts at Consult Geo Group LLC, it was found that Consult Geo Group LLC does not apply income tax benefits, does not receive profit from activities that are taxed at different income tax rates . Calculates the amount of income tax at the basic rate of 20 percent, while distributing 2 percent to the federal budget and 18 percent to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Income tax is calculated and reflected in accounting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Permanent capital - its components are III and IV sections of the balance sheet liabilities (Capital and reserves and Long-term liabilities

Topic: Analysis of the distribution and use of profits (2 hours)

Goals and objectives: teach the methodology for conducting factor analysis of net profit and determine the reserves for using the net profit of the enterprise.

Study questions:

1. Objectives, content and information support for analyzing the use of profits.

2. Analysis of income taxes.

3. Analysis of the formation of net profit.

4. Analysis of the distribution and use of net profit.

5. Analysis of the company's dividend policy.

Educational information

The balance sheet profit generated by the enterprise is distributed in two directions:

1) one part goes to pay taxes and fees → goes to the state budget and is used for the needs of society;

2) The second part remains at the disposal of the enterprise, from which deductions are made to charitable funds, interest payments for the loan, economic sanctions and other expenses covered by profits.

The remaining amount is net profit, which is used to expand production, provide material incentives to employees, replenish working capital, and pay dividends. So what is the content of this analysis? Content in ensuring that in the distribution of profits optimality is achieved in satisfying the interests of the state, enterprise and workers. The state is interested in getting as much profit as possible into the budget; the management of the enterprise seeks to direct a large amount of profit to expand reproduction; and workers are interested in increased wages. It is important that the proportions between these three directions are maintained. If the share of profits for material incentives for labor decreases, this in turn will lead to a decrease in the material interest of workers and to a decrease in production efficiency. This problem is especially acute in conditions of inflation, when real wages fall, determined by real payment index: , if real pay decreases or remains at the same level, or , but not in the same way as in other enterprises workers will demand an increase. Therefore, every enterprise should have the optimal option was found profit distribution and main role should play in this analysis economic activity.

The objectives of the analysis are:

Study the factors of changes in taxable profit;

Determine the size of the state of emergency and contributions to funds;

Determine dividends paid;

Find optimal reserves for the sustainable functioning of the enterprise.

Information sources: for analysis, the Law on Taxes and Fees, instructions and instructions of the Ministry of Finance, the Charter of the enterprise, data from the accounting report “On profits and losses”, capital flow statement, current account No. 81 “Use of profit”, calculation of taxes on property, on profit are used , on income.

This analysis begins with a study of their composition and structure.

In this case, the structure is determined, changes according to the plan and over the past period are analyzed. Next, factors influencing changes in the amount of taxes are determined.

A change in the amount of property tax (N im) can occur due to an increase or decrease in the average annual value of property (I m) and the property tax rate (S n): in this way it is possible to establish the influence of each component on the amount of this tax:

or - due to the tax rate;

0 – planned or basic value;

1 – reporting year.

Income tax: Depends on taxable income and tax rates. To calculate the influence of these factors on changes in the amount of tax, it is necessary to multiply the change in the value of each type or the total amount of taxable income by the planned tax rate; and the change in the rate level affects the actual taxable income. Those. as in the previous formula.

Amount of income tax(N p) may change due to the amount of taxable profit (P n) and the income tax rate (S n): ;

1.3) Non-operating financial results.

3rd level:

1.1.1. Product sales volume.

1.1.2. Product structure.

1.1.3. Average selling prices.

1.1.4. Cost of production.

1.3.1. From securities.

1.3.2. From leasing fixed assets.

1.3.4. From writing off debts.

4th level:

1.1.5. products:

Incl. rising prices for resources;

Increased resource intensity.

All of these factors are multiplied by their change compared to the base indicator and tax rate during the reporting period.