Application for compensation. Documents required to receive compensation payments

Compensation from the Russian Union of Insurers (RUA) often becomes a significant help for drivers involved in an accident. What do you need to know and take in a timely manner to receive compensation for losses from RSA? In the material provided below you can find answers to all the main questions.

Statistics on road accidents are steadily growing in the Russian Federation. To help drivers cope with the difficult situation that inevitably results from an accident, the legislator adopted appropriate regulations in 2002.

Federal Law No. 40 obliges RSA to pay insurance compensation to insurance company clients in cases where payment under the insurance contract becomes impossible. Therefore, it is important for RSA clients to know the answers to the following important questions: as a road user:

  • 1. In what situations is it possible to receive compensation from RSA?
  • 2. What should a victim know to receive RCA compensation?
  • 3. How to find out the amount of compensation?
  • 4. What package of documents will need to be prepared for insurance compensation?

An important restriction for an applicant for PCA payments is the rule: compensation is received by those insurers for whom compensation is not possible on the basis of a concluded insurance contract.

You can receive compensation in the following cases:

  • Bankruptcy of the insurance company with which the contract was concluded.
  • Revocation of a license for insurance services from an insurance company with which there is an agreement.
  • The culprit left the scene of the accident and remained unidentified.
  • The person at fault for the accident did not enter into a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement.

The specified conditions are exhaustive and limited by the legislator, therefore in all other cases it is impossible to receive compensation from RSA.

What exactly is compensated by RSA?

PCA compensation differs significantly from insurance payments. The subject of compensation payments is the facts of harm caused to victims in an emergency.

RSA compensation is subject to:

  • Lost profit (income) of the victim, resulting in direct dependence on the accident.
  • Medical expenses for the victim.
  • Costs of staying in a hospital or sanatorium, necessary for recovery after an accident.
  • Expenses for prosthetic services, provision of special transport as a result of injury (mutilation).
  • Satisfying the property risks of the victim.
  • The cost of professional reorientation resulting from injury and the inability to maintain the same job.

The grounds for compensation must be documented.

  • Russian citizenship.
  • Stateless, with permanent residence on Russian territory.
  • Foreign citizenship permanently residing in the Russian Federation.
  • Foreign citizenship with temporary residence on Russian territory.

There are restrictions for persons with foreign citizenship and temporary residence in the Russian Federation. Compensation is possible in cases where the relevant foreign state has assigned a similar right to Russian citizens. Otherwise, compensation is not possible.

Procedure for receiving compensation from RSA

To receive a refund you will need Contact one of the organizations of your choice:

  • 1. RSA.
  • 2. Representative office of RSA in the region.
  • 3. RSA Information Service.
  • 4. Insurance Company, member of the Russian Association of Insurers.

Payment algorithm:

  • 1. Consultation with one of the organizations of your choice: obtaining an application form and clarifying the list of required documents.
  • 2. Preparation of a package of necessary documents.
  • 3. Submitting an application and a package of documents to the RSA and filing a claim for insurance compensation.

The package contains a main and additional list of documents. The provision of additional documents depends on the specific situation and the category of persons to which the applicant belongs. The main package includes the documents presented below.

Application completed on a special form:

  • Completed application form.
  • Documentary confirmation of the fact of the insured event.
  • Certificate in form from the traffic police (No. 154).
  • AR protocol (copy), resolution on the offense.
  • Insurance policy (OSAGO).
  • Expert opinion on the technical condition of the vehicle after an accident.
  • Receipt for payment for the expert’s services (copy of the financial document on payment).

Personal documents of the victim:

  • A copy of the passport (pages with marks) of the owner of the vehicle or his legal representative of interests.
  • A copy of the driving license of the person who was driving at the time of the accident.
  • Power of attorney to represent the interests of the applicant, certified by a notary.
  • Vehicle registration certificate (double-sided).
  • PTS (copies of owners, participants in road accidents).
  • Documentary confirmation of ownership of property damaged as a result of an accident (except for the vehicle).
  • Details for transferring compensation.
  • A court decision on payment in favor of the interested party (if a copy is provided, the document is certified in court).
  • Executive document or decision to terminate the case (original).

It is advisable to agree on the completeness of the package with the RSA employee at the time of submitting documents, so as not to waste time if one of the documents is missing.

The amount of RSA compensation depends on:

  • 1. The income level of the affected person.
  • 2. Amounts of additional costs.
  • 3. The degree of harm caused to the victim.
  • 4. The amount of damage caused to property and other circumstances.

The amount of payments also depends on the date of conclusion of the insurance contract:

  • Before 04/01/15 – 160 thousand rubles, after this date – 500 thousand rubles. (if harm is caused to life or health).
  • Until October 1, 2014 - 120 thousand rubles, after this date - 400 thousand rubles. (when causing damage to the victim’s property).

If more than one person is injured, the amount of compensation increases.

What are the deadlines for RSA payments?

According to the RSA compensation rules (clause 13), the period from the moment the decision on payment is made is limited to 5 working days. The moment of fulfillment of obligations will be the actual debiting of funds from the RSA account.

Insurance payments RSA

Recently, the licensing policy pursued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in relation to insurance companies has significantly tightened. This year, several licenses have already been revoked from insurance companies involved in the sale of MTPL contracts. In this regard, the number of applications to the RSA for compensation payments has increased significantly.

However, not all citizens know the procedure for filing an application for compensation from the RSA, which often leads to refusals of payment. Therefore, today we will talk about the rules for applying to the RSA to receive compensation payments under OSAGO.

What is the RSA compensation payment and who is entitled to receive it?

Compensation payment— compensation for harm caused to the life, health or property of the injured party, carried out by the RSA from a special fund, in cases where insurance payment under the compulsory insurance contract cannot be made. This fund is formed from membership fees paid by insurance companies.

Compensation payment is made only in cash.

The following have the right to receive compensation payments:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation
  • Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Foreign citizens temporarily residing in Russia, provided that, in accordance with the legislation of that foreign state, a similar right is granted to citizens of the Russian Federation.

In what cases can you apply to RSA for compensation?

Cases in which a citizen has the right to receive compensation payment under a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement are described in Art. 18 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”. So:

When compensating for damage to property, there are two cases when you can contact the auto insurers union to receive payment:

  1. Bankruptcy of the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident;
  2. Revocation of the license of the culprit's insurance company;

In case of compensation for damage to life and health, apply to RSA for compensation if:

  1. The insurance company of the person responsible for the accident went bankrupt;
  2. The culprit's insurance company's license to carry out insurance activities was revoked;
  3. The culprit of the accident is unknown;
  4. The person at fault for the accident does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Amount of compensation payment from RSA

The amount of compensation you can count on when applying to RSA is similar to the payment limits for compulsory motor liability insurance. So in accordance with Art. 19 Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” establishes the following amounts of compensation payments:

In principle, the package of documents for applying to the RSA is the same as when applying to an insurance company.

Deadlines for making compensation payments to RSA

According to clause 4 of Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, the period for consideration of your application should not exceed 20 calendar days, with the exception of non-working holidays. This period is calculated from the moment all necessary documents are submitted to the RSA.

After these 20 days, RSA must either make a compensation payment or send you a reasoned refusal.

The grounds for refusal of compensation payment from RSA are the same as when contacting an insurance company.

If you receive a refusal to receive compensation from the RSA, you can file a claim in court.

You can find out about the progress of your application for compensation at:

The document form “Application to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers” belongs to the “Application” section. Save the link to the document on social networks or download it to your computer.

Russian Union of Motor Insurers
Address: __________________________
Tel.: _____________

living by the address: ____________________________


For a year, my “____________” car was parked on _____________ Boulevard, no.__. When leaving the parking lot, the owner of the “____________” vehicle violated the requirements of clause 9.10 and clause 10.1 of the Traffic Rules.
The traffic police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident drew up a determination to refuse to initiate a case of an administrative offense in view of the fact that the Code of Administrative Offenses does not provide for liability for violation of paragraphs 9.10, 10.1 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, but guilt was thereby established ____________.
Also, ____________ admitted his guilt in violating traffic rules and, as a consequence, in the specified accident when considering the materials of the case on the accident by an inspector. As a result of the accident, my car was damaged - damage to the right front and rear doors, and the rear-view mirror.
Property damage to my vehicle “____________” registration plate “_______________” was assessed in the amount of ___________ rubles.
In accordance with the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners” and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 263 of May 7, 2003 “Rules for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners,” I contacted the insurance company OJSC “_________ » to receive insurance compensation for damage caused as a result of an accident.
However, I received a response from OJSC “_________” that their license to carry out insurance activities had been revoked and, therefore, they could not fulfill their obligation to pay insurance compensation in the amount of ________ rubles.
According to paragraph 2 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners,” the insurer considers the victim’s application for insurance payment within 30 days from the date of receipt. During the specified period, the insurer is obliged to make an insurance payment to the victim or send him a reasoned refusal to make such payment. But, despite this, I received a reasoned refusal from OJSC “_________” in violation of the deadlines, which violated my rights.
In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2 of Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 40-F dated April 25, 2002 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners,” compensation payment for compensation for damage caused to the property of the victim is carried out in cases where the insurance payment under compulsory insurance cannot be carried out due to:
a) application to the insurer of the bankruptcy procedure provided for by federal law;
b) revocation of the insurer's license to carry out insurance activities.
Due to the fact that OJSC “___________” has had its license to carry out insurance activities revoked and in accordance with Article 19 of the Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance Law, upon the demands of victims, compensation payments are made by a professional association of insurers operating on the basis of constituent documents and in accordance with this Federal Law.
In addition to compensation payments, I ask you to pay me for the examination, compensate for moral damages and reimburse for legal fees, since the insurance company did not make an insurance payment to me in a timely manner, and the reasoned refusal was sent later than the deadline established by current legislation, I was forced to apply for qualified legal assistance to protect your violated rights. Also, since my rights were violated, I experienced severe emotional distress and moral suffering. In addition, not receiving insurance compensation had a critical impact on my financial situation: for example, in order to repair the car, I had to reallocate my budget. My peace was disturbed and I spent more than one sleepless night thinking about this topic. Illegal actions of OJSC "__________" caused me moral harm, because... I experienced moral suffering due to a gross violation of the current legislation, and due to the fact that not receiving insurance compensation affected my usual way of life.
Based on the foregoing,

Fulfill the obligation for the insured event in full by paying me ___________ rubles.
Pay me for the examination to assess property damage in the amount of _________ rubles.
Pay me ___________ rubles as compensation for moral damage.
Reimburse me for the legal services provided to me by LLC “________” in the amount of _________ rubles.

Application: notification of an accident;
a copy of the certificate of the traffic accident;
a copy of the ruling on refusal to initiate a case against
administrative offense;
a copy of the BBB insurance policy No. ____________;
a copy of the vehicle registration certificate “____________”;
report No.________ “On the assessment of market value
restoration repair of automatic telephone exchange "__________";
receipt for payment for examination services;
a copy of the complaint to the RSA.

"___"______________ G. ___________________

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Dear applicants!

Please note that in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 11, paragraph 1 of Article 12 and paragraphs 1 and 4 of Article 19 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance, the obligation to consider the victim’s application on the merits and make a decision on making compensation paymentsor a reasoned refusal to make such payment within the prescribed period arises from the RSA only after receiving the relevant application and a complete set of documents by RSA provided for by the MTPL Rules!

The RSA representsoriginals or copies of documents certified by a notary or the person (body, organization) that issued the documents except for cases where the MTPL Rules provide for the provision of uncertified copies of documents.

2. Documents allowing to identify a road traffic accident (RTA) as an insured event:

2.1. A certificate of an accident issued by the police department responsible for road safety - form No. 154, if the accident occurred before 10/19/2017 inclusive (if the accident occurred after 10/20/2017, a certificate of an accident is not provided).

2.2. A protocol on an administrative offense, a resolution on a case of an administrative offense or a ruling on refusal to initiate a case on an administrative offense (with attachments, if any), if the preparation of documents on an accident was carried out with the participation of authorized police officers, and the preparation of such documents is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Notification of an accident (in case of registration of documents about an accident without the participation of police officers, the Notification of an accident must be filled out COMPLETELY by both participants in the accident).

4. Conclusion of an independent technical examination confirming the amount of compensation required by the victim - only if the victim, before applying for compensation payment, had previously applied to the insurer for insurance payment, and at the time of applying for compensation payment, the damaged property had already been repaired/sold/disposed of (with confirmation this fact with the relevant documents or provision of the repaired property for inspection)

The conclusion of an independent technical examination must comply with the requirements of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 432-P “On a unified method for determining the amount of costs for restoration repairs in relation to a damaged vehicle” and Bank of Russia Regulation No. 433-P “On the rules for conducting an independent technical examination of a vehicle.”

4.1. To reimburse the costs of paying for the services of an independent expert, services for evacuation and storage of damaged property, if the victim requires reimbursement of the corresponding expenses, original documents (bank payment, cash receipt or numbered receipt) confirming payment for these services are provided.

5. Other documents:

5.1. For individuals:

1. Passport of the injured person (the owner of the vehicle, or the person receiving compensation payment under a notarized power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle).

In the event that the applicant and/or recipient of the payment is not the owner of the vehicle - a power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle for the right to represent the owner’s interests in the RSA and/or for the right to receive compensation payments.

2. Documents confirming the victim’s ownership of the damaged vehicle. These documents include:

2.1. Vehicle passport.

2.2. Certificate of registration of the damaged vehicle.

2.3. Sale and purchase agreement with a vehicle acceptance certificate.

3. Documents of ownership of the damaged property (in case of damage NOT to a vehicle). Depending on the situation and the damaged item, additional documents may be requested.

4. Recipient's current account and bank details for transferring funds (compensation payment).

5.2. For legal entities:

1. Charter (first and last pages, as well as pages with the powers of managers).

2. Certificate of state registration of legal entities. faces.

3. Certificate of tax registration.

4. Order on the appointment of the head of the organization.

5. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

6. Power of attorney to represent interests and a copy of the representative’s passport.

7. Waybill for the driver of the damaged vehicle.

8. Documents confirming the victim’s ownership of the damaged vehicle. These documents include:

8.1. Vehicle passport.

8.2. Certificate of registration of the damaged vehicle.

8.3. Sale and purchase agreement with a vehicle acceptance certificate.

9. Documents of ownership of the damaged property (in case of damage NOT to a vehicle). Depending on the situation and the type of damaged object, additional documents may be requested.

10. Recipient’s current account and bank details for transferring funds (compensation payment).

6. Other documents.

If there is a court decision to recover in favor of the victim the amount of insurance payment from the insurer who insured the liability of the tortfeasor, or to recover payment from the tortfeasor to compensate for the damage caused to the victim, and/or the original of the Writ of Execution, and/or the Resolution to terminate enforcement proceedings It is also recommended to submit them to the RSA along with the main package of documents.

Consideration of the application for compensation payment and the documents attached to it (full package) provided for by the MTPL Rules, as well as the adoption of a decision on it, is carried out within 20 calendar days, with the exception of non-working holidays.

Self-prepared copies of the necessary documents will significantly reduce the time it takes to receive them when applying directly to the RSA office. When reviewing documents to make a decision, it is possible to request additional information and documentation.

2. A copy of the death certificate of the victim.

3. Passport of the beneficiary (the person entitled to receive compensation in connection with the death of the victim).

In the event that the applicant and/or recipient of the payment is not a beneficiary - a notarized power of attorney from the beneficiary for the right to represent his interests in the RSA and/or for the right to receive compensation payments.

4. Consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, if the payment of insurance compensation will be made to the representative of the beneficiary (if the beneficiary has not reached the age of 18 years).

5. Bank details for transferring funds (BIC, INN, correspondent/account, bank account/account, name of branch, recipient person/account).

6. Documents allowing to identify a road traffic accident (RTA) as an insured event:

6.1. A certificate of an accident issued by the police department responsible for road safety - form No. 154, if the accident occurred before 10/19/2017 inclusive (if the accident occurred after 10/20/2017, a certificate of an accident is not provided).

6.2. A protocol on an administrative offense, a resolution on a case of an administrative offense or a ruling on refusal to initiate a case on an administrative offense (with attachments, if any), if the preparation of documents on an accident was carried out with the participation of authorized police officers, and the preparation of such documents is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3. Verdict / Court decision / Resolution to refuse to initiate a criminal case - original or a copy certified by the court

7. Documents confirming the right of the beneficiary (dependent) to receive compensation payment in connection with the death of the breadwinner:

7.1. A statement containing information about the family members of the deceased victim, indicating the persons who were dependent on him and who have the right to receive maintenance from him.

7.2. Birth certificate of the child (children) (if at the time of the insured event there were children dependent on the deceased).

7.3. A certificate confirming the establishment of disability (if on the date of the insured event the deceased were dependent on disabled people).

7.4. A certificate from an educational organization stating that a family member of the deceased who has the right to receive compensation for harm is studying at this educational institution (if at the time of the insured event the dependents of the deceased were persons studying at the educational institution).

7.5. Conclusion (certificate from a medical institution, social security authority) on the need for outside care (if at the time of the insured event there were persons dependent on the deceased who needed outside care).

7.6. A certificate from a social security authority (medical institution, local government, employment service) stating that one of the parents, spouse or other family member of the deceased does not work and is caring for his relatives (if at the time of the insured event the deceased had non-working members dependent on them) families involved in caring for his relatives).

7.7. Another document confirming the fact that the beneficiary was a dependent of the deceased during his lifetime (court decision).

8. Documents confirming the beneficiary’s right to receive compensation in connection with the death of the victim in the event if the deceased had no dependents:

8.1. Marriage certificate (if the spouse of the victim applies for insurance compensation).

8.2. Birth certificate of the child (children) (if parents or children of the victim apply for insurance compensation).

9. Documents confirming the necessary funeral expenses incurred (original cash receipts, sales receipts, receipts on strict reporting forms).

2. Passport of the victim.

In the event that the applicant and/or recipient of the payment is not a victim - a notarized power of attorney from the victim for the right to represent his interests in the RSA and/or for the right to receive compensation payments.

3. Consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, if the payment of insurance compensation will be made to the representative of the victim (if the victim has not reached the age of 18 years).

4. Bank details for transferring funds (BIC, INN, correspondent/account, settlement/account of the Bank, name of branch, person/account of the recipient).

5. Documents allowing to identify a road traffic accident (RTA) as an insured event:

5.1. A certificate of an accident issued by the police department responsible for road safety - form No. 154, if the accident occurred before 10/19/2017 inclusive (if the accident occurred after 10/20/2017, a certificate of an accident is not provided).

5.2. A protocol on an administrative offense, a resolution on a case of an administrative offense or a ruling on refusal to initiate a case on an administrative offense (with attachments, if any), if the preparation of documents on an accident was carried out with the participation of authorized police officers, and the preparation of such documents is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. Verdict / Court decision / Resolution to refuse to initiate a criminal case - original or a copy certified by the court.

6. Documents issued and executed in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by the medical organization to which the victim was delivered or applied independently, indicating the nature of the injuries and injuries received by the victim, diagnosis and period of incapacity.

7. Certificate from the ambulance station about the medical assistance provided at the scene of the accident (if assistance was provided).

8. A conclusion of a forensic medical examination issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the degree of loss of professional ability to work, and in the absence of professional ability to work - on the degree of loss of general ability to work (if such a conclusion exists).

9. A certificate confirming the fact that the victim has a disability or the category of “disabled child” (if such a certificate is available).

10. If the victim makes a claim for compensation lost earnings (income) In connection with an insured event and loss of ability to work, the following documents are additionally provided:

10.1. A medical examination report issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the degree of loss of professional ability to work, and in the absence of professional ability to work - on the degree of loss of general ability to work as a percentage and indicating the period for which this percentage is established (if an injury received as a result of an accident is recognized as an “accident” accident at work”, this conclusion is not provided!).

10.2. A certificate or other document about the average monthly earnings (income), scholarships, pensions, benefits that the victim had on the day of harm to his health (2NDFL), as well as other documents confirming the income of the victim, which are taken into account when determining the amount of lost earnings (income) .

This information is provided one year before the accident (Article 1086 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

11. If the victim makes a claim for compensation for additional losses incurred by him expenses for treatment and purchase of medicines, the following documents are additionally provided:

11.1. An extract from the medical history, outpatient/inpatient card of the patient, issued by a medical institution with the prescription/recommendation of the attending physicians for the necessary medications, treatment (reimbursement of funds spent on medications, treatment is carried out if the victim did not have the right to receive them free of charge).

11.2. Documents confirming payment for the services of a medical organization and/or purchased medications (cash receipts, receipts on strict reporting forms).

12. If the victim makes a claim for compensation for additional expenses incurred by him, listed below and caused by damage to health, the following documents are additionally provided:

12.1. A medical report, a medical-social or forensic medical examination report issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation about the need for additional nutrition, prosthetics, outside care, sanatorium treatment, special vehicles and other services.

12.2. Documents confirming expenses for additional food:

· A certificate from a medical institution about the composition of the daily food package of additional food required for the victim.

· Documents confirming payment for purchased products from the supplementary nutrition food package.

12.3. Documents confirming expenses for prosthetics:

· An extract from the dental record indicating the dental formula of the treatment plan and the procedures performed.

· Documents confirming payment for prosthetic services - originals of cash receipts, sales receipts, calculation of a medical institution with a breakdown of the cost of services provided.

12.4. Documents confirming expenses for outside care:

· Documents confirming payment for care services (a notarized agreement on the provision of care services (medical/household), copies of payment orders certified by the bank evidencing the transfer/original receipt of the transfer of funds to the recipient’s account, or a postal transfer, or a notarized act of acceptance and transfer of funds).

12.5. Documents confirming expenses for spa treatment:

· An extract from the medical history issued by the institution where the spa treatment was carried out.

· A copy of the sanatorium-resort voucher or other document confirming the receipt of sanatorium-resort treatment, certified in the prescribed manner.

· Documents confirming payment for a trip to a sanatorium-resort treatment (original cash receipts, sales receipts).

12.6. Documents confirming expenses for the purchase of special vehicles:

· A copy of the vehicle's passport or registration certificate.

· Documents confirming payment for the purchased special vehicle.

· A copy of the agreement under which the special vehicle was purchased.

12.7. Documents confirming expenses, related to preparation for another profession:

· Invoice for payment of vocational training (retraining).

· A copy of the agreement with the organization providing vocational training (retraining).

· Document confirming payment for vocational training (retraining).

12.8. Documents confirming expenses for medical rehabilitation and other expenses caused by damage to health as a result of an insured event:

· Documents from medical or other organizations confirming the need to receive relevant services or items.

· Documents confirming payment of such expenses.

To court station No. 397

Zamoskvorechye district of Moscow

Address: Pyatnitskaya street 53/18 building 1

Plaintiff: Victim A.A.

Address: _______________________________________________

Defendant: Russian Union of Auto Insurers

Address: Moscow, st. Lyusinovskaya 27 building 3


“__” _____ 20__ there was an accident involving something belonging to me, Victim A.A. car _____, state registration plate _________ and car ________, state registration plate _________, which was driven by Driver B.B.

The accident occurred as a result of the actions of Driver B.B., which was established by a decision of an official (indicate which one - a traffic police officer or as a result of a trial - a judge). The civil liability of the culprit of the accident is insured by Insurance Company LLC, whose license was revoked “__” ______ 20__, policy ____ No. ________ dated “___” ______ 20__.

As a result of the accident, my car suffered mechanical damage, the amount of damage amounted to __________ rubles. ___ kopecks, in addition, I incurred expenses for paying for a report on the cost of repairs in the amount of _______ rubles. ____kop.

According to the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners” and the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 263 of May 7, 2003 “Rules for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners,” I applied to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers to receive compensation payments, while I presented a package of documents for payment required by law.

The defendant, in violation of the requirements of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners,” refused to make a compensation payment to me, citing the fact that the culprit of the accident was not included in the compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

However, the MTPL Law does not contain any mention of a possible refusal of payment on this basis; in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 14 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance in the event that the person who caused the harm is not included in the compulsory insurance contract as a person allowed to drive a vehicle (when concluding a compulsory insurance contract with the condition that the vehicle is used only by the drivers specified in the compulsory insurance contract); The insurer has the right of recourse against the person who caused the harm.

According to Article 19 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance, the rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for relations between the beneficiary and the insurer under a compulsory insurance contract apply to the relationship between the victim and the professional association of insurers regarding compensation payments.

Thus, according to clause 70 of the Rules, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers must pay me a penalty in the amount of “one seventy-fifth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, valid on the day when the insurer was supposed to fulfill this obligation, from the established insured amount for the type of compensation for damage to each to the victim."

Since in my case the damage was caused only to property, the insured amount is 120,000 rubles.

Thus, on the day the claim was filed, the penalty is ______ rubles. ___ kop.

Based on the above, I ASK:

1.Collect __________ rubles from the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. ___kop. for damages.

To recover from the Russian Union of Auto Insurers the amount of paid state duty - _______ rubles. ___ kop.

To recover ______ rubles from _____ as compensation for legal expenses.

Collect a penalty in the amount of _______


1. A copy of the statement of claim;

2. Receipt No.___ dated ""__________ 20__ for payment of state duty;

3. A copy of the traffic police resolution on an administrative offense (a copy of the court decision on the guilt of Driver B.B.);

4. A copy of the “Report” of LLC “Independent Expertise”;

Plaintiff ______________ /Victim A.A./