The decision to develop a regional development strategy is made. Regional development strategies and strategizing

The regional development strategic plan is a management document that contains an interconnected description of the characteristics of the following aspects of regional development activities:

  • ? regional development goals;
  • ? ways to achieve your goals;
  • ? potential opportunities, the implementation of which will allow achieving success;
  • ? methods of organizing traffic in selected directions;
  • ? resources necessary to achieve the goals;
  • ? ways to use resources.

The strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the region allows its administration and the entire regional community to act together. The strategic plan is a document not exclusively of the administration, but to a greater extent of all participants in the regional development process, including economic agents and participants in the political process. This is not a directive from above, sent from the regional administration to entrepreneurs and residents of the region - on the contrary, such a plan should be created as a network of balanced and coordinated wishes to resolve existing problems and addressed by business and the population to the administration. Thus, it represents an instrument of strategic partnership, a mechanism for defining and implementing effective strategies in all spheres of life in the region.

It is advisable to involve all interested participants - entrepreneurs, politicians and the population - in the strategic planning process. Through conferences, seminars and working groups with the participation of experts and residents of the region, proposals on the priorities and criteria of the plan being created can be worked out. To organize work on the regional strategic plan, it is advisable to create a special working group.

A separate component of the strategic plan for the development of the region should be the attached Administration Action Plan for the implementation of the strategic plan, personally controlled by the head of the regional administration.

Not every region of modern Russia manages to create a strategic plan for its development. The region must not only have development potential and appropriate resources, but also create a high level of public consent and a willingness to put region-wide priorities above private or institutional ones.

There are a number of main characteristics of the strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the region.

  • 1. Highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the region and strives to form, strengthen, and develop the competitive advantages of the region, primarily in creating better living conditions for people and businesses.
  • 2. Contains brief ideas and principles that guide producers of goods and services, investors, administration and the population, helping them implement decisions based on a vision of future development.
  • 3. Born as a result of partnership interaction of all regional forces and is not a directive, but rather an aggregation of reasonable recommendations to the administration from entrepreneurs and the population. The plan should become a kind of agreement regarding specific strategic measures that are important both for production and for the residents of the region.
  • 4. A plan is a combination of long-term vision and today's actions. These are not only long-term goals, but also an action plan. For all main areas of implementation of the development strategy, it is advisable to develop subgoals and mechanisms for achieving them, identifying the required resources, the expected effect, methods of control and monitoring.

The main question that the regional development strategic plan answers is how to improve the level of well-being of residents and lay a solid foundation for its further improvement in the future. The level of social development of a region is primarily determined by its economic development, since the quality of life of the population depends on the level and efficiency of production and sale of the regional product. Therefore, economic development is planned first. The key issues of economic development of the region are the following:

  • ? creation of new high-paying jobs;
  • ? attracting new production to the region;
  • ? development of existing production facilities;
  • ? updating the production structure;
  • ? development of methods for promoting and selling regional products.

The most characteristic problems of the economic development of Russian regions are not only attracting economic agents there, but also the development of engineering infrastructure, construction and renovation of housing, streamlining land use, maintaining employment at a high level, and solving pressing environmental problems.

Briefly, the cycle of strategic planning for economic development of the region can be represented by the following stages:

  • 1) determination of development goals;
  • 2) analysis of the external development environment of the region;
  • 3) identifying the strengths and weaknesses (potential) of the region’s development;
  • 4) use of existing and creation of new local advantages;
  • 5) development of a concept and development strategy;
  • 6) development of a concrete action plan and implementation of the strategy;
  • 7) analysis of efficiency and effectiveness, adjustment of goals and methods of achieving them.

Let us consider sequentially all stages of strategic planning for the economic development of the region.

Stage 1. Determination of development goals. A clearly formulated system of development goals that meet the standard requirements of measurability, achievability, time-oriented and consistency can bring much more benefit to the region than, say, funds received from the federal center, which can simply be spent on paying off one or another current debt . What are the main goals of the region's development?

Typically, a distinction is made between general development goals, or the so-called mission, and specific goals and objectives arising from them. General goals should characterize the necessary state of development of the region at certain points in the future, be clear and relatively brief. It is desirable to involve in their development everyone who will work to achieve them: administration workers, entrepreneurs, the population, all interested parties, and actively involve the press. To formulate development goals, it is useful to involve economic advisers, employees of local higher educational institutions, and employees of local banks.

General goals of regional development, as a rule, characterize the desired level of quality of the living environment in a given region, and also form quantitative and qualitative guidelines for economic development. The basis for their formation is quantitative and qualitative data about the community. General goals simultaneously serve as a criterion for development, a guideline for action, and make it possible to separate desirable measures from undesirable ones. General goals should be quite specific. Thus, it is not enough to specify “to stimulate growth” as a goal. Within the framework of this formulation, it is unclear what kind of growth we are talking about: the growth of population, the number of enterprises, the number of employees, or the growth of sales, the income of all legal entities, or the growth of local industry, trade or some other sector. Other negative examples of goals that are formulated too generally include the following:

  • ? improve the business climate;
  • ? reduce unemployment;
  • ? improve the economic well-being of residents.

Good calls do little to plan the economic development of the region. It is advisable to formulate goals specifically.

Here are some examples of such formulations:

  • ? double the share of people employed in agriculture and sectors of the agro-industrial complex (AIC);
  • ? increase the share of people employed in trade, bringing it to the level of those employed in industry;
  • ? increase the number of small businesses by 50%;
  • ? create 50 new financial infrastructure enterprises in the region.

General goals, if they are formulated clearly enough, are then transformed into more specific, specific ones, with detailed quantitative guidelines and corresponding criteria with the help of which the socio-economic development of the region can be monitored. The formulations of such goals answer in detail the questions: what should happen, to whom specifically, where and when, what quantitative results should be achieved?

The main goal of the development of any region is a sustainable improvement in the quality of life for all categories of residents. Such a goal can be expressed in more detail through the characteristics and parameters of the development of the region as multifunctional, integrated into the Russian and world economy and creating a favorable external environment for life and economic activity. Within the main goal, the following subgoals can be distinguished:

  • ? increased income and employment as a consequence of economic development;
  • ? improvement of general living conditions as a result of increased efficiency of resource delivery and budget expenditures.

The strategic plan can be focused on achieving the following three strategic goals:

  • 1) creating a favorable climate for business;
  • 2) integration into the world economy;
  • 3) improvement of the social environment.

In turn, these strategic goals can be meaningfully specified as follows.

  • 1. Creating a favorable climate for business.
  • 1.1. Removing unnecessary restrictions for business.
  • 1.2. Reduced tax pressure.
  • 1.3. Development of the real estate market.
  • 1.4. Development of the labor market.
  • 1.5. Orientation of financial resources towards investing in the real sector.
  • 1.6. Formation of zones of dynamic regional development.
  • 2. Integration into the world economy.
  • 2.1. Development of export-oriented industries.
  • 2.2. Consolidation of competitive manufacturers.
  • 2.3. Development of science, education, innovation.
  • 2.4. Integration into the global information environment.
  • 3. Improving the social environment.
  • 3.1. Development of the educational, cultural and intellectual potential of the region.
  • 3.2. Accelerated solution to the housing problem; housing and communal services reform.
  • 3.3. Infrastructure development, including heat, water, gas, electricity and sewerage.
  • 3.4. Improving the quality of administrative management of the region.
  • 3.5. Improving the level of public safety.
  • 3.6. Improvement of the environment.

For each item, an action program is formed indicating approximate deadlines, mechanisms, forms of control and sources of financing.

Stage 2. Analysis of the external development environment of the region. Key socio-economic parameters of the external environment are analyzed (GDP dynamics, investment climate, various risks, inflation, prospects for economic growth), a comparative analysis of the economic development of similar regions is carried out, taking into account the initial level, starting position of the region, and thus external factors of regional development are identified.

Analysis of external and internal factors allows us to identify industries and activities that ensure effective development and formulate appropriate measures that can effectively realize the existing potential. The analysis allows us to identify comparative characteristics of the region’s environment:

  • ? external - geographical location and climate, macroeconomic situation in Russia, prevailing trends in the world and Russian economies, demographic trends, etc.;
  • ? internal - resources and their availability (human resources, including skills and education, technology, fixed assets, real estate, finance), business and investment climate, infrastructure and utilities.

Stage 3. Determination of the strengths and weaknesses (potential) of the region's development. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis of the economic, social, environmental and institutional external environment in which regional economic agents operate, external resources that can be attracted for the economic development of the region (financial, human, natural, institutional) are clarified and assessed.

Regions are entering into competition with each other for investment and new jobs, and ultimately for a high standard of living and prospects for socio-economic development. A region develops more successfully the more attractive the jobs and living conditions created in it are.

When analyzing the competitiveness potential of a region, it is advisable to study the following aspects.

  • 1. Region in the global economy:
    • ? export of manufactured products;
    • ? development of science and education;
    • ? innovative activity;
    • ? development of the information and telecommunications industry.
  • 2. Region in the structure of the Russian economy:
    • ? macroeconomic situation;
    • ? government forecast;
    • ? the region's place in the Russian economy;
    • ? place in interregional relations;
    • ? possible sources of financing for the development of the region.
  • 3. Internal development factors:
    • ? human resources: gender and age structure of the population, its national composition, migration, population growth factors, education, professional composition of the employed, level and dynamics of unemployment, income, wage level, GDP per capita, labor productivity, income differentiation, savings, level and dynamics physical and mental health, life expectancy;
    • ? natural resources: land use, presence of natural resources, recreational resources, natural attractions;
    • ? economic resources: structure of the local economy; prevailing industries and fastest growing industries; climate for business, degree of demonopolization of markets, state of the real estate market, level of regional planning, business infrastructure, volumes of public and private investment, composition and volume of municipal services, infrastructure, transport and communications, degree of development of small businesses, “export” activities of regional enterprises;
    • ? cultural resources: history and historical sights, social values, norms, traditions, lifestyle, etc.

As a result of the analysis of regional potential, it is necessary to highlight the main internal advantages of the region, favorable external factors, main internal disadvantages, and unfavorable external factors. On this basis, it is possible to create profiles of the region in the present and then in the future, including (which is very important) in comparison with other regions.

Stage 4. Using existing and creating new local advantages. At this stage of strategic planning, the following happens:

  • ? the possibilities of using the existing advantages of the region are considered (location, proximity to major markets, demographic characteristics, infrastructure development);
  • ? the results of the implementation of previous programs for the socio-economic development of the region are determined;
  • ? the reasons for the successes and failures of previous measures to manage regional economic development are identified;
  • ? internal factors of regional development, main and additional industries are clarified, it is determined at what stage of development - industrial, post-industrial or pre-industrial - the region is located;
  • ? it is determined where, in what areas and due to what factors added value is mainly created and can be created; on this basis, the goals of the economic development of the region are once again clarified.

In modern conditions, when post-industrial trends in socio-economic development are emerging in a number of regions, it is important to determine regional advantages not only in the production of material products, but also in the service sector. The region must learn to effectively export services to other regions. The production of services can attract resources and contribute to well-being in the same way as the production of wealth. Financial, insurance, consulting, auditing and other services, communication services, computer science, education, medical services - all these types of economic activity in modern conditions can contribute to regional development.

Factors of competitiveness are identified that distinguish this region from others, as well as new, not yet realized factors that can and should be used in the process of managing economic development in order to further form new competitive advantages of the region. The emphasis is on creating such advantages as a developed market infrastructure, modern communication lines and networks, a security system (personal and business), the presence and effectiveness of institutions that support business, an effective regional industrial policy, management of regional property, the availability of qualified personnel, favorable conditions for investments.

Efforts aimed at developing regional market infrastructure in modern Russian conditions are becoming one of the main factors in the development of the region as a whole. Socio-economic development depends on how widely banking, insurance, consulting, investment and other institutions are represented in the region. In the modern world, it is the developed financial environment that contributes to the introduction of innovative ideas, flexibility and adaptability of the entire economic complex.

The most important modern factor in the development of the region is the presence of high-quality communication infrastructure. Modern communication lines, the development of regional computer networks, free access to the Internet - nowadays these factors have become as important as they were at the beginning of the 20th century. for regional development had railways.

A significant regional advantage today may be the degree of security (personal and business). You cannot count on attracting strategic investors to the region when the level of security is low.

Creating and maintaining a high level of qualifications of regional personnel is also a significant factor in regional development. Ultimately, the development of a region depends on the skill level of the people working in it, and this degree is largely determined by regional education policies, as well as the quality of the environment and life that is attractive to workers.

At this stage of strategic planning, opportunities to use the region's strengths and neutralize weaknesses are considered.

Stage 5. Development of a concept and development strategy. At this stage of strategic planning, final conclusions are formulated about the goals of the socio-economic development of the region, the factors and mechanism of this development, as well as methods for managing it. Conclusions (concept) are drawn taking into account new trends in the socio-economic development of regions, local characteristics and features of the current stage of development of the Russian economy. The concept includes identifying priority areas for the development of the region, analysis of development resources, as well as identified competitive advantages of the region. Here we discuss alternative strategy options, their comparative assessment, selection of the optimal option and its refinement, taking into account the positive components and approaches contained in other options.

Stage 6. Development of a concrete action plan and implementation of the strategy. Based on the formed concept and strategy for socio-economic development, a plan of specific actions is being developed. The sections of the strategic development plan for the region listed below can become relatively independent.

  • 1. Management of regional property, including natural resources and land. This section of the plan involves measures to develop zoning, geographic information systems, energy-saving technologies in the housing and communal services sector, housing insurance and property rights. The administration's first steps towards economic development of the region involve extensive and targeted work on zoning.
  • 2. Formation of additional sources of financing for the development of the region. This section includes measures to improve the efficiency of spending budgetary and extra-budgetary funds, control the efficiency of all areas of the administration’s work, manage regional financial flows, develop project financing, create regional guarantee funds, attract international sources of financing, develop the tax base, including through the restructuring of enterprises.
  • 3. Measures to support small businesses. First of all, this section may include the development of project financing on a competitive and equity basis, the creation of a leasing company, a guarantee fund, a regional “incubator” of small innovative enterprises, the development of the market infrastructure of the region, the provision of information support for small businesses, education and training.
  • 4. Implementation of housing and communal services reforms, development of competition in the urban sector.
  • 5. Regional marketing and regional promotion plan. This section identifies measures to clarify the procedures associated with starting a new business in the region, as well as to ensure information transparency by providing all stakeholders with strategic information about the region. Actions on regional development were coordinated with the chamber of commerce and industry and local banks, the media were used to form a clear picture of the future, including the desired type of economy and ways to create it, commercial marketing methods were used to attract new economic agents to the region, total strategic investors.

A standard plan of specific actions includes data on tasks and deadlines for their solution, responsible persons, expected results, as well as the amount and sources of funding, methods of intermediate control and feedback. A very important aspect of this stage of strategic planning is the analysis of the balance of results and costs associated with the implementation of the plan.

Stage 7. Analysis of efficiency and effectiveness, adjustment of goals and methods of achieving them. Targeted strategic management of the development of a region presupposes not only the presence of a work program of action, but also constant monitoring of its socio-economic condition, comparison of monitoring data with the goals and criteria of regional development, and assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the measures taken.

The following questions are answered:

  • ? Is the strategy compatible with resources, with environmental data;
  • ? whether the strategy helps solve critical problems in the region;
  • ? Does the strategy receive the support of residents?

To develop work on managing socio-economic development, it is desirable to create an economic development agency. This agency could strengthen ties with banks, promote openness of information on economic development plans, organize contacts with potential investors, conduct regional marketing, create a business “incubator,” identify reserves for the use of non-residential premises, and organize joint work with the chamber of commerce and industry. The agency, together with the regional administration, should develop a public vision of prospects, for which it is advisable to regularly hold meetings between the administration and entrepreneurs to clarify specific issues of regional development, and organize training seminars on problems of economic development. A new approach to the economic development of Reton is that it becomes a concern not only of specialists and experts, but also of politicians, managers, businessmen, and the entire population.

Planning for economic development in Reton is an ongoing process. Within its framework, any decisions, including tactical ones, are made. Having a long-term economic development plan allows current decisions to be made on a sound basis.

Alexander Idrisov
Managing partner of the company
"Pro-Invest Consulting"

Theoretical background of the project

Numerous studies show that the welfare of countries or regions depends on the level of productivity of corporations located on their territory. The cause-and-effect relationships of the regional development process are presented in Figure 1.

The level of productivity depends on the ability of enterprises to provide themselves with long-term and sustainable competitive advantages in the market. Moreover, the information age, characterized by a higher degree of uncertainty, rapid changes in the market and the influence of globalization, makes new demands. Today, the resources that a region possesses are not as important as the ability of regional authorities and businesses, in response to market challenges, to quickly adapt existing resources, as well as develop and create new ones.

In conditions of dominance of private business, the regional administration has the opportunity to influence enterprises solely through the creation of an attractive business climate on its territory. Harvard University professor Michael Porter, in his theory of clusters, showed that the business climate is the basis of a region’s competitiveness. At the same time, the term “business climate” is a complex concept and represents a set of the following groups of conditions:

1. Factors condition, their quality and degree of specialization:
a. Natural resources
b. Human Resources
c. Financial resources
d. Physical infrastructure
e. Administrative infrastructure
f. Information infrastructure
g. Research potential

2. Conditions for competition and strategic development
a. Investment climate and policies of regional authorities
b. Presence of competitors and freedom of competition

3. Conditions of demand
a. Availability of demanding local consumers
b. Having unique customer needs
c. Specialized demand for products or services of a regional enterprise that may be in demand in the global market

4. Related or supporting industries
a. Availability of qualified suppliers
b. Availability of competitive, related industries.

The World Economic Forum's country competitiveness ranking is based on the methodology proposed by Professor M. Porter. In 2000, Finland took the highest position in the country's competitiveness ranking.

Why don't numerous regional development programs work?

The Russian government, for the first time in the years of reforms, announced a long-term development strategy. At the same time, increasing competitiveness was declared the most important goal of the reforms. Considering the scale of Russia, regions play a significant role in its development, including regional administrations and local businesses. Competitiveness can be ensured only by specific and targeted actions that help increase the competitiveness of regional business by creating attractive conditions for its development. Thus, regions have a need to develop a development strategy aimed at increasing competitiveness. Almost all Russian regions today have socio-economic development programs developed both independently and with the support of external consultants, mainly Russian institutions. However, usually this is a declarative document containing: some analysis of the budget and resources of the region, possible development prospects and a list of investment projects. As a rule, such programs are created in order to justify the possibility of receiving funds for the so-called federal programs, which are financed from the federal budget.

On the other hand, numerous regional socio-economic development programs remain on paper. The problem is not only in the quality of the documents developed, but in the fact that the authors of the programs for the socio-economic development of the region do not take into account the fundamental differences between Russia and other countries.

1. Unlike developed countries, no more than 5% of the largest (budget-generating) Russian enterprises have thoughtful and clearly formulated strategies for their own development (source: Pro-Invest Consulting, survey of enterprise managers). At the same time, it is difficult to count on effective public policy if it does not take into account the strategic vision of regional business as the main factor in the competitiveness of the region.

2. The practice of regional administrations in Russia is very far from what is commonly called a high-performance organization (HPO). Successful implementation of the regional strategy is hardly possible without improving the efficiency of administrative management. Today, public administration reform is one of the highest priorities of the President and Government of Russia.

Project goal

Assisting the regional administration and business community in developing a balanced and effective regional development strategy that ensures increased competitiveness of the region and improved living standards of the population.

Approaches used

The regional strategy development project consists of three main tasks:

1. Formulation of development strategies for leading enterprises in the region (strategic economic entities)

2. Analysis of the current state and development of recommendations for improving the business climate

This approach has the following advantages:

Creating prerequisites for economic growth through the initiation of real and targeted changes in strategic economic entities (SES) of the region;

Developing not a declarative document, but a strategy filled with real content

Balance and realism of the regional strategy, by taking into account the results of strategic planning of regional SES;

Increasing the chances of successful implementation of the strategy by involving the general public and business community in the strategic planning process of the region, through a common vision of the future;

Using more advanced methods for analyzing the business climate and developing recommendations for its improvement, based on the economic theory of clusters;

Creation of Key Performance Indicators that will allow monitoring of the strategy implementation process;

Carrying out changes aimed at increasing the efficiency of administrative management, and, consequently, increasing the likelihood of success in implementing the strategy.

The methodological basis is based on approaches developed by a joint group of specialists from Pro-Invest Consulting and MSTU. Bauman, including the Strategic Platform of the Region (Fig. 2).

The strategic platform includes a pyramid of three basic elements: competitive strategic economic entities (key enterprises of the region - SES), an attractive business climate and effective administration, ensuring the competitiveness of the region and the growth of well-being of the population. The pyramid is based on regional capital (resources). The goal of the strategy is to improve the well-being of the population and ensure the growth of regional capital.

In the process of developing a strategy, the state of the region at a given point in time is analyzed (the current regional strategic platform) and a vision of the future state is formulated (the future platform is determined). Strategic gaps are analyzed (Fig. 3) in three areas: Strategic economic entities (key enterprises in the region), the state of the business climate, and administrative efficiency. Target indicators (KPIs) are determined that can be achieved if “strategic” gaps are eliminated (Fig. 4).

Formulating development strategies for leading enterprises in the region

Each Russian region has no more than 20-30 largest enterprises that can be classified as strategic economic entities (SES). SES selection is made based on the following criteria:

    existing or potential sales volume

    number and potential for job creation

    consumption of regional resources

    impact on ancillary or related industries

    social infrastructure support

To create a SES strategy, the methodology developed by Pro-Invest Consulting “3f Corporate Strategy (First to New Ideas, Fastest to Implement Change, Finest Customer Service) is used. This approach allows:

    intensify innovation processes in the company, involve management and key SES employees in the strategy development process as much as possible;

    as soon as possible, develop a realistic SES strategy that takes into account opportunities for business development and probable threats, and is also based on key competencies and dynamic abilities;

    create a balanced system of performance indicators;

    formulate simple rules that make the strategy understandable and accessible not only to management, but also to ordinary SES employees;

    build financial forecasts.

Analysis of the regional business climate and development of recommendations for its improvement


Theoretical and methodological foundations for developing a regional development strategy

1 Essence, content, specificity of the region’s development strategy

2 Characteristics of the process of developing a regional development strategy: main stages - formation, assessment and selection

3 Methodology for developing a strategic development plan for the region

Development of a strategy for the socio-economic development of Tula (for 2011-2015 and for the future until 2025)


List of used literature


The world is experiencing a strategic boom. Strategies are talked about everywhere, just as medicine and education used to be talked about. They suddenly turned out to be necessary for everyone who realizes themselves as a subject of development. Small companies and large corporations, TNCs, states and cities, and border areas have taken up strategizing. And in each case, the prospect is seen not so much as it can be (and, most likely, will be), but as such as the designer is able to see it or voters want to see it - which is also important.

The reason for such a specific “infectious disease” is generally clear: global processes, associated primarily with the growth of information dynamics, are rapidly accelerating: the most stable state today is constant instability. What seemed unshakable and indisputable yesterday may no longer be so today. The landmarks chosen the day before yesterday and designed for long-term use are left somewhere behind, and there are no new ones yet.

The search for these very strategic guidelines, i.e. those that are tightly (or at least firmly enough) “nailed” to the horizon and do not allow you to go astray, becomes not just an important task, but a priority. In other words, without solving this problem, there is no point in taking on others: they are not focused on anything. And, therefore, useless. And without strategies, guidelines will not appear.

Subjects of the Russian Federation were forced to develop their own strategies, on the one hand, due to the condition set by the Federal Government, and on the other hand, due to the need to position themselves as subjects pursuing independent competitive socio-economic policies, which rely on their own personnel, resources and technologies . This policy should not only ensure the competitiveness of the economy and social stability, but also help maintain at a certain level many benchmark indicators regulated by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Determining a development strategy is a necessary condition for achieving mutual understanding and social harmony between different segments of the population that live in a particular region and are consolidated in the name of achieving a common goal. Created with the participation of all constructive forces representing various parties, associations and groups, the development strategy stabilizes the political situation in the region, is the basis for economic creation, determining the directions for transforming the regional socio-economic system in order to improve the quality of life of the population and provide favorable operating conditions for business entities and development.

At the same time, despite the fact that the research of many scientists is devoted to various aspects of the problem of the formation and implementation of a regional development strategy and there are a large number of scientific works, this problem requires additional study and new scientific understanding in connection with the changes taking place in the economy, fundamentally new tasks facing before the governing bodies of modern Russia.

The purpose of this work is to study the stages of developing a regional development strategy.

The objectives of this work are: determining the main stages of developing a regional strategy, methods for developing a strategic plan. The work also discusses the development of development strategies for our city of Tula.

1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for developing a regional development strategy

.1 Essence, content, specificity of the regional development strategy

There are many definitions of the category “development strategy”. For example, according to P. Drucker, strategy is a way of implementing business theory in practical activities, the purpose of which is to provide the organization with the opportunity to achieve the desired results; strategy allows the system to purposefully seek out and take advantage of favorable opportunities. Strategy is sometimes defined as the selection of major long-term goals, which reduces the concept of strategy to the method and process of choice. By definition, an existing goal, after a choice has been made, becomes strategic. The strategy also includes the need for an evaluative approach to choosing a goal and directions of movement towards its achievement.

Development is movement forward, the formation of new features, the formation of new structural characteristics of the system, as well as its growth and expansion.

Development strategy is a fairly capacious and multifaceted category that can be classified according to various criteria. I. Ansoff, E. Bowman, A. Gradov, P. Drucker, M. Kruglov, G. Mintzberg, M. Porter, G. Hamel and other foreign and domestic scientists devoted their works to this issue. Each of them developed a classification of development strategies within the subject area of ​​research that interested him.

It is advisable to group regional development strategies according to the following criteria:

type of buyers, highlighting strategies intended for the population (differentiated by social groups, categories, associations, place of residence); legal entities (differentiated by enterprises, organizations, their types) and territorial management bodies;

types (consumer, marketing, entrepreneurial, labor and organizational strategies);

areas of activity (production, services, infrastructure, management, social sphere, etc.);

industries (industry, agriculture, education, transport, communications, construction, etc.);

areas (investment, innovation, financial, institutional, development of import-substituting industries, etc.);

strategic priorities, highlighting strategies for stability of functioning (they are fundamental for the development of the region, ensuring the stability of its functioning and existence); key strategies (which have a dominant impact on the competitiveness of the region, distinguishing it from many other territories); innovative strategies (which shape the region's potential for future success).

Not only those who focus on it in their activities benefit from the region having a clear development strategy, but also representatives of other regions who are not directly involved in the implementation of the strategy. Since they can have both a positive and negative impact on the progress of strategy implementation, it is necessary to take into account their socio-economic interests in the processes of strategy formation and implementation.

The socio-economic development strategy allows us to coordinate the activities of government bodies, the business community, public and political organizations that influence the development of the region, to set a single vector of development. This vector is formed taking into account territorial characteristics, including natural and labor resources, existing production and service specialization, economic, geographical, competitive and other advantages. It should be noted that a long-term regional strategy is not a “frozen and untouchable” document. On the contrary, the strategy involves making the necessary adjustments to it, taking into account the analysis of its intermediate results, as well as the development of the country as a whole, neighboring regions, changes in the domestic and foreign markets.

Having a development strategy makes it possible to create a favorable business climate in the region in terms of attracting investment. It is known that competition in the investment market is becoming tougher and more international. To win this competition, investors should present convincing long-term strategic development plans, create better conditions and guarantees, and compete for investors in other, similar regions. This is especially true for a significant number of Russian regions that do not have oil and gas fields, and often in the eyes of investors are almost indistinguishable from each other.

The socio-economic development strategy makes it possible to concentrate investment resources on priority areas. Identify “growth points” whose development will bring the greatest effect. In turn, growth points will make it possible to create entire clusters in the region - groups of interconnected, territorially concentrated organizations (manufacturers, suppliers of components, services, research institutions and other organizations that complement each other and enhance each other’s competitive advantages). The development of key elements of the cluster makes it possible to stimulate the development of interconnected sectors of the economy, effectively concentrate the limited resources of the regional budget, sources of the federal center and private investors in key areas.

A long-term strategy is the basis for the well-founded development of a rational territorial planning scheme, i.e. functional zones, zones of planned placement of capital construction projects for public needs, zones with special conditions for the use of the territory, etc. The territorial planning scheme serves as the basis for the rational use of the territory and its sustainable and balanced socio-economic development.

The presence of a socio-economic development strategy makes it easier for regional leaders to receive subsidies from a variety of sources, since it allows them to convincingly justify the targeted expenditure of funds. The strategy is a weighty basis for requests from regional authorities to receive funding for individual events and facilities from the federal budget, for example, for the implementation of targeted programs, targeted investment projects, and programs for the development of special economic zones.

The presence of a strategy allows the head of executive power to demonstrate to the federal center his desire to use modern management methods, which include long-term planning. Only a long-term strategy for the socio-economic development of the region makes it possible to consistently and effectively apply the entire set of economic, architectural, planning and administrative and legal methods of managing the territory.

Today, each region of the Russian Federation is developing its own development strategies, but this work is often closed and non-public. As a result, the final product of strategizing often has a whole set of shortcomings.

Thus, the main feature of the strategy is often the focus on obtaining funds from the federal budget. At the same time, the region is considered in isolation from the economic development of neighboring regions and Russia as a whole. The document often describes measures for the restoration and development of all areas and industries that exist on the territory of the subject, and lacks economic development priorities.

A well-constructed strategy should not be based on a set of forecasts for the development of the region’s resources, but focus on real business projects and strategies of the main economic players.

To develop a clear and implementable strategy, it is necessary to form a collective vision for the future of the region with the participation of the main economic players, authorities, the media and many other structures. In addition, it is necessary to develop a set of specific projects and determine who will take responsibility for their implementation.

Two levels of strategy can be distinguished.

At the first level, the main task is to attract investment to the region. The main attention is paid to stimulating the growth of individual industries and removing barriers to development, as well as anti-crisis actions in relation to those industries that have low indicators against the national background, but are relevant for the region.

The second level of the strategy should be based on the spiritual, moral and humanitarian spheres, which contain hidden reserves for economic growth and competitiveness of the region.

The combination of both levels of strategy gives a huge synergistic effect. In particular, increasing the cultural and spiritual wealth of the region's population will also contribute to increased motivation to work and increase the socio-economic development of the region. Clear and well-thought-out strategies for each region are of utmost importance for determining the economic development strategy of Russia as a whole.

1.2 Characteristics of the process of developing a regional development strategy: main stages - formation, assessment and selection

The goals of developing a regional strategy for socio-economic development are dictated by the desire of the administration at any level - republic, territory, region, municipality - to improve the well-being of the inhabitants of its territory by increasing employment of the population and involving it in the most productive work in various sectors of the economy.

After making a decision to develop a development strategy, the regional leadership faces several questions: how to implement this idea, where to start the development process, and which specialists to entrust this work with.

We should start by studying the current state of affairs in the region and identifying the desired goals.

First of all, it is necessary to answer questions that will allow you to assess the current situation:

what are the most important problems in the region;

what is the state of the transport infrastructure: roads, airports, sea and river ports, railways. Does it meet the requirements for the development of key sectors of the economy;

what is the state of the public utilities: water supply, sewerage, electrical, heat and gas networks, etc.;

what is the state of telecommunications;

what is the state of the business infrastructure: hotels, exhibition halls, congress centers;

how effective are the methods used by the regional leadership to strengthen the competitive position of local enterprises;

what factors hinder the attraction or expansion of potential investors into the region; how effective is the work with investors;

how similar neighboring regions are developing.

The next important step is to determine strategic priorities for the development of the region's economy. The key questions at this stage are:

determining the development potential of the main sectors of the economy, in which sectors it is possible to achieve maximum growth;

determination of the most sustainable competitive advantages of the region;

analysis of the main limiting factors for the development of individual sectors of the economy;

the development of which new sectors needs to be stimulated.

To answer these questions, a thorough assessment of all sectors of the economy will be required to determine which ones may become the most attractive.

Experience shows that it is most effective to use the following evaluation criteria:

)attractiveness of the economic sector (growth potential, labor productivity, industry risks);

) the possibility of developing sustainable competitive advantages in the region (availability of material resources, personnel, necessary infrastructure, proximity to suppliers and/or markets, etc.).

The choice of priorities in the economy is very important, since it affects a large number of organizations and business structures that have a significant impact on the business and social life of the region. Therefore, the selection of key sectors of the economy should be carried out with the participation of representatives of scientific and public circles and the involvement of regional, industry and international experts. At the same time, it is absolutely necessary to attract independent consultants with experience in developing regional strategies.

After identifying strategically important sectors of the economy, it is necessary to understand what needs to be done for their successful development. This, in turn, requires identifying the factors that influence them. Such factors may be:

availability of capital;

the degree of development of telecommunications and transport infrastructure;

environmental situation;

availability and quality of housing;

the degree of development of regional legislation;

availability of labor resources of the required specialization;

energy supply;

tax level;

availability of land plots, office and retail premises, etc.

The efforts of government authorities should be focused primarily on the factors that are most significant for the development of key sectors of the economy.

Among the many factors that investors take into account when deciding to invest in Russian regions are not only the tax benefits provided, which are similar in many regions, but also the readiness of the territory to host new production and provide it with engineering and other personnel.

It is known that for a significant number of regions, a serious factor hindering the development of key industries is the unmet demand for electricity. For example, in the Southern Federal District, 10 out of 13 regions are energy deficient. The underdevelopment of air transportation infrastructure in a number of regions, in particular in the Krasnodar Territory, hinders the development of tourism.

In general, the regional strategic planning system should include the following main elements:

A long-term strategy for socio-economic development for 20-25 years, defining the main priorities and prospects for the development of the region.

A medium-term program of socio-economic development for 4-6 years, containing an agreed list of activities and projects that will allow the implementation of the long-term goals outlined within the strategy.

Short-term plans of the authorities for the year, describing the priority tasks that need to be solved to implement the socio-economic development program, those responsible for carrying out the tasks and the resources required to carry them out.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, as of the summer of 2007, 37 federal subjects had socio-economic development strategies. A significant part of the strategies covers horizons from 8 to 12 years, although a number of them are designed for a longer period - up to 20-25 years.

For example, in the Central Federal District, out of 18 regions, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Tver, Yaroslavl, and our Tula regions have strategies.

In the Northwestern Federal District, out of 11 regions, strategies were developed by the Komi Republic, Vologda, Kaliningrad, and Murmansk regions.

In the Southern Federal District, out of 13 republics and regions, the Chechen Republic, Krasnodar Territory, Astrakhan and Rostov regions have strategies.

In the Volga Federal District, 5 regions have armed themselves with strategies, in the Ural Federal District - 3, in the Siberian Federal District - 4, in the Far Eastern - 3.

1.3 Methodology for developing a strategic development plan for the region

By definition, a methodology is a set of methods, but is it only a set? After all, if we are talking about the rules for applying methods, that is, rather about technology, then the definition of “methodology” should be interpreted as a system of methods. Such a system must meet a number of requirements:

ensure the performance of the function for which it is created;

not be redundant in composition and structure;

ensure that the function is performed with the required or maximum efficiency;

be understandable to appropriately qualified specialists;

describe the chronological distribution of subfunctions that ensure the functionality of the methodology (that is, stages and relationships between stages);

describe methods and technologies for their application for each subfunction;

unambiguously characterize the subjects that ensure the implementation of subfunctions and describe the requirements for them (describe the subject composition necessary to perform the function).

Thus, a methodology is a system of methods that serves as information support for the process of performing the required function, describing the stages (including the results for each stage) and the technology for applying methods that ensure the logical completion of each stage and the function as a whole.

The stages of development of management decisions are directly related to the stages of strategy development in regional strategic planning (Table)

The relationship between the stages of developing a management decision and the strategic development plan for the region

Stage of UR development Stage of strategy development Result of the stage/form of presentation Stage I. Information support for the process of developing a plan for the strategic development of the region1. Updating the problem1. Updating the need for strategy development Resolution of the head of the administration on the development of a strategic development plan for the region2. Stage of collecting information and building a model of a problem situation2. Definition and detailing of regional goals and a system of regional development indicators. Philosophy of regional development (vision, mission), goals of the region. Detailed model of a system of goals and a system of regional development indicators3. Determination of the current state of the region. Strengths (core competencies) and weaknesses (problems)4. Determining the state of the region’s external environment. Opportunities, threats, trends in the development of the external environment5. Determination of evaluation criteria and restrictions System of criteria and restrictions Stage II. Development of a strategic development plan for the region3. Stage of formation of multiple models of change1. Formation of a collection of reference alternativesMany reference strategies and alternatives for solving priority operational problems2. Development of original alternativesA variety of original strategies and alternatives for solving priority operational problems4. Filtering and selection stage3. Selection of a strategy for the development of the region and priority measures to solve the main operational problems The concept of the strategy for the development of the region (including the philosophy of development of the region) and a list of priority measures to solve the main operational problems5. Adjustment of the change model and development of a system of indicators4. Formation of a strategic plan for the development of the region (including: adjustment of policies, programs, projects and activities for their implementation, as well as the philosophy of development of the region) Strategic plan for the development of the region including: the concept of strategic development of the region; priority measures; policies, programs and projects detailed down to the activities for their implementation; system of regional development indicators (strategic development maps)5. Adjustment and detailing of the system of regional development indicators

Below are the first six stages of developing a strategic development plan, the implementation of which allows you to collect the information required for decision-making about the state of the region and its environment, form a strategic system of goals, a system of criteria and restrictions, as well as a system of regional development indicators.

Stage 1. Actualization of the need for strategy development.

The actualization of the need to develop a strategic plan for the development of a region can be either proactive (intraregional, as an initiative of the administration or other regional goal-setting entities) or directive (established for execution by regulatory acts of the supersystem).

In both cases, the result of the stage should be a decision of the head of the administration, ensuring the formation of the subject composition of the development process, the competence of the subjects, and also defining the goals of the upcoming process, detailed down to the tasks. The goal of the process is a detailed plan for the development of the region, while the tasks represent the stages of the plan development process.

Stage 2. Definition of regional goals, their detailing and development of a system of regional development indicators.

Defining the vision of the region as an object of strategic planning. Figure 1 presents a vision of the region in four aspects.

Rice. 1. Four aspects of the region's vision

All four aspects of the vision must be interconnected. For example, the “ECOVISION” of the region as the center of tourism services and the global regional tourism complex also presupposes “HOMOVISION” as the vision of a diverse, but necessarily historically and culturally educated person - a subject of social activity. This does not mean that a sales employee must be fluent in foreign languages, but knowledge of spoken English will not hurt when communicating with foreign clients.

The same applies to “TECHNOVISION” - it must necessarily include a vision of the education system as specializing in providing the tourism sector with the required personnel, scientific and technical developments that improve this service sector.

“SOCIAL VISION” must provide acceptable conditions for human existence as an element of the system of production of tourism services, as the demosphere of the region. This may also be a vision of the region as a socially oriented system, where a person and his well-being are understood not as a goal, but rather as a necessary condition for the development of the region.

The vision of the region in the listed aspects involves constructing a model of the future region as a hierarchically connected system, at the lower level of which the person himself is constructed - the main determinant of regional development. The intersection of all four aspects gives the strategy developers a “GENERAL VISION” of the region as an image of the future of the given territory.

The spread of the influence of the vision to further stages of planning allows us to speak of the constructed model as a four-aspect concept of a regional vision.

Defining a region's mission is a logical continuation of developing a vision. This is no longer so much an image of the region in various aspects, but rather an “ambitious statement of intent.” The mission does not have to be ambitious, but more often than not, a slightly overstated mission statement is an additional incentive to achieve the goals. A situation is created when the implementation of the mission is a victory over limited capabilities, a kind of “jump over your head,” representing a super task, the solution of which is associated with general success. Simplified, the mission of a region is determined by the answer to two questions:

“What does the region, as part of the world community, intend to offer to the environment (including the state as a supersystem), what is its purpose in the global economic system?”

“In what direction does the region intend to develop, what are its obligations to the entities that are part of it and form it (to enterprises, municipalities, to society in general and each resident in particular)?”

The answer to the first question allows us to formulate a mission directed to the external environment, an “outward mission.” The answer to the second question determines the purpose of the region for itself, to formulate a “mission inward.”

“Mission outward” and “mission inward” are interconnected vectors of regional development, providing the most important method of stimulation when each subject of regional economic activity contributes to the implementation of the “mission outward”, realizing the need for its implementation to ensure the “mission inward” in exchange for guarantees of implementation claims to new opportunities arising from the development of the region.

So, for example, the external mission for the vision of the region as a global tourism complex may sound like this: “To provide every tourist entering the region with a cultural, differentiated vacation of a quality level that meets world standards.” The inward mission may vary depending on the ambition, but in most cases its focus is the same: the development of the region in all four aspects of the vision direction discussed above.

This division is very arbitrary, since in general the mission represents a vector directed towards the vision, that is, achieving a state associated with goal-setting subjects with success, with the fulfillment of the mission. The mission is the purpose of the region in the structure of the world socio-economic system, the duality of the direction of its development and social function.

The goals of the region represent a model of the state of the region, detailed to the extent described by qualitative indicators, that corresponds to its vision. If the vision is an image, the mission is the purpose, then the goal is the ideal state of the region that does not exist at the moment, but is required for the implementation of the mission.

For example, if the vision of the region is defined as the focus of tourism services and a global regional tourism complex with a high level of social security and development of the average individual, then the goals should describe all three designated aspects of the region’s development in qualitative indicators that clearly characterize its condition (the occupied segment of tourism services, income per capita, population structure by level of development). Indicators should be calculated not from the current state of the region, but from the development indicators of the subjects of the Federation. For example, we should not talk about market growth by 25%, but about 10% of the occupied segment of tourism services.

Executing the strategy requires attracting resources to areas of strategic development. This means that resources will need to be diverted from those areas whose development is a consequence of the movement of spheres - “locomotives”. Graphically, this may look like the one shown in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Strategic orientation of the region

It is easy to see that ensuring intensive economic development and the development of the education system requires the diversion of resources from the areas of social security and ensuring equal opportunities in obtaining education. In conditions of limited resources, ensuring intensive development at the same time as maintaining social security is possible only if development programs are supported from the external environment (for example, from the state budget).

The development of the economy and the education system will strengthen the potential of the region and thereby provide resources to strengthen social patronage, as well as increase the level of education, which is a guarantee of the balanced development of the region in all its aspects. Thus, the strategic system of goals determines development priorities, and they allow the mission to be implemented in other aspects.

The system of regional development indicators is a comprehensive quantitative model that characterizes the state of the region and allows one to judge the relative level of its development. Therefore, such a model should either be built on the basis of general indicators used to characterize the level of development of a region or state, or allow the transition to such indicators. The model can be described as a configurator of the state of the region according to four aspects of vision.

The presence of connections between regional development indicators and the possibility of determining the strategic significance of each indicator allow us to speak about the balance of such a system, and this, in turn, speaks about the applicability of the concept of strategic maps in the process of modeling a system of indicators for the strategic development of a region.

In accordance with the four aspects of regional development, four strategic maps can be developed, which can be detailed to the required level and adjusted at the last stage of strategy development.

Rice. 3. Model of strategic maps for the development of the region

Stage 3. Determining the current state of the region.

When determining the current state of a region, it is necessary to consider its strengths (properties of the region that determine core competencies) and weaknesses (properties of the region that determine the main contradictions in its development).

Determining the current state of the region requires an analysis of three objects (the state of society; the state of material systems and subsystems; the current strategy of the region) in four aspects of its activity: scientific and technical, social aspect of the development of society, economic development and ecology.

The analysis of each object for each aspect should be carried out from the position of identifying strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the same property of an object under different conditions can determine both its strength and its weakness.

Stage 4. Determination of the state of the region’s external environment.

The state of the region’s external environment represents many factors, conditionally divided into opportunities and threats, including the state of the governing supersystem (the state normatively regulates the activities of the region), as well as the system governed by the will of the population. In this regard, we can talk about mutually regulated categories. The region indirectly takes part in the management of the state as a whole and is able to some extent influence the political and economic situation, while the state, for its part, normatively determines the priorities of this influence or, in other words, the strategy of state development. That is why the political position of the region plays a significant role in resolving issues of national scale, and the level of its claims to the sovereignty of choosing the directions of its development. Therefore, the aspects of the analysis include both existing trends in the development of the environment and those preferable for the implementation of the strategic development plan for the region.

Stage 5. Determination of evaluation criteria and limitations.

If an indicator is a quantitative model of a state, then a criterion is not necessarily a quantitative category. For example, this is a selection rule according to which the decision must provide the required efficiency of the operation. In other words, a criterion is an evaluative model for comparing alternatives that allows making a choice.

The system of criteria can be based on a system of regional development indicators. When comparing alternatives, experts make judgments on the basis of which the final decision is made.

2. Development of a strategy for the socio-economic development of Tula (for 2011-2015 and for the future until 2025)

regional social economic strategy

The program for the socio-economic development of the city of Tula for 2011-2015 and until 2025 is a document of a new type. It formulates a city development strategy for the next 15 years with an emphasis on medium-term tasks that need to be solved in the first 5 years of the Program implementation. The appearance of this Program is the result of the position of the local government of the city of Tula, which came to the understanding that for the successful development of the city it is necessary to have a vision of its long-term perspective, priorities, main goals and main directions of development, agreed upon with the population. Only with this vision can resources be effectively deployed and organizational actions taken to achieve meaningful results.

The first stage of development of the Program is the formation of the Concept of socio-economic development of the city, which will become the fundamental basis of the Program. The concept contains the generalized results of the analysis of the socio-economic development of the city of Tula and sets out the main parameters of the strategic priorities of the city's development, including a long-term vision, a strategic goal, city development scenarios with a choice of the base ones, strategic directions and objectives for the city's development.

The concept includes the following content sections:

Socio-economic situation of the city of Tula.

Formation of a long-term vision, mission and strategic goal for the development of the city of Tula.

Development of alternative scenarios for the socio-economic development of the city of Tula and selection of a base scenario.

Determination of strategic directions and tasks of socio-economic development of the city of Tula.

Program implementation management.

Based on the results of the analysis of the socio-economic situation of the city, on the one hand, the weaknesses of the city were identified, which are limitations for its development, and, on the other hand, its strengths, which can serve as competitive advantages of Tula and on which it is necessary to rely in the process of developing the Program . For example, weaknesses-

A relatively high level of environmental pollution associated with the annual increase in the volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from mobile sources, and the persistence of a high proportion of insufficiently treated wastewater.

The city lacks a targeted environmental policy, unsatisfactory organization of control over the state of the environment, and lack of information about environmental activities in the city in the public domain.

Limited prospects for spatial development within the city limits due to the relatively low supply of free space and the intersection of the territory with natural barriers.

The predominance of territories that are limitedly favorable and unfavorable for construction due to engineering and geological conditions.


Rich historical and cultural traditions of the city’s development, primarily as one of the historical centers of Russian industry.

Moderate continental climate without sudden changes.

Favorable economic and geographical position: location at the intersection of main railways and federal highways, proximity to the capital of the country.

Availability of natural resources in the Tula region as potential for the development of city enterprises.

Stabilization of the volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources.

Reducing the volume of discharge of contaminated wastewater, increasing the volume of discharge of regulatory-treated water.

A compact territory with fairly high connectivity of individual areas of the city.

Inclusion of the city of Tula in the list of historical cities of the Russian Federation as an opportunity to intensify work on the creation of a historical and architectural reference plan and a scheme for protective zoning of territories around historical and cultural monuments

High positions among the city centers of the Central Federal District regions according to the composite human development index.

External factors, challenges and development trends of the city of Tula.

A key factor in the process of formation and implementation of the Program for the socio-economic development of the city of Tula for 2011-2015 and for the future until 2025 is taking into account the economic and social interests of all groups of subjects affected by the Program. Conventionally, these groups can be divided into two directions. The first direction (“internal”) includes individual citizens, their associations, enterprises and organizations, and the city community as a whole. The second direction (“external”) includes entities that do not directly associate themselves with the city of Tula - as a rule, these are Russian and foreign companies, as well as federal and regional authorities. The vision of the development prospects of the municipality at the federal and regional levels is reflected in the relevant government documents of strategic and territorial planning. The program for the socio-economic development of the city of Tula is created in accordance with the basic documents that determine the development of the Tula region and the country as a whole. These include:

Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020;

draft Concept for improving the regional policy of the Russian Federation;

Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation;

Strategy for the development of science and innovation in the Russian Federation for the period until 2015;

Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030;

Territorial planning scheme of the Tula region;

Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Tula region until 2028;

Program for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency of the Tula region for 2010-2015.

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 20201 was developed with the aim of identifying ways and means of ensuring in the long term (2008-2020) a sustainable increase in the well-being of Russian citizens, national security, dynamic economic development, strengthening Russia’s position in the world community. The principles outlined in Concept 2020 form the basis of all regional and municipal strategic planning documents. The directions for the development of large cities and regional centers are highlighted. Through the prism of the Concept 2020, the city of Tula by 2020 is seen as a city with a powerful infrastructure complex, a comfortable urban environment, a modernized industry and an innovative socially oriented economy.

The strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation states that the dynamics of indicators for the development of information and telecommunication infrastructure and high technologies in Russia do not allow us to count on significant changes in the near future without joint targeted efforts of government authorities, business and civil society. Local self-government, being one of the forms of manifestation of civil society and at the same time having in its hands a certain set of administrative levers, is called upon to play a vital role in the process of development of the information society in Russia. All areas of implementation of the Information Society Development Strategy can be divided into two: the first includes improving the quality of life of citizens, developing the economic, socio-political, cultural and spiritual spheres of society, and the second - improving the system of state and municipal government.

The goal of implementing the Strategy for the Development of Science and Innovation in the Russian Federation for the period until 20153 is the formation of a balanced research and development sector and an effective innovation system, ensuring technological modernization of the economy and increasing its competitiveness based on advanced technologies and turning scientific potential into one of the main resources sustainable economic growth. At the same time, the main emphasis in the document is on carrying out activities at the federal and regional levels. The sources of financing for the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Science and Innovation are the federal and regional budgets and extra-budgetary funds.

The choice of directions for the development of the transport system set out in the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 20304 (hereinafter referred to as the Transport Strategy) is based on the draft concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, budget messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Federation. At the same time, subjects of the Russian Federation are recommended, when forming regional development programs, to provide for measures to implement the measures provided for by the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030. Taking into account strategic measures is, therefore, a mandatory element when determining priorities for the development of infrastructure in the city of Tula.

The Transport Strategy envisages the implementation of the following important measures from the position of the city of Tula:

construction in 2010-2015 highways that provide unloading of large transport hubs, incl. the creation of roads connecting, bypassing Moscow, the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation neighboring the capital, for example, Kaluga - Tver - Vladimir - Ryazan - Tula;

construction and reconstruction in 2016-2030. highways forming a system of toll highways and expressways: including the construction and reconstruction of road sections forming the Moscow - Tula - Orel - Kursk - Belgorod - border with Ukraine road route (by 2015 it is planned to include the project among the main directions for the development of transport infrastructure in the Central Federal District); as well as the construction of highways and expressways in this direction (after 2015).

The territorial planning scheme of the Tula region5 (hereinafter referred to as the territorial planning scheme) contains a fairly detailed description of the current situation and development prospects of the city of Tula, which is due to the administrative significance and economic potential of the city. The high competitiveness of the territory of the urban district is noted, and its further development is designated among the priority directions of the territorial policy of the region.

The Territorial Planning Scheme presents in detail options for the development of the city of Tula in the short and long term. Based on an analysis of the socio-economic conditions that have developed in the city, within the framework of the document it is planned to establish the city as the center of one or several large clusters: engineering (including defense), construction, building materials industry, light industry, grain, fruits, vegetables and potatoes , dairy, meat. The city is expected to become a leader in the developing regional construction market. According to the information presented in the Territorial Planning Scheme, the territories of the city of Tula act as centers and zones for the planned placement of capital construction projects of regional importance. In addition, it is planned to include the city's sanatorium and resort zone in the recreational corridor along the Oka River. The city will be formed as a business, scientific, educational, social and cultural center with highly developed industrial and innovative functions. To implement project proposals for the development of the agro-industrial complex, the document proposes the creation of a Management Center in the city of Tula to ensure high rates of growth in the competitiveness of organizations.

The Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of the Tula Region until 2028 of the region6 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development) provides an analysis of the current level of socio-economic development of the region, its administrative center - the city of Tula, and other cities and territories. In addition, the document contains a detailed description of scenarios and key values ​​of development indicators for the Tula region. Considerable attention is paid to the consideration of the innovative and investment potential of the territory, priority areas of activity of the regional leadership are highlighted to create conditions for attracting investments and stimulating the development of small businesses in the region.

Due to the high level of labor and demographic indicators and industrial potential, the city of Tula, in accordance with the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development, is becoming one of the most important points of regional development. The city's tourist image and rich cultural and historical heritage contribute to the formation of an extensive complex of tourism infrastructure and small businesses. The capitalization of the industrial potential of the city of Tula is taking place according to the investment and innovation scenario. In addition, the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development notes the importance of a prompt and comprehensive solution to the development of urban infrastructure - transport, information, logistics, communication, energy, social, etc.

Another direction of development of the city of Tula, continuing modern federal and regional policies at the municipal level, should be increasing the energy efficiency of the city economy. In order to implement the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” the Tula Region adopted the Program for Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency of the Tula Region for 2010-2015 . The implementation of this program is carried out both at the regional and municipal levels. In accordance with the text of this program, the priority areas in the field of energy saving for the city of Tula are:

widespread introduction of energy-saving lighting systems;

carrying out measures to save energy;

carrying out measures to save heat energy;

installation of energy metering devices.

In addition to the documents discussed above, in the Russian Federation and the Tula region there are other materials and documents devoted to planning the strategic development of the territory and setting priorities for the further movement of the city of Tula. Most of them are of a distinct industry nature - for example, the Strategy for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. Their study deserves close attention, but due to industry specifics, these documents are analyzed in the relevant sections of the analytical report.


Strategies multiply and manifest themselves in the form of certain ideologies or projects. Their bearers understand: development requires changing established stereotypes, the emergence of new managers, the search for previously unused resources and the very rapid transfer of these resources into operational reserves that can be put into practice immediately, before other applicants for the same resources are ahead of them. Moreover, the vectors of all strategies without exception are generally focused on development - even if everyone understands this development differently. Strategies collide with each other, like runners in a narrow gorge: each tries to maintain a given running pace and direction “toward the light at the end of the tunnel.” An obvious and quite understandable thing is happening: some strategies “squeeze out” others, weaker ones are attached to the back of stronger strategies, and others can even trample - due to sluggishness or slowness - so as not to slow down the running mass. But only in this strategic hustle is forward movement possible.

And in order to fit into this close company - i.e. to get your chance for development, you need to have at least some kind of strategy.

As expected, the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be assessed on the basis of the annual report of the highest official of the region on the achieved values ​​of indicators and their planned values ​​for a three-year period. In other words, with the help of these parameters one can understand whether a region can withstand the national “strategic corridor” or is lost in it.

The strategy development process can produce another very important result, namely, the formation of strategists. Those who are able to develop and implement a strategy.

But the number of strategy developers in the country can be counted on one hand. In addition to the Institute of Economic Strategies, this task was undertaken by the Center for Strategic Research “North-West”, the companies “Strategics” and “Program”. Such a narrow circle of developers is quite capable of meeting the standard of strategy set by the Federal Government, but they will not be able to teach strategic design to people “on the ground” both due to lack of time and due to the lack of appropriate techniques.

A comparison of strategies leads to obvious conclusions: they differ not only in terms of justification for certain priorities, but also in the degree of feasibility. It is quite possible that a wonderfully written strategy is not feasible in reality - not because there are no resources, but because the administrative resource is not ready to accept either external players or its own business as strategic management partners.

The Concept of the strategy for the socio-economic development of regions of the Russian Federation, developed by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, declares that the concentration of efforts within individual regions will allow achieving economies of scale and the agglomeration effect, which will create forces of self-development in the “poles” of growth.

However, it is important here to make the right choice of “poles”, the development of which will, over time, ensure the development of the surrounding regions. Coordination of priorities between regions and the organization of strategic alliances on this basis, the formation of macro-regions capable of becoming equal partners in the system of global relations - all this may well provide strategic breakthroughs.

Foreign experience in regional economic management, adapted to Russian conditions, is especially valuable, since the subjects of the Federation are faced with the need to rely on their own strengths.

There is no doubt that strategic planning of socio-economic development of regions remains the object of close attention in world and domestic science and practice.

List of used literature

1.Akmaeva R.I. Strategic planning and strategic management: Proc. allowance. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007. - 208 p.

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.Lapygin D.Yu. Development of a plan for the strategic development of the region // Management in Russia and abroad. - 2006. - No. 2. - pp. 85-100.

.Mirolyubova T. Indicative planning of socio-economic development at the level of a subject of the Federation // Problems of theory and practice of management. - 2008. - No. 8. - P. 30-39.

.Ryabukhin S. Regional strategy: from stabilization to development // Problems of theory and practice of management. - 2007. - No. 10. - P. 8-14.

.Smirnov V.V. Features of effective management of regional development: methodology, strategy, organizational mechanism // Audit and financial analysis. - 2007. - No. 6. - P. 393-402.

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.Shekhovtseva L.S. Methodology for the formation of strategic goals for the development of the region // Management in Russia and abroad. - 2007. - No. 3. - P. 67-75.


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Strategic development plan for the region is a management document that contains an interrelated description of various aspects of regional development activities. The preparation of such a document includes:

    setting goals for the region's development;

    determining ways to achieve set goals;

    analysis of potential opportunities, the implementation of which will allow achieving success;

    development of methods for organizing traffic in selected directions;

    justification of rational ways of using resources.

The strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the region is an indicative document that allows the regional administration and the regional community to act together. This is a document not only of the administration, but to a greater extent of all subjects of the regional development process, including economic agents and participants in the political process. This is not a directive from above, directed from the regional administration to entrepreneurs and residents of the region, but a guideline developed with the participation of all agents of economic activity.

Such a plan provides for balanced and coordinated actions of all entities to solve existing problems. It is a tool for establishing partnerships, a mechanism for identifying and implementing effective strategic actions in all spheres of life in the region.

TO the main characteristics of the strategic plan socio-economic development of the region include:

    highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the regional economy, the desire to strengthen, develop, and create the competitive advantages of the region with a focus primarily on creating better living conditions for people;

    brief ideas and principles that guide producers of goods and services, investors, administration and the public, helping them implement decisions based on a vision of future development;

Partnership interaction of all regional forces.

A component of the strategic plan for the development of the region should be the administration’s action plan attached to it for the implementation of the planned activities.

Stages of developing a strategic plan socio-economic development of the region include:

    assessment of the achieved level and features of the socio-economic development of the region, which also involves an analysis of the regional resource base of this development;

    development of a concept for the development of the regional economy, elaboration of scenarios for the modernization of the regional economy in order to

adaptation of the latter to the new system of interregional connections and interdependencies;

3) selection and justification of directions for the future development of the region.

These directions are classified depending on the possible ones, determined on the basis of a preliminary analysis of future development scenarios, based on calculations of various options for the specialization of the regional economic complex.

The starting point for developing the concept should be the identification of the region’s development goals, as well as its sectoral priorities (“poles” of the region’s development). Main development goalregion is seen in solving the problem of self-sufficiency of the region, i.e. the ability to independently perform the full range of functions determined by his status.

The main target of the strategic plan development of the region is to increase the level and quality of life of the region's population. To improve the living standards of the population, it is proposed to form and implement a “social order”. The concept of “social order” includes a set of services necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the population.

To implement this installation, the following standards are being developed:

    currently achieved standards for consumption of goods and services;

    actual level of consumption in developed countries;

    rational standards.

In a roughly generalized form, regional development alternatives can be defined as follows:

    a growth strategy, which is carried out by significantly exceeding the level of short-term and long-term target parameters over the previous year's indicators (it is used, as a rule, in dynamically developing regions with significant potential);

    a limited growth strategy, which is characterized by setting goals based on the achieved level, adjusted for inflation (this strategy is chosen mainly by regions with a stable economic situation that do not want to take much risk in choosing development options);

    reduction strategy (this alternative is chosen in the event of inevitable stagnation of production in the region in order to mitigate the negative consequences and is called a strategy of last resort)

ties, since the level of goals set is lower than what was achieved in the past).

This strategy may have several options: reorganization or complete liquidation of inefficient production; cutting off excess, i.e. curtailment of those productions, the economic inefficiency of which causes a drop in results for the region as a whole; reduction and reorientation: liquidation of part of production with the direction of released funds to repurposed and modernized enterprises in the region.

Definition "poles" of regional development is the most important task in developing a regional development strategy. The main direction of reforming the economy of most regions at the present stage is a gradual movement towards the formation of a new social structure of a post-industrial type based on the use of new technological methods of production in the conditions of a multi-structural socially oriented economic system with modern characteristics of the quality of life of the population and with the active role of government bodies in regulating the economy.

An important principle for the development of sectors of the social sphere will be to reduce the pressure of these sectors on the regional budget while simultaneously increasing funding for these sectors in the budget.

Implementation of this provision means:

    expanding possible sources of financing for sectors of the social sphere, attracting funds from the population and enterprises for this on mutually beneficial terms, up to the creation of enterprises with mixed capital in budget-funded sectors of the social sphere;

    reducing the cost of the social sphere due to the regime of resource saving, carrying out targeted social measures, structural restructuring and expansion of self-sustaining activities, in connection with which institutions and enterprises in the social sphere should enjoy the regime of tax benefits and most favored nation;

    pursuing a policy of developing competition in the social services market with mandatory control of regional government bodies over the quality of services; stimulating the creation of a competitive environment in monopolistic markets of social services; holding competitions and auctions for the right

performing social services; formation of a municipal order for social services for all main types of social sphere.

Another direction of modernization of the region is to ensure conditions for economic growth based on the expansion of production competitive goods, support of innovative production and new technologies.

The region should more actively participate in the formation of priority directions for the development of enterprises of all forms of ownership and levels of subordination. The basis should be the preferential development of industries operating to serve the population. In this regard, the restructuring of industry, especially large enterprises, should include support for those enterprises that, as a result of market research, have real effective demand for their products. It is also necessary to support innovative development and establish production facilities that are competitive in other markets.

To solve the problem of industrial restructuring in the first stages, it is planned to allocate priority sectorseconomic leu And leading enterprises, allowing for balanced production growth in all sectors. Support for leading enterprises will create the necessary financial stability of the region’s economy, become a source of increasing employment, provide work for enterprises in related industries through cooperative ties, and concentrate financial resources on breakthrough areas of the economy without scattering them. Such support assumes closer ties between enterprises both in the same industry and within the framework of inter-industry cooperation with the aim of gradually including all enterprises in the region in the development process.

Industrial restructuring involves increasing the flexibility and adaptability of enterprises, support for small and mediumhim entrepreneurship.

Mass and large-scale production in most industries in a crisis is not profitable enough. Therefore, it is necessary to support a policy of reducing the scale of production while simultaneously increasing the number of small enterprises in various fields of activity.

Carrying out a policy of diversification will make it possible to form several enterprises on the basis of large industrial enterprises.

them and small ones that use the same production capacities more efficiently. However, this is only possible if a certain mechanism is created for implementing the procedure for unbundling enterprises and dividing property. One option for such a mechanism is to create an industrial group on the basis of large enterprises with a management company responsible for solving joint problems and interfering in the affairs of each enterprise only within the scope of its powers.

Support for small and medium-sized businesses is necessary for the region to pursue a policy to create jobs without reducing production efficiency and labor productivity. Small businesses, especially in the field of production and services, have large reserves for providing employment to the population.

One of the goals of economic restructuring is the saturation of the commodity market, the achievement of which is impossible without support for local producers and production facilities operating in conditions closed to the regional market.

Support for local commodity producers is aimed at ensuring the stability of the economy, its strategic independence from foreign markets, the concentration of financial flows in the region and, as a result, ensuring the stability of its budget. Changing the direction of support towards domestic production and consumption does not mean focusing on a closed market, which is practically unrealistic in the context of the globalization of economic relations. We are talking about adjusting economic relations, eliminating imbalances between the import and export of products from the point of view of their social utility and impact on the economy of the region.

The creation of cooperative structures in the form of technological chains of product manufacturers that are maximally closed within the region will make it possible to ensure a more complete utilization of production capacities, reduce costs, and save on taxes.

Restructuring the country's economy at the present stage is impossible without supporting resource-saving and energy-savingproductions, implementation of resource conservation policies. High material intensity and low efficiency of resource use are one of the main obstacles to production growth in conditions of orientation towards effective demand, therefore resource saving can be considered as the main criterion for evaluating

ki the feasibility of measures to restructure and develop this production. For this purpose, it is proposed to create a mechanism for comparing resource costs for all development projects. Enterprises must justify the costs of resources in their calculations and disclose alternative possibilities for their use, especially in the case of obtaining investment loans.

They require solving the problem of inter-budgetary relations, distribution of subsidies and transfers among the regions of the country. To implement this direction, a policy of strict control over the income and expenses of the region is necessary and the efficiency of property management in the region must be increased.

Increasing the efficiency of the regional economy is also possible through increasing productivity, utilization and efficiency of use of production facilities, which can be achieved through the introduction of intensive technologies and, as a result, reducing costs.

A long-term promising direction for the implementation of these measures is to achieve financial stability of the regional budget, change its structure, and find additional sources of financing.

Main components of the strategy socio-economic development should become:

    carrying out targeted structural, scientific, technical and investment policies;

    solving social problems while reforming the economy;

    stimulating business activity in the real sector of the economy.

The main direction of economic policy is the creation of a middle class of owners.

Structural restructuring of domestic industry is possible on the basis of organizational and economic reorganization of the scientific and technical complex, the establishment of an effective research and development system, the activation of science on this basis and the implementation of its achievements in life.

Solving social problems is the most important criterion for the effectiveness of reforms carried out in the country.

Depending on time horizon certain goals can be set and measures can be planned to solve social problems:

Within the long-term perspective, the global target setting for the implementation of social policy is

bringing the standard of living of Russians closer to the standards of post-industrial society;

    within the medium-term period, the task is to achieve the pre-crisis standard of living of the Russian population;

    As an operational goal, one can set the task of ensuring conditions for the physical survival of people and preventing a social explosion in society.

In the field of stimulating business activity in the real sector of the economy, the most important measures are:

    establishment by law of minimum guaranteed wages, which reflects the price of unskilled labor and should be focused on the subsistence level in the country; bringing the parameters of the Unified Tariff Schedule into line with the cost of living;

    guaranteeing timely payment of wages by the employer;

    legislative determination of the method and procedure for indexing household incomes in order to preserve the real purchasing power of monetary wages in conditions of inflation;

    reducing the wealth stratification of the population, overcoming unreasonably high differences in income levels between the wealthy and the poor.




The article examines the problems of developing market infrastructure in the region in terms of the formation of strategic planning. The need to intensify the investment process in the field of market infrastructure is shown. The mission of the market infrastructure development strategy has been defined. An algorithm for strategic planning of market infrastructure is shown. An analysis of the external and internal environment influencing the formation of market infrastructure in the region was carried out.



In the article problems of development of a market infrastructure in the region in aspect of formation of strategic planning are considered. Necessity of activization of investment process for sphere of a market infrastructure is shown. Mission of strategy of development of a market infrastructure is defined. The algorithm of strategic planning of a market infrastructure is shown. The analysis of the external and internal environment of influence on the formation of a market infrastructure in the region is made.

Key words: strategy, strategic goals, region, market infrastructure, management, market, investment.

Keywords: strategy, strategic targets, region, market infrastructure, management, the market, investments

The development of market infrastructure is given significant attention when developing strategic plans for the socio-economic development of regions. The effect of the functioning of regional economic sectors and market infrastructure objects depends not on the currently prevailing form of ownership, but on the mechanism for managing the diversified regional economic system. Therefore, it is necessary to search for a strategy that can optimize processes in the field of functioning of market infrastructure.

The functioning of the regional market infrastructure should be based on the idea of ​​a self-developing economic unit capable of actively shaping the regional market. This will ensure the activation of the investment process in the field of market infrastructure and determine

the prospect of its distribution. The methodological basis for the strategic development of market infrastructure should provide for an optimal combination of the economic sphere of development of market infrastructure objects with the social one. The mission of the strategy for the development of market infrastructure determines the socio-legal, socio-economic and reproductive purpose, the meaning of the existence of market infrastructure in the conditions of a transformed economy and the strengthening of its regionalization.

The mission of the market infrastructure development strategy involves increasing efficiency and stabilizing economic ties and relationships in the regional complex.

The general strategy for implementing the mission should be an economic breakthrough strategy. The concept of a breakthrough in the development of market infrastructure is defined as the transformation of existing resources and intellectual potential into market competitive advantages, the identification of new reserves, the rationalization of the institutional and management structure at all levels, which together will give the necessary impetus to the development of regional market infrastructure.

Based on the mission, strategic goals are focused in the target block, reflecting the main channels for implementing management decisions developed by the strategy. The main document of the target block may be a strategic plan for the development of market infrastructure in the region. The advantage of the strategic plan is that it is built under the slogan of “strategic partnership,” since all interested market participants, the administrative and legislative branches of government, and the population are involved in the strategic planning process.

The structure of the strategic plan for the development of market infrastructure, in our opinion, can be represented as a combination of the following elements:

❖ analysis of the internal and external environment for the development of market infrastructure in the region,

❖ development of a development concept,

❖ determination of strategic goals and subgoals, on the basis of which specific tasks are formulated with a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators,

❖ development of actions and development of tactics for their implementation,

❖ analysis of efficiency and effectiveness, adjustment of goals and methods of achieving them.

The implementation of elements of the strategic plan for the development of market infrastructure represents stages of the strategic planning cycle (Fig. 1.). Analysis of external and internal factors in the development of the region's market infrastructure reveals its economic potential and sources of development. External factors make it possible to characterize the natural and geographical position of the region, its economic situation, the main global trends and their impact on the development of market infrastructure.

Internal factors characterize the quantitative and qualitative composition of the material and labor resources of the market infrastructure, the development and significance of each infrastructural element, the development of entrepreneurial activity, the investment climate and the investment capacity of the market. A comparison of internal and external factors allows us to clarify the internal and external resources that can be attracted to implement the strategy of an economic breakthrough in the development of the market infrastructure of the region. In addition, at this stage of the strategic cycle, risks, trends in inflationary processes, prospects for economic growth and economic resources of other regions with which trade and commercial relations are carried out are analyzed.

Rice. 1. Cycle (algorithm) of strategic planning of market infrastructure

Analysis of the external and internal environment is necessary to determine the strategic position, which reflects the value of strategic potential in the horizontal plane, and the state of attractiveness of the external climate in the vertical plane.

The real power of a strategic position is enhanced by the strategic activity of management, specialists and personnel implementing the strategy. Only the interaction of a strategic position and strategic activity generates a synergistic effect from the implementation of a strategy, determining its success.

Based on a forecast and analytical comparison carried out on the basis of an analysis of internal and external factors, strategic goals are selected. The choice of strategic goals is based on the fact that they must satisfy the requirements of measurability, achievability, and time adequacy, which means in practice the development of quantitative and qualitative indicators to express goals. Goals will be significant if they are correctly formulated, if those directly involved are fully informed about them, and if their implementation is encouraged. Setting strategic goals for the development of market infrastructure is currently complicated, since the categories “market infrastructure” and “market potential” themselves are new to our economy. They have been little studied, and no system has yet been developed for them.

zatelei. To select the goals for the development of market infrastructure, it is necessary to analyze, synthesize and forecast the development of the wholesale market, the retail trade network, the functioning of all types of exchanges, the banking system, the securities market, and the information market. Each element must be analyzed, synthesized and forecasted both individually and collectively, and as part of a clearly defined regional market infrastructure system.

Strategic goals can be structured according to three criteria:

❖ by level of priorities (regional goals, goals of a specific infrastructure channel);

❖ by area of ​​activity (financial, marketing, market, social);

❖ according to the direction of the goals of the market infrastructure (stabilization, development, rapid growth).

The strategic goals for the development of market infrastructure are as follows:

❖ development of a systematic approach to managing market infrastructure,

❖ optimization and stabilization of the food situation in the region,

❖ achieving a balance between import and export volumes,

❖ optimization of supplies and consumption volumes, that is, equalization of supply and demand,

❖ reduction of delivery time,

❖ improving product quality,

❖ implementation of the entire complex of control functions regarding product quality and the ecology of its production,

❖ reduction of transaction costs,

❖ formation of statistical and information blocks on infrastructure elements,

❖ formation and support of innovations introduced into the market infrastructure.

Successful implementation of a market infrastructure development strategy requires continuous evaluation of the strategic plan by comparing performance against goals. The evaluation process acts as a feedback mechanism for adjusting the strategy.

After adopting the strategy, it is necessary to analyze the organizational management structure for its ability to ensure the achievement of its goals. It is possible that strategy will determine structure. In this case, some structural links will be replaced by more optimal ones from the point of view of the chosen strategy. The stage of formation of a new structure in the process of strategic planning is the key to the successful implementation of the strategic plan.

In the block of strategic goals for the development of market infrastructure, a Concept is being developed, on the basis of which a strategy is developed and tasks for the development of the region are set. The concept should take into account

be aware of local specifics and have the ability to perceive the necessary adjustments as it develops. It is emphasized that in order to develop a concept for the development of market infrastructure, the importance of the quality of agility is enhanced by the systemic properties of the infrastructure: openness and mobility.

To implement the strategy for the development of market infrastructure of commodity markets in the regions, along with the Concept for the development of market infrastructure, a Comprehensive Program is being developed as a set of measures to implement it.

An important advantage noted when analyzing the Comprehensive Program for the Development of Commodity Market Infrastructure is the systematic approach to its development. The formation of a “system of organizations and conditions for their functioning” that ensures relationships between the structural elements of markets and promotes the free movement of goods, the continuous process of reproduction and the uninterrupted functioning of final consumption spheres” is the main goal of the Program.

Adequately to the set goal, tasks and activities have been developed, the implementation of which is expected to be carried out in stages:

1. Measures to improve existing documents are proposed as priority measures that form the regulatory “ground” that regulates the activities of both individual elements of markets and the emerging connections. Internal settlements and payments are carried out in accordance with the norms and rules of accounting and tax reporting. The emergence (for some - restoration) of new infrastructural forms, such as exchanges, trading and terminal centers, trading via the Internet, requires the development and legislative consolidation of other financial documents. The development of new documents is subject to the requirement of their universality and taking into account the specific features of individual infrastructure segments. There is a need for regulations to regulate the relationships between participants in commodity markets.

2. As a direction for improving the efficiency of functioning of markets and infrastructure elements, recommendations are needed to optimize the placement of warehouse facilities at the regional (interregional) level and in individual market sectors.

3. Unification of information support for the formation and development of market infrastructure in order to create a unified information environment.

4. Introduction of technology for terminal and transport services in the Republic of Dagestan to include it in the system of interregional commodity flows and to improve investment attractiveness, since the transport subsystem is the material basis of the market infrastructure and its development will contribute to the development of new elements of the market infrastructure.

To implement the strategic goals of the target block, a resource block is being developed. Since resources are the basis for economic development

mics of any region, then, in line with a given strategy, it is important to work out all possible options for their use, including alternative ones. The resource block should include financial, material and human resources. Financial support is possible through:

❖ the formation of mutual funds with the participation of both the state and private enterprise capital,

❖ allocation of a certain annual percentage from the revenue side of the regional budget,

❖ announcing an investment competition (tender) for the development or construction of market infrastructure facilities, the financing of which, if won, can be provided from the federal budget on a repayable basis.

According to the author, in order to attract investment in infrastructure, the state should develop tax exemptions and benefits that are attractive enough to create a desire to invest in infrastructure. This is necessary due to the fact that investments in infrastructure sectors are considered by most entrepreneurs as a quasi-good.

It is necessary to develop measures aimed at reducing investment risks, which will guarantee real and potential investors the return of loan funds; intensify the attraction of foreign capital under government guarantees; develop a concession program for the region.1

We also need support for entrepreneurial activity as a resource factor for the effective functioning of the regional economy, especially in terms of creating conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, since small and medium-sized businesses form the bulk of intermediaries.

The strategy for the development of the region's market infrastructure should be supplemented, in our opinion, by the Concept of state policy in the sphere of the ideology of consumption of goods and services. The People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan should develop such a Concept until 2020. State policy in the field of consumption ideology implies a set of measures that create conditions under which the satisfaction of the needs of various population groups for goods and services is ensured taking into account their physiological characteristics, traditions, and economic situation.

Based on the fact that the market infrastructure must ensure interaction and the presence of “feedback” between producers and consumers, between supply and demand, ensuring efficiency

1 The state, for a fee under an agreement, transfers to a foreign entrepreneur (legal or individual) the exclusive right to carry out economic activities within a certain period of time on state (municipal) property). Historically, in the period 1900-1910. and during the NEP, the form of attracting foreign capital in the form

functioning of the market and the entire economy, it is advisable to solve the following strategic tasks:

1. To form a network of organizations performing intermediary functions in the field of warehousing to effectively ensure wholesale trade and promotion of goods with minimal costs.

2. Increase the competitiveness of food products through the creation and use of packaging products that meet international standards.

3. Improve the regulatory framework for the functioning of commodity markets and their infrastructure.

4. Create reliable and multi-channel communication between market agents using an effective modernized information base.

5. Organize scientific, methodological and personnel support for infrastructure development.

A strategic plan for the development of market infrastructure is effective if it is provided with resources (financial, material, human), and strategic goals are capable of realizing a “breakthrough”, activating the reserves of the region’s market infrastructure, ensuring the reproduction of its elements and improving the quality of life of the population.

As a result of the implementation of the market infrastructure management strategy, its elements will be activated. The concentration and “transit” of business activity of Russian manufacturers will allow the region to realize its potential as one of the Russian infrastructure centers and will facilitate the integration of Russian commodity producers into the all-Russian trade and production network.


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