The most profitable deposit in Sberbank. Deposit "Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia Sberbank deposits for pensioners today

In Sberbank, as in many other banks in Russia today, there are profitable deposits with higher rates for all individuals, and for pensioners in particular.

The information presented on this page will help you choose and open the most profitable pension deposit at the moment. Let's figure out whether it is necessary to make a deposit online today in order to get the maximum percentage.

Features of deposits of individuals for pensioners in Sberbank

Sberbank of Russia in 2020 offers pensioners basic deposits of individuals, but with the highest rates. Moreover, their size does not depend on how much it is decided to place on the deposit.

For example, on the "Save" tab a pensioner can receive the maximum possible interest rate on this deposit even if he invests only 1000 rubles. And another individual who does not belong to the category of pensioners will receive the same interest only if he opens the “Save” deposit, putting 400 thousand rubles on the deposit right away! Similarly, Sberbank calculates interest rates for other pension deposits.

However, the following must be remembered.

For deposits opened in Sberbank Online, the maximum rate for the selected period is set only for pensioners by age - women over 55 years old and men over 60 years old.

Special benefits are also provided for pre-pensioners. In particular, if you have reached retirement age after opening a deposit, then its prolongation is automatically carried out at the maximum interest rate, depending on the chosen period.

What deposits for pensioners are there in Sberbank today

So, in Sberbank you can open the following pension products on special conditions:

1. "Save";
2. "Replenish";
3. "Pension plus of Sberbank of Russia";
4. Debit pension card MIR.

Deposits with the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of money without loss of profitability " Manage", as well as a charitable deposit "Give Life" to pensioners in Sberbank are opened on general terms.

See what deposits for pensioners are available today in other banks:

Sberbank deposits for pensioners today: high interest rates and favorable conditions

In February and March 2020, you can open a seasonal Seize the Spring deposit, which may be interesting because it has increased interest. With him, we will begin our review today. And we will continue it with deposits with special conditions for pensioners.

New deposit "Catch the Spring"

This is a promotional deposit for individuals, which can be issued only from February 19 to March 14, 2020. Opens only online or at an ATM.


Term: 5 months.
Amount: from 50,000 rubles.
Refill: No
Partial withdrawal: No
Interest: At the end of the term
Early termination: at a rate of 0.01%

Interest rates

5% per annum in rubles.

Deposit calculator: calculate the deposit

Sberbank's online deposit calculator for individuals will help you calculate income depending on the interest rate and term. It allows you to find out the profitability, taking into account capitalization, replenishment and withdrawal of funds from the account.

Deposits with preferential conditions for persons of retirement age

Under special conditions, pensioners today can issue replenishable deposits in Sberbank, as well as term deposits without the ability to manage their money, but with the highest profitability.

Sberbank deposit for pensioners "Save": conditions and interest

This deposit is designed to receive a guaranteed maximum income. Its advantages are:

√ automatic transfer to the best possible rates in Sberbank upon reaching retirement age and prolongation of the deposit.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the lack of the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest.


Term: from 1 month to 3 years;
Replenishment: no ;
Partial withdrawal: no ;

Terms of interest

Interest is calculated monthly;
Accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods;
Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account;

Interest rates

In Russian rubles


Interest rate

4,50% / 4,54%

In US dollars


Interest rate

0.85 / 0.85

Deposit for pensioners in Sberbank "Replenish": conditions and interest

This is a typical replenishable deposit for those clients who prefer to save and regularly save money for a rainy day. Its advantages are:

√ possibility of replenishment;
√ the maximum interest rate for the selected period, regardless of the amount of the deposit;
√ automatic transfer to the best possible rates in the Bank upon reaching retirement age and prolongation of the deposit.


Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
Amount: from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars;
Replenishment: provided for the following amounts of contributions:
-- cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars;
- non-cash - not limited.
Partial withdrawal: no.

Terms of interest

Interest is calculated monthly.
Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.

Interest rates

Without capitalization / With capitalization

In Russian rubles


Interest rate

4,15% / 4,19%

In US dollars


Interest rate

0.50 / 0.50

Deposit “Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia”

This is a retirement income deposit. It is intended for individuals receiving a pension from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, non-state pension funds, as well as ministries and departments providing pensions. Opened only in rubles. It will not be possible to issue a Sberbank of Russia Pension Plus Deposit in dollars. Even those who in our country receive a pension in dollars, although we doubt that there are such.


Term: 3 years;
Minimum amount: 1 ruble;
Replenishment: unlimited;
Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: provided up to the level of the minimum balance amount;
Early termination: upon demand of the deposit, the rate set on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit does not change.

Terms of interest

Interest is charged every 3 months
Accrued interest is added to the amount of the deposit, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rate

3.50% per annum without capitalization;

3.67% per annum with capitalization.

Sberbank MIR pension cards

The debit card of Sberbank MIR "Social" is intended for receiving a pension. It is beneficial in that the issuance and maintenance of cards is free, and 3.5% per annum is charged on the money lying on the account.


Payment system: MIR;
Territory of use: Russian Federation;
Card account currency: rubles;
Card validity period: 3 years;
Electronic chip protection: provided;
Service cost: free;
Preferential mobile bank: the first 2 calendar months are free, then 30 rubles per month;
Bonus program "Thank you from Sberbank": provided.

Interest on pension cards of Sberbank MIR

3.5% per annum on the card balance.

You can find out more about the conditions for issuing and using Sberbank bank cards for pensioners.

See the conditions of the pension card at the Russian Agricultural Bank.

Deposits without benefits for persons of retirement age

Deposit "Manage"

This deposit with partial withdrawal of funds, as well as replenishment of the account without loss of interest.


Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
Min. amount: 30,000 rubles, 1,000 dollars;
Replenishment: yes;
Min. replenishment amount: 1000 rubles, 100 dollars in cash / Non-cash - unlimited;
Partial withdrawal without loss of profitability: up to the minimum amount of the minimum balance.
Capitalization: yes.

Interest rate

When applying at a branch and online, the profitability today is the same:

Deposit "Give Life"

This is a ruble deposit for those who are ready not only to save money, but also to help those in need - children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation.


Term: 1 year;
Min. amount: 10,000 rubles.
Replenishment: no ;
Partial withdrawal: no.
Capitalization: yes.

Interest rate

4.70% per annum without capitalization;

4.78% per annum with capitalization.

Conditions for early termination of deposits

If the conditions of the deposit indicate that partial withdrawal is not provided, this does not mean at all that the depositor cannot return his own money back before the time established by the agreement!

In any unforeseen situation, if you need money before the end of the deposit, you can always get it. But, alas, almost without interest.

Deposits Save, Give Life, Replenish and Manage the conditions for early withdrawal of money are the same:

✓ If you withdraw money within the first 6 months, interest will accrue at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

✓ And if you withdraw savings after 6 months of the term, then in most cases income will be calculated based on 2/3 of the interest rate.

Other rules come into force only if your savings have grown 10 times during your stay in the bank. But this is only possible if you yourself actively replenish the deposit. So, if you plan to open Deposit or Manage deposits, carefully study the conditions for early withdrawal of money.

And one more nuance.

In case of early termination of the deposit, the interest is recalculated without taking into account the monthly capitalization!

Prolongation conditions

Automatic prolongation of deposits of individuals is carried out on the terms and at the interest rate in force on the date of prolongation. The number of extensions is not limited.

See savings offers at Post-Bank.

Question answer

What is interest capitalization?

This is a monthly addition of accrued interest to the deposit amount. As a result, in subsequent periods, interest is accrued both on the deposit and on this interest, and the deposit grows faster. The rate on a deposit with capitalization is higher than without capitalization.

What is an irreducible balance?

This is the minimum amount that must be kept in your account during the term of the deposit.

Can I open multiple deposits at once?

Yes. The client can make any number of deposits.

Can I open a deposit for another person?

Yes. To open a deposit for another person, you need your passport and a notarized photocopy of the passport of the person for whom the deposit is being made.

Is it possible to open a “family” deposit for several people at once?

No. The deposit is opened only for one person. But the client can issue a power of attorney to manage the deposit for free. Using it, you can withdraw money and receive account statements, replenish a deposit, as well as close it or transfer funds to another account. To issue such a power of attorney, you must contact the office of Sberbank. Moreover, a trusted person does not have to come. The document is valid for 10 years.

Are Sberbank deposits for pensioners insured?

All deposits of Sberbank of Russia are insured in accordance with Federal Law No. 177-FZ of December 23, 2003 "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation".

Conclusions: what is the most profitable contribution of Sberbank for pensioners today

Let's figure out what kind of deposit you need to make in order to get the maximum income. Consider several criteria that can affect the profitability of the deposit.

1. Design method. More recently, a higher percentage on a deposit can be obtained if you open a deposit not at a bank office, but through your Sberbank Online personal account. But today, the rates on deposits opened at a bank branch and via the Internet have become equal.

Conclusion: this means that in order to receive the maximum percentage, it is no longer necessary to make a deposit at Sberbank Online or an ATM. You can also apply for it at a bank branch.

2. Sum. The deposit rate for pensioners does not depend on how much you want to deposit in the bank.

Conclusion: you can invest 1,000 or 400,000 rubles, but the yield will be the same.

3. Term. For pensioners, the return on deposits depends only on this parameter.

Conclusion: judging by the tables of rates, today you can get the maximum return if you invest for a period of 6-12 months.

And now let's choose the most profitable deposit using a specific example. Let's say a pensioner wants to invest 100,000 rubles for 1 year. Which investment will be better?

Comparative table of Sberbank deposits with a term of 1 year

Contribution / Rate

in rubles

in dollars



Pension Plus



gift a life

- - -

As you can see, the most profitable deposit for a period of 1 year today is the “Give Life” deposit. Even if he does not have special benefits for pensioners.

With a term of 5 months, the largest income now comes from the Seize Spring deposit - 5% in rubles.

And on other terms, the classic “Save” will be the most profitable.

How to make the most profitable Sberbank deposit for pensioners

As we understand, the most profitable deposit of individuals in Sberbank for pensioners (excluding bonuses) are “Catch Spring”, “Save” or “Give Life”. How to make a deposit?

1. In the department. Contact the Sberbank office with a passport. A bank employee will help you complete the necessary documents. The only thing left to do is to deposit money.

2. Online. If you are already a Sber client, then you need to register in the Sberbank Online Internet banking. And then:

Log in to Sberbank Online and select the "Deposits and Accounts" section.
Select the menu item "Opening a deposit".
Read the conditions for depositing funds and select the appropriate deposit. Click Continue.
Fill out the application: select the debit account, the amount to be credited and the term of the deposit. Click "Open".

Every citizen wants to get the maximum return on their investments. This is especially true for pensioners. The deposits of such a contingent in 2016 have the maximum interest compared to other banking products. A more advantageous offer from Sberbank if the account is opened independently remotely.

Types of deposits and interest for pensioners in Sberbank

Sberbank of Russia offers a whole range of banking products for pensioners on especially favorable terms. Program "Golden Years" allows citizens of retirement age to get the maximum benefit from their investments. This is a comprehensive offer that includes all credit and debit products.

Deposits that Sberbank offers to pensioners

For such a contingent of people, the presented bank offers the execution of standard deposits for individuals, but with increased rates when providing a certificate. Moreover, the profit does not depend on investments, but remains fixed.

What is the most profitable deposit for pensioners in Sberbank? Their special program is "Pension-plus Sberbank of Russia". This is a specialized offer that opens both in rubles and in dollars, euros. The minimum investment is 10 rubles. The interest rate is 3.55% per annum.

If a person becomes a pensioner, the bank is ready to provide other types of deposits that have higher interest rates.

Sberbank deposit rates for pensioners

Program "Save" in rubles (minimum contribution - 10 thousand rubles):

  • up to 2 months – 9.7%;
  • up to 3 months – 10.05%;
  • up to six months - 10.39%;
  • up to a year - 10.52%;
  • up to 2 years - 8.95%;
  • up to three years - 9.64;
  • three years - 10.29%.

Program "Save" in another currency (the minimum amount is equivalent to 10 thousand rubles):

  • up to 2 months – 2.1%;
  • up to 3 months – 2.5%
  • up to six months - 4.01%;
  • up to a year - 5.05%;
  • up to 2 years - 4.13%;
  • up to three years - 3.78%;
  • three years - 3.74%.

Program "Replenish" in rubles (minimum - 30 thousand rubles):

  • up to six months - 10.13%;
  • up to a year - 10.26%;
  • up to 2 years - 8.52%;
  • up to three years - 9.05%;
  • three years - 9.58%.

Program "Replenish" in another currency (minimum equivalent - 30 thousand rubles):

  • up to six months - 2.35%;
  • up to a year - 3.68%;
  • up to 2 years - 3.82%;
  • up to three years - 3.41%;
  • three years - 3.30%.

The Pension Plus program is the most profitable deposit in Sberbank for pensioners. It is issued only for three years with an interest rate of 3.55% per annum. It can be used as a current account for crediting pensions from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, settlements with utilities, transfers to other organizations, cash withdrawals. All Sberbank deposits for pensioners are replenishable, except for the "Save" deposit.

Deposits for pensioners in Sberbank in 2016 are still a popular product among Russians. The Bank considers pensioners as the main category of depositors, therefore, higher interest rates are provided for them. Both persons receiving an old-age pension and citizens who continue to work can open deposits on special conditions.

Every client who is entitled to an old-age or superannuation pension can open a pension deposit and receive a higher income. About that, we already wrote.

So, there are 3 special programs for pensioners: "Pension Plus", "Save" and "Replenish" (table 1).

Table 1

Special deposit line for pensioners

Name of depositCurrencyMinimum percentage, %Minimum deposit amountTerm *
"Pension Plus"rubles 3,5 1 rub.3 years"Refill"rubles, dollars, eurosrubles - 8.07; dollars - 2.01; euro - 1.07 "Save"rubles, dollars, eurosrubles - 9.07; dollars - 2.22; euro - 1.17rubles - 1000; dollars - 100; euro - 100rubles - 3 years; dollars - 3 years; euro - 3 years

*Note: the period is specified for obtaining the maximum return on the deposit

Features of the "Pension Plus" deposit

"Pension Plus" is a kind of universal deposit. It is designed not only for saving and accumulating funds, but also for everyday payments. Money can be debited from it to pay off credit obligations of Sberbank and other creditors, utility bills, or to be transferred to an account (card) of another person. To do this, it is enough to issue a long order.

The minimum amount of the minimum balance is 1 ruble. The deposit program does not limit incoming and outgoing transactions by amount or quantity. The product rate is 3.5%. Taking into account capitalization, the effective annual interest is set at 3.55%. Interest is calculated quarterly on the account balance. When calculating, only money that has been on deposit for at least 1 day is taken into account.

At the request of the client, a power of attorney for the disposal of money can be issued to the account. Any natural person can act as a trustee. The power of attorney is provided free of charge. For its registration, only the passport of the depositor and the trustee is required.

"Pension Plus" can only be opened in a division of Sberbank. It is not provided in the line of online deposits. For its registration you will need:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's ID.

The customer service manager will print out 2 copies of the deposit agreement. It is enough for the client to check the accuracy of the information and affix his signature on each. The contract is considered valid if each copy has the signature of an authorized employee and the round seal of the department.

Features of the deposit "Top up"

"Replenish" - the most profitable contribution for those who pursue the goal of not only obtaining economic benefits, but also the accumulation of a certain amount of funds. Its feature is a ban on the implementation of debit transactions, that is, in the event of a financial force majeure, in order to receive funds, you will need to close the deposit. In this case, the depositor will receive only 2/3 of the accrued interest.

The deposit can be opened in 3 currencies: rubles, dollars, euros. The minimum contribution is 1000 rubles, 100 dollars and 100 euros. If credit transactions are carried out in cash, then the replenishment amount must be at least 1000 rubles / 100 dollars / 100 euros. This rule does not apply to non-cash transactions. You can replenish the deposit from a card or from another account in the amount of 1 ruble.

A distinctive feature of the deposit for pensioners is the ability to deposit money into the account without restrictions. For other depositors, its maximum amount is limited to 10 times the initial amount placed on the deposit. When concluding an agreement by a private individual on standard terms in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, the maximum amount of the deposit is set at the level of 100 thousand rubles. If you want to continue to accumulate money, the client must open another account. This requirement does not apply to pensioners.

Deposit rates for pensioners are determined only by the period for which free funds are placed. Unlike other clients, they are not subject to the gradation of profitability depending on the initial deposit amount. This allows them to earn higher profits. The maximum passive income can be obtained by opening "Replenish" in rubles, dollars or euros for 3 years.

The deposit product provides for monthly interest accrual, which allows customers to receive additional income through capitalization (interest accrual in the next reporting period on previously accrued interest). The depositor has the right to fully or partially withdraw interest.

To conclude an agreement on opening a deposit, you need:

  1. Contact the branch of the bank;
  2. Provide the employee with a passport and pension certificate;
  3. Check the accuracy of the information specified in the agreement (passport data of the client, deposit amount, term, annual percentage, residential address, contact phone number);
  4. Put a signature on each copy;
  5. Deposit money to the bank's cash desk (in cash or by bank transfer);
  6. Get a copy of the contract and an account statement.


The deposit is intended to obtain the maximum yield from the already available amount of funds. It prohibits income and expenditure transactions, and you can withdraw only accrued interest.

A special condition for pensioners is the absence of a gradation of annual interest on the amount of the contribution. Regardless of the amount of the initial contribution, they receive the maximum yield provided for a given term of the deposit.

The amount of the first installment must be at least 1000 rubles / 100 dollars / 100 euros. Maximum yield in 2016 achieved when placing equity for a period of 3 years - 9.07% on a ruble deposit, 2.22% - on a deposit in dollars and 1.17% - on a deposit in euros.

Interest is calculated monthly. The product provides for the capitalization of interest. Upon termination of the contract after 6 months, the depositor is returned 2/3 of the accrued interest. If the client wants to withdraw the money earlier, then his interest will be recalculated at the demand rate - 0.01%.

When the depositor reaches retirement age, the deposit is automatically transferred to special conditions (setting the maximum rate depending only on the period of placement of funds).

The procedure for opening a deposit is similar to placing funds on Pension Plus or Replenish. All that the client needs is to provide a passport and a pension certificate. On the deposit, it is possible to issue a free power of attorney and execute a testamentary disposition.

What conditions are offered for pensioners for online deposits?

Sberbank provides customers with the opportunity to open deposits at an increased percentage via the Internet. Retirees can place money on 2 term products: "Save Online" and "Recharge Online". The conditions for them are no different from the conditions for "Save" and "Replenish". You can open a deposit through the bank's self-service devices or in the Sberbank Online system.

Interest rates according to data types of deposits 0.22-1% higher than with the standard placement of funds (table 2). Given the monthly capitalization, there is a real opportunity to receive increased passive income.

table 2(last revised November 2016)

Conditions for deposits opened online

Name of depositCurrencyMaximum interest rate, %Term
"Save Online"rubles, dollars, eurosrubles - 9.52; dollars - 2.49; euro - 1.43from 1 month to 3 years"Recharge Online"rubles, dollars, eurosrubles - 9.69; dollars - 2.27; euro - 1.32from 3 months to 3 years

For comparison, let's calculate the maximum yield for the "Save Online" and "Save" products, open for a period of 3 years. The amount of the initial contribution is 100 thousand rubles. Suppose that during the period the interest was not withdrawn, respectively, they were capitalized.

When opening a “Save” deposit in a division of Sberbank, the client will receive passive income in the amount of 27,213.03 rubles. If the product is opened through the Sberbank Online system, then the profit will be 28,546.61 rubles. The lost profit in the first case is 1333.58 rubles.

So, when forming a deposit policy, Sberbank focuses on pensioners, as on its most devoted clients. Conditions for deposits are noticeably more favorable for them than for other target audiences. To get the maximum income, it is possible to open a deposit online.

Deposits for the population

To show you what an opportunity is not only to save, but also to increase your savings, consider Sberbank's deposit programs for individuals for 2016 and for pensioners. After all, this social group of citizens needs other conditions. But it does not mean. That they are inferior, and the bank does not provide services on a par with other categories of customers.

Options for saving and increasing funds for pensioners

First of all, the best way for citizens to receive a pension is to transfer it to a card, because this eliminates a long wait in line at the cashier. But many older people have health problems. Therefore, cashless payment will be the best option. And the human factor is excluded. After all, the cashier can make a mistake, and the pensioner does not immediately check the money received.

Receiving money on a bank card will protect you from the attacks of thieves who can specifically wait for pensioners on the day the pension is issued. You will not be shortchanged at the checkout by giving you the wrong change. And also cards issued in Sberbank will allow you not only to save, but also to increase your funds.

Unlike a regular bank card, using the "Social" card you get an increased interest rate on the balance of the account. And you don't have to worry about the safety of your money. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the simple instructions that are attached to the card in paper form, or located on the official website of Sberbank. Also, if you are interested in Sberbank's deposit programs for individuals for 2016 and for pensioners, and the cards offered by the bank, as well as handling the Social card, you can ask our consultants for the information you need.

How to ask a question to our consultants

  1. Submit an application using the form on the website
  2. Take some time to complete the questionnaire
  3. Specify the essence of your question

You will receive all the information you need promptly. Your questions will be answered in detail by our consultants. Feel free to ask, even if your questions seem silly to you.

Card "Social"

  1. Card service is free
  2. On the balance of funds on the card, you receive 3.5 percent of annual income
  3. You can issue an additional card to the account and make a gift to your grandson
  4. Cash withdrawals in the Sberbank network not only in the Russian Federation. But also in foreign branches, on equal terms
  5. The card is issued for a period of three years

You must be of legal age to receive a Master Card. You can issue an additional card for persons over the age of seven. You just need to contact the bank office and provide a document that confirms your receipt of a pension.

You can recharge your card in several convenient ways. You can get advice on this from our experts. Also on the card you can set up automatic payment for housing and communal services, for a mobile phone and many others. The card will allow you to pay for goods and services both in stores, various cash desks, and via the Internet.

If you need to check the reliability of Sberbank deposits for individuals for 2016 (for pensioners), the reviews will tell you everything. You can also get this information using the services of our service. So you save your time, and will not waste it on your own search on the Internet.

If you read several sources, then for deposits in 2016 for pensioners, the reviews are mostly positive. Which is not surprising, because Sberbank values ​​the comfort of its customers and cares about the safety of their funds.

You can keep your money in your account and use it at any time. It can be any cost. Maybe you have decided to renovate yourself, or buy some furniture, household appliances, or it can be a gift for children, grandchildren or friends. Sberbank does not limit the withdrawal of funds to its clients.

If you want to be able to withdraw money from your account and replenish it on a daily basis, a savings account is ideal for you. You can keep your savings on it both in rubles and in foreign currency.

Deposit account

  1. Differentiated rates on deposits, depending on the deposit currency
  2. The term of the deposit is not limited
  3. Possibility to add funds to the account at any time
  4. The only restriction on withdrawals is their presence in the account
  5. No limit on the minimum amount of funds

If you are interested in the offer on deposits from Sberbank for individuals in 2016 for pensioners, the calculator will help you calculate your possible profit, take into account all possible nuances, including making your own personal schedule when it is optimal for you to withdraw money and replenish your account again .

It's no secret that pensioners often become victims of various scammers who, under the guise of social workers, representatives of various services, enter apartments fraudulently and steal savings left for a rainy day. This would not have happened if they kept the money in the bank account. So it’s worth considering whether it’s time to open a bank account for yourself, especially since there are many offers in 2016 for pensioners, and the calculator will help you figure out which type of account would be better.

Benefits of a bank account

  1. Your money is safe
  2. You can withdraw money from your account and replenish it at any time
  3. Your savings bring guaranteed income
  4. An account can be opened in one of three currencies

Remember that by opening an account with Sberbank, you are entering into cooperation with one of the oldest and largest banks not only in the country, but throughout Europe. And you can be calm about your savings. The staff will serve you at the highest level, and you will not have any complaints about this. Polite and responsive consultants will answer any of your questions.

If you are considering Sberbank deposits for individuals for 2016, for pensioners, but you could not find a profitable option for yourself, then this is not a problem. You just need to use our service, and our consultants will tell you the right solution.

What is needed for this

  1. Submit an application using the form on our website
  2. Take a couple of minutes to fill out the questionnaire
  3. Indicate whether you plan to often withdraw money from the account, how often you are going to replenish
  4. Leave your contact details

And our consultants will promptly select the best option for you, based on your parameters. Moreover, we cooperate directly with many banks, and our consultants will act by clarifying and coordinating information with Sberbank employees. So the data on deposits will be received up-to-date.

Deposits placed with Sberbank are a guarantee of your secure future, because you will definitely not lose your money. Also, the presence of a deposit in Sberbank can help in solving many issues in the bank. For example, if you decide to take a loan, then if you have a deposit opened in the bank, the probability of a positive response to your application tends to one hundred percent.

By opening a deposit in Sberbank for individuals for 2016 (for pensioners) in foreign currency, you can safely go on a trip. You will have the opportunity, if necessary, to withdraw money from the account even on a trip abroad. This makes Sberbank deposits so convenient.

You can do this with a deposit that allows you to withdraw money at any time. If you need a deposit in foreign currency just to save and increase your capital, then we can offer you to use the Multicurrency program.

Deposit Options

  1. The deposit can be placed in dollars, rubles or euros
  2. Differentiated rate depending on the currency, term and amount of the deposit
  3. deposit validity period from 12 to 24 months
  4. There is no possibility of partial withdrawal of funds
  5. The account is opened in three available currencies at once, and the minimum size for opening is five units of each

In case you urgently need money, you have the right to terminate the contract ahead of schedule. Your contract will automatically renew upon the expiration of your current contract and on the terms and conditions in effect at the time of its expiration.

There are branches of the bank throughout the country, in all major cities and small towns. And in large cities there are quite enough bank branches, so it will not be difficult for you to open a deposit in Sberbank for individuals in 2016, for pensioners, in St. Petersburg. You just need to choose the branch closest to you, the appropriate program, and apply there.

We understand that it is not so easy for older people to wait in line at the bank to complete the necessary documents, and traveling somewhere is tiring. Therefore, we offer you our services and help you draw up an agreement on opening a deposit. And you don't have to leave the house at all. Working directly with the bank, together with you we will form a package of documents and send them to the bank for processing. When the bank employees prepare the documents on their part, you will not even need to go to the bank to sign them. You will receive all the necessary papers by courier or by mail.

What do you need

  1. Make an application on the site
  2. Fill in the required fields of the questionnaire
  3. Upload required copies of documents to the server
  4. Specify the type of deposit you are interested in
  5. At this stage, we enter into business and form the necessary package of documents, which will be sent to the bank.

If you need a deposit that you could periodically replenish, increasing the interest accrued on it, then we could offer you a product that is called “Replenish”.

Deposit Options

  1. Differentiated rates on accounts, depending on the currency and the balance on the deposit
  2. You can place a deposit for a period of 3 months to 3 years
  3. It is possible to add funds to the account
  4. Monthly interest calculation
  5. No withdrawal option
  6. Interest is accrued on the same account, and if you do not withdraw it, then next month they will increase your income
  7. Possibility to withdraw profits

If you need Sberbank deposit programs for individuals for 2016 (for pensioners) in euros, then in principle all types of deposits provide this opportunity. And you can already choose which of the programs in this case is most beneficial for you. These can be programs with the possibility of withdrawal and replenishment, or only replenishment. You can choose a program in which interest will be accrued to you every month, or every three months. All in your hands.

You also have the opportunity to take part in charity. When you place your contribution to a charitable program, you get a good interest rate. For this, the bank will donate a small amount to help children with cancer. Give life to a seriously ill child.

Deposit options

  1. Deposit opening term - one year
  2. The profit on the deposit will be 6.82 percent
  3. No recharge option
  4. No withdrawal option
  5. The deposit is opened in the amount of ten thousand Russian rubles
  6. Once every three months, the bank will make deductions in the amount of three tenths of a percent per annum of the total deposit amount
  7. Agree, this is not so much, with such a deposit rate. And you can save someone's life. Perhaps good will return to you, and they will also help you in difficult times.

In general, Sberbank deposits for individuals for 2016, for pensioners, are ordinary deposit accounts available to all citizens. But Sberbank also has special programs for people of retirement age. Or rather, for those who are preparing to become a pensioner, or think over this issue in advance. You can set aside part of your savings and wages to a bank account, thus forming an additional pension for yourself. It will be a very good and far-sighted decision. Given that the funded part of the pension begins to accrue to you as soon as you start working, from the first day of your seniority.

If you are interested in any details about this, you can contact our consultants and they will tell you how it works. Do not miss your opportunity to receive an additional pension to the main one. After working with our consultants, you will receive detailed answers to your questions. Based on your parameters, the level of earnings, you will be prompted how best to act in a particular situation.

If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to ask. You can consult both with bank employees and using our service. This will not take you much time, but it will help you avoid doubts about the right decision in the future. It is better to foresee all the nuances at once than to open and close new deposit accounts several times in search of the best option.

In general, deposits of Sberbank for individuals for 2016 for pensioners in rubles are represented by several programs. When choosing a specific program, you need to proceed from a variety of initial parameters, you need to foresee the possibility of withdrawing funds from the account, or its early closure. Do you plan to actively help your children or grandchildren every month, or do you plan to save and multiply your money for a certain time, and then spend it on something specific. The choice is yours.

This page of the portal provides the most up-to-date information on deposits for individuals currently operating in Sberbank of Russia. Here you will find detailed information about the conditions and interest rates on deposits of the largest Russian bank.

The line of deposits of Sberbank is quite diverse and includes term deposits for various categories of citizens. Sberbank offers profitable deposits with interest capitalization, the ability to replenish and make debit transactions, multi-currency deposits, as well as deposits for pensioners on more attractive terms. Most deposits provide for the possibility of early termination on preferential terms. Deposits opened through the Sberbank Online system also have higher interest rates.

How to choose a profitable deposit in Sberbank?
  • Compare offers from various sources - enters into an agreement on special more favorable conditions for its visitors.
  • Learn the main types of deposits and choose which program is more convenient for you:
  1. With interest capitalization - gives additional income, but sometimes it is more profitable to receive interest on a monthly basis.
  2. With replenishment - this is an increase in the body of the deposit now in various products may have a limitation on the possible date of the last before the expiration of the replenishment contract, and the rate here may be lower.
  3. The amount is not more than 1.4 million rubles - do not exceed the amount suitable for the banking product insurance program.